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能源互联网中自能源的孤岛控制研究 被引量:12
作者 孙秋野 王睿 +1 位作者 马大中 刘振伟 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期3087-3098,共12页
在多自能源(we-energy,WE)并联运行的能源互联网中,传统的下垂控制因受线路阻抗的影响,难以实现无功功率的合理分配以及系统的输出电压和频率的合理限定,为此提出了基于指数的改进型下垂控制。通过讨论功率与电压、频率的关系,分析得到... 在多自能源(we-energy,WE)并联运行的能源互联网中,传统的下垂控制因受线路阻抗的影响,难以实现无功功率的合理分配以及系统的输出电压和频率的合理限定,为此提出了基于指数的改进型下垂控制。通过讨论功率与电压、频率的关系,分析得到自能源输出的无功功率实现按比例分配的前提条件,并在此基础上采用基于指数的下垂控制对自能源输出的无功功率和电压、有功功率和频率进行控制。运用小信号分析证明了所提控制方法的稳定性,并对该策略分别在线路阻抗不平衡、自能源容量不同和采用传统下垂控制与指数下垂控制的混合系统中进行仿真和实验。仿真和实验结果验证了该策略的正确性和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 能源互联网 自能源 阻抗不匹配 指数下垂控制 功率分配
基于GAN技术的自能源混合建模与参数辨识方法 被引量:17
作者 孙秋野 胡旌伟 +1 位作者 杨凌霄 张化光 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期901-914,共14页
自能源(We-energy,WE)作为能源互联网的子单元旨在实现能量间的双向传输及灵活转换.由于自能源在不同工况下运行特性存在很大差异,现有方法还不能对其参数精确地辨识.为了解决上述问题,本文根据自能源网络结构提出了一种基于GAN技术的... 自能源(We-energy,WE)作为能源互联网的子单元旨在实现能量间的双向传输及灵活转换.由于自能源在不同工况下运行特性存在很大差异,现有方法还不能对其参数精确地辨识.为了解决上述问题,本文根据自能源网络结构提出了一种基于GAN技术的数据–机理混合驱动方法对自能源模型参数辨识.将GAN(Generative adversarial networks)模型中训练数据与专家经验结合进行模糊分类,解决了自能源在不同运行工况下的模型切换问题.通过应用含策略梯度反馈的改进GAN技术对模型进行训练,解决了自能源中输出序列离散的问题.仿真结果表明,提出的模型具有较高的辨识精度和更好的推广性,能有效地拟合系统不同工况下各节点的状态变化. 展开更多
关键词 能源互联网 自能源 生成式对抗网络 生成式模型 对抗学习 零和博弈
计及安全–经济的自能源双层自适应控制策略 被引量:2
作者 张宁 孙秋野 +1 位作者 杨凌霄 黄博南 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第S01期155-166,共12页
自能源是一种具备全双工、分布式、对等化和智能化等重要特性的能源互联网基本能源单元,其对于促进可再生能源消纳、提升能源利用效率、降低能源系统碳排放具有重要意义。该文研究了自能源运行时的安全性与经济性,提出一种针对自能源的... 自能源是一种具备全双工、分布式、对等化和智能化等重要特性的能源互联网基本能源单元,其对于促进可再生能源消纳、提升能源利用效率、降低能源系统碳排放具有重要意义。该文研究了自能源运行时的安全性与经济性,提出一种针对自能源的双层控制策略。结合异构能源网络的网络特性与动力学规律,首次推导得到综合能源系统多维"负载–参数"演化规律,进而提出自能源外层控制策略,实现自能源电能与热能输出按比例分配,避免自能源出现高负荷或过载现象。当新能源出力波动时,外层控制策略将自适应调节参数来保证其有效性。同时所提控制策略不需要自能源间进行信息交互,从而减少通信问题对系统安全运行带来的影响。内层控制以自能源的能量转换特性为基础,通过对自能源内部设备进行控制来最小化自能源的运行费用,同时保证各个设备的容量裕度,减少设备过载的情况,实现自能源的经济与安全运行。为验证方法有效性,以一个若干自能源组成的综合能源系统为算例进行分析,同时给出不同负荷变化情况对控制方法的影响。 展开更多
关键词 综合能源系统 自能源 双层控制 安全运行 经济效益 比例分配 能源
基于GAN的非侵入式自能源建模 被引量:15
作者 孙秋野 刘月 +1 位作者 胡旌伟 胡旭光 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第21期6784-6793,共10页
自能源(we-energy)作为能源互联网的能源终端,其模型是能源互联网优化和调度的基础。该文针对自能源建模问题,提出一种基于生成式对抗网络(generative adversarial networks,GAN)的非侵入式建模方法。首先,考虑到自能源中风、光、储、... 自能源(we-energy)作为能源互联网的能源终端,其模型是能源互联网优化和调度的基础。该文针对自能源建模问题,提出一种基于生成式对抗网络(generative adversarial networks,GAN)的非侵入式建模方法。首先,考虑到自能源中风、光、储、耦合设备的产能特性,通过联合滑动与梯度分离实现自能源的非侵入式监测。进一步地,结合生成对抗网络的生成能力和判别能力,利用改进的GAN处理自能源中电-气-热数据时间异步问题,从而实现能源设备的分类和辨识,并在此基础上建立自能源的可调度模型。最后,以北方某能源区域作为算例进行仿真,验证所提方法的有效性和准确性。 展开更多
关键词 自能源 非侵入式监测 生成式对抗网络 建模方法 综合能源
基于模糊Q学习的自能源综合能量管理策略 被引量:1
作者 张宁 孙秋野 马大中 《全球能源互联网》 2019年第6期530-537,共8页
随着用户在综合能源系统中的参与度以及系统复杂度的提升,传统的能源枢纽已无法完全满足需求。同时,如何解决环境与负荷的不确定性以及提升能量单元的自我调节能力是亟需考虑的因素。基于此,提出了具备全双工与分布式特性的自能源单元,... 随着用户在综合能源系统中的参与度以及系统复杂度的提升,传统的能源枢纽已无法完全满足需求。同时,如何解决环境与负荷的不确定性以及提升能量单元的自我调节能力是亟需考虑的因素。基于此,提出了具备全双工与分布式特性的自能源单元,构建了一种针对多种不确定性以及需求侧响应的自能源综合调度模型并提出相应的能量管理策略。相较于其他模型,所提自能源综合调度模型全面描述了自能源在能源互联网中的运行特点。进一步,采用对环境模型需求较低的增强学习算法,引入不确定性作为状态指标并进行模糊离散化处理,使其可以在无前期预测的情况下解决模型中的多种不确定性带来的影响。仿真结果证明,所提综合能量管理策略具有较高的效率和更好的适用性,能有效实现不确定环境下自能源的最优调配。 展开更多
关键词 自能源 能量管理 增强学习 需求侧响应 不确定性
作者 李亚静 聂崇嘉 贾燕 《上海铁道大学学报》 CAS 1999年第8期52-56,74,共6页
对自能源减速器称重过程的动态性能进行机理研究,建立了称重动态过程的数学模型,并进行了仿真计算,仿真结果与实测吻合。在此基础上分析了溜放速度、容腔及管路内油液的可压缩性对称重结果的影响。首次提出了“完全称重”、“部分称... 对自能源减速器称重过程的动态性能进行机理研究,建立了称重动态过程的数学模型,并进行了仿真计算,仿真结果与实测吻合。在此基础上分析了溜放速度、容腔及管路内油液的可压缩性对称重结果的影响。首次提出了“完全称重”、“部分称重”、“重复称重”的概念,为减速顶的设计提供新的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 自能源减速器 称重过程 仿真 货物列车
基于高速公路自能源的LED交通标志 被引量:1
作者 康尹 魏炯超 +2 位作者 姜杨 陈晓斌 周雨萌 《电子技术与软件工程》 2019年第5期77-77,共1页
通过能量转换器将高速公路中车辆行驶过程中的风能、声能、振动能、光能中的一种或几种转换成电能,利用所生产的电能智能控制LED交通标志发光,在低能见度情况下以远优于普通反光膜标志的视认性能实现远距离道路识别,本文针对此相关问题... 通过能量转换器将高速公路中车辆行驶过程中的风能、声能、振动能、光能中的一种或几种转换成电能,利用所生产的电能智能控制LED交通标志发光,在低能见度情况下以远优于普通反光膜标志的视认性能实现远距离道路识别,本文针对此相关问题进行了分析。 展开更多
关键词 高速公路 自能源 LED交通标志
