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探析在计算机教学当中提高学生自主自学能力的主要途径 被引量:1
作者 张英伟 《中国校外教育》 2011年第10期168-168,共1页
关键词 计算机教学 自主自学能力 培养途径 学习动力
自主自学引路,提升小学语文课堂教学有效性 被引量:1
作者 王伟伟 《小学生作文辅导(语文园地)》 2021年第1期89-89,共1页
在当前新教学改革的大背景下,教师的教学目标要以培养学生的自主学习能力为主,学生掌握正确的学习方法,这样才能够为学生今后的学习打下良好的基础。但对于小学而言,学生是初步接受教育,所以自主能力相对较弱。因此,教师就必须要对教学... 在当前新教学改革的大背景下,教师的教学目标要以培养学生的自主学习能力为主,学生掌握正确的学习方法,这样才能够为学生今后的学习打下良好的基础。但对于小学而言,学生是初步接受教育,所以自主能力相对较弱。因此,教师就必须要对教学模式进行优化与改革,注重以学生为本,灵活运用教学方法强化学生自主学习能力,从而提高小学语文课堂教学有效性。 展开更多
关键词 自主自学 小学语文 教学策略
作者 肖福褒 《文教资料》 2017年第2期45-46,共2页
当今社会是信息时代、“知识爆炸”的时代,科学技术的迅猛发展,给学校教育提出更严峻的课题,那就是培养学生自主自学的能力。学生自主自学能力培养的关键在于:教师应引导学生充分认识自主自学的意义;激发学生主动学习的兴趣;培养学生... 当今社会是信息时代、“知识爆炸”的时代,科学技术的迅猛发展,给学校教育提出更严峻的课题,那就是培养学生自主自学的能力。学生自主自学能力培养的关键在于:教师应引导学生充分认识自主自学的意义;激发学生主动学习的兴趣;培养学生的自主自学习惯;强化学生自主自学的基础训练。 展开更多
关键词 语文学科 自主自学 能力优化
作者 韩瑜 《学生之友(最作文)》 2012年第10期41-41,共1页
关键词 初中语文 自主自学课堂教学模式 构建方法
自学为主 以教导学——初中语文自主自学课堂教学模式探究 被引量:1
作者 陈少军 《西江教育论丛》 2002年第3期10-11,共2页
"教师讲,学生听,教师写出学生抄;教师问,学生答,学生不答教师答。"这顺口溜,简直是对现时课堂教学淋漓尽致的勾画。一直以来,"填鸭式"、"满堂灌"的课堂教学模式大行其道,严重压制着对学生自主、创新能力... "教师讲,学生听,教师写出学生抄;教师问,学生答,学生不答教师答。"这顺口溜,简直是对现时课堂教学淋漓尽致的勾画。一直以来,"填鸭式"、"满堂灌"的课堂教学模式大行其道,严重压制着对学生自主、创新能力的培养,更阻碍着素质教育的全成实施与发展。 展开更多
关键词 初中 语文 自主自学 课堂教学 教学模式 素质教育 教学改革
现代教育技术条件下学生自主学习能力的培养 被引量:2
作者 齐英兰 《河南商业高等专科学校学报》 2003年第4期90-91,共2页
信息技术、多媒体技术和网络技术被广泛地应用于教育 ,使教学内容、教学方式方法、教育结构乃至整个教育体制发生了改变 ,传统教学中的“以教师为中心”的教学模式必然转变为“以学生为中心”的教学模式。这不但使学生自主学习成为需要 ... 信息技术、多媒体技术和网络技术被广泛地应用于教育 ,使教学内容、教学方式方法、教育结构乃至整个教育体制发生了改变 ,传统教学中的“以教师为中心”的教学模式必然转变为“以学生为中心”的教学模式。这不但使学生自主学习成为需要 ,而且使学生自主学习能力的培养具有必要性 ,其中掌握一定的学习策略和善于整合数字化、网络化环境的各种学习资源最为关键。 展开更多
关键词 现代教育技术 学生 自主自学能力 培养
作者 魏礼双 《数学学习与研究》 2016年第22期51-51,共1页
数学教育既要使学生掌握现代生活和学习中所需要的数学知识与技能,更要发挥数学在培养人的思维能力和创新能力方面不可替代的作用.而义务教育的数学课程就是为学生未来生活、工作和学习奠定重要的基础.而这样的能力只能在自主活动与自... 数学教育既要使学生掌握现代生活和学习中所需要的数学知识与技能,更要发挥数学在培养人的思维能力和创新能力方面不可替代的作用.而义务教育的数学课程就是为学生未来生活、工作和学习奠定重要的基础.而这样的能力只能在自主活动与自主学习过程中逐渐形成.在数学教学中,作为教师要注意自主学习与自学的区别,还要引导学生知道自主学习中学什么,怎么学,并给予学生充分的自主学习的时间和空间,这样学生学习时才能少走弯路,达到预期的学习效果. 展开更多
关键词 自主学习与自学 学什么 怎么学
作者 张海成 《黑龙江科技信息》 2011年第1期227-227,共1页
自主学习的含义主要包括:自主学习的态度和能力,学生对自己学习过程的控制和自主学习模式。中学英语教学效益低下的原因之一就是学生没有自学的态度和自学能力。教师在教学中应该注重对学生自学能力的培养。这不仅是学生继续深造的需要... 自主学习的含义主要包括:自主学习的态度和能力,学生对自己学习过程的控制和自主学习模式。中学英语教学效益低下的原因之一就是学生没有自学的态度和自学能力。教师在教学中应该注重对学生自学能力的培养。这不仅是学生继续深造的需要,也是学生步入社会后生存与发展的需要。同时,学生自学能力的提高还可达到"减负增效"的目的。学生的自学能力需要教师有步骤、有计划地引导、督促和培养才能逐渐形成。 展开更多
关键词 自主学习 自主学习能力:自学能力
论道德的本质属性 被引量:4
作者 唐永泽 《淮阴师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第2期159-163,183,共6页
道德的本质是自主自觉行为对人对己的利害性 ;目前通行的道德定义没有摆脱使道德完全主观化的倾向 ,未能准确简明地揭示道德的本质属性。
关键词 道德 本质 自主自学行为 道德主体 定义 道德客体 道德关系 道德行为 道德意识 道德事实 道德评价
On fostering the autonomous learning ability in college English teaching
作者 仲晓娟 吴永红 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第11期6-8,21,共4页
Autonomous learning is one of the objectives of multi-media college English teaching. On basis of the test of students' autonomous learning ability and the analysis of the results, this paper attempts to explore the ... Autonomous learning is one of the objectives of multi-media college English teaching. On basis of the test of students' autonomous learning ability and the analysis of the results, this paper attempts to explore the feasibility of fostering the autonomous learning ability in college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 college English teaching autonomous learning autonomous learning ability
