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脱毒草莓高架自营养高效育苗技术研究 被引量:8
作者 廖华俊 董玲 +2 位作者 宁志怨 江芹 沈海燕 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2013年第5期1985-1988,共4页
[目的]设计建造脱毒草莓高架自营养育苗系统并开展相关育苗技术研究。[方法]以草莓品种"红颜"为试验材料,以传统露地育苗(CK1)和避雨遮阳育苗(CK2)为对照,研究高架育苗繁苗方式、繁苗率、病害情况、育苗成本以及种苗生产表现... [目的]设计建造脱毒草莓高架自营养育苗系统并开展相关育苗技术研究。[方法]以草莓品种"红颜"为试验材料,以传统露地育苗(CK1)和避雨遮阳育苗(CK2)为对照,研究高架育苗繁苗方式、繁苗率、病害情况、育苗成本以及种苗生产表现。[结果]草莓高架自营养育苗方式,每年可以春秋2季育苗,定植育苗母株5.100 0万株/hm2,年繁育穴盘苗622.518 0万株/hm2,成苗率98.2%,平均叶片数4.8片1心,根茎粗度达到1.2 cm;白粉病和土传病害无发生,炭疽病发病率为21.6%,病情指数1.5;种苗用于保护地生产结果期较对照提早7 d,产量达到3.702万kg/hm2;穴盘苗育苗成本0.096元/株,繁育脱毒草莓原种苗利润438.000 0万元/hm2,繁育生产种苗利润217.800 0万元/hm2。[结论]该研究可为在降低生产管理强度的同时大大提高草莓的繁殖系数和草莓种苗质量,实现草莓种苗每年春秋两季繁育提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 草莓 母株自营养 高架育苗 技术研究
作者 任宏洋 张代钧 丛丽影 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第3期306-311,共6页
采用间歇试验研究了微量NO2氛围下,好氧、厌氧氨氧化复合颗粒污泥动力学特性.结果表明,微量NO2能提高O2反应活性,强化好氧氨氧化过程.反应动力学可用Andrews方程描述,NO2半饱和系数和抑制系数分别为1.32,7.11μmol/L.NO2强化厌氧氨氧化... 采用间歇试验研究了微量NO2氛围下,好氧、厌氧氨氧化复合颗粒污泥动力学特性.结果表明,微量NO2能提高O2反应活性,强化好氧氨氧化过程.反应动力学可用Andrews方程描述,NO2半饱和系数和抑制系数分别为1.32,7.11μmol/L.NO2强化厌氧氨氧化过程动力学模型中最大强化系数为43.5,NO2半饱和系数和抑制系数分别为16.9,0.348μmol/L,基础速率系数为0.024.建立了NO2强化完全自营养脱氮动力学模型,并对EGSB反应器中脱氮过程进行了模拟,当DO为0.6mg/L,NO2为3.0μmol/L时,总氮去除率达最大值.根据模拟结果优化反应器运行条件,总氮去除率由26.86%~31.65%提高到58.83%~63.08%,总氮平均去除速率由0.113kg/(m3·d)提高到0.234kg/(m3·d). 展开更多
关键词 完全自营养脱氮 微量NO2强化氨氧化 动力学 EGSB反应器 运行优化
作者 陈海 张欣源 +1 位作者 朱玲利 王嘉斌 《市政技术》 2023年第3期171-175,共5页
构建了3组自营养脱氮反应器,采用对比试验研究了接种污泥和pH等因素对自营养脱氮反应器启动效能的影响规律,解析了其作用原理。研究结果表明,接种1∶1比例厌氧氨氧化污泥和反硝化污泥的混合污泥,自营养脱氮反应器启动更快,并具有较好的... 构建了3组自营养脱氮反应器,采用对比试验研究了接种污泥和pH等因素对自营养脱氮反应器启动效能的影响规律,解析了其作用原理。研究结果表明,接种1∶1比例厌氧氨氧化污泥和反硝化污泥的混合污泥,自营养脱氮反应器启动更快,并具有较好的脱氮效能,氨氮去除率稳定在90%以上;pH为7.6~8.0时对自营养脱氮反应器的启动影响较小,pH为8.5~8.9时表现出对厌氧氨氧化菌的抵制作用,亚硝酸盐积累现象明显,不能正常启动自营养脱氮反应器。分子生物学解析表明,不同接种污泥以及不同pH环境均会造成反应器中菌落结构的差异性变化,关键功能菌群相对丰度减小,会影响到自营养脱氮反应体系的平衡,反应器脱氮效能下降。 展开更多
关键词 自营养脱氮 快速启动 接种污泥 PH 分子生物学
EGSB反应器中实现完全自营养脱氮与运行优化 被引量:10
作者 任宏洋 张代钧 丛丽影 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期1454-1460,共7页
同时接种好氧氨氧化污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥启动EGSB反应器,培养完全自营养脱氮颗粒污泥,总氮去除速率达0.101kg.(m3.d)-1.基于边界层假设模拟颗粒污泥与液相主体间的传质过程,并将其与颗粒污泥内传质过程以及好氧氨氧化、厌氧氨氧化和亚... 同时接种好氧氨氧化污泥和厌氧氨氧化污泥启动EGSB反应器,培养完全自营养脱氮颗粒污泥,总氮去除速率达0.101kg.(m3.d)-1.基于边界层假设模拟颗粒污泥与液相主体间的传质过程,并将其与颗粒污泥内传质过程以及好氧氨氧化、厌氧氨氧化和亚硝酸盐氧化过程相耦合,建立了颗粒污泥完全自营养脱氮模型,应用实验结果对模型进行了验证.根据模拟结果对EGSB反应器运行条件进行优化,总氮平均去除效率由52%提高到61%,平均去除速率由0.103 kg.(m3.d)-1提高到0.114kg.(m3.d)-1. 展开更多
关键词 完全自营养脱氮 好氧氨氧化 厌氧氨氧化 颗粒污泥
完全自营养脱氮过程中的影响因素 被引量:5
作者 蔡庆 张代钧 +2 位作者 肖芃颖 姚宗豹 卢培利 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第10期3895-3900,共6页
基于正交实验考察了溶解氧(DO)、初始NH+4-N浓度、pH对SBR自营养脱氮性能的影响。结果表明,DO和NH+4-N浓度对好氧氨氧化速率影响大,pH对好氧氨氧化速率的影响小;DO、NH+4-N浓度对亚硝酸氧化速率的影响较大,pH对亚硝酸氧化速率的影响较小... 基于正交实验考察了溶解氧(DO)、初始NH+4-N浓度、pH对SBR自营养脱氮性能的影响。结果表明,DO和NH+4-N浓度对好氧氨氧化速率影响大,pH对好氧氨氧化速率的影响小;DO、NH+4-N浓度对亚硝酸氧化速率的影响较大,pH对亚硝酸氧化速率的影响较小;DO、NH+4-N浓度和pH对厌氧氨氧化菌(ANAOB)的活性影响较小。好氧氨氧化菌(AOB)直接影响到CANON系统的总氮去除能力,是CANON系统的控制反应,DO是关键控制因子。实验确定的CANON系统优化运行条件为,DO(0.3±0.05)mg/L、初始NH+4-N浓度150 mg/L和pH 7.4。 展开更多
