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作者 胡立敏 汪栋材 《中国骨伤》 CAS 1996年第2期39-40,共2页
仲景方在伤科内伤病证中的运用举隅江西中医学院(ss0006)胡立敏,汪栋材笔者近几年来常将仲景方药灵活运用于伤科临床,只要辨证精当,每获良效,尤其是用于伤科内伤病证,常常得心应手,现将其中几例典型治验介绍如下。脑震荡... 仲景方在伤科内伤病证中的运用举隅江西中医学院(ss0006)胡立敏,汪栋材笔者近几年来常将仲景方药灵活运用于伤科临床,只要辨证精当,每获良效,尤其是用于伤科内伤病证,常常得心应手,现将其中几例典型治验介绍如下。脑震荡后邀症××,男,32岁。因饮酒时与... 展开更多
关键词 仲景方 胸挤压伤 脑震荡后遗症
作者 偰利宇 温源舒 金银慧 《医学理论与实践》 2004年第1期30-30,共1页
关键词 性膈疝 误诊 诊断 腹部挤压
作者 冯永庆 张运来 《现代临床医学生物工程学杂志》 2005年第4期341-342,共2页
目的进一步提高对外伤性膈疝的诊治水平.方法对外伤性膈疝18例进行回顾性分析.结果单纯性腹部挤压伤6例;单纯性胸部挤压伤2例;复合性损伤10例.以胃脾疝入左胸腔多见(12例);肝脏疝入右胸腔6例.伤后全部病例即有不同程度的呼吸困难、胸腹... 目的进一步提高对外伤性膈疝的诊治水平.方法对外伤性膈疝18例进行回顾性分析.结果单纯性腹部挤压伤6例;单纯性胸部挤压伤2例;复合性损伤10例.以胃脾疝入左胸腔多见(12例);肝脏疝入右胸腔6例.伤后全部病例即有不同程度的呼吸困难、胸腹痛、腹膜刺激征,胸部X线、膈肌B超异常改变等表现.全组治愈.结论胸腹部挤压伤有上述典型表现,提示膈肌破裂、膈疝.胃管造影、X线及B超检查为诊断的重要手段,及早手术治疗,有利康复. 展开更多
关键词 腹部挤压 膈肌破裂 诊断 修补术
胸腹挤压伤早期死亡尸体解剖13例 被引量:1
作者 赵启忠 张倩 +1 位作者 吴伟 刘志 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期183-184,共2页
关键词 挤压 尸体解剖 机制 临床特点 颅内出血
作者 刘琼惠 《中国乡村医药》 2015年第3期73-73,72,共2页
1基层医院外科病房护理工作的特点 1.1突发加班多机械性肠梗阻、急性阑尾炎及外伤性肝、脾破裂、肾挫伤、气胸、胸腹挤压伤,急性胃穿孔,尿潴留等使得基层医院外科病房急诊入院多、紧急抢救多、急诊手术多,护理人员工作之余常有突... 1基层医院外科病房护理工作的特点 1.1突发加班多机械性肠梗阻、急性阑尾炎及外伤性肝、脾破裂、肾挫伤、气胸、胸腹挤压伤,急性胃穿孔,尿潴留等使得基层医院外科病房急诊入院多、紧急抢救多、急诊手术多,护理人员工作之余常有突发加班。 展开更多
关键词 护理工作 外科病房 基层医院 机械性肠梗阻 急性阑尾炎 挤压 急性胃穿孔 急诊入院
Thoracic cord compression caused by contiguous multilevel ossification of ligamentum flavum in Chinese patients 被引量:2
作者 王凯 陈新 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2007年第4期213-217,共5页
Objective: To explore the epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiology and surgical treatment outcome in Chinese patients with myelopathy caused by contiguous multilevel ossification of ligamentum flavum. Methods.... Objective: To explore the epidemiology, clinical presentation, radiology and surgical treatment outcome in Chinese patients with myelopathy caused by contiguous multilevel ossification of ligamentum flavum. Methods. Medical notes and imaging data of 18 Chinese patients (14 males and 4 females, aged 43-72 years, mean: 57 years ) with myelopathy caused by contiguous multilevel ossification of ligamentum flavum were studied retrospectively in this article. The diagnosis was based on clinical examination, X-ray films, computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanning results and pathological results. Sixteen patients were treated by laminectomy and two by laminoplasty, The average follow-up duration was 34 months (range, 28-49 months ). The outcome was evaluated by Japanese Orthopaedics Association (JOA) Score. Results: The average time for occurring clinical symptoms was 7.5 months (range, 2 days-16 months). All the 18 cases presented with clinical evidences of chronic and progressive thoracic spinal cord compression, which included bilateral leg weakness, spastic gait, numbness in lower limbs, paresthesia in terminal and perineum, and urinary incontinence. Neurological examination revealed severe spastic paraparesis, absence of abdominal reflexes, and reduction of the sensory function below the compression level. The mean JOA score before operation was 3. 6 (range, 0-6 ). MRI and CT scans of the thoracic spine confirmed the presence of contiguous multilevel ossification of the ligamentum flavum. The mean recovery rate after surgery in terms of JOA score was 66.3 % ( range, 33.3 %- 100% ), with a mean final JOA score of 8. 3. Thoracic decompression laminectomy or laminoplasty could result in a good postoperative outcome. Conclusions : Contiguous multilevel ossification of the ligamentum flavum is not a common cause of myelopathy in Chinese population and should be treated as early as possible. MRI and CT scan examinations may diagnose the presence of thoracic ossification of ligamentum flavum (OLF). Posterior decompression, especially with en bloc dissection of the laminae, can obtain satisfactory results. 展开更多
关键词 OSSIFICATION Ligamentum flavum Thoracic cord compression CHINESE
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