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腹力测定的临床研究 被引量:3
作者 何新慧 孙汉钧 柯雪帆 《上海中医药大学学报》 CAS 1995年第1期42-45,共4页
腹力是中医腹诊的重要诊察项目之一,本文提出了腹力测定的操作方法和诊断标准,并运用研制的腹力测定仪使腹力定级客观化。经105例正常人测定,得出正常健康人腹力以偏软为主,腹部各探测点有各自的数据范围,且相互协调。经480例病人... 腹力是中医腹诊的重要诊察项目之一,本文提出了腹力测定的操作方法和诊断标准,并运用研制的腹力测定仪使腹力定级客观化。经105例正常人测定,得出正常健康人腹力以偏软为主,腹部各探测点有各自的数据范围,且相互协调。经480例病人诊察测定,得出腹力可提示病证的虚实,腹部各测定点数据的异常改变可反映某些脏腑的病变,从而为辨证论治提供客观依据。 展开更多
关键词 腹力测定 中医 操作方法 诊断标准
中风病腹力测定的探索性研究 被引量:1
作者 张瑞义 张伟荣 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第6期964-966,共3页
目的:运用中医智能腹诊仪从腹力角度对中风急性期进行探索性研究。方法:运用中医腹诊仪的腹力测定系统,观察了64例中风始发72h以内患者,并自中风始发72h至中风后14天连续性观察54例患者,并分别与正常健康人作比较。结果:中风72h以及第1... 目的:运用中医智能腹诊仪从腹力角度对中风急性期进行探索性研究。方法:运用中医腹诊仪的腹力测定系统,观察了64例中风始发72h以内患者,并自中风始发72h至中风后14天连续性观察54例患者,并分别与正常健康人作比较。结果:中风72h以及第14天时左右两侧平均腹力没有显著性差异,(P1>0.10,P2>0.05);中风72h以内腹力高于第14天腹力(P<0.05),二者腹力均高于正常人腹力(P1<0.01,P2<0.05)。结论:中风急性期腹力高于健康正常人;运用中医腹诊仪有助于中风病中医病机病因的客观化、定量化研究。 展开更多
关键词 中风 中医诊仪 诊断 腹力
作者 孙汉钧 汤伟昌 黎明柱 《中国医疗器械杂志》 CAS 1994年第4期191-194,共4页
关键词 腹力探测仪 复合式 传感器
作者 余太吉 《建筑机械》 2014年第8期75-77,81,共4页
关键词 塔式起重机 臂架自重 杆受 布置方式
小儿腹诊的现代临床应用 被引量:4
作者 刘莱莱 段娟 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2021年第30期132-135,共4页
腹诊是重要的疾病诊断方法,能够更直接、客观地辨别病因、病机、病位,也是指导理法方药、治疗疾病的有效手段之一,在针对儿童特殊群体的临床实践中具有更重要的实用意义。小儿腹诊操作手法要求迅速、准确、不拘体位,强调重点从腹形、腹... 腹诊是重要的疾病诊断方法,能够更直接、客观地辨别病因、病机、病位,也是指导理法方药、治疗疾病的有效手段之一,在针对儿童特殊群体的临床实践中具有更重要的实用意义。小儿腹诊操作手法要求迅速、准确、不拘体位,强调重点从腹形、腹皮、腹力三个方面来辨别小儿虚实、寒热、气血,验明证候本质;同时将腹诊与腹部外治结合运用,相得益彰。本文另附有小儿功能性腹痛、性早熟和抽动症验案三则,进一步佐证小儿腹诊是临床辨证的重要依据,开拓了小儿腹部外治的新思路。 展开更多
关键词 儿科 腹力 外治
空间KT型圆管搭接节点静力性能研究(Ⅰ)——试验、数值模拟及参数分析 被引量:7
作者 童乐为 孙建东 +1 位作者 王斌 陈以一 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期39-47,共9页
以上海旗忠网球中心为工程背景,对平面内外均搭接的空间KT型圆管节点(空间KT-Ov型节点)的静力性能进行静力单调加载的试验研究和有限元非线性分析。介绍节点试验方案,分析搭接节点的受力性能,并以试验结果为依据,建立满足精度要求并通... 以上海旗忠网球中心为工程背景,对平面内外均搭接的空间KT型圆管节点(空间KT-Ov型节点)的静力性能进行静力单调加载的试验研究和有限元非线性分析。介绍节点试验方案,分析搭接节点的受力性能,并以试验结果为依据,建立满足精度要求并通过试验校准的空间KT-Ov型节点数值分析模型;在此基础上进行几何无量纲参数和荷载参数的非线性有限元分析,考查无量纲参数对节点极限承载力的影响。结果表明,由于空间节点单T平面内腹杆的存在,用平面K型节点承载力公式来预测空间KT-Ov型节点承载力是不合适的,将有较大误差。参数分析表明,ζt对空间KT-Ov型节点承载力是有影响的;腹杆轴力比n TK对节点极限承载力的影响是独立的,不受节点几何参数变化的影响;|n TK|≤0.2时,进行节点承载力分析可忽略单T平面内腹杆所受轴力影响;无论单T平面内腹杆受压还是受拉,均会导致节点极限承载力的降低,在单T平面内腹杆不受力(即n TK=0)时,空间KT-Ov型节点极限承载力有最大值。 展开更多
关键词 空间KT型圆管节点 有限元分析模型 极限承载 空间参数 杆轴 破坏模式
空间KT型圆管搭接节点静力性能研究Ⅱ——承载力回归公式 被引量:3
作者 孙建东 童乐为 +1 位作者 王斌 陈以一 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第11期37-43,共7页
在有限元模拟和参数分析的基础上,分别定义了空间调整系数和腹杆轴力比影响系数来考虑空间参数和各腹杆轴力相对变化对平面内外均搭接的空间KT型圆管相贯节点(空间KT-Ov型节点)极限承载力的影响,并进行了回归和校验,证明两个系数函数关... 在有限元模拟和参数分析的基础上,分别定义了空间调整系数和腹杆轴力比影响系数来考虑空间参数和各腹杆轴力相对变化对平面内外均搭接的空间KT型圆管相贯节点(空间KT-Ov型节点)极限承载力的影响,并进行了回归和校验,证明两个系数函数关系式均正确反映几何参数和荷载参数变化的影响,从而得到一个形式较为简单的空间KT-Ov型节点极限承载力计算公式;在此基础上,进一步提出承载力设计值建议公式Ⅰ和建议公式Ⅱ,经与试验数据和有限元数据的比较和统计分析,表明所提出的两个建议公式均具有较高精度和稳定性,可以较为安全可靠地用于空间KT-Ov型圆管节点的承载力设计。 展开更多
关键词 空间KT型圆管节点 空间调整系数 杆轴比影响系数 极限承载 非线性回归 承载公式
作者 阚君满 吴显义 杜德伟 《吉林粮食高等专科学校学报》 1996年第2期17-22,共6页
关键词 肉鸡 脂积蓄 脂肪着色原因 黄脂肪肉鸡
如何有效进行投掷实心球的教学 被引量:3
作者 辛厚森 《长春教育学院学报》 2011年第2期160-161,共2页
关键词 掷实心球 手腕 手指 出手速度 实心球教学 腹力
提高原地投掷实心球出手初速度的方法 被引量:4
作者 苏能报 《广东教育学院学报》 2004年第S1期92-93,共2页
关键词 实心球 初速度 腹力 留后技术 鞭打技术
关于提高原地投掷实心球出手初速度的技术探讨 被引量:3
作者 周国戈 《中国科教创新导刊》 2010年第6期249-249,251,共2页
本文针对原地投掷实心球为中考体育加试项目,而考生对该项目技术了解不够,以至投掷成绩普遍不高为前提,运用运动生物力学原理对该项目技术进行分析。由于影响投掷成绩的关键是投掷实心球时出手初速度大小,因此,本文采用分析法.综... 本文针对原地投掷实心球为中考体育加试项目,而考生对该项目技术了解不够,以至投掷成绩普遍不高为前提,运用运动生物力学原理对该项目技术进行分析。由于影响投掷成绩的关键是投掷实心球时出手初速度大小,因此,本文采用分析法.综合法对能提高原地投掷实心球出手初速度的有关技术进行分析,分析结果表明:提高原地投掷实心球出手初速度的关键在于腰腹力和蹬地力量的充分利用以及做出留后技术和鞭打动作。蹬地力量是主动力,是投掷力量的主要来源。腰腹力是助动力腰腹力的充分利用会进一步增大蹬地力量。因此,这两者用力是否协调配合,对投掷效果的影响很大。至于留后技术,其作用是延长了身体的工作距离以及形成正确可行的投掷姿势为进一步提高投掷效果打下了基础。而鞭打技术是将腰腹力,蹬地力量以及挥臂力量所产生的动量逐步积累并传递给器械。强调蹬地,甩腰收腹,挥臂四者必须连贯配合,一气呵成,才能把投掷效果发挥得更好。 展开更多
关键词 实心球 初速度 腹力 蹬伸动作 留后技术 鞭打技术
作者 李刚 孙少云 《内蒙古科技与经济》 2000年第S1期624-625,共2页
关键词 身体重心 腹力 中枢脚 移动技术
Early recognition of abdominal compartment syndrome in patients with acute pancreatitis 被引量:32
