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OPGW光缆绝缘地线抽能取电技术的研究 被引量:3
作者 陈新 张晖 张杰 《电力信息与通信技术》 2014年第9期69-71,共3页
OPGW光缆和架空地线按照绝缘地线设计和改造,对于节能和减少接地环流线路损耗以及线路融冰都是必要的。文章结合高压架空线路运行状态在线监测技术,从绝缘OPGW光缆和架空地线的感应电中抽能,给塔上在线监测设备供电,取代目前塔上不可靠... OPGW光缆和架空地线按照绝缘地线设计和改造,对于节能和减少接地环流线路损耗以及线路融冰都是必要的。文章结合高压架空线路运行状态在线监测技术,从绝缘OPGW光缆和架空地线的感应电中抽能,给塔上在线监测设备供电,取代目前塔上不可靠的太阳能供电方式,创新设计一种架空线路节能降耗的自供电技术。 展开更多
关键词 OPGW光缆 绝缘地线 在线监测 能取
作者 覃江 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第4期77-81,共5页
本文通过分析《现观庄严论》与早期中观学的道次第理论的区别,指出《现观庄严论》做为瑜伽行中观派的滥觞,开创了以般若为宗,将唯识学的道次第理论融入中观学的传统。具体以对能取、所取的分析为例,说明《现观庄严论》把对二取的破除与... 本文通过分析《现观庄严论》与早期中观学的道次第理论的区别,指出《现观庄严论》做为瑜伽行中观派的滥觞,开创了以般若为宗,将唯识学的道次第理论融入中观学的传统。具体以对能取、所取的分析为例,说明《现观庄严论》把对二取的破除与各个修行阶位相配合,清楚地指明了在不同阶位破除能取、所取的重要性,以及具体内容。再通过梳理这些思想对寂护、莲花戒、宗喀巴等藏传佛教前弘期、后弘期代表人物的影响,说明《现观庄严论》对形成藏传佛教中观学的教观体系起到了非常重要的作用,极大地促进了藏传佛教中观学止观理论与实践的发展。 展开更多
关键词 现观庄严论 藏传佛教 中观学 道次第 能取 所取
作者 赵国栋 祝振波 +3 位作者 艾文豪 姚应龙 袁宗凡 陆叶飞 《农村电气化》 2024年第9期79-83,共5页
随着电力系统的不断发展,中压设备尤其是环网柜、电缆分支箱和充气式开关柜的使用越来越普遍。这些设备的可靠性对电网的稳定运行至关重要。电缆故障,尤其是由绝缘和接触不良引起的发热问题,已成为供电部门面临的主要挑战。传统的故障... 随着电力系统的不断发展,中压设备尤其是环网柜、电缆分支箱和充气式开关柜的使用越来越普遍。这些设备的可靠性对电网的稳定运行至关重要。电缆故障,尤其是由绝缘和接触不良引起的发热问题,已成为供电部门面临的主要挑战。传统的故障检测方法由于受到绝缘材料隔热性的影响,难以准确掌握故障点。文章介绍了一种新型的绝缘塞测温传感器,该传感器采用电场能取电技术,具有无线数据传输、高精度感知、抗干扰能力强等特点,可有效监测中压设备电气节点的温度变化,为电网故障的早期预警提供了新的技术手段。 展开更多
关键词 环网柜 绝缘塞 无线测温 电场能取 故障预警
作者 李莎莎 吕春燕 《现代语文》 2024年第9期4-12,共9页
孔子“能近取譬”式的言说方式是一种隐喻性思维模式。从当代视角出发,以《论语》中的存在链隐喻为线索,对其认知理据和取譬特点进行阐释。在《论语》中,上行存在链隐喻和下行存在链隐喻,分别具有“仰观于天”“俯察于地”的取譬特点,... 孔子“能近取譬”式的言说方式是一种隐喻性思维模式。从当代视角出发,以《论语》中的存在链隐喻为线索,对其认知理据和取譬特点进行阐释。在《论语》中,上行存在链隐喻和下行存在链隐喻,分别具有“仰观于天”“俯察于地”的取譬特点,体现了思维在垂直方向上沿着存在链纵向移动的过程。次级存在链隐喻和同级存在链隐喻,则分别具有“近取诸身”“远取诸物”的特点,揭示了思维在水平方向上的平行移动过程。孔子通过存在链隐喻,将现实生活中的共同性问题上升为形而上学的思想问题,把天人合一、天下和合的儒家思想置于具体事物之间,形成了抽象与具体相结合的认知模式。 展开更多
关键词 孔子 言说方式 “能近取譬” 《论语》 存在链隐喻
“四科取士”与汉代用人标准 被引量:3
作者 王颖 《淮南师范学院学报》 2010年第1期85-87,共3页
关键词 四科取士 以德取人 能取 儒生 文吏
输电线路塔上设备供电方式分析 被引量:1
作者 辛鹏 李垠涛 +3 位作者 安慧蓉 贾小铁 袁卫国 雷学义 《电脑与电信》 2017年第5期4-6,共3页
输电线路及杆塔上安装的用于监测、运维、通信等功能的设备需要稳定、持久、可靠的电能供应。文章通过分析本地供电及远供电方式的优缺点及适用性,提出了适用于安装在输电线路及杆塔上的设备的几种供电方式:光伏供电,风机供电,蓄电池供... 输电线路及杆塔上安装的用于监测、运维、通信等功能的设备需要稳定、持久、可靠的电能供应。文章通过分析本地供电及远供电方式的优缺点及适用性,提出了适用于安装在输电线路及杆塔上的设备的几种供电方式:光伏供电,风机供电,蓄电池供电,抽能取电,并创新地提出采用新型馈电OPGW进行随线馈电的供电方式。输电线路感应抽能及随线馈电技术作为新型的在线取电的方式,与传统的供电方式相比可输出功率较大,但是其存在稳定性、对输电线路安全性的影响及经济性等问题,建议进行更深入的研究。 展开更多
关键词 输电线路 能取 随线馈电 供电方式
基于级联双管反激拓扑的HVDC供电电路研究 被引量:1
作者 李灵鑫 焦玉屏 +3 位作者 孙家程 邓富金 张琦 任碧莹 《电气传动》 2023年第3期7-14,共8页
高压直流(HVDC)输电系统常采用高压变换器进行高电位就近控制取电。然而模块内的高母线电压及其大范围波动对取电电源的高可靠性设计形成挑战。针对该问题,基于串联双管反激拓扑电路提出了一种高压模块取电系统。该系统以多输入、单输... 高压直流(HVDC)输电系统常采用高压变换器进行高电位就近控制取电。然而模块内的高母线电压及其大范围波动对取电电源的高可靠性设计形成挑战。针对该问题,基于串联双管反激拓扑电路提出了一种高压模块取电系统。该系统以多输入、单输出形式的直流变压器为变压载体,并利用在同步控制信号下的各级联单元的自均压特征实现了输入各串联电路的动态自均压控制,主动降低了各模块中半导体开关的电压应力;另外,该方法具有漏感能量回馈效率高、开关管最大电压应力钳位到输入电压优点。最后,借助系统仿真与半实物仿真平台实验验证了所提自供电电路系统的可行性以及理论分析的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 高位能取电电路 双管反激拓扑 动态均压
Theoretical Study of the C-CI Bond Dissociation Enthalpy and Electronic Structure of Substituted Chlorobenzene Compounds 被引量:1
作者 张瑞州 李小红 张现周 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期235-240,339,共7页