关键词 好氧氨氧化 厌氧氨氧化 完全自营养脱氮 溶解氧 氨氮浓度pH
作者 祖波 何颖 +2 位作者 李泳臻 许君 杨清伟 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期108-112,共5页
在进水流速为300 mL/h、回流比为200%;反应器内溶解氧在0.8~1.5 mg/L,pH在7.8~8.5,温度在32~35℃的条件下。采用分别往曝气生物滤池(BAF)反应器1#中通入不含COD的人工合成废水,往BAF反应器2#中通入含有不同浓度COD的人工合成废水的方... 在进水流速为300 mL/h、回流比为200%;反应器内溶解氧在0.8~1.5 mg/L,pH在7.8~8.5,温度在32~35℃的条件下。采用分别往曝气生物滤池(BAF)反应器1#中通入不含COD的人工合成废水,往BAF反应器2#中通入含有不同浓度COD的人工合成废水的方式,研究在自营养条件下和异营养条件下曝气生物滤池对氨氮的去除效果。研究表明:异营养条件下当进水COD浓度为52.51 mg/L时,氨氮的去除率为93.07%,达到最大值;当COD<50 mg/L时,氨氮的去除率随COD浓度的增加而升高;当COD>50 mg/L时,氨氮的去除率随COD浓度的增加而下降。自营养条件下氨氮的去除率基本稳定在93.47%,大于异营养条件下氨氮的去除率。在进水不含有机物的条件下,填料区域各部分的氨氮去除率差别不大,填料层中下部的氨氮去除率略高于上部。 展开更多
关键词 曝气生物滤池 自营养 营养 氨氮 去除率 填料层高度
Adult autoimmune enteropathy 被引量:2
作者 Hugh James Freeman 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第8期1156-1158,共3页
Recent reports have suggested that autoimmune enteropathy involving the small bowel may occur in adults as well as in children. Apparently, the endoscopic and histological changes are similar to celiac disease before ... Recent reports have suggested that autoimmune enteropathy involving the small bowel may occur in adults as well as in children. Apparently, the endoscopic and histological changes are similar to celiac disease before treatment, but these are not altered by any form of dietary restriction, including a gluten-free diet. As in celiac disease, histologic changes in gastric and colonic biopsies have also been recorded. Anti-enterocyte antibodies detected with immunofluorescent methods have been reported by a few laboratories, but these antibodies appear not to be specific and may simply represent epiphenomena. A widely available, reproducible and quantitative anti-enterocyte antibody assay is needed that could be applied in small bowel disorders that have the histological appearance of celiac disease, but fail to respond to a gluten-free diet. 展开更多
关键词 Celiac disease Autoimmune enteropathy Anti-enterocyte antibodies Anti-goblet cell antibodies Antibodies in celiac disease
Micronutrient deficiencies in patients with chronic atrophic autoimmune gastritis: A review 被引量:18
作者 Federica Cavalcoli Alessandra Zilli +1 位作者 Dario Conte Sara Massironi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第4期563-572,共10页
Chronic atrophic autoimmune gastritis (CAAG) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by an immune response, which is directed towards the parietal cells and intrinsic factor of the gastric body and fundu... Chronic atrophic autoimmune gastritis (CAAG) is an organ-specific autoimmune disease characterized by an immune response, which is directed towards the parietal cells and intrinsic factor of the gastric body and fundus and leads to hypochlorhydria, hypergastrinemia and inadequate production of the intrinsic factor. As a result, the stomach&#x02019;s