作者 Zilvinas Dambrauskas Audrius Parseliunas +2 位作者 Antanas Gulbinas Juozas Pundzius Giedrius Barauskas 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第6期717-721,共5页
AIM: To assess the value of widely used clinical scores in the early identification of acute pancreatitis (AP) patients who are likely to suffer from intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment s... AIM: To assess the value of widely used clinical scores in the early identification of acute pancreatitis (AP) patients who are likely to suffer from intra-abdominal hypertension (IAH) and abdominal compartment syndrome (ACS).METHODS: Patients (η = 44) with AP recruited in this study were divided into two groups (ACS and non-ACS) according to intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) determined by indirect measurement using the transvesical route via Foley bladder catheter. On admission and at regular intervals, the severity of the AP and presence of organ dysfunction were assessed utilizing different multifactorial prognostic systems: Glasgow-Imrie score, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation Ⅱ (APACHE-Ⅱ) score, and Multiorgan Dysfunction Score (MODS). The diagnostic performance of scores predicting ACS development, cut-off values and specificity and sensitivity were established using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis.RESULTS: The incidence of ACS in our study population was 19.35%. IAP at admission in the ACS group was 22.0 (18.5-25.0) mmHg and 9.25 (3.0-12.4) mmHg in the non-ACS group (P 〈 0.01). Univariate statistical analysis revealed that patients in the ACS group had significantly higher multifactorial clinical scores (APACHE Ⅱ, Glasgow-Imrie and MODS) on admission and higher maximal scores during hospitalization (P 〈 0.01). ROC curve analysis revealed that APACHE Ⅱ, Glasgow-Imrie, and MODS are valuable tools for early prediction of ACS with high sensitivity and specificity, and that cut-off values are similar to those used for stratification of patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP).CONCLUSION: IAH and ACS are rare findings in patients with mild AR Based on the results of our study we recommend measuring the IAP in cases when patients present with SAP (APACHE Ⅱ 〉 7; MODS 〉 2 or Glasgow-Imrie score 〉 3). 展开更多
关键词 Acute pancreatitis Abdominal compartment syndrome Intra-abdominal pressure Intra-abdominal hypertension Organ dysfunction
Inguinodynia following Lichtenstein tension-free hernia repair:A review 被引量:13
作者 Abdul Hakeem Venkatesh Shanmugam 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第14期1791-1796,共6页
Chronic Groin Pain (Inguinodynia) following inguinal hernia repair is a significant,though under-reported problem. Mild pain lasting for a few days is common following mesh inguinal hernia repair. However,moderate to ... Chronic Groin Pain (Inguinodynia) following inguinal hernia repair is a significant,though under-reported problem. Mild pain lasting for a few days is common following mesh inguinal hernia repair. However,moderate to severe pain persisting more than 3 mo after inguinal herniorrhaphy should be considered as pathological. The major reasons for chronic groin pain have been identified as neuropathic cause due to inguinal nerve(s) damage or non-neuropathic cause due to mesh or other related factors. The symptom complex of chronic groin pain varies from a dull ache to sharp shooting pain along the distribution of inguinal nerves. Thorough history and meticulous clinical examination should be performed to identify the exact cause of chronic groin pain,as there is no single test to confirm the aetiology behind the pain or to point out the exact nerve involved. Various studies have been performed to look at