Quantum chemical calculations were used to estimate the bond dissociation energies (BDEs) for 13 substituted chlorobenzene compounds. These compounds were studied by the hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP, B3P... Quantum chemical calculations were used to estimate the bond dissociation energies (BDEs) for 13 substituted chlorobenzene compounds. These compounds were studied by the hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP, B3PW91, B3P86) methods together with 6-31G^** and 6-311G^** basis sets. The results show that B3P86/6-311G^** method is the best method to compute the reliable BDEs for substituted chlorobenzene compounds which contain the C-C1 bond. It is found that the C-C1 BDE depends strongly on the computational method and the basis sets used. Substituent effect on the C-C1 BDE of substituted chlorobenzene compounds is further discussed. It is noted that the effects of substitution on the C-C1 BDE of substituted chlorobenzene compounds are very insignificant. The energy gaps between the HOMO and LUMO of studied compounds estimate the relative thermal stability ordering are also investigated and from this data we of substituted chlorobenzene compounds. 展开更多
关键词 Density functional theory Bond dissociation enthalpy Substituent effect Substituted chlorobenzene compound
Antoioxidant Activity of Carboxymethyl Chitosan with Different Substituted Degrees 被引量:15
作者 姚倩 孙涛 +1 位作者 周冬香 毛芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期5-7,59,共4页
[Objective] In order to study the relations among different positions, degrees of substitution and antioxidant ability. [Method] N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOA, NOB and NOC)with various degrees of substitution (D... [Objective] In order to study the relations among different positions, degrees of substitution and antioxidant ability. [Method] N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOA, NOB and NOC)with various degrees of substitution (DS)were obtained by etherizing chito-oligosacchaside. Their structure and substituted degree were characterized and their antioxldant activity to·OH was evaluated. [ Result] The IC50 s of NOA ,NOB and NOC were 0.15 ,0. 29 ,0. 23 mg/ml while their DSs of -NH2 position(DSN) were 0.51,0.29 and 0.38 and DSo were 0. 74 ,0. 84 ,0. 97respectively.[ Conclusion] With the increase of DSN ,antioxidant activity of N,O-carboxymethyl chitosan oligosaccharide to·OH was up. 展开更多
关键词 Chitosan oligosaccharide Carboxymethyl chitosan oligosaccharide Degree of substitution Antioxidant activity
Kinetics of cerium(Ⅳ) and fluoride extraction from sulfuric solutions using bifunctional ionic liquid extractant(Bif-ILE)[A336][P204] 被引量:7
作者 杨华玲 陈继 +3 位作者 张冬丽 王威 崔红敏 刘郁 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1937-1945,共9页
The extraction kinetics of Ce(Ⅳ) and Ce(Ⅳ)-F^- mixture systems from sulfuric solutions to n-heptane solution containing Bif-ILE[A336][P204]([trialkylmethylammonium][di-2-ethylhewanxylphosphinate]) with a const... The extraction kinetics of Ce(Ⅳ) and Ce(Ⅳ)-F^- mixture systems from sulfuric solutions to n-heptane solution containing Bif-ILE[A336][P204]([trialkylmethylammonium][di-2-ethylhewanxylphosphinate]) with a constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow were studied,just to elucidate the extraction mechanism and the mass transfer models.The data were analyzed in terms of pseudo-first-order constants.The effects of stirring speed,specific interfacial area and temperature on the extraction rate in both systems were discussed,suggesting that the extractions were mixed bulk phases-interfacial control process.Supported by the experimental data,the corresponding rate equations for Ce(Ⅳ) extraction system and Ce(Ⅳ)-F^- mixture extraction system were obtained.The experimental results indicated the rate-controlling step.The kinetics model was deduced from the rate-controlling step and consistent with the rate equation. 展开更多
关键词 Ce(Ⅳ)-F--system Bif-ILE kinetics model extraction kinetics constant interfacial area cell with laminar flow