基于“让学引思”教学主张的“一问二自三主”课堂教学原则及模式研究 被引量:1
作者 张彩云 《学苑教育》 2022年第2期37-38,41,共3页
为了突破传统的以教师讲授为主、学生被动接受的教学方式,激发学生自主学习兴趣,提高学生学习的主动性、积极性和有效性,我校在盐城市"让学引思"主题课改基础上,逐步深化研究探索,总结出了切合我校课改实践的校本化的理论和... 为了突破传统的以教师讲授为主、学生被动接受的教学方式,激发学生自主学习兴趣,提高学生学习的主动性、积极性和有效性,我校在盐城市"让学引思"主题课改基础上,逐步深化研究探索,总结出了切合我校课改实践的校本化的理论和实践成果并致力倡导,我们将这一成果概括为"一问二自三主"的课堂教学模式。 展开更多
关键词 问题为导向 自主自学 自探自究 学生为主体 教师为主导 训练为主线
作者 李晓英 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2014年第10期187-188,共2页
随着日语教学的深入改革,语境化教学模式的研究越来越引人关注。在日语课堂教学实践中,应最大限度地利用多媒体技术的灵活可变性、引人入胜性、新颖应时性,使书本上的知识可视可听化、简洁明了化、趣味多样化,深度发掘和利用多媒体技术... 随着日语教学的深入改革,语境化教学模式的研究越来越引人关注。在日语课堂教学实践中,应最大限度地利用多媒体技术的灵活可变性、引人入胜性、新颖应时性,使书本上的知识可视可听化、简洁明了化、趣味多样化,深度发掘和利用多媒体技术的优势,提高课堂教学的效率,构建高效的语境化日语教学。 展开更多
关键词 感性认识 自学自主 潜在能力
作者 陈好先 《学周刊(中旬)》 2015年第12期145-145,共1页
关键词 小学教育 教师 主导作用 自主自学
作者 李彦军 《中小学校长》 2020年第9期19-22,共4页
突如其来的疫情,改变了中小学的教学方式:由传统的课堂教学变为线上教学,在教学方法、教学媒体、教学手段、师生的精神状态等方面发生了极大的变化。如何提高线上教学的质量?学校进行了积极的探索,在线上教学中应用尝试教学法,坚持"... 突如其来的疫情,改变了中小学的教学方式:由传统的课堂教学变为线上教学,在教学方法、教学媒体、教学手段、师生的精神状态等方面发生了极大的变化。如何提高线上教学的质量?学校进行了积极的探索,在线上教学中应用尝试教学法,坚持"先学后教,先练后讲"的尝试教学原则,并辅之对学生进行"自主、自律、自学"的指导,对家庭教育进行有效辅导,整体教学效果显著,彰显了尝试教学法在线上教学的优越性。 展开更多
关键词 尝试教学 自主自学
Learner Autonomy in the National English Language Curricula for Chinese Universities 1978-2007:A Historical Analysis 被引量:1
作者 Shi Pu 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2020年第1期83-104,127,共23页
This historical study investigates the concept of learner autonomy in the national English language curricula for Chinese universities.It seeks to understand the meaning of learner autonomy in China and the intentiona... This historical study investigates the concept of learner autonomy in the national English language curricula for Chinese universities.It seeks to understand the meaning of learner autonomy in China and the intentionality of promoting this concept through the curricula from 1978 to 2007.By adopting Quentin Skinner’s intentionalist approach to analyzing the history of ideas,this study conducted a systematic document analysis of three national curricula in relation to their linguistic and practical contexts constituted of 169 Chinese academic articles in total.The study revealed that learner autonomy mainly referred to students’motivation and ability to work hard on their own outside the classroom in the Chinese context.Importing this concept,however,caused ideological confusion and exacerbated the disempowerment of teachers within the dynamics of China’s English language education at the tertiary level.The study raises awareness for borrowing concepts across different cultural contexts and has implications for research,policymaking,teacher development,and pedagogical practice in second language education in China. 展开更多
关键词 learner autonomy autonomous learning English language curricula for Chinese universities history of second language education teacher development intentionalist approach
Motivating Teachers 被引量:3
作者 Daniela Martinek 《Sociology Study》 2012年第6期445-457,共13页
