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试论英国近代农业的自给率问题 被引量:1
作者 康宛竹 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1999年第6期100-106,共7页
18世纪下半叶至19世纪晚期,英国农业伴随着工业革命也经历了一场吐故纳新的变革历程,此即英国历史上的“农业革命”。关于“农业革命”在英国经济生活中的地位以及经过“革命”的英国农业在为本国居民提供生活必需品的能力方面,西方... 18世纪下半叶至19世纪晚期,英国农业伴随着工业革命也经历了一场吐故纳新的变革历程,此即英国历史上的“农业革命”。关于“农业革命”在英国经济生活中的地位以及经过“革命”的英国农业在为本国居民提供生活必需品的能力方面,西方学术界存在某些夸大其辞的观点。通过对英国人口增长与农业发展速度的比较以及对英国农业的生产总量、部门生产总量和进口量的比较,可以发现,英国的“农业革命”虽然在某些方面取得了一定的成效,但其农业总产量并未取得实质性进步,农业自给程度并未呈现上升趋势,英国的消费品供给在很大程度上是依赖于进口来解决的。 展开更多
关键词 人口增长 生产总量 进口量 农业自给
作者 马志月 《农业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第5期10-11,共2页
一、农业自给和农业保护政策的含义农业自给政策一般是指政府为了保证国家农产品的安全而采取的贸易、价格和舆论的干预手段。农业自给包括所有农产品,重点是粮食的自给自足,就发展中国家而言,农业自给是作为一种目标政策而被实施。... 一、农业自给和农业保护政策的含义农业自给政策一般是指政府为了保证国家农产品的安全而采取的贸易、价格和舆论的干预手段。农业自给包括所有农产品,重点是粮食的自给自足,就发展中国家而言,农业自给是作为一种目标政策而被实施。为了自给政府最普遍采用的手段是政府... 展开更多
关键词 中国 农业自给 农业保护 政策
作者 W. C. Beets 沈秋兴 牟永义 《世界农业》 1982年第12期1-4,共4页
印度尼西亚横跨赤道,象大多数湿热的热带地区一样,有各种不同的土壤,其中也包括大片贫瘠的土壤。这个由大约1.3万个岛屿组成的农业国家,有一些岛屿属火山岛。由于火山周期性爆发,使土壤的肥力得到更新,所以土地肥沃。爪哇岛就有30个活火... 印度尼西亚横跨赤道,象大多数湿热的热带地区一样,有各种不同的土壤,其中也包括大片贫瘠的土壤。这个由大约1.3万个岛屿组成的农业国家,有一些岛屿属火山岛。由于火山周期性爆发,使土壤的肥力得到更新,所以土地肥沃。爪哇岛就有30个活火山,使这个地区能大面积地连续种植,能养活世界上密度最高的人口(某些地区每平方公里超过2千人)。 展开更多
关键词 印度尼西亚 外围岛屿 生物型 投入物 豆科作物 水稻品种 热带地区 粮食作物 耕作制度 自给农业
作者 郝直 《人文杂志》 1983年第5期68-69,共2页
今年六月初,省经济学学会发展战略研究组,省社会科学院经济研究所,省农林科学院农业经济研究所,联合召开了陕西省农业发展战略问题座谈会,着重就陕西省农业资源的开发利用、陕西农业发展的战略方针、从传统农业向现代农业转化、从自给... 今年六月初,省经济学学会发展战略研究组,省社会科学院经济研究所,省农林科学院农业经济研究所,联合召开了陕西省农业发展战略问题座谈会,着重就陕西省农业资源的开发利用、陕西农业发展的战略方针、从传统农业向现代农业转化、从自给半自给性农业向商品性转化等问题进行了讨论。现将座谈讨论的主要论点综合整理介绍如下: 展开更多
关键词 农业发展战略 学术观点 座谈会 农业资源 陕南山区 商品性农业 现代农业 战略方针 陕西 自给农业
作者 蔡源元 《经济理论与经济管理》 1984年第2期25-31,共7页
一、农业生产专业化、社会化是社会经济发展的必然趋势自给性农业是一种落后的经济形态。它在技术上是原始的,经济上是闭关自守与世隔绝的,思想上是保守的。从而也就不可能为整个国民经济提供大量的、廉价的农产品。尽管如此,自给性农... 一、农业生产专业化、社会化是社会经济发展的必然趋势自给性农业是一种落后的经济形态。它在技术上是原始的,经济上是闭关自守与世隔绝的,思想上是保守的。从而也就不可能为整个国民经济提供大量的、廉价的农产品。尽管如此,自给性农业还是人类社会一定发展阶段的普遍现象。因为它是和那个阶段的社会生产力发展水平相适应的,是由低下的生产力水平所决定的。 展开更多
关键词 农业生产专业化 社会化 自给农业 农业专业化生产 农业商品化 地域专业化 专业化水平 生产力水平 专业化发展 生产力发展水平
作者 陈林 《老区建设》 1993年第1期33-33,共1页
关键词 农业效益 商品性农业 自给农业 三峡库区 高效农业 湖北省秭归县 科技推广 规模经营 低效问题 综合生产能力
云南藏区农户经济行为分析 被引量:3
作者 绒巴扎西 《云南社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第1期28-32,共5页
本文通过对云南藏区农户生产及技术选择行为的实证分析与描述,认为农户已在外部条件所允许的范围内作了最佳选择;少而全的生产安排是与特定的生产技术相联系的;因此,要突破少而全的生产安排,实现由自给农业向商品农业的转换,就必... 本文通过对云南藏区农户生产及技术选择行为的实证分析与描述,认为农户已在外部条件所允许的范围内作了最佳选择;少而全的生产安排是与特定的生产技术相联系的;因此,要突破少而全的生产安排,实现由自给农业向商品农业的转换,就必须首先改变限制农户选择的技术体系。但是,已有的生产、供销及技术服务彼此分离的农户十服务部门的农村经济组织结构,并不能有效地促进技术进步和自给农业向商品农业的转换。一种可行的办法是将服务部门合并,并划拨给生产基地,建立以市场为导向,技术开发为先导,资源优势为依托的新型农村经济组织载体──农业开发公司,形成以技术开发来拓展对农户的技术及购销服务,以服务扩展及公司收益的增长来进一步强化技术开发的公司十农户的农村经济组织结构。 展开更多
关键词 云南藏区 行为分析 农户经济行为 畜牧业生产 技术开发 组织结构 生产安排 畜牧业经济 农村经济 自给农业
自然经济与自给性农业 被引量:2
作者 刘小京 《社会学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第3期62-72,共11页
本文从具体解析自然经济概念入手,结合对中国社会经济史的描述与概括,强调在中国,由于社会经济现象极为复杂多样,致使一些主要从西方社会经济历史变迁中概括出来的学术概念(特别是在早期进化论影响下形成的学术概念)也有可能在中... 本文从具体解析自然经济概念入手,结合对中国社会经济史的描述与概括,强调在中国,由于社会经济现象极为复杂多样,致使一些主要从西方社会经济历史变迁中概括出来的学术概念(特别是在早期进化论影响下形成的学术概念)也有可能在中国社会经济史中找到一些与之形似的社会现象,但两者在原因、过程、性质、作用和前途上均有所不同;在使用西方学术概念概括中国社会经济事实时,一定要慎重。在此基础上,本文对中国农户的生产模式作一尝试性分析和概括,以期在清理现成概念,冲破思维定势,发展具有本土化、规范化特点的研究范式、学术概念和分析框架方面进行一些尝试。 展开更多
