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论梁启超与胡适的自传观 被引量:1
作者 郭小英 《学术探索》 CSSCI 2008年第1期90-94,共5页
梁启超与胡适是两位积极倡导现代传记的代表人物。在自传观念上,梁、胡二人都重视自传的史料价值。但由于梁启超强调传记的著述品格,其指称的自传仅限于史著范围内的自叙传,其自传观很难阐释中西自传的差异;胡适无意于为自传找寻历史渊... 梁启超与胡适是两位积极倡导现代传记的代表人物。在自传观念上,梁、胡二人都重视自传的史料价值。但由于梁启超强调传记的著述品格,其指称的自传仅限于史著范围内的自叙传,其自传观很难阐释中西自传的差异;胡适无意于为自传找寻历史渊源,而有意将自传的边界无限放大,以最大限度地积累史料,胡适对中西自传差异既有理论阐释,更有实践贡献。梁、胡二人在自传观上的根本差异在于,梁启超侧重对过去的历史做现实的研究,而胡适侧重为未来的历史做现实的准备。 展开更多
关键词 梁启超 胡适 自传观
作者 王余鹃 《商丘职业技术学院学报》 2015年第6期69-73,共5页
胡适对传记的考察是立足于现实、着眼于未来的研究。胡适首先对中国传统传记文学给予全盘否定,试图切断传记与历史传统之间的联系,将众人的视线拉向现实,并结合本土资源,以此为基点,试图打开"传记/自传写作"的风气。为了推广... 胡适对传记的考察是立足于现实、着眼于未来的研究。胡适首先对中国传统传记文学给予全盘否定,试图切断传记与历史传统之间的联系,将众人的视线拉向现实,并结合本土资源,以此为基点,试图打开"传记/自传写作"的风气。为了推广自传写作,胡适在内涵上有意忽略自传所具有的文学性,强调自传的史料价值;另外,试图从外延上扩大自传范围,将自传年谱、日记、札记纳入传记文学。中国20世纪30年代中期"自传热"的出现,胡适实有开拓和推广之功。 展开更多
关键词 胡适 自传观 外延 内涵
作者 薛玉凤 《荆楚理工学院学报》 2016年第1期12-17,共6页
美国著名作家马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835-1910)去世整整100年后,他的口述自传作品《马克·吐温自传》(第一卷)(Autobiography of Mark Twain,Volume 1,2010)才终于得以如约问世,第二、三卷也于近期出版。该书不仅在形式上别具... 美国著名作家马克·吐温(Mark Twain,1835-1910)去世整整100年后,他的口述自传作品《马克·吐温自传》(第一卷)(Autobiography of Mark Twain,Volume 1,2010)才终于得以如约问世,第二、三卷也于近期出版。该书不仅在形式上别具一格,内容也极其丰富多彩,可谓百科全书式的自传。吐温在书中多次提及自己的自传观,为我们研读全书提供了一把钥匙。在吐温看来,不仅人人都应为自己做传,而且他的"一切作品皆自传";第二,为自由自在地倾吐自己的真实想法,恪守自传的真实生命线,吐温不惜"从坟墓中说话",将自传推迟到身后百年出版;第三,通过几十年的摸索与实践,吐温最终找到"自传的正确写法",即将日记与自传相结合,采取独特的"无规则的叙事规则"。这些都注定《马克·吐温自传》就像作者本人一样,独树一帜。 展开更多
关键词 《马克·吐温自传 自传观 口述自传 真实原则 “无规则的叙事规则”
库切的自传观和自传写作 被引量:6
作者 高文惠 《外国文学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第2期116-126,共11页
在库切看来,由于历史的叙述性质和意识形态色彩,历史场景不可能完全再现;同样,一切自传都是故事叙述,并为自我兴趣所控制,因而关于自我的真相在自传中不可能完全呈现。在《男孩》、《青春》这两部自传中,库切采用第三人称叙述视角、一... 在库切看来,由于历史的叙述性质和意识形态色彩,历史场景不可能完全再现;同样,一切自传都是故事叙述,并为自我兴趣所控制,因而关于自我的真相在自传中不可能完全呈现。在《男孩》、《青春》这两部自传中,库切采用第三人称叙述视角、一般现在时态、非连续状态的历史场景等手法,表达了自传即他传的自传观念。同时,他的自传还具有精神分析传记的特点,对自我真相的探索是精神分析的核心。对真相的质疑,恰恰表现出了库切对真实的执著追求。 展开更多
关键词 库切 自传观 自传写作 真相
卢梭的自传观 被引量:4
作者 杨国政 《国外文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期28-36,共9页
卢梭是法国现代自传第一人 ,在其代表性自传作品《忏悔录》中 ,他不仅系统讲述了自己的一生 ,而且阐述了他对自传的独特理解。首先 ,卢梭认为 ,一个人有无资格写自传不在于其地位的高低 ,名气的大小 ,而在于其感情是否丰富 ,人格是否高... 卢梭是法国现代自传第一人 ,在其代表性自传作品《忏悔录》中 ,他不仅系统讲述了自己的一生 ,而且阐述了他对自传的独特理解。首先 ,卢梭认为 ,一个人有无资格写自传不在于其地位的高低 ,名气的大小 ,而在于其感情是否丰富 ,人格是否高尚。其次 ,卢梭要把生活中的一切都原原本本地讲出来 ,不对自己下任何结论 ,而留给读者去评判 ,他尤其要把过去一切隐秘、难以启齿的感情暴露出来 ,做到最大限度的真实。卢梭试图找到一种与他的写作计划相称的语言 ,但他并不刻意追求某种文体 ,而是任感情和往事自然地流露于笔端。卢梭所追求的真实不是事件的真实 ,细节的真实 ,而是感情的真实。他允许自己用想象来填补记忆的空白 。 展开更多
关键词 卢梭 自传观 《忏悔录》 认识自我 法国
作者 韩彬 《现代传记研究》 CSSCI 2018年第1期120-130,共11页
自传是一种求真的文体。自传虽然不可能做到完全的真实,但是它仍然要追求一种相对的真实性。而自传能否达到相对的真实性则取决于作者是否愿意讲出真相,这就牵涉到作者不同的自传观。本文以王蒙、夏衍和周作人的自传为例探讨了作家三种... 自传是一种求真的文体。自传虽然不可能做到完全的真实,但是它仍然要追求一种相对的真实性。而自传能否达到相对的真实性则取决于作者是否愿意讲出真相,这就牵涉到作者不同的自传观。本文以王蒙、夏衍和周作人的自传为例探讨了作家三种不同的自传观:一是认为真实高于一切;二是认为隐私高于真实;三是认为传者有选择说与不说的权利。 展开更多
关键词 自传观 真实性 避讳
作者 王余鹃 《宜宾学院学报》 2016年第10期83-90,共8页
梁启超和胡适分别以学者身份和改革家身份进行传记研究。梁启超的传记/自传研究属于历史的研究,立足于历史,着眼于现实;胡适则属于现实的研究,立足于现实,着眼于未来。就传记/自传范畴而言,梁启超是在历史的范畴内考察,他所说的自传主... 梁启超和胡适分别以学者身份和改革家身份进行传记研究。梁启超的传记/自传研究属于历史的研究,立足于历史,着眼于现实;胡适则属于现实的研究,立足于现实,着眼于未来。就传记/自传范畴而言,梁启超是在历史的范畴内考察,他所说的自传主要指史家自序式自传;胡适则试图在文学的范围内考察,他所说的自传已具有较广的涵盖面。此外,梁启超和胡适都找到了在体例上最类似于西方自传的作品——"自传年谱",但两人"自传年谱"的范畴和涵义却不尽相同。 展开更多
关键词 胡适 梁启超 传记/自传观 比较研究
Characterizing Landscape Spatial Heterogeneity in Multisensor Images with Variogram Models