secretion of essential substances, such as hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor, is reduced, leading to digestive impairments. The most common is vitamin B12 deficiency, which results in a megaloblastic anemia and iron malabsorption, leading to iron deficiency anemia. However, in the last years the deficiency of several other vitamins and micronutrients, such as vitamin C, vitamin D, folic acid and calcium, has been increasingly described in patients with CAAG. In addition the occurrence of multiple vitamin deficiencies may lead to severe hematological, neurological and skeletal manifestations in CAAG patients and highlights the importance of an integrated evaluation of these patients. Nevertheless, the nutritional deficiencies in CAAG are largely understudied. We have investigated the frequency and associated features of nutritional deficiencies in CAAG in order to focus on any deficit that may be clinically significant, but relatively easy to correct. This descriptive review updates and summarizes the literature on different nutrient deficiencies in CAAG in order to optimize the treatment and the follow-up of patients affected with CAAG. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic atrophic autoimmune gastritis Nutritional deficiency Vitamin B12 IRON Vitamin C Vitamin D CALCIUM MALABSORPTION
Can short-term and small-scale experiments reflect nutrient limitation on phytoplankton in natural lakes? 被引量:1
作者 王海军 李艳 +6 位作者 冯伟松 于清 肖绪诚 梁小民 邵建春 马硕楠 王洪铸 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期546-556,共11页
Whether it is necessary to reduce nitrogen(N) and/or phosphorus(P) input to mitigate lake eutrophication is controversial. The controversy stems mainly from differences in time and space in previous studies that suppo... Whether it is necessary to reduce nitrogen(N) and/or phosphorus(P) input to mitigate lake eutrophication is controversial. The controversy stems mainly from differences in time and space in previous studies that support the contrasting ideas. To test the response of phytoplankton to various combinations of nutrient control strategies in mesocosms and the possibility of reflecting the conditions in natural ecosystems with short-term experiments, a 9-month experiment was carried out in eight 800-L tanks with four nutrient level combinations(+N+P,-N+P, +N-P, and-N-P), with an 18-month whole-ecosystem experiment in eight ~800-m^2 ponds as the reference. Phytoplankton abundance was determined by P not N, regardless of the initial TN/TP level, which was in contrast to the nutrient limitation predicted by the N/P theory. Net natural N inputs were calculated to be 4.9, 6.8, 1.5, and 3.0 g in treatments +N+P,-N+P, +N-P, and-N-P, respectively, suggesting that N deficiency and P addition may promote natural N inputs to support phytoplankton development. However, the compensation process was slow, as suggested by an observed increase in TN after 3 weeks in-N+P and 2 months in-N-P in the tank experiment, and after 3 months in-N?