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论中国船的船料及其计算法则 被引量:4
作者 韩振华 《海交史研究》 1988年第1期197-205,共9页
(一)船的方长(亦简称"方"或"长")即长阔相乘在中国历史上,有些记载说内河船,长有几十丈至百余丈或一二百步,这是长阔相乘所得的积数,而不是船自身身长的尺度。《晋书》说王濬欲伐吴,在四川"作大船,连舫,方百... (一)船的方长(亦简称"方"或"长")即长阔相乘在中国历史上,有些记载说内河船,长有几十丈至百余丈或一二百步,这是长阔相乘所得的积数,而不是船自身身长的尺度。《晋书》说王濬欲伐吴,在四川"作大船,连舫,方百二十步。受二千人。以木为城,起楼橹.开四出门。上皆得驰马来往"~①。或说晋"造大船、长二百步。上置飞檐阁道,可奔车驰马。忽遇暴风,人力不能制,不便于事。然为水车,不可不设,以张形势"~②。 展开更多
关键词 水线长 所得 身长 面阔 尺数 船料 中国 中华人民共和国
作者 俞国燕 王涛 +1 位作者 郭国全 刘皞春 《广东海洋大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期142-152,共11页
【目的】为解决网箱养殖中使用船载投料系统的饲料颗粒流落点控制问题,提出一种用于实时分割饲料颗粒流轨迹并精确预测其落点的方法(MLBP)。【方法】考虑到输料管管内参数及饲料颗粒流出口参数获取难度较大,本研究采用高速相机获取饲料... 【目的】为解决网箱养殖中使用船载投料系统的饲料颗粒流落点控制问题,提出一种用于实时分割饲料颗粒流轨迹并精确预测其落点的方法(MLBP)。【方法】考虑到输料管管内参数及饲料颗粒流出口参数获取难度较大,本研究采用高速相机获取饲料颗粒流轨迹图像,并利用提出的混合网络模型分割饲料颗粒流轨迹,以获取轨迹关键信息;为准确预测饲料颗粒流落点,利用BP神经网络的优势,将轨迹信息及投料口高度作为其输入,实现饲料颗粒流落点的预测。【结果】与相关研究方法对比,结合混合网络模型与BP神经网络的MLBP方法的系统单次运行时间降低95%,同时落点预测准确度达到96%,落点的平均误差范围与平均误差百分比也分别降低32.0%和30.5%。【结论】本研究提出的MLBP方法预测精度及实时性均能满足网箱投饵作业需求,可为相关研究提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 网箱养殖 载式投系统 落点预测模型 混合网络模型 BP神经网络
漕库之滥觞:明嘉隆间漕船料银与漕运衙门的财政管理 被引量:1
作者 张叶 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期38-50,共13页
明代实行漕运之后,以清江造船厂的船料供应为核心,大量财赋资源在淮安集中。成化时期船料开始折征,白银形态的漕运经费也解运至漕运衙门,寄存于淮安府库。嘉靖中后期,漕船料银逋负严重,挪借度日,漕运衙门库藏空虚。面对抗倭军饷筹措与... 明代实行漕运之后,以清江造船厂的船料供应为核心,大量财赋资源在淮安集中。成化时期船料开始折征,白银形态的漕运经费也解运至漕运衙门,寄存于淮安府库。嘉靖中后期,漕船料银逋负严重,挪借度日,漕运衙门库藏空虚。面对抗倭军饷筹措与漕司职掌失效的双重困境,漕抚郑晓提出了在淮安另盖漕库的计划,希冀将漕运钱粮与地方税银分别管理。嘉靖末至万历初年,在户部清查并提解钱粮的同时,漕库亦经常截留中央财政收入,逐渐实现独立运转。随着漕运钱粮从临时“扣寄”于淮库到固定“积贮”于漕库,通过规范征解、支领等环节的运作流程和册籍管理,清理政府内部不同系统的财政关系,漕运衙门的财政管理走向专门化、经制化。漕运衙门的钱粮调配介于中央财政与各级官府、行政机构与漕运卫所之间,随漕运的实际支用需求,而产生对中央财政收入的存留和支销,因此构成了国家财政资源调拨体制的特殊环节。 展开更多
关键词 漕库 漕运衙门 船料 郑晓 明代财政
宋元明清时期船“料”的解释 被引量:3
作者 苏明阳 《海交史研究》 2002年第1期8-18,共11页
一、历来船"料"解释问题 "料"这个字在后汉(约公元100年)许慎所著<说文解字>里,就有注:"料,量也,从米在斗中,读若辽."以后的一些古代字典,对此字的解释如下: <玉篇>(梁朝):"料,数也.&qu... 一、历来船"料"解释问题 "料"这个字在后汉(约公元100年)许慎所著<说文解字>里,就有注:"料,量也,从米在斗中,读若辽."以后的一些古代字典,对此字的解释如下: <玉篇>(梁朝):"料,数也." <增韵>(宋朝):"料,计也." <广韵>(宋朝):"料,度也." 展开更多
关键词 立方尺 船料 宋元明清 引文 计算法则 河防通议
明代船“料”研究回顾与拾遗 被引量:2
作者 宋上上 《海交史研究》 CSSCI 2022年第4期96-105,共10页
针对宋代之后用于表示船舶大小的“料”,众多学者展开了讨论,研究焦点主要集中于“料”的含义和计算方式。早期学者认为“料”是重量单位,一料等于一石。近年来学界多认可“料”是容积单位,也有学者主张“料”指的是造船物料,但料和石... 针对宋代之后用于表示船舶大小的“料”,众多学者展开了讨论,研究焦点主要集中于“料”的含义和计算方式。早期学者认为“料”是重量单位,一料等于一石。近年来学界多认可“料”是容积单位,也有学者主张“料”指的是造船物料,但料和石的换算存在分歧。计算方式上,学者多利用《南船纪》等史籍的记载,将船舶体积乘以系数,或采用船体剖面面积,拟合料数。由于不清楚古人究竟如何计算船“料”,至今研究仍有存疑。事实上,《南船纪》记载的是嘉靖时期船只尺寸,与明初制定“某某料船”的名称并不相符合。通过结合明代的算书、政书等史籍记载,发现船“料”指的是船舶的装载货物容积,一料等于一斛,约3立方尺,折合装载粮米一石。南宋五斗斛出现之后,存在一料十斗或五斗的情况。船料数反映了船只载货净容积多少,与船只总容积不成正比,无法得到由船只尺寸计算船料的公式。 展开更多
关键词 明代船料 容积 斛法 算书
作者 宋上上 《海交史研究》 CSSCI 2023年第3期19-31,共13页
关于明代南京兵部造船业,学界以往研究主要集中于船只类型和船厂建置两方面,对于马、快船修造情况,关注尚少。通过结合《船政》《船政新书》《南枢志》等政书,考证出马、快船形制经历了趋同演变,从两年一修、一造十四修,逐渐改为三年一... 关于明代南京兵部造船业,学界以往研究主要集中于船只类型和船厂建置两方面,对于马、快船修造情况,关注尚少。通过结合《船政》《船政新书》《南枢志》等政书,考证出马、快船形制经历了趋同演变,从两年一修、一造十四修,逐渐改为三年一修、三等九修。遇到修差紊乱,南京兵部采用失修加等、欠修加料、预修扣银、越修减等的方法截长补短。造船所需木料按照单板法计价,由芜湖抽分厂计数派买。明代马、快船修造呈现出精细化管理的特点,反映了明代造船业在制度设计和统计技术上的进步。 展开更多
关键词 修造规则 船料 单板法
作者 林联华 《海交史研究》 2011年第1期61-73,共13页
清前期,随着福州、泉州、漳州、台湾等官方造船厂的设立,福建形成了修、改、造能力齐全的官方造船业。造船业涉及诸多方面的内容:福建富饶的造船物料和众多的造船工匠成为官方造船业存在的前提;官方造船业的资金来源渠道多样;官方造船... 清前期,随着福州、泉州、漳州、台湾等官方造船厂的设立,福建形成了修、改、造能力齐全的官方造船业。造船业涉及诸多方面的内容:福建富饶的造船物料和众多的造船工匠成为官方造船业存在的前提;官方造船业的资金来源渠道多样;官方造船业的管理制度堪称严密。及至18世纪末19世纪初,受腐朽封建制度摧残的福建官方造船业,缺乏技术革新,丧失了继续发展的动力,加上造船物料的稀缺和造船费用的高涨,导致官方造船业的日趋式微。 展开更多
关键词 福建 船料 工匠 资金造制度
基于图像识别的散料三维信息研究与实现 被引量:1
作者 陆成浩 肖汉斌 于家硕 《起重运输机械》 2019年第5期125-130,共6页
