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新疆特色植物药桑色素的抗辐射保护和抗氧化活性的研究 被引量:5
作者 杨玲 赵晶 陈敏 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第4期103-106,共4页
探究药桑色素对X-射线辐射斑马鱼胚胎损伤的保护作用和体外抗氧化能力。方法:用不同浓度药桑色素处理正常发育4h(4hpf)的胚胎,3h后用X-射线(辐射强度20Gy)一次性照射,分别测定胚胎的ROS、MDA和SOD值;采用DPPH和ABTS的方法测定药桑色素... 探究药桑色素对X-射线辐射斑马鱼胚胎损伤的保护作用和体外抗氧化能力。方法:用不同浓度药桑色素处理正常发育4h(4hpf)的胚胎,3h后用X-射线(辐射强度20Gy)一次性照射,分别测定胚胎的ROS、MDA和SOD值;采用DPPH和ABTS的方法测定药桑色素的抗氧化能力。结果:与对照组和辐射组(20G)相比较,在0.5μg/mL、5μg/mL和50μg/mL组中,ROS生成量表现差异极显著(P<0.01);SOD活性表现差异不显著(P>0.05);与对照组相比较,MDA含量在5μg/mL组中表现差异极显著(p<0.01),在50μg/mL组中表现差异显著(P<0.05);与辐射组(20G)相比,MDA含量在5μg/mL和50μg/mL组中表现差异极显著(p<0.01)。结论:药桑色素对斑马鱼胚胎的损伤具有保护作用,其机制可能与药桑色素提高斑马鱼胚SOD活性,减少氧自由基的产生,抑制脂质过氧化有关。药桑色素也具有较强的清除自由基能力。 展开更多
关键词 色素 辐射保护 斑马鱼胚胎 抗氧化
用清除DPPH自由基法评价药黑豆色素的抗氧化能力 被引量:17
作者 王玉丽 任海伟 +3 位作者 李志忠 王永刚 姜交龙 董晓琳 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第8期102-105,共4页
通过对DPPH·体系的吸收光谱和稳定性研究,确定DPPH·乙醇溶液的检测波长为517nm;体系中加入不同抗氧化剂反应30min趋于稳定;用上述方法评价纯化前后的药黑豆色素(MBSP1和MBSP2)对DPPH·清除率和浓度之间的关系,以VC作对照,... 通过对DPPH·体系的吸收光谱和稳定性研究,确定DPPH·乙醇溶液的检测波长为517nm;体系中加入不同抗氧化剂反应30min趋于稳定;用上述方法评价纯化前后的药黑豆色素(MBSP1和MBSP2)对DPPH·清除率和浓度之间的关系,以VC作对照,HSC50值作为评价指标,并对MBSP2进行抗氧化动力学分析和FT-IR分析。结果表明,药黑豆色素对DPPH·具有明显的清除作用,VC、MBSP1和MBSP2三者的HSC50值分别为0·63、1·09、0·88mg/mL,同时药黑豆色素的抗氧化能力与其花色苷含量呈正相关。FT-IR结果表明,药黑豆色素是一种以矢车菊素为主要结构的花色苷类化合物。 展开更多
关键词 黑豆色素 1 1-二苯基-2-苦味肼基 抗氧化作用 花色苷 傅里叶变换红外光谱
药桑色素的提取方法及分离研究 被引量:3
作者 李文娟 徐红 +3 位作者 王斌 赵月霞 崔庆超 周静 《广东化工》 CAS 2010年第10期39-40,87,共3页
采用正交实验对药桑色素用不同溶剂、在不同时间、不同温度、不同配比下的提取工艺进行了探索,并用AB-8型大孔吸附树脂对其进行分离纯化。结果表明:用0.1%的HCl-C2H5OH溶液,按1∶5的配比在40℃提取1h为最佳提取条件。纯化后的色素为紫... 采用正交实验对药桑色素用不同溶剂、在不同时间、不同温度、不同配比下的提取工艺进行了探索,并用AB-8型大孔吸附树脂对其进行分离纯化。结果表明:用0.1%的HCl-C2H5OH溶液,按1∶5的配比在40℃提取1h为最佳提取条件。纯化后的色素为紫红色粉末,色价提高近7倍。初步分析表明药桑色素主要为花青素类色素。 展开更多
关键词 正交实验 色素 提取 大孔吸附树脂 分离 纯化
正交法微波辅助浸提药桑红色素的研究 被引量:4
作者 王丽玲 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第1期151-154,共4页
采用单因素和正交试验设计,运用微波辅助浸提法,对不同乙醇浓度、料液比、微波火力、微波处理时间下的药桑红色素提取率进行测试,以确定最佳提取条件。通过比较提取效率表明:乙醇浓度、料液比、微波火力、微波处理时间四个提取因子中,... 采用单因素和正交试验设计,运用微波辅助浸提法,对不同乙醇浓度、料液比、微波火力、微波处理时间下的药桑红色素提取率进行测试,以确定最佳提取条件。通过比较提取效率表明:乙醇浓度、料液比、微波火力、微波处理时间四个提取因子中,以乙醇浓度、料液比对色素提取率起主要影响,单因素和正交试验结果确定的最佳提取工艺条件为:乙醇浓度60%,料液比1∶45,低火,提取4min。按此优化的工艺条件提取药桑红色素2次,并测定其含量,结果表明:提取率可达到97.9%,同时与传统溶剂法提取药桑红色进行比较,传统溶剂法提取3次的提取率仅为94.8%。说明微波辅助浸提法是提取药桑红色素的有效途径,较传统溶剂法具有较好的提取药桑红色素的能力。 展开更多
