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君主制、官僚制、自治制——传统中国政治结构的三层分析范式 被引量:7
作者 吕永成 《河南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期46-48,共3页
对传统中国政治结构进行全景式透析,应把中国政治结构进行分层分析:中央、地方、基层。中央为权力所有者,地方为权力执行者,基层为县级以下主要的资源提供者。概括来说,中央为君主制,地方为官僚制,基层为乡绅自治。君主、官僚、乡绅构... 对传统中国政治结构进行全景式透析,应把中国政治结构进行分层分析:中央、地方、基层。中央为权力所有者,地方为权力执行者,基层为县级以下主要的资源提供者。概括来说,中央为君主制,地方为官僚制,基层为乡绅自治。君主、官僚、乡绅构成传统中国的三层政治结构,三层各有其特点,又伴生博弈。 展开更多
关键词 君主制 官僚制 自治制 传统政治结构 分析范式
论我国社会主义的基层自治 被引量:2
作者 张胜祖 《求索》 1985年第3期16-20,共5页
马克思主义认为,无产阶级专政应该是中央集权和基层自治相结合的政治结构。社会主义国家在管理体制上坚持中央集中统一领导,不仅有利于发展社会化的大生产,加强全国人民的经济、文化联系和政治上的团结,防止帝国主义的侵略颠复活动,而... 马克思主义认为,无产阶级专政应该是中央集权和基层自治相结合的政治结构。社会主义国家在管理体制上坚持中央集中统一领导,不仅有利于发展社会化的大生产,加强全国人民的经济、文化联系和政治上的团结,防止帝国主义的侵略颠复活动,而且是同生产资料公有制和在此基础上实行有计划的商品经济相适应的。全国各地只有执行中央统一的方针、政策和法令,才能把社会成员的个人利益。 展开更多
关键词 基层自治 我国社会主义 社会自治组织 自治制 基层组织 村民委员会 直接民主 职工代表大会 民主管理 群众自治组织
试述我党对马克思主义民族自治理论的运用和发展 被引量:1
作者 贾东海 《青海社会科学》 1985年第5期81-87,共7页
对待民族问题,马克思主义一直主张:各民族完全平等,各民族有自决权,各民族工人融合起来——这就是马克思主义民族问题的纲领。在过去的长期革命实践中,以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人,领导中国人民为实现这一民族纲领,创造性地运用民族自... 对待民族问题,马克思主义一直主张:各民族完全平等,各民族有自决权,各民族工人融合起来——这就是马克思主义民族问题的纲领。在过去的长期革命实践中,以毛泽东为首的中国共产党人,领导中国人民为实现这一民族纲领,创造性地运用民族自治的理论,作出了重大的贡献。今天。 展开更多
关键词 各少数民族 自治制 联邦制 民族区域自治 各民族 运用和发展 民族问题 马克思主义 列宁 毛泽东同志
试论1946年政治协商会议对战后中国政治蓝图的设计 被引量:3
作者 秦立海 《历史教学》 北大核心 2003年第5期32-36,共5页
1946年政治协商会议对战后中国政治蓝图的设计主要包括两个方面:一是对实现由训政过渡到宪政所作的分五步走的程序设计;二是对宪政时期所要实行的议会制、内阁制和省自治制的制度设计.二者虽然在性质上既非中共的新民主主义,亦非国民党... 1946年政治协商会议对战后中国政治蓝图的设计主要包括两个方面:一是对实现由训政过渡到宪政所作的分五步走的程序设计;二是对宪政时期所要实行的议会制、内阁制和省自治制的制度设计.二者虽然在性质上既非中共的新民主主义,亦非国民党所谓的'三民主义',而是中间势力所一直向往和追求的改良的资本主义,但其在当时却满足了广大人民要求和平民主的普遍愿望,并成为了检验国共两党有无和平民主诚意的试金石. 展开更多
关键词 1946年 政治协商会议 中国 政治 二战后 议会制 内阁制 自治制 制度设计 政治制度史
论人民主权的实现 被引量:2
作者 黄基泉 《西南民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2002年第4期141-145,共5页
本文着重从宪法学角度对人民主权的实现进行研讨。认为 ,在近代市民阶级反封建专制的民主革命中孕育并生长起来的人民主权 ,是以天赋人权说和社会契约论为逻辑假定而推演出来的民主宪政理念。人民主权的实现不仅内在地赋予了宪法的生命 ... 本文着重从宪法学角度对人民主权的实现进行研讨。认为 ,在近代市民阶级反封建专制的民主革命中孕育并生长起来的人民主权 ,是以天赋人权说和社会契约论为逻辑假定而推演出来的民主宪政理念。人民主权的实现不仅内在地赋予了宪法的生命 ,也是宪法发展的基本内容。同时 ,代议制和自治制是人民主权实现的两大制度模式 。 展开更多
关键词 人民主权 实现 宪法 代议制 自治制
作者 李惠民 《河北广播电视大学学报》 2019年第6期1-11,共11页
近代石家庄城市史的起点是“因路而兴”。20世纪20年代的市自治制是近代石家庄城市化的重要节点之一,开创了近代石家庄市制先河。石家庄沦陷后,脱离了城市化的正常轨道,虽然其城市规划、建设的目的和动机均出自侵略者的需要,但客观上推... 近代石家庄城市史的起点是“因路而兴”。20世纪20年代的市自治制是近代石家庄城市化的重要节点之一,开创了近代石家庄市制先河。石家庄沦陷后,脱离了城市化的正常轨道,虽然其城市规划、建设的目的和动机均出自侵略者的需要,但客观上推动了城市基础设施的建设。以攻坚战方式解放石家庄,开创了特殊的崭新局面。解放石家庄的战役是一个重要节点,并非近代石家庄城市史的终点。 展开更多
关键词 因路而兴 自治制 畸形发展 攻坚战方式 中小城市
作者 闫永增 《唐山学院学报》 2015年第2期1-2,11,共3页
唐山在历史上有过4次设市,分别是1925年、1928年、1938年和1946年。现在学者们公认1928年设市不符合条件,1938年由日伪政权设市应当否定,但对1925年设市还是1946年设市存在分歧。虽然1946年国民政府在唐山所设市制是一种比较成熟的市制... 唐山在历史上有过4次设市,分别是1925年、1928年、1938年和1946年。现在学者们公认1928年设市不符合条件,1938年由日伪政权设市应当否定,但对1925年设市还是1946年设市存在分歧。虽然1946年国民政府在唐山所设市制是一种比较成熟的市制,是具有近代行政区划建制意义的市制,但通过考察史料可知,1925年设市说应该更符合实际。 展开更多
关键词 唐山市 设市时间 自治制
《经济研究参考》 1996年第Z6期12-12,共1页
关键词 激励制 美国企业 工作扩大 工作轮换 执行任务 员工工作 工作充实 自治制 加强合作 参与管理
作者 董勉之 《科技与效益》 1994年第5期26-26,共1页
关键词 美国 企业 激励机制 工作轮换制 工作扩大制 工作自治制 参与管理制
《价值工程》 1995年第2期37-37,共1页
美国企业流行六种激励制美国的企业.以江足人们心理上种种需要,调动了企业员工的积极性、创迫性。其当前最流行的是六种激励创:1.工作轮换制。这种制度主要是为了解除工作单调乏味对工人的不良影响,此法实行后,职工的缺席、病假... 美国企业流行六种激励制美国的企业.以江足人们心理上种种需要,调动了企业员工的积极性、创迫性。其当前最流行的是六种激励创:1.工作轮换制。这种制度主要是为了解除工作单调乏味对工人的不良影响,此法实行后,职工的缺席、病假及辞职的现象大为减少。具体做法各厂... 展开更多
关键词 美国 企业管理 激励机制 工作轮换制 工作扩大制 工作自治制 质管小组制
《杭州(生活品质)》 2009年第12期70-71,共2页
自2008年11月10日民政部正式批复同意建设"中国社区建设展示中心"以来,中国社区建设展示中心筹建组在民政部、各级党委、政府和建设单位的共同关心与支持下,历经十一个月的奋力拼搏,中国社区建设展示中心于2009年10月21日顺... 自2008年11月10日民政部正式批复同意建设"中国社区建设展示中心"以来,中国社区建设展示中心筹建组在民政部、各级党委、政府和建设单位的共同关心与支持下,历经十一个月的奋力拼搏,中国社区建设展示中心于2009年10月21日顺利落成。整个项目从规划到建成,仅用了1年时间,这在我国相同资质的展示场馆建设当中,可以说是史无前例的。 展开更多
关键词 展示中心 中国社区 建设单位 紫阳街道 上城区 我国社区建设 李学举 全国政协 中央领导 群众自治制
Budesonide induces complete remission in autoimmune hepatitis 被引量:14
作者 Antal Csepregi Christoph R(o|¨)cken +1 位作者 Gerhard Treiber Peter Malfertheiner 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第9期1362-1366,共5页
