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作者 米笑 《明日风尚(下旬)》 2021年第9期79-81,共3页
自刻印谱的出现得益于晚明印章鉴藏之风的盛行,各类印谱的出现使得印谱逐渐向着艺术审美的角度转变,成了篆刻家学习、临摹的工具。 又随着篆刻艺术的发展,除古印之外,时人也成了重要的学习途径,所以自刻印谱应运而生。
关键词 自刻印谱 晚明
宋代石刻诗的文化透视 被引量:1
作者 左福生 陈忻 《浙江学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期113-122,共10页
宋代石刻与文学的关系密切,石刻诗所占比重尤为突出。刻诗者包括朝中宰臣、地方官员和普通文士,他们或自刻己诗或选他人诗篇铭石,所涉及的作者既有往代诗人,也大量刊刻宋人诗篇,总体上以历代名家名篇为主体。所选作品根据刻诗者所需,除... 宋代石刻与文学的关系密切,石刻诗所占比重尤为突出。刻诗者包括朝中宰臣、地方官员和普通文士,他们或自刻己诗或选他人诗篇铭石,所涉及的作者既有往代诗人,也大量刊刻宋人诗篇,总体上以历代名家名篇为主体。所选作品根据刻诗者所需,除单篇作品外,有个人全部诗篇、阶段性诗篇、组诗、唱和诗、汇刻诗等多种内容,形成大小规模不等的石刻形态,个别诗人作品还出现多次刻石的重刻现象。宋人刻诗选诗有特定的依据和标准,即考虑诗人因素,也关注作品质量,一般会受地缘、人际、审美等诸因素影响而决定其取舍。 展开更多
关键词 自刻 选择 动机
作者 周蓉 《图书馆工作与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第1期76-79,共4页
缪荃孙是中国近代著名的学者,京师(国家)图书馆和江南(南京)图书馆的主要创办者,一生刻书颇多。缪氏年谱、日记和行状上的记载,基本上可分为代刻和自刻两类。本文归纳总结了这两类的刻书情况,并分析其状况,可以了解新旧交叠时期缪氏的... 缪荃孙是中国近代著名的学者,京师(国家)图书馆和江南(南京)图书馆的主要创办者,一生刻书颇多。缪氏年谱、日记和行状上的记载,基本上可分为代刻和自刻两类。本文归纳总结了这两类的刻书情况,并分析其状况,可以了解新旧交叠时期缪氏的刻书特点和刻书思想。 展开更多
关键词 缪荃孙 自刻
作者 陈慧清 《江苏教育》 2019年第93期47-50,共4页
篆刻艺术最早的载体并不是如今我们所熟知的石材,而主要是以铜为代表的金属。人们普遍用石材来刻印,已经是明代中期的事情了。由于便于镌刻的石材的大量被发现及运用,篆刻艺术进入了文人案头,他们凭借着自己的艺术通感及非凡眼界,使篆... 篆刻艺术最早的载体并不是如今我们所熟知的石材,而主要是以铜为代表的金属。人们普遍用石材来刻印,已经是明代中期的事情了。由于便于镌刻的石材的大量被发现及运用,篆刻艺术进入了文人案头,他们凭借着自己的艺术通感及非凡眼界,使篆刻艺术达到了历史上第二个高峰。石材至今仍是篆刻艺术的最佳载体。 展开更多
关键词 石材 自篆自刻
作者 耿鑫 《西泠艺丛》 2023年第7期59-67,共9页
自北宋杨克一《集古印格》发轫,印谱作为独特的工具书籍逐渐进入文人的生活交游圈,直至明代隆庆年间顾从德《集古印谱》的横空出世,印谱发展真正蔚为大观,对启发文人将印章钤盖入谱的思路,实有筚路蓝缕之功。本文以日本早稻田大学图书... 自北宋杨克一《集古印格》发轫,印谱作为独特的工具书籍逐渐进入文人的生活交游圈,直至明代隆庆年间顾从德《集古印谱》的横空出世,印谱发展真正蔚为大观,对启发文人将印章钤盖入谱的思路,实有筚路蓝缕之功。本文以日本早稻田大学图书馆所藏三个不同版本的《酣古集印谱》为例,郄视明末清初自刻印谱对日本印坛的影响与意义,力图完善当代学人对日本篆刻艺术的发展认识,对深入了解自刻印谱的创作生态与文人交流具有深层的意义,亦可为研究文人篆刻艺术、印谱传播等领域提供新的发展思路。 展开更多
关键词 《酣古集印谱》 日本 自刻印谱 早稻田大学
钱谦益入清后诗“诗其人”辩 被引量:1
作者 卢川 孙之梅 《齐鲁学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第3期125-130,共6页
钱谦益入清后的诗从清初以来便被指责为"作伪"、"自刻饰",甚而说是"表演"。由于论诗逻辑的武断简单,使钱谦益诗处于百口难辩的境地。分析话语者的时代和心理背景,考察钱诗所写的事与情,我们认为,钱谦益... 钱谦益入清后的诗从清初以来便被指责为"作伪"、"自刻饰",甚而说是"表演"。由于论诗逻辑的武断简单,使钱谦益诗处于百口难辩的境地。分析话语者的时代和心理背景,考察钱诗所写的事与情,我们认为,钱谦益入清后的诗是真诚的,符合他"诗其人"的诗学理论。他的诗真实地反映了作者大节隳颓的尴尬和反清志行,亡国之痛,沧桑之感是经历了鼎革之变后全社会共有的感情。在钱谦益评价上,我们不能以其曾经有过贰臣的经历而重蹈前人的覆辙。 展开更多
关键词 钱谦益 以诗文自刻 反清 沧桑之感 “诗其人”
Photolithography Process Simulation for Integrated Circuits and Microelectromechanical System Fabrication 被引量:1
作者 周再发 黄庆安 李伟华 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期705-711,共7页
Simulations of photoresist etching,aerial image,exposure,and post-bake processes are integrated to obtain a photolithography process simulation for microelectromechanical system(MEMS) and integrated circuit(IC) fa... Simulations of photoresist etching,aerial image,exposure,and post-bake processes are integrated to obtain a photolithography process simulation for microelectromechanical system(MEMS) and integrated circuit(IC) fabrication based on three-dimensional (3D) cellular automata(CA). The simulation results agree well with available experimental results. This indicates that the 3D dynamic CA model for the photoresist etching simulation and the 3D CA model for the post-bake simulation could be useful for the monolithic simulation of various lithography processes. This is determined to be useful for the device-sized fabrication process simulation of IC and MEMS. 展开更多
关键词 cellular automata process simulation photolithography simulation MODEL TCAD
作者 顾村言 《科教文汇》 2022年第5期I0007-I0008,共2页
山道都是清一色的石阶,钱时安说这里过去并没有路,也是他与雇来的乡亲一阶阶砌出来的,石头都是他从河中选定,背上山去。路修好了,上山方便了,去年他在山顶上的一处崖地又建了一座亭子,且打了一排观景长凳,在树上钉了一个自书自刻的竹牌... 山道都是清一色的石阶,钱时安说这里过去并没有路,也是他与雇来的乡亲一阶阶砌出来的,石头都是他从河中选定,背上山去。路修好了,上山方便了,去年他在山顶上的一处崖地又建了一座亭子,且打了一排观景长凳,在树上钉了一个自书自刻的竹牌——“天宫看人间”,并笑言是因为这里可以俯瞰人间,仿佛天宫一般。 展开更多
关键词 观景 河中 自刻
Transition of super-hydrophobic states of droplet on rough surface 被引量:2
