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法的自律与自律的法——法律的自我内化机制 被引量:2
作者 苏永生 《山西高等学校社会科学学报》 2005年第4期64-67,共4页
法的自律是指法律所固有的主体能以法律为标准要求自己做或不做某种行为的一种特性,以法律的正义性与合理性为观念基础,任何社会的法律都具有自律的一面;自律的法是法的自律的扩展与升华,以法律至上、司法公正和政治、经济与文化的发达... 法的自律是指法律所固有的主体能以法律为标准要求自己做或不做某种行为的一种特性,以法律的正义性与合理性为观念基础,任何社会的法律都具有自律的一面;自律的法是法的自律的扩展与升华,以法律至上、司法公正和政治、经济与文化的发达为基础,因而自律的法只能存活于法治社会;从法的自律到自律的法是法律的内化过程,以积极守法为实现方式,以良好的法制环境为实现条件,以社会教化和主体内化为实现途径。 展开更多
关键词 自律 自律 自我内化机制
作者 林玉池 赵美蓉 《仪器仪表学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第2期166-169,共4页
基准问题向来是误差修正中的难题之一。本文提出一种不用基准进行校正的崭新方法,为解决传感器的精度越来越高,基准的建立越来越难的问题开辟了一条新的途径。它用两个传感器互为基准.而使基准的线性误差在结果中的影响越来越小的方... 基准问题向来是误差修正中的难题之一。本文提出一种不用基准进行校正的崭新方法,为解决传感器的精度越来越高,基准的建立越来越难的问题开辟了一条新的途径。它用两个传感器互为基准.而使基准的线性误差在结果中的影响越来越小的方法,实现了对传感器线性误差的高精度校正。文章阐述了自律校正法的原理,并介绍了基于自律校正法原理对PSD的线性误差进行自律校正的结果。 展开更多
关键词 自律校正 校正 基准 传感器 位置测量器件
作者 林玉池 刘治军 《机械工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期94-97,共4页
叙述了一种崭新的自律校正方法的原理。它不用其他高精度基准,仅利用两个同样的测量器互为基准,多次相互校正,最终得到各自精度达自身能力极限的校正结果。根据2维位移传感器自身特点,两维可以看成两个独立的位移传感器,并依此互... 叙述了一种崭新的自律校正方法的原理。它不用其他高精度基准,仅利用两个同样的测量器互为基准,多次相互校正,最终得到各自精度达自身能力极限的校正结果。根据2维位移传感器自身特点,两维可以看成两个独立的位移传感器,并依此互为基准进行自律校正,可以达到校正的目的。介绍了试验装置及其2维的位置测量器件自律校正的结果。 展开更多
关键词 自律校正 位置测量器件 位移传感器 校正
作者 刘传军 《求医问药》 2008年第6期38-39,共2页
自律训练法是德国精神病专家舒尔茨博士开发的一种能够使人的身心得到放松的方法。具体说来就是通过自我暗示来控制人的身心状态,有效地解除由疲劳引起的精神上和肉体上紧张的一种自我催眠方法。当人体处于心理放松的自律状态时,交感... 自律训练法是德国精神病专家舒尔茨博士开发的一种能够使人的身心得到放松的方法。具体说来就是通过自我暗示来控制人的身心状态,有效地解除由疲劳引起的精神上和肉体上紧张的一种自我催眠方法。当人体处于心理放松的自律状态时,交感神经系统中的一些过度活动就会受到抑制,同时可促进人体的血液循环。自律训练就是通过这个原理发挥作用的。 展开更多
关键词 自律训练 消除疲劳 精神病专家 交感神经系统 身心状态 自我暗示 催眠方 过度活动
相邻关系——在法定和约定之间 被引量:2
作者 李文静 《黑龙江省政法管理干部学院学报》 2010年第8期54-57,共4页
相邻关系理念起始于罗马法时代,最初的相邻关系调整是通过地役权制度实现,到《德国民法典》时第一次出现"相邻关系"的概念,并把其列入所有权一章,作为"所有权限制"的定性,揭示了其法定性的特点。法律通过对"... 相邻关系理念起始于罗马法时代,最初的相邻关系调整是通过地役权制度实现,到《德国民法典》时第一次出现"相邻关系"的概念,并把其列入所有权一章,作为"所有权限制"的定性,揭示了其法定性的特点。法律通过对"容忍义务"的规定来给当事人之间的相邻关系的权利、义务划分界限,但是相邻关系在法定调整的基础上应当可以为当事人之间的约定规范,苏永钦教授的相邻关系"自律法走向"理论,就是相邻关系在法定基础上可以为当事人自由约定的有力论证。相邻关系将发展为"法定"、"约定"相结合的混合体模式。 展开更多
关键词 相邻关系 容忍义务 地役权 自律法走向
作者 陈巍 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2020年第6期40-45,共6页
