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作者 刘卫斌 吴华伟 《中国造船》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第B12期30-36,共7页
虽然不确定度在测量领域已获得广泛应用,然而由于实验流体动力学原理和方法的复杂性,其应用还不成熟。当前的不确定度评定方法,是以国际不确定度评定指南GUM(Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measure)为标准,然而,指南... 虽然不确定度在测量领域已获得广泛应用,然而由于实验流体动力学原理和方法的复杂性,其应用还不成熟。当前的不确定度评定方法,是以国际不确定度评定指南GUM(Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measure)为标准,然而,指南“GUM”只是给出了评定与表述不确定度的一般规则,并不是详尽的技术规范和说明,而且并不讨论所评定的不确定度如何运用于某种目的。因此,根据“指南GUM”制定某些专业标准是必要的。然而如何把“指南GUM”和实验流体动力学有机的结合,给出合理评定试验结果的不确定度是当前困难所在。本文以现有的研究为基础,详细分析了当前不确定度评定方法和实验流体动力学的特点,给出二者结合的方法,以期为建立在实验流体动力学中的不确定度评定标准提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 船舶、舰船工程 不确定度 船舶实验流体动力学 系统偏差限 随机偏差限
作者 刘松 赵仁洁 +1 位作者 周华禹 杨康 《实验室科学》 2024年第5期65-69,共5页
近年来随着全球经济的整体下滑,从事船舶与海洋工程专业的复合型人才流失严重,培养高质量的复合型人才变得愈发重要。以“学习共同体”方法为基础,以船舶噪声实验课程和水声测量技术实验课程为实例,配合声场传播虚拟仿真实验教学技术和... 近年来随着全球经济的整体下滑,从事船舶与海洋工程专业的复合型人才流失严重,培养高质量的复合型人才变得愈发重要。以“学习共同体”方法为基础,以船舶噪声实验课程和水声测量技术实验课程为实例,配合声场传播虚拟仿真实验教学技术和软件搭建不同学习环境,分析不同学习环境下的实验教学模式和成果。建立课程目标和学习共同体环境,通过对船舶噪声类实验课程的教学内容,教学方案和教育评价新方法的设计,得出普遍适用于实验课程改革的新方法。该教学方法为其他院校的专业实验课,尤其是选课人数较少的选修实验课提供新的教学方法和思路。 展开更多
关键词 学习共同体 实验课程教学改革 船舶噪声实验 水声测量技术实验
提高《船舶阻力实验》教学质量,加强学生综合素质培养 被引量:3
作者 谢永和 傅俊杰 杜振煌 《浙江海洋学院学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2007年第4期479-481,共3页
关键词 船舶阻力实验 综合型素质 动手能力
新工科背景下船舶流体力学实验课改革探讨 被引量:2
作者 李佳文 尹辉 黄技 《船舶职业教育》 2023年第4期31-33,共3页
基于新工科背景,以船舶流体力学为研究对象,针对课程中存在的实验内容陈旧、实验形式简单、教学方式固化等问题,进行船舶流体力学实验教学改革探讨,从完善实验内容、优化课程体系及丰富教学模式等方面激发学生流体力学实验兴趣,以期提... 基于新工科背景,以船舶流体力学为研究对象,针对课程中存在的实验内容陈旧、实验形式简单、教学方式固化等问题,进行船舶流体力学实验教学改革探讨,从完善实验内容、优化课程体系及丰富教学模式等方面激发学生流体力学实验兴趣,以期提高学生的工程素养和自主创新能力。 展开更多
关键词 新工科背景 船舶流体力学实验 课程体系 教学模式
作者 周瑞平 祁亮 +2 位作者 徐翔 胡义 樊红 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第8期25-27,157,共4页
为满足轮机工程专业实验教学和相关科学研究的需要,开发了船舶动力装置综合实验台,包括柴油机、并车齿轮箱、拖动电机等,并增设了传动轴、特殊联轴器等部件,可进行多种主推进装置运行工况模拟,增强学生实际动手能力,对轮机教学起到促进... 为满足轮机工程专业实验教学和相关科学研究的需要,开发了船舶动力装置综合实验台,包括柴油机、并车齿轮箱、拖动电机等,并增设了传动轴、特殊联轴器等部件,可进行多种主推进装置运行工况模拟,增强学生实际动手能力,对轮机教学起到促进作用。同时,也有利于开展船舶动力形态研究。 展开更多
关键词 船舶动力装置 多机并车 并车齿轮箱 变频电机 船舶动力装置实验
作者 刘松 李毅超 汪卓 《实验室科学》 2022年第6期92-95,共4页
为了贴合新工科形势下复合型人才培养的要求和国家十三五重大战略需求,通过基于QT典型舱段模型的一体式实验完成“船舶噪声实验”课程教学改革,对实施“教学改革”的必要性、具体内容和完成的可行性以及预期获得效益与成果进行了探讨。... 为了贴合新工科形势下复合型人才培养的要求和国家十三五重大战略需求,通过基于QT典型舱段模型的一体式实验完成“船舶噪声实验”课程教学改革,对实施“教学改革”的必要性、具体内容和完成的可行性以及预期获得效益与成果进行了探讨。在教授传统的声学仪器设备测试基础上,通过专业知识的讲解和实验操作,使学生对我国QT减振降噪新技术有一定的了解,让学生对船舶与海洋工程专业的认同感更加强烈,加强对学生自信心的培养,加快建立船舶与海洋工程专业拔尖创新人才培养新体系和新模式,积极推进专业实践教学体系改革,建立船舶与海洋工程多层次、全方位的实践教学体系。 展开更多
关键词 新工科教学改革 QT典型舱段 船舶噪声实验
“课程思政”在船舶噪声实验课程中的探索与实践 被引量:6
作者 刘松 《实验室科学》 2020年第6期234-236,239,共4页
