An accurate accounting of land surface emissivity(ε) is important both for the retrieval of surface temperatures and the calculation of the longwave surface energy budgets.Since ε is one of the important parameteriz...An accurate accounting of land surface emissivity(ε) is important both for the retrieval of surface temperatures and the calculation of the longwave surface energy budgets.Since ε is one of the important parameterizations in land surface models(LSMs),accurate accounting also improves the accuracy of surface temperatures and sensible heat fluxes simulated by LSMs.In order to obtain an accurate emissivity,this paper focuses on estimating ε from data collected in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert by two different methods.In the first method,ε was derived from the surface broadband emissivity in the 8–14 μm thermal infrared atmospheric window,which was determined from spectral radiances observed by field measurements using a portable Fourier transform infrared spectrometer,the mean ε being 0.9051.The second method compared the observed and calculated heat fluxes under nearneutral atmospheric stability and estimated ε indirectly by minimizing the root-mean-square difference between them.The result of the second method found a mean value of 0.9042,which is consistent with the result by the first method.Although the two methods recover ε from different field experiments and data,the difference of meanvalues is 0.0009.The first method is superior to the indirect method,and is also more convenient.展开更多
The Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System atmospheric component model(FGOALS-f3-L)participated in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project,but its reproducibility of surf...The Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System atmospheric component model(FGOALS-f3-L)participated in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project,but its reproducibility of surface temperature(T_(s))over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)as a key climatically sensitive region remains unclear.This study evaluates the capability of FGOALS-f3-L in reproducing the climatological T_(s)over the TP relative to the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis.The results show that FGOALS-f3-L can reasonably capture the spatial pattern of T_(s)but underestimates the annual mean T_(s)for the whole TP.The simulated T_(s)for the whole TP shows a cold bias in winter and spring and a warm bias in summer and autumn.Further quantitative analysis based on the surface energy budget equation shows that the surface albedo feedback(SAF)term strongly contributes to the annual,winter,and spring mean cold bias in the western TP and to the warm bias in the eastern TP.Compared with the SAF term,the surface sensible and latent heat flux terms make nearly opposite contributions to the T_(s)bias and considerably offset the bias due to the SAF term.The cloud radiative forcing term strongly contributes to the annual and seasonal mean weak cold bias in the eastern TP.The longwave radiation term associated with the overestimated water vapor content accounts for a large portion of the warm bias over the whole TP in summer and autumn.Improving land surface and cloud processes in FGOALS-f3-L is critical to reduce the T_(s)bias over the TP.展开更多
In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapo...In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapotranspiration(ET) over the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.Land cover/land use was classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data,which were reconstructed based on the Savitzky-Golay filtering approach.The MODIS product Quality Assessment Science Data Sets(QA-SDS) was analyzed and all scenes with valid data covering more than 75% of the Sanjiang Plain were selected for the SEBAL modeling.This provided 12 overpasses during 184-day growing season from May 1st to October 31st,2006.Daily ET estimated by the SEBAL model was misestimaed at the range of-11.29% to 27.57% compared with that measured by Eddy Covariance system(10.52% on average).The validation results show that seasonal ET from the SEBAL model is comparable to that from ground observation within 8.86% of deviation.Our results reveal that the time series daily ET of different land cover/use increases from vegetation on-going until June or July and then decreases as vegetation senesced.Seasonal ET is lower in dry farmland(average(Ave):491 mm) and paddy field(Ave:522 mm) and increases in wetlands to more than 586 mm.As expected,higher seasonal ET values are observed for the Xingkai Lake in the southeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain(Ave:823 mm),broadleaf forest(Ave:666 mm) and mixed wood(Ave:622 mm) in the southern/western Sanjiang Plain.The ET estimation with SEBAL using MODIS products can provide decision support for operational water management issues.展开更多
Based on an attribution analysis of the global mean temperature biases in the Flexible Global Ocean- AtmOsphere-Land System model, spectral version 2 (FGOALS-s2) through a coupled atmosphere-surface ch- mate feedb...Based on an attribution analysis of the global mean temperature biases in the Flexible Global Ocean- AtmOsphere-Land System model, spectral version 2 (FGOALS-s2) through a coupled atmosphere-surface ch- mate feedback-response analysis method (CFRAM), the model's global surface-atmosphere energy balance in boreal winter and summer is examined. Within the en- ergy-balance-based CFRAM system, the model temperature biases are attributed to energy perturbations resulting from model biases in individual radiative and non-radia- tive processes in the atmosphere and at the surface. The results show that, although the global mean surface tem- perature (Ts) bias is only 0.38 K in January and 1.70 K in July, and the atmospheric temperature (Ta) biases from the troposphere to the stratosphere are only around +3 K at most, the temperature biases due to model biases in rep- resenting the individual radiative and non-radiative proc- esses are considerably large (over -4-10 K at most). Spe- cifically, the global cold radiative Ts bias, mainly due to the overestimated surface albedo, is compensated for by the global warm non-radiative Ts bias that is mainly due to the overestimated downward surface heat fluxes. The model biases in non-radiative processes in the lower tro- posphere (up to 5-15 K) are relatively much larger than in upper levels, which are mainly responsible for the warm Ta biases there. In contrast, the global mean cold ira biases in the mid-to-upper troposphere are mainly dominated by radiative processes. The warm/cold Ta biases in the lower/upper stratosphere are dominated by non-radiative processes, while the warm ira biases in the mid-strato- sphere can be attributed to the radiative ozone feedback process.展开更多
To determine the response of Litopenaeus vannamei to periodical salinity fluctuation, a 30-day experiment was conducted in laboratory. In this experiment, two salinity fluctuation amplitudes of 4(group S4) and 10(grou...To determine the response of Litopenaeus vannamei to periodical salinity fluctuation, a 30-day experiment was conducted in laboratory. In this experiment, two salinity fluctuation amplitudes of 4(group S4) and 10(group S10) were designed. The constant salinity of 30(group S0) was used as the control. Levels of shrimp growth, molting frequency(MF), cellular energy status(ATP, ADP and AMP), as well as the expression of genes encoding molt-inhibiting hormone(MIH), crustacean hyperglycemic hormone(CHH), ecdysteroid-regulated protein(ERP), and energy-related AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK) were determined. The results showed that periodical salinity fluctuation significantly influenced all indicators except MF which ranged from 13.3% in group S10 to15.4% in group S4. In comparison with shrimps cultured at the constant salinity of 30, those in group S4 showed a significant elevation in growth rate, food conversion efficiency, cellular energy status, ERP and MIH gene transcript abundance, and a significant reduction in CHH and AMPK transcript abundance(P < 0.05). However, salinity fluctuation of 10 only resulted in a significant variation in MIH and CHH gene expression when compared to the control(P < 0.05). According to our findings, L. vannamei may be highly capable of tolerating salinity fluctuation. When ambient salinity fluctuated at approx. 4, the increased MF and energy stores in organisms may aid to promoting shrimp growth.展开更多
