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基于自然地理区的生态调节功能重要性评价及主导因子识别——以陕西省为例 被引量:4
作者 陈谢扬 李同昇 +1 位作者 朱炳臣 李炬霖 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1359-1377,共19页
开展生态调节功能重要性评价对于分析区域生态系统服务空间分布与格局具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文基于自然资源基础数据库,构建生态调节功能重要性评价指标体系,从自然地理区的角度进行陕西省生态调节功能重要性评价研究,揭示生态... 开展生态调节功能重要性评价对于分析区域生态系统服务空间分布与格局具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文基于自然资源基础数据库,构建生态调节功能重要性评价指标体系,从自然地理区的角度进行陕西省生态调节功能重要性评价研究,揭示生态调节功能重要性及其组合的空间特点,并对影响生态调节功能重要性分异的主导因素进行识别和分析,结果如下:①陕西省生态调节功能重要性空间差异显著,极重要区集中在秦岭山地区与大巴山山地区的连片区域、渭北高原丘陵区的块状区域以及长城北部风沙高原区的带状区域。②生态调节功能的极重要和重要区呈现为重叠多的特点,并以生物多样性维护功能、水源涵养功能和水土保持功能的三重或双重重叠为主。③各用地类型的生态调节功能重要性差异显著,林地的生态调节功能重要性最高,其后依次为水域、草地、耕地和建设用地。④陕西省生态调节功能重要性总体上呈现南高北低的格局,生态调节功能重要性的主导因子存在较大差异。针对陕西省各自然地理区的生态调节功能重要性特点和主导因子,应实施差异化的空间管治政策和生态保护策略。 展开更多
关键词 生态调节功能 重要性评价 自然地理区 主导因子 陕西省
作者 李方舟 陈常松 +3 位作者 方修琦 张月 桂德竹 王发浩 《地质通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1384-1394,共11页
以历史逻辑回溯千年以来的自然地理格局演变规律,能够更好地支撑以行政逻辑凝练提出中国广袤国土未来发展的政策建议。通过对大量文献进行综述,总结归纳各区带的独特自然环境基础和历史演化规律,从而基于历史、科学和行政逻辑提出国土... 以历史逻辑回溯千年以来的自然地理格局演变规律,能够更好地支撑以行政逻辑凝练提出中国广袤国土未来发展的政策建议。通过对大量文献进行综述,总结归纳各区带的独特自然环境基础和历史演化规律,从而基于历史、科学和行政逻辑提出国土空间规划的政策建议。中国现代地理格局是经过地质时期几十亿年的演化,以及历史时期上万年的人类活动刻画而最终形成的。在地质时期的地质构造、季风运动、江河形塑等作用下,中国陆域分异出了东部季风区、西北干旱—半干旱区、青藏高原区三大自然区,以及农牧交错带、海岸带两大过渡缝合带,历史时期人类因地制宜所形成迥异的生产生活方式,更是不断改造着国土空间结构,使各区带形成了独特的区域演化历史。通过对各区带的演变过程和规律进行了详细阐述和总结,由此提出了遵从自然生态限制和历史发展规律,保持自然生态系统和人类生态系统合理搭配及相互之间物质能量畅通交流,以及优化区域过渡带等国土空间开发保护格局的建议。 展开更多
关键词 中国地理格局 历史演变 国土空间 自然地理区 规划启示
作者 潘为去 丁德潜 《山东师范学院学报》 1959年第4期35-43,共9页
一、引言水文区划是自然地理区划的重要组成部份,其任务在于研究河川状况及其特性,分出类型,了解河川特性在地面分布的规律,划出水文区。近十多年来,苏联水文学者M·Й·李沃维奇、Б·Д·查依科夫、B·A·特... 一、引言水文区划是自然地理区划的重要组成部份,其任务在于研究河川状况及其特性,分出类型,了解河川特性在地面分布的规律,划出水文区。近十多年来,苏联水文学者M·Й·李沃维奇、Б·Д·查依科夫、B·A·特罗依茨基、Д·K·达维多夫和 B·E·约加松等人,对苏联水文区划的研究完成了巨大的工作,为苏联经济建设中如何全面利用水流资源提供了极其重要的资料,也为我国水文区划的研究指出了方向。1954年罗开富、李涛等提出"中国水文区划草案",将全国分为三级九区,山东分属于外流区中的黄辽区与长淮区。至于山东境内水文区划的研究,所知者,解放前有侯仁之所作的" 展开更多
关键词 水文 主要河流 山东 小清河 模数 胶东 水文特征 年平均 变差系数 自然地理区
作者 沈长江 《资源科学》 1981年第3期19-31,共13页
农业自然资源调查与农业区划已在全国广泛展开,因地因时制宜发展与布局畜牧业生产已成为该项研究的重要内容。如何避免发展与布局中的盲目性;如何通过家畜来合理利用各种自然资源,转化自然界中的能量与物质,创造各种各类畜产品,这就必... 农业自然资源调查与农业区划已在全国广泛展开,因地因时制宜发展与布局畜牧业生产已成为该项研究的重要内容。如何避免发展与布局中的盲目性;如何通过家畜来合理利用各种自然资源,转化自然界中的能量与物质,创造各种各类畜产品,这就必需认识和研究各种家畜生态规律。 展开更多
关键词 家畜生态学 生态地理 资源利用 气候生理学 绵羊 自然地理区 家畜品种 畜牧业生产 发展与布局 家畜资源
Landslide disaster in the loess area of China 被引量:17
作者 周金星 朱春云 +2 位作者 郑景明 王晓慧 刘洲鸿 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第2期157-161,165,共5页
China is the country with most widely distributed loess area in the world, and its loess area accounts of 6.63% of total nation land area. The landslide disaster occurs frequently for complex natural condition and bec... China is the country with most widely distributed loess area in the world, and its loess area accounts of 6.63% of total nation land area. The landslide disaster occurs frequently for complex natural condition and becomes major factors hindering the social and economic development of loess regions. Through different indexes, the authors divided the landslides into 9 principal types and analyzed the distribution characteristics of loess landslide in time and space, the affecting factors and mechanism of landslides. It is pointed out that time and spatial distributions of landslides are closely correlative to topographic and geomorphic conditions, earthquake and rainfall, and the key influencing factors include topography, geomorphology, new tectonic movements, earthquake activity, surface water, ground water and human activities. The authors emphasized that the natural condition of loess areas was favorable to landslides, human activities impelled its occurrence and that controlling the loess landslide was an urgent task for sustainable development in the loess zone. 展开更多
