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微电网中储能运行模式自发切换的对策研究 被引量:4
作者 张程翔 汪科 +1 位作者 陆莹 贺军 《电气传动》 2021年第23期70-75,共6页
十三五期间,新能源建设由集中式光伏电站向分布式光伏全面推进,构建含储能的微电网成为消纳分布式光伏的有效运行方式。依托浙江某分布式能源示范工程,通过储能系统主、从PCS分散控制及顺控同期并网策略实现光储微电网的并/离网平滑切... 十三五期间,新能源建设由集中式光伏电站向分布式光伏全面推进,构建含储能的微电网成为消纳分布式光伏的有效运行方式。依托浙江某分布式能源示范工程,通过储能系统主、从PCS分散控制及顺控同期并网策略实现光储微电网的并/离网平滑切换。但在切换试验时发现,由于各分系统之间的通讯延时与内部计算延时,微电网并网后储能主PCS充放电运行模式自发切换,电流骤增并触发限功率运行。通过建立储能等效模型与理论分析,提出避免限功率运行及减小大电流充电时间的对策,并对工程进行回路改造与软件升级后再次并网。试验结果验证所提对策可有效提高此分布式能源示范工程运行安全性与经济性,亦对今后实际微电网工程具有借鉴意义与指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 微电网 储能运行模式自发切换 限功率运行 分系统延时 安全经济运行
作者 周晓莉 白庆华 《现代管理科学》 2006年第8期10-11,共2页
在现有的对战略意图的形成过程进行研究的文献中,主要有两种观点,一种认为是“规划”形成的,另一种认为是“自发”形成的。文章以一个成功企业获得巨大发展的战略阶段为研究对象,通过分析发现实际上战略意图的形成是这二者的结合。更进... 在现有的对战略意图的形成过程进行研究的文献中,主要有两种观点,一种认为是“规划”形成的,另一种认为是“自发”形成的。文章以一个成功企业获得巨大发展的战略阶段为研究对象,通过分析发现实际上战略意图的形成是这二者的结合。更进一步的,文章对该过程中这两种因素的结合方式也进行了更深入地刻画。 展开更多
关键词 战略意图 形成过程 规划模式 自发模式
小区块油气田伴生气自发电的探讨 被引量:7
作者 刘红 邹兵 《电力需求侧管理》 2003年第4期54-56,共3页
针对小区块油气田开发中,同时存在伴生气回收难、供电难的实际,提出采用以伴生气为燃料的天然气发电机组自行发电的模式,并对其技术性、经济性进行了分析;结合首批投运机组的运行实践,指出选用发电机组时应注意的问题;探讨了伴生气自发... 针对小区块油气田开发中,同时存在伴生气回收难、供电难的实际,提出采用以伴生气为燃料的天然气发电机组自行发电的模式,并对其技术性、经济性进行了分析;结合首批投运机组的运行实践,指出选用发电机组时应注意的问题;探讨了伴生气自发电模式的适用区域及其发展前景。 展开更多
关键词 小区块油气田 供电系统 电网 供电线路 伴生气自发模式
基于转发式一发多收模式的GEO卫星定轨研究 被引量:3
作者 刘凯 杨旭海 +4 位作者 陈亮 韦沛 成璇 曹芬 南凯 《时间频率学报》 CSCD 2019年第4期357-366,共10页
实现了基于一发多收模式的地球同步轨道卫星精密测定轨,一发多收测轨模式是转发式测定轨技术中一种观测模式。测轨站主站向卫星发射一个伪码扩频信号,经卫星转发器转发,传向主站和副站,形成主站的自发自收和副站的主发副收的测轨模式。... 实现了基于一发多收模式的地球同步轨道卫星精密测定轨,一发多收测轨模式是转发式测定轨技术中一种观测模式。测轨站主站向卫星发射一个伪码扩频信号,经卫星转发器转发,传向主站和副站,形成主站的自发自收和副站的主发副收的测轨模式。并依托中国科学院国家授时中心的西安站、长春站和喀什站开展C波段一发多收观测定轨试验。主站的发射系统时延和卫星转发器的时延可以通过解算中的参数估计予以解算,副站的系统误差经标校方法抵消其影响。试验以自发自收的定轨结果评估一发多收的定轨精度,结果表明一发多收定轨精度可达10 m量级,也说明一发多收观测模式是一种有效的精密测定轨方法。 展开更多
关键词 转发式测定轨 一发多收模式 自发自收模式 精密定轨 地球同步轨道卫星
中药注射剂ADE/ADR集中监测模式探索 被引量:2
作者 王姣 谷旭放 《亚太传统医药》 2021年第9期215-218,共4页
探讨国内近年来医院集中监测方法在中药注射剂领域的应用现状,从临床医护人员、科研人员、患者三个角度进行分析、归纳,借鉴目前国家药品不良反应监测模式,拟在医院集中监测模式运行的同时,设计网络化平台开展患者自发呈报工作,双轨并行... 探讨国内近年来医院集中监测方法在中药注射剂领域的应用现状,从临床医护人员、科研人员、患者三个角度进行分析、归纳,借鉴目前国家药品不良反应监测模式,拟在医院集中监测模式运行的同时,设计网络化平台开展患者自发呈报工作,双轨并行,并对集中监测模式下患者自发呈报方法从主要适应人群、调查问卷设计与实施、后期问卷筛检与登记、相关研究人员培训方面进行详细阐述,为中药注射剂不良反应监测提供一种新思路。 展开更多
关键词 中药注射剂 不良反应 医院集中监测-自发呈报双模式 安全性评价
中西方社区规划师典型模式借鉴研究 被引量:4
作者 黄伟 邓凌云 《中外建筑》 2021年第2期74-77,共4页
随着国家对社区治理的日益重视,社区规划师将成为未来社区治理的重要制度设计。本文分析了中西方三种典型的社区规划师模式,包括以美国为代表的非政府组织指导下的自发行动模式,以台湾和北京为代表的自上而下完整机制体制设计模式,以及... 随着国家对社区治理的日益重视,社区规划师将成为未来社区治理的重要制度设计。本文分析了中西方三种典型的社区规划师模式,包括以美国为代表的非政府组织指导下的自发行动模式,以台湾和北京为代表的自上而下完整机制体制设计模式,以及以厦门等城市为代表的"共同缔造"理念下的参与式规划模式。结合三种模式的特点,本文提出了完善未来社区规划师发展的三方面建议,即加强国家层面的引导、开展机制体制设计以及加大社区规划师专业培训力度。 展开更多
关键词 社区规划师 模式 中西方 借鉴 共同缔造理念 自发行动模式 自下而上模式
中国出版“走出去”的经验反思与路径选择 被引量:2
作者 白中林 《出版广角》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期47-50,共4页
中国出版"走出去"的本质是中国文化"走出去"。近年来,中国出版业开创了多种"走出去"的途径与方式,无论是"借船出海"还是"造船出海"都有一批可贵的经验亟须反思与总结。在全球场域中... 中国出版"走出去"的本质是中国文化"走出去"。近年来,中国出版业开创了多种"走出去"的途径与方式,无论是"借船出海"还是"造船出海"都有一批可贵的经验亟须反思与总结。在全球场域中,中国出版"走出去"需要上升到文明类型与文明道路的高度,面对不同国家优化出版"走出去"的方案。人类历史上前所未有的社会变革仍在进行,需要我们的哲学和社会科学不断总结中国社会的实践经验,不断修正和完善阐述中国式现代化的话语。在此意义上,中国出版"走出去"的效果和规模最终仍然取决于中国式现代化道路的生命力。 展开更多