关键词 自然经济 自给农业 中国农民 自给性生产 农业生产 中国农户 学术概念 商品经济 商品性生产 马克思
Distributed Bio-Hydrogen Refueling Stations 被引量:1
作者 Peter J. Schubert 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期183-190,共8页
Hydrogen fuel cell cars are now available for lease and for sale. Renewable hydrogen fuel can be produced from water via electrolysis, or from biomass via gasification. Electrolysis is power-hungry with high demand fr... Hydrogen fuel cell cars are now available for lease and for sale. Renewable hydrogen fuel can be produced from water via electrolysis, or from biomass via gasification. Electrolysis is power-hungry with high demand from solar or wind power. Gasification, however, can be energy self-sufficient using a recently-patented thermochemical conversion technology known as I-HPG (indirectly-heated pyrolytic gasification). I-HPG produces a tar-free syngas from non-food woody biomass. This means the balance of plant can be small, so the overall system is economical at modest sizes. This makes it possible to produce renewable hydrogen from local agricultural residues; sufficient to create distributed refueling stations wherever there is feedstock. This work describes the specifics of a novel bio-hydrogen refueling station whereby the syngas produced has much of the hydrogen extracted with the remainder powering a generator to provide the electric power to the I-HPG system. Thus the system runs continuously. When paired with another new technology, moderate-pressure storage of hydrogen in porous silicon, there is the potential to also power the refueling operation. Such systems can be operated independently. It is even possible to design an energy self-sufficient farm where all electric power, heat, and hydrogen fuel is produced from the non-food residues of agricultural operations. No water is required, and the carbon footprint is negative, or at least neutral. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS HYDROGEN distributed generation fuel cell vehicle
Improving Indigenous Technologies for Sustainable Land Use in Northern Mountainous Areas of Vietnam
作者 Le Quoc Doanh Ha Dinh Tuan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第3期270-275,共6页
More than 30 ethnic groups are now living in northern mountainous regions, Vietnam, mainly relying on shifting cultivation with the fallow period being shortened from time to time. Naturally, soil fertility reduces fr... More than 30 ethnic groups are now living in northern mountainous regions, Vietnam, mainly relying on shifting cultivation with the fallow period being shortened from time to time. Naturally, soil fertility reduces from cycle to cycle, entailing the reduction of productivity. Large areas of moderately sloping lands suitable for upland agriculture have become bare after many cultivation-fallow cycles. The soils there have been severely degraded with more toxicity, low porosity, low water retention capacity and poor floral diversity. Normally, these