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作者 董淑婷 梁伟伟 《中文科技期刊数据库(文摘版)社会科学》 2024年第6期0037-0040,共4页
在赡养老人问题上,古人提出“色养”说,也就是现代所讲的精神赡养。古代各朝代对于精神赡养都有相关法律规定,对精神赡养的重视程度非常高。色养是使老人精神愉悦,属于孝的高级层次,实现起来非常困难。“色养”的困难在于内容实现、过... 在赡养老人问题上,古人提出“色养”说,也就是现代所讲的精神赡养。古代各朝代对于精神赡养都有相关法律规定,对精神赡养的重视程度非常高。色养是使老人精神愉悦,属于孝的高级层次,实现起来非常困难。“色养”的困难在于内容实现、过程持续以及判断标准的困难。古人为解决色养之难,从不同途径去解决:确定色养的内容格序,重点参与精神养老全过程,界定色养的标准。传统文化中的“色养”思想对于弥合现代社会精神赡养理念的差距、构建相关理论体系、指导精神赡养实践具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 色养 精神赡 心孝
作者 李修习 尤吾兵 《湖北工程学院学报》 2023年第5期13-19,共7页
“色养”亦即现代所谓的“精神赡养”,主要是指赡养亲人时,子女和颜悦色对待亲人,从“能养”提升到“敬养”。附载于“孝”的讨论,传统社会形成了丰富的“色养”文化,其核心为“敬养”。对于“敬养”的理解,传统“色养”文化提出以“婉... “色养”亦即现代所谓的“精神赡养”,主要是指赡养亲人时,子女和颜悦色对待亲人,从“能养”提升到“敬养”。附载于“孝”的讨论,传统社会形成了丰富的“色养”文化,其核心为“敬养”。对于“敬养”的理解,传统“色养”文化提出以“婉容——顺颜色、察嗜好——养志”展现了其内质。传统“色养”文化是立基于传统社会物质资料已丰足、浓厚的家庭观念和严格的宗法礼制而形成的。时过境迁,激活传统“色养”文化内质,可以依据现代“精神世界”三分法——“情感世界、理智世界、意义世界”的认识,转化“婉容——顺颜色、察嗜好——养志”的现代意义实践,即让老年人“情感世界多快乐——理智世界更睿智——意义世界能释然”,从而做好现代老年人“精神赡养”工作。 展开更多
关键词 色养”文化 当代实践
论传统文化中的“色养”思想及其现代价值 被引量:2
作者 牛贵宏 尤吾兵 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期80-86,共7页
传统文化中的"色养"即是现代所谓的精神赡养,而"色难"是传统文化对"色养"问题总结的命题。"色养"之难在于内容实现之难、过程持续之难和评判标准之难三个维度。古人在探求"色养"问题... 传统文化中的"色养"即是现代所谓的精神赡养,而"色难"是传统文化对"色养"问题总结的命题。"色养"之难在于内容实现之难、过程持续之难和评判标准之难三个维度。古人在探求"色养"问题时,提出以"婉容——顺颜色、察嗜好——养志"为"色养"内容格序,以敬、乐、忧、哀、严的情感贯注"色养"全过程,以"心孝"为评判"色养"的标准,很好地解决了"色难"问题。传统文化中的"色养"思想为弥合现代社会精神赡养观念的缺位、构建精神赡养理论体系以及指导精神赡养实践都具有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 色养 精神赡
作者 陈大超 《佛教文化》 2000年第2期12-13,共2页
关键词 色养 群体生态环境 生态建设 科学家 银杏树 生态恶化 树木 保健卫生 健康长寿 物环境
作者 王云华 《科教文汇》 2015年第35期96-97,共2页