+P and ~3 months in-N-P in our pond experiment. Obviously, such a slow process cannot be simulated in short-term experiments. The natural N inputs cannot be explained by planktonic N-fixation because N-fixing cyanobacteria were scarce, which was probably because there was a limited pool of species in the tanks. Therefore, based on our results we argue that extrapolating short-term, small-scale experiments to large natural ecosystems does not give reliable, accurate results. 展开更多
关键词 EUTROPHICATION nutrient control EXTRAPOLATION mesocosm experiment
Effect of Fermentation on Nutrient and Anti-nutrient Composition of Millet (Pennisetum glaucum) and Soyabean (Glycine max) Blend Flours
作者 Anthony Ojokoh Babatunde Bello 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第8期668-675,共8页
This research was carried out to study the effect of fermentation on the chemical composition, anti-nutrient content, PH, titratable acidity, and microbiological changes of millet and soyabean blend. Millet and soyabe... This research was carried out to study the effect of fermentation on the chemical composition, anti-nutrient content, PH, titratable acidity, and microbiological changes of millet and soyabean blend. Millet and soyabean composite flours were mixed in gram of six combinations as follows millet and soyabean (A) = 100:0, millet and soyabean (B) = 90:10, millet and soyabean (C) = 80:20, millet and soyabean (D) = 70:30, millet and soyabean (E) = 60:40, millet and soyabean (F) = 50:50 and subjected to natural fermentation for 72 h. The following bacteria isolates were obtained from the fermentation; Lacobacillus fermentum, L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. plantarum, L. dextranicum, L. rhamnosus, L. delbrueckii, L. leichemanii, L. divergens, L. reuteri, L. jenseni, L. casei, L. salivarius, L. cellubiosus, Leuconostoc mesenteroide and Pediococcus acidilactis, of which L. plantarum was the most dominant the throughout the period of fermentation. There was decrease in pH with increase in TTA in all the samples. The result of the proximate analysis revealed a marginal increase in crude protein content of each sample (from 44.41 to 63.14, from 11.02 to 24.02, from 16.64 to 23.10, from 20.83 to 26.93, from 25.43 to 30.12, 39.12 to 35.86 and from 40.66 to 54.24%) There was increase in ash content and decrease in carbohydrate, fibre and fat contents of the fermented samples. Results from this research also show significant reduction in anti-nutritional content which are hydrogen cyanide, oxalate and phytate. Fermentation has modified the microbial and nutritional quality of the millet and soyabean blend and this has greatly improved the nutrient content of the blend. 展开更多
关键词 Millet flour soyabean flour natural fermentation NUTRIENT antinutrient.
