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作者 丁丽艳 韩永胜 +3 位作者 丁德利 宋斌 李同豹 殷元虎 《中国畜禽种业》 2015年第11期49-50,共2页
我国肉牛一般采用自然哺乳方式饲养犊牛,犊牛随母吮吸母乳。腹泻是哺乳期犊牛易发且常发的一种胃肠道疾病,一般出生1周开始发病,在大群饲养时,犊牛腹泻发生率常达90~100%,死亡率最高可达50%以上,给养殖牛业带来巨大的经济损失。在了解... 我国肉牛一般采用自然哺乳方式饲养犊牛,犊牛随母吮吸母乳。腹泻是哺乳期犊牛易发且常发的一种胃肠道疾病,一般出生1周开始发病,在大群饲养时,犊牛腹泻发生率常达90~100%,死亡率最高可达50%以上,给养殖牛业带来巨大的经济损失。在了解散养自然哺乳的肉犊牛发生腹泻的病因情况下,做好关键的预防工作,同时,在发生腹泻的情况下,做好积极的治疗工作,使经济损失降到最低,可大大提高养牛业的经济效益。1发病原因1.1营养性1.1.1母牛饲养管理不当母牛妊娠期间日粮营养水平不平衡,缺乏运动,发生营养代谢紊乱,可导致新生犊牛发育不良,易患腹泻。 展开更多
关键词 自然哺乳 犊牛腹泻 大群饲养 营养代谢紊乱 胃肠道疾病 日粮营养水平 饲养管理 发育不良 不平衡 乳房炎
作者 李国江 李常福 +2 位作者 潘忠波 翟连友 崔建成 《草与畜杂志》 1994年第3期17-18,共2页
多年来,农村养牛户延用传统的饲养方式培育奶犊牛,实行人工哺乳,费奶费时费力。而以低奶量培育,实行早期断乳,又常常因不得法而造成犊牛营养不良,发育受阻。因此,对幼牛培育,总是以其成本高,不愿饲养而影响着奶牛,肉牛资源的开发和合理... 多年来,农村养牛户延用传统的饲养方式培育奶犊牛,实行人工哺乳,费奶费时费力。而以低奶量培育,实行早期断乳,又常常因不得法而造成犊牛营养不良,发育受阻。因此,对幼牛培育,总是以其成本高,不愿饲养而影响着奶牛,肉牛资源的开发和合理利用。 展开更多
关键词 乳牛 人工哺育 自然哺乳
作者 丁丽艳 韩永胜 +3 位作者 丁德利 宋斌 李同豹 殷元虎 《中国畜禽种业》 2015年第12期71-71,共1页
肉用杂交犊牛初生重大,生长快,与传统跟随母牛的自然哺乳,从来不补料的饲养方式相比,已不能满足其营养需要。因此,提早训练犊牛采食饲料,并按需进行补饲是非常必要的。早期补料能促进犊牛前胃早期发育,促进瘤胃微生物的繁殖,可促使瘤胃... 肉用杂交犊牛初生重大,生长快,与传统跟随母牛的自然哺乳,从来不补料的饲养方式相比,已不能满足其营养需要。因此,提早训练犊牛采食饲料,并按需进行补饲是非常必要的。早期补料能促进犊牛前胃早期发育,促进瘤胃微生物的繁殖,可促使瘤胃的迅速发育,健全犊牛的消化机能,提高犊牛断奶体重和饲料报酬,实现早期断奶。 展开更多
关键词 瘤胃微生物 早期发育 自然哺乳 网胃 青绿多汁饲料 初生重 前胃 早期断奶 自由采食 断奶体重
仔鹿的人工哺乳 被引量:1
作者 梁风锡 秦荣前 +1 位作者 秦贵贤 姜宗尧 《畜牧与兽医》 1983年第1期29-29,共1页
对梅花仔鹿群进行人工哺乳、驯化培育,可提高仔鹿成活率,促进幼鹿生长发育,鹿茸早生早熟。1979年5月17日起共用仔鹿103头,每15~17头分入一舍。3~5日龄前日喂牛初奶0.9斤(每次喂奶用温纱布团擦仔鹿肛门促排粪),6日龄后日喂牛奶1.5斤,每... 对梅花仔鹿群进行人工哺乳、驯化培育,可提高仔鹿成活率,促进幼鹿生长发育,鹿茸早生早熟。1979年5月17日起共用仔鹿103头,每15~17头分入一舍。3~5日龄前日喂牛初奶0.9斤(每次喂奶用温纱布团擦仔鹿肛门促排粪),6日龄后日喂牛奶1.5斤,每5天调整一次喂量,每昼夜喂奶4次,(白天每5小时。 展开更多
关键词 仔鹿 人工哺乳 自然哺乳
《成人教育》 北大核心 1994年第11期29-29,共1页
犊牛的人工哺乳奶牛犊如果采用自然哺乳,会影响牛奶产量,不便于管理,还会造成犊牛消化不良.1.人工哺乳就是按每个犊牛的计划喂奶,把奶通过奶壶或奶桶喂给犊牛的方法.喂奶壶上有带小孔的胶皮靴头,它和母牛的乳头很相似.用奶壶... 犊牛的人工哺乳奶牛犊如果采用自然哺乳,会影响牛奶产量,不便于管理,还会造成犊牛消化不良.1.人工哺乳就是按每个犊牛的计划喂奶,把奶通过奶壶或奶桶喂给犊牛的方法.喂奶壶上有带小孔的胶皮靴头,它和母牛的乳头很相似.用奶壶喂奶,每次吸进口腔的奶很少,每次喂... 展开更多