关键词 化学教学 香味形意 学习体验 有效情境
说“禄养”——关于汉代官员养亲问题的考察 被引量:1
作者 赵凯 《南都学坛(南阳师范学院人文社会科学学报)》 2012年第6期7-12,共6页
"禄养"是指官员以俸禄孝养父母。两汉时期,人们对禄养行孝的养亲方式非常崇尚,即使是那些淡泊名利的志节之士,在身处无力养亲的现实困窘时,有时也会迫不得已而放下身段,入仕求禄以求养亲。但是由于俸禄微薄,对于不少中低级官... "禄养"是指官员以俸禄孝养父母。两汉时期,人们对禄养行孝的养亲方式非常崇尚,即使是那些淡泊名利的志节之士,在身处无力养亲的现实困窘时,有时也会迫不得已而放下身段,入仕求禄以求养亲。但是由于俸禄微薄,对于不少中低级官员来说,以禄养亲依然不易。不少官员为了便于行孝,往往会想方设法将父母迎接至就职地,此即"移亲就养"。但是在实际操作过程中,移亲就养并不容易实现,故有些官员不惜放弃官职以归乡终养。汉代已将"养亲"纳入官员的考核机制之中,但是总体而言,其在相关制度建设方面仍显粗疏。 展开更多
关键词 汉代官员 色养
作者 闫文晟 《长沙民政职业技术学院学报》 2016年第1期10-12,共3页
为了更好地应对我国当前老龄化问题,必须站在历史的长河中,用历史的眼光考察、分析我国古代养老思想、养老制度、养老模式,总结出我国古代在解决养老方面的一些规律性的东西、成功的经验和做法,以期对我国目前的养老问题提供理论支撑和... 为了更好地应对我国当前老龄化问题,必须站在历史的长河中,用历史的眼光考察、分析我国古代养老思想、养老制度、养老模式,总结出我国古代在解决养老方面的一些规律性的东西、成功的经验和做法,以期对我国目前的养老问题提供理论支撑和借鉴。我们可以在家庭养老社会化、社会养老家庭化以及养老机构医院化、院院(医院与养老院)合作的思想指导下,因地制宜,创造性地探索适合本地区实际的养老模式。 展开更多
关键词 古代老模式 蠡测 “问病” 色养 院院合作
作者 闫文晟 《长沙民政职业技术学院学报》 2015年第3期10-12,共3页
目前我国第一代独生子女父母已进入老龄化,独生子女父母养老问题也因此被提上日程。独生子女家庭不同于非独生子女家庭,独生子女家庭本质上是风险家庭。独生子女父母养老是一个系统工程,需要政府、社会、家庭和个人多层面协同努力,由于... 目前我国第一代独生子女父母已进入老龄化,独生子女父母养老问题也因此被提上日程。独生子女家庭不同于非独生子女家庭,独生子女家庭本质上是风险家庭。独生子女父母养老是一个系统工程,需要政府、社会、家庭和个人多层面协同努力,由于各个层面提供的资源和承担的角色不一样,他们在实践中的地位和功能也就不一样。 展开更多
关键词 独生子女父母 双独婚姻 色养 护理保险 侍丁老制度
作者 闫文晟 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2016年第8期15-16,共2页
孝道是家政服务、养老服务从业人员的核心和灵魂,如果离开了孝道的营养和精髓,再好的人才培养模式也不过是无源之水、无本之木,就不可能培养出合格的人才,培养不出胜任家政服务、养老服务与管理工作的人才。因此开展以孝道为核心的价值... 孝道是家政服务、养老服务从业人员的核心和灵魂,如果离开了孝道的营养和精髓,再好的人才培养模式也不过是无源之水、无本之木,就不可能培养出合格的人才,培养不出胜任家政服务、养老服务与管理工作的人才。因此开展以孝道为核心的价值观教育研究,是高职院校家政服务与管理专业人才培养模式不可缺少的一环,也是其应有之义。要通过创新人才培养模式、创新校外实训基地等来培养学生的孝道价值观。 展开更多
关键词 孝道价值观 “孝行十个一”工程 色养 新乡绅 国学教育基地
从历史看 我们到底该怎样养老?
