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作者 王睿 马巧珊 +1 位作者 刘静娴 黄雅哲 《建筑节能(中英文)》 CAS 2024年第7期129-136,148,共9页
厘清城市居住能耗碳排放的“空间-社会”共同影响作用机理,有助于为社区低碳更新规划提供针对性空间识别方法和政策支撑。借鉴居住分异理论中“空间-社会”二维属性的社区居住空间刻画逻辑,对天津市中心城区市民进行社会问卷调查,采用... 厘清城市居住能耗碳排放的“空间-社会”共同影响作用机理,有助于为社区低碳更新规划提供针对性空间识别方法和政策支撑。借鉴居住分异理论中“空间-社会”二维属性的社区居住空间刻画逻辑,对天津市中心城区市民进行社会问卷调查,采用路径分析模型建立“空间-社会”复合作用下的影响关系模型,并对空间性和社会性影响总效益进行系统比较分析。研究结果表明:①空间性因素和社会性因素对大城市居住能耗碳排放的间接影响效应普遍存在,对直接效应起到一定修正作用;②社会性因素影响总效应远高于空间性因素,关键影响指标分别为人口数量和住房总价;③住区价值对家庭居住能耗碳排放的正向影响关系被证实显著存在。高价格大户型住宅通过吸引高收入群体购买和自身设施水平较高两方面锁定高碳排放行为特征。据此,提出差异化住区碳排放特征识别方法及低碳规划审查要点,为城市更新提供政策参考。 展开更多
关键词 居住能耗碳排放 居住分异理论 路径分析模型 更新规划
基于多源数据的公交车能耗碳排放测算模型 被引量:15
作者 徐龙 王力 +3 位作者 刘莹 宋国华 李晨旭 翟志强 《交通运输系统工程与信息》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第3期174-181,共8页
公交车能耗碳排放强度与车辆、线路和驾驶员有显著相关关系,为精准刻画其能耗碳排放强度特征,整合OBD监测数据、加油(气)数据、运营排班数据等多源数据资源.OBD监测数据和加油(气)数据呈显著的线性关系,证明修正后的OBD监测数据可满足... 公交车能耗碳排放强度与车辆、线路和驾驶员有显著相关关系,为精准刻画其能耗碳排放强度特征,整合OBD监测数据、加油(气)数据、运营排班数据等多源数据资源.OBD监测数据和加油(气)数据呈显著的线性关系,证明修正后的OBD监测数据可满足分析要求.搭建"速度-能耗碳排放强度曲线"测算模型,幂函数关系的拟合优度R2=0.9726为最高.实证研究发现,平均速度在10~60 km/h变化时,液化天然气(LNG)车比柴油车能耗碳排放强度高3.3%~33.7%,双层车比铰接车高2.4%~13.3%;LNG铰接车在不同线路、相同速度下的强度相差9.6%;不同驾驶员在相同线路的能耗碳排放强度可相差24.2%.模型为各城市基于多源数据开展公交能耗碳排放目标设定提供数据支撑. 展开更多
关键词 城市交通 速度-能耗碳排放强度曲线 数据融合 公交车 驾驶员
中国城市居民收入和储蓄增长对家庭能耗碳排放的区域异质性及政策应对 被引量:9
作者 李娜娜 赵月 王军锋 《生态经济》 北大核心 2022年第1期30-35,共6页
估计和预测城市居民收入变化对家庭能源消费碳排放的影响,对城市家庭消费部门构建低碳能源供应体系,应对气候变化具有重要意义。论文首先估计了中国284个地级以上城市的家庭三类能源消费的直接碳排放量,建立了面板固定效应模型来识别城... 估计和预测城市居民收入变化对家庭能源消费碳排放的影响,对城市家庭消费部门构建低碳能源供应体系,应对气候变化具有重要意义。论文首先估计了中国284个地级以上城市的家庭三类能源消费的直接碳排放量,建立了面板固定效应模型来识别城市家庭能耗碳排放增长和变化的驱动因素。研究结果表明:城市居民收入的快速增长与储蓄水平的提高对于家庭碳排放有显著影响;城市家庭收入和储蓄的增加会抑制家庭燃气碳排放的产生,但对于城市家庭用电碳排放和城市家庭采暖碳排放,则表现出显著的推动作用。此外,研究还发现了家庭碳排放的影响因素存在显著的区域异质性。 展开更多
关键词 城市居民收入 城市居民储蓄 城市家庭直接能耗碳排放 固定效应模型 区域异质性
长三角城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放空间特征及影响因素研究 被引量:4
作者 王素凤 赵嘉欣 《中国环境管理》 CSSCI 2020年第2期131-137,共7页
目前关于碳排放的研究主要以国家和行政省(自治区、直辖市)为研究对象,围绕城市尺度家庭层面碳排放的研究相对匮乏,而家庭是社会最基本的组成单位,针对相关的碳排放特征及影响问题亟待解决.本文以2007—2016年长三角地区26个地级市数据... 目前关于碳排放的研究主要以国家和行政省(自治区、直辖市)为研究对象,围绕城市尺度家庭层面碳排放的研究相对匮乏,而家庭是社会最基本的组成单位,针对相关的碳排放特征及影响问题亟待解决.本文以2007—2016年长三角地区26个地级市数据为样本,测算城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放量.利用K均值聚类法、空间相关性检验及空间面板建模等方法,考察城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放量的空间演变分布特征及影响因素.结果表明:①城市居民家庭直接碳排放量高的城市位于长三角中部偏东的位置,排放量低的城市集中在西部位置,中部地区的碳排放量增长速度普遍快于其他地区.②长三角地区城市居民家庭直接能耗碳排放的空间关联程度呈"N"字形趋势,处于高高集聚状态的区域集中在以苏州市等为核心的偏中部地区,处于低低集聚状态的区域集中在西部边缘地区.③前后5年的回归结果对比表明:户均人口数由不显著的正向影响因素转变为重要的抑制因素;户均私家车与每户拥有的城市道路面积联合效应的正向影响作用越来越强烈.研究结论可为城市在动态制定碳减排政策时提供理论依据. 展开更多
关键词 居民家庭直接能耗碳排放 空间特征 影响因素 长三角地区
作者 黄炜 邬梦晓俊 魏丹青 《生态经济》 北大核心 2024年第9期153-160,共8页