关键词 人工哺乳 牛奶产量 自然哺乳 凉开水 周磊 工中
作者 黄馨鑫 《兽医导刊》 2021年第22期247-248,共2页
梅花鹿是我国珍贵的药用动物,养殖历史悠久,主要以收取鹿茸为主要目的。由于母鹿死亡、营养不足或哺育经验等问题,每年有近5%的母鹿无法哺育幼崽,加之,生态旅游业对人工哺乳仔鹿的需求增加,导致人工哺乳仔鹿技术成为必要。本文在查阅梅... 梅花鹿是我国珍贵的药用动物,养殖历史悠久,主要以收取鹿茸为主要目的。由于母鹿死亡、营养不足或哺育经验等问题,每年有近5%的母鹿无法哺育幼崽,加之,生态旅游业对人工哺乳仔鹿的需求增加,导致人工哺乳仔鹿技术成为必要。本文在查阅梅花鹿仔鹿人工哺乳技术资料和总结前人经验的基础上,对自然哺育与人工哺乳两种哺育方式对梅花鹿仔鹿生长进行了比较研究,以其为生产实践提供参考和指导。 展开更多
关键词 梅花鹿仔鹿 人工哺乳 生长 自然哺乳 抗病力
作者 杜耀军 《农业知识》 1996年第9期12-13,共2页
关键词 培育技术 高产优质高效 优质干草 妊娠母羊 自然哺乳 代乳料 常乳 青贮饲料 奶山羊 能量饲料
不同培育方式对甘南牦犊牛生长发育的影响 被引量:2
作者 马俊清 张红霞 +3 位作者 马登录 杨润喜 李红梅 夏晨宏 《中国牛业科学》 2018年第6期31-33,共3页
[目的]试验旨在研究不同培育方式对甘南高寒牧区牦犊牛生长发育及健康的影响。[方法]选取30头健康初生的牦犊牛,采用单因素随机分组设计,分为2组。对照组采用牦犊牛按照传统方式(自然哺乳)培育牦犊牛,试验组采用人工哺乳方式培育牦犊牛... [目的]试验旨在研究不同培育方式对甘南高寒牧区牦犊牛生长发育及健康的影响。[方法]选取30头健康初生的牦犊牛,采用单因素随机分组设计,分为2组。对照组采用牦犊牛按照传统方式(自然哺乳)培育牦犊牛,试验组采用人工哺乳方式培育牦犊牛。[结果]试验结果表明,3月龄、6月龄试验组牦犊牛体重、体高、体长、胸围显著高于对照组(P<0.05);管围试验组与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。对照组牦犊牛腹泻率、死亡率高于试验组牦犊牛,且差异显著(P<0.05)。[结论]科学饲喂方式有效提高了牦犊牛生产性能,为甘南高寒牧区提供优质的牦牛奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 牦犊牛 自然哺乳 人工哺乳 生长发育
作者 李斌 《中国养兔》 2012年第5期32-35,共4页
我国家兔养殖更大的数量在"千家万户"(中小型养殖场和养殖户)。中小型养殖场和养殖户特别是养殖户,最大的成本不是饲料成本,而是"死亡成本"。而"死亡成本"中最大的死亡数字主要集中在仔兔断奶之后到3个... 我国家兔养殖更大的数量在"千家万户"(中小型养殖场和养殖户)。中小型养殖场和养殖户特别是养殖户,最大的成本不是饲料成本,而是"死亡成本"。而"死亡成本"中最大的死亡数字主要集中在仔兔断奶之后到3个月之间。因此,仔兔从出生到分笼之前的养殖技术水平(包括母兔奶水的调整和控制、喂奶时间的掌握等)高低直接关系到日后的成活率。自2009年国家兔产业技术体系启动。 展开更多
关键词 仔兔 繁殖技术 产业技术体系 产仔箱 小兔 肉兔 养殖技术 自然哺乳 乳房炎 水泥预制板
作者 饶晓剑 《农村百事通》 2018年第9期35-37,共3页
果子狸属哺乳纲食肉目灵猫科果子狸属动物,又称花面狸、白额灵猫,是我国稀有"山珍"之一。果子狸肉质细嫩爽滑,味道香浓鲜美,为滋补佳品;其皮可以制裘;针毛是制作高档毛笔和画笔的原料;脂肪不但是生产化妆品的高级原料,还是医治烫伤的... 果子狸属哺乳纲食肉目灵猫科果子狸属动物,又称花面狸、白额灵猫,是我国稀有"山珍"之一。果子狸肉质细嫩爽滑,味道香浓鲜美,为滋补佳品;其皮可以制裘;针毛是制作高档毛笔和画笔的原料;脂肪不但是生产化妆品的高级原料,还是医治烫伤的良药。养殖果子狸经济效益可观,发展前景广阔。现将其人工养殖技术要点介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 果子狸 动物性饲料 自然哺乳