关键词 文化“走出去” 全球场域 国家主导模式 自发模式
多数劣势与消费者代表:集体行动的逻辑 被引量:2
作者 田学斌 贾小玫 《南方经济》 北大核心 2004年第1期68-70,共3页
本文借助奥尔森的集体行动的逻辑框架 ,分析消费者的多数劣势及其维权效率 ,探讨作为一个自发维权模式的消费者代表的特点和功能 ,并解释消费者代表难以成为持续有效的维权机制的原因。
关键词 奥尔森 集体行动 消费者代表 自发维权模式 消费者权益 多数劣势
新能源发展研究 被引量:9
作者 王骏 《电网与清洁能源》 2011年第12期1-7,共7页
总结提出新能源4个特性:能量密度低,供能过程具有随机性和间歇性,不能大规模储存,经济性尚不具备竞争力。结合国内外新能源开发方式及现状,对比新能源在电价和电量及电网企业收益,提出在全国推行新能源"自发自用"模式,并对&qu... 总结提出新能源4个特性:能量密度低,供能过程具有随机性和间歇性,不能大规模储存,经济性尚不具备竞争力。结合国内外新能源开发方式及现状,对比新能源在电价和电量及电网企业收益,提出在全国推行新能源"自发自用"模式,并对"能量块"与"能量膜"开发利用方式进行比较,论述了新能源开发思路、开发方式,提出开发利用新能源既要有积极的进取精神,也要有很强的责任感。 展开更多
关键词 新能源 能量块 能量膜 集中开发 分散开发 自发自用”模式 输送与消纳 政府补贴
作者 何娟 陈冰 杨婉花 《中国新药与临床杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期445-450,共6页
目的通过对本院药品不良反应信息汇总,分析药品不良反应的发生情况,并对药品不良反应自发报告模式进行探讨。方法采用病例回顾性研究的方法,总结不良反应发生状况,包括患者的基本资料、药品及其不良反应的特点、发生率、严重度等因素。... 目的通过对本院药品不良反应信息汇总,分析药品不良反应的发生情况,并对药品不良反应自发报告模式进行探讨。方法采用病例回顾性研究的方法,总结不良反应发生状况,包括患者的基本资料、药品及其不良反应的特点、发生率、严重度等因素。结果本院药品不良反应的发生率为0.007 7%,住院患者药品不良反应的发生率为0.051 7%,门诊发生率为0.006 7%,老年患者药品不良反应的发生率较高,A型药品不良反应的发生率较高,抗生素类药物不良反应的发生率较高。轻度和中度药品不良反应的发生率分别为50.0%和46.8%,27.7%的药品不良反应是可预防的,71.4%的药品不良反应至少存在一种易感因素,最常见的易感因素为多种药物合并使用和多种合并症。对患者特征与药品不良反应特征进行相关性分析发现,A型药品不良反应在老年患者的发生率较高,B型药品不良反应在中青年患者的发生率较高。结论本院药品不良反应自发报告发生情况与其他医院相似。避免药品不良反应常见的易感因素可显著减少或预防药品不良反应的发生。 展开更多
关键词 药物不良反应 抗菌药 回顾性研究 自发报告模式
Design of a novel modular self-reconfigurable robot capable of self-turning
作者 乔贵方 宋光明 +2 位作者 张颖 孙慧玉 韦中 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第3期293-300,共8页
To solve the problem of inaccurate angle adjustment in the self-assembly process, a new homogenous hybrid modular self-reconfigurable robot-Xmobot is designed. Each module has four rotary joints and a self-turning mec... To solve the problem of inaccurate angle adjustment in the self-assembly process, a new homogenous hybrid modular self-reconfigurable robot-Xmobot is designed. Each module has four rotary joints and a self-turning mechanism. With the proposed self-turning mechanism, the angle adjusting accuracy of the module is increased to 2°, and the relative position adjusting efficiency of the module in the self-assembly process is also improved. The measured maximum moving distance of the proposed module in a gait cycle is 11.0 cm. Aiming at the multiple degree of freedom (MDOF) feature of the proposed module, a motion controller based on the central pattern generator (CPG) is proposed. The control of five joints of the module only requires two CPG oscillators. The CPG-based motion controller has three basic output modes, i. e. the oscillation, the rotation, and the fixed modes. The serpentine and the wheeled movements of the H-shaped robot are simulated, respectively. The results show that the average velocities of the two movements are 15. 2 and 20. 1 m/min, respectively. The proposed CPG-based motion controller is evaluated to be effective. 展开更多
关键词 central pattern generator modular self-reconfigurable robot structural design motion simulation
