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作者 吴大敏 《矿山环保》 2003年第1期30-31,共2页
关键词 矸石充填系统 效果分析 胶结试验 尾砂 矿柱
水泥胶结颗粒的微观力学模型试验 被引量:23
作者 蒋明镜 肖俞 +1 位作者 孙渝刚 吴晓峰 《岩土力学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期1293-1299,共7页
土体粒间胶结是建立天然结构性土本构模型的决定性因素之一,将胶结颗粒理想化为两铝棒,在指定位置处形成胶结。采用水泥作为胶结材料,对胶结颗粒进行了一系列简单加载试验(包括拉伸、压缩、压剪、压扭)和复杂应力路径试验,并与蒋明镜等... 土体粒间胶结是建立天然结构性土本构模型的决定性因素之一,将胶结颗粒理想化为两铝棒,在指定位置处形成胶结。采用水泥作为胶结材料,对胶结颗粒进行了一系列简单加载试验(包括拉伸、压缩、压剪、压扭)和复杂应力路径试验,并与蒋明镜等所做的环氧树脂胶结试验进行对比。结果表明:胶结材料对胶结颗粒的力学性能存在一定影响,但基本规律符合蒋明镜等所提出的理想颗粒间胶结模型。水泥胶结抗拉强度低于环氧树脂胶结抗拉强度,但延性相对较好,抗压特性均呈塑性软化现象;二者的抗剪强度初始均随法向压力的增加而增大,当法向压力超过一定值时,又随法向压力的增加而减小(该压力称为界限法向压力),但水泥胶结的界限法向压力明显高于环氧树脂胶结,扭转试验规律与剪切试验规律类似。在三维应力空间中(法向压力-扭矩-剪力)水泥胶结的强度包线呈橄榄球状,环氧树脂胶结强度包线呈水滴状。 展开更多
关键词 水泥 离散单元法 模型 微观胶结试验
特大型铁矿全尾砂胶结充填试验 被引量:6
作者 李家明 张兆仁 +7 位作者 牛文杰 陈进 王瑞雪 邱景平 辛国帅 张世玉 柳小波 孙晓刚 《有色金属(矿山部分)》 2013年第3期4-7,共4页
影响胶结充填体强度的因素主要有料浆浓度、灰砂比、养护时间等。不同灰砂比的胶结充填体具有不同的物理力学特性,灰砂比大、水泥含量过高,胶结充填体有较好的承载和自稳能力,但对于特大型铁矿采场中的大体积充填体而言,会大幅度提高充... 影响胶结充填体强度的因素主要有料浆浓度、灰砂比、养护时间等。不同灰砂比的胶结充填体具有不同的物理力学特性,灰砂比大、水泥含量过高,胶结充填体有较好的承载和自稳能力,但对于特大型铁矿采场中的大体积充填体而言,会大幅度提高充填成本。因此,在大孤山选厂全尾砂特性试验研究的基础上,进行了系统的全尾砂胶结充填试验,确定了合理的料浆浓度和灰砂比等参数,为制定特大型铁矿充填采矿方案提供科学的依据。 展开更多
关键词 充填体强度 胶结试验 全尾砂特性 灰砂比 料浆浓度
全尾矿及分级尾矿胶结性能试验研究 被引量:3
作者 李公章 李丹 《黄金》 CAS 2015年第2期39-42,共4页
采用自制胶固粉为胶结材料对河西金矿全尾矿及分级尾矿进行了胶结对比试验。通过对不同的养护龄期、料浆浓度及灰砂比条件下胶结体的单轴抗压强度进行测定,对自制胶固粉胶结全尾矿以及分级尾矿(-100目尾矿,-200目尾矿和+325目尾矿)进行... 采用自制胶固粉为胶结材料对河西金矿全尾矿及分级尾矿进行了胶结对比试验。通过对不同的养护龄期、料浆浓度及灰砂比条件下胶结体的单轴抗压强度进行测定,对自制胶固粉胶结全尾矿以及分级尾矿(-100目尾矿,-200目尾矿和+325目尾矿)进行胶结试验,得出不同粒度尾矿控制合适的料浆浓度和灰砂比可以满足不同强度要求的底层充填和面层充填需要,可为现场充填技术的应用提供工艺条件设计依据。 展开更多
关键词 全尾矿 分级尾矿 胶结试验 体强度
固结粉胶凝材料开发与胶结充填体强度试验 被引量:6
作者 杨志强 高谦 +2 位作者 陈得信 王永定 何建元 《河海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期69-76,共8页
针对金川矿山开采面临的采矿经济与环保压力,利用酒钢低活性酸性矿渣,开展新型充填胶凝材料开发,获得称为固结粉的早强型新型充填胶凝材料。为了实现固结粉在金川矿山工业化应用,针对金川矿山废石、棒磨砂、戈壁砂和河沙等骨料,开展了4... 针对金川矿山开采面临的采矿经济与环保压力,利用酒钢低活性酸性矿渣,开展新型充填胶凝材料开发,获得称为固结粉的早强型新型充填胶凝材料。为了实现固结粉在金川矿山工业化应用,针对金川矿山废石、棒磨砂、戈壁砂和河沙等骨料,开展了4种充填骨料的固结粉胶结充填体抗压强度试验。结果表明,除了戈壁粗砂骨料胶结充填体3 d抗压强度小于设计抗压强度外,其他3种充填骨料的固结粉胶结充填体抗压强度均满足金川矿山安全采矿要求,说明早强型固结粉胶凝材料应用于金川矿山充填法采矿中能够替代水泥。 展开更多
关键词 凝材料 低活性酸性矿渣 充填体抗压强度试验 固体废弃物利用 矿山充填采矿法 金川镍矿
微生物诱导CaCO3沉淀胶结砂室内试验研究进展 被引量:5
作者 王绪民 崔芮 王铖 《人民长江》 北大核心 2019年第9期153-160,共8页
微生物诱导CaCO3沉淀(MICP)是将微生物学中生物矿化技术应用到土体加固过程中的一种方法,它具有低成本、环保等特点,国内外研究人员从不同角度对该技术开展了大量室内研究,分析与探讨了MICP技术的原理、影响因素及对土体性质的影响等。... 微生物诱导CaCO3沉淀(MICP)是将微生物学中生物矿化技术应用到土体加固过程中的一种方法,它具有低成本、环保等特点,国内外研究人员从不同角度对该技术开展了大量室内研究,分析与探讨了MICP技术的原理、影响因素及对土体性质的影响等。以胶结砂试验为主,归纳总结了影响MICP技术产生沉淀物的因素(离子源、pH值、温度、营养液浓度、注入速率与孔隙率),以及MICP胶结砂的土力学特性。归纳分析表明:不同钙离子源处理后生成的碳酸钙结晶形态有方解石、文石和球霰石,钙离子浓度的增加有抑制脲酶活性的作用;当细菌培养基的pH范围在8.0~9.0之间、温度在30℃~37℃时,MICP技术生成的沉淀物含量最多;营养液浓度在1.5mol/L以下时可以有效增加沉淀物含量;不同的孔隙率、钙离子源、pH、温度都会对生成的沉淀物总量和结晶形态造成影响。 展开更多
关键词 MICP CaCO3沉淀 试验 土力学特性
作者 阮运斌 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第5期53-55,共3页
利用露天采坑充分模拟井下空区形态,直观地研究在灰砂比为1∶6和1∶4两种配比参数下细砂、磷尾砂胶结充填料浆的流动规律、充填体离析规律、充填体沉缩率、充填体透水规律、充填体初凝时间以及充填体强度影响因素,为磷矿山急倾斜中厚矿... 利用露天采坑充分模拟井下空区形态,直观地研究在灰砂比为1∶6和1∶4两种配比参数下细砂、磷尾砂胶结充填料浆的流动规律、充填体离析规律、充填体沉缩率、充填体透水规律、充填体初凝时间以及充填体强度影响因素,为磷矿山急倾斜中厚矿体井下采空区充填提供依据。 展开更多
关键词 充填采矿法 充填试验 磷尾砂
SBS改性沥青胶结料性能评价指标研究 被引量:4
作者 姚鸿儒 王强 +1 位作者 周晓龙 蔡明 《石油沥青》 2020年第6期48-53,共6页
SBS长期以来被证明是最经济有效的沥青改性剂。随着SBS含量的增加,改性沥青发生相转变,富SBS相由分散相转变为连续相。原来的技术指标需要进一步探讨,分析了针入度、软化点、5℃延度、弹性恢复、黏韧性和胶结料弯曲试验的技术指标随SBS... SBS长期以来被证明是最经济有效的沥青改性剂。随着SBS含量的增加,改性沥青发生相转变,富SBS相由分散相转变为连续相。原来的技术指标需要进一步探讨,分析了针入度、软化点、5℃延度、弹性恢复、黏韧性和胶结料弯曲试验的技术指标随SBS含量的变化趋势,为SBS改性沥青的评价提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 指标 SBS 改性沥青 高黏度 黏韧性 料弯曲试验