作者 黄曰期 黄桂发 《广西林业》 1990年第2期27-29,共3页
马山县过去林木很多,果子狸经常出没在森林之中。近年来,山林受到破坏,加上猎人捕捉过多,野生果子狸日渐减少。为了保持果子狸正常繁殖,现在家养果子狸比较常见,最多的户达到七十多只。果子狸又叫香狸、灵狸、包公狸等。属灵猫科,形似猫... 马山县过去林木很多,果子狸经常出没在森林之中。近年来,山林受到破坏,加上猎人捕捉过多,野生果子狸日渐减少。为了保持果子狸正常繁殖,现在家养果子狸比较常见,最多的户达到七十多只。果子狸又叫香狸、灵狸、包公狸等。属灵猫科,形似猫,头似狐,前肢比后肢短,有五趾,尾长于身躯,体长约70公分。 展开更多
关键词 灵猫科 正常繁殖 香狸 初配年龄 快速育肥 饲养管理 动物性饲料 马山县 自然哺乳 锅底灰
To a Question about Forecasting Number of Micromammalia (Rodentia)
作者 Nadezhda Antonets Aleksandr B alalayev Margarita Shumkova 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第1期63-68,共6页
In the present study, the data for population dynamics of micromammalia in Dnipropetrovs'k Region in 1957-1999 and Dnipro-Orel's Natural Reserve at 1991-2009 are adduced. With the purpose to drawing up of the long-t... In the present study, the data for population dynamics of micromammalia in Dnipropetrovs'k Region in 1957-1999 and Dnipro-Orel's Natural Reserve at 1991-2009 are adduced. With the purpose to drawing up of the long-term forecast at number are analyzed long-term lines of number on background kind's fine micromammals of dominant group. The analysis of long standing rows of number small mammals and comparison data with Wolf number were demonstration, which indicate that dynamic of number phone species (and dominant in particular) carry a cyclic character and contact with 11-year cycles of sun activity. Consequently, it was clearing up hidden periodical in dynamic of number mouse rodents. By that observation was dependence from cycles of sun activity. Probably, that in 2012 year, before peak of sun activity in 2013, next high increase about the number of small mammals for maxima ("outbreak" mass reproduction is a peak "big wave") will take place. 展开更多
关键词 Small mammals NUMBER forecasting.
