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作者 陈凤娇 《林业勘察设计》 2024年第2期76-81,85,共7页
为进一步掌握福建省雄江黄楮林国家级自然保护区野生动物资源现状,运用公里网格法共布设了120台红外相机,累计拍摄可识别的野生动物照片和视频151889份,其中照片111671份,视频40218份。记录到哺乳纲5目14科19种,鸟纲7目16科45种,其中国... 为进一步掌握福建省雄江黄楮林国家级自然保护区野生动物资源现状,运用公里网格法共布设了120台红外相机,累计拍摄可识别的野生动物照片和视频151889份,其中照片111671份,视频40218份。记录到哺乳纲5目14科19种,鸟纲7目16科45种,其中国家一级保护野生动物1种,国家二级保护野生动物14种。在兽类中相对多度指数排列前5的物种依次为小麂(Muntiacus reevesi)、野猪(Sus scrofa)、赤腹松鼠(Callosciurus erythraeus)、中国豪猪(Hystrix hodgsoni),鼬獾(Melogale moschata);在鸟类中相对多度指数排列前5的物种依次为白鹇(Lophura nycthemera)、白眉山鹧鸪(Arborophila gingica)、黑领噪鹛(Garrulax pectoralis)、紫啸鸫(Myophonus caeruleus)和山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis)。调查新增保护区鸟类记录7种,占鸟类监测总数的15.6%。至本轮调查期末,兽类监测物种数已基本趋于稳定,鸟类监测物种数仍保持较为明显的增长趋势。 展开更多
关键词 红外相机 黄楮国家级自然保护 野生动物监测 相对多度
黄楮林自然保护区植物区系研究 被引量:7
作者 陈世品 《福建林学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期122-126,共5页
黄楮林自然保护区有维管束植物174科622属1113种,分别占福建省科、属、种数的75 32%、49 40%、29 83% 该区系的表征科是蔷薇科、壳斗科、樟科、木兰科、冬青科、山矾科、茶科 属的地理成分主要是泛热带分布型(28 32%),热带亚洲分布型(12... 黄楮林自然保护区有维管束植物174科622属1113种,分别占福建省科、属、种数的75 32%、49 40%、29 83% 该区系的表征科是蔷薇科、壳斗科、樟科、木兰科、冬青科、山矾科、茶科 属的地理成分主要是泛热带分布型(28 32%),热带亚洲分布型(12 37%),北温带分布型(12 37%)和东亚分布型(11 83%) 属的地理成分组成为热带分布型的共349属,占总属数的62 54%,温带分布型的共209属,占总属数的37 46% 本区系与永春牛姆林区系十分相近,与南平瞳洋区系的联系密切,与鼎湖山区系也有较密切联系,而与华东、华中区系的联系不密切 展开更多
关键词 黄楮自然保护 植物区系 生态系统 物种多样性 地理分布
双河—磨南德水源林自然保护区地貌特征 被引量:2
作者 丁智强 王平 +1 位作者 李玉辉 庞云海 《中国水土保持科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第4期34-43,共10页
探究双河—磨南德水源林自然保护区地貌结构和演化特征,为该保护区防治水土流失、优化土地利用结构、规划生态环境等提供地貌学依据,为滇中其他类似保护区及水源地开展地貌特征研究提供方法参考。在ArcGIS平台上基于ALOS DEM数据对海拔... 探究双河—磨南德水源林自然保护区地貌结构和演化特征,为该保护区防治水土流失、优化土地利用结构、规划生态环境等提供地貌学依据,为滇中其他类似保护区及水源地开展地貌特征研究提供方法参考。在ArcGIS平台上基于ALOS DEM数据对海拔、起伏度、坡度、坡向、面积高程积分值、地形剖面等地貌参数进行分析。保护区海拔1930~2552 m,平均2105 m;地形起伏度0~622 m,平均212 m;坡度0°~61.5°,平均15.4°;阳坡、半阳坡、半阴坡、阴坡的占比分别为26.45%、24.67%、24.81%、23.06%;面积高程积分值0.220~0.538,平均0.374;层状地貌发育,有三级剥蚀面和一级堆积地貌面,海拔分别为2520、2350、2200和1930 m。保护区以小起伏亚高山(50.21%)、中海拔和亚高海拔丘陵(46.88%)为主;山地、丘陵与盆地相间分布;以缓坡(38.87%)和斜坡(32.73%)为主,各类坡向占比较均匀,在23%~26%之间;地貌演化处于壮年晚期阶段,地表动力过程和土壤侵蚀较强烈。 展开更多
关键词 基本地貌类型 坡度 坡向 面积高程积分值 地形剖面 双河磨南德水源自然保护
中山市长江库区水源林市级自然保护区种子植物区系研究 被引量:9
作者 戴文坛 陈伟霖 +5 位作者 缪绅裕 覃希 蒋谦才 王家彬 张迪 林书航 《林业与环境科学》 2018年第1期66-74,共9页
基于资料和样线调查,统计出广东中山市长江库区水源林市级自然保护区有野生维管植物179科611属1 080种(含变种),其中种子植物150科560属988种。种子植物区系表征科为五列木科、粘木科、八角枫科、虎皮楠科、肉实科、紫金牛科、省沽油科... 基于资料和样线调查,统计出广东中山市长江库区水源林市级自然保护区有野生维管植物179科611属1 080种(含变种),其中种子植物150科560属988种。种子植物区系表征科为五列木科、粘木科、八角枫科、虎皮楠科、肉实科、紫金牛科、省沽油科、杜英科、芸香科、冬青科、清风藤科、樟科、山矾科、杉科、八角科和金缕梅科,其中的樟科、紫金牛科、芸香科最具特色;种子植物科、属的地理成分中均以泛热带分布及其变型占优势(分别占57.28%和32.31%),同时混合有不少其他成分,区系成分复杂,体现出其植物区系具有一定的古老自然性;与纬度相近的深圳市田头山自然保护区种子植物区系比较,二者的科、属相似性系数分别为88.89%和73.65%,显示在属级分类水平上存在较大差异。 展开更多
关键词 地理成分 分布区类型 表征科 长江库区水源市级自然保护 中山市
作者 陈纯秀 黄妃本 +1 位作者 冯志坚 李镇魁 《林业调查规划》 2015年第4期46-49,共4页
利用样方调查法,在粤西茂名林洲顶自然保护区内设置32个20 m×20 m的样方,建立以样方——种类(株树)组成的二维矩阵数据库,计测其生物多样性,并采用等级聚类对样方数据进行分析。植物物种多样性研究表明:天然次生林的物种多样性比... 利用样方调查法,在粤西茂名林洲顶自然保护区内设置32个20 m×20 m的样方,建立以样方——种类(株树)组成的二维矩阵数据库,计测其生物多样性,并采用等级聚类对样方数据进行分析。植物物种多样性研究表明:天然次生林的物种多样性比人工林高;等级聚类将本地区森林群落分为3个生态群组:大多数天然次生林归为一组,人工林归为一组,山顶矮林归为一组。并就森林群落类型、生物多样性特点以及自然保护区建设等方面进行了讨论。 展开更多
关键词 群落 物种多样性 聚类分析 茂名洲顶自然保护