西方传统法治秩序是一种自律型法,当前正面临深刻危机,回应型法作为一种新的社会秩序类型,是对自律型法秩序的升华,能充分包容人的个性化需求,更能适应价值观念日益裂变多元的社会变迁。我国正在全面深入推进社会主义法治国家建设,中国... 西方传统法治秩序是一种自律型法,当前正面临深刻危机,回应型法作为一种新的社会秩序类型,是对自律型法秩序的升华,能充分包容人的个性化需求,更能适应价值观念日益裂变多元的社会变迁。我国正在全面深入推进社会主义法治国家建设,中国所处的共时性时代背景,决定了我国既有从传统社会秩序走向现代法治秩序的迫切需要,也有对回应型法秩序的显著需求。因此我国法治建设不得不毕其功于一役,站在人类命运共同体的高度,以更高层次的回应型法秩序为目标,避免那些已经落后于时代发展的传统法治理念与制度。 展开更多
关键词 自律 回应型 诉讼调解
对区分所有建筑物之相邻关系的探讨 被引量:1
作者 朱佩 《浙江万里学院学报》 2006年第6期82-84,共3页
关键词 区分所有建筑物之相邻关系 自律法 探讨
The Concept of Sanctification in the Book of Leviticus: A Study of Leviticus 11 and 20
作者 Milton T. Pardosi 《Sociology Study》 2015年第10期775-784,共10页
Through the book of Leviticus, people will understand the fundamental principles of faith and how to maintain their life to be holy. There are two ideas of sanctification in the book of Leviticus. The first is sanctif... Through the book of Leviticus, people will understand the fundamental principles of faith and how to maintain their life to be holy. There are two ideas of sanctification in the book of Leviticus. The first is sanctification which relates to ceremonial laws (purification), the other is sanctification itself. In this idea, there are two things that must be understood: First, sanctification is called "the way" if it is related to ceremonial laws [sacrificial of blood (almost like purification)]; the other, sanctification is a "progressive work" if it is related to obedience to God's commands. There is a relationship between Lev. 11 and Lev. 20. Both have Hithpael stem (Lev. 11: 44, 45 and 20: 7) and Lev. 11:44-45 is summarized in Lev. 20: 25-26. The verb qSdag (qadas) or qad^g (qades) in ttithpael stem can be translated as "sanctify yourselves" or "you shall make yourselves holy". God asked Israelites to sanctify themselves in two things: doing ceremonial laws (because of sins or when they come to God) and keeping God's laws. In the case of Lev. 11 and 20, God asked Israelites to sanctify themselves by keeping His laws as a sign that they have been sanctified by God. 展开更多
Kant's Respect for the Law and Habermas's Redemption as a Source of Freedom?
