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老年消化道常在菌群与自源性感染 被引量:4
作者 贾辅忠 《实用老年医学》 CAS 1990年第3期102-103,共2页
由于生理器官和免疫组织的老化,老年人对感染微生物的易感性增高。外界致病菌可侵入机体引起感染,而且消化道常在菌群里的细菌也可引起老年人各部位的感染。老年人消化道的常在菌群一个健康人的大便,大约每克含几千亿个菌体,其中95%以... 由于生理器官和免疫组织的老化,老年人对感染微生物的易感性增高。外界致病菌可侵入机体引起感染,而且消化道常在菌群里的细菌也可引起老年人各部位的感染。老年人消化道的常在菌群一个健康人的大便,大约每克含几千亿个菌体,其中95%以上是活的。至少有120个以上的菌种,其中双歧杆菌(bifidobacterium)对宿主有许多重要生理功能。 展开更多
关键词 自源性感染 消化道功能 重要生理功能 生理器官 厌氧菌 胆道感染 免疫组织 草绿色链球菌 肠球菌 头抱菌素
作者 张军广 《成都师范学院学报》 2020年第4期25-31,共7页
教师专业发展自源性困境表现在动机、能力和机会三个方面。动机和意识有关,决定了发展的起点;能力和有效性有关,决定了发展可达到的速度和高度;机会和教师发展取向有关,决定了发展的方式。根据教师投身发展的积极程度的不同,教师的专业... 教师专业发展自源性困境表现在动机、能力和机会三个方面。动机和意识有关,决定了发展的起点;能力和有效性有关,决定了发展可达到的速度和高度;机会和教师发展取向有关,决定了发展的方式。根据教师投身发展的积极程度的不同,教师的专业发展态度大致有四种:知而不改、改而无策、反思进取、分享共赢。解决教师专业发展的自源性问题有赖于学校和教师研究者的有效供给,学校作为教师专业实践的关键场域,需认真承担相应的支持义务和责任,提出并完善促进教师专业发展的对策;研究者需要调整既有的教师研究范式,以全面深度进入教师专业发展实践场域的方式,成为教师专业发展的策略提供者和方向引导者。 展开更多
关键词 教师专业发展 自源性问题 方法与策略
作者 杨月 《传染病网络动态》 2003年第7期18-18,共1页
关键词 自源性树突状细胞疫苗 治疗 慢乙肝 疗效 临床研究
水洞沟:东西方文化交流的风向标?——兼论华北小石器文化和“石器之路”的假说 被引量:13
作者 侯亚梅 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第6期750-761,共12页
水洞沟文化从发现之初便以其所具有的西方旧石器中、晚期特点而引起了学者们的注意,并被后来的很多学者引证为东西方交流的有利证据。但是对于在这一文化现象里所发生的交流模式的探讨依然含糊,或者它不言而喻是一种“西来”的模式。随... 水洞沟文化从发现之初便以其所具有的西方旧石器中、晚期特点而引起了学者们的注意,并被后来的很多学者引证为东西方交流的有利证据。但是对于在这一文化现象里所发生的交流模式的探讨依然含糊,或者它不言而喻是一种“西来”的模式。随着对该文化中存在的“勒瓦娄哇石核”技术的揭示,这一观点似乎只会被加强。然而新的研究证据使人们有可能质疑过去的观点,而重新审视水洞沟文化的内涵和意义。文章通过水洞沟文化中“东谷坨石核”的再现,对水洞沟文化在东西方文化交流中的位置提出新的看法,进而探讨华北小石器文化的主导性与传播性,并指出确立旧石器时代早期“华北中心说”和“华北小石器文化自源性”概念的必要性,提出历史时期东西方文化交流中“丝绸之路”的前身应为史前时期即已存在的“石器之路”的假说,认为水洞沟是东西方文化交流与传播的风向标。 展开更多
关键词 水洞沟文化 东西方交流 “东谷坨石核” 华北小石器文化的自源性 主导与传播“石器之路”
《坡芽歌书》图案符号研究 被引量:7
作者 王志芬 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期44-47,共4页
《坡芽歌书》里的图案符号还未达到成熟文字的程度,但是在这些符号中出现了表形、会意和指事符号。一些符号在歌书中被反复使用,具有一定的文字组合规则,因此,《坡芽歌书》是有别于原始的记事符号的一种原始文字。对《坡芽歌书》图案符... 《坡芽歌书》里的图案符号还未达到成熟文字的程度,但是在这些符号中出现了表形、会意和指事符号。一些符号在歌书中被反复使用,具有一定的文字组合规则,因此,《坡芽歌书》是有别于原始的记事符号的一种原始文字。对《坡芽歌书》图案符号的内容及其表现形式的综合分析表明,这些图案符号属于图画文字,是云南省文山壮族苗族自治州富宁县壮族的一种自源性图画文字。 展开更多
关键词 壮族 坡芽歌书 自源性 图画文字
作者 顾海洋 《科教导刊》 2016年第2Z期136-137,186,共3页
文白异读是本地音系与外来音系的竞争、叠置,扩散式音变是"自源性"的发展演变,两者的表现形式通常都是一个字有两读或多读。海安方言声母文白异读包括邪母字文读为擦音,白读为塞擦音;古全浊声母塞音、塞擦音字逢仄声有送气和... 文白异读是本地音系与外来音系的竞争、叠置,扩散式音变是"自源性"的发展演变,两者的表现形式通常都是一个字有两读或多读。海安方言声母文白异读包括邪母字文读为擦音,白读为塞擦音;古全浊声母塞音、塞擦音字逢仄声有送气和不送气的叠置等。 展开更多
关键词 文白异读 扩散式演变 竞争 叠置 自源性”演变
语言接触影响下类词缀的汉化与显化 被引量:3
作者 李海燕 《云南师范大学学报(对外汉语教学与研究版)》 2019年第3期84-92,共9页
外源性类词缀的汉化与自源性类词缀的显化,是汉英两种语言在接触过程中产生的一种变异。前者表现在组合功能的更加强大、意义的扩大化以及用法上的"聚合同化";后者表现在汉语固有的一些语素得以显化为类词缀。研究认为,汉语... 外源性类词缀的汉化与自源性类词缀的显化,是汉英两种语言在接触过程中产生的一种变异。前者表现在组合功能的更加强大、意义的扩大化以及用法上的"聚合同化";后者表现在汉语固有的一些语素得以显化为类词缀。研究认为,汉语构词规律作用下的创造性类推和英语构词规律触发下的语法化是这两种现象演化的动因。 展开更多
关键词 类词缀 自源性 演化
作者 楚玉香 迟明英 胡淑琴 《青岛医药卫生》 1994年第6期35-35,共1页
我国的院内感染比较严重,监控院内感染,达到医院分级管理标准,是当前医院分级管理的重要任务。 在医院内发生的感染,或从院外带来的感染,在医院内引起传播,都称为院内感染。每年将近有10万人死于院内感染。如伤寒误诊为肠炎,入院前已处... 我国的院内感染比较严重,监控院内感染,达到医院分级管理标准,是当前医院分级管理的重要任务。 在医院内发生的感染,或从院外带来的感染,在医院内引起传播,都称为院内感染。每年将近有10万人死于院内感染。如伤寒误诊为肠炎,入院前已处于潜伏期,入院后未采取隔离措施而传染,这是外源性医院内感染。 展开更多
关键词 医院内感染 医院分级管理 自源性感染 感染监测 呼吸道传染 隔离措施 化脓静脉炎 克雷伯氏 消毒剂使用 绿脓杆菌感染
《吉林医学信息》 1996年第5期2-2,共1页
关键词 自源性加热灭活疫苗 评价 乙肝疫苗
Recreational potential as an indicator of accessibility control in protected mountain forest areas 被引量:4
作者 Tomasz DUDEK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1419-1427,共9页
The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpath... The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpathian national parks (Bieszczady National Park, Bahia G6ra National Park, Goree National Park and Magura National Park; southern Poland) and to compare these findings with the actual number of visitors. The information received on the recreational potential of parks is important from the point of view of protection of natural resources and the financial situation of the parks. The calculated ratio may be an effective tool of management for park administration, that allows to reconcile statutory social and protective functions of national parks. The study determined the