the difference in chronic groin pain rates with the use of mesh vs non-mesh repair,use of heavyweight vs lightweight mesh and mesh fixation with sutures vs glue. Though there is no convincing evidence favouring one over the other,lightweight meshes are generally preferred because of their lesser foreign body reaction and better tolerance by the patients. Identification of all three nerves has been shown to be an important factor in reducing chronic groin pain,though there are no well conducted randomised studies to recommend the benefits of nerve excision vs preservation. Both nonsurgical and surgical options have been tried for chronic groin pain,with their consequent risks of analgesic sideeffects,recurrent pain,recurrent hernia and significant sensory loss. By far the best treatment for chronic groin pain is to avoid bestowing this on the patient by careful intra-operative handling of inguinal structures and better patient counselling pre-and post-herniorraphy. 展开更多
关键词 HERNIA Lichtenstein repair Chronic groin pain Inguinodynia Mesh hernia repair Ilio-inguinal nerve Iliohypogastic nerve Genitofemoral nerve
Use of a device that applies external kneading-like force on the abdomen for treatment of constipation 被引量:2
作者 Konstantinos Mimidis David Galinsky +3 位作者 Efraim Rimon Vassilios Papadopoulos Yehuda Zicherman Dimitrios Oreopoulos 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第13期1971-1975,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a recently developed device that applies kneading-like motion on the abdomen in improving constipation in elderly long-term care patients. METHODS: Thirty constipated elderly patients ... AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of a recently developed device that applies kneading-like motion on the abdomen in improving constipation in elderly long-term care patients. METHODS: Thirty constipated elderly patients were randomly selected from two nursing homes. They were instructed to use the device once daily for 20 min. Rate of bowel movements, volume and consistency of stool and the use of laxantia were all recorded during a 3-wk baseline period and for 12-wk treatment period. Colonic transit time (CTT) was measured in 13 patients by radiopaque markers during the baseline and at the end of treatment. RESULTS: Bowel movement rate (BM/week) increased from 1.4±0.4 BM/wk during baseline to 3.9±0.8 BM/wk during treatment (P<5.0×10-7). Stool amount that was 'low' in 30 patients during baseline increased in 21 patients at the end of the study period (x2 = 19.048-P= 1.3×10-5). Stool consistency,that was 'hard' in 25 patients and 'soft' in 5 patients during baseline, ameliorated in 23 patients at the end of the study (only 2 patients referred 'hard' stool) (x2 = 21.043-P= 4.0×10-6). The mean baseline CTT measured was 92.3±32.3 h at baseline and decreased to 49.4±31.3 h during the study period (P = 0.000208). No side effects were observed during the study period. CONCLUSION: External mechanical vibration of the abdomen reduced CTT and helped to relieve severe constipation in elderly constipated patients. 展开更多
关键词 CONSTIPATION LAXATIVES Colon transit time
Adult celiac disease with acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis 被引量:1
作者 Hugh J Freeman Helen R Gillett +1 位作者 Peter M Gillett Joel Oger 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第38期4741-4744,共4页