The present explanatory study was carried out to investigate the relation between diabetes mellitus and food balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010, using published data. This study was conducted to i...The present explanatory study was carried out to investigate the relation between diabetes mellitus and food balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010, using published data. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between food balance and diabetes mellitus, using published data on food balances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2007, published by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2012 and Medical Technical papers and Scientific Reports published on Diabetes Mellitus in Saudi Arabia in an explanatory study. Food balance was calculated per capita and then its level of change was compared with changing of diabetes mellitus in the country. Results illustrated that Saudi citizen daily protein consumption (DPC) during 2005-2007 (g/capita/day) is higher than the average global consumption level of protein with 15.27%, daily fat consumption (DFC) with 24.56% and daily energy consumption (DEC) with 16.93% and increases than recommended level by International Nutrition Organizations (INO) with 56% for protein, 60.49% for fat and 27.37% for energy. On the other hand, DPC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 88.3 g/day to 82.36 g/day. Moreover, DFC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 3,247.90 Cal/capita/day to 3,176.43 Cal/capita/day, and daily energy consumption (DEC) of Saudi citizen increases than world consumption with 16.93%, while increases with 27.37% than INO. Despite this, DPC, DFC and DEC per capita in Saudi Arabia were still higher than world mean. On the other side, results illustrated that the number of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia during the same period (2005-2010). The curve of diabetic patient's number in Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010 is regular ascending with increasing level ranged between 7.10% in 2005 and 12.44% in 2010. It is essential to devise Saudi National Programme to educate the public about the relation of food balances and diabetes, so it could be avoided, and provide citizens with healthy dietary balances tables.展开更多
The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality ...The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality of the work piece. This in particular applies for manufacturing processes like milling, drilling and turning for high-value turbomachinery components like impellers, combustion engines and compressors of the aerospace and automotive industry as well as energy generation, which play a major role in modern societies. However, numerous analytical and experimental efforts have been conducted in order to understand the thermal conditions in metal cutting, yet many questions still prevail. Most models are based on a stationary point of view and do not include time dependent effects like in intensity and distribution varying heat sources, varying engagement conditions and progressive tool wear. In order to cover such transient physics an analytical approach based on Green's functions for the solution of the partial differential equations of unsteady heat conduction in solids is used to model entire transient temperature fields. The validation of the model is carried out in orthogonal cutting experiments not only punctually but also for entire temperature fields. For these experiments an integrated measurement of prevailing cutting force and temperature fields in the tool and the chip by means of high-speed thermography were applied. The thermal images were analyzed with regard to thermodynamic energy balancing in order to derive the heat partition between tool, chips and workpiece. The thus calculated heat flow into the tool was subsequently used in order to analytically model the transient volumetric temperature fields in the tool. The described methodology enables the modeling of the transient thermal state in the cutting zone and particular in the tool, which is directly linked to phenomena like tool wear and workpiece surface modifications.展开更多
The performance of a I-D soil model in a semiarid area of North China was investigated using observational data from a cropland station at the Tongyu reference site of the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP...The performance of a I-D soil model in a semiarid area of North China was investigated using observational data from a cropland station at the Tongyu reference site of the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) during the non-growing period, when the ground surface was covered with bare soil. Comparisons between simulated and observed soil surface energy balance components as well as soil temperatures and water contents were conducted to validate the soil model. Results show that the soil model could produce good simulations of soil surface temperature, net radiation flux, and sensible heat flux against observed values with the RMSE of 1.54℃, 7.71 W m^-2, and 27.79 W m^-2, respectively. The simulated volumetric soil water content is close to the observed values at various depths with the maximal difference between them being 0.03. Simulated latent heat and ground heat fluxes have relatively larger errors in relative to net radiation and sensible heat flux. In conclusion, the soil model has good capacity to simulate the bare soil surface energy balance at the Tongyu cropland station and needs to be further tested in longer period and at more sites in semiarid areas.展开更多
To satisfy the requirement of surface energy budget research on the meso- and micro-scale, a parameterization is developed to calculate high spatial resolution, clear-sky downward longwave radiation (DLR) from HJ-IB...To satisfy the requirement of surface energy budget research on the meso- and micro-scale, a parameterization is developed to calculate high spatial resolution, clear-sky downward longwave radiation (DLR) from HJ-IB thermal data. The DLR algorithm is established based on extensive radiative transfer simulation and statistical analysis. To address the problem that HJ-1B has a single thermal channel and lacks atmospheric information, the brightness temperature of HJ-1B and water vapor content are used in the algorithm. An accuracy evaluation and error analysis for the algorithm is conducted using a simulated radiation da- taset. The result shows that the algorithm performs well in most circumstances, but there is obvious underestimation when wa- ter vapor content is greater than 4 g/cm2. Error analysis indicates the accuracy of estimated DLRs is affected by uncertainties in input parameters, including water vapor content and top-of-atmosphere radiance. It is also affected by the difference between ground and near-surface air temperature. The algorithm is applied to actual HJ-1B data, and validated by ground data from six stations in the Heihe River and Haihe River basins. The estimated DLRs have good consistency with measured data except at Huazhaizi, and root mean square errors at most sites are around 20 W/m2, which is slightly better than the result of MODIS. There is significant overestimation of DLR at Huazhaizi during summer, which is mainly produced by the large ground-air temperature difference. A correction process based on temperature difference is proposed and applied at Huazhaizi. The result shows that the positive bias is largely diminished after correction.展开更多
