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C-AEO-I膜性材料毒性动物实验结果报告 被引量:1
作者 张承德 吴颜辉 杨一新 《九江医学》 2000年第1期7-8,共2页
目的 :观察C -AEO -I对人体的毒性作用 ,评价其安全性。方法 :采用急性毒性试验、口服蓄积毒性试验、皮肤刺激试验、皮肤过敏试验、小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验进行观察。结果 :①LD5 0 为 130 6mg kg ,雄性12 2 0mg kg ,雌性 134 6mg kg ;②... 目的 :观察C -AEO -I对人体的毒性作用 ,评价其安全性。方法 :采用急性毒性试验、口服蓄积毒性试验、皮肤刺激试验、皮肤过敏试验、小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验进行观察。结果 :①LD5 0 为 130 6mg kg ,雄性12 2 0mg kg ,雌性 134 6mg kg ;②蓄积系数 (K)大于 5 3,无皮肤刺激反应及皮肤过敏反应发生 ;③不会诱发微核的变化。结论 :C -AEO 展开更多
关键词 C-AEO-I 动物试验 消毒材料
一种研究膜片材料细菌透过性的测试装置 被引量:2
作者 吴志谷 孙同柱 +2 位作者 祝晓枫 熊德鑫 黄祖秀 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第1期90-92,共3页
本文介绍了一种细菌透过性的测试装置。该装置要由AB两池组成,池面积为7cm2(φ30mm)。本实验研究了4种膜性材料的透菌情况,结果表明培养4小时两种实验菌均未透过,此后因试材孔径的大小而细菌透过量明显不同。我们的实... 本文介绍了一种细菌透过性的测试装置。该装置要由AB两池组成,池面积为7cm2(φ30mm)。本实验研究了4种膜性材料的透菌情况,结果表明培养4小时两种实验菌均未透过,此后因试材孔径的大小而细菌透过量明显不同。我们的实验提示该装置简单,适用于膜性材料细菌透过性的测量。 展开更多
关键词 细菌透过 膜性材料 胶原海棉
颈内动脉的功能解剖及覆膜支架应用的可行性探讨 被引量:1
作者 王永利 李明华 《介入放射学杂志》 CSCD 2005年第5期543-548,共6页
It is difficult to treat the internal carotid arterial (ICA) wall disease between C2 to C7 segment ( the definition of ICA by E. Bouthillier,1996) with present interventional radiological measurements , includling pse... It is difficult to treat the internal carotid arterial (ICA) wall disease between C2 to C7 segment ( the definition of ICA by E. Bouthillier,1996) with present interventional radiological measurements , includling pseudoaneurysm, giant or wide neck aneurysm and complicated carotid cavernous fistula. Some literatures have reported a few cases treated with coronary covered stent (e.g. Jomed coronary stent, Symbiot coronary stent), with favorable results . However, these kinds of coronary covered stents are too rigid, with uneasinees to pass through in tortuous ICA, and often resulting in injury of vascular wall. The utility of covered stent in intracranial artery also caused controversies of exclusion of origins of arterial branches. We analyzed the functional anatomy of ICA and reviewed our experimental results and primarily clinical application on professional intracranial covered stent with special designed structure and delivery system for ICA, in order to explore the possibility of utility of covered stent in intracranial arteries. 展开更多
关键词 颈内动脉 支架 功能解剖 可行探讨 动脉血管病变 膜性材料 冠脉支架 结构 个案报道
创伤修复材料水蒸汽透过性测定的研究 被引量:2
作者 吴志谷 孙同柱 +3 位作者 田惠民 盛志勇 耿淼 黄祖秀 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第3期243-246,共4页
介绍了一种新型的测试修复材料水蒸汽透过性(WVTR)的装置和方法。用该装置测试了合成材料、羊膜、猪皮及尸体皮等13种材料在四种温度、三种溶液及“顺置水杯”和“倒置水杯”中的WVTR。结果除Omiderm、羊膜和冷冻尸体皮在30℃和37℃... 介绍了一种新型的测试修复材料水蒸汽透过性(WVTR)的装置和方法。用该装置测试了合成材料、羊膜、猪皮及尸体皮等13种材料在四种温度、三种溶液及“顺置水杯”和“倒置水杯”中的WVTR。结果除Omiderm、羊膜和冷冻尸体皮在30℃和37℃组间外,其余各组温度与WVTR密切相关,溶液组间WVTR没有显著差异(P>0.05);“顺置”和“倒置”组间WVTR差异显著(P<0.01)。提示本装置操作方便,结果可靠,适用于测量各种创伤修复材料及其它膜性材料的WVTR。 展开更多
关键词 创伤 修复材料 水蒸汽透过率 膜性材料 测定
AN69膜材料在血液净化领域的前世今生 被引量:1
作者 王敏敏 廖嵩平 《中国血液净化》 CSCD 2019年第5期356-358,360,共4页
AN69膜是1969年专门为透析开发的一种合成透析膜,采用丙烯腈和甲基丙烯磺酸钠的共聚物多聚体,其大量磺酸基团呈现亲水特性,提供极佳的弥散和水通透性,开启了高通量血液透析;其内部水凝胶结构使得聚合物链更易接近,纵贯表里的对中小分子... AN69膜是1969年专门为透析开发的一种合成透析膜,采用丙烯腈和甲基丙烯磺酸钠的共聚物多聚体,其大量磺酸基团呈现亲水特性,提供极佳的弥散和水通透性,开启了高通量血液透析;其内部水凝胶结构使得聚合物链更易接近,纵贯表里的对中小分子蛋白高选择吸附特点,是AN69区别于其他高通量吸附性合成膜的独特点。AN69膜的开发适应了透析治疗的需要和挑战,临床应用显示了优越的效率和效果。基于AN69新开发的膜材,其表面嫁接肝素,能够吸附内毒素。AN69的持续开发,为全球重症肾脏病患者提供了血液净化的良好选择。 展开更多
关键词 AN69 高通量合成材料 生物相容材料 血液净化
冠状动脉覆膜支架的研究进展和应用现状 被引量:3
作者 孟萌 于波 《中国介入心脏病学杂志》 2013年第2期120-122,共3页
覆膜支架是在金属支架表面覆盖特殊膜性材料的支架,既保留了金属支架的功能,又具有膜性材料的特性,能够处理很多普通支架所不能解决的病变。近年来,应用覆膜支架治疗周围血管病变日益增多,并取得较理想的效果。在冠状动脉病变中,... 覆膜支架是在金属支架表面覆盖特殊膜性材料的支架,既保留了金属支架的功能,又具有膜性材料的特性,能够处理很多普通支架所不能解决的病变。近年来,应用覆膜支架治疗周围血管病变日益增多,并取得较理想的效果。在冠状动脉病变中,覆膜支架作为一种具有特殊结构和功能的治疗手段,对传统的治疗手段(外科手术、传统支架治疗及药物治疗)是一种补充。 展开更多