AIM: Prednisone and azathioprine represent the standard treatment for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). However, only 65% of the patients enter complete histological remission. Recently, budesonide (BUD) was reported t... AIM: Prednisone and azathioprine represent the standard treatment for autoimmune hepatitis (AIH). However, only 65% of the patients enter complete histological remission. Recently, budesonide (BUD) was reported to be a promising alternative. In this study we assessed the efficacy and safety of BUD in AIH. METHODS: Eighteen patients (12 women, 6 men; mean age 45.4±21 years) with AIH were treated with BUD (Budenofalk) 3 mg thrice daily and followed up for at least 24 wk. Seven patients also had features of primary biliary cirrhosis (n = 5) or primary sclerosing cholangitis (n = 2). Advanced liver fibrosis or cirrhosis was present in RESULTS: Fifteen (83%) patients had a complete clinical and biochemical remission. Ten patients, including five with acute hepatitis, were given BUD as first-line therapy, of which seven enter remission. Three patients, two with liver cirrhosis, did not improve. All patients with second-line therapy experienced long-term remission. A histological remission was also seen in three patients. Clinically relevant BUD-induced side effects were recorded only in patients with liver cirrhosis (n = 4). CONCLUSION: BUD is effective in remission induction in the majority of our patients with AIH. Side effects and treatment failure was mainly observed in patients with liver cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 BUDESONIDE Autoimmune hepatitis Complete remission Adverse events
H_∞ Robust Fault-Tolerant Controller Design for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle’s Navigation Control System 被引量:4
作者 程相勤 曲镜圆 +1 位作者 严浙平 边信黔 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第1期87-92,共6页
In order to improve the security and reliability for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation, an H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller was designed after analyzing variations in state-feedback gain Operating c... In order to improve the security and reliability for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) navigation, an H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller was designed after analyzing variations in state-feedback gain Operating conditions and the design method were then analyzed so that the control problem could be expressed as a mathematical optimization problem. This permitted the use of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) to solve for the Hv controller for the system. When considering different actuator failures, these conditions were then also mathematically expressed, allowing the H∞ robust controller to solve for these events and thus be fault-tolerant. Finally, simulation results showed that the H∞ robust fault-tolerant controller could provide precise AUV navigation control with strong robustness. 展开更多
关键词 AUV navigation control robust H∞ fault-tolerant control gain variations LMI
Improved S Surface Controller and Semi-physical Simulation for AUV 被引量:2
作者 吕翀 庞永杰 +1 位作者 李晔 张磊 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第3期301-306,共6页
S surface controllers have been proven to provide effective motion control for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).However, it is difficult to adjust their control parameters manually.Choosing the optimum parameter... S surface controllers have been proven to provide effective motion control for an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV).However, it is difficult to adjust their control parameters manually.Choosing the optimum parameters for the controller of a particular AUV is a significant challenge.To automate the process, a modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) algorithm was proposed.It was based on immune theory, and used a nonlinear regression strategy for inertia weight to optimize AUV control parameters.A semi-physical simulation system for the AUV was developed as a platform to verify the proposed control method, and its structure was considered.The simulation results indicated that the semi-physical simulation platform was helpful, the optimization algorithm has good local and global searching abilities, and the method can be reliably used for an AUV. 展开更多