The 1-year(2009-2010) measurements are analyzed of the urban surface energy balance(SEB) obtained from the sensors located at three vertical layers of a 325-m tower in downtown Beijing.Results show that:(1) The...The 1-year(2009-2010) measurements are analyzed of the urban surface energy balance(SEB) obtained from the sensors located at three vertical layers of a 325-m tower in downtown Beijing.Results show that:(1) The measurements from the 325-m tower represent the SEB characteristics of the cities located in semi-humid warm-temperate continental monsoon climate zone.In a typical hot and rainy summer,cold and dry winter,the measured Bowen ratio is minimum in summer and maximum in winter.The Bowen ratio measured at 140 m for spring,summer,autumn,and winter are 2.86,0.82,1.17,and 4.16 respectively.(2) At the height of 140-m(in the constant flux layer),the noontime albedo is ~0.10 for summer,~0.12 for spring and autumn,and ~0.14 for winter.The ratios of daytime sensible heat flux,latent heat flux,and storage heat flux to net radiation are 0.25,0.16,and 0.59 for clear-sky days,and 0.33,0.19,and 0.48 for cloudy days respectively.(3) Under clear-sky days,the nighttime sensible heat flux is almost zero,but the latent heat flux is greater than zero.For cloudy days,the nighttime sensible heat flux is slightly greater than the latent heat flux in winter.The nighttime upward heat flux is presumably due to the anthropogenic release(mainly latent heat for summer,while latent and sensible heat for winter).展开更多
Based on existing researches,here we theoretically summarized the characteristics of the atmospheric movement and turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer as well as the ideal and the actual mo...Based on existing researches,here we theoretically summarized the characteristics of the atmospheric movement and turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer as well as the ideal and the actual models for the turbulent transport.Then,using the data observed with eddy covariance at the semiarid climate and environment monitoring station(SACOL) in Lanzhou University from May to October during four consecutive years(September 2006-August 2010),we conducted a detailed analysis of the turbulent transport in the surface layer,through introducing the relative vertical turbulence intensity to characterize the turbulence strength,RIw=wn(wn+U),and also by adopting the method for controlling data quality at different levels.Our conclusions are:(1) The turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer must obey the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of matter,the observed and calculated energy in the surface layer must be balanced,or closed in theory,but the actual observed and calculated energy just approximates the ideal in some degree and is difficult to achieve the energy balance.(2) The energy closure rate depends much on the atmospheric state in the surface layer,and the energy closure rate increases generally with the relative vertical turbulence intensity.(3) By the way of controlling data quality at different levels,it is found that the degree of data quality control can affect the closure rate,but it does not change the fact that the energy closure rate depends on the atmospheric state.(4) The calculation method of surface soil heat flux can affect energy closure rate,but does not change its dependence on the atmospheric state.展开更多
Little is known about the surface energy balance problem for a complex underlying surface.Taking data from the Loess Plateau Land-surface Processes Experiment(LOPEX) and investigating the characteristics of the surfac...Little is known about the surface energy balance problem for a complex underlying surface.Taking data from the Loess Plateau Land-surface Processes Experiment(LOPEX) and investigating the characteristics of the surface energy balance over a complex underlying surface,this paper calculates the soil heat storage and vertical sensible heat advection,analyzes their contributions to the surface energy imbalance,and discusses the mechanism by which the vertical velocity and temperature gradient in the surface layer affect the vertical sensible heat advection transfer.We found that the vertical velocity in the surface layer provides the necessary dynamic power for vertical sensible heat advection,and a relatively strong temperature gradient is the energy source generating vertical sensible heat advection.Under an ascending condition,the effect of vertical sensible heat advection on the surface energy budget is more obvious.It is also found that when the soil heat storage term and the vertical sensible heat advection term are added to the energy balance equation,the imbalance significantly improves.The peak of average diurnal residuals decreases from 125.1 to 41.5 W m-2,the daily average absolute value of residuals falls from 59.0 to 26.4 W m-2,and the surface energy balance closure increases from 78.4% to 94.0%.展开更多
The observation stations of Northern China are divided into three regions:the arid Northwest China,the Loess Plateau,and the cool Northeast China.The consistencies,differences,and associated mechanisms of land surface...The observation stations of Northern China are divided into three regions:the arid Northwest China,the Loess Plateau,and the cool Northeast China.The consistencies,differences,and associated mechanisms of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes among the three regions were studied based on the normalization of major variables of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes,using data collected during prevailing summer monsoon period(July and August,2008).It is shown that differences of surface thermal-hydrologic processes are remarkable among the three regions because of different impacts of summer monsoon.Especially their soil wet layers occur at different depths,and the average albedo and its diurnal variations are distinctly different.Surface net short-wave radiation in the Loess Plateau is close to that in the cool Northeast China,but its surface net long-wave radiation is close to that in the arid Northwest China.And the ratio of net radiation to global solar radiation in the cool Northeast China is higher than the other two regions,though its temperature is lower.There are obvious regional differences in the ratios of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes to net radiation for the three regions because of distinct contribution of sensible and latent heat fluxesto land surface energy balance.The three regions are markedly different in the ratio of water vapor flux to pan evaporation,but they are consistent in the ratio of water vapor flux to precipitation.These results not only indicate different influences of climate and environmental factors on land surface thermal-hydrologic processes in the three regions,but also show that summer monsoon is important in the formation and variation of the pattern of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes.展开更多