Teachers can motivate their pupils by fostering autonomous learning or---especially if they feel under pressure themselves--teachers can hamper the motivation of their students by being controlling. The purpose of thi... Teachers can motivate their pupils by fostering autonomous learning or---especially if they feel under pressure themselves--teachers can hamper the motivation of their students by being controlling. The purpose of this study with 488 secondary school teachers from Austria was to examine the satisfaction of teachers' needs for autonomy, competence and relatedness and meaningful relations to perceived job-related pressure and self-efficacy, to gain an increased insight in autonomy supportive contexts. The results point out that there are various sources for pressure in the teaching profession and structural equation modeling revealing a reciprocal relation between the satisfaction of the need for autonomy and pressure in teaching, as well as between the satisfaction of the need for competence and self-efficacy. In addition perceived pressure had a negative impact on teachers' self-efficacy and self-efficacy in turn influenced the satisfaction of the need for autonomy. In summary, considering basic psychological needs satisfaction of teachers seems relevant to create autonomy supportive environments for pupils and teachers in schools. 展开更多
关键词 Basic psychological needs PRESSURE SELF-EFFICACY
How Can Self-Access Centers in China Better Develop Students' Learner Autonomy
作者 LI Jia 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第10期1607-1613,共7页
Accompanying the arrival of new technological and network ear, SACs (self-access centers) become the most widely adopted mode spreading in China with a large quantity of universities joining to follow the fashion. B... Accompanying the arrival of new technological and network ear, SACs (self-access centers) become the most widely adopted mode spreading in China with a large quantity of universities joining to follow the fashion. But whether the SACs in China can fully fulfill the purpose, to what extend can learners gain benefits to develop autonomy, and what are the possible ways for improvement are quite necessary to investigate since there starts to emerge various problems during the implementation of SACs. This paper aims to analyze the prevalent establishment of SACs in China in order to find out the reasons for prevalence, the current implementing mode, the degree of effectiveness on developing learner autonomy, especially potential problems and causes, and finally put forward some suggestions pedagogical implications for improving. 展开更多
关键词 SAC (self-access center) learner autonomy problems suggestions
How Do Physicists Create Time?
作者 Fernanda Samaniego 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期93-99,共7页
In the first part of this paper, different perspectives of time proposed in Aristotle's philosophy of nature, classic mechanics, thermodynamics, and the theory of relativity, will be presented. Later on, we explore t... In the first part of this paper, different perspectives of time proposed in Aristotle's philosophy of nature, classic mechanics, thermodynamics, and the theory of relativity, will be presented. Later on, we explore the phenomenological approach of duration by Henri Bergson and Mauro Dorato's naturalistic proposal, which defines the "present" moment based on neuroscientific experiments. In the second part of the paper, the topic of scientific creativity is introduced, paying particular attention to David Bohm's ideas. Finally, the previously analysed perspectives are used to answer the following question: How do physicists create time? 展开更多