中国特色能源互联网三网融合及其“自-互-群”协同管控技术框架 被引量:20
作者 孙秋野 胡杰 +1 位作者 胡旌伟 张化光 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期40-51,共12页
从当代中国基本国情出发,以终端用能侧作为切入点,以互联、感知、优化、调控、共享为重点,力图构建开放共享的综合能源系统。该文首先分析了中国能源互联网的基本特点,设计了中国特色能源互联网的"三网一体"网络结构,然后从... 从当代中国基本国情出发,以终端用能侧作为切入点,以互联、感知、优化、调控、共享为重点,力图构建开放共享的综合能源系统。该文首先分析了中国能源互联网的基本特点,设计了中国特色能源互联网的"三网一体"网络结构,然后从分布式的技术角度与自-互-群的能源角度分析了支撑中国特色能源互联网的重要技术手段。由"群"层级构建能源价值网络,构建能源交易平台,为"互"层级提供价格区间;"互"层级通过多主体博弈生成出清价格、以微增率的一致指导终端进行分布式优化、以分布式协同控制实现系统状态量一致。最终"自"层级基于能量枢纽,实现内部能量优化。至此,共同构成自上而下的一体化优化策略,实现中国特色能源互联网的经济、安全、高效运行。 展开更多
关键词 中国特色能源互联网 终端用能侧 自能源 自-互-群 一体化优化
能源互联网中自能源的建模与应用 被引量:13
作者 孙秋野 胡旌伟 张化光 《中国科学:信息科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1409-1429,共21页
本文提出了自能源(we-energy, WE)这一新的能源互联网基本能源单元,为新能源就地消纳、各类分布式电源的即插即用和产–消–储一体化的多能互补提供了一种能源管理策略.为处理自能源在不同运行条件下的多能协调控制与优化问题,建立了基... 本文提出了自能源(we-energy, WE)这一新的能源互联网基本能源单元,为新能源就地消纳、各类分布式电源的即插即用和产–消–储一体化的多能互补提供了一种能源管理策略.为处理自能源在不同运行条件下的多能协调控制与优化问题,建立了基于信息–物理–能源–经济系统(information-equipment-energy-economical system, IEEES)的四元模型,提出了自能源的4种运行模式.该模型利用自能源中信息、物理、能源和经济4个子系统的耦合特性,根据能源互联网运行态势进行模式转化,建立了对应的自能源状态方程,并进行了自能源分布优化、协同控制等典型应用场景的分析.通过经济优化,获取了多个自能源在市场交易中的最优策略,实现了自能源内部能源的合理分配.通过对自能源内部设备的协同控制,实现了在功率波动情况下并网点系统参数及能源交换的稳定. 展开更多
关键词 自能源 四元模型 信息-物理-能源-经济系统 运行模式
广义非能动系统概念研究 被引量:6
作者 韩旭 郑明光 杨燕华 《核动力工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期115-118,144,共5页
总结了目前应用于核电领域的非能动技术,通过对其进行分类和分析,阐明了非能动系统的功能特征,提出了非能动系统的本质定义。通过对传统非能动概念的补充和延伸,提出了广义非能动概念;讨论了非能动概念的时空相对性,陈述了广义非能动系... 总结了目前应用于核电领域的非能动技术,通过对其进行分类和分析,阐明了非能动系统的功能特征,提出了非能动系统的本质定义。通过对传统非能动概念的补充和延伸,提出了广义非能动概念;讨论了非能动概念的时空相对性,陈述了广义非能动系统设想及相关研究内容。理想化的广义非能动系统在功能上与传统非能动系统具有等价性;在系统设计上,通过引入子系统分划设计模式,可获得更大的灵活性。 展开更多
关键词 核电厂 非能动系统 自能源
Shelf-cultivation of Strawberry with Mulch and Heat Preservation Technology with Natural Energy
作者 霍恒志 陈金玉 +4 位作者 朱庆峰 万春雁 陈丙义 李金凤 糜林 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1540-1543,共4页
It is proved that the treatment with white mulch and black thin films per- formed the best in terms of heat preservation in cultivation of strawberry with shelves. In winter, drip irrigation performed significantly in... It is proved that the treatment with white mulch and black thin films per- formed the best in terms of heat preservation in cultivation of strawberry with shelves. In winter, drip irrigation performed significantly in transporting hot water through solar energy. The combination of the two methods resolved the issue of heat preservation difficulty and guaranteed growth of strawberry in winter. 展开更多
关键词 STRAWBERRY Shelf-cultivation MULCH Natural energy Heat preservation technology
Evaluation of the impacts of adaptive cruise control system on improving fuel efficiency of urban road traffic 被引量:2
作者 李烨 王炜 +2 位作者 王昊 邢璐 刘善文 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2017年第2期230-235,共6页
The impact of the adaptive cruise control( ACC)system on improving fuel efficiency is evaluated based on the vehicle-specific power. The intelligent driver model was first modified to simulate the ACC system and it ... The impact of the adaptive cruise control( ACC)system on improving fuel efficiency is evaluated based on the vehicle-specific power. The intelligent driver model was first modified to simulate the ACC system and it was calibrated by using empirical traffic data. Then, a five-step procedure based on the vehicle-specific power was introduced to calculate fuel efficiency. Five scenarios with different ACC ratios were tested in simulation experiments, and sensitivity analyses of two key ACC factors affecting the perception-reaction time and time headway were also conducted. The simulation results indicate that all the scenarios with ACC vehicles have positive impacts on reducing fuel consumption. Furthermore, from the perspective of fuel efficiency, the extremely small value of the perception-reaction time of the ACC system is not necessary due to the fact that the value of 0.5 and 0.1 s can almost lead to the same reduction in fuel consumption. Finally, the designed time headway of the ACC system is also proposed to be large enough for fuel efficiency, although its small value can increase capacity. The findings of this study provide useful information for connected vehicles and autonomous vehicle manufacturers to improve fuel efficiency on roadways. 展开更多