Active layer thickness(ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the botto...Active layer thickness(ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the bottom of the active layer, a boundary layer between the equilibrium thermal state(in permafrost below) and transient thermal state(in the atmosphere and surface canopies above), is an important parameter to reflect the existence and thermal stability of permafrost. In this study, the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Model(GIPL) was used to model the spatial distribution of and changes in ALT and soil temperature in the Source Area of the Yellow River(SAYR), where continuous, discontinuous, and sporadic permafrost coexists with seasonally frozen ground. Monthly air temperatures downscaled from the CRU TS3.0 datasets, monthly snow depth derived from the passive microwave remote-sensing data SMMR and SSM/I, and vegetation patterns and soil properties at scale of 1:1000000 were used as input data after modified with GIS techniques. The model validation was carried out carefully with in-situ ALT in the SAYR interpolated from the field-measured soil temperature data. The results of the model indicate that the average ALT in the SAYR has significantly increased from 1.8 m in 1980 to 2.4 m in 2006 at an average rate of 2.2 cm yr–1. The mean annual temperature at the bottom of the active layer, or temperature at the top of permafrost(TTOP) rose substantially from –1.1°C in 1980 to –0.6°C in 2006 at an average rate of 0.018°C yr–1. The increasing rate of the ALT and TTOP has accelerated since 2000. Regional warming and degradation of permafrost has also occurred, and the changes in the areal extent of regions with a sub-zero TTOP shrank from 2.4×104 to 2.2×104 km2 at an average rate of 74 km2 yr–1. Changes of ALT and temperature have adversely affected the environmental stability in the SAYR.展开更多
Based on eddy covariance measurements over two kinds of land surfaces(a degraded grassland and a maize cropland)in a semiarid area of China in 2005 and 2008,the effects of different gap filling methods,energy balance ...Based on eddy covariance measurements over two kinds of land surfaces(a degraded grassland and a maize cropland)in a semiarid area of China in 2005 and 2008,the effects of different gap filling methods,energy balance closure and friction velocity threshold(u*)on annual net ecosystem exchange(NEE)were analyzed.Six gap filling methods,including mean diurnal variation(MDV),marginal distribution sampling(MDS),and nonlinear regressions method,were investigated by generating secondary datasets with four different artificial gap lengths(ranging in length from single half-hours to 12 consecutive days).The MDS generally showed a good overall performance especially for long gaps,with an annual sum bias error less than 5 g C m-2 yr-1.There was a large positive annual sum bias error for nonlinear regressions,indicating an overestimate on net ecosystem respiration.The offset in the annual sum NEE for four nonlinear regressions was from 8.0 to 30.8 g C m-2 yr-1.As soil water content was a limiting factor in the semiarid area,the nonlinear regressions considering both soil temperature and soil water content as controlling variables had a better performance than others.The performance of MDV was better in daytime than in nighttime,with an annual sum bias error falling between-2.6 and-13.4 g C m-2 yr-1.Overall,the accuracy of the gap filling method was dependent on the type of the land surface,gap length,and the time of day when the data gap occurred.The energy balance ratio for the two ecosystems was nearly 80%.Turbulent intensity had a large impact on energy balance ratio.Low energy balance ratio was observed under low friction velocity during the night.When there was a large fetch distance in a wind direction,a low energy balance ratio was caused by mismatch of the footprints between the available energy and turbulent fluxes.The effect of energy balance correction on CO2 flux was evaluated by assuming the imbalance caused by the underestimation of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux.The results showed an average increase of 10 g C m-2 yr-1 for annual NEE in both ecosystems with an energy balance correction.On the other hand,the u*threshold also have a large impact on annual sum NEE.Net carbon emission increased 37.5 g C m-2 yr-1 as u*threshold increased from 0.1 to 0.2 m s-1,indicating a large impact of imposing u*threshold on net ecosystem carbon exchange.展开更多
By using the global atmospheric general circulation model CAM4.0 including an urban canopy parameterization scheme,the possible impacts of large-scale urbanization in East China on East Asian winter monsoon was invest...By using the global atmospheric general circulation model CAM4.0 including an urban canopy parameterization scheme,the possible impacts of large-scale urbanization in East China on East Asian winter monsoon was investigated via idealized numerical experiments.Results suggest that large-scale urbanization can cause a significant warming effect in both surface temperature and air temperature near the surface over most areas of East China.Meanwhile,large-scale urbanization also alters the surface energy balance,causing evident increases in net surface long-wave radiation and sensible heat flux as well as intensified surface thermal heating to the atmosphere.Forced by the surface thermal heating anomalies induced by the large-scale urban expansion,East Asian winter monsoon circulation exhibits distinct changes.Overall,the extensive urbanization over East China will weaken East Asian winter monsoon,but intensify winter monsoon in northeast China.展开更多
The use of satellite thermal infrared information is being developed as a method of exploring current tectonic activity. To realize real world application, an objective, stable and testable thermal physical index that...The use of satellite thermal infrared information is being developed as a method of exploring current tectonic activity. To realize real world application, an objective, stable and testable thermal physical index that is simultaneously related with tectonic activity must be established. From the viewpoint of the energy balance, the land surface is a boundary where energy is exchanged between outer space and the solid Earth. Regardless of how complex the influencing factors are, the land surface is mainly affected by the Sun, atmosphere and underground heat. In this paper, first, the relationships among land surface temperature, solar radiation, atmospheric temperature and thermal information from underground are obtained employing a mathematic physical method based on the equation of heat conduction and energy balance at the land surface. Second, a thermal physical index called the geothermal flux index (GFI), which can provide the activity state of underground heat, is constructed. Third, the theoretical basis of the thermal physical index is verified using stable annual variations in land surface temperature and solar radiation. Finally, combined with known crustal deformations derived using a global positioning system, the effectiveness of the GFI in extracting field tectonic motion is tested. The results indicate that the GFI is effective in providing information on current tectonic activity.展开更多
基金sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41265002, 41130641, and 41175140)the Special Fund for Meteorology-scientific Research in the Public Interest of China (Grant No. GYHY201306066)
文摘An accurate accounting of land surface emissivity(ε) is important both for the retrieval of surface temperatures and the calculation of the longwave surface energy budgets.Since ε is one of the important parameterizations in land surface models(LSMs),accurate accounting also improves the accuracy of surface temperatures and sensible heat fluxes simulated by LSMs.In order to obtain an accurate emissivity,this paper focuses on estimating ε from data collected in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert by two different methods.In the first method,ε was derived from the surface broadband emissivity in the 8–14 μm thermal infrared atmospheric window,which was determined from spectral radiances observed by field measurements using a portable Fourier transform infrared spectrometer,the mean ε being 0.9051.The second method compared the observed and calculated heat fluxes under nearneutral atmospheric stability and estimated ε indirectly by minimizing the root-mean-square difference between them.The result of the second method found a mean value of 0.9042,which is consistent with the result by the first method.Although the two methods recover ε from different field experiments and data,the difference of meanvalues is 0.0009.The first method is superior to the indirect method,and is also more convenient.