Celiac disease has been associated with some autoimmune disorders. A 40-year-old competitive strongman with celiac disease responded to a gluten-free diet, but developed profound and generalized motor weakness with ac... Celiac disease has been associated with some autoimmune disorders. A 40-year-old competitive strongman with celiac disease responded to a gluten-free diet, but developed profound and generalized motor weakness with acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis, a disorder reported to occur in about 1 in 5000. This possible relationship between myasthenia gravis and celiac disease was further explored in serological studies. Frozen stored serum samples from 23 acetylcholine receptor antibody positive myasthenia gravis patients with no intestinal symptoms were used to screen for celiac disease. Both endomysial and tissue transglutaminase antibodies were examined. One of 23 (or, about 4.3%) was positive for both IgA-endomysial and IgA tissue transglutaminase antibodies. Endoscopic studies subsequently showed duodenal mucosal scalloping and biopsies confirmed the histopathological changes of celiac disease. Celiac disease and myasthenia gravis may occur together more often than is currently appreciated. The presence of motor weakness in celiac disease may be a clue to occult myasthenia gravis, even in the absence of intestinal symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies Celiacdisease Myasthenia gravis Transglutaminase antibodies
Temperature Stress Analysis of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs 被引量:5
作者 单成林 刘文芳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第2期97-103,共7页
To figure out the distribution of temperature gradient along the girder height of steel-concrete composite box girder, combined with the mechanical characteristics of prestressed concrete composed box girder with corr... To figure out the distribution of temperature gradient along the girder height of steel-concrete composite box girder, combined with the mechanical characteristics of prestressed concrete composed box girder with corrugated steel webs, the calculation formulas of cross-sectional temperature stress along the span in a simply-supported beam bridge with composite section were derived under the conditions of static equilibrium and deformation compatibility of the beam element. The methods of calculating the maximum temperature stress value were discussed when the connectors are assumed rigid or flexible. Theoretical and numerical results indicate that the method proposed shows better precision for the calculation of temperature self-stress in both the top and the bottom surfaces of the box girder. Moreover, the regularity of temperature stress distribution at different locations along the girder span is that the largest axial force of the top or the bottom plate of the box girder is located in the midspan and spreads decreasingly until zero at both supported ends, and that the greatest longitudinal shear density in steel-concrete interface appears at both supported ends and then reduces gradually to zero in the midspan. 展开更多
关键词 bridge engineering composite structure temperature effect corrugated steel web connector influence
作者 韩庆华 程万海 +1 位作者 尹越 刘锡良 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2000年第1期32-35,共4页
The prosperous post buckling load capacity of web plates of box girders can be used.In this article,the post buckling behaviour of web plates of box girders under different loading conditions is theoretically analyz... The prosperous post buckling load capacity of web plates of box girders can be used.In this article,the post buckling behaviour of web plates of box girders under different loading conditions is theoretically analyzed and on the basis of domestic and overseas design codes of steel structures,the corresponding simplified analysis methods are put forward for the engineering design or code revision.It is proved that the simplified methods are safe,efficient and practicable through the comparison between several results. 展开更多
关键词 post buckling behaviour ultimate load capacity simplified analysis method web plates of box girders