基于红外相机技术对广东陆河南万红锥林省级自然保护区的鸟兽多样性研究 被引量:2
作者 钟锦城 徐瑞霞 +4 位作者 林宜舟 罗素娜 钟烨瑶 彭志远 黄舒雯 《林业与环境科学》 2022年第5期97-104,共8页
2021年2月至2021年11月,利用红外相机技术在广东陆河南万红锥林Castanopsis hystrix省级自然保护区对陆生大中型兽类和鸟类多样性进行研究。共设置了40个1 km×1 km的公里网络和40个相机位点,总计拍摄照片48248张,有效照片达12112张... 2021年2月至2021年11月,利用红外相机技术在广东陆河南万红锥林Castanopsis hystrix省级自然保护区对陆生大中型兽类和鸟类多样性进行研究。共设置了40个1 km×1 km的公里网络和40个相机位点,总计拍摄照片48248张,有效照片达12112张,共调查到了鸟兽12目11科45种,其中鸟类有9目3科35种,兽类有3目8科10种;有国家重点保护野生动物13种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物1种,国家Ⅱ级保护动物12种。同时,以鸟类多样性为基础,将其Gleason指数与广东省内其他保护区的进行对比,发现本保护区Gleason指数相对较小,提示鸟类多样性较低,推测这与人类干扰后红锥林内植物多样性减弱有关。 展开更多
关键词 广东陆河南万红锥省级自然保护 红外相机 鸟兽监测
四川天然林资源环保护工程的回顾与展望 被引量:7
作者 邓绍辉 《环境与发展》 2017年第9期198-199,201,共3页
本文通过对2000~2014年间四川实施天然林资源保护工程所取得的主要成就、存在问题和改进措施等问题,进行了系统分析总结,着重指出:这一工程在吸取现有经验教训的基础上,应进一步采取强化综合效益、改善经营管理、健全科技法制体系和加... 本文通过对2000~2014年间四川实施天然林资源保护工程所取得的主要成就、存在问题和改进措施等问题,进行了系统分析总结,着重指出:这一工程在吸取现有经验教训的基础上,应进一步采取强化综合效益、改善经营管理、健全科技法制体系和加大社会公众参与等措施。 展开更多
关键词 天然资源 四川自然林保护 资源保护工程
河北滦河上游自然保护区实验区人工林保护性经营的探索 被引量:1
作者 赵会艳 《安徽农学通报》 2014年第13期107-107,114,共2页
关键词 滦河上游 自然保护区人工 保护性经营
福建黄楮林自然保护区哺乳动物资源调查与分析 被引量:1
作者 黄永辉 《华东森林经理》 2011年第2期55-58,共4页
通过收集资料和调查研究,确认福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区分布有哺乳动物8目20科46种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物2种、Ⅱ级保护9种。区系分析表明:属东洋界的有34种,占73.9%;古北界有9种,占19.6%;广布种有3种,占6.5%。哺乳动物具有较高的南北... 通过收集资料和调查研究,确认福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区分布有哺乳动物8目20科46种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护动物2种、Ⅱ级保护9种。区系分析表明:属东洋界的有34种,占73.9%;古北界有9种,占19.6%;广布种有3种,占6.5%。哺乳动物具有较高的南北类群渗透性,其中:南方种类36种,占78.3%;北方种类7种,占15.2%;广泛分布种3种,占6.5%。保护区属于东洋界的华中区东部丘陵平原亚区的中亚热带森林群落地带,生态地理动物群分布类型为亚热带森林、林灌草地—农田动物群。 展开更多
关键词 福建雄江黄楮自然保护 两栖动物 动物区系
福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区两栖动物研究 被引量:1
作者 黄永辉 《福建林业科技》 2011年第3期58-61,共4页
采用样线调查法,对福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区两栖动物资源及其地理区系进行调查分析。结果表明,两栖动物有2目7科30种,保护区两栖动物资源种类丰富,种群数量多,具有很高的保护价值;本区两栖动物地理区划属于东洋界华中区的东部丘陵平原... 采用样线调查法,对福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区两栖动物资源及其地理区系进行调查分析。结果表明,两栖动物有2目7科30种,保护区两栖动物资源种类丰富,种群数量多,具有很高的保护价值;本区两栖动物地理区划属于东洋界华中区的东部丘陵平原亚区闽北山区丘陵地理省,华中向华南区系过渡性质明显,与台湾两栖动物关系密切,是戴云山脉两栖动物的重要组成。 展开更多
关键词 两栖动物 区系分析 福建雄江黄楮自然保护
作者 高扬 《花卉》 2022年第22期181-183,共3页
为了全面了解惠州洋塱水源林自然保护区动植物资源的分布状况,本文对其范围内动植物多样性展开调查。结果表明,有野生维管束植物118科321属482种,其中蕨类植物占15科23属36种,裸子植物占3科3属4种,双子叶植物占90科241属367种,单子叶植... 为了全面了解惠州洋塱水源林自然保护区动植物资源的分布状况,本文对其范围内动植物多样性展开调查。结果表明,有野生维管束植物118科321属482种,其中蕨类植物占15科23属36种,裸子植物占3科3属4种,双子叶植物占90科241属367种,单子叶植物占10科54属75种。野生动物12目36科68种,其中两栖动物1目5科11种,爬行动物1目6科13种,鸟类6目18科33种,兽类7目7科11种。在此基础上提出保护建议,以期为自然保护区的生物多样性保护与可持续发展提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 洋塱水源自然保护 动植物资源 调查 保护建议
作者 黄永辉 《林业科技》 2011年第4期49-51,共3页
通过2005和2010年的调查和研究发现:福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区共有爬行动物2目12科72种,它们在地理区划上属于东洋界华南区闽广沿海亚区的闽中丘陵平原地理省。该区是闽中丘陵平原省爬行动物物种集中分布区和典型代表区,是保护和研究闽... 通过2005和2010年的调查和研究发现:福建雄江黄楮林自然保护区共有爬行动物2目12科72种,它们在地理区划上属于东洋界华南区闽广沿海亚区的闽中丘陵平原地理省。该区是闽中丘陵平原省爬行动物物种集中分布区和典型代表区,是保护和研究闽中爬行动物的理想场所;动物物种类别的特性和独特的地理位置决定了该区两栖动物与爬行动物在地理区划上的差异。 展开更多
关键词 福建雄江黄楮自然保护 爬行动物 动物区系
刍议林业生态保护与天然林保护的具体措施 被引量:2