The "Production" of Accounting Information Between Regulatory and Free Market Approach: An (Eternally) Open Issue
作者 Marco Sorrentino Francesco Cossu Margherita Smarra 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2015年第1期1-9,共9页
Accounting information has gained utmost importance over the years, and it now plays a vital role in our society. Indeed, the trends of a global economy, especially one relying on a capital market-based financial syst... Accounting information has gained utmost importance over the years, and it now plays a vital role in our society. Indeed, the trends of a global economy, especially one relying on a capital market-based financial system, are greatly influenced by reliable accounting information. However, it is sometimes difficult to assess the "reliability" of such information, given the clear differences in the needs and goals of its different users. In this respect, the possible ways to guarantee the appropriateness of the accounting information provided to users doubtlessly deserve a careful investigation. The second half of the 1970s can be considered as the starting point of a debate, within the Anglo-Saxon accounting literature, concerning the most effective methods to provide users with accounting data effectively meeting their very specific needs. In this context, two antithetical schools of thought developed: (1) free market approach; and (2) regulatory approach. Although it is possible to state that accounting regulation has now become a concrete reality both inside and outside the Anglo-Saxon accounting context, after more than halfa century, its efficacy is still an open issue. 展开更多
关键词 accounting information free market REGULATION Anglo-Saxon accounting agency theory signallingtheory information asymmetry
Countermeasures of Circular Economy to Build a Modem Industrial System
作者 Xiaoyan LIU Yanlong PANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期42-44,共3页
The circular economy is an advocate of harmony with the Earth' s natural resources and environment, mutual interdependence of social and economic development model, it requires economic production systems within and ... The circular economy is an advocate of harmony with the Earth' s natural resources and environment, mutual interdependence of social and economic development model, it requires economic production systems within and between different production departments and interconnected way matter and energy exchange and transfer, to achieve maximum utilization of material and energy into the system, resulting in "two low and one high" approach to development in harmony with the natural environment. And it has become a mainstream trend since the 1990s and social development of the countries in the world One. 展开更多
关键词 Circular Economy Industrial System Cheap
Network Fault Analysis from Passive Measurement 被引量:1
作者 Huang Lisheng Wang Wenyong +1 位作者 Li Changchun Lan Yunhai 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第5期64-74,共11页