碾压式混凝土重力坝除险加固阶段坝体病险隐患的勘察分析 被引量:1
作者 刘越 李健民 +1 位作者 崔翔 李润超 《水利水电技术(中英文)》 北大核心 2022年第S02期140-145,共6页
碾压式混凝土坝技术是干硬性混凝土利用土石坝施工工艺,通过振动来开展压实活动的一种全新的工艺,是20世纪80年代以来发展较快的一种筑坝技术。在浙江省该类型大坝运用较少,且局限于技术条件,运行至今,存在一定的渗漏稳定问题。在除险... 碾压式混凝土坝技术是干硬性混凝土利用土石坝施工工艺,通过振动来开展压实活动的一种全新的工艺,是20世纪80年代以来发展较快的一种筑坝技术。在浙江省该类型大坝运用较少,且局限于技术条件,运行至今,存在一定的渗漏稳定问题。在除险加固阶段,本文采用多种勘察手段,针对某大型碾压式混凝土重力坝坝体渗漏问题,从多个角度进行了分析、论证。对除险加固阶段大型碾压式混凝土重力坝坝体存在的病险隐患如何进行进行勘察问题,进行了深入地探讨,并验证了实施的可能性。在大坝运行多年的基础上,从取芯、物探、碾压层面分析、示踪试验等多个方面综合分析,提出了碾压式混凝土重力坝坝体,不同类型碾压层面间的参数,提出了相关的建议和结论,确保了大坝除险加固下一步工作的顺利开展。 展开更多
关键词 碾压式混凝土重力坝 碾压层面 示踪连通试验 声波测井
Stability analyses of vertically exposed cemented backfill:A revisit to Mitchell's physical model tests 被引量:13
作者 Liu Guangsheng Li Li +1 位作者 Yang Xiaocong Guo Lijie 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第6期1135-1144,共10页
Mitchell's solution is commonly used to determine the required strength of vertically exposed cemented backfill in mines. Developed for drained backfill, Mitchell model assumed a zero friction angle for the backfi... Mitchell's solution is commonly used to determine the required strength of vertically exposed cemented backfill in mines. Developed for drained backfill, Mitchell model assumed a zero friction angle for the backfill. Physical model tests were performed. Good agreements were obtained between the required strengths predicted by the analytical solution and experimental results. However, it is well-known that zero friction angle can only be possible in terms of total stresses when geomaterials are submitted to unconsolidated and undrained conditions. A revisit to Mitchell's physical model tests reveals that both the laboratory tests performed for obtaining the shear strength parameters of the cemented backfill and the box stability tests were conducted under a condition close to undrained condition. This explains well the good agreement between Mitchell's solution and experimental results. Good agreements are equally obtained between Mitchell's experimental results and FLAC3 D numerical modeling of shortterm stability analyses of exposed cemented backfill. 展开更多
关键词 Cemented backfill Required strength Mitchell Physical model tests Numerical modeling FLAC3D
Water-resisting ability of cemented broken rocks 被引量:3
作者 Yu Bangyong Chen Zhanqing Yu Linli 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第3期449-454,共6页
Using the self-designed testing system, the seepage tests for cemented broken rocks were conducted, and the impact of different factors on water-resisting ability was analyzed. The results show that(1) seepage process... Using the self-designed testing system, the seepage tests for cemented broken rocks were conducted, and the impact of different factors on water-resisting ability was analyzed. The results show that(1) seepage process of the cemented broken rocks can be divided into two categories: in one category, seepage instability occurs after a period of time, in the other, the permeability decreases slowly and tends to be stable,and seepage instability does not occur;(2) cementing performance of cementing agent and grain size distribution are the decisive factors for water-resisting ability, with the increase of cementing performance and the mass percentage of large grains, the water-resisting ability of the specimen strengthens;(3)aggregate type has little effect on seepage stability, for the specimens with different aggregate types,the permeability and the duration of seepage instability have small difference;(4) initial porosity has a certain effect on the water-resisting ability of the specimen, but has no decisive role. With the increase of the initial porosity, the duration of seepage instability decreases. 展开更多