在当前散料运输迅猛发展的背景下,针对散料卸船过程中存在的时间长、效率低、劳动强度大等问题,提出一种散料三维信息的图像识别感知流程。通过解析抓斗卸船机的结构特点及系统的功能需求,给出了系统的智能化逻辑架构。在此基础上,提出... 在当前散料运输迅猛发展的背景下,针对散料卸船过程中存在的时间长、效率低、劳动强度大等问题,提出一种散料三维信息的图像识别感知流程。通过解析抓斗卸船机的结构特点及系统的功能需求,给出了系统的智能化逻辑架构。在此基础上,提出了基于机器视觉的图像识别技术和双目立体视觉技术,以此获取散料船舱物料的深度信息。实验结果显示与实际深度的误差在允许范围内,证明该方法是安全可靠的,在一定程度上可以对散料料堆进行较为准确地识别和定位。 展开更多
关键词 抓斗卸 图像识别 双目立体视觉
作者 邓孔昭 《闽台文化研究》 2009年第3期26-31,共6页
近年来,一些当年郑成功曾活动过地区的人士,陆续提出了"郑成功文化"的概念。什么是"郑成功文化"?"郑成功文化"应包括哪些主要的内容?值厦门市思明区"郑成功文化节""郑成功文化论坛"... 近年来,一些当年郑成功曾活动过地区的人士,陆续提出了"郑成功文化"的概念。什么是"郑成功文化"?"郑成功文化"应包括哪些主要的内容?值厦门市思明区"郑成功文化节""郑成功文化论坛"举办之际,本人不揣浅陋,提出一些不成熟的看法,以求教于方家。一什么是"郑成功文化"?现在的人们喜欢讲"文化",似乎任何东西均可冠以"文化"之名。因此,有时会让人产生一些疑问:所谓的"×文化"或"×X文化"是否都能有一个"有文化" 展开更多
关键词 郑芝龙 东西均 不揣浅陋 康熙皇帝 姚启圣 照票 荷兰殖民者 永历 施琅 船料
作者 周隆云 《宝钢技术》 CAS 1989年第2期15-18,共4页
关键词 筛下粉 粉矿 中西文兼容 粉碎粉 人工劳动强度 加权平均 船料 数据库文件 矿堆
作者 张炳生 《宁波大学学报(教育科学版)》 1993年第1期62-68,共7页
本文探讨了明朝卫所制度研究中不太为学术界重视的几个零碎问题。认为明朝中后期卫所军饷的主要来源是太仓年例,始于主兵,后及客兵,所耗日重,终难维持。关税补饷、船料充饷和茶叶代饷也是明朝中后期卫所的补充饷源。明朝对东北女真各部... 本文探讨了明朝卫所制度研究中不太为学术界重视的几个零碎问题。认为明朝中后期卫所军饷的主要来源是太仓年例,始于主兵,后及客兵,所耗日重,终难维持。关税补饷、船料充饷和茶叶代饷也是明朝中后期卫所的补充饷源。明朝对东北女真各部的管辖是有效的,奴儿干都司实辖184卫。明政府为民族关系和军事需要而设置的实土卫所和直辖卫所与行政管区不相一致的情况,使卫所制度在一定程度上产生了混乱。 展开更多
关键词 太仓年例 船料 奴儿干都司 实土卫所
作者 关卉 《神州》 2015年第31期56-59,共4页
顺着山东省临清市后关街往南走约100米,路西有一座青砖灰瓦、朱红色大门的古建筑,门口北侧竖着一块刻有"全国重点文物保护单位——运河钞关"字样的黑色石碑。踏进院内,几棵百年古槐郁郁葱葱,在其不远处有两幢正在维修的砖瓦房... 顺着山东省临清市后关街往南走约100米,路西有一座青砖灰瓦、朱红色大门的古建筑,门口北侧竖着一块刻有"全国重点文物保护单位——运河钞关"字样的黑色石碑。踏进院内,几棵百年古槐郁郁葱葱,在其不远处有两幢正在维修的砖瓦房。"那两个是南北穿厅,有580年的历史了。"临清市博物馆讲解员李赛南缓缓地说着钞关的过去,"它始建于明宣德四年,是明、清两代中央政府设于运河派驻临清、督理漕运税收的直属机构。 展开更多
关键词 钞关 朱红色 明宣德 关街 山东省临清市 古槐 船料 四年 直属机构 明万历
The effect of plastic constraint on the initiation of ductile tears in shipbuilding structural steels 被引量:1
作者 Qing-fen Li Peng Wang Zheng-yi Ren and Ping Long 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第2期1-4,共4页
In this paper, the effect of plastic constraint on the initiation of ductile tears in four different shipbuilding structural steels has been experimentally studied by measuring the J-integral and crack opening displac... In this paper, the effect of plastic constraint on the initiation of ductile tears in four different shipbuilding structural steels has been experimentally studied by measuring the J-integral and crack opening displacement COD at initiation in three-point bend specimens with deep and shallow notches. Experimental results of seven groups of different strength alloy steels show that both Si and Ji values of ductile tear from the shallow crack specimens which have less constraint flow field are significantly higher than those of deeply notched specimens. Slip-line-field analysis shows that, for shallow crack, the hydrostatic stress is lower than that from standard deeply cracked bend specimen, which develops a high level of crack tip constraint, provides a lower bound estimate of toughness, and will ensure an unduly conservative approach when applied to structural defects, especially if initiation values of COD and J-integral are used. 展开更多
关键词 plastic constraint ductile tearing slip-line-field fracture toughness
Thermodynamic Analysis of Alternative Marine Fuels for Marine Gas Turbine Power Plants 被引量:1
作者 Mohamed M. El Gohary Nader R. Ammar 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第1期95-103,共9页
