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作者 舒梅贞 《电影评介》 北大核心 2006年第23期99-,共1页
元代画家、诗人王冕的一首题画诗名为《墨梅》。对于“墨梅’’一词的解释,有的书上解释为“用水墨画的梅”,也有的解释为“淡墨色的梅,是梅花中的珍品”。在通过相关资料的汇集基础之上,佐证了“墨梅”实为“水墨画的梅”,它源于北宋... 元代画家、诗人王冕的一首题画诗名为《墨梅》。对于“墨梅’’一词的解释,有的书上解释为“用水墨画的梅”,也有的解释为“淡墨色的梅,是梅花中的珍品”。在通过相关资料的汇集基础之上,佐证了“墨梅”实为“水墨画的梅”,它源于北宋的仲仁高僧,在元代的王冕手中,他把这一技法进一步发扬到花鸟画中,成为元代的绘画技法类别。 展开更多
关键词 墨梅 水墨画 绘画技法
作者 范冬冬 《新闻爱好者》 北大核心 2009年第10期52-54,共3页
李煜的词以任纵率真的抒情风格为主,前期词在细致的铺陈叙述中显示艺术的激情,后期词采用了多种不同的艺术表现手段,但是前、后期都表现出任情纵逸、率真明快的抒情风格。和他纯直任纵的性格气质有关,李煜词善用赋体,无事寄托,意脉灵动... 李煜的词以任纵率真的抒情风格为主,前期词在细致的铺陈叙述中显示艺术的激情,后期词采用了多种不同的艺术表现手段,但是前、后期都表现出任情纵逸、率真明快的抒情风格。和他纯直任纵的性格气质有关,李煜词善用赋体,无事寄托,意脉灵动流畅,蕴涵哲理;白描使他的词显得明净传神、色淡意远,因而他的词在艺术上能够跳出花间派的局限而别具特色。 展开更多
关键词 任纵率真 赋体写作 意脉灵动 明净传神 色淡意远
基于文献分析的血虚证诊断标准比较研究 被引量:7
作者 刘竞男 张会永 +4 位作者 于莉 崔博涵 李芹 李佳 杨关林 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期2050-2055,共6页
目的分析比较血虚证诊断标准,为临床研究提供参考。方法通过检索中国知网、万方及维普数据库,查找、筛选1900-2019年发表的血虚证临床研究文献,归纳、分析其中提及血虚证诊断标准。结果共检索到文献1388篇,纳入32篇,结合教材筛选,得出... 目的分析比较血虚证诊断标准,为临床研究提供参考。方法通过检索中国知网、万方及维普数据库,查找、筛选1900-2019年发表的血虚证临床研究文献,归纳、分析其中提及血虚证诊断标准。结果共检索到文献1388篇,纳入32篇,结合教材筛选,得出诊断标准9种:《中医临床诊疗术语·证候部分》(GB/T 16751.2)、《中药新药临床研究指导原则》,等等。证候组成共30个,可分为脏腑失养、形体失养、经络失养和现代理化指标4组,诊断方式可分为叙述法、主次分层法、赋分法3种,《中医临床诊疗术语·证候部分》(GB/T 16751.2)被引用13次,次数最多。结论各血虚证诊断标准各有优势与局限性,来自《中医临床诊疗术语·证候部分》的诊断标准在临床上应用最广泛,适用于现阶段血虚证的诊断。 展开更多
关键词 宏观辨证 单一证候 微观辨证 色淡 脉细 唇舌色淡 心悸
作者 王荣滨 《紧固件技术》 2002年第2期14-17,共4页
关键词 螺纹紧固件 碱性发黑 花斑 色淡 发红 发绿
作者 张宝华 《健康生活》 2021年第9期46-47,共2页
贫血是一种常见的症状,为中医的虚证,属血虚、萎黄、虚劳的范畴。引发贫血的因素很多,如久病不愈,先天不足,肾气亏损,营养不良等,都会导致贫血的发生。贫血主要表现为面色苍白或萎黄无华、唇甲色淡、脾胃虚弱、困倦无力、气短头晕等。... 贫血是一种常见的症状,为中医的虚证,属血虚、萎黄、虚劳的范畴。引发贫血的因素很多,如久病不愈,先天不足,肾气亏损,营养不良等,都会导致贫血的发生。贫血主要表现为面色苍白或萎黄无华、唇甲色淡、脾胃虚弱、困倦无力、气短头晕等。贫血的类型有许多种,治疗贫血虽然都是以补为主,但应根据贫血的不同类型,对症选择不同的药膳,方可获得最佳的效果。下面介绍几则调理贫血的药膳方,请在医生的指导下对症选用。 展开更多
关键词 苍白 脾胃虚弱 唇甲色淡 药膳 贫血 血虚 困倦 营养不良
夏日养生 重在养心
作者 乔晓蓓 《茶(健康天地)》 2010年第6期58-59,共2页
关键词 中医养生 阳长 心阴 汗多 心阳 养生保健 唇甲色淡 阴虚阳亢 脉细 补血活血
作者 高叶梅 《家庭中医药》 1993年第1期49-49,共1页
在药店和一些商店里,我们能够见到各式各样的补药。许多补药确有提高机体抗御外邪能力、预防疾病发生以及延年益寿的功效。但是,不少人迷信补药,认为不论什么补药都是有病治病,无病强身的。于是不辨病证,不辨体质,滥施补药。通常体虚者... 在药店和一些商店里,我们能够见到各式各样的补药。许多补药确有提高机体抗御外邪能力、预防疾病发生以及延年益寿的功效。但是,不少人迷信补药,认为不论什么补药都是有病治病,无病强身的。于是不辨病证,不辨体质,滥施补药。通常体虚者爱用补药,殊不知,虚本身就有多种,有阴虚、阳虚、气虚、血虚之分。不分青红皂白地滥补一气,不但失去了补的意义。 展开更多