具有负外部性的复杂环境政策对企业的影响和企业的应对策略之间缺乏联动性的整体研究,因此,论文提出DIIS政策文本分析法、DANP网络分析法和SPACE矩阵融合的企业环境政策响应模型(DDS),对“能耗双控”向“碳排放双控”转变形势下浙江省... 具有负外部性的复杂环境政策对企业的影响和企业的应对策略之间缺乏联动性的整体研究,因此,论文提出DIIS政策文本分析法、DANP网络分析法和SPACE矩阵融合的企业环境政策响应模型(DDS),对“能耗双控”向“碳排放双控”转变形势下浙江省工业企业的政策响应开展研究和实证分析。建立“能耗双控”和“碳排放双控”政策库,通过基于DIIS理论的政策文本分析,形成政策、经济、社会、技术四个维度的18项影响因素;结合问卷调研,通过DANP法分析得到8种企业类别的环境政策影响指标权重;进而将指标与权重映射到SPACE矩阵,最终得到不同企业的应对策略选择。结果表明:(1)不同类型的企业响应程度不同,国有企业偏向于响应政策调控,民营企业偏向于对市场竞争和技术突破做出响应;(2)产业链低碳转型等社会性的因素受到所有企业的关注,而资源倾斜、低碳人才培养、核算标准制定等因素普遍被企业忽视;(3)综合考虑不同企业响应策略,建议政府部门应针对企业特点精准施策。 展开更多
关键词 能耗双控”转“排放双控” 企业环境政策响应策略 DIIS DANP SPACE矩阵
火法炼铜能耗与碳排放情景分析——基于生命周期的视角 被引量:12
作者 曾广圆 杨建新 +1 位作者 宋小龙 吕彬 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期46-50,共5页
以火法炼铜全生命周期过程为研究对象,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,定量评价不同熔炼工艺生产铜过程的能源消耗和温室气体排放,并应用情景分析法,对2020年我国火法炼铜不同工艺技术结构下的能耗与碳排放强度进行比较,旨在为铜冶炼行业的... 以火法炼铜全生命周期过程为研究对象,采用生命周期评价(LCA)方法,定量评价不同熔炼工艺生产铜过程的能源消耗和温室气体排放,并应用情景分析法,对2020年我国火法炼铜不同工艺技术结构下的能耗与碳排放强度进行比较,旨在为铜冶炼行业的结构调整与优化升级提供决策支持。结果表明,基于鼓风熔炼、闪速熔炼和熔池熔炼工艺的火法生产铜过程的能耗分别为147.80×103,96.68×103,104.20×103MJ;其碳排放强度分别为15.32×103,8.99×103,10.01×103kg CO2当量。设定的4种情景的能耗分别为111.60×103,103.37×103,101.19×103,99.69×103MJ;其碳排放强度分别为10.87×103,9.87×103,9.60×103,9.40×103kg CO2当量。由此可知,传统工艺鼓风炉熔炼较闪速熔炼及熔池熔炼的能耗更高,且导致了更多的温室气体排放。因此,大力发展闪速熔炼及熔池熔炼技术对降低铜生命周期的能耗及碳排放具有重要意义,彻底淘汰传统熔炼工艺,推广先进熔炼技术是减少火法铜生产环境影响的迫切任务。 展开更多
关键词 生命周期评价 情景分析 能耗:排放
目的地旅游道路间接能耗与碳排放分析 被引量:2
作者 唐承财 穆松林 《生态经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期79-83,共5页
旅游道路是影响旅游目的地节能减排与可持续发展的关键因素之一。选择武陵源风景名胜区作为案例区,运用生命周期理论与物质流理论,构建旅游道路间接能耗与碳排放测度模型,运用自下而上法测度与分析1979~2010年武陵源风景名胜区的旅游道... 旅游道路是影响旅游目的地节能减排与可持续发展的关键因素之一。选择武陵源风景名胜区作为案例区,运用生命周期理论与物质流理论,构建旅游道路间接能耗与碳排放测度模型,运用自下而上法测度与分析1979~2010年武陵源风景名胜区的旅游道路间接能耗与碳排放。结果表明:(1)我国不同等级公路的每功能单位年均间接能耗与碳排放量呈现明显等级差异,高速公路八车道最高(5751.04 GJ与693 t),五级公路最低(38.34 GJ与4.62 t)。(2)武陵源旅游道路在1979~1989年间旅游道路间接消耗各类能源与排放的二氧化碳的年均增长率最高,分别均高于18.5%与18.63%,此后逐年下降,2005~2010年间呈现负增长率。(3)1979年武陵源风景名胜区旅游道路的年均间接能耗与年均间接碳排放分别为5827.70 GJ与702.24 t,2010年分别为68 414.46 GJ与8243.90 t。 展开更多
关键词 旅游道路 间接能耗排放 生命周期评价 旅游目的地 武陵源风景名胜区
近零能耗公共建筑示范工程全寿命期碳排放研究 被引量:11
作者 杨芯岩 于震 +3 位作者 张时聪 王骞 吕梦一 徐伟 《建筑科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期20-27,共8页
为了应对气候变化推动建筑领域节能减排,近零能耗建筑逐步从试点示范过度到规模化推广,由于用能需求的大幅下降和建筑用能结构的优化,近零能耗建筑的碳排放也较普通节能建筑大幅降低。本研究从建筑全寿命期角度出发,以我国10栋近零能耗... 为了应对气候变化推动建筑领域节能减排,近零能耗建筑逐步从试点示范过度到规模化推广,由于用能需求的大幅下降和建筑用能结构的优化,近零能耗建筑的碳排放也较普通节能建筑大幅降低。本研究从建筑全寿命期角度出发,以我国10栋近零能耗公共建筑示范工程为研究对象,对其涵盖建材生产和运输、建造和拆除、建筑运行阶段的实际碳排放进行量化研究。结果显示:与基准建筑相比,近零能耗建筑建材生产阶段碳排放会小幅增加,但仍可减少运行阶段56.3%和全寿命期43.5%的碳排放,如果考虑光伏,则运行阶段与全寿命期碳排放可以分别进一步降低71.5%及56.7%;寒冷地区近零能耗建筑,其运行阶段碳排放在全寿命期碳排放的占比从普通节能建筑的78.0%降低至60.2%,与电网清洁化、低碳建材应用以及装配式建造相比,将现行建筑节能设计标准提升至近零能耗建筑指标要求可降低建筑全寿命期碳排放44.3%,全寿命期减碳贡献最大。综合考虑多种减碳技术措施综合使用,寒冷地区近零能耗建筑全寿命期碳排放可由51.7 kgCO_(2)/(m^(2)·a)降低至16.1 kgCO_(2)/(m^(2)·a)。 展开更多
关键词 近零能耗建筑 公共建筑 运行能耗排放 全寿命期排放 措施
A comparison of the energy consumption and carbon emissions for different modes of transportation in open-cut coal mines 被引量:13
作者 Liu Fuming Cai Qingxiang +1 位作者 Chen Shuzhao Zhou Wei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第2期261-266,共6页