基金supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China[grant number 2018YFC1505706]the National Natural Science Foundation of China[grant numbers 91937302,91737306,41975109]the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences[grant number XDA17010105]。
文摘The Chinese Academy of Sciences Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System atmospheric component model(FGOALS-f3-L)participated in Phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project,but its reproducibility of surface temperature(T_(s))over the Tibetan Plateau(TP)as a key climatically sensitive region remains unclear.This study evaluates the capability of FGOALS-f3-L in reproducing the climatological T_(s)over the TP relative to the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis.The results show that FGOALS-f3-L can reasonably capture the spatial pattern of T_(s)but underestimates the annual mean T_(s)for the whole TP.The simulated T_(s)for the whole TP shows a cold bias in winter and spring and a warm bias in summer and autumn.Further quantitative analysis based on the surface energy budget equation shows that the surface albedo feedback(SAF)term strongly contributes to the annual,winter,and spring mean cold bias in the western TP and to the warm bias in the eastern TP.Compared with the SAF term,the surface sensible and latent heat flux terms make nearly opposite contributions to the T_(s)bias and considerably offset the bias due to the SAF term.The cloud radiative forcing term strongly contributes to the annual and seasonal mean weak cold bias in the eastern TP.The longwave radiation term associated with the overestimated water vapor content accounts for a large portion of the warm bias over the whole TP in summer and autumn.Improving land surface and cloud processes in FGOALS-f3-L is critical to reduce the T_(s)bias over the TP.
基金Under the auspices of National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2010CB951304-5)National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 41101545,41030743)
文摘In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapotranspiration(ET) over the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.Land cover/land use was classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data,which were reconstructed based on the Savitzky-Golay filtering approach.The MODIS product Quality Assessment Science Data Sets(QA-SDS) was analyzed and all scenes with valid data covering more than 75% of the Sanjiang Plain were selected for the SEBAL modeling.This provided 12 overpasses during 184-day growing season from May 1st to October 31st,2006.Daily ET estimated by the SEBAL model was misestimaed at the range of-11.29% to 27.57% compared with that measured by Eddy Covariance system(10.52% on average).The validation results show that seasonal ET from the SEBAL model is comparable to that from ground observation within 8.86% of deviation.Our results reveal that the time series daily ET of different land cover/use increases from vegetation on-going until June or July and then decreases as vegetation senesced.Seasonal ET is lower in dry farmland(average(Ave):491 mm) and paddy field(Ave:522 mm) and increases in wetlands to more than 586 mm.As expected,higher seasonal ET values are observed for the Xingkai Lake in the southeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain(Ave:823 mm),broadleaf forest(Ave:666 mm) and mixed wood(Ave:622 mm) in the southern/western Sanjiang Plain.The ET estimation with SEBAL using MODIS products can provide decision support for operational water management issues.
基金jointly supported by the Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry(Meteorology)(Grant No.GYHY201406001)Science Foundation of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA11010402)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.91437105)
文摘Based on an attribution analysis of the global mean temperature biases in the Flexible Global Ocean- AtmOsphere-Land System model, spectral version 2 (FGOALS-s2) through a coupled atmosphere-surface ch- mate feedback-response analysis method (CFRAM), the model's global surface-atmosphere energy balance in boreal winter and summer is examined. Within the en- ergy-balance-based CFRAM system, the model temperature biases are attributed to energy perturbations resulting from model biases in individual radiative and non-radia- tive processes in the atmosphere and at the surface. The results show that, although the global mean surface tem- perature (Ts) bias is only 0.38 K in January and 1.70 K in July, and the atmospheric temperature (Ta) biases from the troposphere to the stratosphere are only around +3 K at most, the temperature biases due to model biases in rep- resenting the individual radiative and non-radiative proc- esses are considerably large (over -4-10 K at most). Spe- cifically, the global cold radiative Ts bias, mainly due to the overestimated surface albedo, is compensated for by the global warm non-radiative Ts bias that is mainly due to the overestimated downward surface heat fluxes. The model biases in non-radiative processes in the lower tro- posphere (up to 5-15 K) are relatively much larger than in upper levels, which are mainly responsible for the warm Ta biases there. In contrast, the global mean cold ira biases in the mid-to-upper troposphere are mainly dominated by radiative processes. The warm/cold Ta biases in the lower/upper stratosphere are dominated by non-radiative processes, while the warm ira biases in the mid-strato- sphere can be attributed to the radiative ozone feedback process.