作者 山峰 《天津社会保险》 2017年第1期77-77,共1页
"六十曰耆,指使;七十曰老,而传;八十九十曰耄……"这是《礼记.曲礼上》对老年人的分类。大概意思是,人到了60岁,就算老年人,可以指使人干活;70岁身体各项机能进一步衰弱,应该交代家事,把该安排的都安排好;80岁、90岁,已是成... "六十曰耆,指使;七十曰老,而传;八十九十曰耄……"这是《礼记.曲礼上》对老年人的分类。大概意思是,人到了60岁,就算老年人,可以指使人干活;70岁身体各项机能进一步衰弱,应该交代家事,把该安排的都安排好;80岁、90岁,已是成髦耋老人…… 展开更多
关键词 老人 老年人 色养
Key Techniques of an Ecological Pattern“Planting Rice in One Season and Breeding Red Swamp Crawfish in Three Seasons” for Green Production in Lixiahe Region of Jiangsu Province 被引量:10
作者 张家宏 毕建花 +7 位作者 朱凌宇 王守红 寇祥明 韩光明 王桂良 徐荣 吴雷鸣 唐鹤军 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第8期1406-1409,共4页
Three big field projects, independent irrigation and drainage facilities, and a blocking net, which are auxiliary projects of a green planting and breeding pattern composed of rice and red swamp crawfish (Procambarus... Three big field projects, independent irrigation and drainage facilities, and a blocking net, which are auxiliary projects of a green planting and breeding pattern composed of rice and red swamp crawfish (Procambarus clarkii), spatial and temporal coupling technology of "planting rice in one season and breeding red swamp crawfish in three seasons", green fertilization technology, green prevention and control technology, control technology of water level, and throwing technology of bait in Lixiahe region of Jiangsu Province were introduced successively, which can provide technical support for the development of ecological planting and breeding patterns and realization of green production in paddy fields. 展开更多
关键词 Planting rice in one season and breeding red swamp crawfish in three seasons Green planting and breeding Green fertilization Green prevention and con-trol
CaF_2对硅质耐火材料的侵蚀 被引量:4
作者 刘秋霞 姜宏 赵会峰 《耐火材料》 EI CAS 北大核心 2000年第5期259-261,共3页
通过含CaF2 的颜色玻璃对硅质耐火材料侵蚀的研究及微观结构分析 ,认为 :由于颜色玻璃中CaF2 的引入 ,使玻璃中的Na2 O挥发增加 ,加快了硅砖的侵蚀 ;Na2 O是促使硅砖晶相转变的矿化剂 ,使硅砖内晶相发生重结晶和多晶转变并伴随体积变化 ... 通过含CaF2 的颜色玻璃对硅质耐火材料侵蚀的研究及微观结构分析 ,认为 :由于颜色玻璃中CaF2 的引入 ,使玻璃中的Na2 O挥发增加 ,加快了硅砖的侵蚀 ;Na2 O是促使硅砖晶相转变的矿化剂 ,使硅砖内晶相发生重结晶和多晶转变并伴随体积变化 ,引起砖硅的组成、结构、使用性能的变化。CaF2 的引入 。 展开更多
关键词 硅砖 玻璃 侵蚀 耐火材料 二氧化钙
《河北民族师范学院学报》 1982年第2期58-69,57,共13页
延薰山馆 玄烨诗一首 入无暑清凉转西,为延薰山馆。楹宇守朴,不雘不雕,得山居雅致。启北户,引清风,几忘六月。 夏木阴阴盖溽暑,炎风款款守峰衔。 山中无物能解愠,独有清凉免脱衫。 注释: [延薰山馆]山馆四周,遍植花草树木,轻风微... 延薰山馆 玄烨诗一首 入无暑清凉转西,为延薰山馆。楹宇守朴,不雘不雕,得山居雅致。启北户,引清风,几忘六月。 夏木阴阴盖溽暑,炎风款款守峰衔。 山中无物能解愠,独有清凉免脱衫。 注释: [延薰山馆]山馆四周,遍植花草树木,轻风微吹,香气袭人。玄烨三十六景之第四景。约建于1703—1708年(康熙四十二——四十七年),是清帝接见大臣和少数民族王公、首领,举行宴会和颁发赏赐的地方。《热河志》说:“如意洲正殿,七楹。左右配殿各五楹。在‘无暑清凉’内第二重,南向,榜曰‘延薰山馆’。西窗联曰‘云标金阙迥,树杪玉堂悬’。皆圣祖御笔。中楹高宗御题联曰‘石剑攒青,千林天仗(天子的兵卫)合;水衣萦碧,一鉴月槎横’。” 展开更多
关键词 玄烨 弘历 避暑山庄 六景 热河志 联日 十七年 五言律诗 色养 五十年
Screening and Evaluation of Different Purple Sweet Potato Varieties Specially Used for Processing
作者 梁金平 杨立明 +4 位作者 林纪生 张志勇 吴振新 罗远雪 张川 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第4期653-658,共6页
Objective] This study almed to screen high-quality and high-yield purpIe sweet potato varieties special y used for processing which were suitabIe for pIanting in Liancheng County. [Method] By using a randomized bIock ... Objective] This study almed to screen high-quality and high-yield purpIe sweet potato varieties special y used for processing which were suitabIe for pIanting in Liancheng County. [Method] By using a randomized bIock design, with ‘Longyan 7-3’ as a controI, five purpIe sweet potato varieties were introduced in the autumn of 