关键词 桑红色素 微波 提取
药桑红色素纯化工艺研究 被引量:11
作者 王丽玲 《中国食品添加剂》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第2期78-81,共4页
对药桑红色素的纯化工艺进行了研究,比较了AB-8、D-101、氧化铝、聚酰胺(14-30目)、聚酰胺(100-200目)五种吸附剂对药桑红色素的静态吸附-脱附性能,结果表明:AB-8大孔树脂对药桑红色素具有较强的选择性,在相同试验条件下,吸附量大,且易... 对药桑红色素的纯化工艺进行了研究,比较了AB-8、D-101、氧化铝、聚酰胺(14-30目)、聚酰胺(100-200目)五种吸附剂对药桑红色素的静态吸附-脱附性能,结果表明:AB-8大孔树脂对药桑红色素具有较强的选择性,在相同试验条件下,吸附量大,且易被解吸。在此研究的基础上进行了AB-8大孔树脂分离纯化药桑红色素的最佳工艺研究,比较了原料液浓度,NaCl浓度,原料液pH值,洗脱剂浓度,洗脱剂pH值等对树脂静态吸附-解吸的影响,并在静态试验的基础上,进行了动态吸附-解吸试验的研究,以确定最佳吸附、解吸流速,结果表明,AB-8大孔树脂对药桑红色素分离纯化最优吸附条件为:原料色素液pH值为2.04,吸光度为0.567,吸附流速1mL/min;最优洗脱条件为:洗脱剂(乙醇)浓度95%,pH值为1,洗脱流速0.8mL/min。此工艺条件能够较好地分离纯化药桑红色素。 展开更多
关键词 桑红色素 纯化 大孔吸附树脂
作者 张毅民 王乃平 《中国药理学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期397-400,共4页
HP450具有细胞色素P450特征和抗组胺药敏感的双重性,它在不同的大鼠肝脏疾病模型中有明显的变化规律,与肝脏疾病的发展具有一定的相关性,在肝癌发生过程中HP450基因的转录及表达均发生了变化。HP450有可能作为诊断肝癌的新指标,在预防... HP450具有细胞色素P450特征和抗组胺药敏感的双重性,它在不同的大鼠肝脏疾病模型中有明显的变化规律,与肝脏疾病的发展具有一定的相关性,在肝癌发生过程中HP450基因的转录及表达均发生了变化。HP450有可能作为诊断肝癌的新指标,在预防和治疗肝癌中可能作为一个新靶点。 展开更多
关键词 抗组胺敏感性细胞色素P450(HP450) 细胞色素 P450 组胺 H1受体
药物诱导的皮肤色素沉着研究进展 被引量:10
作者 刁丽 彭军 王淑梅 《中国皮肤性病学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期1289-1291,共3页
色素沉着是皮肤科常见疾病。引起色素沉着的原因包括内源性因素和外源性因素等,其中药源性色素沉着约占10%~20%。可引起色素沉着的药品种类繁多,且色素沉着的发病部位、类型、程度和发病机制各有不同,因此给临床诊断带来一定困难... 色素沉着是皮肤科常见疾病。引起色素沉着的原因包括内源性因素和外源性因素等,其中药源性色素沉着约占10%~20%。可引起色素沉着的药品种类繁多,且色素沉着的发病部位、类型、程度和发病机制各有不同,因此给临床诊断带来一定困难。本文对药物诱发色素沉着的发病机制、,临床表现、诊断、鉴别诊断及相关药物进行了综述。 展开更多
关键词 源性色素沉着 品不良反应
红花黄色素在小鼠组织中的分布特征 被引量:18
作者 杨志福 文爱东 +2 位作者 蒋永培 梅其炳 张三奇 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2001年第14期1301-1303,共3页
目的 对红花黄色素 (SY)在小鼠体内的代谢、分布等药动学指标进行考察 .方法 红花黄色素在生物样品的浓度采用紫外可见分光光度法测定 .结果 小鼠尾静脉注射2 6 4.9mg· kg- 1 红花黄色素 (UV)后 ,血药浓度 -时间曲线符合一室开... 目的 对红花黄色素 (SY)在小鼠体内的代谢、分布等药动学指标进行考察 .方法 红花黄色素在生物样品的浓度采用紫外可见分光光度法测定 .结果 小鼠尾静脉注射2 6 4.9mg· kg- 1 红花黄色素 (UV)后 ,血药浓度 -时间曲线符合一室开放模型 ,曲线下面积 (AU C)为 5 786 2 .2μg· m in·m L- 1 ,半衰期 (t1 /2 )为 41.6 min,红花黄色素在肝和肾中浓度最高 ,心、脾和肺次之 ,脑中浓度最低 . 展开更多
关键词 红花 色素药 代动力学 分光光度法 紫外线 色素
丹红注射液在急性瘀血大鼠体内的药代动力学研究 被引量:5