关键词 辨体质 辨病 气虚证 体虚者 药都 中医治疗 唇甲色淡 神疲 辨证施食 调补
作者 钱钰玲 《家庭医药(快乐养生)》 2017年第11期30-30,共1页
面色苍白、头晕眼花、唇甲色淡,出现这些贫血症状时,很多人第一反应是吃一些补血的药物,如阿胶、当归等。但是,东南大学附属中大医院中医内科副主任医师朱欣佚指出,这些具有补血功效的中药未必能帮你搞定贫血,因为补血的同时还必须补气... 面色苍白、头晕眼花、唇甲色淡,出现这些贫血症状时,很多人第一反应是吃一些补血的药物,如阿胶、当归等。但是,东南大学附属中大医院中医内科副主任医师朱欣佚指出,这些具有补血功效的中药未必能帮你搞定贫血,因为补血的同时还必须补气。气与血互相转化。中医认为“气为血之帅,血为气之母”,气血同根同源,可互相转化。气能生血、行血, 展开更多
关键词 唇甲色淡 中医内科 贫血者 贫血症状 副主任医师 补血药物 白茯苓 有形之血 大便稀溏 苍白
作者 翟加义 《中医临床与保健》 1991年第3期11-11,共1页
关键词 久泻 推拿法 形寒肢冷 神疲体倦 萎黄 唇舌色淡 承满穴 保健推拿 红白细胞 舌苔白腻
Mechanical Circulatory Support in Patients with Sepsis: A Case Series
作者 Helmgton Jose Brito de Souza Henrique Louzan Machado +8 位作者 Thiago do Amaral Cavalcante Leonardo Jadyr Santos Rodrigues Alves Diogo Assis Souza Rafael Ramos Amaral Felipe Bruno Santos da Cunha Marcus Vinicius Nasimento dos Santos Glauco Kalil da Silva Pina Isaac Azevedo Silva Ricardo Borros Corso 《Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology》 2018年第5期541-546,共6页
MCS (mechanical circulatory support) has shown great efficacy in treatment of respiratory mid cardiovascular diseases when conventional therapy is insufficient. The use of ECMO (extracolporeal membrane oxygenation... MCS (mechanical circulatory support) has shown great efficacy in treatment of respiratory mid cardiovascular diseases when conventional therapy is insufficient. The use of ECMO (extracolporeal membrane oxygenation) for the treatment of cardiogenic shock secondary to sepsis is still controversial. Studies have shown that ECMO should be considered as a valuable therapeutic option in cases of refractory cardiovascular dysfunction in severe septic patients, although more studies ale needed to consolidate its efficacy. We report the case of two patients, without previous history of cardiopathy, subjected to temporary MCS, with use of ECMO for the treatment of refractory cardiogenic shock secondary to sepsis. 展开更多
关键词 ECMO MCS SEPSIS cardiogenic shock.