Transportation accounts for 80% of open-cut coal mine carbon emissions. With regard to the energy con- sumption and carbon emissions of transportation within an open-cut mine, this paper systematically compared the wo... Transportation accounts for 80% of open-cut coal mine carbon emissions. With regard to the energy con- sumption and carbon emissions of transportation within an open-cut mine, this paper systematically compared the work and energy consumption of a truck and belt conveyor on a theoretical basis, and con- structed a model to calculate the energy consumption of open-cut mine transportation. Life cycle carbon emission factors and power consumption calculation model were established through a Process Analysis- Life Cycle Analysis (PA-LCA). The following results were obtained: (1) the energy consumption of truck transportation was four to twelve times higher than that of the belt conveyor; (2) the C02 emissions from truck transportation were three to ten times higher than those of the belt conveyor; (3) with the increase in the slope angle for transportation, the ratio of truck to belt conveyor for both energy consumption and carbon emissions gradually decreased; (4) based on 2013 prices in China, the energy cost of transportation using a belt conveyor in open-cut coal mines could save 0.6-2.4 Yuan/(t kin) compared to truck transportation. 展开更多
关键词 Open-cut coal mine Mode of transportation Energy efficiency Carbon emission calculation
Research on Low Carbon and Reduction Emission for Transportation Industry in China
作者 SUN Xi 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第6期87-89,共3页
The low carbon of sustainable development of ecological economy is sweeping across the world. The logistic industry plays a key role in the economic development, which influences emission and impact of the theory of l... The low carbon of sustainable development of ecological economy is sweeping across the world. The logistic industry plays a key role in the economic development, which influences emission and impact of the theory of low carbon. This paper analyzes the energy consumption and carbon emission in different modes in transportation, and provides reasonable suggestions on low carbon and reduction emission for transportation industry in China. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSPORTATION Low Carbon Reduction Emission
Industrial Carbon Emissions Status and Analysis Based on Energy Consumption
作者 Cao Zi Shen Zhenyao 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第1期33-41,共9页