关键词 Loess landslide Landslide mechanism Natural disasters
河北北部玉米生产现状及近期发展趋势 被引量:6
作者 沈景锋 《农业开发与装备》 2013年第7期14-14,共1页
河北北部春播玉米区属寒温带湿润、半湿润气候带,冬季低温干燥。全年降水量60%集中在7~9月份。河北北部包括张家口、承德两市。张家口市地处河北省西北部,全市地势西北高、东南低,阴山山脉横贯中部,将全市划分为坝上坝下两个自然地理区... 河北北部春播玉米区属寒温带湿润、半湿润气候带,冬季低温干燥。全年降水量60%集中在7~9月份。河北北部包括张家口、承德两市。张家口市地处河北省西北部,全市地势西北高、东南低,阴山山脉横贯中部,将全市划分为坝上坝下两个自然地理区,属大陆性气候,四季分明,雨热同季,年平均气温8.9℃,平均年降水量为350~600mm,无霜期80~150d。 展开更多
关键词 河北北部 玉米加工 发展趋势 张家口市 玉米产业 玉米生产 鲜食玉米 年平均气温 新品种 自然地理区
作者 柯舟 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 1999年第1期38-38,共1页
青藏高原东北部,青海湖的东南耸立着一座西北———东南走向、海拔约4000米的高山,这就是日月山。日月山在我国自然地理区的划分上是一条重要的分界线,是青藏高原东出的第一道屏障,也是青海的农牧分界线。山之东是庄稼宜人的农... 青藏高原东北部,青海湖的东南耸立着一座西北———东南走向、海拔约4000米的高山,这就是日月山。日月山在我国自然地理区的划分上是一条重要的分界线,是青藏高原东出的第一道屏障,也是青海的农牧分界线。山之东是庄稼宜人的农业区,以西则是水草丰盛的牧区。越过... 展开更多
关键词 日月山 青藏高原东北部 农牧分界线 古冰川作用 云雾迷漫 半农半牧 自然地理区 红色砂岩 红色粘土 文成公主
作者 富裕华 廉志刚 《山西林业科技》 北大核心 1990年第3期32-40,49,共10页
应用优树选择理论,选择了影响油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr·)生长的主要因子,运用数量化理论Ⅰ方法预测林分群体均值,又参照已选优树资料制定了优树的数量指标。予主要形质性状冠幅、高径比、冠长以数量化指标。分自然地理区编... 应用优树选择理论,选择了影响油松(Pinus tabulaeformis Carr·)生长的主要因子,运用数量化理论Ⅰ方法预测林分群体均值,又参照已选优树资料制定了优树的数量指标。予主要形质性状冠幅、高径比、冠长以数量化指标。分自然地理区编制了各环境因子条件组的油松优树标准表等。对在选优中表格的使用做了说明。应用优树标准表反馈、复查已选优树证明此法效果好、质量高。 展开更多
关键词 优树选择 林分 优势木 自然地理区 形质 数量指标 环境因子 数量化理论 单株材积 树高
作者 努尔加合甫 《干旱环境监测》 1990年第4期240-242,共3页
我有幸参加了应苏联国家自然保护委员会邀请访苏的中国环境代表团,于1990年8月14日至27日参观、考察了莫斯科、列宁格勒、伊尔库茨库、哈巴罗布斯克等城市,及一些工厂和城市污水处理设施,部分科研院所;自然保护区;贝加尔湖地区等。与苏... 我有幸参加了应苏联国家自然保护委员会邀请访苏的中国环境代表团,于1990年8月14日至27日参观、考察了莫斯科、列宁格勒、伊尔库茨库、哈巴罗布斯克等城市,及一些工厂和城市污水处理设施,部分科研院所;自然保护区;贝加尔湖地区等。与苏联国家自然保护委员会和部分地方自然保护委员会官员进行了广泛接触、交流情况;了解了苏联环境保护情况,政府有关环境保护的方针、政策;机构设置与职能;以及法制建设;我们就中苏在环境保护领域合作的前景交换了意见。 展开更多
关键词 访苏 贝加尔湖地 伊尔库 法制建设 工业污染 自然地理区 日至 工业废水 城市功能 废水净化
The Development of a Geographic Information System(GIS) Database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve and Its Application 被引量:3
作者 DI Bao-feng ZHANG Kai-shan +2 位作者 TANG Ya ZHANG Ming-hua Susan L.USTIN 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第3期398-409,共12页
The objective of this paper is to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve(Jiuzhaigou,hereafter) in China and demonstrate its application as a research tool.A cost-e... The objective of this paper is to develop a GIS(Geographic Information System) database for Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve(Jiuzhaigou,hereafter) in China and demonstrate its application as a research tool.A cost-effective procedure was developed to compile a variety of geographical and biological data of the study area in terms of popular GIS format such as shape files.These files were further calibrated and validated using field surveys data.The developed GIS database was used to quantify the distributions of the wildlife(amphibians,mammals,and birds) using the distances of the wildlife to the centerline of the bus-tour routes.The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to quantify the correlation in space between pairs of different wildlife using the number of habitats for given space contexts.An ArcObject-based macro was developed to