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作者 MERAJUDDIN PARVEZ Ali +1 位作者 KIRMAN S A K PIRZADA S 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期131-136,共6页
关键词 自余 弱弦图 双对偶
作者 刘文 《中外企业家》 2017年第3Z期261-,共1页
R是有单位元的结合环,Q是右R模,S是Q的自同态环,即S=End(Q_R).Mod-R(S-Mod)表示右R模(或左S模)组成的范畴,显然Q也是左S模。反变函子对Δ=Hom(—,Q):由Mod-R到S-Mod得到一个自然变换δ:1→Δ~2。M属于集合Refl(Q_R)指M是右R模且δ_M是同... R是有单位元的结合环,Q是右R模,S是Q的自同态环,即S=End(Q_R).Mod-R(S-Mod)表示右R模(或左S模)组成的范畴,显然Q也是左S模。反变函子对Δ=Hom(—,Q):由Mod-R到S-Mod得到一个自然变换δ:1→Δ~2。M属于集合Refl(Q_R)指M是右R模且δ_M是同构,A属于集合Refl(_SQ)指A是左S模且δ_A是同构。笔者引入了有限型∞-余星模,并研究了它与有限n-自余倾斜模的关系,及其他相关结论。 展开更多
关键词 有限型∞-星模 Q-平衡 有限n-自余倾斜模
作者 徐逢春 《语文知识》 2003年第10期18-18,共1页
文言文中的“自余”,可以表示“自从我”之义,如柳宗元《始得西山宴游记》:“自余为僇人,居是州,恒惴栗。”还可以表示“其余”之义,清代学者刘淇在《助字辨略》中说“自余,犹云其余”,所举例句是《庾信传》中的“自余文人,莫有逮者”... 文言文中的“自余”,可以表示“自从我”之义,如柳宗元《始得西山宴游记》:“自余为僇人,居是州,恒惴栗。”还可以表示“其余”之义,清代学者刘淇在《助字辨略》中说“自余,犹云其余”,所举例句是《庾信传》中的“自余文人,莫有逮者”。此义委实罕见,为使之彰明,现另举几例: 展开更多
关键词 自余 “其” 文言文 中学 语文
作者 卢绪元 《写作(中)》 1994年第6期45-46,共2页
名人的遗嘱内容与一般人有所不同,一般人的遗嘱内容不外乎后事安排和遗产分配两大项,而名人遗嘱的内容却丰富多了。除了也有以上两项外,还有对自己一生经历的回顾和评价的,有对个人政治心愿的表述和对所从事事业的展望的,有对自己事业... 名人的遗嘱内容与一般人有所不同,一般人的遗嘱内容不外乎后事安排和遗产分配两大项,而名人遗嘱的内容却丰富多了。除了也有以上两项外,还有对自己一生经历的回顾和评价的,有对个人政治心愿的表述和对所从事事业的展望的,有对自己事业继承者的安排和嘱咐的,等等。名人遗嘱的写作一般应注意三点。第一,要实事求是,绝对真实。名人遗嘱是研究名人的思想轨迹和生平的重要资料。 展开更多
关键词 遗产分配 思想轨迹 大项 蒋氏 有对 耶稣基督 自余 宋美龄 字面解释 成童
作者 王新亮 《中学语文(大语文论坛)(下旬)》 2017年第7期67-68,共2页
备柳宗元《始得西山宴游记》一课时,发现编者对文题未作注释,估计他们认为没有必要。可我几经揣摩后觉得,如果题目的语序调整为"西山始得宴游记"更切合文意。题目中"西山"是山名,"宴游"指宴饮游乐。要准确解题,弄懂"始得"的意... 备柳宗元《始得西山宴游记》一课时,发现编者对文题未作注释,估计他们认为没有必要。可我几经揣摩后觉得,如果题目的语序调整为"西山始得宴游记"更切合文意。题目中"西山"是山名,"宴游"指宴饮游乐。要准确解题,弄懂"始得"的意思最为关键。翻开词典,"始"有五个义项:(1)开始,当初,最初;(2)才,方才;(3)只,仅仅;(4)正,正在;(5)曾经。"得"有两个义项:(1)得到,获得,与"失"相对;(2)表示情况允许,有"能够""可以"的意思。 展开更多
关键词 语序调整 合文 对文 萦青缭白 颢气 妙合 卒章显志 自余 冥合 物我合一
《文学与文化》 2014年第3期99-99,共1页
国内首家权威专业书评媒体中国社会科学检索期刊中国综合性人文社会科学类核心期刊方玲玲微时代的迷文化生产力:"星巴克"的社交情境消费研究魏宝涛从"互动"到"运动":微信朋友圈"点赞"行为的意... 国内首家权威专业书评媒体中国社会科学检索期刊中国综合性人文社会科学类核心期刊方玲玲微时代的迷文化生产力:"星巴克"的社交情境消费研究魏宝涛从"互动"到"运动":微信朋友圈"点赞"行为的意义构筑与弱化郑以然自媒体视域中的自拍文化陶东风张仲银是启蒙知识分子吗——重读李锐《万里无云》章永乐从乾隆到毛泽东裴自余传统观念与现代国家韩戍也论储安平的激进主义——与秋风先生商榷李飞既无"历史",何来"变迁"——评《当代中国意识形态变迁》 展开更多
关键词 中国图书评论 消费研究 检索期刊 巴克 中国意识形态 自余 朋友圈 何来 陶东风 人文社会科学
作者 万仕同 《学习与研究(北京)》 1985年第6期47-,共1页
语言作为一种历史现象,本来是具有相对稳定性的。但由于不同对象的“妙用”,同一个词的含义又会产生较大的差异。比如“狂”,原意主要是狂妄,可有些人总是千方百计地“引申”、“发展”之。你勤于思考,敢于提不同意见甚至比领导高明的... 语言作为一种历史现象,本来是具有相对稳定性的。但由于不同对象的“妙用”,同一个词的含义又会产生较大的差异。比如“狂”,原意主要是狂妄,可有些人总是千方百计地“引申”、“发展”之。你勤于思考,敢于提不同意见甚至比领导高明的意见吗?马上就会有人下结论:这人自以为是,蔑视领导,实在太狂. 展开更多
关键词 相对稳定性 步鑫生 天变不足畏 人言不足恤 按劳分配原则 分配制度 凤歌 李白诗 物理学理论 自余
作者 宋为霖 《晋中学院学报》 1983年第2期1-8,共8页
“六书”条例,发明很早,《周礼》:八岁入小学,保氏教国子先以“六书”.“六书”是先哲研究文字,类别文字构造的科学总结,文字制作的规范,尽在于是,“六书”之说不可毁.有的人訾嗷叫嚣,必欲彻底泯绝之,可谓先圣后圣,其揆不一也.黄季刚先... “六书”条例,发明很早,《周礼》:八岁入小学,保氏教国子先以“六书”.“六书”是先哲研究文字,类别文字构造的科学总结,文字制作的规范,尽在于是,“六书”之说不可毁.有的人訾嗷叫嚣,必欲彻底泯绝之,可谓先圣后圣,其揆不一也.黄季刚先生认为“‘六书’为中国一切汉字所同循”.他说:“汉世俗书渐众,故其释字形亦不本于古,以泉、货为白水、真人,以日月为易,以千里草为董,以乙力土为地,以白下羊为皋.此皆《说文·叙》所举诸生、廷尉谬说之外,以造字正义衡之,固为谬误,察其离析之法,亦自合于解字之理.亦此曹意中之会意字也.自是以后,文武为斌,不可为叵,樊然淆乱,日有所增,而皆不违“六书”之例.惟孙休为子立名及梁四公子名,其字无从下笔,自余皆可以“六书”说之.” 展开更多
关键词 通假字 兼义 保氏 黄季刚 日月为易 自余 亦声 省声 木部 《玉篇》
作者 曹永南 《数学教学通讯(教师阅读)》 1992年第5期9-10,共2页