lands cannot be used for food crop cultivation. So farmers in uplands have to rely on slash-and-burn practices for their livelihood. As there is no more forest with good soil in medium slopes, farmers go to cut forests in watershed, high slope lands and old forests up to the mountains’ top. There are ecologically and environmentally very sensitive areas, so their destruction will inevitably cause hazardous consequences in the whole basin. Meanwhile, cultivation in these areas has low economic efficiency and sustainability because the crop yield may decrease very fast due to severe erosion as the higher the slope, the more serious erosion. Consequently living standards of highland farmers remain low and unstable. Sustainable farming on these lands in the perspective of a seriously deteriorated ecology and environmental is not an easy task. There have been many projects trying to help mountainous farmers get out of their vicious circle. However, due to different reasons, the results gained are low, and in some cases, things ceased to move after the projects phased out. During past few years, based on the farmer experiences, the Vietnam Agricultural Science Institute has cooperated with local and international partners to implement different projects in order to solve the problems by developing simple, easy and cheap cultivation technologies, which can be accepted and applied by local poor farmers for sustainable agricultural production. The first results of our activities offered good opportunities for sustain food production, improve soil health, recharge of aquifers, and enhanced household income for better rural lively hoods in the upland eco-regions of northern Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Indigenous technologies sustainable agriculture upland eco-regions northern vietnam
Protected Areas, Subsistence Farming Systems and Nature Conservation
作者 Luis Tiberio Filipa Manso Ana Marta-Costa Carlos Fonseca Aurora Monzon 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2012年第3期402-411,共10页
The preservation of the traditional subsistence farming systems and the conservation of natural values (habitats, fauna and flora), in articulation with local development, was the key issues in this paper. The farme... The preservation of the traditional subsistence farming systems and the conservation of natural values (habitats, fauna and flora), in articulation with local development, was the key issues in this paper. The farmers have been able to manage the systems so as to cope with adverse conditions, but their future is quite uncertain. The methodology included: (1) field observation visits and cartographic information analysis of land use; (2) structured interviews with animal production and agro-forestry specialists; and (3) meetings with the participation of stakeholders. The paper concludes that depopulation is responsible for the increasing decline of agriculture and livestock. The decrease in agricultural activity in general and the consequent practices and traditional systems of agriculture