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乳腺癌术后卵巢脂质细胞瘤1例 被引量:1
作者 闫西红 王海波 +3 位作者 周爱玲 张爱群 高丽彩 赵金荣 《白求恩军医学院学报》 2012年第5期382-382,447,共2页
1病例介绍患者,43岁,主因左下腹不适2d于2010年4月10日入院。患者自述2d前出现左下腹坠胀、呈持续性,逐渐加重,伴腰酸、恶心,无呕吐,门诊以"盆腔肿物"收入我科。2年前患者因右乳腺癌行根治术,术后一直口服枸橼酸托瑞米芬片60mg,1次/d... 1病例介绍患者,43岁,主因左下腹不适2d于2010年4月10日入院。患者自述2d前出现左下腹坠胀、呈持续性,逐渐加重,伴腰酸、恶心,无呕吐,门诊以"盆腔肿物"收入我科。2年前患者因右乳腺癌行根治术,术后一直口服枸橼酸托瑞米芬片60mg,1次/d。平素月经规律,量中,无痛经。孕2产1。查体:体温36.1℃,脉搏78次/min,呼吸20次/min,血压100/60mmHg,体重53kg,贫血貌,右侧胸壁可见长约20cm手术切口瘢痕,右乳腺缺如,左乳腺检查未发现异常。下腹膨隆,左下腹压痛,无反跳痛及肌紧张。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺癌 卵巢脂质细胞瘤 诊治
作者 王生录 刘亚平 +2 位作者 姜小军 朱平桥 丁玲 《宁夏医学杂志》 CAS 2005年第12期818-818,F0003,共2页
关键词 卵巢 脂质细胞瘤 病理
作者 李燕 《实用妇产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第7期440-440,共1页
关键词 卵巢肿物 脂质细胞瘤 诊2 面部痤疮 病例报告 月经正常 足月顺产 月经来潮
作者 孙春荣 孙翠珍 宗宝娥 《中国罕少见病杂志》 1996年第3期52-53,共2页
患者19岁.主因月经周期紊乱3年多食多饮多尿血压增高半年于1986年10月13日入院。患者3年前无明显诱因出现月经周期系乱,经期延长,经量减少.并发现面部逐渐变红,眉毛、口唇周围、全身汉毛、腋毛及阴毛变浓密,且发育良好的乳房变平... 患者19岁.主因月经周期紊乱3年多食多饮多尿血压增高半年于1986年10月13日入院。患者3年前无明显诱因出现月经周期系乱,经期延长,经量减少.并发现面部逐渐变红,眉毛、口唇周围、全身汉毛、腋毛及阴毛变浓密,且发育良好的乳房变平,说话声音变粗。半年前因多食、多饮、下肢肿胀及全身乏力去当地医院检查发现血压增高,诊为肾病治疗无效。 展开更多
关键词 脂质细胞瘤 卵巢 月经周期紊乱 血压增高 多饮多尿 经期延长 经量减少 医院检查 全身乏力 下肢肿胀 肾病治疗 多食 患者
作者 范立慧 叶丽 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2011年第25期248-248,共1页
病历报告 患者,42岁,G8P1A6,主因"阴道不规则出血1个月",于2009年2月12日入院.患者自2007年3月始不明诱因出现月经不规则周期15~30天,月经量多,多次子宫附件B超未发现明显异常,口服对症药物(具体不详)效欠佳.2008年10月因考虑IUD... 病历报告 患者,42岁,G8P1A6,主因"阴道不规则出血1个月",于2009年2月12日入院.患者自2007年3月始不明诱因出现月经不规则周期15~30天,月经量多,多次子宫附件B超未发现明显异常,口服对症药物(具体不详)效欠佳.2008年10月因考虑IUD副作用遂行取环术,术后未采取避孕措施.2008年12月9日月经复潮,经量如常,LMP 2009年1月12日,行经后出血量多伴凝血块,无明显肉样物及水泡样物排出,不伴腹痛,药物治疗无效,子宫附件B超提示未见明显异常,于2009年1月17日行诊刮术,术后病检示:蜕膜样组织.血HCG 141IU/ml. 展开更多
关键词 脂质细胞瘤 术前漏诊 子宫肌 2009年 阴道不规则出血 卵巢 月经量多 子宫附件
卵巢伴有支持细胞瘤分化的环管状性索瘤及脂质细胞瘤一例 被引量:1
作者 田扬顺 黄高昇 《中华病理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第2期153-154,共2页
关键词 卵巢肿 环管状性索 脂质细胞瘤 病理诊断
卵巢脂质细胞瘤1例 被引量:1
作者 董春玉 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期144-144,共1页
关键词 卵巢脂质细胞瘤 治疗 全子宫切除术 双附件切除术
作者 刘汉立 蒋彦锋 +1 位作者 桑力轩 姜敏 《中华消化杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期107-107,共1页
患者女,38岁,因腹胀半年入院。体检:全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,双肺呼吸音清,腹部稍饱满,全腹软,无压痛,肝脾肋下未触及,未触及腹部包块,移动性浊音阳性,双下肢无浮肿。血CA-125 1160U/L,血睾酮0.99nmmol/L,皮质醇181.2nm... 患者女,38岁,因腹胀半年入院。体检:全身浅表淋巴结无肿大,双肺呼吸音清,腹部稍饱满,全腹软,无压痛,肝脾肋下未触及,未触及腹部包块,移动性浊音阳性,双下肢无浮肿。血CA-125 1160U/L,血睾酮0.99nmmol/L,皮质醇181.2nmmol/L,促肾上腺皮质激素〈10pg/ml。腹水三酰甘油35.06mmol/L,腹水胆固醇3.44mmol/L,腹水癌胚抗原(CEA)正常,腹水CA-125 1054U/ml。 展开更多
关键词 乳糜样腹水 脂质细胞瘤 临床表现 血CA-125 癌胚抗原(CEA) 促肾上腺皮激素 腹部包块 浅表淋巴结
作者 段玉英 张晶晶 郭新华 《中华超声影像学杂志》 CSCD 2007年第2期127-127,共1页