关键词 冠状动脉病变 支架 周围血管病变 支架治疗 膜性材料 金属支架 外科手术 药物治疗
作者 杨利霞 王云泽 +5 位作者 杨国峰 谢美娜 李一礼 李晶 樊立涛 宋灵杰 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2017年第5期25-28,共4页
目的 :对制备医用生物补片装置进行改进,使该类材料的制备可以实现规模化、自动化。方法 :通过综合分析原材料特点及各制备工艺流程步骤,对该装置的摇床进行改进,加装筒状处理系统。筒内设计动物膜材料的铺平固定装置,顶部和底部设计进... 目的 :对制备医用生物补片装置进行改进,使该类材料的制备可以实现规模化、自动化。方法 :通过综合分析原材料特点及各制备工艺流程步骤,对该装置的摇床进行改进,加装筒状处理系统。筒内设计动物膜材料的铺平固定装置,顶部和底部设计进液口和出液口,整个系统固定在摇床底座上。结果:使用该装置后,制备效率显著提升,原料利用率提高了20%,产品合格率提升了35%,制备周期缩短了33%,总体成本节约了40%。结论:该装置能够满足多种动物源材料的制备需求,制备工艺简单、批间差异小,原料利用率和产品合格率均有大幅度提升,降低了医用生物补片的生产成本,促进了医用生物补片在临床上的应用。 展开更多
关键词 医用生物材料 医用生物补片 动物膜性材料 材料制备 装置
牙周GTR手术的护理配合 被引量:7
作者 刘玉杰 李强 邹庆雪 《哈尔滨医药》 2012年第2期157-157,共1页
引导性组织再生术(GTR)是在牙周手术中利用膜性材料作为屏障,阻挡牙龈上皮在愈合过程中沿根面生长,阻挡牙龈结缔组织与根面的接触,并提供一定的空间,引导具有形成新附着能力的牙周膜细胞优先占领根面,从而在原已暴露于牙周袋内的根面... 引导性组织再生术(GTR)是在牙周手术中利用膜性材料作为屏障,阻挡牙龈上皮在愈合过程中沿根面生长,阻挡牙龈结缔组织与根面的接触,并提供一定的空间,引导具有形成新附着能力的牙周膜细胞优先占领根面,从而在原已暴露于牙周袋内的根面上形成新的牙骨质,并有牙周膜纤维埋入,形成新附着性愈合。 展开更多
关键词 牙周细胞 手术中 护理配合 引导组织再生术 GTR 愈合过程 牙龈上皮 膜性材料
Effect of boron/phosphorus-containing additives on electrodeposited CoNiFe soft magnetic thin films 被引量:3
作者 李建梅 张昭 +2 位作者 李劲风 薛敏钊 刘燕刚 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期674-680,共7页
CoNiFe,CoNiFeB and CoNiFeP soft magnetic thin films were prepared by cyclic voltammetry method.The morphologies,composition and structures were characterized by scanning electron microscope(SEM),energy-dispersive X-... CoNiFe,CoNiFeB and CoNiFeP soft magnetic thin films were prepared by cyclic voltammetry method.The morphologies,composition and structures were characterized by scanning electron microscope(SEM),energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscope(EDS) and X-ray diffractometer(XRD).The soft magnetic properties were investigated through vibrating sample magnetometer(VSM).The corrosion resistance was investigated through Tafel polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopic(EIS).The results show that all the electrodeposited CoNiFe,CoNiFeB and CoNiFeP films are mixtures of crystalline and amorphous phases,and high amount of boron/phosphorus-containing additives favors the formation of amorphous state.Nanostructure is obtained in CoNiFe and CoNiFeB films.The inclusion of boron causes the film more dense and also increases its corrosion resistance.Meanwhile,the inclusion of boron lowers its coercivity(Hc) from 851.48 A/m to 604.79 A/m,but the saturation magnetic flux density(Bs) is almost unchanged.However,the addition of phosphorus greatly increases the film particle size and decreases its corrosion stability.The coercivity(Hc) of CoNiFeP film is also highly increased to 12485.79 A/m,and its saturation magnetic flux density(Bs) is greatly decreased to 1.25 T. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic materials thin films ELECTRODEPOSITION magnetic properties corrosion
Elastic modulus determination at different levels of periodontal ligament in nanoindentation 被引量:1
作者 杨宇 汤文成 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第1期33-38,共6页
