[Objective] The aim was to analyze water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem in Luancheng County of Hebei Province. [Method] Based on data of water and heat flux, and CO2 fluxes, routine ...[Objective] The aim was to analyze water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem in Luancheng County of Hebei Province. [Method] Based on data of water and heat flux, and CO2 fluxes, routine meteorological and biomass data in Luancheng in 2008, water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem were explored. [Result] The results showed that latent and sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were of obvious daily and seasonal changes; latent and sensible heat fluxes shaped an inverted U in daily change, and CO2 fluxes were of a U-shape; daily flux peak differed significantly. Furthermore, the change of latent heat, sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were closely related to environ- mental factors. Detailedly, the three were sensitive to light intensity and net radiation, and correlation coefficients were 0.92, 0.66, 0.65 and 0.90, 0.69, 0.74, respectively. Besides, the fluxes, sensitive to temperature, proved better in sunny day, especially for latent flux which is more sensitive to water in soils after precipitation. In addition, closure degree of energy balance in wheat fields was 0.91 and non-closure, caused by measurement error and neglection of heat storage, was observed, too. What's more. closure degree differed in months and time periods within a day. [Conclusion] The research concluded water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes, transport mechanisms and concerning factors, providing scientific reference for revealing mechanism of evapo- ration and heat dissipation of canopy, relationship between photosynthesis and water use efficiencyand energy distribution mechanism.展开更多
Based on the panel data of China's 34 industrial sectors during 2005-2013, this paper tests the water pollution effects of SOE ownership diversification in China. The result shows that in general, greater state ow...Based on the panel data of China's 34 industrial sectors during 2005-2013, this paper tests the water pollution effects of SOE ownership diversification in China. The result shows that in general, greater state ownership and less private ownership in a sector will lead to lower water pollution intensity. Test of threshold effect shows that, irrespective of its current level, an increase in state ownership helps improve the environment by different degrees. When pollution intensity is low, ownership diversification helps reduce pollution intensity; when pollution intensity is high, state ownership is the optimal choice for mitigating pollution. This paper's findings suggest that while advancing the mixedownership reform of SOEs, China cannot relax the environmental responsibilities of SOEs, and still less should economic interests override environmental concerns.展开更多
The online-monitoring methods for insulation performance of current transformers of 330-750 kV substation are analyzed and compared.The effectiveness and availability of each method are discussed.Main features,advanta...The online-monitoring methods for insulation performance of current transformers of 330-750 kV substation are analyzed and compared.The effectiveness and availability of each method are discussed.Main features,advantages and disadvantages of each method and its corresponding standard are also described.展开更多
The efforts by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the United Kingdom (UK) to stimulate audit firms to improve audit quality manifest in its Discussion Paper: Promoting Audit Quality warrant further analysis...The efforts by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the United Kingdom (UK) to stimulate audit firms to improve audit quality manifest in its Discussion Paper: Promoting Audit Quality warrant further analysis. The discussion paper identified factors such as audit firm culture, the quality of people, the effectiveness of audit process, and outside factors such as management and audit committee (AC) which can affect level of audit quality in practice. Reporting upon the analysis of responses to the discussion paper, the objective of this study is to analyze views from the respondents about various issues related to audit quality. This study composes of how subject of audit quality is seen in practice, which contributes to our understanding of conditions, events, or processes that can affect audit quality in practice.展开更多
针对多模态多目标优化中种群多样性难以维持和所得等价Pareto最优解数量不足问题,提出一种融合聚类和小生境搜索的多模态多目标优化算法(multimodal multi-objective optimization algorithm with clustering and niching searching,CSS...针对多模态多目标优化中种群多样性难以维持和所得等价Pareto最优解数量不足问题,提出一种融合聚类和小生境搜索的多模态多目标优化算法(multimodal multi-objective optimization algorithm with clustering and niching searching,CSSMPIO)。首先利用基于聚类的特殊拥挤距离非支配排序方法(clustering-based special crowding distance,CSCD)初始化种群;引入自适应物种形成策略生成稳定的小生境,在不同的小生境子空间并行搜索和保持等价Pareto最优解;采用特殊拥挤距离非支配排序策略实现个体选优、精英学习策略避免过早收敛。通过在14个多模态多目标函数上进行测试,并与7种新提出的多模态多目标优化算法进行对比实验以及Wilcoxon秩和检验发现,CSSMPIO的总体性能优于对比算法。最后将算法用于基于地图的测试问题,进一步证明了算法的有效性。展开更多