患者女,16岁。因月经间期出血半年,月经量增多、下腹痛、盆腔肿块2个月入院。查体:肥胖,全身多毛,胸背部痤疮。实验室检查:血泌乳素5.20ng/ml,睾酮1.97ng/ml。经直肠超声检查:子宫正常大小,肌壁回声均无均匀,宫腔内未见异常... 患者女,16岁。因月经间期出血半年,月经量增多、下腹痛、盆腔肿块2个月入院。查体:肥胖,全身多毛,胸背部痤疮。实验室检查:血泌乳素5.20ng/ml,睾酮1.97ng/ml。经直肠超声检查:子宫正常大小,肌壁回声均无均匀,宫腔内未见异常声。右附件区实性肿块,大小为6.1cm×6.0cm×5.5cm,圆形,周边回声减低,边界清,周边温及星点状血流信号(图1)。 展开更多
关键词 脂质细胞瘤 超声表现 经直肠超声检查 卵巢 经间期出血 月经量增多 实验室检查 盆腔肿块
脂质化纤维组织细胞瘤临床病理观察 被引量:4
作者 刘晓斌 郑原印 《检验医学与临床》 CAS 2016年第6期860-861,共2页
脂质化纤维组织细胞瘤是一种罕见的、尚未被较好认识的皮肤真皮纤维瘤的亚型,肿瘤主要由大量的泡沫状细胞及其周围网格状玻璃样变的胶原纤维构成[1-2]。本文报道1例会阴部脂质化纤维组织细胞瘤,并复习相关文献。1资料与方法1.1一般资料... 脂质化纤维组织细胞瘤是一种罕见的、尚未被较好认识的皮肤真皮纤维瘤的亚型,肿瘤主要由大量的泡沫状细胞及其周围网格状玻璃样变的胶原纤维构成[1-2]。本文报道1例会阴部脂质化纤维组织细胞瘤,并复习相关文献。1资料与方法1.1一般资料患者女,52岁,发现会阴部肿物3月余,皮下可触及一肿物,与皮肤无粘连,约2cm×3cm,边界清晰,包膜完整,活动度良好,无明显触压痛,局部皮肤无红肿及破溃。 展开更多
关键词 化纤维组织细胞 皮肤纤维 免疫组织化学
脂质化型纤维组织细胞瘤1例并文献复习 被引量:2
作者 赵居艳 周晓鸿 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第8期918-920,共3页
患者男,65岁,左足外踝结节5年余。左足外踝可见一约3.0 cm×4.0 cm大小半圆球形暗褐色肿块,境界尚清,质硬。既往史无特殊。组织病理示病变相对局限,无明显的边界,真皮内可见大量玻璃样变性的胶原纤维及泡沫细胞。诊断为脂质化型纤... 患者男,65岁,左足外踝结节5年余。左足外踝可见一约3.0 cm×4.0 cm大小半圆球形暗褐色肿块,境界尚清,质硬。既往史无特殊。组织病理示病变相对局限,无明显的边界,真皮内可见大量玻璃样变性的胶原纤维及泡沫细胞。诊断为脂质化型纤维组织细胞瘤,予局部切除缝合。 展开更多
关键词 纤维组织细胞 化型 纤维
小儿卵巢非特异性类固醇细胞瘤一例 被引量:2
作者 陈锋 魏孝旺 +1 位作者 陈小华 汪洋 《中华小儿外科杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期193-194,共2页
卵巢类固醇细胞瘤又称脂质细胞瘤,是一组具有相似的形态特征,即瘤细胞呈大圆形或多边形,酷似黄体细胞、间质细胞及肾上腺皮质细胞,并分泌各种类固醇激素而产生临床综合征的肿瘤。此类肿瘤少见,Scully等曾报道卵巢类固醇细胞瘤占卵... 卵巢类固醇细胞瘤又称脂质细胞瘤,是一组具有相似的形态特征,即瘤细胞呈大圆形或多边形,酷似黄体细胞、间质细胞及肾上腺皮质细胞,并分泌各种类固醇激素而产生临床综合征的肿瘤。此类肿瘤少见,Scully等曾报道卵巢类固醇细胞瘤占卵巢肿瘤的0.1%。关于小儿非特异性类固醇细胞瘤甚罕见,现报告一例。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢非特异性类固醇细胞 小儿 卵巢类固醇细胞 肾上腺皮细胞 脂质细胞瘤 临床综合征 类固醇激素 形态特征
卵巢类固醇细胞瘤的诊治进展 被引量:2
作者 朱婷婷 鹿欣 《中国妇幼保健》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第28期4750-4752,共3页
卵巢类固醇细胞瘤是由类固醇激素分泌细胞构成的一类卵巢肿瘤。既往数十年曾被称为“类脂质细胞瘤”、“脂质细胞瘤”[1]。直至1987年,Hayes和Scully认为在该类肿瘤中,约25%的肿瘤含少量脂质或者不含脂质,且肿瘤分泌类固醇激素,故... 卵巢类固醇细胞瘤是由类固醇激素分泌细胞构成的一类卵巢肿瘤。既往数十年曾被称为“类脂质细胞瘤”、“脂质细胞瘤”[1]。直至1987年,Hayes和Scully认为在该类肿瘤中,约25%的肿瘤含少量脂质或者不含脂质,且肿瘤分泌类固醇激素,故命名为“类固醇细胞瘤”[2]。2003年世界卫生组织(WHO)将这一类肿瘤明确命名为卵巢类固醇细胞瘤,并将其归人未分类的性索一间质细胞肿瘤范畴[3]。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢类固醇细胞 脂质细胞瘤 诊治 卵巢肿 世界卫生组织 细胞 激素分泌 类固醇激素
Transfection of the Human Sodium/Iodide Symporter(NIS) Gene with Liposomes and the Expression of the NIS Protein in Human Lung A549 Cancer Cells 被引量:1
作者 严煜 张宏飞 +1 位作者 张裕东 王晓谭 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2008年第1期30-34,共5页
OBJECTIVE To examine the possibility of human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) protein expression in lung cancer cells. METHODS Human lung A549 cancer cells were thawed and cultured in vitro. The cells were divided in... OBJECTIVE To examine the possibility of human sodium iodide symporter (hNIS) protein expression in lung cancer cells. METHODS Human lung A549 cancer cells were thawed and cultured in vitro. The cells were divided into an experimental group transfected with a recombinant