Effects of Nitrogen Additions on Soil Seed Banks of a Freshwater Marsh in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China
作者 Guodong Wang Ming Wang +1 位作者 Xianguo Lu Ming Jiang 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期715-722,共8页
Over the past five decades, the natural wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, have been extensively reclaimed for agriculture with a total loss of nearly 80% of the surface area and the undrained marshes have r... Over the past five decades, the natural wetlands in Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China, have been extensively reclaimed for agriculture with a total loss of nearly 80% of the surface area and the undrained marshes have received a large amount of exogenous nitrogen (N) input from the adjacent agricultural land because of fertilization. In the present study, the effects of nitrogen additions on seed germination and seedling biomass of Calamagrostis angustifolia in freshwater marsh were tested in a greenhouse study. Seed bank soil was exposed to different N additions (0, 5, 10, 20 and 40 g/m^2) under non-flooded water regime. Results revealed that, low level of N additions (less than 10 g/m^2) did not significantly affect the species richness and seedling density, while the seedling biomass at 5 g/m^2 of N addition was higher than other nutrient conditions. But species richness, seedling emergence and biomass decreased significantly at high level of N additions (20-40 g/m^2). The responses were species-specific. High level of N additions had negative impacts on seed germination, seedling growth and biomass of dominant species Eleocharis ovata, Calamagrostis angustifolia, duncus effusus in the seed bank. To protect and restore the wetland vegetation community in the Sanjiang plain, fertilization, irrigation and land management strategies will need to be implemented to reduce the nutrient input from the agricultural land to the wetlands. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen addition freshwater marsh seed bank seed germination seedling biomass Calamagrostis angustifolia.
System: Pattern of Phosphorus Sequestration in Different Depths of Sediment
作者 J.K. Biswas B.B. Jana 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第7期1-14,共14页
The present study investigated potential effectiveness of certain chemical candidates for controlling internal phosphorus loading, and for delineating inactivation pattern in sediment depths of an eutrophic pond under... The present study investigated potential effectiveness of certain chemical candidates for controlling internal phosphorus loading, and for delineating inactivation pattern in sediment depths of an eutrophic pond under simulated mesocosm condition. Chemical administration (@ 30 mg/dm3) resulted in phosphate precipitation from water column concomitant with inactivation in sediments, under specific pH range and/or redox regime. The alum-lime combination dosing wrought the maximum reduction in orthophosphate (65.6%) and soluble reactive phosphate (71.9%) in water plus the utmost increment in sediment-P (0.257 ppm). The inactivated P forms typically exhibited a downhill concentration gradient with highest sequestration in the uppermost sediment stratum. Ironbound P displayed the highest mobility while calcium- and aluminum- bound P behaved almost immune to internal feedback dynamics. The combo-treatment was established as the most effective phosphate scavenging and confiscating agent, to be adopted as chemical remediation regime for de-eutrophication, restoration and rehabilitation of the water body. 展开更多
关键词 Eutrophication control internal loading phosphorus inactivation phosphorus sequestration chemical remediation lime ferric chloride alum.