The marine shipping industry faces challenges to reduce engine exhaust emissions and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from ships, and in particular, carbon dioxide. International regulatory bodies such as the International M... The marine shipping industry faces challenges to reduce engine exhaust emissions and greenhouse gases (GHGs) from ships, and in particular, carbon dioxide. International regulatory bodies such as the International Maritime Organization and National Environmental Agencies of many countries have issued rules and regulations to drastically reduce GHG and emissions emanating from marine sources. This study investigates the possibility of using natural gas and hydrogen as alternative fuels to diesel oil for marine gas turbines and uses a mathematical model to assess the effect of these alternative fuels on gas turbine thermodynamic performance. Results show that since natural gas is categorized as a hydrocarbon fuel, the thermodynamic performance of the gas turbine cycle using natural gas was close to that of the diesel case. However, the gas turbine thermal efficiency was found to be slightly lower for natural gas and hydrogen fuels compared to diesel fuel. 展开更多
关键词 ship emissions natural gas HYDROGEN gas turbine thermodynamic analysis gas turbine power plants greenhouse gases (GHGs)
A review of the effect of a/W ratio on fracture toughness (Ⅲ)——theoretical analysis
作者 LI Qing-fen ZHENG Wei SHU Hai-sheng 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2005年第3期1-4,共4页
In part I and II of this series, experimental investigation in both EPFM and LEFM had been discussed. In this part, further theoretical analysis is given. The theoretical development of Two Parameter Fracture Mechanic... In part I and II of this series, experimental investigation in both EPFM and LEFM had been discussed. In this part, further theoretical analysis is given. The theoretical development of Two Parameter Fracture Mechanics by Hancock etc, has rationalized our experimental results. This method can be applied to engineering practice, and will allow the advantage of enhanced toughness for specimens with low levels of constraint to be taken into account for defect assessment. 展开更多
关键词 two parameter fracture mechanics T-STRESS CONSTRAINT fracture toughness a/ W ratio
A Study on Ship Deperming Coil System Using High Temperature Superconducting Cable Technology 被引量:1
作者 Megumi Hirota 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2017年第3期93-99,共7页
Naval ship deperming is effective to reduce the potential damage from sea mines some of which sense magnetic field of the ship, and thus, is an important treatment of naval ships in the recent world. Large electric cu... Naval ship deperming is effective to reduce the potential damage from sea mines some of which sense magnetic field of the ship, and thus, is an important treatment of naval ships in the recent world. Large electric current is required to impose the magnetic field on the ship hull, which in turn means that the deperming coil needs to be wound on ship hull when the coil is composed of conventional conductive materials, such as copper. We considered a few HTS (high temperature superconducting) coil systems to deperm naval ships because we expect the shorter deperming time and lower manual workload for ship deperming operation, compared conventional conductor coil systems. We have in the past presented a solution using a fiat two-coil system arranged on seabed with tightly bound HTS conductor by analytical calculation of magnetic field on the conductor. By considering present and already developed technologies, a conductor with cylindrically wound on the core arranged as fiat multi-turn coils on seabed was designed using analytical methods. 展开更多