With frequent disastrous weathers and increasingly prominent GHG effects in recent years, normal existence and development of mankind are facing unprecedented threats and challenges. GHG emissions mitigation for the g... With frequent disastrous weathers and increasingly prominent GHG effects in recent years, normal existence and development of mankind are facing unprecedented threats and challenges. GHG emissions mitigation for the global climate changes has been the focus of concern of the world. As the biggest developing country and the second largest country of carbon-emission, China attaches importance to the carbon emission reduction. The major GHG component is carbon dioxide and in China, the emis- sion of carbon dioxide is mainly from industrial production. In the paper, the status and trend of Coz emission from industrial departments, high-carbon emission and its specific industries are shown in statistics. Meanwhile, the policy environment, industrial organization structure and technology of carbon high emission are all discussed based on practical situations in these departments and industries. At the end, through the analysis of gray correlation, correlativity is explored for both fossil energy consumption and total carbon emission, and also for the production value and carbon emission of each industrial sector. Some policy proposals for the establishment of low-carbon industries and transition of economic development pattern are set forth. 展开更多
关键词 industrial carbon emissions carbon intensity gray correlation emission reduction approach
Building Sector: The Different Ways to Improve Their Energetic Efficiency
作者 Clito Afonso Ricardo Pereira 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2016年第5期243-253,共11页
The building sector has a significant weight in the global energy consumption in almost of the countries. So, there is a high potential for increasing its energy efficiency. With the enforcement of the energetic certi... The building sector has a significant weight in the global energy consumption in almost of the countries. So, there is a high potential for increasing its energy efficiency. With the enforcement of the energetic certification, it was tried to select different solutions that presents less energy consumption and waste, as well as an effective reduction of CO2 emissions. This work fits in this perspective, since the main goal is to evaluate the contribution of passive and active solutions that can be used in buildings for the improvement of its energetic efficiency, as well as to evaluate the contribution of renewable energy sources. Contribution of solar systems for hot water heating and electric energy production has been studied, as well as cogeneration, Combined Heat and Power (CHP). The case studied is a hotel. To improve the building performance, there were proposed several changes, with the goal of evaluating the contribution of the different solutions proposed. It was concluded that they contribute to a reduction of thermal needs of 25.2% and avoided emissions of CO2 is 30.4%. The analysis of the implementation of trigeneration, Combined Heat, Cooling and Power (CHCP) turns it executable. The payback period is less than 8 years. 展开更多