一从一道题目谈起某教师在讲述了三角形内角和定理后(以下简称定理),出了这样一道巩固性练习题: (口答) 下列三个角能否为一个三角形的三内角?为什么? (1) 44°、66°、80°,(2) 75°、3°、70°。教师口述的... 一从一道题目谈起某教师在讲述了三角形内角和定理后(以下简称定理),出了这样一道巩固性练习题: (口答) 下列三个角能否为一个三角形的三内角?为什么? (1) 44°、66°、80°,(2) 75°、3°、70°。教师口述的答案是(1)不能,因为44°+66°+80°≠180°(2)能,因为75°+35°+70°=180°。显然,出题的本意是巩固定理,但答案(1)的根据是定理的逆否命题,(2)的根据是定理的逆命题,如果说由命题与其逆否命题的等效性认为(1)的答案无可非议,那么答案(2)是缺乏依据的,因为初中《几何》课本上根本没提到这个逆命题,其真假性亦不得而知,下面探讨定理之逆命题的真假性。二逆命题的探讨逆命题:若α+β+γ=180°(α、β、γ均正)。 展开更多
关键词 逆否命题 存在性问题 巩固性 自余 原式 题设 三边 任意性 请看
作者 陈正余 陈贵攀 《北方蚕业》 2016年第1期22-22,共1页
安康市蚕桑产业发展中心孙自余高级农艺师主编的《陕南蚕桑标准化生产技术》一书,由西北农林科技大学出版社于2016年4月出版发行,ISBN 978-7-5683-0096-4,32开本,定价26元。全书共分七章三十节,该书图文并茂,内容宽泛,简明扼要,具有很... 安康市蚕桑产业发展中心孙自余高级农艺师主编的《陕南蚕桑标准化生产技术》一书,由西北农林科技大学出版社于2016年4月出版发行,ISBN 978-7-5683-0096-4,32开本,定价26元。全书共分七章三十节,该书图文并茂,内容宽泛,简明扼要,具有很强的创新性、实用性和可操作性,对提升陕南蚕桑业标准化、专业化、集约化发展水平,乃至促进陕西蚕桑产业的可持续健康发展具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 出版发行 高级农艺师 蚕桑业 自余 发展水平 生产技术
《北方蚕业》 2016年第2期44-44,共1页
安康市蚕桑产业发展中心孙自余高级农艺师主编的《陕南蚕桑标准化生产技术》一书,由西北农林科技大学出版社于2016年4月出版发行,ISBN 978-7-5683-0096-4,32开本,定价26元。全书共分七章三十节,该书图文并茂,内容宽泛,简明扼要,具有很... 安康市蚕桑产业发展中心孙自余高级农艺师主编的《陕南蚕桑标准化生产技术》一书,由西北农林科技大学出版社于2016年4月出版发行,ISBN 978-7-5683-0096-4,32开本,定价26元。全书共分七章三十节,该书图文并茂,内容宽泛,简明扼要,具有很强的创新性、实用性和可操作性,对提升陕南蚕桑业标准化、专业化、集约化发展水平,乃至促进陕西蚕桑产业的可持续健康发展具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 出版发行 高级农艺师 蚕桑业 自余 发展水平 生产技术
A Decentralized Autonomous Control on Highly Redundant Robot Manipulators
作者 李春梅 杜正春 +1 位作者 颜景平 颜玉玲 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2000年第1期41-45,共5页
The control method of highly redundant robot manipulators is introduced. A decentralized autonomous control scheme is used to guide the movement of robot manipulators so that the work done by manipulators is minimized... The control method of highly redundant robot manipulators is introduced. A decentralized autonomous control scheme is used to guide the movement of robot manipulators so that the work done by manipulators is minimized. The method of computing pseudoinverse which needs too many complicated calculation can be avoided. Then the calculation and control of robots are simplified. At the same time system robustness/fault tolerance is achieved. 展开更多
关键词 highly redundant robot manipulators decentralized autonomous control ROBUSTNESS fault tolerance
Design of rate compatible punctured IRA codes for IR-HARQ schemes
作者 吴晓富 项海格 +2 位作者 赵春明 You Xiaohu 尤肖虎 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2008年第2期127-132,共6页
An incremental redundancy hybrid automatic repeat- request (IR-HARQ)scheme based on irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA)codes is proposed. The design of rate compatible punctured IRA codes suitable for an IR-HARQ sch... An incremental redundancy hybrid automatic repeat- request (IR-HARQ)scheme based on irregular repeat-accumulate (IRA)codes is proposed. The design of rate compatible punctured IRA codes suitable for an IR-HARQ scheme is well formulated and efficiently solved by a linear-programming method, along with a one-dimensional approach for density evolution. Compared to IR-HARQ schemes based on turbo codes, simulation shows that the proposed IR-HARQ schemes based on IRA codes may achieve almost the same performance at a block size of 1 024, but better throughput at a block size of 4 096. The advantages of the proposed scheme in implementation, including decoding complexity and parallelism, make it more attractive in practice than the IR-HARQ schemes based on both turbo and LDPC codes. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid automatic repeat-request protocol incremental redundancy IRA code turbo code
Optimization and Application of SRAM in 90nm CMOS Technology
作者 周清军 刘红侠 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期883-888,共6页
This paper presents an optimized SRAM that is repairable and dissipates less power. To improve the yield of SRAMs per wafer,redundancy logic and an E-FUSE box are added to the SRAM and an SR SRAM is set up. In order t... This paper presents an optimized SRAM that is repairable and dissipates less power. To improve the yield of SRAMs per wafer,redundancy logic and an E-FUSE box are added to the SRAM and an SR SRAM is set up. In order to reduce power dissipation,power on/off states and isolation logic are introduced into the SR SRAM and an LPSR SRAM is constructed. The optimized LPSR SRAM64K × 32 is used in SoC and the testing method of the LPSR SRAM64K × 32 is also discussed. The SoC design is successfully implemented in the Chartered 90nm CMOS process. The SoC chip occupies 5. 6mm× 5. 6ram of die area and the power dissipation is 1997mW. The test results indicate that LPSR SRAM64K ×32 obtains 17. 301% power savings and the yield of the LPSR SRAM64K × 32s per wafer is improved by 13. 255%. 展开更多
关键词 OPTIMIZATION LPSR SRAM redundancy logic power on/off states
辽宁省三八红旗手 凤城市宝山镇党委副书记 镇长 卢雪坤
《辽宁省人民政府公报》 2007年第7期49-49,共1页
卢雪坤现任凤城市宝山镇党委副书记、镇长。任职以来,她以创新的思维,开放的理念,求真务实的作风,为宝山赢来了新的发展机遇。经过两年的不懈努力,将贫困、落后的宝山镇,改变成一个经济快速发展,社会各项事业齐头并进,居民生活水平快速... 卢雪坤现任凤城市宝山镇党委副书记、镇长。任职以来,她以创新的思维,开放的理念,求真务实的作风,为宝山赢来了新的发展机遇。经过两年的不懈努力,将贫困、落后的宝山镇,改变成一个经济快速发展,社会各项事业齐头并进,居民生活水平快速提高的新“宝山”。 展开更多
关键词 宝山镇 生活水平 以身 步协 卜山 门水 中体 自余 力神 上中
A generalization of co-*~n-modules
作者 姚玲玲 陈建龙 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期505-508,共4页
A module is called a co-*∞-module if it is co-selfsmall and ∞-quasi-injective. The properties and characterizations are investigated. When a module U is a co-*∞-module, the functor Hom RU(-,U)is exact in Copre... A module is called a co-*∞-module if it is co-selfsmall and ∞-quasi-injective. The properties and characterizations are investigated. When a module U is a co-*∞-module, the functor Hom RU(-,U)is exact in Copres∞(U). A module U is a co-*∞-module if and only if U is co-selfsmall and for any exact sequence 0→M→UI→N→0 with M∈Copres∞(U) and I is a set, N∈Copres∞(U) is equivalent to Ext1R(N,U)→Ext1R(UI,U) is a monomorphism if and only if U is co-selfsmall and for any exact sequence 0→L→M→N→0 with L, N∈Copres∞(U), N∈Copres∞(U) is equivalent to the induced sequence 0→Δ(N)→Δ(M)→Δ(L)→0 which is exact if and only if U induces a duality ΔUS:⊥USCopres∞(U):ΔRU. Moreover, U is a co-*n-module if and only if U is a co-*∞-module and Copres∞(U)=Copresn(U). 展开更多