作者 叶霞 周明 +2 位作者 蒋大林 李健 蔡兰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第3期554-559,共6页
Twelve samples with periodic array square pillars microstructure were prepared on the silicon wafer by plasma etching techniques, on which space b of the square pillars increased from 5 to 60 μm. In order to study th... Twelve samples with periodic array square pillars microstructure were prepared on the silicon wafer by plasma etching techniques, on which space b of the square pillars increased from 5 to 60 μm. In order to study the effect ofb on the wettability of the rough surface, the effects of apparent contact angle (CA) and sliding angle (a) of the droplet on the rough surface were measured with the contact angle meter. The results show that the experimental values of CA well agree with the classical wetting theory and a decreases with the increase of b. Two drop shapes exist on the samples' surface, corresponding to the Cassie state and the Wenzel state respectively. The contact state in which a drop would settle depends typically on the size of b. On the role of gravitation, the irreversible transition of a drop from Cassie state to Wenzel state should occur at a certain space of the square pillars. Since the transition has implications on the application of super-hydrophobic rough surfaces, theoretically, the prediction of wetting state transition on square pillar array micro-structured surfaces provides an intuitionistic guidance for the design of steady superhydrophobic surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 square pillar microstructure wetting mode transition apparent contact angle sliding angle
The Value of Divulgation for the Protection of Rare Species: The Ceroplastics
作者 Cristina Delunas 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第2期237-245,共9页
The purpose of this work has been to carry out a didactic exhibit at the Botanical Museum of the Department of Life and Environment of the University of Cagliari devoted to vegetal endemic or threatened species presen... The purpose of this work has been to carry out a didactic exhibit at the Botanical Museum of the Department of Life and Environment of the University of Cagliari devoted to vegetal endemic or threatened species present at the Mediterranean Basin. The Ceroplastics (wax sculpting) plays a very important role in this project. Species that have become rare or are somehow threatened in the natural environment and have fortunately been preserved "ex situ" at the Botanical Garden of Cagliari are reproduced as wax models. Models are made by cutting and shaping wax sheets over the flame of an alcohol lamp. Each model has been created by copying a real specimen cultivated at the Botanical Garden and as a "unique piece" without using preparatory moulds. The result has been to have at our disposal a collection of very realistic models and magnified particulars as for example the pollen grains. The accuracy of the representation gives visitors the chance to know the considered species by means of the models. In order to preserve the natural heritage it is of the utmost importance that divulgation and information be made available to everyone. The Botanical Museum of the University of Cagliari rediscovers the noble art of wax sculpting, which has been strongly linked to the spreading of scientific knowledge since the XVII century and nowadays it may contribute to raise the citizens' awareness of the most common environmental issues. 展开更多
关键词 Ceroplastics Botanical Museum wax models botanical models wax sculpting.
作者 孟洋 《老年世界》 2023年第11期63-64,共2页
文彭和何震是明代杰出的印学家,并称“文、何”。世人把文彭的提侣印学和唐代韩愈“文起八代之衰”相提并论,实际上,米蒂有传已经可以自篆自刻,而王冕用花乳石制印,可以说走出了印章成为一门独立的艺术门类的最重要一步。王冕去世后一... 文彭和何震是明代杰出的印学家,并称“文、何”。世人把文彭的提侣印学和唐代韩愈“文起八代之衰”相提并论,实际上,米蒂有传已经可以自篆自刻,而王冕用花乳石制印,可以说走出了印章成为一门独立的艺术门类的最重要一步。王冕去世后一百四十余年,文彭才出世,由于王冕无传人继承衣钵,且不如文家声名之广,所以了解的人不多。 展开更多
