汉语习惯讲某人生性乐观,或某人生性悲观。所以,所谓乐观和悲观已非“心理”两字可以涵盖。以前,有一个较为流行的幽默说法:同样半瓶酒,乐观者言,还有半瓶呐!悲观者称,只有半瓶啦!今读此文,深感除此表象外,乐观与悲观有其迥异的思维轨...汉语习惯讲某人生性乐观,或某人生性悲观。所以,所谓乐观和悲观已非“心理”两字可以涵盖。以前,有一个较为流行的幽默说法:同样半瓶酒,乐观者言,还有半瓶呐!悲观者称,只有半瓶啦!今读此文,深感除此表象外,乐观与悲观有其迥异的思维轨迹和心理倾向,读后令人耳目一新!仅举一例,读者不妨作一自测: The pessimist believes bad events stem from permanent conditions("I failed the math quiz because I don’t have a head for numbers") and good events from temporary ones("My husband brought me flowers because he had a good day at work") 对于年轻的父母,以下一句话值得三思: Psychologists believe optimism and pessimism are habits we learn as children. and our parents are our role models. 本文有两处表达灵活运用了英语的构词,竟令汉语“自叹弗如“: a. Hopefulness… requires both willpower and way power—the means to achieve your goals. b. Luckily. learned habits can be unlearned. 句a中的willpower/way power,后者为典型的nonce word(临时造字),新颖别致,与willpower构成头韵(Alliteration);句b中的unlearned也令人叫绝,但是,它不是nonce word。词典对它的释义是:抛掉(?展开更多
文摘汉语习惯讲某人生性乐观,或某人生性悲观。所以,所谓乐观和悲观已非“心理”两字可以涵盖。以前,有一个较为流行的幽默说法:同样半瓶酒,乐观者言,还有半瓶呐!悲观者称,只有半瓶啦!今读此文,深感除此表象外,乐观与悲观有其迥异的思维轨迹和心理倾向,读后令人耳目一新!仅举一例,读者不妨作一自测: The pessimist believes bad events stem from permanent conditions("I failed the math quiz because I don’t have a head for numbers") and good events from temporary ones("My husband brought me flowers because he had a good day at work") 对于年轻的父母,以下一句话值得三思: Psychologists believe optimism and pessimism are habits we learn as children. and our parents are our role models. 本文有两处表达灵活运用了英语的构词,竟令汉语“自叹弗如“: a. Hopefulness… requires both willpower and way power—the means to achieve your goals. b. Luckily. learned habits can be unlearned. 句a中的willpower/way power,后者为典型的nonce word(临时造字),新颖别致,与willpower构成头韵(Alliteration);句b中的unlearned也令人叫绝,但是,它不是nonce word。词典对它的释义是:抛掉(?