Natural Conditions of Humanity Appearance and Development in Kazakh Steppe
作者 Adilkhan B. Baibatsha 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2012年第11期648-658,共11页
The first humans (hominids) appeared at about the same geological time in three independent areas: in East Africa, southern Indochina and in the Kazakh steppe. People inhabiting all continents and countries around ... The first humans (hominids) appeared at about the same geological time in three independent areas: in East Africa, southern Indochina and in the Kazakh steppe. People inhabiting all continents and countries around the world descended from hominids that emerged in these three foci then resided elsewhere. The number of people emerged 2-3 million years ago now about 7.0 billion people. They inhabit the planet and the master space. Kazakh steppe, located in the middle of the Eurasian continent, has always had a positive impact on neighboring countries. According to historical geological data obtained in the south near the ridge Karatau, the first people emerged on the territory of Kazakhstan were found about 2 million years ago. Such a conclusion was made on the basis of residual cultural pebble tools of hominids, founded by scientists. As a result of geological survey work carried out in the 1960's there were found some primitive people, starting with the era of"Arystandy culture" and including the Late Paleolithic era in the area of ridges Big and Small Karatau. There had been found the fossil remains of large mammals hunted by hominids around the sites of ancient people. Thanks for these residues the corresponding time of residence of primitive people can be judged from the animal world of the Kazakh steppe. 展开更多
关键词 Anthropogene archaeological humans HOMINIDS settlement of the first people.
Wildlife Crossing Zones along the Ring Changbai Mountain Scenic Highway, China
作者 Yun Wang Zhengji Piao +5 位作者 Lei Guan Haifeng Li Qilin Li Yayi Lu Lei Gao Jiding Chen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第12期1420-1427,共8页
The 84-km long Changbai Mountain scenic Ring highway encircles and bisects the nature reserve. With the expected increasing traffic flow, increased wildlife vehicle collisions and barrier effects are likely. In order ... The 84-km long Changbai Mountain scenic Ring highway encircles and bisects the nature reserve. With the expected increasing traffic flow, increased wildlife vehicle collisions and barrier effects are likely. In order to identify wildlife crossing zones and future protective measurement, the authors carried out 10 wildlife highway crossing surveys during the winter in 2008-2009. For each 5-kin section, the authors recorded highway crossings of all small/mid-sized and large mammals and one large protected bird species, the hazel grouse (Bonasa bonasia) and noted snow depth and the dominant vegetation type. The authors detected 12 mammal species and one avifauna species crossing the highway 502 times. The smallest of mammal was the Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris). Large mammals detected included the wild boar (Sus scrofe) (64) and brown bear (Ursus arctos) (1). The average number of wildlife crossings per 5 km was 29.5. It was found that species richness and crossing frequency was higher in sections with broad leaf forest compared to sections with white birch secondary forest significantly. The authors suggested that disturbance of broad leaf forest be minimized during construction and strict protection be established for broad leaf forests around Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve. 展开更多
关键词 HIGHWAY WILDLIFE crossing zones road ecology Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve China.
Cane toads beneath bird rookeries: utilization of a natural disturbance by an invasive species
作者 Damian C. LETTOOF Jessica A. LYONS +3 位作者 Richard SHINE Grdgoire MANIEL Martin MAYER Daniel J, D.NATUSCHa 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第4期433-439,共7页
Many invasive species exploit anthropogenically disturbed habitats, but most of those taxa evolved long before humans. Presumably, then, an ability to use natural (non-anthropogenic) disturbances pre-adapted invader... Many invasive species exploit anthropogenically disturbed habitats, but most of those taxa evolved long before humans. Presumably, then, an ability to use natural (non-anthropogenic) disturbances pre-adapted invaders to a world later degraded by people. Studies on invasive species in naturally disturbed habitats thus can clarify the ancestral niche of invaders. In the Australian tropics, metallic starlings Aplonis metallica nest communally in emergent rainforest trees during the wet-season, and invasive cane toads Rhinella marina join other predators (mammals, birds, reptiles, and other anurans) to exploit the food resources beneath those trees. Compared to conspecifics found along nearby roads through the forest, cane toads beneath bird-nesting trees occur at higher densities, and are smaller in body size. The sex ratio is female-biased, and recapture records suggest that fe- males may be philopatric at these sites (whereas recaptures were rare for both sexes found along the roads). Some toads were found under the same trees in successive wet-seasons. Spooling showed that distances moved per night were similar along the road versus under the trees, but toads under trees showed lower net displacements. Diets also differed (based upon scat analysis), with tree toads feeding more on beetles and less on ants. These nutrient-rich hotspots are ex- ploited primarily by adult females and juvenile toads, whereas adult males congregate at breeding sites. By magnifying pre-existing intraspecific divergences in habitat use, bird rookeries may en- hance population viability of cane toads by enabling critical age and sex classes to exploit food- rich patches that are rarely used by adult males. 展开更多
关键词 ancestral niche communal nesting niche partitioning PRE-ADAPTATION spatial ecology
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