关键词 CHP CHCP energy analysis avoided CO2 emissions economic analysis.
Intensity Calculation Using Input-Output Table and Case Study Regarding Embodied Energy/CO2 in Japan
作者 Makoto Yamamoto Keizo Yokoyama +2 位作者 Noriyoshi Yokoo Tatsuo Oka Takao Sawachi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2015年第3期321-330,共10页
The objective of this research is to quantify the EEC (embodied energy/CO2) of a building. The EEC represents the energy consumption and CO2 emissions at individual phases of a building's life-cycle, such as constr... The objective of this research is to quantify the EEC (embodied energy/CO2) of a building. The EEC represents the energy consumption and CO2 emissions at individual phases of a building's life-cycle, such as construction (including manufacture of materials and equipment), renewal (including repair work) and demolition. Energy and CO2 emission intensities in terms of 401 sectors were calculated, using the 2005 I-O (input-output) table in Japan. According to our case study conducted from the construction phase to demolition, the EC (embodied CO2) of an office building used for 60 years is 12,044 t-CO2 and 1,093 kg-CO2/m^2 in total. CO2 equivalent emissions (CO2e) by Freon gases, contained in building materials, equipment and devices, were also calculated. As the results, CO2e by insulators was 2% of the building's EC and CO2e by refrigerants was 9%-12% of the building's EC. It is important to keep reducing emissions of Freon gases contained in refrigerators. 展开更多
关键词 I-O table intensity of energy and CO2 embodied energy/CO〉
A Review of Energy Efficiency in Data Processing Centers
作者 C. Redondo A. Fern/mdez 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第4期361-372,共12页
This article explores, through a case study, measures of energy efficiency in data processing centers. An analysis of this case demonstrates how the design criteria could improve the rate of consumption in IT centers,... This article explores, through a case study, measures of energy efficiency in data processing centers. An analysis of this case demonstrates how the design criteria could improve the rate of consumption in IT centers, which is currently the second most contaminating industry on the planet, and is the responsible for 2% of CO2 emissions, surpassed only by the aeronautical industry. The present and future situation of IT center energy consumption and associated environmental effects is analyzed, and also looks at how state-of-the-art technology, correctly implemented, could ensure significant rationalization of data processing center energy consumption. The article will examine optimization techniques, specific problems and case studies. 展开更多
关键词 Energy management data processing centers energy efficiency.