2012 for comparaton test to evaluate agronomic tralts, economic characters, nu-tritional quality, and processing quantity of dried sweet potato products and fried chips. [Result] ‘Weixiang No.1’ exhibited the highest yield of 41.9 t/hm2, which was improved by 25.8% compared with ‘Longyan 7-3’; fresh tuber yield of ‘Jishu No. 18’ reached 31.6 t/hm2, which was simiIar to that of ‘Longyan 7-3’; dried sweet potato products of ‘Jishu No.18’ and ‘Weixiang No.1’ not onIy had simiIar process stabiIity, taste and coIor to ‘Longyan 7-3’, but also exhibited exceI ent morphoIogy, coIor, transparency, taste and texture, which indicated that these two purpIe sweet potato varieties were suitabIe for processing dried sweet potato products; fried sweet potato chips of ‘Jishu No.18’ and ‘Weixiang No.1’ had moderate oiI content, high expansion degree and simiIar quality to ‘Longyan 7-3’, which indicated that these two purpIe sweet potato varieties were suitabIe for processing fried sweet potato chips; ‘Fushu No.9’, ‘Quanzi No.1’ and ‘Ninzi No.1’ exhibited beautifuI shape, high nutritional quality and good eating quality, which were suitabIe for fresh eating or processing sweet potato powder. [Conclusion] This study provided a scientific ba-sis for Iarge-scale popuIarization and appIication of new purpIe sweet potato vari-eties special y used for processing. 展开更多
关键词 Purple sweet potato YleId Nutritlonal quality PROCESSING Evaluatlon
作者 张喜为 《吉林财税》 1996年第4期46-46,共1页
鲜花、果实、叶子、大地张喜为(1)鲜花说我喜欢红色,果实说我喜欢黄色,叶子说我只有绿色,大地说我很愿意人们称我黑土地。(2)鲜花以红色炫耀自己;果实以黄色标榜自己,叶子以绿色衬托鲜花,大地以黑色养育果实。(3)鲜花夸... 鲜花、果实、叶子、大地张喜为(1)鲜花说我喜欢红色,果实说我喜欢黄色,叶子说我只有绿色,大地说我很愿意人们称我黑土地。(2)鲜花以红色炫耀自己;果实以黄色标榜自己,叶子以绿色衬托鲜花,大地以黑色养育果实。(3)鲜花夸张地说我是姐姐,果实委屈地说我是弟... 展开更多
关键词 果实 叶子 鲜花 采集阳光 炫耀自己 世间万物 黑土地 象征着 色养
Beneficial effects of moderate voluntary physical exercise and its biological mechanisms on brain health 被引量:3
作者 马强 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第4期265-270,共6页
This article reviewed the beneficial effects of moderate voluntary physical exercise on brain health according to the studies on humans and animals, which includes improving psychological status and cognitive function... This article reviewed the beneficial effects of moderate voluntary physical exercise on brain health according to the studies on humans and animals, which includes improving psychological status and cognitive function, enhancing psychological well-being, decreasing the risks of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and dementia, and promoting the effects of antidepressant and anxiolytic. The possible underlying neurobiological mechanisms are involved up-active and down-active pathways. The up-active pathway is associated with enhancements of several neurotransmitters systems afferent to hippocampus, including norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-Hydroxytryptamine, 5-HT), acetylcholine (ACh) and γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). The down-active pathway is mainly concerned with up-regulation of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurogenesis. It is suggested that NE activation via β-adrenergic receptors may be essential for exercise-induced BDNF up-regulation. The possible intracellular signaling pathways of NE-mediated BDNF up-expression may be involved in GPCR-MAPK-PI-3K crosstalk and positive feedback. 展开更多