关键词 文彭 何震 王冕 唐代韩愈 花乳石 自刻
A universal etching-free transfer of MoS2 films for applications in photodetectors 被引量:2
作者 Donglin Ma Jianping Shi +11 位作者 Qingqing Ji Ke Chen Jianbo Yin Yuanwei Lin Yu Zhang Mengxi Liu Qingliang Feng Xiuju Song Xuefeng Guo Jin Zhang Yanfeng Zhang Zhongfan Liu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第11期3662-3672,共11页
Transferring MoS2 films from growth substrates onto target substrates is a critical issue for their practical applications. Moreover, it remains a great challenge to avoid sample degradation and substrate destruction,... Transferring MoS2 films from growth substrates onto target substrates is a critical issue for their practical applications. Moreover, it remains a great challenge to avoid sample degradation and substrate destruction, because the current transfer method inevitably employs a wet chemical etching process. We developed an etching-free transfer method for transferring MoS2 films onto arbitrary substrates by using ultrasonication. Briefly, the collapse of ultrasonication-generated microbubbles at the interface between polymer-coated MoS2 film and substrates induce sufficient force to delaminate the MoS2 films. Using this method, the MoS2 films can be transferred from all substrates (silica, mica, strontium titanate, and sapphire) and retains the original sample morphology and quality. This method guarantees a simple transfer process and allows the reuse of growth substrates, without involving any hazardous etchants. The etching-free transfer method is likely to promote broad applications of MoS2 in photodetectors. 展开更多
关键词 MOS2 etching-free efficient transfer ultrasonic bubbling environmental friendliness
The Physical and Psychological Mechanisms of Educational Inequality and Intervention Strategies: The Case of Migrant Workers' Children 被引量:1
作者 Gao Minghua 《Social Sciences in China》 2013年第4期38-57,共20页
Using multiple methods including questionnaires, in-depth interviews, participant observation and field experiments, we have identified two social-psychological mechanisms in educational inequality: the self-fulfilli... Using multiple methods including questionnaires, in-depth interviews, participant observation and field experiments, we have identified two social-psychological mechanisms in educational inequality: the self-fulfilling prophecy ofparentaI expectations at home and the threat of stereotyping encountered at school. The physical mechanism of educational inequality is manifested in the poor health of migrant workers' children and their devalued behavior. Targeting these physical and psychological mechanisms, we have designed two simple but effective intervention strategies to raise the children's academic achievement: passing on the incremental theory of intelligence and establishing a multiple assessment system. These intervention strategies effectively improved the children's academic performance, increased their identification with learning, and lowered the stereotype threat. It is hoped that these strategies can be applied to the new generation of migrant workers entering the labor market. 展开更多
关键词 educational inequality physical and psychological mechanisms self-fulfilling prophecy stereotype threat intervention strategy
Impact of the CoFe microstructure etched surface oxidation on Co spin and orbital moment
作者 GUO YuXian ZHANG ZiJun +2 位作者 WANG Jie FU ShaoJun XU PengShou 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第3期588-592,共5页