Effects of sputtering pressure on nanostructure and nanomechanical properties of AlN films prepared by RF reactive sputtering 被引量:2
作者 魏秋平 张雄伟 +4 位作者 刘丹瑛 李劼 周科朝 张斗 余志明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第9期2845-2855,共11页
Wurtzite aluminum nitride(AlN) films were deposited on Si(100) wafers under various sputtering pressures by radio-frequency(RF) reactive magnetron sputtering. The film properties were investigated by XRD, SEM, A... Wurtzite aluminum nitride(AlN) films were deposited on Si(100) wafers under various sputtering pressures by radio-frequency(RF) reactive magnetron sputtering. The film properties were investigated by XRD, SEM, AFM, XPS and nanoindenter techniques. It is suggested from the XRD patterns that highly c-axis oriented films grow preferentially at low pressures and the growth of(100) planes are preferred at higher pressures. The SEM and AFM images both reveal that the deposition rate and the surface roughness decrease while the average grain size increases with increasing the sputtering pressure. XPS results show that lowering the sputtering pressure is a useful way to minimize the incorporation of oxygen atoms into the AlN films and hence a film with closer stoichiometric composition is obtained. From the measurement of nanomechanical properties of AlN thin films, the largest hardness and elastic modulus are obtained at 0.30 Pa. 展开更多
关键词 AlN thin film reactive magnetron sputtering preferred orientation nanomechanical properties
Low frequency damping capacities of commercial pure magnesium
作者 胡小石 王晓军 +2 位作者 赫晓东 吴昆 郑明毅 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期1907-1911,共5页
The amplitude-dependent and temperature-dependent low frequency damping capacities of magnesium with 99.96% purity were studied by a dynamic mechanical analyzer. The pure magnesium alloys include CPM1 and CPM2 casting... The amplitude-dependent and temperature-dependent low frequency damping capacities of magnesium with 99.96% purity were studied by a dynamic mechanical analyzer. The pure magnesium alloys include CPM1 and CPM2 castings having textures of columnar grains which extraordinarily influence the damping behaviours. The commercial pure magnesium alloy CPM was re-melted to obtain equiaxed grains, which could remove the effect of texture orientation on the damping behaviours of these pure magnesium alloys. The results of strain amplitude-dependent damping spectrums of these pure magnesium alloys show that the pure magnesium with equiaxed grains possesses the highest damping capacity. In temperature-dependent damping plot for all these three pure magnesium alloys, there are two damping peaks P1 and P2 located at 80 and 230 °C, respectively. These two damping peaks are considered to be caused by the interaction between dislocation and point defects, and the movement of grain boundaries, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 commercial pure magnesium crystal orientation damping capacity casting texture AGING crystal defects
Solvent Selection for Extractive Distillation by the Universal Quasichemical Functional Group Activity Coefficient(UNIFAC) Group Contribution Method 被引量:7
作者 崔现宝 翟亚锐 +2 位作者 杨志才 冯天扬 张缨 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第6期862-868,共7页