作者 李桂华 李潇 +1 位作者 丁希正 尚澜 《陕西医学杂志》 CAS 2012年第3期298-299,共2页
目的:建立大鼠血浆中羟基红花黄色素A(HSYA)的高效液相色谱检测方法,并研究丹红注射液在急性血瘀大鼠体内的药代动力学特征。方法:以HSYA的药物浓度为检测指标,采用HPLC法测定急性血瘀与正常大鼠血浆中HSYA的血药浓度,应用DAS2.0求得药... 目的:建立大鼠血浆中羟基红花黄色素A(HSYA)的高效液相色谱检测方法,并研究丹红注射液在急性血瘀大鼠体内的药代动力学特征。方法:以HSYA的药物浓度为检测指标,采用HPLC法测定急性血瘀与正常大鼠血浆中HSYA的血药浓度,应用DAS2.0求得药动学参数。结果:所建立的测定方法对HSYA的线性范围是0.5~16μg/ml,平均回收率为99.9%,日内及日间精密度RSD均小于2%。尾静脉给予丹红注射液后,血瘀大鼠的血药浓度-时间曲线符合二室开放模型,T1/2为1.21±0.20h,Cmax为15.34±1.92,AUC(0-t)为94.73±6.9;正常大鼠的T1/2为0.96±0.14h,Cmax为7.63±0.58,AUC(0-t)为46.23±4.4。结论:建立的大鼠血浆中HSYA测定方法适用于药代动力学研究。 展开更多
关键词 瘀血 色谱法 高压液相 @丹红注射液 羟基红花黄色素A/代动力学
熊果苷对体外培养的人黑素细胞的作用 被引量:16
作者 丁国斌 陈璧 汤朝武 《第四军医大学学报》 北大核心 2001年第20期1846-1848,共3页
目的 研究熊果苷对体外培养的正常人表皮黑素细胞的作用效应 .方法 利用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子为主要有丝分裂原建立正常人表皮黑素细胞培养系 ,MTT法测定熊果苷对黑素细胞活力的影响 ,以左旋多巴为底物测定酪氨酸酶活性 ,比色法测... 目的 研究熊果苷对体外培养的正常人表皮黑素细胞的作用效应 .方法 利用碱性成纤维细胞生长因子为主要有丝分裂原建立正常人表皮黑素细胞培养系 ,MTT法测定熊果苷对黑素细胞活力的影响 ,以左旋多巴为底物测定酪氨酸酶活性 ,比色法测定黑素含量 ,并与曲酸及维生素 C磷酸酯的结果比较 .结果 熊果苷对体外培养的正常人黑素细胞酪氨酸酶活性呈浓度依赖性抑制 ,可显著减少黑素生成量 ,对黑素细胞活力影响很小 .结论 熊果苷对体外培养的人黑素细胞的酪氨酸酶活性及黑素生成有显著抑制作用 。 展开更多
关键词 熊果苷 黑素细胞 一元酚单氧酶 黑素类 生物合成 体外培养 退色素药
复方积雪草苷乳膏的制备与应用 被引量:4
作者 徐璐敏 林伟萍 +1 位作者 卢碧霞 张国勇 《中国药师》 CAS 2002年第5期269-269,共1页
目的:探讨复方积雪草苷乳膏的制备及临床应用。方法:将积雪草苷、维生素E、尿囊素加乳膏基质制成复方积雪草苷乳膏,以氢醌霜(美B霜)为对照,进行疗效比较。结果:本品质量稳定,保湿性良好,对皮肤无刺激性,疗效不亚于氢醌霜,无不良反应发... 目的:探讨复方积雪草苷乳膏的制备及临床应用。方法:将积雪草苷、维生素E、尿囊素加乳膏基质制成复方积雪草苷乳膏,以氢醌霜(美B霜)为对照,进行疗效比较。结果:本品质量稳定,保湿性良好,对皮肤无刺激性,疗效不亚于氢醌霜,无不良反应发生。结论:本品对治疗色素沉着有一定疗效。 展开更多
关键词 积雪草苷乳膏 制备 复方积雪草苷乳膏 临床应用 色素沉着
糖尿病和非糖尿病人群的CYP2C9基因多态性分析 被引量:1
作者 陈广原 余湘文 +1 位作者 石永英 邓雪峰 《中国医药导报》 CAS 2011年第2期20-22,共3页
目的:探索糖尿病患者和非糖尿病人群肝药酶细胞色素P450(CYP2C9)基因多态性。方法:对入选的研究对象使用CYP2C9基因分型实时荧光PCR试剂盒进行CYP2C9基因多态性检测。结果:本研究糖尿病患者380例,CYP2C9﹡1/﹡3基因型频率为4.21%;非糖... 目的:探索糖尿病患者和非糖尿病人群肝药酶细胞色素P450(CYP2C9)基因多态性。方法:对入选的研究对象使用CYP2C9基因分型实时荧光PCR试剂盒进行CYP2C9基因多态性检测。结果:本研究糖尿病患者380例,CYP2C9﹡1/﹡3基因型频率为4.21%;非糖尿病人群208例,CYP2C9﹡1/﹡3基因型频率为5.77%。糖尿病患者与非糖尿病人群比较,CYP2C9基因多态性分布差异无统计学意义。结论:糖尿病患者与非糖尿病人群均存在CYP2C9基因多态性,检测患者CYP2C9基因分型可提供用药参考。 展开更多
关键词 糖尿病 酶细胞色素P450(CYP2C9) 基因多态性
Rational prescription of drugs within similar therapeutic or structural class for gastrointestinal disease treatment: Drug metabolism and its related interactions 被引量:5