Apply of Low-Carbon Technology in Building Energy Conservation in Hot Summer and Cold Winter Area
作者 Jianlong Liu Jinghua Yang Hanqing Wang Haiping Zhang Yiyu Chen 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2014年第2期292-297,共6页
Building energy conservation is the basis for carbon emission reduction, through elaborating the relationship between low carbon and energy efficient building. It points out that the construction of energy-saving emis... Building energy conservation is the basis for carbon emission reduction, through elaborating the relationship between low carbon and energy efficient building. It points out that the construction of energy-saving emission reduction is an effective means to solve the problems of high energy consumption of the building, and it is also an important measure for China's carbon emission reduction. According to the climate characteristics in hot summer and cold winter area, low carbon technology suitable for the construction of energy-efficient hot summer and cold winter area is proposed which is based on the analysis of the current main building energy-saving technical measures. 展开更多
关键词 Building energy conservation low-carbon building renewable energy.
Factors Influencing the Energy Efficiency of Tourism Transport in China 被引量:5
作者 王淑新 王根绪 方一平 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2016年第4期246-253,共8页
Transport is a major component of energy consumption and 002 emissions in travelling. Understanding changes in the energy efficiency of tourism transport (EETT) and factors affecting this is important to the promoti... Transport is a major component of energy consumption and 002 emissions in travelling. Understanding changes in the energy efficiency of tourism transport (EETT) and factors affecting this is important to the promotion of low-carbon tourism. This paper established a new method following the top to bottom principle and analyzed EETT variation characteristics and influencing factors from 1994 to 2013 in China. We found that the energy consumption of tourism transport (ECTT) increased from 178.21 PJ in 1994 to 565.82 PJ in 2013 at an average annual growth rate of 6.27%; CO2 emissions of tourism transport (CETT) went up from 14.96×10^6t to 47.94×10^6 t due to person-trip and trip distance growth. EETT went from 3.22×10^6 person-trips PJ^-1 in 1994 to 5.99×10^6 person-trips PJ^-1 in 2013 at an average annual growth rate of 4.90%, and the CO2 emissions of tourism transport unit person-trips (CETTU) shifted from 26.07 kg person-trips^-1 in 1994 to 14.01 kg person-trips^-1 in 2013. Energy intensity decline, scale effects and policy promotion were key factors that enhanced EETT. Meanwhile, trip mode changes and enjoyment-oriented transport hindered EETT. Based on our analysis, we suggest methods to decrease ECTT and CETT. and enhance EETT. 展开更多
关键词 tourism transport energy consumption 002 emissions energy efficiency influencing factors China
Construction of the Comprehensive Energy Consumption Assessment Model for Star-rated Hotels and the Difference Analysis 被引量:4
作者 黄崎 康建成 黄晨皓 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第3期164-171,共8页
Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of star-rated hotels in China, especially high- end star-rated hotels. Consequently, there are now approximately12 000 hotels in China. One bottleneck within the industr... Recent years have witnessed a rapid development of star-rated hotels in China, especially high- end star-rated hotels. Consequently, there are now approximately12 000 hotels in China. One bottleneck within the industry is its huge energy consumption and carbon emissions, but the development of a comprehensive energy consumption assessment has lagged. Here, a comprehensive energy consumption and carbon emission model suitable for hospitality is established, using comprehensive data collected for hotels over six years and with reference to general international methods, decomposition analysis methods as recommended by the IPCC, and related standards in China. Our study shows that the maximum comparable unit energy consumption per building area among four- and five-star hotels is 73.26 kg ce m-2 y-l. Through energy-saving reconstruction, the comprehensive energy consumption of five-star hotels has declined by 4.1% in six years and is smaller than the advanced comparable value of 55 kg ce m2 y4. The comparable unit energy consumption per area building of most two- and three-star hotels (53 kg ce m2 y-l) is higher than the reasonable value. There are large numbers of hotels of this type in China and the potential energy savings are huge. Analyzing factors of energy consumption, we found that indirect carbon emissions from electricity usage are the most significant. From an energy consumption structural perspective, Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System accounts for most energy consumption. This research provides a foundation for further examination of energy-savings, emission reduction plans and Monitoring Reporting Verification (MRV) in the hospitality sector. 展开更多