A new passive method for automatic dis-covery and bcation of network failure is proposed. This method employs a passive measurement to collect infonmtion and events from network traffic, and em-ploys a rrodel-based re... A new passive method for automatic dis-covery and bcation of network failure is proposed. This method employs a passive measurement to collect infonmtion and events from network traffic, and em-ploys a rrodel-based reasoning system to detect and locate network faults. Measurement points are de-ployed in a backbone network to capture the traffic and then evaluate the Quality of Service (QoS) metrics of end-to-end IP conversations. A muting rrodel is al-so established for the observed network to simulate the attributes and activities of reuters and links. This muting model also deduces the muting path for each IP conversation, and thus the QoS metrics of IP con-versations are mapped into the metrics of paths. With the inforrmtion of shared links of overlapping paths and network torrography technique, the QoS metrics of links can also be estimated, and the poorly rated links are picked out as failure points. This method is imple-mented in a tool named FaultMan, which is deployed in a campus network. Test results have shown its availa-bility in rriddle-scale networks. 展开更多
关键词 passive measurement network fault lo-cation model-based reasoning
Human Capital Management: A South African Perspective
作者 Wynand Goosen 《Sociology Study》 2014年第3期269-282,共14页
In keeping with the need for skills development and increased demand by business for more robust systems to develop staff, innovative ways for the development of human capital would need to be found. The current role ... In keeping with the need for skills development and increased demand by business for more robust systems to develop staff, innovative ways for the development of human capital would need to be found. The current role of workplace learning would need to align to job and qualification requirements. Organisations would need to explore the development of Corporate Qualifications Frameworks to quantity skills needs. In the process, attention has to be paid to creat contextual awareness as well as a sense of purpose for learners. In essence, an integrated educational model that should be more flexible, more adaptable, and more effective, serving the needs of society at large should be considered. Care should be taken to build frameworks and models that address both the productive needs of organisations, whilst at the same time, ensuring the engagement of individuals. These frameworks should entice the employee to participate in a self-development process that benifits the organisation. Corporates should address the aspirations of individuals and plan more rewarding careers for staff. Employees should have a clear path for development and growth. Through collective effort, all particpants would benefit. 展开更多
关键词 Human capital (individual) human capital (corporate) academic credit corporate qualifications framework ACCREDITATION