perform the analysis.The results showed the majority of the habitats of wildlife are located in the proximity of the tour-bus routes with an average distance ranging from 564 to 894 m depending on types of wildlife.This indicates a possibility of the disturbance to the wildlife by human activities.The correlation coefficient of the wildlife ranged from 0.36 to 0.64 depending on pairs of wildlife,indicating some correlations in space.However,due to the limited sample size,the statistical significances need to be further investigated.This paper has successfully demonstrated the use of the GIS-based database as a research tool for environmental study. 展开更多
关键词 Geographic Information System (GIS) DATABASE Remote sensing WILDLIFE CorrelationCoefficient Jiuzhaigou
Scale Issues of Wetland Classification and Mapping Using Remote Sensing Images: A Case of Honghe National Nature Reserve in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China 被引量:5
作者 GONG Huili JIAO Cuicui +1 位作者 ZHOU Demin LI Na 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期230-240,共11页
Wetland research has become a hot spot linking multiple disciplines presently. Wetland classification and mapping is the basis for wetland research. It is difficult to generate wetland data sets using traditional meth... Wetland research has become a hot spot linking multiple disciplines presently. Wetland classification and mapping is the basis for wetland research. It is difficult to generate wetland data sets using traditional methods because of the low accessibility of wetlands, hence remote sensing data have become one of the primary data sources in wetland research. This paper presents a case study conducted at the core area of Honghe National Nature Reserve in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China. In this study, three images generated by airship, from Thematic Mapper and from SPOT 5 were selected to produce wetland maps at three different wetland landscape levels. After assessing classification accuracies of the three maps, we compared the different wetland mapping results of 11 plant communities to the airship image, 6 plant ecotypes to the TM image and 9 landscape classifications to the SPOT 5 image. We discussed the different characteristics of the hierarchical ecosystem classifications based on the spatial scales of the different images. The results indicate that spatial scales of remote sensing data have an important link to the hierarchies of wetland plant ecosystems displayed on the wetland landscape maps. The richness of wetland landscape information derived from an image closely relates to its spatial resolution. This study can enrich the ecological classification methods and mapping techniques dealing with the spatial scales of different remote sensing images. With a better understanding of classification accuracies in mapping wetlands by using different scales of remote sensing data, we can make an appropriate approach for dealing with the scale issue of remote sensing images. 展开更多
关键词 wetland classification remote sensing image spatial resolution SCALE mapping wetland
Zoning of Far Eastern Seas of Russia for Integrated Nature Management
作者 I.S. Arzamastsev 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第12期57-63,共7页