作者 Quan Zhou Xiao-Feng Yan +2 位作者 Zhong-Miao Zhang Wen-Sheng Pan Su Zeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第42期5618-5628,共11页
AIM:To review and summarize drug metabolism and its related interactions in prescribing drugs within the similar therapeutic or structural class for gastrointestinal disease treatment so as to promote rational use of ... AIM:To review and summarize drug metabolism and its related interactions in prescribing drugs within the similar therapeutic or structural class for gastrointestinal disease treatment so as to promote rational use of medicines in clinical practice.METHODS:Relevant literature was identified by performing MEDLINE/Pubmed searches covering the period from 1988 to 2006.RESULTS:Seven classes of drugs were chosen,including gastric proton pump inhibitors,histamine H2-receptor antagonists,benzamide-type gastroprokinetic agents,selective 5-HT3 receptor antagonists,fluoroquinolones,macrolide antibiotics and azole antifungals.They showed significant differences in metabolic profile(i.e.,the fraction of drug metabolized by cytochrome P450(CYP),CYP reaction phenotype,impact of CYP genotype on interindividual pharmacokinetics variability and CYP-mediated drug-drug interaction potential).Many events of severe adverse drug reactions and treatment failures were closely related to the ignorance of the above issues.CONCLUSION:Clinicians should acquaint themselves with what kind of drug has less interpatient variability in clearance and whether to perform CYP genotyping prior to initiation of therapy.The relevant CYP knowledgehelps clinicians to enhance the management of patients with gastrointestinal disease who may require treatment with polytherapeutic regimens. 展开更多
关键词 Cytochrome P450 PHARMACOKINETICS Drugmetabolism GENOTYPE Polymorphism Drug interaction PHARMACOTHERAPY Gastrointestinal diseases
Studies on the Analytical Method for a New Antiarrhythmic Guanfu Base A in Rabbit Plasma
作者 杨丽莉 杨巷菁 +2 位作者 刘静涵 李耐三 邱宁婴 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1992年第1期51-59,共9页