pcDNA3-hNIS plasmid and a control group transfected only with a pcDNA3 plasmid. The recombinant plasmid vector encoding the hNIS gene (pcDNA3-hNIS) was amplified, purified and identified. The hNIS gene was followed by DNA sequencing. A Western blot and an immunohistochemical assay were applied to detect the hNIS protein expression in the transfected human lung A549 cancer cells. RESULTS Restriction enzyme digestion and DNA sequencing results showed the size and direction of the inserted gene in the recombinant pcD- NA3-hNIS plasmid was correct. The Western blot method and immunohistochemical analysis showed a positive NIS protein expression in the experimental group. The NIS protein was detected mainly in the cell membranes showing a positive rate up to 70.6% with no expression of the NIS protein in the control group. There was a significant difference between two groups (P=0.000). CONCLUSION The hNIS gene was transfected effectively into human lung A549 cancer cells mediated by Lipofectamine 2000, and was expressed with its protein in vitro. 展开更多
关键词 human sodium/iodide symporter (SIN) non-small-cell-lung cancer (NSCLC) gene transfection LIPOSOME radioiodide therapy
Treatment of hepatoma with liposome-encapsulated adriamycin administered into hepatic artery of rats 被引量:13
作者 Dong-Sheng Sun Jiang-Hao Chen +4 位作者 Rui Ling Qing Yao Ling Wang Zhong Ma Yu Li 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第29期4741-4744,共4页
AIM: To observe the therapeutic effects of liposomeencapsulated adriamycin (LADM) on hepatoma in comparison with adriamycin solution (FADM) and adriarnycin plus blank liposome (ADM + BL) administered into the ... AIM: To observe the therapeutic effects of liposomeencapsulated adriamycin (LADM) on hepatoma in comparison with adriamycin solution (FADM) and adriarnycin plus blank liposome (ADM + BL) administered into the hepatic artery of rats. METHODS: LADM was prepared by pH gradient-driven method. Normal saline, FADM (2 mg/kg), ADM+BL (2 mg/kg), and LADM (2 mg/kg) were injected via the hepatic artery in rats bearing liver W256 carcinosarcoma, which were divided into four groups randomly. The therapeutic effects were evaluated in terms of survival time, tumor enlargement ratio, and tumor necrosis degree. The difference was determined with ANOVA and Dunnett test and log rank test. RESULTS: Compared to FADM or ADM + BL, LADM produced a more significant tumor inhibition (tumor volume ratio: 1.243±0.523 vs 1.883±0.708, 1.847±0.661, P 〈 0.01), and more extensive tumor necrosis. The increased life span was prolonged significantly in rats receiving LADM compared with FADM or ADM+BL (231.48 vs 74.66, 94.70) (P 〈 0.05). CONCLUSION: The anticancer efficacies of adriamycin on hepatoma can be strongly improved by liposomal encapsulation through hepatic arterial administration. 展开更多