On the Pacific coast of Russia implementation of the methodology of the integrated nature management has a number of peculiarities. On the one hand, these districts are characterized by severe hydrometeorological cond... On the Pacific coast of Russia implementation of the methodology of the integrated nature management has a number of peculiarities. On the one hand, these districts are characterized by severe hydrometeorological conditions. On the other hand, Russia has no applicable legislation on coastal issues. Thus, to prepare informational, theoretical and methodical bases for organization of sustained nature management in coastal zones of the Russian Federation, we developed hierarchy structure of delimitation of coastal areas and recommendations for their development on the basis of nature resource and social-economic zoning. Zoning of the Russian Far East is suggested to include two major directions: (1) planning of sustainable development of the region and (2) solving contradictions between fisheries and productions of oil and gas in the coastal zones. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal zone SHELF integrated management DELIMITATION ZONING boundary hierarchy scheme
The Spread of Deism in the Reformed Church in the South Eastern Region of the Kingdom of Hungary at the Turn of the 18th- 19th Century
作者 Adam Hegyi 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2015年第4期213-222,共10页
Deism is one of the branches of radical Enlightenment which states that God creates the World, but he does not intervene into its operation. Theological dogmas are completely useless because these rules are not necess... Deism is one of the branches of radical Enlightenment which states that God creates the World, but he does not intervene into its operation. Theological dogmas are completely useless because these rules are not necessary for the prosperity of people. These ideas were very dangerous to Christianity; however, they were widespread in many parts of Europe in the 18th century. The Reformed Diocese of Bekes was located in the south eastern area of the Kingdom of Hungary, whose followers practised an essentially rural way of life; therefore, they hardly read any scientific and philosophical works. In spite of this fact, the spread of the ideas characteristic of deism can be observed in numerous dioceses. The reception of deism in southeast Hungary can be witnessed not in the traditional intellectual documents (school curriculum, translations, and philosophical treatises), but in the documents of the ecclesiastical government: Church attendance records, documents of the proceedings of the ecclesiastical courts. With the detailed analysis of the ecclesiastical administration documents of the Reformed Church, this study investigates how folk religion relates to deism and the criticism of religion by the radical Enlightenment. 展开更多
关键词 DEISM radical Enlightenment folk religion Reformed Church the Kingdom of Hungary
试论中国音乐文化分区的背景依据 被引量:30
作者 乔建中 《中国音乐学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第2期74-86,共13页
关键词 中国音乐 文化 自然地理区 古代文化 方言
Food Consumption Patterns and Sustainable Natural Resources Management in the Mediterranean Region
作者 Roberto Capone Nicola Lamaddalena Lamberto Lamberti Abderraouf Elferchichi Hamid El Bilali 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第8期437-451,共15页