causes changes in the landscape and has negative effects on nature conservation and biodiversity. Thus, we believe that the preservation and development of traditional economic activities linked to agriculture, agro-forestry and food processing are essential to maintain the typical landscape and to preserve natural values of Montemuro Site. The paper shows that in mountain areas, particularly those classified as nature network sites, farming, economic development and nature conservation are not antagonistic objectives. 展开更多
关键词 Farming systems protected areas nature conservation BIODIVERSITY local development.
瑞士的饲草种植 被引量:1
作者 程桂荪 《世界农业》 1984年第6期42-44,共3页
瑞士是个发达的工业国,农业人口只占5%,但农业自给率却达60%以上,在农业收入中,一半以上来自饲料种植业和养牛业,饲养牧场达8,OOO多平方公里,占全国土地面积的23.3%。瑞士是著名的奶制品生产国,尤以奶酪闻名全球,每年出口5万吨以上。... 瑞士是个发达的工业国,农业人口只占5%,但农业自给率却达60%以上,在农业收入中,一半以上来自饲料种植业和养牛业,饲养牧场达8,OOO多平方公里,占全国土地面积的23.3%。瑞士是著名的奶制品生产国,尤以奶酪闻名全球,每年出口5万吨以上。 瑞士的牧场分为天然牧场和人工牧场两种,天然牧场是自然野生草原通过合理的管理和放牧发展而成的;人工牧场则是按作物的轮作周期定期地在耕地上播种,一般都是禾本科和豆科牧草混播。 展开更多
关键词 天然牧场 瑞士 人工牧场 饲草种植 土地面积 农业自给 豆科牧草 轮作周期 农业收入 禾本科
Empirical Analysis of Agricultural Policy Impacts of Senegal for food Self-sufficiency: The Stochastic Frontier Production of Rice and Maize in Senegal River Valley
作者 ARAME TOP KWANSOO KIM 《Journal of Statistical Science and Application》 2017年第3期104-113,共10页
The stochastic production function estimates of rice and maize in Senegal River Valley demonstrate the possibility to reach self-sufficiency of rice in Senegal. Nonetheless, its fulfillment requires many accompanying ... The stochastic production function estimates of rice and maize in Senegal River Valley demonstrate the possibility to reach self-sufficiency of rice in Senegal. Nonetheless, its fulfillment requires many accompanying measures in rice and maize production. These measures include all upstream and downstream activities related to agricultural production for their efficiency and sustainability in rice and maize production to maintain the country's comparative advantages and competitiveness. Then priorities should be given to agricultural infrastructure building, establishment of credit markets, and providing an easy access of production factors (e.g., improved land, fertilizers, improved and certified seeds, as well as agricultural machines). Furthermore, policy makers should provide a larger incentive in terms of producer price to encourage farmers to increase considerably their outputs, thereby farmers face smaller risk of having non-sold outputs. And during an early harvesting period, appropriate policy measures are in need to prevent farmers from dumping their products under severe social and economic pressures such as children schooling and loan payment, etc 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural policies Stochastic frontier production Food Self-sufficiency Senegal River Valley
作者 张金根 乐正根 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1992年第3期88-89,共2页