关键词 naturalized time CREATIVITY Bohrn Dorato
Development of Elementary School Teachers' Self-Regulated Learning Exploratory Factor Scale
作者 Meng Meng 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2014年第6期439-443,共5页
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is one of the precious ways in teachers' professional development, and its operation level includes different factors. With studies abroad and our preliminary investigation as base, th... Self-regulated learning (SRL) is one of the precious ways in teachers' professional development, and its operation level includes different factors. With studies abroad and our preliminary investigation as base, this study developed a scale to test the factors SRL includes. According to the result of 905 teachers working in elementary school by exploratory factor analysis, the SRL for elementary teachers is consisted of its sociality (it included selecting leads and seeking for instructing), its motivation(it included self-improvement and self-excelling), its methods(it included strategy use and habitual behavior), and its outcomes(it included extensive reading and teachers' professional development). All the result indicated Teachers' SRL Scale had clear factor structure, good reliability and validity. It can be used to test the current operating situation of SRL for teachers working in elementary school. 展开更多
关键词 RELIABILITY validity exploratory factor analysis scale developing
Why Free Will Is Logically Not Possible within Naturalism
作者 Michael Prost 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第2期100-109,共10页
One of the most intriguing problems of philosophy and of mankind is the question whether humans have a free will. This question is heavily disputed between natural scientists and especially neuroscientists, who deny f... One of the most intriguing problems of philosophy and of mankind is the question whether humans have a free will. This question is heavily disputed between natural scientists and especially neuroscientists, who deny free will, and philosophers and other groups, who insist on free will. It is perplexing that both sides base their premise on the same precondition, namely naturalism. We will prove that naturalism automatically leads to physicalism, to materialism, and to reductionism. We will also prove here that it is logically not possible to have a free will if naturalism is true. Free will definitely requires an additional substance, a non-material soul, which cannot be part of our universe. This must not be in contradiction to our current knowledge of natural sciences. 展开更多
关键词 free will NATURALISM physical realization of will decisions determinism/indeterminism compatibilism libertarianism
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