为深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,紧紧围绕全面提高人才培养能力这个核心点,必须始终坚持着“立德树人,全程育人”的理念,加快形成高水平人才培养体系,把思想政治教育贯穿高水平本科教育全过程。以大连理... 为深入贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想和党的十九大精神,紧紧围绕全面提高人才培养能力这个核心点,必须始终坚持着“立德树人,全程育人”的理念,加快形成高水平人才培养体系,把思想政治教育贯穿高水平本科教育全过程。以大连理工大学的本科课程“船舶噪声实验”教学为例,对实施“课程思政”的必要性和具体教学案例进行了探讨,在教授传统的声学仪器设备测试基础上,引入诚信、敬业及团结协作等思政教育,实现思想政治教育与知识体系教育的有机统一。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 立德树人 船舶噪声实验
船舶操纵模拟实验在引江济淮工程顺岸式高边坡锚地设计中的应用 被引量:3
作者 张威 孙曙光 《珠江水运》 2022年第22期90-92,共3页
本文以引江济淮庐江闸下锚地工程为例,分析了如果仅按照相关规范进行设计,高边坡锚地可能存在船舶起锚航行视线问题和一定的船舶碰撞风险,需要采取工程措施进行优化。借助船舶操纵模拟实验模拟,可以较为直观地反应采取工程措施后的效果... 本文以引江济淮庐江闸下锚地工程为例,分析了如果仅按照相关规范进行设计,高边坡锚地可能存在船舶起锚航行视线问题和一定的船舶碰撞风险,需要采取工程措施进行优化。借助船舶操纵模拟实验模拟,可以较为直观地反应采取工程措施后的效果,从而确定最终的优化方案。 展开更多
关键词 高边坡锚地 船舶操纵模拟实验 船舶碰撞
船舶主机降速节能研究 被引量:1
作者 张洪朋 顾长智 +2 位作者 陈小涛 郭力 张春花 《船海工程》 2013年第3期106-109,共4页
关键词 船舶节能 船舶降速航行 船舶降速实验 低能耗营运
作者 张海泉 《船海工程》 2004年第1期1-3,共3页
在川江 194 1kW推船船队机桨不匹配的情况下 ,采用 90 %的常用负荷和船队伴流分数 ,根据荷兰瓦格宁根船模试验水池BB型螺旋桨设计图谱确定螺旋桨的最佳直径螺距比及螺旋桨效率 ,尝试B型桨和MAU型桨剖面进行组合的组合桨型 ,使新设计桨... 在川江 194 1kW推船船队机桨不匹配的情况下 ,采用 90 %的常用负荷和船队伴流分数 ,根据荷兰瓦格宁根船模试验水池BB型螺旋桨设计图谱确定螺旋桨的最佳直径螺距比及螺旋桨效率 ,尝试B型桨和MAU型桨剖面进行组合的组合桨型 ,使新设计桨与原船队有较佳的匹配性能 。 展开更多
关键词 船舶工程 匹配桨 螺旋桨设计 船舶实验 航速设计 推进性能
作者 李汉 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 北大核心 2001年第1期109-112,共4页
介绍了船舶电站试验中负荷设备——盐水缸的功率自动控制系统 ,包括系统的组成、工作原理以及应用相轨迹法对系统进行稳定性分析 。
关键词 盐水缸 功率 相轨迹 非线性控制系统 船舶电站实验 自动控制系统
Application of Chebyshev Polynomial to simulated modeling 被引量:2
作者 CHI Hai-hong LI Dian-pu 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2006年第4期38-41,共4页
Chebyshev polynomial is widely used in many fields, and used usually as function approximation in numerical calculation. In this paper, Chebyshev polynomial expression of the propeller properties across four quadrants... Chebyshev polynomial is widely used in many fields, and used usually as function approximation in numerical calculation. In this paper, Chebyshev polynomial expression of the propeller properties across four quadrants is given at first, then the expression of Chebyshev polynomial is transformed to ordinary polynomial for the need of simulation of propeller dynamics. On the basis of it, the dynamical models of propeller across four quadrants are given. The simulation results show the efficiency of mathematical model. 展开更多
关键词 Chebyshev polynomial PROPELLER SIMULATION
Experimental Study on the Resistance of a Transport Ship Navigating in Level Ice 被引量:7
作者 Yan Huang Jianqiao Sun +1 位作者 Shaopeng Ji Yukui Tian 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2016年第2期105-111,共7页