In post-disaster emergency shelter aid, various relief agencies and other actors with different backgrounds need to cooperate in a tremendously short amount of time and under very different circumstances. In this arti...In post-disaster emergency shelter aid, various relief agencies and other actors with different backgrounds need to cooperate in a tremendously short amount of time and under very different circumstances. In this article, we describe a research project that develops and tests a new approach in which the demands for shelters in a specific situation are methodically connected with available, innovative and sustainable shelter solutions, a DSS (decision support system). The DSS is a digital tool that translates the gathered evidence on needs, solutions and location including long-term effects of shelter provision into advice for the provision of sustainable, integral broader shelter solutions and designs. The outcome is a set of characteristics for a DSS for the provision of on-demand emergency shelters. A DSS that meets these characteristics leads to the provision of sustainable shelters that meet the needs of the users and, therefore, have higher performance in long term.展开更多
为了解决增量流形学习中的噪声干扰,以及对不同分布状态下的新数据进行流形降维问题,本文提出一种数据流形边界及其分布条件的增量式降维算法(incremental dimensionality reduction algorithm based on data manifold boundaries and d...为了解决增量流形学习中的噪声干扰,以及对不同分布状态下的新数据进行流形降维问题,本文提出一种数据流形边界及其分布条件的增量式降维算法(incremental dimensionality reduction algorithm based on data manifold boundaries and distribution state,IDR-DMBDS)。该算法首先分析噪声概率分布同时对数据降噪,确定降噪数据的流形形态为主流形,并在主流形上表征出噪声的分布形式,以此获得近似的原数据流形边界,然后基于流形边界判别新数据的分布状态,最后将分布于原流形形态之上以及之外的新数据分别映射至低维空间。实验表明,该算法能够有效实现基于流形的增量式高维含噪数据的低维特征挖掘。展开更多
The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with ...The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with the aid of advanced equipment and the international cooperation mechanism,Chinese scientists yielded significant results,such as the discovery of the antisigma-minus hyperon and the proof of the law of partial conservation of axial current(PCAC).After the Sino-Soviet split,Chinese scientists’activities at the institute were hampered by political tensions,eventually resulting in China’s withdrawal from the JINR in 1965.But through the involvement at the JINR,Chinese scientists were trained in scientific practices and participated in international exchange and cooperation which turned them into a new force in China’s nuclear industry,boosting its nuclear weapons,particle physics theory,and accelerator technology.In the meantime,the scientists’activities extended the international influence of the JINR.The withdrawal of China from the institute impacted both the JINR and the development of science in China.展开更多
Korea imports about 97% of its energy resources as its available energy resources are extremely limited. Thus, the role of nuclear power in electricity generation is expected to become more important in future years. ...Korea imports about 97% of its energy resources as its available energy resources are extremely limited. Thus, the role of nuclear power in electricity generation is expected to become more important in future years. A fast reactor system is one of the most promising options for electricity generation with an efficient utilization of uranium resources and a reduction of radioactive wastes. Based on the experiences gained during the development of the conceptual designs for KALIMER (Korea advanced liquid metal reactor), the KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) is currently developing advanced SFR (sodium cooled fast reactor) design concepts that can better meet the Gen IV (Generation IV) technology goals. The long-term advanced SFR development plan will be carried out toward the construction of an advanced SFR demonstration plant by 2028. Advanced concept design studies and the development of the advanced SFR technologies necessary for its commercialization and basic key technologies carried out by KAERI are included in this paper.展开更多
This paper shows the development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research. In the development, fabrication processes for planar anode-supported-cell (ASC) by conventio...This paper shows the development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research. In the development, fabrication processes for planar anode-supported-cell (ASC) by conventional methods and metal-supported-cell (MSC) by atmospheric plasma spraying are well established. Procedures and techniques for stacking and cell/stack performance tests are continuously improved to enhance the quality and reliability. Innovative nano-structured catalysts, in which reduced Pt and CeOz particles dispersed onto the A120~ carriers can effectively prevent the migration and coalescence of the metal crystallites, are thermal stable and possess a conversion ratio higher than 95% for reforming of natural gas. A non-premixed after-burner/reformer is designed and fabricated, and it has passed the prerequisite functional tests. Layouts including stacks, components of BOP, power conditioning and control as well as gases and water supply, are designated for a 1-kW SOFC power system. In compliance with system requirements, operating modes, data acquisition, power conditioning, instrumentations, and control logics have been identified and settled. After successive system validation tests, two modules of 18-cell stacks are allocated into the SOFC system. Test results indicate a thermal self-sustaining system on natural gas is achieved with a power output of around 760 watts.展开更多