Use of Diesel Engine and Surface-Piercing Propeller to Achieve Fuel Savings for Inshore Fishing Boats 被引量:1
作者 Ismail Zainol Omar Yaakob 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第2期214-221,共8页
Fishing is a major local industry in Malaysia, particularly in rural areas. However, the rapidly increasing price of fuel is seriously affecting the industry's viability. At present, outboard petrol engines are the p... Fishing is a major local industry in Malaysia, particularly in rural areas. However, the rapidly increasing price of fuel is seriously affecting the industry's viability. At present, outboard petrol engines are the preferred choice for use in small-scale fishing boats because they deliver the advantages of high speed and low weight, they are easy to install, and they use minimal space. Petrol outboard engines are known to consume a greater amount of fuel than inboard diesel engines, but installing diesel engines with conventional submerged propellers in existing small-scale fishing boats is not economically viable because major hullform modifications and extra expenditure are required to achieve this. This study describes a proposal to enable reductions in fuel consumption by introducing the combined use of a diesel engine and Surface-Piercing Propeller (SPP). An analysis of fuel consumption reduction is presented, together with an economic feasibility study. Resulting data reveal that the use of the proposed modifications would save 23.31 liters of fuel per trip (40.75%) compared to outboard motors, equaling annual savings of RM 3962 per year. 展开更多
关键词 inshore fishing fuel saving surface-piercing propeller PROPULSION diesel engine
Leaching Phenomena of Antifouling Agents from Ships' Hull Paints
作者 Ryuji Kojima Toshiaki Shibata Koichi Ueda 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第5期269-278,共10页
The effects ofpH, dissolved ion content and relative water velocity on the release rate of an antifouling agent, cuprous oxide, from ships' hull paint have been investigated by rotating cylinder tests. Additionally, ... The effects ofpH, dissolved ion content and relative water velocity on the release rate of an antifouling agent, cuprous oxide, from ships' hull paint have been investigated by rotating cylinder tests. Additionally, test paint panels were attached to a vessel and recovered after a certain period of voyage for the validation of the laboratory tests. In the initial period, the release rates are influenced by pH, dissolved ion content and water velocity, but once after a certain period of test, those effects become less significant. These phenomena can be explained when the paint film is fresh, the rate is controlled by chemical reaction, the surface and/or diffusion layer in the water phase governs the rate. After the antifouling substance in the paint film leached out from the near-surface region, a diffused layer (leached layer), that has little antifouling agent remained, is formed at the surface of the coating, and the diffusion in that layer can be a rate-determining process. The development of the leached layer is affected by a balance between the leaching rate of the antifouling ingredient and paint resin determined by the chemical properties and speed of the water. Thus, the leaching rates of antifouling agents are affected by the history of the paint in the water. 展开更多