This study investigates the resistance of a transport ship navigating in level ice by conducting a series of model tests in an ice tank at Tianjin University. The laboratory-scale model ship was mounted on a rigid car... This study investigates the resistance of a transport ship navigating in level ice by conducting a series of model tests in an ice tank at Tianjin University. The laboratory-scale model ship was mounted on a rigid carriage using a one-directional load cell and then towed through an ice sheet at different speeds. We observed the ice-breaking process at different parts of the ship and motion of the ice floes and measured the resistances under different speeds to determine the relationship between the ice-breaking process and ice resistance. The bending failure at the shoulder area was found to cause maximum resistance. Furthermore, we introduced the analytical method of Lindqvist (1989) for estimating ice resistance and then compared these calculated results with those from our model tests. The results indicate that the calculated total resistances are higher than those we determined in the model tests. 展开更多
关键词 transport ship ice resistance ice-breaking process level ice ice model test
Leaching Phenomena of Antifouling Agents from Ships' Hull Paints
作者 Ryuji Kojima Toshiaki Shibata Koichi Ueda 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第5期269-278,共10页
The effects ofpH, dissolved ion content and relative water velocity on the release rate of an antifouling agent, cuprous oxide, from ships' hull paint have been investigated by rotating cylinder tests. Additionally, ... The effects ofpH, dissolved ion content and relative water velocity on the release rate of an antifouling agent, cuprous oxide, from ships' hull paint have been investigated by rotating cylinder tests. Additionally, test paint panels were attached to a vessel and recovered after a certain period of voyage for the validation of the laboratory tests. In the initial period, the release rates are influenced by pH, dissolved ion content and water velocity, but once after a certain period of test, those effects become less significant. These phenomena can be explained when the paint film is fresh, the rate is controlled by chemical reaction, the surface and/or diffusion layer in the water phase governs the rate. After the antifouling substance in the paint film leached out from the near-surface region, a diffused layer (leached layer), that has little antifouling agent remained, is formed at the surface of the coating, and the diffusion in that layer can be a rate-determining process. The development of the leached layer is affected by a balance between the leaching rate of the antifouling ingredient and paint resin determined by the chemical properties and speed of the water. Thus, the leaching rates of antifouling agents are affected by the history of the paint in the water. 展开更多
关键词 Antifouling agent leaching rate cuprous oxide rotating cylinder substituted ocean water phosphate buffer solution.