In order to investigate the material properties ofperiodontal ligament ( PDL) in different locations, the nanoindentation method is used to survey the elastic modulus of the PDL at different levels. Cadaveric specim... In order to investigate the material properties ofperiodontal ligament ( PDL) in different locations, the nanoindentation method is used to survey the elastic modulus of the PDL at different levels. Cadaveric specimens of human mandibular canine were obtained from 4 adult donors, 16 transverse specimens were made from the sections of cervical margin, midroot and apex using the slow cutting machine. The prepared specimens were tested in different sections (along the longitudinal direction) and different areas (in the circumferential direction). According to the Oliver-Phair theory, the mean values of elastic modulus were calculated foreach area and the differences among them were compared. In the midroot section, the average elastic modulus is ranging from 0. 11 to 0. 23 MPa, the changing range of the cervical margin and apex are from 0. 21 to 0. 53 MPa and 0. 44 to0.62 MPa, respectively. Experimental results indicate that the average elastic modulus in the midroot is lower than that in the cervical margin and apex, and relatively small changes occur among them. However, there is a large change to the elastic modulus value in the cicumferential direction for the PDL. 展开更多
关键词 periodontal ligament PDL) elastic modulus NANOINDENTATION material properties CANINE
Plasma Treatment Enhanced Magnetic Properties in Manganese Doped Titanium Nitride Thin Films
作者 李丹 许灵敏 +1 位作者 李树玮 周勋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期457-460,I0002,共5页
The ferromagnetic manganese doped TiN films were grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy on MgO(001) substrates. The nitrogen concentration and the ratio of manganese at Ti lattice sites increase after the p... The ferromagnetic manganese doped TiN films were grown by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy on MgO(001) substrates. The nitrogen concentration and the ratio of manganese at Ti lattice sites increase after the plasma annealing post treatment. TIN(002) peak shifts toward low angle direction and TiN(111) peak disappears after the post treatment. The lattice expansion and peak shift are mainly ascribed to the reduction of nitrogen vacancies in films. The magnetism was suppressed in as-prepared sample due to the pinning effect of the nitrogen vacancies at defect sites or interface. The magnetism can be activated by the plasma implantation along with nitrogen vacancies reduce. The decrease of nitrogen vacancies leads to the enhancement of ferromagnetism. 展开更多
关键词 Epitaxial growth Magnetic materials Thin films Solar energy materials
Epidemiological Investigation of Actinobacillus Pleuropneumoniae in Western Shandong 被引量:4
作者 徐公义 王海丽 葛长城 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第4期141-145,共5页
[ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemic status of porcine pleuropneumonia in western Shandong and establish the PCR method of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP). [ Method] The epidemic... [ Objective ] The aim of this study was to investigate the epidemic status of porcine pleuropneumonia in western Shandong and establish the PCR method of actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (APP). [ Method] The epidemic status of APP in lesion tissues of 186 death pigs and 545 health pigs without clinical symptoms was analyzed by PCR method. [ Result] APP positive rate in 186 samples accounted for 43.0% (80/186), while that in 545 porcine serums accounted for 9.4% (51/545). [ Conclusion] This PCR method can be used as one of the important means for APP clinical diagnosis. 展开更多
关键词 Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae PCR DETECTION
Use of New Water Soluble Surface Film-Forming Material to Reduce Ammonia Loss from Water Solution 被引量:8
作者 YINBIN SHENRENFANG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第4期329-334,共6页