关键词 S surface controller AUV MPSO semi-physical simulation
Adaptive PID control system for an autonomous underwater vehicle 被引量:5
作者 王波 Su Yumin Wan Lei Sun Yushan 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2011年第1期7-12,共6页
The control system of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is introduced. According to control requirements of the AUV, a simple but practical adaptive PID control method is designed The semi-physical simulation ... The control system of an autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) is introduced. According to control requirements of the AUV, a simple but practical adaptive PID control method is designed The semi-physical simulation is done to test the feasibility of the control system. The neural network idea and the structure of PID controller are referred to design the adaptive PID controller. An intelligent integral is introduced to improve control precision. Compaed with traditional PID con- trollers, the adaptive PID controller has simple structure, good online adjusting ability, fast convergence and good robustness. The simulation experiments also show that the adaptive PID control system has high precision and fine antijamming ability. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicle AUV) control system adaptive PID control semi-physical simulation
Historical reflections on autoimmune hepatitis 被引量:3
作者 Ian R Mackay 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第21期3292-3300,共9页
Autoimmune hepatitis(AIH),initially known as chronic active or active chronic hepatitis(and by various other names),first came under clinical notice in the late 1940s.However,quite likely,chronic active hepatitis(CAH)... Autoimmune hepatitis(AIH),initially known as chronic active or active chronic hepatitis(and by various other names),first came under clinical notice in the late 1940s.However,quite likely,chronic active hepatitis(CAH) had been observed prior to this and was attributed to a persistently destructive virus infection of the liver.An earlier(and controversial) designation in 1956 as lupoid hepatitis was derived from associated L.E.cell test positivity and emphasized accompanying multisystem features and immunological aberrations.Young women featured prominently in early descriptions of CAH.AIH was first applied in 1965 as a descriptive term.Disease-characteristic autoantibodies were defined from the early 1960s,notably antinuclear antibody(ANA),smooth muscle antibody(SMA) and liver-kidney microsomal(LKM) antibody.These are still widely used diagnostically but their relationship to pathogenesis is still not evident.A liver and disease specific autoantigen has long been searched for but unsuccessfully.Prolonged immunosuppressive therapy with predisolone and azathioprine in the 1960s proved beneficial and remains standard therapy today.AIH like many other autoimmune diseases is associated with particular HLA alleles especially with the "ancestral" B8,DR3 haplotype,and also with DR4.Looking forwards,AIH is one of the several enigmatic autoimmune diseases that,despite being(relatively) organ specific,are marked by autoimmune reactivities with non-organ-specific autoantigens.New paradigms are needed to explain the occurrence,expressions and pathogenesis of such diseases. 展开更多
关键词 Medical history Autoimmune hepatitis Lupoid hepatitis Liver disease autoantibodies Immunosuppressive therapy HLA-disease associations
Prediction and analysis model of temperature and its application to a natural ventilation multi-span plastic greenhouse equipped with insect-proof screen 被引量:1
作者 刘淑珍 何勇 +1 位作者 张玉宝 苗香雯 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期523-529,共7页