作者 QIU Bingwen ZENG Canying +3 位作者 CHENG Chongcheng TANG Zhenghong GAO Jianyang SUI Yinpo 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期317-327,共11页
Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has ... Most evaluation of the consistency of multisensor images have focused on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) products for natural landscapes, often neglecting less vegetated urban landscapes. This gap has been filled through quantifying and evaluating spatial heterogeneity of urban and natural landscapes from QuickBird, Satellite pour l'observation de la Terre (SPOT), Ad- vanced Spacebome Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images with variogram analysis. Instead of a logarithmic relationship with pixel size observed in the corresponding aggregated images, the spatial variability decayed and the spatial structures decomposed more slowly and complexly with spatial resolution for real multisensor im- ages. As the spatial resolution increased, the proportion of spatial variability of the smaller spatial structure decreased quickly and only a larger spatial structure was observed at very coarse scales. Compared with visible band, greater spatial variability was observed in near infrared band for both densely and less densely vegetated landscapes. The influence of image size on spatial heterogeneity was highly dependent on whether the empirical sernivariogram reached its sill within the original image size. When the empirical semivariogram did not reach its sill at the original observation scale, spatial variability and mean characteristic length scale would increase with image size; otherwise they might decrease. This study could provide new insights into the knowledge of spatial heterogeneity in real multisen- sor images with consideration of their nominal spatial resolution, image size and spectral bands. 展开更多
关键词 variogram modeling spatial heterogeneity characteristic scale multisensor image
Research on the Accurate Computer Music Composition Mode under the Background of Big Data
作者 Sui Wu 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2016年第1期59-61,共3页
In this paper, we conduct research on the accurate computer music composition mode under the basic background of big data. From the perspective of music theory, in terms of micro notes jump within a certain range, wil... In this paper, we conduct research on the accurate computer music composition mode under the basic background of big data. From the perspective of music theory, in terms of micro notes jump within a certain range, will not cause discomfort, notes there are upward at the same time, the downward makes the whole piece will not boring. From the macroscopic, the nature of the chord with internal connection between motivation and motivation as support, at the same time, the whole range can maintain in a certain range, making sound effects is can let a person feel cheerful. Computer science first occupied is music in the music sound production and the propagation of position as it is mainly used for digital audio clips and automated synthesis. But there is a certain distance away from the traditional concept of composition. Therefore, our research proposes the innovative perspective to deal with the issues for achieving the better performance. 展开更多