关键词 EXERCISE brain COGNITION NOREPINEPHRINE SEROTONIN brain-derived neurotrophic factor
Histochemical localization and characterization of AKP,ACP,NSE,and POD from cultured Apostichopus japonicus 被引量:3
作者 李继业 孙修勤 +1 位作者 郑风荣 孙虎山 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期550-554,共5页
We investigated the distribution of four enzymes involved in the immune response of Apostichopus japonicus. We collected samples of the tentacles, papillate podium, integument, respiratory tree, and digestive tract an... We investigated the distribution of four enzymes involved in the immune response of Apostichopus japonicus. We collected samples of the tentacles, papillate podium, integument, respiratory tree, and digestive tract and stained them for acid phosphatase (ACP), alkaline phosphatase (AKP), non-specific esterase (NSE) and peroxidase (POD) activity. The distribution and content of ACE AKP, NSE, and POD differed among the tissues. The coelomic epithelium of the tentacle, papillate podium, and integument and the mucous layer of respiratory tree were positive for ACP activity. The coelomic epithelium and cuticular layer of the tentacle, papillate podium, and integument and the mucous layer and tunica externa of the respiratory tree and digestive tract stained positive or weakly positive for AKP activity. Almost all the epithelial tissues stained positive, strongly positive, or very strongly positive for NSE activity. The cuticular layer of the tentacle and integument and the mucous layer, tunica submucosa, and tunica externa of the respiratory tree and digestive tract stained positive for POD activity. We hypothesize that these enzymes play a role in the immune response in A. japonicus. 展开更多
关键词 Apostichopus japonicus acid pbosphatase alkaline phosphatase non-specific esterase PEROXIDASE HISTOCHEMISTRY
Nutrient Balance in Relation to High Yield and Good Quality of Potato on an Acid Purple Soil in Chongqing,China 被引量:3
作者 HETIANXIU HEFUJIAN 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期83-92,共10页
A field experiment was carried out to study nutrient balance among N, P, K and Mg in potato cultivation on an acid purple soil in Chongqing, China. The experiment included 8 treatments with equal P rate of 120 kg P2O5... A field experiment was carried out to study nutrient balance among N, P, K and Mg in potato cultivation on an acid purple soil in Chongqing, China. The experiment included 8 treatments with equal P rate of 120 kg P2O5 hm-2: N0K2, N1K2, N2K2, N3K2, N2K0, N2K1, N2K1Mg and N2K3, where N0, N1, N2 and N3 stand for the N rates of 0, 75, 150 and 225 kg N hm-2, and K0, K1, K2 and K3 for the K rates of 0, 165, 330 and 495 kg K2O hm-2, respectively. Among the treatments designed, Thatment N2K2 with a nutrient supply ratio of N:P2O5:K2O:MgO = 1.25:1:2.75:0.28 gave the highest tuber yield and dry matter, highest starch and Zn and lowest NO3- contents in tuber, and high N, P and K use efficiency with an uptake ratio of N:P:K:Mg = 11.38:1:13.32:0.33 by tuber. Yield and starch and protein contents of tuber were the lowest in Treatment N0K2. Dry matter was the lowest but protein and NO3- contents were the highest in Treatment N2K0. Treatment N2K1Mg had the highest N, P and K utilization rates. Statistical analysis showed that yields of tuber and starch were in a positive linear correlation with the uptake amount of various nutrients and protein of the potato tuber was in a significantly positive linear correlation with tuber N cotent and in a significantly negative linear correlation with tuber K and Mg contents. Balanced application of N, P, K and Mg fertilizers (Treatmeat N2K2) was recommended for realization of high yield and good quality in potato cultivation. 展开更多