关键词 intelligent transportation system vehicle-specific power fuel efficiency ENERGY connected vehicle automated vehicle
Buildup and simulation of a truck model with rear air suspension using leaf spring as guiding rod 被引量:3
作者 姜立标 王登峰 +2 位作者 谢东 倪强 郎锡择 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2006年第6期654-657,共4页
A new kind of commercial truck is presented, which has rear air suspension using leaf spring as guiding rod instead of original leaf spring. ADAMS/Car is used as a tool to build the whole truck model. The designed tr... A new kind of commercial truck is presented, which has rear air suspension using leaf spring as guiding rod instead of original leaf spring. ADAMS/Car is used as a tool to build the whole truck model. The designed truck's constant-radius cornering analysis and its ride performance simulation analysis under B class random road condition are carried out according to national experimental method standards. Compared the simulation results with the field test results indicate that performance index of the designed air suspension truck' s constant-radius cornering and its ride performance meets the design requirements and reaches its prospective target. And resuhs from simulation are similar to those from tests in value and trend, which indicates the virtual prototype is correct. The model can be used further to opti,nize suspension parameters and do some design work on the control system of air suspension. 展开更多
关键词 air suspension commercial truck simulation virtual prototype
Application of Fuzzy Discrete Event System in Air Conditioning Energy-saving 被引量:1
作者 李丹美 蓝维春 +1 位作者 周晖 邵世煌 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第4期350-355,共6页
Air conditioning (AC) system is the one with asynchronous and uncertain nature. In this paper, the fuzzy discrete event system (FDES) is introduced to the research of AC energy-saving control. A fuzzy automaton modeli... Air conditioning (AC) system is the one with asynchronous and uncertain nature. In this paper, the fuzzy discrete event system (FDES) is introduced to the research of AC energy-saving control. A fuzzy automaton modeling is given for AC energy-saving control and effectiveness optimization is made. To facilitate the implement of the control and energy saving, priorities have been assigned to the major control steps based on logical reasoning. Forward-looking tree modeling based on FDES has been simplified to help further optimization, and a simple and concrete example has been put forward illustrating energy-saving control in AC system. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy automaton air conditioning (AC)system FDES PRIORITY
Distributed Bio-Hydrogen Refueling Stations 被引量:1
作者 Peter J. Schubert 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期183-190,共8页