关键词 co-*∞-module ∞-quasi-injective co-selfsmall co-*n-module
Computation of Average Run Length for Residual-Based T^2 Control Chart for Multivariate Autocorrelated Processes 被引量:1
作者 张驰 何桢 张阳 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第4期305-308,共4页
The expression of residual is obtained according to its dynamic response to mean shift, then the distribu- tion of T2 statistic applied to the residual is derived, thus the probability of the 7a statistic lying outsid... The expression of residual is obtained according to its dynamic response to mean shift, then the distribu- tion of T2 statistic applied to the residual is derived, thus the probability of the 7a statistic lying outside the control limit is calculated. The above-mentioned results are substituted into the infinite definition expression of the average run length (ARL), and then the final finite ARL expression is obtained. An example is used to demonstrate the procedures of the proposed method. In the comparative study, eight autocorrelated processes and four different mean shifts are performed, and the ARL values of the proposed method are compared with those obtained by simulation method with 50 000 replications. The accuracy of the proposed method can be illustrated through the comparative results. 展开更多
关键词 autocorrelated process average mn length (ARL) residual-based T2 control chart
Self-motion Manifolds of an 8-DOF Non-holonomic Mobile Manipulator
作者 姚玉峰 赵建文 孙立宁 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第3期400-406,共7页
For the non-holonomic constraint robot,determining the pose of its end-effector will rely on its joints' displacement and the velocity of its non-holonomic constraint joints as well.Therefore,it becomes increasing... For the non-holonomic constraint robot,determining the pose of its end-effector will rely on its joints' displacement and the velocity of its non-holonomic constraint joints as well.Therefore,it becomes increasingly difficult to obtain the analytic solution of its self-motion manifold in the traditional way for solving matrix equation.In this paper,we take the pose of end manipulator as the result of the joint sequential motion based on the mentality of motion equivalence,the structure and the reference velocity which correspond precisely to the points in self-motion manifold as self-motion variable.Thus an analytical solution for the self-motion manifold of the 8 degree of freedom wheeled mobile manipulator is presented by taking vector algebra as a tool,which facilitates deriving the closed solution of its self-motion manifold.In the closing part of this paper,calculating examples of self-motion manifold and mechanism self-motion simulation are proposed,which proves the validity of solution algorithm for self-motion manifold. 展开更多
关键词 wheeled mobile manipulator SELF-MOTION non-holonomic constraint REDUNDANCY