A method to select solvent for extractive distillation is proposed by UNIFAC group contribution. Solventselectivity can be divided into two parts: the partial combinatorial solvent selectivity and the partial residual... A method to select solvent for extractive distillation is proposed by UNIFAC group contribution. Solventselectivity can be divided into two parts: the partial combinatorial solvent selectivity and the partial residual solventselectivity. The properties of partial combinatorial and residual solvent selectivity are demonstrated. In most cases,the partial residual solvent selectivity is predominant. The candidate groups of solvent can be selected by groupinteraction parameter using UNIFAC group interaction parameter table as a guide. 展开更多
关键词 solvent selection solvent selectivity UNIFAC group contribution extractive distillation
Hydrodynamics and Mass Transfer Performance in Supercritical Fluid Extraction Columns 被引量:1
作者 石冰洁 张卫东 +1 位作者 张泽廷 于恩平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第6期696-700,共5页
New models for describing hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance in supercritical fluid extraction columns were proposed. Those models were proved by experimental data, which were obtained in supercritical fluid ... New models for describing hydrodynamics and mass transfer performance in supercritical fluid extraction columns were proposed. Those models were proved by experimental data, which were obtained in supercritical fluid extraction packed column, spray column and sieve tray column respectively. The inner diameter of those columns areФ25 mm. These experimental systems include supercritical carbon diox-ide-isopropanol-water and supercritical carbon dioxide-ethanol-water, in which supercritical carbon dioxide was dispersed phase, and another was continuous phase. The extraction processes were operated with continuous countercurrent flow. The predicted values are agreed well with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 supercritical fluid extraction HYDRODYNAMICS mass transfer*
Energy substitution game under the supply capacity restriction 被引量:1
作者 张玉卓 陈剑 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2008年第1期165-170,共6页
Along with Chinese economic growth,energy plays a more and more important role in the national economy.The imbalance between insufficient energy supply and huge energy demand has become a major problem in energy utili... Along with Chinese economic growth,energy plays a more and more important role in the national economy.The imbalance between insufficient energy supply and huge energy demand has become a major problem in energy utilization,and energy substitution is attracting more and more attention as a key to the sustainable and sound development of Chinese economy.Explored the possibilities of the mutual substitution of the two types of energy with different functions with game theory in light of the supply capacity.As a con- clusion,there are four equilibrium results corresponding to different levels of supply capac- ity.Subsequently,we carry on the study further by numerical simulation,investigate in one group of results most close to Chinese energy status and find the equilibrium price as well as the demand variation pattern. 展开更多
关键词 supply capacity energy substitution substitution game equilibrium price equilibrium demand
Evolution of coordination between α and β phases for two-phase titanium alloy during hot working 被引量:13
作者 Jian-wei XU Wei-dong ZENG +2 位作者 Da-di ZHOU Sheng-tong HE Run-chen JIA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第11期3428-3438,共11页