基金supported by the project of Natural Science Foundation of Shandong Province (ZR2014 CM042)the project of Marine Biotechnology Key Laboratory Opening Topic Fund of Guangxi (Grant No. GLMBT-201501)
文摘To determine the response of Litopenaeus vannamei to periodical salinity fluctuation, a 30-day experiment was conducted in laboratory. In this experiment, two salinity fluctuation amplitudes of 4(group S4) and 10(group S10) were designed. The constant salinity of 30(group S0) was used as the control. Levels of shrimp growth, molting frequency(MF), cellular energy status(ATP, ADP and AMP), as well as the expression of genes encoding molt-inhibiting hormone(MIH), crustacean hyperglycemic hormone(CHH), ecdysteroid-regulated protein(ERP), and energy-related AMP-activated protein kinase(AMPK) were determined. The results showed that periodical salinity fluctuation significantly influenced all indicators except MF which ranged from 13.3% in group S10 to15.4% in group S4. In comparison with shrimps cultured at the constant salinity of 30, those in group S4 showed a significant elevation in growth rate, food conversion efficiency, cellular energy status, ERP and MIH gene transcript abundance, and a significant reduction in CHH and AMPK transcript abundance(P < 0.05). However, salinity fluctuation of 10 only resulted in a significant variation in MIH and CHH gene expression when compared to the control(P < 0.05). According to our findings, L. vannamei may be highly capable of tolerating salinity fluctuation. When ambient salinity fluctuated at approx. 4, the increased MF and energy stores in organisms may aid to promoting shrimp growth.
文摘The present explanatory study was carried out to investigate the relation between diabetes mellitus and food balance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010, using published data. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between food balance and diabetes mellitus, using published data on food balances in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during 2005-2007, published by the Ministry of Agriculture in 2012 and Medical Technical papers and Scientific Reports published on Diabetes Mellitus in Saudi Arabia in an explanatory study. Food balance was calculated per capita and then its level of change was compared with changing of diabetes mellitus in the country. Results illustrated that Saudi citizen daily protein consumption (DPC) during 2005-2007 (g/capita/day) is higher than the average global consumption level of protein with 15.27%, daily fat consumption (DFC) with 24.56% and daily energy consumption (DEC) with 16.93% and increases than recommended level by International Nutrition Organizations (INO) with 56% for protein, 60.49% for fat and 27.37% for energy. On the other hand, DPC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 88.3 g/day to 82.36 g/day. Moreover, DFC per capita in Saudi Arabia decreased during the period 2008-2010 from 3,247.90 Cal/capita/day to 3,176.43 Cal/capita/day, and daily energy consumption (DEC) of Saudi citizen increases than world consumption with 16.93%, while increases with 27.37% than INO. Despite this, DPC, DFC and DEC per capita in Saudi Arabia were still higher than world mean. On the other side, results illustrated that the number of diabetic patients in Saudi Arabia during the same period (2005-2010). The curve of diabetic patient's number in Saudi Arabia during 2005-2010 is regular ascending with increasing level ranged between 7.10% in 2005 and 12.44% in 2010. It is essential to devise Saudi National Programme to educate the public about the relation of food balances and diabetes, so it could be avoided, and provide citizens with healthy dietary balances tables.
文摘The thermal conditions like the temperature distribution and the heat fluxes during metal cutting have a major influence on the machinability, the tool lifetime, the metallurgical structure and thus the functionality of the work piece. This in particular applies for manufacturing processes like milling, drilling and turning for high-value turbomachinery components like impellers, combustion engines and compressors of the aerospace and automotive industry as well as energy generation, which play a major role in modern societies. However, numerous analytical and experimental efforts have been conducted in order to understand the thermal conditions in metal cutting, yet many questions still prevail. Most models are based on a stationary point of view and do not include time dependent effects like in intensity and distribution varying heat sources, varying engagement conditions and progressive tool wear. In order to cover such transient physics an analytical approach based on Green's functions for the solution of the partial differential equations of unsteady heat conduction in solids is used to model entire transient temperature fields. The validation of the model is carried out in orthogonal cutting experiments not only punctually but also for entire temperature fields. For these experiments an integrated measurement of prevailing cutting force and temperature fields in the tool and the chip by means of high-speed thermography were applied. The thermal images were analyzed with regard to thermodynamic energy balancing in order to derive the heat partition between tool, chips and workpiece. The thus calculated heat flow into the tool was subsequently used in order to analytically model the transient volumetric temperature fields in the tool. The described methodology enables the modeling of the transient thermal state in the cutting zone and particular in the tool, which is directly linked to phenomena like tool wear and workpiece surface modifications.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2009CB723904
文摘The performance of a I-D soil model in a semiarid area of North China was investigated using observational data from a cropland station at the Tongyu reference site of the Coordinated Enhanced Observing Period (CEOP) during the non-growing period, when the ground surface was covered with bare soil. Comparisons between simulated and observed soil surface energy balance components as well as soil temperatures and water contents were conducted to validate the soil model. Results show that the soil model could produce good simulations of soil surface temperature, net radiation flux, and sensible heat flux against observed values with the RMSE of 1.54℃, 7.71 W m^-2, and 27.79 W m^-2, respectively. The simulated volumetric soil water content is close to the observed values at various depths with the maximal difference between them being 0.03. Simulated latent heat and ground heat fluxes have relatively larger errors in relative to net radiation and sensible heat flux. In conclusion, the soil model has good capacity to simulate the bare soil surface energy balance at the Tongyu cropland station and needs to be further tested in longer period and at more sites in semiarid areas.