党的十一届三中全会以来,我国农村发生了巨大变化,绝大多数农民温饱问题已经解决,商品经济意识日益增强,开始走向由传统的自给性农业向商品性农业发展的新阶段。特别是近几年来连续丰收,粮、油、糖等农产品出现了“买不掉,储不下,运不... 党的十一届三中全会以来,我国农村发生了巨大变化,绝大多数农民温饱问题已经解决,商品经济意识日益增强,开始走向由传统的自给性农业向商品性农业发展的新阶段。特别是近几年来连续丰收,粮、油、糖等农产品出现了“买不掉,储不下,运不走”的局面,农产品流通滞后问题十分突出,这就不可避免地带来许多问题。 1、农民生产出来的产品无法转变成商品,换取相应的货币,因而无法购进生活和生产资料,给生活和再生产带来严重的影响。 2、有些农业商品产区为解决农民销售难的问题尽力组织收购,但收购进来的商品不能及时调销,资金大量沉淀。 展开更多
关键词 农产品流通 农民 工农产品比价 自给农业 商品性农业 商品经济意识 农业商品 “剪刀差” 双层经营体制 饲养业
作者 蓝启章 《市场论坛》 1996年第7期23-25,共3页
关键词 石山地区 脱贫致富 贫困地区 发达地区 都安县 经济发展 经济开发 粮食生产 股份合作制 自给农业
《广西农村经济》 1994年第4期14-14,共1页
复关对中国工业体系所产生的影响较为引人注目,但将对农业造成那些冲击?最近农业部会同有关专家对此一问题进行专题研究。得出的结论将影响到中国的农业计划。 一是促进中国农业对外开放,加快中国农业产业结构的调整,使中国农业生产和... 复关对中国工业体系所产生的影响较为引人注目,但将对农业造成那些冲击?最近农业部会同有关专家对此一问题进行专题研究。得出的结论将影响到中国的农业计划。 一是促进中国农业对外开放,加快中国农业产业结构的调整,使中国农业生产和经营与世界农产品市场紧密结合,以获得更大的比较效益。 二是有利于引进国外科学技术、资金和管理经验,改造传统农业,加速从自给农业向商品农业,传统农业向现代化农转化的进程。 三是有利于扩大中国农产品、特别是农副产品加工业的出口中。 展开更多
关键词 中国农业 “复关” 农产品市场 改造传统农业 对外开放 科学技术 农业计划 自给农业 管理经验 管理体制改革
大食物观:结构变化、政策涵义与实践逻辑 被引量:37
作者 程国强 《农业经济问题》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第5期49-60,共12页
当前我国已经进入从中等收入迈向高收入、向全面建设社会主义现代化国家进军的新阶段。本文在分析辨识我国食物消费结构特征以及变化趋势的基础上,阐释在新发展阶段树立大食物观的现实意义与政策涵义,并初步评估我国食物安全保障现状与... 当前我国已经进入从中等收入迈向高收入、向全面建设社会主义现代化国家进军的新阶段。本文在分析辨识我国食物消费结构特征以及变化趋势的基础上,阐释在新发展阶段树立大食物观的现实意义与政策涵义,并初步评估我国食物安全保障现状与今后的挑战,为新发展阶段践行大食物观提出实践逻辑与政策取向。本文认为,大食物观的政策涵义在于要促进粮食安全向食物安全的深化和拓展,其实践逻辑是必须树立大资源观、大农业观和大市场观,以粮食安全、生态安全和食品安全为核心基础,应对今后我国食物自给率持续下降的挑战,确保国家食物安全,必须深入践行大食物观,抓紧建立完善我国食物安全综合保障机制。 展开更多
关键词 大食物观 粮食安全 食物安全 农业资源自给 食物自给
Urban Food Supply under Constrained Land Resources in Beijing:Potential and Optimization
作者 蔡建明 郭华 +1 位作者 Larissa MULLER Margaret ZHOU 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2012年第3期269-277,共9页
The recent global food security crisis is garnering increasing attention and calls for innovative solutions to mitigate its negative impacts on people, especially the most economically vulnerable. In urban regions, th... The recent global food security crisis is garnering increasing attention and calls for innovative solutions to mitigate its negative impacts on people, especially the most economically vulnerable. In urban regions, this issue is aggravated by the fact that, on one hand, rapid urbanization and greater levels and diversity of food consumption associated with the growing affluence of urban inhabitants has led to rising urban food demand, while on the other hand, the rapid loss of farmland due to urban expansion or irrational sprawl and increasing extreme weather events for agricultural producers due to the impact of global climate change is sharply reducing the urban food production and local supply capacity. Therefore how to realize the urban food supply potential and optimize the utilization of the urban farmlands to enhance the local food supply rate and improve urban food security more generally is becoming a key issue. In this paper, we use the case of Beijing to examine the opportunities to enhance the supply of local, affordably priced food under existing land resource constraints, by restructuring farmland utilization. In this paper, we firstly calculate the changes in the food footprint needed by Beijing and its food self-sufficiency rate over the thirty year period