关键词 Big Data Composition Mode ACCURATE Computer Music Theoretical Research.
Autism spectrum disorder model mice: Focus on copy number variation and epigenetics 被引量:4
作者 Nobuhiro NAKAI Susumu OTSUKA +1 位作者 Jihwan MYUNG Toru TAKUMI 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第10期976-984,共9页
Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) is gathering concerns in socially developed countries. ASD is a neuropsychiatric disorder of genetic origin with high prevalence of 1%–2%. The patients with ASD characteristically show i... Autism spectrum disorder(ASD) is gathering concerns in socially developed countries. ASD is a neuropsychiatric disorder of genetic origin with high prevalence of 1%–2%. The patients with ASD characteristically show impaired social skills. Today, many genetic studies identify numerous susceptible genes and genetic loci associated with ASD. Although some genetic factors can lead to abnormal brain function linked to ASD phenotypes, the pathogenic mechanism of ASD is still unclear. Here, we discuss a new mouse model for ASD as an advanced tool to understand the mechanism of ASD. 展开更多
关键词 copy number variations DNA methylation histone modification ASD model mouse
The influence of mitochondria in epigenetics revealed through naturally occurring fish cybrids
《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期138-145,共8页
Epigenetic processes are important mechanisms for phenotypic changes that occur in response to the environment. As such, it is expected that the alteration of cytoplasmic composition (the immediate environment of nuc... Epigenetic processes are important mechanisms for phenotypic changes that occur in response to the environment. As such, it is expected that the alteration of cytoplasmic composition (the immediate environment of nuclei) results in the modifica- tion of the methylome and the expression of the nuclear genome. Cytoplasmic hybrids (or cybrids) are an ideal model to study the influence of mitochondria on gene expression. In this study, we take advantage of the natural of two biotypes that have a similar nuclear genome type Chrosomus eos, but harbor mitochondria from different species (C. eos in wild type or C. neogaeus in cybrids) to assess the effects of mitochondria on DNA methylation profiles and protein expression of the nuclear ge- nome. Comparison between these biotypes is particularly relevant given their recent divergence and their low level of genetic dif- ferentiation. Variations of DNA methylation assessed on tissues from different embryonic origins revealed the distinct profiles of cybrid and wild type populations. Differences are more pronounced between wild type and cybrids than between populations of a given biotype. The proteome is also more different between biotypes than within a given biotype. These results indicate a strong influence of mitochondria on the nuclear genome, which remains detectable in different genetic and environmental contexts. These changes in the methylome and proteome of cybrids are expected to reflect the adjustments imposed by the coexistence of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes from different species [Current Zoology 58 (1): 138-145, 2012]. 展开更多
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