关键词 assessment model carbon emission energy consumption decomposition star-rated hotels energy-saving potential
Analysis of CO2 Emissions and the Mechanism of the Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(IEDS) in Resource-based Cities by Application of Geographical Detector Technology 被引量:3
作者 ZHANG Wang 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2019年第5期537-545,共9页
Resource-based cities are the most important players in responding to climate change and achieving low carbon development in China.An analysis of relevant data(such as the energy consumption)showed an inter-city diffe... Resource-based cities are the most important players in responding to climate change and achieving low carbon development in China.An analysis of relevant data(such as the energy consumption)showed an inter-city differentiation of CO2 emissions from energy consumption,and suggested an influence of the Industrial Enterprises above Designated Size(IEDS)in resource-based industrial cities at the prefecture level and above in different regions.Then by geographical detector technology,the sizes of each influencing mechanism on CO2 emissions from energy consumption of the IEDS were probed.This analysis showed that significant spatial differences exist for CO2 emissions from energy consumption and revealed several factors which influence the IEDS in resource-based cities.(1)In terms of unit employment,Eastern and Western resource-based cities are above the overall level of all resource-based cities;and only Coal resource-based cities far exceeded the overall level among all of the cities in the analysis.(2)In terms of unit gross industrial output value,the Eastern,Central and Western resources-based cities are all above the overall level for all the cities.Here also,only Coal resource-based cities far exceeded the overall level of all resources-based cities.Economic scale and energy structure are the main factors influencing CO2 emissions from energy consumption of the IEDS in resource-based cities.The factors influencing CO2 emissions in different regions and types of resource-based cities show significant spatial variations,and the degree of influence that any given factor exerts varies among different regions and types of resource-based cities.Therefore,individualized recommendations should be directed to different regions and types of resource-based cities,so that the strategies and measures of industrial low carbon and transformation should vary greatly according to the specific conditions that exist in each city. 展开更多
关键词 resource-based cities Industrial enterprises above designated size CO2 emissions from energy consumption mechanism analysis geographical detector
Iron ores matching analysis and optimization for iron-making system by taking energy consumption,CO2 emission or cost minimization as the objective 被引量:8
作者 SHEN Xun CHEN LinGen +2 位作者 XIA ShaoJun QIN XiaoYong XIE ZhiHui 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1625-1637,共13页
An optimization model for iron-making system covering sinter matching process to blast furnace process is established, in which the energy consumption, CO_2 emission and cost minimizations are taken as optimization ob... An optimization model for iron-making system covering sinter matching process to blast furnace process is established, in which the energy consumption, CO_2 emission and cost minimizations are taken as optimization objectives. Some key constraints are considered according to practical production experience in the modelling. The combination of linear programming(LP)and nonlinear programming(NLP) methods is applied. The optimal sinter matching scheme under given conditions and the optimization results for different objectives are obtained. Effects of sinter grade and basicity on all the optimal objectives and coke ratio in blast furnace process are analyzed, respectively. The results obtained indicate that compared with the initial values,the energy consumption/CO_2 emission of iron-making system decreases by 2.03% for objectives of energy consumption/CO_2 emission minimizations and 1.89% for the objective of cost minimization, the cost decreases by 17.88% and 18.13%, respectively.All the three criteria decrease with the increasing lump usage, coal powder injection, blast temperature, and decreasing coke ratio for the iron-making system. 展开更多
关键词 iron ore matching iron-making system minimum energy consumption minimum CO2 emission minimum cost performance optimization
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