This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic p...This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic practices. The article argues that NTC coverage for this revolution sometimes goes beyond informing people to other forms of propaganda. It concludes that professional and ethical media performance would better serve the interests of Yemeni audiences, including their desire for bringing change. Moreover, ownership is not the only issue when it comes to free press and the right to communication. However, establishing a stable system for media performance based on consensual rules on one hand, and professionalism and ethics, on the other, is fundamental for media reform in Yemen.展开更多
This study evaluates the extent of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of non-financial companies listed at the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) for the year 2006. The study adopts the disclosure index suggested by...This study evaluates the extent of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of non-financial companies listed at the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) for the year 2006. The study adopts the disclosure index suggested by Haddad, AI-Shattarat & Nobanee (2009) and evaluates the voluntary disclosure for the Jordanian companies for the year 2006 at three levels: the first provides a description and analysis of the overall voluntary disclosure; the second covers the extent to which each individual item of information is disclosed; the third covers the type of information (e.g., financial information, historical information, management discussion). The results of the study reveal that there was a considerable variation in the disclosure of the index items and also among the listed companies. On average, a company disclosed about 28.95% of the items applicable to it, and only six out of the 53 companies received disclosure scores greater than 50%. It was also found that 50 items out of 62 items included in the index had a disclosure below 50%, and 10 items had disclosure of less than 10%. With respect to the evaluation of different types of information, the analyses indicated that the category of the background information, the category of financial ratios and the category of management discussions were better disclosed in corporate annual reports than the other types of information.展开更多
The design of a lead slowing down spectrometer is being developed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) for an analysis of isotopic fissile content in spent and recycled fuel. The lead spectrometer has a...The design of a lead slowing down spectrometer is being developed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) for an analysis of isotopic fissile content in spent and recycled fuel. The lead spectrometer has an advantage to assay fissile content directly from spent fuel. Accurate fissile material data must be fed back to the spent fuel design and management. For reutilization of PWR spent fuel, an isotopic fissile content analysis is required to obtain safety and economics in the fuel cycle. The LSDS (lead slowing down spectrometer) uses the different fission signatures of each fissile with respect to the interrogation neutron energy. Several simulations were done and parameter was obtained for the system working. Energy between 1 keV to 0.1 eV is very sensitive to isotopic fissile material fission with good energy resolution. An external source neutron is necessary to induce enough fissile fission. A neutron production methodology is being developed for cost effectiveness, easy maintenance and high neutron yield rate. The threshold fission detector screens the prompt fast fission neutrons from an intense radiation background. The detection of a fission signature has a direct relationship with the isotopic fissile content.展开更多
To prevent direct contact of the melt and basemat concrete of the cavity in a postulated core melt accident, a core catcher concept is suggested. Upon ablation of the sacrificial layer on top of the core catcher while...To prevent direct contact of the melt and basemat concrete of the cavity in a postulated core melt accident, a core catcher concept is suggested. Upon ablation of the sacrificial layer on top of the core catcher while molten core material is discharged, a mixture of water and gas is injected from below. It is expected that a simultaneous injection of water and gas could prevent a possible steam explosion/spike and also suppress the rapid release of steam which might result in fast over-pressurization of the containment. A test facility for the core catcher using a thermite reaction technique for the generation of the melt was designed and constructed at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The first series of tests were performed by using a mixture of Al, Fe2O3, and CaO as a stimulant. As a first try, only water was injected from the bottom of the melt through five water injection nozzles when the melt front reached the water injection nozzles. A description of the test facility for the core catcher, the thermite composition, and the methods of experiment is included. The test results are discussed.展开更多