recreational potential of the forests with the use of recreational valorisation method designed for areas with varied terrain, and the evaluated factors included the stands of trees with their habitat and land relief. The permissible number of national park visitors, expressed as man- hour/ha/year ranges from 19.31 in Bieszczady National Park (BG: 19~ 35' E, 49~ 35' N) to 32.06 in in Bieszczady National Park (B: 22~ 40' E, 49~ lo' N). In 3 out of 4 investigated parks, Magura National Park (M: 21025' E, 49~ 30' N), Gorce National Park (G: 20~ lo' E, 49~ 35' N), B) recreation carrying capacity was not exceeded, whether or not the strictly protected area is taken into account. Only in BG was the recreation carrying capacity exceeded by nearly 24%, or by 85% if the strictly protected area isexcluded from tourism-related exploitation. The presented procedure for monitoring access to mountain forests in national parks, from the viewpoint of natural resources conservation, can be applied in other mountainous areas covered with forests and exposed to tourist and recreational traffic, and in forests facing particular risk of recreational damage, e.g. in urban and suburban forests growing in areas with varied orography. 展开更多
关键词 Forest recreation Recreational capacity Protected areas Mountain forests the Carpathians
Urban Agriculture:A Transitional Mechanism for Reducing Environmental Degradation and Fossil Fuel over Dependence
作者 Henry Musoke Semakula 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期3-7,共5页
With the increasing population in the urban cities of the world,the demand for food from distant areas has been on the rise but at the expense of scarce natural resources like oil,water and forest,etc.However,producin... With the increasing population in the urban cities of the world,the demand for food from distant areas has been on the rise but at the expense of scarce natural resources like oil,water and forest,etc.However,producing food locally in urban centers provides a sustainable mechanism of reducing the carbon,food or ecological footprints of these cities in particular and environmental degradation in general.It creates a circular metabolic system in which the natural inputs are efficiently harnessed rather than the linear metabolic system in which resources flow in and wastes flow out.This article analyzes some urban agricultural local initiatives in urban centers of the worlds that promote a circular metabolic systems and proposes the procedure that can be adopted to promote urban agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 urban cities environmental degradation local food production oil peak urban agriculture
Molecular mechMolecular mechanism of glucocorticoid resistance in inflammatory bowel disease 被引量:14
作者 Sara De Iudicibus Raffaella Franca +2 位作者 Stefano Martelossi Alessandro Ventura Giuliana Decorti 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第9期1095-1108,共14页
Natural and synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely employed in a number of inflammatory, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases, and, despite the introduction of novel therapies, remain the first-line treatment for in... Natural and synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs) are widely employed in a number of inflammatory, autoimmune and neoplastic diseases, and, despite the introduction of novel therapies, remain the first-line treatment for inducing remission in moderate to severe active Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Despite their extensive therapeutic use and the proven effectiveness, considerable clinical evidence of wide inter-individual differences in GC efficacy among patients has been reported, in particular when these agents are used in inflammatory diseases. In recent years, a detailed knowledge of the GC mechanism of action and of the genetic variants affecting GC activity at the molecular level has arisen from several studies. GCs