作者 白兴金 《资源节约与环保》 2020年第2期122-122,共1页
在社会经济持续发展背景下,自然环境的破坏程度不断加剧,进而引发一系列环境污染问题,对人们健康生活和社会持续发展造成十分严重影响。而保护生态环境作为每个人不可推卸的责任,需要严格贯彻和落实国家所提出的可持续发展战略,对林业... 在社会经济持续发展背景下,自然环境的破坏程度不断加剧,进而引发一系列环境污染问题,对人们健康生活和社会持续发展造成十分严重影响。而保护生态环境作为每个人不可推卸的责任,需要严格贯彻和落实国家所提出的可持续发展战略,对林业生态和天然林实施保护。结合林业生态和天然林保护意义,本文提出几点行之有效的措施。 展开更多
关键词 业生态 自然林保护 具体措施 探讨
Analysis of Landscape Diversities in Maolan Forests
作者 王中强 龙翠玲 +2 位作者 赵晶 王诚曦 龙健 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第2期79-81,86,共4页
With Maolan Nature Reserve as an example, its forest landscape characteristics and diversity were studied by utilizing GIS. The results showed that the overall forest landscape in Maolan Nature Reserve was quite good,... With Maolan Nature Reserve as an example, its forest landscape characteristics and diversity were studied by utilizing GIS. The results showed that the overall forest landscape in Maolan Nature Reserve was quite good, but with the increasing natural interferences and human activities, shrub forests and non-woodland landscape types have been multiplied; among the 3 functional zones of the Nature Reserve, landscape fragmentation degree is low in core zone and buffer zone, but high in experimental zone. 展开更多
关键词 Maolan Nature Reserve Forest landscapes Landscape diversity
Identification of Taxus cuspidata Sieb.et Zucc endophytic fungi─ new recorded-genus-species of China and the metabolite 被引量:5
作者 项勇 刘君 +2 位作者 刘党生 LU An-guo WU Wen-Fang 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第1期61-66,J003,共7页
A total of 94 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated from the bark of 200-yr.-old Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in the primeval forest of the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve, and 19 species of endophytic fungi ... A total of 94 isolates of endophytic fungi were isolated from the bark of 200-yr.-old Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. in the primeval forest of the Changbai Mountain Natural Reserve, and 19 species of endophytic fungi were identified. Among the taxa 2 new species and 1 new varied species as well as the 6 known species of China had been described in a previous article published on Journal of Forestry Research, Vol. 14 (4): 290-294 (2003). This paper made a detail description on the morpho-logical characteristics of the 9 new recorded-genus-species and 1 new record species with illustrations, including Staphy-lotrichum coccosporum Meyer et Nicot, Botryodema lateritium Papendoorf & Upadhyay, Oedocephalum glomerulosum (Rul-liard) Sacc., Trichosporonoides oedocephalis Haskins & Spencer, Beniowskia sphaeroidea (Kal Chbrenner et Caeke) Mason, Thermomyces verrucosus Pugh, Blakeman & Morgan-jones, Gilmaniella humicola Brron , Arthrinium sphaerosperma (Per.:Fr.) Ellis, Ambrosiella brunnea (Verrall) Batra, and Cytosporina notha Diedz (1 new record species). And the habitats, hosts, distribu-tions and fruiting periods were recorded for the new recorded-genus-species. The determination result of thin layer chroma-tography (TLC) showed that the liquid fermentation metabolites of the strains could not react positively with taxoids developer - the vanillic aldehyde and dilute bismuth potassium iodide. 展开更多