TRISO (Tri-structural iso-tropic)-coated particle fuel is being developed to support the development of a VHTR (very high temperature reactor) in Korea. From August 2013, the first irradiation testing of coated pa...TRISO (Tri-structural iso-tropic)-coated particle fuel is being developed to support the development of a VHTR (very high temperature reactor) in Korea. From August 2013, the first irradiation testing of coated particle fuel was begun to demonstrate and qualify TRISO fuel for use in the VHTR in HANARO (high-flux advanced neutron application reactor) at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). This experiment is currently undergoing under an atmosphere of a mixed inert gas without on-line temperature monitoring and control combined with on-line fission product monitoring of the sweep gas. The irradiation device contains two test rods, one contains nine fuel compacts and the other five compacts and eight graphite specimens. Each compact has 263 coated particles. After a peak bum-up of about 4% and a peak fast neutron fluence of about 1.7 × 1021 n/cm2, PIE (post irradiation examination) will be carried out at KAERI's irradiated material examination facility. This paper describes the characteristics of coated particle fuels, and the design of the test rod and irradiation device for the coated particle fuels, and discusses the technical results of irradiation testing at HANARO.展开更多
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(31100359)A Project Funded by the Proiority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(PAPD)~~
文摘[Objective] The aim was to analyze water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem in Luancheng County of Hebei Province. [Method] Based on data of water and heat flux, and CO2 fluxes, routine meteorological and biomass data in Luancheng in 2008, water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes and energy balance in wheat ecosystem were explored. [Result] The results showed that latent and sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were of obvious daily and seasonal changes; latent and sensible heat fluxes shaped an inverted U in daily change, and CO2 fluxes were of a U-shape; daily flux peak differed significantly. Furthermore, the change of latent heat, sensible heat and CO2 fluxes were closely related to environ- mental factors. Detailedly, the three were sensitive to light intensity and net radiation, and correlation coefficients were 0.92, 0.66, 0.65 and 0.90, 0.69, 0.74, respectively. Besides, the fluxes, sensitive to temperature, proved better in sunny day, especially for latent flux which is more sensitive to water in soils after precipitation. In addition, closure degree of energy balance in wheat fields was 0.91 and non-closure, caused by measurement error and neglection of heat storage, was observed, too. What's more. closure degree differed in months and time periods within a day. [Conclusion] The research concluded water and heat fluxes, CO2 fluxes, transport mechanisms and concerning factors, providing scientific reference for revealing mechanism of evapo- ration and heat dissipation of canopy, relationship between photosynthesis and water use efficiencyand energy distribution mechanism.
基金supported by the“Growth Dividend Effect and Growth Pressure Effect on Environmental Performance in the New Normal”of the National Social Science Fund(15CJL012)Beijing Social Science Fund Program“Effects of Economic Growth in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on Environmental Pollution in the New Normal and Simulated Scenario”(15JDJGC096)
文摘Based on the panel data of China's 34 industrial sectors during 2005-2013, this paper tests the water pollution effects of SOE ownership diversification in China. The result shows that in general, greater state ownership and less private ownership in a sector will lead to lower water pollution intensity. Test of threshold effect shows that, irrespective of its current level, an increase in state ownership helps improve the environment by different degrees. When pollution intensity is low, ownership diversification helps reduce pollution intensity; when pollution intensity is high, state ownership is the optimal choice for mitigating pollution. This paper's findings suggest that while advancing the mixedownership reform of SOEs, China cannot relax the environmental responsibilities of SOEs, and still less should economic interests override environmental concerns.
基金Science and Technology Projects of Gansu Electric Power Company(No.52274514005W)
文摘The online-monitoring methods for insulation performance of current transformers of 330-750 kV substation are analyzed and compared.The effectiveness and availability of each method are discussed.Main features,advantages and disadvantages of each method and its corresponding standard are also described.
文摘The efforts by the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) in the United Kingdom (UK) to stimulate audit firms to improve audit quality manifest in its Discussion Paper: Promoting Audit Quality warrant further analysis. The discussion paper identified factors such as audit firm culture, the quality of people, the effectiveness of audit process, and outside factors such as management and audit committee (AC) which can affect level of audit quality in practice. Reporting upon the analysis of responses to the discussion paper, the objective of this study is to analyze views from the respondents about various issues related to audit quality. This study composes of how subject of audit quality is seen in practice, which contributes to our understanding of conditions, events, or processes that can affect audit quality in practice.