interact with their cytoplasmic receptor, and are able to repress inflammatory gene expression through several distinct mechanisms. The glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is therefore crucial for the effects of these agents: mutations in the GR gene (NR3C1, nuclear receptor subfamily 3, group C, member 1) are the primary cause of a rare, inherited form of GC resistance; in addition, several polymorphisms of this gene have been described and associated with GC response and toxicity.However, the GR is not self-standing in the cell and the receptor-mediated functions are the result of a complex interplay of GR and many other cellular partners. The latter comprise several chaperonins of the large cooperative hetero-oligomeric complex that binds the hormonefree GR in the cytosol, and several factors involved in the transcriptional machinery and chromatin remodeling, that are critical for the hormonal control of target genes transcription in the nucleus. Furthermore, variants in the principal effectors of GCs (e.g. cytokines and their regulators) have also to be taken into account for a comprehensive evaluation of the variability in GC response. Polymorphisms in genes involved in the transport and/or metabolism of these hormones have also been suggested as other possible candidates of interest that could play a role in the observed inter-individual differences in efficacy and toxicity. The best-characterized example is the drug efflux pump P-glycoprotein, a membrane transporter that extrudes GCs from cells, thereby lowering their intracellular concentration. This protein is encoded by the ABCB1/ MDR1 gene; this gene presents different known polymorphic sites that can influence its expression and function. This editorial reviews the current knowledge on this topic and underlines the role of genetics in predicting GC clinical response. The ambitious goal of pharmacogenomic studies is to adapt therapies to a patient’s specific genetic background, thus improving on efficacy and safety rates. 展开更多
Analysis on Cost and Profit in Farming Activity in Malaysia
作者 Noraniza Yusoff 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2016年第4期183-207,共25页
There is an excessive dissimilarity between scholars in how to accumulate output costs. Worldwide farming advancement is concerned with yield enhancement instead of a holistic natural source management for food safety... There is an excessive dissimilarity between scholars in how to accumulate output costs. Worldwide farming advancement is concerned with yield enhancement instead of a holistic natural source management for food safety. Nevertheless, knowledge regarding the achievement of agriculture systems subject to natural and conventional management in tropical and subtropical areas is insufficient. Why do several farmers record less profit than other farmers? Cost in agriculture activity influences the volume of profit gained by farmers. The number of respondents was 53. Data analysis was made using linear regression analysis to achieve the objective. The scatter diagram manifested a positive connection in cost and profit in agriculture activity from 2009 to 2013. For each cost increase in 2009-2012, the model forecasts a rise of returns for every year. The rate of profit earned by farmers every year shifts considerably in relation to the rate of cost in agriculture activity. This study recommends common accounting principles practices that exercise bookkeeping and managerial accounting to enhance farmstead management and profit. Future research may be conducted on the use of compost fertilizer in increasing agricultural income. 展开更多
Heat resistance and water protection effectiveness for large single-pane fireproof glass
作者 邵荃 李芳 +1 位作者 陈涛 孙占辉 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第6期2185-2191,共7页