关键词 Antifouling agent leaching rate cuprous oxide rotating cylinder substituted ocean water phosphate buffer solution.
Dynamic Modeling of Tubular SOFC for Marine Power System 被引量:1
作者 伞宝钢 周培林 David Clealand 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2010年第3期231-240,共10页
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has been identified as an effective and clean alternative choice for marine power system.This paper emphasizes on the dynamic modeling of SOFC power system and its performance based upon m... Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) has been identified as an effective and clean alternative choice for marine power system.This paper emphasizes on the dynamic modeling of SOFC power system and its performance based upon marine operating circumstance.A SOFC power system model has been provided considering thermodynamic and electrochemical reaction mechanism.Subcomponents of lithium ion battery, power conditioning unit, stack structure and controller are integrated in the model.The dynamic response of the system is identified according to the inertia of its subcomponent and controller.Validation of the whole system simulation at steady state and transit period are presented, concerning the effects of thermo inertia, control strategy and seagoing environment.The simulation results show reasonable accuracy compare with lab test.The models can be used to predict performance of a SOFC power system and identify the system response when part of the component parameter is adjusted. 展开更多
关键词 tubular SOFC marine power system thermodynamic modeling
Investigation and Analysis of High Temperature Corrosion and Degradation of Marine Boiler Combustion Swirler
作者 RS Virdi DG Thakur 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第1期86-94,共9页
The present paper investigated and analyzed swirler material consisting of mild steel which was subjected to service for the period of one year in a 30 MW marine boiler. Due to the presence of high temperatures in the... The present paper investigated and analyzed swirler material consisting of mild steel which was subjected to service for the period of one year in a 30 MW marine boiler. Due to the presence of high temperatures in the furnace coupled with the corrosive marine environment swirler material showed accelerated degradation and material wastage. An investigation into the feasibility of manufacturing the existing swirler with an alternate material or coating the swirler material with a thermal barrier coating was undertaken. Based on their properties and performance, SS 304 and SS 316 were proposed as the replacement materials for the swirler. The other alternative of coating the existing swirlers with a form thermal barrier coating to observe for any improvement in their performance at elevated temperatures was also tested. Stellite, which is a Ni-Co based coating, was carried out on the MS samples and the same were exposed to same temperatures mentioned above. The performance of the available options was evaluated with respect to the grain structure of the material, the hardness value of the materials and deterioration at elevated temperatures. Investigation showed the proposed materials/ coatings like SS 304, SS 316 and Stellite coating revealed that SS 316 is the material best suited for high temperature application. 展开更多
关键词 marine boiler CORROSION DEGRADATION high temperature SWIRLER stainless steel
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