Hydrogen fuel cell cars are now available for lease and for sale. Renewable hydrogen fuel can be produced from water via electrolysis, or from biomass via gasification. Electrolysis is power-hungry with high demand fr... Hydrogen fuel cell cars are now available for lease and for sale. Renewable hydrogen fuel can be produced from water via electrolysis, or from biomass via gasification. Electrolysis is power-hungry with high demand from solar or wind power. Gasification, however, can be energy self-sufficient using a recently-patented thermochemical conversion technology known as I-HPG (indirectly-heated pyrolytic gasification). I-HPG produces a tar-free syngas from non-food woody biomass. This means the balance of plant can be small, so the overall system is economical at modest sizes. This makes it possible to produce renewable hydrogen from local agricultural residues; sufficient to create distributed refueling stations wherever there is feedstock. This work describes the specifics of a novel bio-hydrogen refueling station whereby the syngas produced has much of the hydrogen extracted with the remainder powering a generator to provide the electric power to the I-HPG system. Thus the system runs continuously. When paired with another new technology, moderate-pressure storage of hydrogen in porous silicon, there is the potential to also power the refueling operation. Such systems can be operated independently. It is even possible to design an energy self-sufficient farm where all electric power, heat, and hydrogen fuel is produced from the non-food residues of agricultural operations. No water is required, and the carbon footprint is negative, or at least neutral. 展开更多
关键词 BIOMASS HYDROGEN distributed generation fuel cell vehicle
Sustainability and Entrepreneurship in the Biofuels Supply Chain: A Proposal for a Survey
作者 FrancescoContò Mariantonietta Fiore Piermichele La Sala 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第12期1241-1251,共11页
Investments in bio-energies require deep and accurate analysis to evaluate their economical feasibility both by the investors' and the policy makers' perspectives. The chance to attain locally organized supply chain... Investments in bio-energies require deep and accurate analysis to evaluate their economical feasibility both by the investors' and the policy makers' perspectives. The chance to attain locally organized supply chains is presumably higher where there is a higher concentration of human, natural and financial capitals. After a literature review about social capital and energy supply chain (prg. 1), we investigate the instruments for public direct financial incentive (prg. 2) and the development of the public intervention plans in the agro-energy sector within the Local Development Plans (LDP) by Local Action Groups (LAG). Then, we present the case study of the Apulia Region (prg. 3) based upon a unique dataset, specifically built that collects LDP data relative to social capital. We finally propose a new methodological approach that makes use of social network analysis investigating the net of relationships underneath the territorial organization of the LAGs and the local supply chains. Results seem to show that site specificities affect the sustainability of biofuels supply chains, and that effect seems to be reciprocally bounded, thus calling for the inclusion of such measures when planning new policies, and for analytical approaches encompassing historical perspectives. Finally, we draw the conclusions. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABILITY BIOFUEL local action group social capital supply chain.
Energy analyses for the energetically self-sufficient supercritical water oxidation process
作者 LIU Yan-yan ZHAN Shi-ping +4 位作者 WANG Jing-chang ZHU Bo CHEN Shu-hua LIU Xue- wu Li Zhi-yi 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2008年第4期62-70,共9页