The effects and heat transfer mode of water film and sprinkler system on the heat-resistant property associated with the insulation of a fireproof glass were investigated. In the experiments, fireproof glass with a si... The effects and heat transfer mode of water film and sprinkler system on the heat-resistant property associated with the insulation of a fireproof glass were investigated. In the experiments, fireproof glass with a size of 3 300 mm (height)×2 200 mm (width) ×12 mm (thickness) was exposed to an oil pool fire with a power of approximately 1.4 MW. The experimental results show that the application of the water film or sprinkler system on the glass can effectively resist the intensive heat from the fire in the test due to the absorption of latent heat. The permitted period of integrity and insulation with a water film and a sprinkler system could be extended to 60 min. It should be noted that the temperature of the glass surface Can be kept under 60℃in a 60 min test. The experimental results suggest that it is feasible to substitute fireproof glass with water film for a fireproof door as long as the water film or sprinkler system can work stably and water can cover the whole surface of the frreproof glass. 展开更多
关键词 water film sprinkler system HEAT-RESISTANCE fireproof glass fire test
Celebration’s Urban Environment, Sustainable by the Joy of Living
作者 Adilson Costa Macedo 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第6期416-427,共12页
Besides arguments like fighting against dispersed urbanization, improving economies of infrastructure and preserving natural resources, another measure to sustainability is the delight of people in staying together wi... Besides arguments like fighting against dispersed urbanization, improving economies of infrastructure and preserving natural resources, another measure to sustainability is the delight of people in staying together with others sharing a well-designed urban landscape. Analyzing the Celebration’s urban setting is highlighted how some design firms are turning to reclaim the types of urbanism and traditional American architecture, representing the wish for reinforcing the daily vicinity relationships. As a matter of sustainability, it mentioned aspects of vehicular accessibility and the population density which is higher in Celebration than that in other suburban towns in USA. Attention is given both to the management of natural landscape and the role of the entrepreneur to construct a town in a so fragile soil. The relationship between community and sustainability is highlighted, leading to the idea of building spaces to become places, capable to convey the feeling of joy of living. 展开更多
关键词 Smart growth new urbanism sustainable design city architecture urban design
Use of CCW (Civil Construction Waste) in Soil Improvement
作者 Andrea Batista de FariasI Alexandre Duarte Gusm~o Stela Paulino Fucale 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第7期913-918,共6页
The vast production of CCW (Civil Construction Waste) has caused socio-environmental concern as a result of the exploration of natural resources, clandestine disposal and proliferation of vector-borne diseases, for ... The vast production of CCW (Civil Construction Waste) has caused socio-environmental concern as a result of the exploration of natural resources, clandestine disposal and proliferation of vector-borne diseases, for example. It now gives priority to non-generation, reduction and recycling of CCW. This study, therefore, seeks an alternative for CCW by comparing the physical and mechanical characteristics, both in laboratory and onsite, of the recycled CCW aggregate and natural aggregate (stone powder), commonly used in the composition of compaction piles for improving soils in foundation works in the city of Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil. All results showed similar behaviours among the investigated samples (CCW recycled and natural), confirming the satisfactory performance of the investigated CCW material. 展开更多
关键词 Civil construction waste recycled aggregate soil improvement.