The evolution of coordination betweenαandβphases for a two-phase titanium alloy was investigated.For this purpose,hot compression and heat treatment under different conditions were carried out.The results show that ... The evolution of coordination betweenαandβphases for a two-phase titanium alloy was investigated.For this purpose,hot compression and heat treatment under different conditions were carried out.The results show that the ability of coordinated deformation betweenαandβphases can influence uniformity of microstructure evolution.Specifically,αphase maintains the lamellar structure andβphase has a low degree of recrystallization when the ability of coordinated deformation is good.In this case,αandβphases still maintain the BOR(Burgers orientation relationship),and their interface relationship is not destroyed even at large deformation.Both of the deformation extent ofαlamellae and recrystallization degree ofβphase increase with the decline of ability of coordinated deformation.Theαphase only maintains the BOR withβphase on one side,while the uncoordinated rotation with theβphase on the other side occurs within 10°.Theαandβphases rotate asynchronously when ability of coordinated deformation is poor.The degree of interface dislocation increases,andαandβphases deviate from the BOR. 展开更多
关键词 coordination ability titanium alloy orientation relationship globularization RECRYSTALLIZATION
Effect of Anions on Adsorbability and Extractability of Lead Added in Soil 被引量:6
作者 CHEN HUAI-MAN, ZHENG CHUN-RONG and SUN XIAO-HUALaboratory of Material Cycling in Pedosphere, ’Institute of Soil Science, A cademia Sinica, P. O. Box 821, Nanjing (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第1期51-62,共12页
The effect of accompanying anions on the adsorbability and extractability of Pb added in soils was studied by using bach equilibria and incubation-extraction mothods.Pb concentration ranged between 0.48-2.41 mM in the... The effect of accompanying anions on the adsorbability and extractability of Pb added in soils was studied by using bach equilibria and incubation-extraction mothods.Pb concentration ranged between 0.48-2.41 mM in the adsorption experiment,and Pb added to soil from 2.14 to 19.31mM Pb/kg with an incubation time of 2-16 weeks in the incubation-extraction test in which 1M NH4OAc(pH 7) was taken as an extraction agent,and the Pb compounds used are PbCl2,Pb(NO3)2 and Pb(OAc)2.The values of pH50 for Pb retention and the parameters,b and k values,of Langmuir equation were used to distinguish the difference of adsorbability and extractability of Pb affected by anions,respectively.Judging from the results of either pH50 value or b value,the influences of Cl^- and NO3^- on the adsorbability and extractability of Pb in soils were similar but quite different from those of OAc^-.The relative loading capacities of soils to Pb calculated according to the extraction rate showed that the values of Pb(OAc)2 were higher than those of PbCl2 and Pb(NO3)2. 展开更多
关键词 ANION Langmuir equation PB pH50 SOIL
Recovery of Copper(II) and Nickel(II) from Plating Wastewater by Solvent Extraction 被引量:17
作者 李立清 钟宏 +1 位作者 曹占芳 袁露 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期926-930,共5页
The solvent extraction technology, was applied to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater.Lix984N was chosen as the extractant due to-its gooff extraction performance. The influence parame-ters were examlned... The solvent extraction technology, was applied to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater.Lix984N was chosen as the extractant due to-its gooff extraction performance. The influence parame-ters were examlned. The results show that the separation of Cu^2+ and Ni" from sulphate medium can be realized by adjusting pH value with the help of Lix984N. For extracting