Bending Stresses of Steel Web Tapered Tee Section Cantilevers
作者 Boksun Kim Andrew Oliver Joshua Vyse 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第11期1329-1342,共14页
Although commonly used, no design method is available for steel web tapered tee section cantilevers. This paper investigates the bending stresses of such beams. Relationships between the maximum compressive stress and... Although commonly used, no design method is available for steel web tapered tee section cantilevers. This paper investigates the bending stresses of such beams. Relationships between the maximum compressive stress and the degree of taper were investigated. An analytical model is presented to determine the location of the maximum stress when subjected to a uniformly distributed load or a point load at the free end and was validated using finite element analysis and physical tests. It was found that the maximum stress always occurs at the support when subjected to a uniformly distributed load. When subjected to a point load at the free end and the degree of taper is up to seven, it was found that Miller's equation could be used to determine the location of the maximum stress. However, it is shown that when the degree of taper is greater than seven, Miller's equation does not accurately predict the location and the analytical model should be used. It was also found that the location of the maximum stress was solely dependent on the degree of taper, while a geometric ratio, fl was required to determine the magnitude of the maximum stress. A simple method that predicts the magnitude of the maximum stress is proposed. The average error in the prediction of the magnitude of the maximum stress is found to be less than 1.0%. 展开更多
关键词 Web tapered tee sections tapered cantilevers bending stress pattems maximum stress shift finite element analysis
Venous hemodynamic changes of lower extremity during gynecological laparoscopy
作者 尹善德 刘彦 贺声 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2004年第6期363-366,共4页
Objective: To study the effect of CO2 pneumoperitoneum and the special 30 degree head-down tilt position on the venous hemodynamics in the lower extremity. Methods: Color doplex ultrasound was adopted to evaluate the ... Objective: To study the effect of CO2 pneumoperitoneum and the special 30 degree head-down tilt position on the venous hemodynamics in the lower extremity. Methods: Color doplex ultrasound was adopted to evaluate the diameter and blood flow velocity of the right femoral vein of 18 patients undergoing gynecologic laparoscopy under the same pressure of pneumoperitoneum of 12 mmHg. The diameter of femoral vein and the flow velocity were measured; the blood flow volume was calculated based on the equation of Q = vπr2 . Result: After establishment of pneumoperitoneum, the dilation of the femoral vein and the decrease in the velocity and volume can be observed (P < 0.05). And the 30 degree head-down position could increase the flow velocity and volume of the femoral vein and decrease the diameter of the vessel ( P < 0.05). At 30 minutes of the 30 degree head-down tilt position, the blood flow ameliorated compared with that in prone position after the establishment of pneumoperitoneum. After deflation of pneumoperitoneum, the femoral vein remained dilated( P < 0. 05). Conclusion: During laparoscopy, CO2 pneumoperitoneum may result in the dilation of the vein in lower extremity and retar dance of blood flow. The 30 degree Trendlenburg position can ameliorate the blood flow in the lower extremity. The deflation of the pneumoperitoneum cannot eliminate the effect of CO2 pneumoperitoneum on the lower extremity veins, which may predispose deep venous thrombosis after laparoscopy. 展开更多
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