One of the bottle-neck problems to the commercial development of supercritlcal water oxidation (SCWO) is high operation cost. In this study the condition to realize an energetically self-sufficient SCWO process is a... One of the bottle-neck problems to the commercial development of supercritlcal water oxidation (SCWO) is high operation cost. In this study the condition to realize an energetically self-sufficient SCWO process is analyzed. The reaction heat is recovered by means of Organic Rankine Circle. The process of SCWO for phenol is simulated with the Aspen Plus~ process simulator, and the results show that the influence of temperature on reaction heat is small at a constant pressure. It is reasonable to neglect the effect of temperature and to estimate the heat of reaction with average temperature when the temperature changes in a small range. The necessary condition to realize an energetically self-sufficient SCWO process is that the released energy is not less than consumed one. Whether a waste system with given chemical composition is energeticallyself-sufficient can be estimated by ^QR^QH 〉 W The thermodynamics analysis shows that energetically self-sufficient SCWO process with an Organic Rankine Cycle is a feasible technology for the recovery of SCWO reaction heat,and the energy balance point for phenol is 2wt%. 展开更多
关键词 SCWO reaction heat organic Rankine circle energetic self-sufficiency
Addressing the trade-climate change-energy nexus: China's explorations in a global governance landscape 被引量:2
作者 Joachim MONKELBAAN 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期206-218,共13页
We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to understanding the numerous ways in which trade interacts with climate change and energy(trade-climate-energy nexus).Trade remains crucial for the sustainable dev... We have arrived at a critical juncture when it comes to understanding the numerous ways in which trade interacts with climate change and energy(trade-climate-energy nexus).Trade remains crucial for the sustainable development of the world's greatest trading nation:China.After clarifying the linkages within the trade,climate change and energy nexus,this article delves into China's specific needs and interests related to trade,climate change and energy.Then it explores the ways in which trade can contribute to China's needs,to sustainable energy development and to the goals of the global climate agreement that is under negotiation.One main findings are China is a key participant in negotiations on trade liberalization of environmental technologies and services.These negotiations are in China's interests in terms of innovative industries,technological upgrading,employment and public health.China could stand up for the interests of other emerging and developing countries and serve as an example in terms of transitioning to a low-carbon economy.Beyond trade barriers issues of domestic(energy)regulation such as fossil-fuel subsidies as well as investment,competition-policy,tradefacilitation and transit issues related to clean energy need to be addressed.Building trust between relevant actors across sectors and national borders will be of the essence in order to foster long-term cooperation on technological innovation.As a way forward,different approaches towards the governance of trade and climate change will be highlighted.Besides discussing the specific aspects of Chinese participation in global trade and climate change governance,this paper aims at offering broader insights into the nexus between trade,energy and climate governance in China. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change TRADE GOVERNANCE Sustainable energy goods and services Investment Emissions trading
Effect of the Molecular Structure of Polymer Dispersants on Limestone Suspension Properties in Fine Grinding 被引量:2
作者 Katja Ohenoja Juha Saari +1 位作者 Mirja Illikainen Jouko Niinimaeki 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2013年第7期606-612,共7页