Switched-mode AGC circuits with internally created reset module for burst-mode unbalanced data optical receiver
作者 Wang Rong Wang Zhigong +2 位作者 Wang Weibai Xu Jian Guan Zhiqiang 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第3期317-324,共8页
This paper presents an innovative switched-mode auto gain control (AGC) circuit with internally created reset module for DC-10Mb/s burst-mode unbalanced (BMU) optical data transmission. Conventional AGC circuit is... This paper presents an innovative switched-mode auto gain control (AGC) circuit with internally created reset module for DC-10Mb/s burst-mode unbalanced (BMU) optical data transmission. Conventional AGC circuit is inappropriate for BMU data transmission because it is based on average level detection and requires considerable time to settle on a predefined gain. Therefore, we adopt a fast switched-mode AGC based on peak level detection. After the gain is adjusted, the peak level detectors need to re-detect the peak level of the input signal. Thus, we develop an internally created reset module. This AGC with reset module exhibits a fast operation and achieves an adjusted stable gain within one-bit, avoiding any bit loss up to 10Mb/s data rate. During power-up, the peak level detectors possibly hold an uncertain level resulting in the bit-errors. We propose a power-up reset circuit to solve this problem. Designed in a 0.5μm CMOS technology, the circuit achieves an optical sensitivity of better than -30dBm and a wide dynamic range of over 30dB with a power dissipation of only 30 mW from a 5V supply. 展开更多
关键词 burst-mode unbalanced (BMU) data optical receiver auto gain control (AGC) internally created reset module bit loss
试论中国博士后制度的创新 被引量:7
作者 陈谷纲 王云鹏 刘丹华 《中国高教研究》 北大核心 2004年第11期56-58,共3页
关键词 中国 博士后制度 制度创新 制度转型 自发秩序模式
作者 BeátaOborny 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2003年第3期339-349,共11页
Bodies of plants are modularly organized. Development proceeds by adding new modules to open endings with a potential for branching. Each module is autonomous to some extent. Development relies on the self-organized p... Bodies of plants are modularly organized. Development proceeds by adding new modules to open endings with a potential for branching. Each module is autonomous to some extent. Development relies on the self-organized patterns that emerge from the interactions of individual modules. Interactions include both competition and cooperation,and several types of positive and negative feedback loops are involved. Development can be open to external influences, thus enabling the plant to adjust its form to the environment,for example, to the spatial distribution of ecological resources. This paper provides a review on adaptive plasticity in plants. 展开更多
关键词 Developmental plasticity self-organized pattern phenotypic variation plant morphogenesis physiological integration modular structure.
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