Cytogenetic Analysis of Three Species of Astyanax Genus (Pisces, Characidae, Incertae sedis) from Freshwaters of Upper Paraguay Basin, Mato Grosso State, Brazil
作者 Diones Krinski Carlos Suetoshi Miyazawa 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2014年第1期51-57,共7页
Cytogenetic studies have shown that the genus Astyanax has extensive karyotypic variability among species and many are the works developed about this group in different river basins in Brazil. The Tangara da Serra ar... Cytogenetic studies have shown that the genus Astyanax has extensive karyotypic variability among species and many are the works developed about this group in different river basins in Brazil. The Tangara da Serra area (Mato Grosso State, Brazil), which contains tributaries of both Amazon and Upper Paraguay River basins is, therefore, a natural watershed. Thus, in this work, the karyotypes of three species of Astyanax from the Sepotuba River's tributary streams were analyzed by using conventional methods of chromosome analysis. Astyanax marionae presented 2n =48(12m+ 10sm+ 12st+ 14a) and NF (fundamental number) = 82 with evident heterochromatin in several chromosomal regions. Astyanax cf. asuncionensis presented 2 n = 50 (20m + 12sm + 6st + 12a), NF = 94 chromosomes and with evident heterochromatin in few chromosomes and Ag-NOR in one chromosome pair. Astyanax cp. scabripinnis presented 2 n = 50 (12m + 10sm + 10st + 18a), NF = 82 with evident heterochromatin at most of the chromosomes in pericentromeric region and a strongly marked block on a telocentric chromosome pair. The Ag-NORs were observed near the heterochromatic region. The karyotypic differences found, probably occurred by chromosomal rearrangements, resulting in a heterogeneous model of chromosomal evolution who probably involved both Robertsonian chromosomal rearrangements to A. marionae, as not Robertsonian to other Astyanax species. This indicates that although these species share the same hydrographic basin (Upper Paraguay) are isolated in different microbasins and the absence in the gene flow may have allowed the establishment of independent rearrangements in each population. 展开更多
关键词 Chromosome fish karyotype PANTANAL Robertsonian rearrangements.
作者 莫建初 杨天赐 +1 位作者 程家安 宋晓钢 《Entomologia Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第3期45-49,共5页
Acetamiprid is a novel neonicotinoid insecticide invented by Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.. To explore the possibility of acetamiprid as larvicide of mosquitoes, lethal and sublethal effects of acetamiprid on the larvae of ... Acetamiprid is a novel neonicotinoid insecticide invented by Nippon Soda Co., Ltd.. To explore the possibility of acetamiprid as larvicide of mosquitoes, lethal and sublethal effects of acetamiprid on the larvae of Culex pipiens pallens were studied by immersion method in the laboratory. The results indicated that the larvae of Culex pipiens pallens were sensitive to acetamiprid. The mortality of larvae peaked at 72 h after treatment. The 1st instar larvae was the most susceptible to acetamiprid, and the 4th instar larvae was the most tolerant to acetamiprid, the LC 50 values were 0.020 mg/L and 0.296 mg/L at 72 h after treatment, respectively. Sublethal concentrations of acetamiprid could delay the development of larvae and decrease the weight of pupa. We suggested that acetamiprid is a safe and effective substitute for the using larvicides of mosquitoes. 展开更多
关键词 Culex pipiens pallens ACETAMIPRID TOXICITY
New perylene diimide derivatives: stable red emission, adjustable property from ACQ to AIE, and good device performance with an EQE value of 4.93% 被引量:2
作者 Luyi Zong Yanbin Gong +5 位作者 Yun Yu Yujun Xie Guohua Xie Qian Peng Qianqian Li Zhen Li 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第2期108-116,共9页
Perylene diimide (PDI) derivatives, due to their special opto-electronic property, have been successfully utilized in organic field-effect transistor (OFET), solar cells, and as non-fullerene acceptor and others, ... Perylene diimide (PDI) derivatives, due to their special opto-electronic property, have been successfully utilized in organic field-effect transistor (OFET), solar cells, and as non-fullerene acceptor and others, while few cases in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). In this work, six perylene bisimide-based red emitters, N'N'-bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1-([1,1′:3′,1″-terphenyl]-5′-yl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (STPH), N'N'-bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1,7-bis([1,1′:3′,1″-terphenyl]-5′-yl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (DTPH), N,N'- bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1-(5′-phenyl-[1,1′:3′,1″-terphenyl]-4-yl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (STRPH), N,N′- bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1,7-bis(5′-phenyl-[ 