关键词 Cemented broken rocks Permeability Water-resisting ability Seepage instability
BRIEF ARTICLE New reduced volume preparation regimen in colon capsule endoscopy 被引量:8
作者 Yasuo Kakugawa Yutaka Saito +10 位作者 Shoichi Saito Kenji Watanabe Naoki Ohmiya Mitsuyuki Murano Shiro Oka Tetsuo Arakawa Hidemi Goto Kazuhide Higuchi Shinji Tanaka Hideki Ishikawa Hisao Tajiri 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第17期2092-2098,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed bowel preparation method for colon capsule endoscopy.METHODS:A pilot,multicenter,randomized controlled trial compared our proposed "reduced volume method"(gr... AIM:To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed bowel preparation method for colon capsule endoscopy.METHODS:A pilot,multicenter,randomized controlled trial compared our proposed "reduced volume method"(group A) with the "conventional volume method"(group B) preparation regimens.Group A did not drink polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution(PEGELS) the day before the capsule procedure,while group B drank 2 L.During the procedure day,groups A and B drank 2 L and 1 L of PEG-ELS,respectively,and swallowed the colon capsule(PillCam COLON capsule).Two hours later the first booster of 100 g magnesium citrate mixed with 900 mL water was administered to both groups,and the second booster was administered six hours post capsule ingestion as long as the capsule had not been excreted by that time.Capsule videos were reviewed for grading of cleansing level,RESULTS:Sixty-four subjects were enrolled,with results from 60 analyzed.Groups A and B included 31 and 29 subjects,respectively.Twenty-nine(94%) subjects in group A and 25(86%) subjects in group B had adequate bowel preparation(ns).Twenty-two(71%) of the 31 subjects in group A excreted the capsule within its battery life compared to 16(55%) of the 29 subjects in group B(ns).Of the remaining 22 subjects whose capsules were not excreted within the battery life,all of the capsules reached the left side colon before they stopped functioning.A single adverse event was reported in one subject who had mild symptoms of nausea and vomiting one hour after starting to drink PEG-ELS,due to ingesting the PEG-ELS faster than recommended.CONCLUSION:Our proposed reduced volume bowel preparation method for colon capsule without PEG-ELS during the days before the procedure was as effective as the conventional volume method. 展开更多
关键词 Colon capsule endoscopy Polyethylene glycol electrolyte lavage solution Colon cleanliness Reduced volume preparation method Isotonic magnesium citrate
Design of the Composite Steel-Glass Beams with Semi-Rigid Polymer Adhesive Joint 被引量:2
作者 Michal Netusil Martina Eliasova 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第8期1059-1069,共11页