关键词 TAXUS Endophytic fungi IDENTIFICATION New recorded-genus-species of China
Growth behavior of Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Bambusoideae) in Central China 被引量:4
作者 LI Zhao-hua Manfred DENICH Thomas BORSCH 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期163-168,共6页
In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm ... In the Shennongjia National Nature Reserve of Central China, the vegetative growth behavior of henon bamboo (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis (Mitford) Stapf. ex Rendle) was studied from shoot recruitment to culm establishment. In May, bamboo shoots emerg- ing from the ground achieved an average density of 2.7 shoots m^-2 during the sprouting phase of 16 days. However, about 32% of the new shoots died back before maturity. Insect damage, withering death and rodent predation were responsible for 57%, 29 % and 14% of the total shoot mortality, respectively. From May to June, the shoots attained 400 ± 23 cm during the height growth phase of 34 days, with a daily rate varying from 1 to 56 cm. All branches and leaves unfolded during the branch spreading phase from June to August. Shoot production was positively related to the density of standing culms, but negatively to both coverage and height of herb layers. 展开更多
关键词 Bamboo shoot GROWTH Henon bamboo plantation Shennongjia.
Mapping and Assessing Typhoon-induced Forest Disturbance in Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve Using Time Series Landsat Imagery 被引量:5
作者 GUO Xiao-yi ZHANG Hong-yan +1 位作者 WANG Ye-qiao John Clark 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期404-416,共13页
Monitoring forest disturbances is important for understanding changes in ecosystems. The 1986 Typhoon Vera was a serious disturbance that severely impacted the forest ecosystems of Changbai Mountain National Nature Re... Monitoring forest disturbances is important for understanding changes in ecosystems. The 1986 Typhoon Vera was a serious disturbance that severely impacted the forest ecosystems of Changbai Mountain National Nature Reserve. Although the typhoon disturbance occurred more than two decades ago, the effects of the typhoon still remain within the study area. Few studies have focused on mapping and assessing disturbances across broad spatial and temporal scales. For this study, we first generated a map of forest composition prior to the typhoon disturbance, which served as a baseline data for the extraction of disturbed area. Then, the Disturbance Index(DI) method was tested for mapping the extent and magnitude of disturbance in the study area by applying a Tasseled Cap transformation to the Landsat imagery. The Landsatbased DI method estimated that an area of 13,764.78 ha of forest was disturbed by the typhoon. Based on visual assessments, these results correspond closely with the reference map derived from ground surveys. These results also revealed the influence of local topographic features on the distribution