Sustainability of food systems and diets is not simply related to health concerns as it also involves environmental impacts. In fact, diets are major players in biodiversity erosion, natural resources degradation, cli... Sustainability of food systems and diets is not simply related to health concerns as it also involves environmental impacts. In fact, diets are major players in biodiversity erosion, natural resources degradation, climate change, etc.. The paper aims at analysing the main environmental impacts of the Mediterranean food consumption patterns on land and water resources and biodiversity. It provides a review on water and land resources and biodiversity in the Mediterranean and an analysis of the livestock sector impacts on ecosystem services. The most recent FAO food consumption statistics and standard impact data from different sources (e.g., Water Footprint Network; Mekonnen & Hoekstra, 2010; Ewing et al., 2010) were used to calculate and discuss environmental impacts, i.e., water, carbon and ecological footprints. Mediterranean diets promote biodiversity use, conservation and sustainable natural resources management. They are more respectful of ecosystems and have lower environmental impacts than Northern Europe and American diets. 展开更多
关键词 Mediterranean diets environmental impacts biodiversity.
Correlation between the Diversity and Land Use in Cleared Grassland Areas in the Pannon Mountains
作者 Zsófia Fehér Sáindor Hajnáiczki +3 位作者 Péter Penksza Péter Szoke Károly Penksza Barnabás Wichmann 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第2期98-112,共15页
Nowadays, mowing has an increasing role in the management of semi-natural and nature conservation areas. Semi-dry grasslands have been planted on cleared areas of forest in the Pannon Mountains, which would be reclaim... Nowadays, mowing has an increasing role in the management of semi-natural and nature conservation areas. Semi-dry grasslands have been planted on cleared areas of forest in the Pannon Mountains, which would be reclaimed by forest without use of the areas by humans. In our work we analysed cleared grasslands. The questions we tried to answer were which changes were caused by different land use, how favourable mowing can be for the purpose of grassland management and nature protection, do the composition of the plant species and the diversity vary within two years when conditions of precipitation are different. In four sampling areas, in 4 × 10 quadrats we registered the plant species and their cover values. We performed a site assessment in April, June and October, 2013-2014. We analysed the data by using cluster and ordination processes and we compared the sampling areas on the basis of the humidity preference and Shannon's index of diversity. According to the results, the composition of species and diversity on the analysed areas used for different purposes considerably deviate from each other. Further, we found a difference between two portions of the area whose had minor deviation in water management. 展开更多
关键词 MOWING land use diversity.
城市生态规划相关概念辨析与理论方法介绍 被引量:9
作者 陈燕飞 《江苏城市规划》 2009年第1期44-47,共4页
关键词 生态城市规划 城市生态规划 生态县 国家环保部 复合生态系统 景观特征 王如松 环境经济 自然地理区
作者 徐占春 《环球市场信息导报》 2014年第7期29-32,共4页
一、优越的自然地理区位上海位于中国南北海岸线的中点,长江三角洲东缘,地处黄浦江、苏州河(即吴淞江)交汇之处,西接太湖流域进入运河系统,直连京津和杭州;东经长江口入海,为南北沿海航运中枢。在国际上,上海处于远东航运的焦点,以及大... 一、优越的自然地理区位上海位于中国南北海岸线的中点,长江三角洲东缘,地处黄浦江、苏州河(即吴淞江)交汇之处,西接太湖流域进入运河系统,直连京津和杭州;东经长江口入海,为南北沿海航运中枢。在国际上,上海处于远东航运的焦点,以及大西洋与美洲之间的正中位置,通往美洲和大洋洲的航线最为便捷,是东北亚与东南亚、大洋洲、南亚以及中国台湾、香港的航运联结点。此外,上海地处江南。 展开更多
关键词 近代上海 联结点 自然地理区 南北沿海 吴淞江 中国沿海 中转运输 长江沿岸 交通运输业 商品集散地
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