The natural ventilation widely used in greenhouses has advantages of saving energy and reducing expense. In order to provide information for climate control of greenhouse, a model was developed to predict the variatio... The natural ventilation widely used in greenhouses has advantages of saving energy and reducing expense. In order to provide information for climate control of greenhouse, a model was developed to predict the variation of air temperature in the naturally ventilated greenhouse equipped with insect-proof screen. Roof ventilation and combined roof and sidewall ventilation were considered in the model. This model was validated against the results of experiments conducted in the greenhouse when the wind was parallel to the gutters. The model parameters were determined by the least squares method. In the used model, effects of wind speed and window opening height on the air temperature variation were analyzed. Comparison between two types of ventilation showed that there existed a necessary ventilation rate which results in air temperature decrease in natural ventilation under special climatic conditions. In our experiments when wind speed was less than 3.2 ms?1, wind had a more gradual effect on greenhouse temperature for roof ventilation, compared with combined roof and sidewall ventilation, which had greater air temperature decrease than roof ventilation only. 展开更多
关键词 GREENHOUSE Natural ventilation TEMPERATURE Model
Uveitis in autoimmune hepatitis:A case report 被引量:1
作者 Roberto Giulio Romanelli Giorgio La Villa +5 位作者 Fabio Almerigogna Francesco Vizzutti Elena Di Pietro Valentina Fedi Paolo Gentilini Giacomo Laffi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第10期1637-1640,共4页
In this case report we describe for the first time an association between autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and uveitis, without any doubts about other possible etiologies, such as HCV, since all the old reports describe t... In this case report we describe for the first time an association between autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) and uveitis, without any doubts about other possible etiologies, such as HCV, since all the old reports describe the association of AIH with iridocyclitis before tests for HCV-related hepatitis could be available. A 38-year-old businessman with abnormal liver function tests and hyperemia of the bulbar conjunctiva was admitted to the hospital. Six years before admission, the patient presented with persistent fever, arthralgias, conjunctival hyperemia, leukocytosis and increased ESR, referred to acute rheumatic fever. The presence of systemic diseases, most commonly associated with uveitis, was investigated without results and the patient was then treated with topical corticosteroids. His symptoms resolved. A test for anti-nuclear antibodies was positive, at a titre of 1:320, with a speckled and nucleolar staining pattern. Liver ultrasound showed mild hepatomegaly with an increased echostructure of the liver. Percutaneous liver biopsy was performed under ultrasound assistance. Histological examination showed necroinflammation over the portal, periportal and Iobular areas, fibrotic portal tracts, with periportal fibrosis and occasional portal-to-portal bridgings, but intact hepatic architecture. Some hepatocytes showed barely discernible granules of hemosiderin in the Iobular area. Bile ductules had not any significant morphological alterations. METAVIR score was A2-F3, according to the modified HAI grading/fibrosis staging. The patient was diagnosed to have AIH with mild activity and fibrosis and was discharged on 25 mg prednisone, entering clinical and biochemical remission, further confirming diagnosis. After discharge the patient continued to have treatment with corticosteroids as an outpatient at a dose of 5 mg. On January 2002 the patient was readmitted to the hospital. A test for anti-nuclear antibodies was positive, at a titre of 1:320, with a speckled and nucleolar staining pattern. Anti-smooth muscle antibody test was also positive (1:160), while anti-LKM antibodies were negative. Ophthalmologic examination revealed inflammatory cells and proteinaceous flare in the anterior chamber of the left eye, and a stromal lesion in the cornea. He was maintained on immunosuppressive therapy (5 mg prednisone plus topical antibiotic therapy for two weeks) and then discharged. A complete remission of the symptoms was registered on follow-up. At present (July 2005), the patient is on prednisone (5 rag) and has no symptoms. Liver function tests are also within the normal range. 展开更多