基金supported by Knowledge Innovation Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.KZCX2-YW-Q10-2-2)National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No.40971204)+1 种基金National High-tech R&D Program of China(Grant No.2012AA12A304)R&D Special Fund for Public Welfare Industry(Meteorology)(Grant No.GYHY200706046-1)
文摘To satisfy the requirement of surface energy budget research on the meso- and micro-scale, a parameterization is developed to calculate high spatial resolution, clear-sky downward longwave radiation (DLR) from HJ-IB thermal data. The DLR algorithm is established based on extensive radiative transfer simulation and statistical analysis. To address the problem that HJ-1B has a single thermal channel and lacks atmospheric information, the brightness temperature of HJ-1B and water vapor content are used in the algorithm. An accuracy evaluation and error analysis for the algorithm is conducted using a simulated radiation da- taset. The result shows that the algorithm performs well in most circumstances, but there is obvious underestimation when wa- ter vapor content is greater than 4 g/cm2. Error analysis indicates the accuracy of estimated DLRs is affected by uncertainties in input parameters, including water vapor content and top-of-atmosphere radiance. It is also affected by the difference between ground and near-surface air temperature. The algorithm is applied to actual HJ-1B data, and validated by ground data from six stations in the Heihe River and Haihe River basins. The estimated DLRs have good consistency with measured data except at Huazhaizi, and root mean square errors at most sites are around 20 W/m2, which is slightly better than the result of MODIS. There is significant overestimation of DLR at Huazhaizi during summer, which is mainly produced by the large ground-air temperature difference. A correction process based on temperature difference is proposed and applied at Huazhaizi. The result shows that the positive bias is largely diminished after correction.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 41175015)the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (Grant Nos. GYHY200906026,GYHY201106050,2008BAC37B04,and 2006BAJ02A01)
文摘The 1-year(2009-2010) measurements are analyzed of the urban surface energy balance(SEB) obtained from the sensors located at three vertical layers of a 325-m tower in downtown Beijing.Results show that:(1) The measurements from the 325-m tower represent the SEB characteristics of the cities located in semi-humid warm-temperate continental monsoon climate zone.In a typical hot and rainy summer,cold and dry winter,the measured Bowen ratio is minimum in summer and maximum in winter.The Bowen ratio measured at 140 m for spring,summer,autumn,and winter are 2.86,0.82,1.17,and 4.16 respectively.(2) At the height of 140-m(in the constant flux layer),the noontime albedo is ~0.10 for summer,~0.12 for spring and autumn,and ~0.14 for winter.The ratios of daytime sensible heat flux,latent heat flux,and storage heat flux to net radiation are 0.25,0.16,and 0.59 for clear-sky days,and 0.33,0.19,and 0.48 for cloudy days respectively.(3) Under clear-sky days,the nighttime sensible heat flux is almost zero,but the latent heat flux is greater than zero.For cloudy days,the nighttime sensible heat flux is slightly greater than the latent heat flux in winter.The nighttime upward heat flux is presumably due to the anthropogenic release(mainly latent heat for summer,while latent and sensible heat for winter).
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 40775017)National Basic Research Program of China(Grant No. 2012CB956200)
文摘Based on existing researches,here we theoretically summarized the characteristics of the atmospheric movement and turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer as well as the ideal and the actual models for the turbulent transport.Then,using the data observed with eddy covariance at the semiarid climate and environment monitoring station(SACOL) in Lanzhou University from May to October during four consecutive years(September 2006-August 2010),we conducted a detailed analysis of the turbulent transport in the surface layer,through introducing the relative vertical turbulence intensity to characterize the turbulence strength,RIw=wn(wn+U),and also by adopting the method for controlling data quality at different levels.Our conclusions are:(1) The turbulent transport of energy and substance in the surface layer must obey the law of conservation of energy and the law of conservation of matter,the observed and calculated energy in the surface layer must be balanced,or closed in theory,but the actual observed and calculated energy just approximates the ideal in some degree and is difficult to achieve the energy balance.(2) The energy closure rate depends much on the atmospheric state in the surface layer,and the energy closure rate increases generally with the relative vertical turbulence intensity.(3) By the way of controlling data quality at different levels,it is found that the degree of data quality control can affect the closure rate,but it does not change the fact that the energy closure rate depends on the atmospheric state.(4) The calculation method of surface soil heat flux can affect energy closure rate,but does not change its dependence on the atmospheric state.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.40830597)the Public Welfare Research Project of China (Grant No.GYHY200806021)
文摘Little is known about the surface energy balance problem for a complex underlying surface.Taking data from the Loess Plateau Land-surface Processes Experiment(LOPEX) and investigating the characteristics of the surface energy balance over a complex underlying surface,this paper calculates the soil heat storage and vertical sensible heat advection,analyzes their contributions to the surface energy imbalance,and discusses the mechanism by which the vertical velocity and temperature gradient in the surface layer affect the vertical sensible heat advection transfer.We found that the vertical velocity in the surface layer provides the necessary dynamic power for vertical sensible heat advection,and a relatively strong temperature gradient is the energy source generating vertical sensible heat advection.Under an ascending condition,the effect of vertical sensible heat advection on the surface energy budget is more obvious.It is also found that when the soil heat storage term and the vertical sensible heat advection term are added to the energy balance equation,the imbalance significantly improves.The peak of average diurnal residuals decreases from 125.1 to 41.5 W m-2,the daily average absolute value of residuals falls from 59.0 to 26.4 W m-2,and the surface energy balance closure increases from 78.4% to 94.0%.