A new water soluble surfaCe film-forming material was developed and its effect on reducing ammonia volatilization from an alkaline solution was investigated in laborstory. Results showed that the new film formed by th... A new water soluble surfaCe film-forming material was developed and its effect on reducing ammonia volatilization from an alkaline solution was investigated in laborstory. Results showed that the new film formed by the material was not only more effective in reducing ammonia loss than any other films tested but also much cheaper. The optimum amount of addition of the new film-forming material was about 10times the theoretical amount to form a monomolecular film. Under the experimental conditions, the new film could effectively depress the ammonia volatilization for at least 6 days. The cumulative ammonia loss rates for different films were fitted to a simple logistic equation, and some important parameters such as the cumulative loss, and the maximum and average volatilization rates were calculated. The effect of different films could be, therefore, compared quantitatively, indicating the new film was most effective in depressing ammonia volatilization. 展开更多
关键词 ammonia loss logistic equation surface film-forming material
Polymer/Ceramic Composite Membranes and Their Application in Pervaporation Process 被引量:6
作者 刘公平 卫旺 +1 位作者 金万勤 徐南平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第1期62-70,共9页
Pervaporation(PV),as an environmental friendly and energy-saving separation technology,has been received increasing attention in recent years.This article reviews the preparation and application of macroporous ceramic... Pervaporation(PV),as an environmental friendly and energy-saving separation technology,has been received increasing attention in recent years.This article reviews the preparation and application of macroporous ceramic-supported polymer composite pervaporation membranes.The separation materials of polymer/ceramic composite membranes presented here include hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS) and hydrophilic poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA),chitosan(CS) and polyelectrolytes.The effects of ceramic support treatment,polymer solution properties,interfacial adhesion and incorporating or blending modification on the membrane structure and PV performance are discussed.Two in-situ characterization methods developed for polymer/ceramic composite membranes are also covered in the discussion.The applications of these composite membranes in pervaporation process are summarized as well,which contain the bio-fuels recovery,gasoline desulfuration and PV coupled proc-ess using PDMS/ceramic composite membrane,and dehydration of alcohols and esters using ceramic-supported PVA or PVA-CS composite membrane.Finally,a brief conclusion remark on polymer/ceramic composite mem-branes is given and possible future research is outlined. 展开更多
关键词 polymer/ceramic composite membrane PERVAPORATION bio-fuel recovery solvent dehydration PV cou-pled process
Elastic-plastic properties of thin film on elastic-plastic substrates characterized by nanoindentation test 被引量:3
作者 蒋丽梅 周益春 黄勇力 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期2345-2349,共5页
