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滚/滑接触中HKD航空润滑油拖动特性试验研究 被引量:11
作者 王燕霜 邓四二 +1 位作者 杨海生 苏冰 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期958-961,共4页
在自行研制的模拟航空发动机主轴轴承实际工况的试验装置上,对HKD航空润滑油进行了不同条件下拖动特性的试验,分析了拖动系数、最大拖动系数及拖动曲线斜率随载荷、入口油温、滚动速度和滑滚比的变化规律,提出了预测HKD航空润滑油最大... 在自行研制的模拟航空发动机主轴轴承实际工况的试验装置上,对HKD航空润滑油进行了不同条件下拖动特性的试验,分析了拖动系数、最大拖动系数及拖动曲线斜率随载荷、入口油温、滚动速度和滑滚比的变化规律,提出了预测HKD航空润滑油最大拖动系数及拖动曲线斜率的计算公式。结果表明:拖动系数随载荷的增大而增大,随滚速和入口油温的增大而减小,拟合公式精度较高。 展开更多
关键词 航空、航天材料 拖动特性 航空润滑油 拖动系数 弹流润滑
滚/滑接触下一种航天润滑油4129摩擦特性及黏温特性研究 被引量:3
作者 王燕霜 曹佳伟 +1 位作者 李航 李璞 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第9期1515-1520,共6页
在自行研制的模拟航天轴承的摩擦力试验机上,对4129航天润滑油进行了摩擦特性分析。对该润滑油在实际高低温工况下的黏度进行了测量。分析了温度、滚动速度和滑动速度与该油摩擦系数的关系,建立了该航天润滑油的黏温模型、摩擦系数计算... 在自行研制的模拟航天轴承的摩擦力试验机上,对4129航天润滑油进行了摩擦特性分析。对该润滑油在实际高低温工况下的黏度进行了测量。分析了温度、滚动速度和滑动速度与该油摩擦系数的关系,建立了该航天润滑油的黏温模型、摩擦系数计算模型。研究结果表明:当温度小于0℃时,4129航天润滑油黏度随温度的变化非常大;温度大于30℃时,其黏度随温度的变化较小。当滑动速度小于0.3 m/s时,该油摩擦系数随滑动速度近似线性增加;当滑动速度大于0.3 m/s时,摩擦系数随着滑动速度的增加呈非线性增加;当滑动速度大于1 m/s之后,摩擦系数随滑动速度增加基本保持不变。摩擦系数随油温的增加而减小。当滚动速度从1 m/s增加到3 m/s时,油的摩擦系数迅速下降,随着滚动速度继续增加,摩擦系数下降缓慢直到达到最小值,然后基本保持不变。 展开更多
关键词 航空、航天材料 航天轴承 航天润滑油 黏温特性 摩擦特性
Structural Aerospace Composite/Metallic Samples under Fatigue Loads: Experimental Activity on Three Case Studies
作者 Giacomo Frulla Giulio Romeo 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第4期318-326,共9页
The use of composite materials in aerospace engineering is ever increasing. Properties such as low weight, high performance, high stiffness and the ability for it to be tailored specifically for different structural u... The use of composite materials in aerospace engineering is ever increasing. Properties such as low weight, high performance, high stiffness and the ability for it to be tailored specifically for different structural uses has increased its importance in recent years. Specific experimental/numerical activities were developed in the last decade at the aerospace department of Polito and are under consideration in recent years regarding the analysis of fatigue behavior of composite/metallic structural samples under cyclic loading condition. A review of the main significant results connected to three case-studies is presented in the paper. The first is related to the definition and analysis of innovative joint for composite high aspect ratio aircraft structures. The modular design oriented to limit component dimensions for transportability requires the presence of a removable joints able to overcome the typical low bearing failure level of composite pin-loaded joint under static and fatigue loading distribution according to airworthiness requirements. The static experiments demonstrate the consistency of the proposed advanced joint configuration that postpones the joint failure to high load level according to the structural requirements. The cyclic loading phase takes as reference point the failure load of the initial configuration and defines a loading cycle with a maximum higher than the failure load of the initial configuration. The fatigue behavior of the advanced joint also demonstrates a substantial consistency with expected duration of 1 e6 cycles as required by the structural design for operating reasons. Specific indication on fatigue limit with respect to critical amplitude is reported. The second is related to the presence of specific damaged situation in thin-walled fiat/stiffened composite plate. Stiffened configurations are frequently used to increase buckling load level. Unexpected events on solid/stiffened composite panels can introduce a certain level of damage, typically delamination, that can cause reduction in buckling design level and reduction in global strength. The presence of cyclic load and fatigue effect can have an important consequence on damage propagation and structural integrity. The damaged area determined by the skin-stiffener de-bonding of a certain dimension is investigated under static compression and cyclic compression. Local buckling of damaged area is determined and pointed out by tests in uniaxial compression. The experimental static behavior points out the presence of a snap-effect during loading and un-loading. Fatigue loading configuration is applied in the range of post-critical local configuration considered as the most effective situation. Preliminary fatigue results are presented and discussed. The third is related to preliminary investigation on the effect of fatigue life reduction of 2024 AI alloy in corrosive (exfoliation) environment. The effect of corrosion is taken into consideration introducing specific concentration factors into the life estimation relationship. Differences between fatigue in prior corroded specimens and fatigue in presence of corrosive environment are emphasized. No crack propagation is considered. Related concentration factors are derived and compared by the few experimental results in order to define some guidelines for design process and to improve aircraft better evaluation of component structural integrity in operative situations. A preliminary approach is presented in the paper in order to correctly identify the contribution of corrosive environment in coupled fatigue loading phase. The results are discussed and future improvements are suggested. 展开更多
关键词 Aerospace structures COMPOSITES FATIGUE corrosion experimental activity.
Thermal Analysis of Void Cavity for Heat Pipe Receiver under Microgravity 被引量:1
作者 GUI Xiaohong SONG Xiange NIE Baisheng 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期138-143,共6页
Based on theoretical analysis of PCM(Phase Change Material) solidification process, the model of improved void cavity distribution tending to high temperature region is established. Numerical results are compared with... Based on theoretical analysis of PCM(Phase Change Material) solidification process, the model of improved void cavity distribution tending to high temperature region is established. Numerical results are compared with NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration) results. Analysis results show that the outer wall temperature, the melting ratio of PCM and the temperature gradient of PCM canister, have great difference in different void cavity distribution. The form of void distribution has a great effect on the process of phase change. Based on simulation results under the model of improved void cavity distribution, phase change heat transfer process in thermal storage container is analyzed. The main goal of the improved designing for PCM canister is to take measures in reducing the concentration distribution of void cavity by adding some foam metal into phase change material. 展开更多
关键词 Heat Pipe Receiver Phase Change Void Cavity Distribution
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