文摘针对多模态多目标优化中种群多样性难以维持和所得等价Pareto最优解数量不足问题,提出一种融合聚类和小生境搜索的多模态多目标优化算法(multimodal multi-objective optimization algorithm with clustering and niching searching,CSSMPIO)。首先利用基于聚类的特殊拥挤距离非支配排序方法(clustering-based special crowding distance,CSCD)初始化种群;引入自适应物种形成策略生成稳定的小生境,在不同的小生境子空间并行搜索和保持等价Pareto最优解;采用特殊拥挤距离非支配排序策略实现个体选优、精英学习策略避免过早收敛。通过在14个多模态多目标函数上进行测试,并与7种新提出的多模态多目标优化算法进行对比实验以及Wilcoxon秩和检验发现,CSSMPIO的总体性能优于对比算法。最后将算法用于基于地图的测试问题,进一步证明了算法的有效性。
文摘In post-disaster emergency shelter aid, various relief agencies and other actors with different backgrounds need to cooperate in a tremendously short amount of time and under very different circumstances. In this article, we describe a research project that develops and tests a new approach in which the demands for shelters in a specific situation are methodically connected with available, innovative and sustainable shelter solutions, a DSS (decision support system). The DSS is a digital tool that translates the gathered evidence on needs, solutions and location including long-term effects of shelter provision into advice for the provision of sustainable, integral broader shelter solutions and designs. The outcome is a set of characteristics for a DSS for the provision of on-demand emergency shelters. A DSS that meets these characteristics leads to the provision of sustainable shelters that meet the needs of the users and, therefore, have higher performance in long term.
文摘为了解决增量流形学习中的噪声干扰,以及对不同分布状态下的新数据进行流形降维问题,本文提出一种数据流形边界及其分布条件的增量式降维算法(incremental dimensionality reduction algorithm based on data manifold boundaries and distribution state,IDR-DMBDS)。该算法首先分析噪声概率分布同时对数据降噪,确定降噪数据的流形形态为主流形,并在主流形上表征出噪声的分布形式,以此获得近似的原数据流形边界,然后基于流形边界判别新数据的分布状态,最后将分布于原流形形态之上以及之外的新数据分别映射至低维空间。实验表明,该算法能够有效实现基于流形的增量式高维含噪数据的低维特征挖掘。
基金supported in part by the Youth Innovation Promotion Association CAS(2018186)the National Science Foundation of China(NSFC)under Grant No.11775207。
文摘The work of Chinese scientists conducted at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research(JINR)(1956–1965)was inextricably linked to the Sino-Soviet relations in the 1950 s–1960 s.During the early stage of the JINR,with the aid of advanced equipment and the international cooperation mechanism,Chinese scientists yielded significant results,such as the discovery of the antisigma-minus hyperon and the proof of the law of partial conservation of axial current(PCAC).After the Sino-Soviet split,Chinese scientists’activities at the institute were hampered by political tensions,eventually resulting in China’s withdrawal from the JINR in 1965.But through the involvement at the JINR,Chinese scientists were trained in scientific practices and participated in international exchange and cooperation which turned them into a new force in China’s nuclear industry,boosting its nuclear weapons,particle physics theory,and accelerator technology.In the meantime,the scientists’activities extended the international influence of the JINR.The withdrawal of China from the institute impacted both the JINR and the development of science in China.
文摘Korea imports about 97% of its energy resources as its available energy resources are extremely limited. Thus, the role of nuclear power in electricity generation is expected to become more important in future years. A fast reactor system is one of the most promising options for electricity generation with an efficient utilization of uranium resources and a reduction of radioactive wastes. Based on the experiences gained during the development of the conceptual designs for KALIMER (Korea advanced liquid metal reactor), the KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) is currently developing advanced SFR (sodium cooled fast reactor) design concepts that can better meet the Gen IV (Generation IV) technology goals. The long-term advanced SFR development plan will be carried out toward the construction of an advanced SFR demonstration plant by 2028. Advanced concept design studies and the development of the advanced SFR technologies necessary for its commercialization and basic key technologies carried out by KAERI are included in this paper.
文摘This paper shows the development of solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology at the Institute of Nuclear Energy Research. In the development, fabrication processes for planar anode-supported-cell (ASC) by conventional methods and metal-supported-cell (MSC) by atmospheric plasma spraying are well established. Procedures and techniques for stacking and cell/stack performance tests are continuously improved to enhance the quality and reliability. Innovative nano-structured catalysts, in which reduced Pt and CeOz particles dispersed onto the A120~ carriers can effectively prevent the migration and coalescence of the metal crystallites, are thermal stable and possess a conversion ratio higher than 95% for reforming of natural gas. A non-premixed after-burner/reformer is designed and fabricated, and it has passed the prerequisite functional tests. Layouts including stacks, components of BOP, power conditioning and control as well as gases and water supply, are designated for a 1-kW SOFC power system. In compliance with system requirements, operating modes, data acquisition, power conditioning, instrumentations, and control logics have been identified and settled. After successive system validation tests, two modules of 18-cell stacks are allocated into the SOFC system. Test results indicate a thermal self-sustaining system on natural gas is achieved with a power output of around 760 watts.