作者 Domenic Garcia 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第3期216-223,共8页
As the title of this paper suggests, I intend to draw attention to what, in my opinion, lies at the core of the shared notion in both Kant and Habermas. This will be the concern of the first part of my paper. My focus... As the title of this paper suggests, I intend to draw attention to what, in my opinion, lies at the core of the shared notion in both Kant and Habermas. This will be the concern of the first part of my paper. My focus will then shift, in the second part, to Habermas's views on freedom. In due time, however, as the provocative question mark in the title suggests, the notion of freedom becomes questionable. I will conclude by examining Frankfurt's notion of coercion in order to show that Habermas's notion of freedom is not only questionable but can, at times, be coercive. Throughout this paper, the reader shall be encouraged to see and possibly appreciate that there is a degree of similarity between the two thinkers. Shall the reader be hard put to gauge this similarity or shall the reader promptly appreciate it and take it into consideration? I will argue--and demonstrate--that a certain amount of similarity can readily be drawn between the two. I will leave it up to the reader to decide whether this similarity is a forced similarity or whether this is a similarity that one perceives at a first glance and thus ought to consider. This paper could better be appreciated if the reader has reasonable knowledge of the Hegelian critique of Kant's Categorical Imperative. 展开更多
关键词 validity claims discourse ethics quasi-transcendental FREEDOM coercion
作者 陈卫春 《科学之友》 1991年第12期40-40,共1页
关键词 小儿遗尿 治疗 摩第 膀胱正规排尿 自律训练 药物治疗
Research of Chinese law not defining the ownership of Natural Resources --Explore recent Chinese "ebony" ownership disputes Case
作者 Juntao Deng Xingjian Song 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期32-34,共3页
Recently, the domestic natural resources ownership dispute with gloomy wood (ebony) as the representative is one after another. With China' s urbanization process and development of economic construction, one can i... Recently, the domestic natural resources ownership dispute with gloomy wood (ebony) as the representative is one after another. With China' s urbanization process and development of economic construction, one can imagine that such disputes may be intensified. Chinese law has not been clearly defined How to solve the dispute over the ownership of natural resources, which become difficult problems of China' s current judicial practice. Doctrinal, we can cut from typical cases of ebony ownership disputes, combined with the relevant provisions of civil law, property law, land law, etc., to build " do the right " mechanism of Chinese law' s not defining the categories of natural resources to provide guidelines and referees for judicial practice and similar mystery. 展开更多
关键词 Natural resources ebony ownership disputes PREEMPTIVE TITLE
The Strict Swedish vs. the Loose Dutch System for Regulations on Prostitution and Drug Use
作者 Peter Sarkany 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2012年第1期26-35,共10页
The author's research topics include economic and legal questions concerning prostitution and drug use. There are two extreme models in these two areas, one represented by Sweden and the other by the Netherlands. Swe... The author's research topics include economic and legal questions concerning prostitution and drug use. There are two extreme models in these two areas, one represented by Sweden and the other by the Netherlands. Sweden votes for the model of a "prostitution and drug free society", while the latter represents a looser, more liberal view. This presentation aims to answer the question whether the statistics support the presumptions of either model. To shed light on these issues, facts and figures published by the Swedish and Dutch statistics offices as well as other studies on the subject were analyzed. During the course of the past few decades. the income from the prostitution and drug markets in Sweden was virtually unchanged. This may be considered as a failure: prostitution and drug use could not be decreased further. It may also be considered as an achievement: while these two markets were growing in many countries, at least in the case of Sweden the situation did not become worse. It seems that the liberal regulation of drugs and prostitution in the Netherlands has not been a successful venture. It is no wonder that there are plans for changes and limitations to the prostitution sector with new regulations, although complete prohibition has not been raised as an issue. The consumption of drugs has been increasing. In this respect, alongside the liberal stance on the issue, increasing emphasis is placed on deterrence from light drugs. 展开更多
关键词 Prohibitive policy of prostitution and drug liberal approach of prostitution and drug the countries of the Visegrad Group Sweden and the Netherlands.