关键词 acid purple soil nutrient balance POTATO
天然提取物在头皮护理中的应用 被引量:9
作者 瞿欣 赵小敏 牛丽娟 《日用化学品科学》 CAS 2015年第11期31-34,共4页
通过分析头皮护理产品的市场占有率和产品分类研究了天然提取物在头皮护理中的应用。对比了水溶性和油溶性天然提取物的特点,同时针对亚洲人群分别提出了养发固色和防脱固发的解决方案。结果表明,天然提取物对女性受试者头发生长速度的... 通过分析头皮护理产品的市场占有率和产品分类研究了天然提取物在头皮护理中的应用。对比了水溶性和油溶性天然提取物的特点,同时针对亚洲人群分别提出了养发固色和防脱固发的解决方案。结果表明,天然提取物对女性受试者头发生长速度的改善高于男性,而其对男性受试者头发生长期/休止期的提高大于女性。 展开更多
关键词 头皮护理 天然提取物 防脱固发 发固
Growth performance,digestive enzyme activities and serum nonspecific immunity of the red tilapia(Oreochromis mossambicus×Oreochromis niloticus)feddiets supplemented with ultrafine powder of Enteromopha prolifera 被引量:2
作者 LI Zhongbao YANG Huan +3 位作者 SHANGGUAN Jingbo CHEN Oiang LI Wenjing LU Jing 《Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1843-1850,共8页
The present study evaluated ef fects of ultrafine powder of the green macroalgae E nteromopha prolifera as dietary supplement on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities and serum nonspecific immune responses o... The present study evaluated ef fects of ultrafine powder of the green macroalgae E nteromopha prolifera as dietary supplement on growth performance, digestive enzyme activities and serum nonspecific immune responses of the red tilapia(O reochromis mossambicus × Oreochromis niloticus). The red tilapia were fed five diets supplemented with different levels of E. prolifera ultrafine powder as well as a control diet containing no E. prolifera for seven weeks(Diets 0–6 contained 0(control), 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 g/kg of E. prolifera ultrafine powder, respectively). The results showed that diets supplemented with E. prolifera ultrafine powder generally improved growth, immunity and digestive enzyme activities of the red tilapia. In particular, the fish fed the diet incorporated 50 g/kg (5%) E. prolifera ultrafine powder(Diet 5) achieved the highest percentage weight gain, specific growth rate and the condition factor(increased by 15.4%, 8.0% and 5.7%, respectively when compared to the control). Feeding the diet also led to significantly increases( P <0.05) in serum nonspecific immune responses, including total superoxide dismutase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, lysozyme activities and serum total protein(increased by 19.4%, 48.1%, 29.5%, 30.3% and 8.7%, respectively) as well as digestive enzyme activities of erepsin, gastric amylase, gastric lipase, pepsin, intestinal amylase and gastric lipase(increased by 15.7%, 33.3%, 16.3%, 21.3%, 52.3% and 28.2%, respectively) than those of the control. Based on these results, it is recommended that the inclusion level of E. prolifera ultrafine powder in the diet of the red tilapia should be 50 g/kg(or 5%). 展开更多
关键词 Enteromopha prolifera ultrafine powder red tilapia growth performance digestive enzyme activities serum nonspecific immunity
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