1 ,1′:3′,1"-terphenyll-4-yl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (DTRPH), N,N′-bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1-(4-(2,2-diphenylvinyl)phenyl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide/STTPE) and N,N'- bis(2-decyltetradecyl)-1,7-bis(4-(2,2-diphenykvinyl)phenyl)perylene-3,4,9,10-diimide (DTTPE), with the excellent chemical, thermal and photo-chemical stability, are synthesized through the convenient Suzuki coupling reaction, in which, the fluorescent properties can be modified easily from ACQ to AIE by just simply changing the bulky volume of the introduced aromatic substituents. After being fabricated into organic light-emitting diodes, STRPH exhibits the best performance with the maximum luminescence, power efficiency, current efficiency and external quantum efficiency of 1,948 cd m-2, 2.04lm W-1, 5.85 cd A-1, 4.93% at Commission Internationale de L'Eclairage (CIE) coordinates of (0.56, 0.34), as the result of the high efficient energy transfer and good energy match achieved in the device. 展开更多
关键词 PDI derivativesRed emittersOrganic light-emitting diodesAggregation induced emission
A preliminary study of rare-metal mineralization in the Himalayan leucogranite belts, South Tibet 被引量:74
作者 WANG RuCheng WU FuYuan +5 位作者 XIE Lei LIU XiaoChi WANG JiaMin YANG Lei LAI Wen LIU Chen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期1655-1663,共9页
The Himalayan leucogranite occurs as two extensive(>1000 km) E-W trending belts on the Tibetan Plateau with the unique features. The leucogranite comprised biotite granite, two-mica/muscovite granite, tourmaline gr... The Himalayan leucogranite occurs as two extensive(>1000 km) E-W trending belts on the Tibetan Plateau with the unique features. The leucogranite comprised biotite granite, two-mica/muscovite granite, tourmaline granite and garnet granite, which have been identified in previous studies, as well as albite granite and granitic pegmatite that were identified in this investigation. Fifteen leucogranite plutons were studied and 12 were found to contain rare-metal bearing minerals such as beryl(the representative of Be mineralization), columbite-group minerals, tapiolite, pyrochlore-microlite, fergusonite, Nb-Ta rutile(the representative of Nb-Ta mineralization), and cassiterite(the representative of Sn mineralization) mainly based on the field trip,microscope observation and microprobe analysis. The preliminary result shows that the Himalayan leucogranite is commonly related to the rare-metal mineralization and warrants future investigation. Further exploration and intensive research work is important in determining the rare-metal resource potential of this area. 展开更多
关键词 Leucogranite Beryl Columbite-group minerals Cassiterite Rare-metal mineralization Himalaya South Tibet
Synthesis and Biological Activities of Novel Methyl Xanthine Derivatives
作者 CHEN Youwei WANG Baolei GUO Yanjun ZHOU Yunyun PAN Li XIONG Lixia YU Shujing LI Zhengming 《Chemical Research in Chinese Universities》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第1期98-102,共5页
Caffeine is one of methyl xanthine compounds,which has the similar mode of action as ryanodine receptor insecticide.In order to find novel and efficient insecticide,structural modification of certain methyl xanthine c... Caffeine is one of methyl xanthine compounds,which has the similar mode of action as ryanodine receptor insecticide.In order to find novel and efficient insecticide,structural modification of certain methyl xanthine compounds was made by introducing some common pesticidal active moieties into the structure of caffeine.Eleven novel methyl xanthine compounds were synthesized and characterized by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance(1H NMR),elemental analylsis or high-resolution mass spectrometry(HRMS).According to the biological activity results,it was found that these new compounds show moderate activity towards Mythimna separata Walker and Culex pipiens pallens.For example,compound 2d shows a lethality rate of 40% at 200 mg/L towards Mythimna separata Walker,compounds 2i and 2f show 56.7% and 53.3% lethality rates at 2 mg/L towards Culex pipiens pallens,which are all better than caffeine.In addition,some compounds of them show moderate antifungal activity to some plant pathogenous fungi. 展开更多
关键词 CAFFEINE XANTHINE Insecticidal activity Antifungal activity
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