The Conflict between Patient Autonomy and the Dying Patient Law in Israel
《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2017年第7期385-403,共19页
The Dying Patient Law is very controversial in Israel; there are opinions that the reason for the Law was to prevent the court from making decisions on the subject of end of life according to democratic principles. I ... The Dying Patient Law is very controversial in Israel; there are opinions that the reason for the Law was to prevent the court from making decisions on the subject of end of life according to democratic principles. I decided to do this study because I wanted to know if the legal principles of the Law are democratic as were the court rulings or they are only, or mostly, Jewish principles and meant to prevent a democratic ruling in the courts. The work is a review of the Law and the Dying Patient Committee discussions as well as the chairman's writings on the Law, critique articles, and a review of democratic and bioethical principles. In this project, I have seen that the underlying basis of the Dying Patient Law is Jewish principles and not democratic principles, although Israel is a declared democratic state. This law illustrates the problem in Israel being both a democratic and a Jewish state. It raises the question: What can be done to resolve the conflict between the Jewish principles and democratic and/or bioethical principles? 展开更多
关键词 medical ethics BIOETHICS dying patient END-OF-LIFE AUTONOMY
Asymptotic Behavior of the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Fluid with Degree of Freedom in Porous Medium
作者 Hongxing ZHAO Zhengan YAO 《Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第6期853-864,共12页
The authors study the asymptotic behavior of the incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid with degree of freedom in the porous medium in R^n with n = 2 or 3. They derive the Darcy law as ε, the character size of the hole, ... The authors study the asymptotic behavior of the incompressible Navier-Stokes fluid with degree of freedom in the porous medium in R^n with n = 2 or 3. They derive the Darcy law as ε, the character size of the hole, tends to zero. Moreover, the authors obtain the expression of the degree of freedom from the homogenized model. 展开更多
关键词 HOMOGENIZATION Navier-Stokes fluid Darcy law Degree of freedom
作者 Jin GUO Ji-Feng ZHANG Yanlong ZHAO 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第6期1041-1051,共11页
This paper considers the adaptive tracking problem for a class of first-order systems with binary-valued observations generated via fixed thresholds. A recursive projection algorithm is proposed for parameter estimati... This paper considers the adaptive tracking problem for a class of first-order systems with binary-valued observations generated via fixed thresholds. A recursive projection algorithm is proposed for parameter estimation based on the statistical properties of the system noise. Then, an adaptive control law is designed via the certainty equivalence principle. By use of the conditional expectations of the innovation and output prediction with respect to the estimates, the closed-loop system is shown to be stable and asymptotically optimal. Meanwhile, the parameter estimate is proved to be both almost surely and mean square convergent, and the convergence rate of the estimation error is also obtained. A numerical example is given to demonstrate the efficiency of the adaptive control law. 展开更多
关键词 Adaptive control binary-valued observation optimal tracking parameter estimation stochastic system.
Dynamic Modeling and Active Control of a Strap-on Launch Vehicle 被引量:1
作者 刘盼 郭绍静 蔡国平 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2016年第4期385-394,共10页
Dynamic modeling and active control of a strap-on launch vehicle are studied in this paper. In the dynamic modeling, the double-compatible free-interface modal synthesis method is used to establish dynamic model of th... Dynamic modeling and active control of a strap-on launch vehicle are studied in this paper. In the dynamic modeling, the double-compatible free-interface modal synthesis method is used to establish dynamic model of the system, and its model precision is compared with those of finite element method(FEM), fixedinterface modal synthesis method and free-interface modal synthesis method. In the active control, the swing angle of rocket motor is used as design variable, and the control law design based on the model of mass center motion is adopted to validate the system. Simulation results indicate that the double-compatible model synthesis method can properly approximate the FEM which is used as the benchmark solution, and the model precision of the double-compatible modal synthesis method is obviously higher than those of the fixed-interface and freeinterface modal synthesis methods. Based on the control law design, the deflection of mass center of the launch vehicle is very small. 展开更多
关键词 strap-on launch vehicle dynamic modeling active control
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