Patterned ferromagnetic thin film shows promising applications in ultra-high density magnetic storage,magnetoresistive transducer,magnetic random access memory and many other devices.Since the performance of these dev... Patterned ferromagnetic thin film shows promising applications in ultra-high density magnetic storage,magnetoresistive transducer,magnetic random access memory and many other devices.Since the performance of these devices is closely associated with the magnetic properties of the etched patterns,it is necessary to study the effects of freshly etched surface oxidation on the magnetic properties of the patterned microstructures.In the current work,were carried out an X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism(XMCD) study on a 50 nm Co 0.9 Fe 0.1 continuous thin film and a related patterned Co 0.9 Fe 0.1 grating structure etched with a 2 μm period.Based on the sum rules,the spin and orbital moments were calculated for these two samples,respectively.The results indicated that the spin and orbital moments of grating structure(1.34μ B and 0.24μ B,respectively) decreased 17.3% compared with the corresponding continuous film(1.62μ B and 0.29μ B,respectively).We proposed that the moment decreasing of the patterned grating structure was mainly caused by the etched surface oxidation during the pattern manufacture process.The oxidation ratio of Co element in the patterned grating structure is 14.4% calculated from X-ray absorption spectroscopy(XAS) measurement.Considering the oxidation ratio,we amend the spin and orbital moment of Co and the amended result is basically in accordance with that of continuous film,demonstrating that the difference of the spin and orbital moments between the sub-micron grating unit and the continuous film is really caused by the oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic grating structure X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) spin moment orbital moment absorptionspectrum fitting
Bilayer self-assembly on a hydrophilic, deterministically nanopatterned surface
作者 Gregory S. Smith Seung-Yong Jung +4 位作者 James F. Browning Jong K. Keum Nickolay V. Lavrik Mussie G. Alemseghed C. Patrick Collier 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第11期784-794,共11页
We present measurements of the in situ, microscopic architecture of a self- assembled bilayer at the interface between a regularly nanopatterned surface and an aqueous sub-phase using neutron reflectometry. The substr... We present measurements of the in situ, microscopic architecture of a self- assembled bilayer at the interface between a regularly nanopatterned surface and an aqueous sub-phase using neutron reflectometry. The substrate is patterned with a rectangular array of nanoscale holes. Because of the high quality of the pattern, using neutron reflectometry, we are able to map the surface-normal density distribution of the patterned silicon, the penetration of water into the pattern, and the distribution of a deposited film inside and outside of the etched holes. In this stud; 1,2-dilauroyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DLPC) single bilayers were deposited on the hydrophilic patterned surface. For bilayers deposited either by vesicle fusion (VF) or by the Langmuir-Schaefer (L-S) technique, the most consistent model found to fit the data shows that the lipids form bilayer coatings on top of the substrate as well as the bottoms of the holes in an essentially conformal fashion. However, while there is a single bilayer on the unetched silicon surface, the lipids coating the bottoms of the holes form a complex bimodal structure consistent with a rough surface produced by the etching process. This study provides insight into film transfer both outside and inside regular nanopatterned features. 展开更多
关键词 thin film NANOPATTERN neutron reflectivity LIPID SELF-ASSEMBLY
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