Study the interaction between the development of specialized Southwest National Area Rural Tourism and New Countryside Construction
作者 Xuanzhen GENG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第12期86-88,共3页
Southwest minority areas has its unique culture, natural landscape resources and post-development advantages, in recent years, the local government is developing rural tourism in order to promote local new rural const... Southwest minority areas has its unique culture, natural landscape resources and post-development advantages, in recent years, the local government is developing rural tourism in order to promote local new rural construction. In practice, however, the lack of coordination measures necessary between rural tourism and new rural, leading to interoperability between the two thrust did not really been achieved. On the basis of analyzing current interaction of Liangshan rural tourism development and new rural construction, it focus more on discussing the strategy of developing rural tourism in Southwest National Area and the construction of new socialist countryside. 展开更多
关键词 specialized rural tourism STRATEGY new rural construction Interactive development
Measuring Contribution of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the Construction Sustainability Goals
作者 Arjun R. Pandey Farzad Shahbodaghlou 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第3期379-384,共6页
"BIM (building information modeling)" and "sustainability" are two frequently used words in construction and academia today. BIM is a design-oriented tool, which generates a virtual three-dimensional model of a ... "BIM (building information modeling)" and "sustainability" are two frequently used words in construction and academia today. BIM is a design-oriented tool, which generates a virtual three-dimensional model of a project. Sustainability refers to prudent use of earth's natural resources, and construction sustainability is the application of this principle to building activities. Societies in general and the construction industry in particular--one of the largest in terms of natural resources consumed and waste produced--place high hopes on BIM and the principles of sustainability to reduce consumption and waste and to increase industry productivity. BIM's capabilities and limitations, currently more focused on model creation and energy simulations, are not well understood as they relate to construction sustainability and its goals. No method yet exists to evaluate BIM's contribution comprehensively to construction sustainability goals. This study presents a construction sustainability goals contribution matrix for BIM. The matrix indicates that this contribution may be more limited than it is commonly thought. 展开更多
关键词 BIM sustainability principles construction sustainability goals building ecology
Impacts of Anthropogenic Stresses on Biodiversity: A Case Study of Lumbini, Nepal
作者 Rajendra Poudel 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第10期1076-1083,共8页
Biodiversity conservation denotes the protection, management and utilization of resources available on or below the surface of the earth. The sustainability of biodiversity resources rely on the ecological balance. A ... Biodiversity conservation denotes the protection, management and utilization of resources available on or below the surface of the earth. The sustainability of biodiversity resources rely on the ecological balance. A sound planning based on ecological background and human needs provide successful management of natural resources. The study area, Lumbini harbors rich biodiversity and provide significant habitats for several species of birds, mammals, herpetofauna and fish. There are four major habitat types in Lumbini area-farmland, forest, grassland and wetland. The resources outside the Lumbini Development Trust and surrounding villages have already depleted due to excessive human interference in natural resources. Lumbini and its vicinity are rich in natural resources but poor in terms of infrastructure and delivery of services. The areas are losing natural wealth to pay for development. Rural areas around Lumbini are confronted with worsening poverty, ill health, illiteracy and continuing deterioration of natural ecosystems on which the local residents depend for their well-being. The only way to assure a safer and more prosperous future in Lumbini area is to deal with environment and development issues in a balanced manner. This research work attested that the local stakeholders feel ownership on people centered conservation. 展开更多
关键词 BIODIVERSITY Lumbini Laxmipur PLOT VEGETATION density.
Analysis of Participatory Approach Applied in Creating a New Protected Area Anjozorobe Angavo
作者 Marie Victoire Ravaoharisoa Rabevohitra Andreas Klaey +1 位作者 Sylvain Ramananarivo Urs Wiesmann 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2014年第2期61-69,共9页
The political will in compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity brings to the establishment of MSPA (Madagascar system of protected areas). The aim is to conserve biodiversity, alleviate poverty and dev... The political will in compliance with the Convention on Biological Diversity brings to the establishment of MSPA (Madagascar system of protected areas). The aim is to conserve biodiversity, alleviate poverty and develop the country. Participation and involvement of local population in natural resources management, consultation with all sectors and responsibilization of regional and local authorities in protected areas management are all the basic principles of MSPA. The paper brought focus in the understanding of this participation of local actors (populations, local authorities) and in their interests to participate in the protected area management in Anjozorobe Angavo. The research has been conducted by doing investigations and meetings with local actors. A typology of participations had been done. It has been indeed noticed that the understanding was differentiated then motivations to participate were not always the environmental one. The populations' participation could be either by convenience, or for personal interest, or imposed participation, or conscious participation. But in order to reach the purpose of the protected areas sustainable management, the operator should admit that the participation in protected areas management is imposed naturally and should consider those differences in visions; at last, the approach should motivate local populations to participate consciously. 展开更多
关键词 PARTICIPATION local population protected area Anjozorobe Angavo natural resources management
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