Nutritional stimulation of the autonomic nervous system
作者 Misha DP Luyer Quirine Habes +1 位作者 Richard van Hak Wim Buurmann 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第34期3859-3863,共5页
Disturbance of the inflammatory response in the gut is important in several clinical diseases ranging from inflmmatory bowel disease to postoperative ileus. Several feedback mechanisms exist that control the inflammat... Disturbance of the inflammatory response in the gut is important in several clinical diseases ranging from inflmmatory bowel disease to postoperative ileus. Several feedback mechanisms exist that control the inflammatory cascade and avoid collateral damage. In the gast rointestinal tract, it is of particular importance tocontrol the immune response to maintain the balance that allows dietary up take and utilization of nutrientson one hand, while preventing invasion of bacteria and toxins on the other hand. The process of digestion and absorption of nutrients requires a relative hyporesponsiveness of the immune cells in the gut to luminacontents which is not yet fully understood. Recentlythe autonomic nervous system has been identifi ed asan important pathway to control local and systemic inflammation and gut barrier integrity. Activation of thepathway is possible via electrical or via pharm acological interventions, but is also achieved in a physiologicamanner by ingestion of dietary lipids. Administration of dietary lipids has been shown to be very effectivein reducing the inflammatory cascade and maintaining intestinal barrier integrity in several experimental studies. This beneficial effect of nutrition on the inflammatory response and intestinal barrier integrity opens new therapeutic opportunities for treatment of certain gastrointestinal disorders. Furthermore, this neural feedback mechanism provides more insight in the relative hyporesponsiveness of the immune cells in the gut. Here, we will discuss the regulatory function of the autonomic nervous system on the inflammatory response and gut barrier function and the potential benefit in a clinical setting. 展开更多
关键词 Inflammation Nutrition Acetylcholine Intestinal barrier Innate immunity Autonomic nervous system Cholecystokinin
A Comparative Analysis on Testing Stability of Seed Coat Neps (SCN) Number and Size with AFIS and Premier aQura
作者 王毅 鲁琴 +2 位作者 孙鹏子 郭昕 曹继鹏 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期528-532,共5页
This paper makes a comparative analysis of testing stability of seed coat neps (SCN) number and size with Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) and aQura.After testing the number and size of SCN in sliver produced ... This paper makes a comparative analysis of testing stability of seed coat neps (SCN) number and size with Advanced Fiber Information System (AFIS) and aQura.After testing the number and size of SCN in sliver produced by two different experiments (twelve plans in each experiment)with AFIS and aQura,the test results are analyzed with the theory of statistical analysis and the following conclusions are drawn:(1) the testing stability of SCN number and size of aQura is better than that of AFIS;(2) to get a reliable testing stability of SCN number,more than 24 samples should be tested on aQura,while more than 130 samples on AFIS;(3) for SCN size test,more than 10 and 12 samples should be tested on aQura and AFIS,respectively;(4) the basic reason for higher testing stability of SCN number and size on aQura is that the weight of the samples is greater than that on AFIS. 展开更多
关键词 uster AF1S: premier aQura the number andsize of SCN test
作者 R.BHATTACHARYYA Ashoke BERA B.MUKHOPADHYAY 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2010年第4期727-737,共11页
This paper studies a three tier ecological food chain model consisting of nutrient,autotroph,and herbivore populations.Regeneration of nutrient from dead autotroph and herbivore biomass bydecomposers present in the so... This paper studies a three tier ecological food chain model consisting of nutrient,autotroph,and herbivore populations.Regeneration of nutrient from dead autotroph and herbivore biomass bydecomposers present in the soil is included.The time required for maturation of the herbivore populationis incorporated as a distributed time delay.Next,the authors introduce the time lag requiredfor regeneration of nutrient from the dead herbivore as a discrete time delay.Stability and bifurcationbehavior of the one-and two-delay models are carried out and a comparative study of the significanceof these delays in controlling the system dynamics is performed.Numerical simulations are done tojustify analytical results. 展开更多
关键词 AUTOTROPH DECOMPOSER gestation delay HERBIVORE hopf bifurcation recycling delay.
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