of windthrow areas. Windthrow areas were more pronounced inareas with elevations ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 m, slopes of less than 10 degrees, and southwestern to northwestern aspects. In addition, the relatively long(25 years) post-typhoon recovery period assessed by this study provided a more comprehensive analysis of the dynamics of forest recovery processes over time. Windthrow areas did not recover immediately after the typhoon, likely due to forest management practices enacted at the time. So far, forest recovery has proceeded more rapidly at elevations below 1,400 m, particularly on western slopes within the study area. Finally, a time series of DI values within the study period suggests a secondary disturbance may have occurred between 2000 and 2001. 展开更多
关键词 Typhoon Vera Windthrow areas Disturbance Index(DI) Topographic features Forest recovery process
The Role and Effectiveness of Local Institutions in the Management of Forest Biodiversity in New Dabaga-Ulongambi Forest Reserve,Iringa Region-Tanzania 被引量:1
作者 Richard A.Giliba Zacharia J.Lupala +2 位作者 Canisius J.Kayombo Yobu M.Kiungo Patrick Mwendwa 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期111-115,共5页
This paper examines the role and effectiveness of locacal institutions in the management of forest biodiversity in New Dabaga-Ulongambi Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, ... This paper examines the role and effectiveness of locacal institutions in the management of forest biodiversity in New Dabaga-Ulongambi Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Data were obtained through questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, participatory rural appraisal and field observations. The study revealed that the most remarkable local institutions connected to forest biodiversity management include: Village Natural Resources Man- agement Committee (92%), tree nursery group (79.4%), beekeep- ing groups (61.1%), fish fanning (43.3%), livestock rearing group (33.9%). Main activities carried out by local institutions which directly contribute to the sustainability Of forest reserve include: forest patrols, fire extinguish, preparation of fire breaks, plant- ing of trees along the forest boundaries, creation of awareness, arresting of forest defaulters, participation in income generation activities. For the purpose of realization that local communities are capable of managing forest biodiversity through their traditional institutions, the policy should provide tangible opportunity for local communities to meet their needs as they manage the forests. 展开更多
关键词 local institution participatory forest management forest biodiversity
Economic impacts of the Natural Forest Protection Program in Yunnan Province, China:an input-output analysis 被引量:1
作者 Wang Zanxin Margaret M. Calderon 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第1期66-73,共8页