Cu^2+ and Ni^2+, the optimal pH values are 4 and 10.5, and the maximal extraction percentages are 92.9% and 93.0%, respectively .With recovered Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ stripped in 170g.L^ -1 and 200 g.L^-1 H2SO4 medium, the stripping percentages of Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ are 92.9% and 93.0%, respectively. This method is simple and can be used to recover Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ from plating wastewater. And a flow sheet for separation of Cu^2+ and Ni^2+ is presented. 展开更多
关键词 RECOVERY COPPER NICKEL solvent extraction plating wastewater
Intelligent detection method for workpiece defect based on industrial CT image 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Rui-ping SHI Jia-yue +2 位作者 GOU Jun-nian DONG Hai-ying AN Mei 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2019年第3期299-306,共8页
In order to solve the problem of internal defect detection in industry, an intelligent detection method for workpiece defect based on industrial computed tomography (CT) images is proposed. The industrial CT slice ima... In order to solve the problem of internal defect detection in industry, an intelligent detection method for workpiece defect based on industrial computed tomography (CT) images is proposed. The industrial CT slice image is preprocessed first with the combination of adaptive median filtering and adaptive weighted average filtering by analyzing the characteristics of the industrial CT slice images. Then an image segmentation algorithm based on gray change rate is used to segment low contrast information in industrial CT images, and the feature of workpiece defect is extracted by using Hu invariant moment. On this basis, the radial basis function (RBF) neural network model is established and the firefly algorithm is used for optimization, and the intelligent identification of the internal defects of the workpiece is completed. Simulation results show that this method can effectively improve the accuracy of defect identification and provide a theoretical basis for the detection of internal defects in industry. 展开更多
关键词 industrial computed tomography (CT) defect detection image segmentation feature extraction intelligent identification
Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11 DCF networks 被引量:3
作者 Krzysztof SZCZYPIORSKI Józef LUBACZ 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第10期1309-1317,共9页
This paper presents an analytical saturation throughput model of IEEE 802.11 DCF (distributed coordination function) with basic access in ad hoc mode. The model takes into account freezing of the backoff timer when a ... This paper presents an analytical saturation throughput model of IEEE 802.11 DCF (distributed coordination function) with basic access in ad hoc mode. The model takes into account freezing of the backoff timer when a station senses busy channel. It is shown that taking into account this feature of DCF is important in modeling saturation throughput by yielding more accurate and realistic results than models known from literature. The proposed analytical model also takes into account the effect of transmission errors. All essential features of the proposed analytical approach are illustrated with numerical results. The presen-tation of the model is proceeded by an overview of approaches to IEEE 802.11 network performance evaluation presented in the literature. 展开更多
关键词 IEEE 802.11 Distributed coordination function (DCF) CSMA/CA MODELING
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