Biological Analysis of HSV-1 Immediate-early Proteins ICP0, ICP22, and ICP27 in Neuroblastoma Cells
作者 Long-ding LIU Qi-han LI 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期272-278,共7页
The three immediate-early proteins of HSV-1, ICP0, ICP22, and ICP27, have specific and pivotal functions in transcriptional activation and inhibition, multiple regulatory and control processes of viral genes. In this ... The three immediate-early proteins of HSV-1, ICP0, ICP22, and ICP27, have specific and pivotal functions in transcriptional activation and inhibition, multiple regulatory and control processes of viral genes. In this paper, the expression and localization of these three proteins were studied in neuroblastoma cells using biochemical assays, and their possible and potential interactive functions are discussed. The data show that the three proteins are localized in different structures, specifically in the PML-NB-associated structure, which is a specific nuclear structure composed of many protein molecules and bound tightly to the nuclear matrix in neuroblastoma cells. The results suggest that the activating and suppressive functions of ICPs are mostly dependent on their transcriptional and regulatory roles, including the PML-NB-associated structure. 展开更多
关键词 Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) Immediate-early proteins Human neuroblastoma cells PEGFP Liposome transfection
卵巢类固醇肿瘤三例分析并文献复习 被引量:3
作者 吴荧宸 龙腾飞 谢梅青 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 2013年第12期203-204,共2页
卵巢类固醇细胞瘤是罕见的卵巢肿瘤,占卵巢肿瘤的0.1%,最初因发现组织中含有大量脂质而被命名为“脂质细胞瘤”,后发现其有分泌类固醇激素的特性而更名为类固醇细胞瘤。2003年WHO将其划分为间质细胞瘤、间质黄体瘤及非特异性类同醇... 卵巢类固醇细胞瘤是罕见的卵巢肿瘤,占卵巢肿瘤的0.1%,最初因发现组织中含有大量脂质而被命名为“脂质细胞瘤”,后发现其有分泌类固醇激素的特性而更名为类固醇细胞瘤。2003年WHO将其划分为间质细胞瘤、间质黄体瘤及非特异性类同醇细胞瘤3种类型。目前认为该肿瘤来源于黄素化的卵巢间质细胞、卵巢门细胞或肾上腺皮质残迹等。临床常表现为高雄激素体征。本文通过对2009~2012中山大学孙逸仙纪念医院妇科收治的3例卵巢类固醇细胞瘤的病例资料进行回顾性分析,并结合相关文献进行分析讨论。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢类固醇细胞 卵巢肿 文献复习 细胞 孙逸仙纪念医院 脂质细胞瘤 类固醇激素 肾上腺皮
Study on Apoptosis-Inducing Effect of XIAP Antisense Oligonucleotides on Glioblastoma Cells in Vitro
作者 Zhongwei Zhao Zhengchun Sun Yunhan Zhang Ming Zhang Xudong Ma 《Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CSCD 2009年第2期142-146,共5页
OBJECTIVE To investigate the apoptosis-inducing effect of XIAP antisense oligonucleotides on glioblastoma cells in vitro. METHODS There were 4 groups in our experiment. Group A, as a cell control group, had normal cel... OBJECTIVE To investigate the apoptosis-inducing effect of XIAP antisense oligonucleotides on glioblastoma cells in vitro. METHODS There were 4 groups in our experiment. Group A, as a cell control group, had normal