Development of Five-Finger Multi-DoF Myoelectric Hands with a Power Allocation Mechanism
作者 Tatsuya Seki Tatsuhiro Nakamura Ryu Kato Soichiro Morishita Hiroshi Yokoi 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第2期97-105,共9页
To be used as five-fingered myoelectric hands in daily living, robotic hands must be lightweight with the size of human hands. In addition, they must possess the DoFs (degrees of freedom) and high grip force similar... To be used as five-fingered myoelectric hands in daily living, robotic hands must be lightweight with the size of human hands. In addition, they must possess the DoFs (degrees of freedom) and high grip force similar to those of human hands. Balancing these requirements involves a trade-off; ideal robotic hands have yet to sufficiently satisfy both requirements. Herein, a power allocation mechanism is proposed to improve the grip force without increasing the size or weight of robotic hands by using redundant DoFs during pinching motions. Additionally, this mechanism is applied to an actual five-fingered myoelectric hand, which produces seven types of motions necessary for activities of daily living and realizes a -60% improvement in fingertip force, allowing three fingers to pinch objects exceeding 1 kg. 展开更多
关键词 Five-finger multi-degree of freedom (DoF) robotic hand power allocation mechanism interference driven link based onwire mechanism.
Governance Structure, Surplus Free Cash Flow (SFCF), and Earnings Quality: Evidence From Malaysia*
作者 Redhwan Ahmed AL-Dhamari Ku Nor Izah Bt Ku Ismail 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第10期1437-1452,共16页
Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF... Prior researches focus mainly on the relationship between governance structure and earnings quality. Unlike the previous researches, this study attempts to empirically examine the role of surplus free cash flow (SFCF) as a moderator in the relationship with the new requirements of Malaysian code on corporate governance (MCCG). By using the estimated generalized least square (EGLS) upon a sample of Malaysian firms, the results show that firms with an independent chairman experience persistent earnings numbers. The results also demonstrate that the current earnings of finns with small boards and independent audit committee members are more likely to persist in the future, when SFCF is high. However, in contradiction to the authors' expectation is the significant, but negative and interactive effect of current earnings and audit committee competence on earnings persistence. The findings, though disappointing, suggest investors to consider both the governance structure and free cash flow (FCF) agency problem when evaluating the sustainability of firms' earnings. They also call for more independent directors, effective meetings, and more competent audit committee members. 展开更多
关键词 characteristics of board of director characteristics of audit committee surplus free cash flow (SFCF) earnings persistence
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