To characterize the elastic-plastic properties of thin film materials on elastic-plastic substrates,a simple theory model was proposed,which included three steps:dimensionless analysis,finite element modeling and data... To characterize the elastic-plastic properties of thin film materials on elastic-plastic substrates,a simple theory model was proposed,which included three steps:dimensionless analysis,finite element modeling and data fitting.The dimensionless analysis was applied to deriving two preliminary nondimensional relationships of the material properties,and finite element modeling and data fitting were carried out to establish their explicit forms.Numerical indentation tests were carried out to examine the effectiveness of the proposed model and the good agreement shows that the proposed theory model can be applied in practice. 展开更多
关键词 elastic-plastic thin film nanoindentation test dimensionless analysis finite element analysis
Mechariical and Abrasion Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate Films Coated with SiO2/Epoxy Hybrid Material 被引量:1
《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2013年第6期521-524,共4页
Hybrid materials were prepared using a silane coupling agent, tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as the precursor, dilute hydrochloric acid as the catalyst, and epoxy as the matrices. The films coated with hybrid materials ... Hybrid materials were prepared using a silane coupling agent, tetraethoxysilane ( TEOS ) as the precursor, dilute hydrochloric acid as the catalyst, and epoxy as the matrices. The films coated with hybrid materials were expected to improve abrasion resistance and mechanical properties. The morphology, mechanical properties, adhesion, and abrasion resistance of the polyethylene terephthalate (PET) films were characterized using an atomic force microscope, a tensile testing machine, a bagger knife, and a reciprocating fabric abrasion tester. The result of research indicated that the modification significantly affected the abrasion resistance and roughness. The-tensile strength and abrasion resistance of the modified PET films increased by 40% and 50% respectively at 3 % TEOS mass fraction. 展开更多
关键词 polyethylene terephthalate PET films surface modification SOL-GEL abrasion resistance
Optical and Electrical Properties of Polyimide Thin Films Grown by Vapor Deposition Polymerization
作者 XIAO Min, ZHENG Jian bang, WU Hong cai (School of Electron. and Inform. Eng., Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, CHN) 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2001年第4期212-216,234,共6页
Using pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 4,4’ diaminodiphenyl ether (ODA) as monomer materials, polyimide thin films have been prepared onto glass substrate by vapor deposition polymerization under a vacuum of 2.666... Using pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 4,4’ diaminodiphenyl ether (ODA) as monomer materials, polyimide thin films have been prepared onto glass substrate by vapor deposition polymerization under a vacuum of 2.666×10 -3 Pa and thermal curing of polyamic acid film in a vacuum at temperature of 150~200 ℃ for 60 min. In this process, the polymerization can be carried out through controlling the stoichiometric ratio, heating time and deposition ratio of the two monomers. The composition, the structure and properties of the polyimide films are investigated with IR spectrum, XRD, and SEM methods. The results show that the polyimide films by vapor deposition polymerization have good electrical properties and thermal stability. Therefore, the vapor deposition polymerization process is considered as a possible method of polymerization for other polymers. 展开更多
关键词 Nonlinear optical materials POLYIMIDE Vapor deposition polymerization
Left-handed materials in magnetized metallic magnetic thin films