cell culture and no treatment applied. Group B, as a blank control group, had normal cell culture and no liposome control of ASODN. Group C was N-ODN. Group D was the ASODN group. RT-PCR and Western blot assay were conducted to detect the expression of XIAP in all A-172 ceil groups after treatment with XIAP antisense oligonucleotides (ASODN). MTT assay and flow-cytometry (FCM) detection were used to detect the ability of cell anchoring growth and apoptotic rates of all groups. The processing time was 72 h. RESULTS The expression of XIAP in the A-172 cells was greatly down-regulated, after treated with XIAP-ASODN. Among different concentrations of ASODN, the 300nM was the most optimal one. The down-regulation of XIAP obviously inhibited the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity of the A-172 cells and the increased apoptotic rate of A-172 cells (87.45%) was significantly higher than that of the A-172 in the control groups. There was a statistically significant difference between the treatment and control groups (P 〈 0.01). CONCLUSION The XIAP-ASODN can effectively regulate the expression of the XIAP down, as a result, inhibit the growth of the glioblastoma cells (A-172) and obviously increase the apoptotic rate of the A-172 cells. The results killing role of XIAP-ASODN to the of the study manifest an overt glioblastoma cells. 展开更多
关键词 antisense oligonucleotides GLIOBLASTOMA apoptosis.
Folate and cell penetrating peptide modification effects on penetration behavior of nanostructured lipid carriers using multicellular tumor spheroids 被引量:1
作者 庄鸿蒙 孟婷婷 +2 位作者 高玮 袁兰 齐宪荣 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2015年第10期666-672,共7页
Surface modification may have important influences on the penetration behavior of nanoscale drug delivery system. In the present study, we mainly focused on whether cell targeting or cell penetration could affect pene... Surface modification may have important influences on the penetration behavior of nanoscale drug delivery system. In the present study, we mainly focused on whether cell targeting or cell penetration could affect penetration abilities of nanostructured lipid carriers(NLC). Real--time penetration of folate--or cell penetrating peptide(CPP)-modified NLC was evaluated using a multicellular tumor spheroid(MTS) established by stacking culture method as an in vitro testing platform. The results suggested that CPP modification had a better penetration behavior both on penetration depth and intensity compared with folate-modified NLC at the early stage of penetration process. 展开更多
关键词 Nanostructured lipid carriers Multicellular tumor spheroids Stacking method Folate Cell penetrating peptide
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