from 1981 to 2011. We show that although Beijing’s food footprint has grown from 11 800 to 29 400 km2 over this 30-year period, its food self- sufficiency rate has dropped from 59.3%, 35.8%, 37.3% and 13.1% to about 39.0%, 27.0%, 6.7% and 2.2% for vegetable, fruit, grain and edible oil, respectively. Following this analysis, we calculate Beijing’ s potential food production under different agricultural production allocation scenarios. We conclude that with a proper shift of farmland use, full utilization of temporary idle land, and the development of rooftop farming, Beijing could increase its vegetable self-sufficiency rate to 60% without significantly reducing the production of other types of local food. Given the sensitivity of fresh vegetables to long- distance transport, and the potential to reduce transport-related carbon emissions, this is a worthwhile adjustment that will benefit the city both by meeting the growing need of its residents for fresh food, and by improving the overall regional eco-environment. 展开更多
关键词 food footprint food self-sufficiency local food production urban agriculture constrained land resource
作者 民巍 晓群 《乡镇论坛》 1998年第2期19-19,共1页
关键词 农业和农村工作 大政方针 中央农村工作会议 农业科技革命 我国农业 深化农村改革 基础建设 自给农业 推进农业产业化经营 农业机械化
A Study on the Spatial Distribution of China's Potential Foreign Cooperation on Grain from Geographical View 被引量:5
作者 QIN Qi CHENG Shengkui +2 位作者 WU Liang LIU Xiaojie LIU Aimin 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2018年第6期585-591,共7页
Further utilization of global agricultural resources and the expansion of potential international cooperation space are necessary measures to promote a new level of China's national food security and optimize the ... Further utilization of global agricultural resources and the expansion of potential international cooperation space are necessary measures to promote a new level of China's national food security and optimize the structure of domestic food consumption.This study measured the global potential cultivated land area and national grain self-sufficiency.Based on the two-above measures,the authors made a classification of China's foreign agricultural cooperation countries and depicted the spatial pattern of cooperation based on the grain trades of those countries with China.The:grain exporters include Australia,North America,South America,Eastern Europe and Central Asia;and the target countries for "going abroad"of Chinese grain enterprises are mainly located in Sub-Saharan Africa and northern Latin America.This study proposes that China's policy of cooperation on grain should be shifted to non-traditional partners alongside the "Belt and Road Initiative"region.Specifically,China could expand grain imports from Russia,Kazakhstan,Ukraine and other East European and Central Asian countries,and the direction for China's agricultural enterprises "going abroad"should shift to Sub-Sahara Africa. 展开更多
关键词 potential cultivated land grain self-sufficiency foreign agricultural cooperation China
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