The paper assesses the economic impacts of the natural forest protection program (NFPP) on the economy of Yunnan Province, China.in terms of gross output, value added,employment, and household income. An inputoutput... The paper assesses the economic impacts of the natural forest protection program (NFPP) on the economy of Yunnan Province, China.in terms of gross output, value added,employment, and household income. An inputoutput model is developed to estimate NFPP's economic impacts by means of backward linkages in the forestry sector and logging and haudage sector. It is found than the NFPP has positive impacts on gross output, value added and houschold income in the initial year, but has significantly negative impacts on the regional economy in the following years as the investment decreases. 展开更多
关键词 NFPP Input-output analysis Economic inpacts
Recreational potential as an indicator of accessibility control in protected mountain forest areas 被引量:4
作者 Tomasz DUDEK 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期1419-1427,共9页
The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpath... The article presents research findings related to recreational use of forests located in protected mountainous areas with forestage of over 80%. The study was designed to identify recreational potential of the Carpathian national parks (Bieszczady National Park, Bahia G6ra National Park, Goree National Park and Magura National Park; southern Poland) and to compare these findings with the actual number of visitors. The information received on the recreational potential of parks is important from the point of view of protection of natural resources and the financial situation of the parks. The calculated ratio may be an effective tool of management for park administration, that allows to reconcile statutory social and protective functions of national parks. The study determined the recreational potential of the forests with the use of recreational valorisation method designed for areas with varied terrain, and the evaluated factors included the stands of trees with their habitat and land relief. The permissible number of national park visitors, expressed as man- hour/ha/year ranges from 19.31 in Bieszczady National Park (BG: 19~ 35' E, 49~ 35' N) to 32.06 in in Bieszczady National Park (B: 22~ 40' E, 49~ lo' N). In 3 out of 4 investigated parks, Magura National Park (M: 21025' E, 49~ 30' N), Gorce National Park (G: 20~ lo' E, 49~ 35' N), B) recreation carrying capacity was not exceeded, whether or not the strictly protected area is taken into account. Only in BG was the recreation carrying capacity exceeded by nearly 24%, or by 85% if the strictly protected area isexcluded from tourism-related exploitation. The presented procedure for monitoring access to mountain forests in national parks, from the viewpoint of natural resources conservation, can be applied in other mountainous areas covered with forests and exposed to tourist and recreational traffic, and in forests facing particular risk of recreational damage, e.g. in urban and suburban forests growing in areas with varied orography. 展开更多
关键词 Forest recreation Recreational capacity Protected areas Mountain forests the Carpathians
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