The Application of a Smartphone in Ship Stability Experiment
作者 Mohamed Abdelkader Djebli Benameur Hamoudi Omar Imine Lahouari Adjlout 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第4期406-412,共7页
The inclining experiment is the only regulatory tool to assess ship stability. This experiment is a time consuming process for both real-life tests and ship model experiments. The difficulty is mainly due to a bias in... The inclining experiment is the only regulatory tool to assess ship stability. This experiment is a time consuming process for both real-life tests and ship model experiments. The difficulty is mainly due to a bias in the measurement of heel angle. Nowadays, digital inclinometers are available, but they are expensive. In this study, the use of a smartphone application is presented for ship inclination and rolling-period tests. The idea consists of using accelerometer and gyroscope sensors built into the current smartphones for the measurements. Therefore, some experiments are carried out on an example trawler model to exhibit the uses and advantages of this method. The obtained results are in good agreement with those provided from the pendulum method and natural roll-period test. This application is new, easy, and more accurately assesses metacentric height during the inclining and rolling-period tests. 展开更多
关键词 ship stability GM-Meter inclining experiment rolling-period test SMARTPHONE ACCELEROMETER gyroscopic sensor
作者 李雪龙 《科学技术创新》 2020年第9期81-83,共3页
HJ Lubtronic注油器系统是船用低速二冲程柴油机的缸套润滑设备设备,该系统是由液压泵站提供共轨高压,汽缸油泵站输送汽缸油到各个注油器,每个注油器上都安装了主辅两个电磁阀,通讯将飞轮角度信号传给工控机,控制电磁阀动作时间和频率... HJ Lubtronic注油器系统是船用低速二冲程柴油机的缸套润滑设备设备,该系统是由液压泵站提供共轨高压,汽缸油泵站输送汽缸油到各个注油器,每个注油器上都安装了主辅两个电磁阀,通讯将飞轮角度信号传给工控机,控制电磁阀动作时间和频率。新型注油器已经具备自动运行的功能,需要有完备的网络系统来实现基本的控制需求。现有某某集团负责的船舶航行实验项目,需要在规定时间内完成14条矿砂船的调试与航行测试工作,本文主要针对船舶应用的润滑系统展开研究,具体分析调试注油器配置的网络系统的相关工作。 展开更多
关键词 注油器 网络系统 调试方法 船舶航行实验
Experimental Research on SOx from Ship Emissions by Lye Absorption
作者 Wang Zhongcheng Zhou Peilin +1 位作者 Xu Lepin Jiang Minming 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2015年第6期307-311,共5页
To protect environment, and to comply with the IMO's (International Maritime Organization) newest regulations about ship's SOx emission. This thesis illustrates a closed recycling absorb system based on NaOH solut... To protect environment, and to comply with the IMO's (International Maritime Organization) newest regulations about ship's SOx emission. This thesis illustrates a closed recycling absorb system based on NaOH solution recycling particularly for SOx onboard. The goal is to use NaOH solution to absorb SOx, and reduce the damage the ships made towards environment. The thesis analyzes the main features that could influence the absorption of SOx on board, and the precipitations during the experiment. To reveal that NaOH solution is very highly effective and economic in absorption of SOx on ships by this experiment, and to set a theoretical basic fundamental for future application of alkali solution recycling absorption system for SOx. 展开更多
关键词 Environment protection marine diesel engine emission control SOX economy.
Investigations of Spray Painting Processes Using an Airless Spray Gun 被引量:1
作者 Qiaoyan Ye Bo Shen +1 位作者 Oliver Tiedje Joachim Domnick 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第1期74-81,共8页
This paper presents experimental and numerical studies on spray painting processes by using airless spray guns for ship painting. A computational fluid dynamics code was applied to calculate the flow field and the dro... This paper presents experimental and numerical studies on spray painting processes by using airless spray guns for ship painting. A computational fluid dynamics code was applied to calculate the flow field and the droplet trajectories. Droplet size distributions and droplet velocities as necessary inlet characteristics for the simulations were experimentally obtained using a Spraytec Fraunhofer type particle sizer and laser-Doppler anemometry. Effects of shoreline winds and painting distance on the transfer efficiency and on the paint film thickness distributions on the target were numerically studied. 展开更多
关键词 Spray painting airless gun simulation.
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