New and high transparent structural element, steel-glass composite beam was developed in respect to fabrication, static-structural and architectural criteria and consists of steel flanges and glass web assembled toget... New and high transparent structural element, steel-glass composite beam was developed in respect to fabrication, static-structural and architectural criteria and consists of steel flanges and glass web assembled together by semi-rigid polymer adhesive, which is the key element of whole composite system. These beams can be used mainly as members of high transparent roof or floor structure as well as stiffening fins for large area glass facades. This paper deals with experimental research performed at CTU (Czech Technical University) Prague, which started by adhesive selection and initial material tests by ISO527, continued via small-scale steel-glass connection tests and graduated by full-scale tests of hybrid beams with the span of 4 m. Generalized results of these experiments, analytical and numerical studies serve as device, how to accurately predict the behavior of the beam, describe the stress distribution along the cross section and safely and economically design such a kind of structure with semi-rigid shear connection, made by polymer adhesive. 展开更多
关键词 Steel-glass composite beam POLYMER ADHESIVE FE modeling semi-rigid joint.
Effect of Jinlong capsule on proliferation and apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 被引量:6
作者 Yaoyuan Li Jieqing Hu +1 位作者 Hui Huang Yonghe He 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期205-210,共6页
OBJECTIVE:To study the possible roles of Jinlong capsule(JLC) on the proliferation and apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3.METHODS:The human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 were treated with JLC at the co... OBJECTIVE:To study the possible roles of Jinlong capsule(JLC) on the proliferation and apoptosis of human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3.METHODS:The human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 were treated with JLC at the concentration of 0.05-1.00 mg/mL for 24-120 h.The inhibition rate of JLC on human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 was detected by 3-(4,5-dimethiylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide(MTT) assay.Flow cytometry was employed to measure cell apoptosis using Annexin V-FITC/Propidium iodide(AV-FITC/PI) method.Cell cycles were determined by PI staining.The expression of S100 Calcium binding protein A4(S100A4) in cell matrix was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA).The expression levels of apoptosis-related protein such as BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19 kDa interacting protein 3(BNIP3),B-cell lymphoma/leukemia-2(Bcl-2) and Cys-teinylaspartate specific proteinase 3(Caspase-3) were detected byWestern blotting.RESULTS:JLC significantly inhibited the proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner.JLC promoted cell apoptosis and maintained cell cycle in S and G 2 /M phase rather than G 1 /G 0 phase.The expression of S100A4 in the cell matrix was reduced.The expression of cell apoptotic protein BNIP3 was increased while Bcl-2 was decreased.CONCLUSION:JLC can inhibit the proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cells BxPC-3 by stimulating cell apoptosis,arresting the cell cycle at S and G 2 /M phase which blocks the circulation of normal cell cycle and reducing the expression of S100A4 protein.Higher pro-apoptosis protein BNIP3 and lower anti-apoptosis protein Bcl-2 levels were found,which may be related to the apoptotic effects of JLC. 展开更多
关键词 Pancreatic neoplasms Cell prolifera-tion APOPTOSIS Jinlong capsule
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