Polymer dispersants are widely used as grinding aids to reduce the viscosity of mineral particle suspensions and to improve energy efficiency during fine grinding. The authors studied here the effects of polymer dispe... Polymer dispersants are widely used as grinding aids to reduce the viscosity of mineral particle suspensions and to improve energy efficiency during fine grinding. The authors studied here the effects of polymer dispersants of different molecular structure on limestone suspension properties in wet stirred media milling. The polymers differed in their molecular weight and PDI (polydispersity index). Two traditionally fractionated polymer dispersants having a high PDI (over 2) and one made by controlled radical polymerization having a low PDI (1.2) were tested. It was noticed that these dispersants worked as electrosteric stabilizers and prevented the agglomeration of ground limestone particles. Their addition allowed increased solids concentrations to be used in the grinding experiments and at the same time lowered the particle size and specific energy consumption. The particle sizes obtained were about 1 μm regardless of the dispersant or its dose. The dispersant with a low PDI reduced the viscosity more than did the high PDI dispersants. The results indicate that higher solids concentrations can be used at the same dispersant dose when a low PDI dispersant is used, leading to energy savings via increased throughput. Alternatively, a lower dose of low PDI polymer dispersant than of a high PDI polymer dispersant can be used at the same solids concentration. 展开更多
关键词 Calcium carbonate CaCO3 stirred media mill POLYACRYLATE molecular weight polydispersity index.
Changing the Moisture Content of the Spartina and Miscanthus and Willow Shoots during Storage in Natural Conditions
作者 Aleksander Lisowski Artur Ciechacki +7 位作者 Michal Sypula Jacek Klonowski Jaroslaw Chlebowski Krzysztof Kostyra Tomasz Nowakowski Adam Struzyk Jan Kaminski Malgorzata Powalka 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2013年第7期469-479,共11页
The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the distribution of energy plant moisture content along the height of their shoots and the dynamics of moisture during storage in natural conditions. The s... The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the distribution of energy plant moisture content along the height of their shoots and the dynamics of moisture during storage in natural conditions. The shoots of Spartina, Miscanthus and willow were used in the study. Entire shoots were cut into sections of 10 cm and for each set in monthly cycles for six months moisture content was evaluated. After a month's storage of freshly cut shoots the biggest decrease of content moisture in the shoots of Spartina and Miscanthus was recorded, by 31% and 22%, respectively, and the lowest in willow shoots (12%). After sixth months of shoots storage the lowest moisture content (10%-12%) was reached in miscanthus. The most uneven moisture content along the height of shoots Spartina was characterized because on one third of the height from the bottom, the moisture content of shoots was 20%, and the top had moisture content in the range 5%-10%. Willow shoots were characterized by the smallest drop in moisture, and the final moisture content was about 23%, with the top part of moisture content of 10%-20%. The dynamics of moisture change during the six months of storage of grass shoots (Miscanthus and Spartina) in natural conditions under roofing was described by one power function regression, and willow by another one. Empirical models can be used to predict changes in moisture content of these plants in experiment conditions, since the coefficients of determination were 94.66% and 89.18%, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 SPARTINA MISCANTHUS WILLOW moisture content STORAGE natural drying
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