基金supported by State Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40830957)Public Welfare Research Project of China (Grant No. GYHY200806021)
文摘The observation stations of Northern China are divided into three regions:the arid Northwest China,the Loess Plateau,and the cool Northeast China.The consistencies,differences,and associated mechanisms of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes among the three regions were studied based on the normalization of major variables of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes,using data collected during prevailing summer monsoon period(July and August,2008).It is shown that differences of surface thermal-hydrologic processes are remarkable among the three regions because of different impacts of summer monsoon.Especially their soil wet layers occur at different depths,and the average albedo and its diurnal variations are distinctly different.Surface net short-wave radiation in the Loess Plateau is close to that in the cool Northeast China,but its surface net long-wave radiation is close to that in the arid Northwest China.And the ratio of net radiation to global solar radiation in the cool Northeast China is higher than the other two regions,though its temperature is lower.There are obvious regional differences in the ratios of surface sensible and latent heat fluxes to net radiation for the three regions because of distinct contribution of sensible and latent heat fluxesto land surface energy balance.The three regions are markedly different in the ratio of water vapor flux to pan evaporation,but they are consistent in the ratio of water vapor flux to precipitation.These results not only indicate different influences of climate and environmental factors on land surface thermal-hydrologic processes in the three regions,but also show that summer monsoon is important in the formation and variation of the pattern of land surface thermal-hydrologic processes.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 41301068, 41121061)the State Key Laboratory of Frozen Soils Engineering (Grant No. Y252J41001,)the Foundation for Excellent Youth Scholars of CAREERI, CAS (Grant No. 51Y351051)
文摘Active layer thickness(ALT) is critical to the understanding of the surface energy balance, hydrological cycles, plant growth, and cold region engineering projects in permafrost regions. The temperature at the bottom of the active layer, a boundary layer between the equilibrium thermal state(in permafrost below) and transient thermal state(in the atmosphere and surface canopies above), is an important parameter to reflect the existence and thermal stability of permafrost. In this study, the Geophysical Institute Permafrost Model(GIPL) was used to model the spatial distribution of and changes in ALT and soil temperature in the Source Area of the Yellow River(SAYR), where continuous, discontinuous, and sporadic permafrost coexists with seasonally frozen ground. Monthly air temperatures downscaled from the CRU TS3.0 datasets, monthly snow depth derived from the passive microwave remote-sensing data SMMR and SSM/I, and vegetation patterns and soil properties at scale of 1:1000000 were used as input data after modified with GIS techniques. The model validation was carried out carefully with in-situ ALT in the SAYR interpolated from the field-measured soil temperature data. The results of the model indicate that the average ALT in the SAYR has significantly increased from 1.8 m in 1980 to 2.4 m in 2006 at an average rate of 2.2 cm yr–1. The mean annual temperature at the bottom of the active layer, or temperature at the top of permafrost(TTOP) rose substantially from –1.1°C in 1980 to –0.6°C in 2006 at an average rate of 0.018°C yr–1. The increasing rate of the ALT and TTOP has accelerated since 2000. Regional warming and degradation of permafrost has also occurred, and the changes in the areal extent of regions with a sub-zero TTOP shrank from 2.4×104 to 2.2×104 km2 at an average rate of 74 km2 yr–1. Changes of ALT and temperature have adversely affected the environmental stability in the SAYR.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant Nos.41275023,41021004))Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(Grant No.XDA05110102)
文摘Based on eddy covariance measurements over two kinds of land surfaces(a degraded grassland and a maize cropland)in a semiarid area of China in 2005 and 2008,the effects of different gap filling methods,energy balance closure and friction velocity threshold(u*)on annual net ecosystem exchange(NEE)were analyzed.Six gap filling methods,including mean diurnal variation(MDV),marginal distribution sampling(MDS),and nonlinear regressions method,were investigated by generating secondary datasets with four different artificial gap lengths(ranging in length from single half-hours to 12 consecutive days).The MDS generally showed a good overall performance especially for long gaps,with an annual sum bias error less than 5 g C m-2 yr-1.There was a large positive annual sum bias error for nonlinear regressions,indicating an overestimate on net ecosystem respiration.The offset in the annual sum NEE for four nonlinear regressions was from 8.0 to 30.8 g C m-2 yr-1.As soil water content was a limiting factor in the semiarid area,the nonlinear regressions considering both soil temperature and soil water content as controlling variables had a better performance than others.The performance of MDV was better in daytime than in nighttime,with an annual sum bias error falling between-2.6 and-13.4 g C m-2 yr-1.Overall,the accuracy of the gap filling method was dependent on the type of the land surface,gap length,and the time of day when the data gap occurred.The energy balance ratio for the two ecosystems was nearly 80%.Turbulent intensity had a large impact on energy balance ratio.Low energy balance ratio was observed under low friction velocity during the night.When there was a large fetch distance in a wind direction,a low energy balance ratio was caused by mismatch of the footprints between the available energy and turbulent fluxes.The effect of energy balance correction on CO2 flux was evaluated by assuming the imbalance caused by the underestimation of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux.The results showed an average increase of 10 g C m-2 yr-1 for annual NEE in both ecosystems with an energy balance correction.On the other hand,the u*threshold also have a large impact on annual sum NEE.Net carbon emission increased 37.5 g C m-2 yr-1 as u*threshold increased from 0.1 to 0.2 m s-1,indicating a large impact of imposing u*threshold on net ecosystem carbon exchange.
基金supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2010CB428505 and 2011CB952004)Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institu-tions(PAPD)
文摘By using the global atmospheric general circulation model CAM4.0 including an urban canopy parameterization scheme,the possible impacts of large-scale urbanization in East China on East Asian winter monsoon was investigated via idealized numerical experiments.Results suggest that large-scale urbanization can cause a significant warming effect in both surface temperature and air temperature near the surface over most areas of East China.Meanwhile,large-scale urbanization also alters the surface energy balance,causing evident increases in net surface long-wave radiation and sensible heat flux as well as intensified surface thermal heating to the atmosphere.Forced by the surface thermal heating anomalies induced by the large-scale urban expansion,East Asian winter monsoon circulation exhibits distinct changes.Overall,the extensive urbanization over East China will weaken East Asian winter monsoon,but intensify winter monsoon in northeast China.
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 40902095)Basic Research Funds from the Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration (Grant No. DF-IGCEA-0608-2-6)the State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics (Project No. LED2009A07)
文摘The use of satellite thermal infrared information is being developed as a method of exploring current tectonic activity. To realize real world application, an objective, stable and testable thermal physical index that is simultaneously related with tectonic activity must be established. From the viewpoint of the energy balance, the land surface is a boundary where energy is exchanged between outer space and the solid Earth. Regardless of how complex the influencing factors are, the land surface is mainly affected by the Sun, atmosphere and underground heat. In this paper, first, the relationships among land surface temperature, solar radiation, atmospheric temperature and thermal information from underground are obtained employing a mathematic physical method based on the equation of heat conduction and energy balance at the land surface. Second, a thermal physical index called the geothermal flux index (GFI), which can provide the activity state of underground heat, is constructed. Third, the theoretical basis of the thermal physical index is verified using stable annual variations in land surface temperature and solar radiation. Finally, combined with known crustal deformations derived using a global positioning system, the effectiveness of the GFI in extracting field tectonic motion is tested. The results indicate that the GFI is effective in providing information on current tectonic activity.