关键词 Autoimmune hepatitis UVEITIS
Natural history of Barrett's esophagus 被引量:3
作者 Rao Milind Stephen E Attwood 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第27期3483-3491,共9页
The natural history of Barrett's esophagus (BE) is difficult to quantify because,by definition,it should describe the course of the condition if left untreated.Pragmatically,we assume that patients with BE will re... The natural history of Barrett's esophagus (BE) is difficult to quantify because,by definition,it should describe the course of the condition if left untreated.Pragmatically,we assume that patients with BE will receive symptomatic treatment with acid suppression,usually a proton pump inhibitor,to treat their heartburn.This paper describes the development of complications of stricture,ulcer,dysplasia and adenocarcinoma from this standpoint.Controversies over the definition of BE and its implications in clinical practice are presented.The presence of intestinal metaplasia and its relevance to cancer risk is discussed,and the need to measure the extent of the Barrett's epithelium (long and short segments) using the Prague guidelines is emphasized.Guidelines and international consensus over the diagnosis and management of BE are being regularly updated.The need for expert consensus is important due to the lack of randomized trials in this area.After searching the literature,we have tried to collate the important studies regarding progression of Barrett's to dysplasia and adenocarcinoma.No therapeutic studies yet reported show a clear reduction in the development of cancer in BE.The effect of pharmacological and surgical intervention on the natural history of Barrett's is a subject of ongoing research,including the Barrett's Oesophagus Surveillance Study and the aspirin and esomeprazole cancer chemoprevention trial with interesting results.The geographical variation and the wide range of outcomes highlight the difficulty of providing an individualized risk profile to patients with BE.Future studies on the interaction of genome wide abnormalities in Barrett's and their interaction with environmental factors may allow individualization of the risk of cancer developing in BE. 展开更多
关键词 Barrett's esophagus Columnar lined esoph-agus DYSPLASIA Adenocarcinoma GASTROESOPHAGEALREFLUX Surgery
TanDEM-X Autonomous Formation Flying System: Flight Results
作者 Jean-Sebastien Ardaens Denis Fischer 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2012年第5期332-340,共9页
The TanDEM-X mission is a scientific and commercial Earth observation mission comprising two satellites flying in close formation. The formation maintenance can be advantageously performed by an onboard autonomous sys... The TanDEM-X mission is a scientific and commercial Earth observation mission comprising two satellites flying in close formation. The formation maintenance can be advantageously performed by an onboard autonomous system, which reduces the operational efforts, provides a shorter reaction time in case of contingencies and increases the control performance. The TanDEM-X Autonomous Formation Flying (TAFF) system has been developed for this purpose and is intended to replace the ground-based formation keeping activities during routine operations. TAFF has been activated for the first time in October 2010 for commissioning, during which the autonomous usage of thrusters was prohibited. Afterwards, a closed-loop campaign was successfully conducted in March 2011, demonstrating the capability of TAFF to maintain autonomously the formation. After a brief technical description of the system, the paper presents the key results gained during the commissioning phase and the closed-loop campaign, 展开更多
关键词 Spacecraft autonomy aerospace control closed-loop control navigation systems.
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