文摘This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic practices. The article argues that NTC coverage for this revolution sometimes goes beyond informing people to other forms of propaganda. It concludes that professional and ethical media performance would better serve the interests of Yemeni audiences, including their desire for bringing change. Moreover, ownership is not the only issue when it comes to free press and the right to communication. However, establishing a stable system for media performance based on consensual rules on one hand, and professionalism and ethics, on the other, is fundamental for media reform in Yemen.
文摘This study evaluates the extent of voluntary disclosure in the annual reports of non-financial companies listed at the Amman Stock Exchange (ASE) for the year 2006. The study adopts the disclosure index suggested by Haddad, AI-Shattarat & Nobanee (2009) and evaluates the voluntary disclosure for the Jordanian companies for the year 2006 at three levels: the first provides a description and analysis of the overall voluntary disclosure; the second covers the extent to which each individual item of information is disclosed; the third covers the type of information (e.g., financial information, historical information, management discussion). The results of the study reveal that there was a considerable variation in the disclosure of the index items and also among the listed companies. On average, a company disclosed about 28.95% of the items applicable to it, and only six out of the 53 companies received disclosure scores greater than 50%. It was also found that 50 items out of 62 items included in the index had a disclosure below 50%, and 10 items had disclosure of less than 10%. With respect to the evaluation of different types of information, the analyses indicated that the category of the background information, the category of financial ratios and the category of management discussions were better disclosed in corporate annual reports than the other types of information.
文摘The design of a lead slowing down spectrometer is being developed at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute) for an analysis of isotopic fissile content in spent and recycled fuel. The lead spectrometer has an advantage to assay fissile content directly from spent fuel. Accurate fissile material data must be fed back to the spent fuel design and management. For reutilization of PWR spent fuel, an isotopic fissile content analysis is required to obtain safety and economics in the fuel cycle. The LSDS (lead slowing down spectrometer) uses the different fission signatures of each fissile with respect to the interrogation neutron energy. Several simulations were done and parameter was obtained for the system working. Energy between 1 keV to 0.1 eV is very sensitive to isotopic fissile material fission with good energy resolution. An external source neutron is necessary to induce enough fissile fission. A neutron production methodology is being developed for cost effectiveness, easy maintenance and high neutron yield rate. The threshold fission detector screens the prompt fast fission neutrons from an intense radiation background. The detection of a fission signature has a direct relationship with the isotopic fissile content.
文摘To prevent direct contact of the melt and basemat concrete of the cavity in a postulated core melt accident, a core catcher concept is suggested. Upon ablation of the sacrificial layer on top of the core catcher while molten core material is discharged, a mixture of water and gas is injected from below. It is expected that a simultaneous injection of water and gas could prevent a possible steam explosion/spike and also suppress the rapid release of steam which might result in fast over-pressurization of the containment. A test facility for the core catcher using a thermite reaction technique for the generation of the melt was designed and constructed at Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). The first series of tests were performed by using a mixture of Al, Fe2O3, and CaO as a stimulant. As a first try, only water was injected from the bottom of the melt through five water injection nozzles when the melt front reached the water injection nozzles. A description of the test facility for the core catcher, the thermite composition, and the methods of experiment is included. The test results are discussed.
文摘TRISO (Tri-structural iso-tropic)-coated particle fuel is being developed to support the development of a VHTR (very high temperature reactor) in Korea. From August 2013, the first irradiation testing of coated particle fuel was begun to demonstrate and qualify TRISO fuel for use in the VHTR in HANARO (high-flux advanced neutron application reactor) at KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute). This experiment is currently undergoing under an atmosphere of a mixed inert gas without on-line temperature monitoring and control combined with on-line fission product monitoring of the sweep gas. The irradiation device contains two test rods, one contains nine fuel compacts and the other five compacts and eight graphite specimens. Each compact has 263 coated particles. After a peak bum-up of about 4% and a peak fast neutron fluence of about 1.7 × 1021 n/cm2, PIE (post irradiation examination) will be carried out at KAERI's irradiated material examination facility. This paper describes the characteristics of coated particle fuels, and the design of the test rod and irradiation device for the coated particle fuels, and discusses the technical results of irradiation testing at HANARO.