作者 伍瑞新 XIAO John Q. 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期71-75,共5页
The authors' theoretical investigation on the high-frequency response of magnetized metallic magnetic films showed that magnetic films may become left-handed materials (LHMs) near the ferromagnetic resonance freque... The authors' theoretical investigation on the high-frequency response of magnetized metallic magnetic films showed that magnetic films may become left-handed materials (LHMs) near the ferromagnetic resonance frequency of incident waves with right-handed circular polarization (RCP) and linear polarization (LP). The frequency range where LHM exists depends on the waves polarization, the magnetic damping coefficient, and the ferromagnetic characteristic frequency corn of the film. There also exists a critical damping coefficient ac, above which the left-handed properties disappear completely. 展开更多
关键词 Left-handed materials (LHMs) Magnetic thin film Ferromagnetic resonance frequency
Collision performance of bitubular tubes with diaphragms 被引量:1
作者 董海鹏 高广军 +1 位作者 谢素超 李健 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3657-3665,共9页
A numerical study of bitubular tubes with diaphragms compared with single and bitubular tubes subjected to dynamic axial impact force was presented. At first, the energy absorption response of the composite structure ... A numerical study of bitubular tubes with diaphragms compared with single and bitubular tubes subjected to dynamic axial impact force was presented. At first, the energy absorption response of the composite structure under axial loading was analyzed by finite element simulation. The results show that the efficiency of energy absorption can be improved by introducing diaphragms to the double-walled columns. Then, the effect of the amount and location of diaphragms, the shape and the size of the inner tubes, and the thickness of the composite structures were also studied numerically. The collision performance of the composite structure is affected by the deformation of diaphragms, as well as the interaction of outer and inner tube. The non-uniform distribution of diaphragms can improve the energy absorption efficiency of structures for a constant number of diaphragms. The specific energy absorption of the hexagonal inner tube is the highest, followed by the circular, octagonal and square ones. 展开更多
关键词 bitubular tube DIAPHRAGM energy absorption CRASHWORTHINESS
Probabilistic analysis of random contact force between geomembrane and granular material 被引量:2
作者 姜晓桢 束一鸣 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3309-3315,共7页
A probabilistic method based on principle of maximum entropy was employed to analyze the randomness of contact force between geomembrane and granular material.The contact force distribution is exponential according to... A probabilistic method based on principle of maximum entropy was employed to analyze the randomness of contact force between geomembrane and granular material.The contact force distribution is exponential according to the proposed method and the grain size is the most important factor that affects the distribution of contact force.The proposed method is then verified by a series of laboratory experiments using glass beads and cobbles as granular material and a very thin pressure,indicating that film is firstly used in these experiments which give a reliable method to measure the contact force at each contact point. 展开更多
关键词 GEOMEMBRANE granular material contact force probability density function
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