Guan-fu base A(GFA),a new antiarrhythmic alkaloid with a structure of C_(20)-diterpenoid could react rapidly and quantitatively with trifluoroacetic anhydride(TFAA) to produce GFA—TFAA of which the structure was iden... Guan-fu base A(GFA),a new antiarrhythmic alkaloid with a structure of C_(20)-diterpenoid could react rapidly and quantitatively with trifluoroacetic anhydride(TFAA) to produce GFA—TFAA of which the structure was identified by GC—MSD.There was a wide linear range of the GC-ECD method from 10 to 20000ng/ml(r=0.9984).The average recovery of GFA from the spiked plasma was 97.52%.The coefficients of variation of within-day and between-day were less than 7% and 9%,respectively.The method was used in the preclinical experiment of pharmacology of GFA and the results showed that GFA con- centrations in rabbits' plasma within 6 hours after the administration ranged from 0.338± 0.014 to 13.459±5.393μg/ml for dosage 10mg/kg,from 0.133±0.038 to 2.546±0.480 μg/ml for dosage 2mg/kg and from 45.25±10.34 to 535.86±24.36ng/ml for dosage 0.4 mg/kg. 展开更多
关键词 Guan-fu base A (GFA) GC-ECD Trifluoroacetic anhydride(TFAA) DERIVATIZATION Plasma concentration
Early effects of Lansoprazole orally disintegrating tablets on intragastric pH in CYP2C19 extensive metabolizers 被引量:2
作者 Hatsushi Yamagishi Tomoyuki Koike +10 位作者 Shuichi Ohara Toru Horii Ryousuke Kikuchi Shigeyuki Kobayashi Yasuhiko Abe Katsunori Iijima Akira Imatani Kaori Suzuki Takanori Hishinuma Junichi Goto Tooru Shimosegawa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第13期2049-2054,共6页
AIM: To compare rabeprazole (RPZ; 10 mg) with Lansoprazole orally disintegrating tablets (LPZ; 30 mg OD) in terms of antisecretory activity and blood drug concentration after a single dose. METHODS: Eight H pylori-neg... AIM: To compare rabeprazole (RPZ; 10 mg) with Lansoprazole orally disintegrating tablets (LPZ; 30 mg OD) in terms of antisecretory activity and blood drug concentration after a single dose. METHODS: Eight H pylori-negative cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 extensive metabolizers were assigned to receive a single oral dose of RPZ 10 mg or LPZ 30 mg OD. Twelve hour intragastric pH monitoring was perform- ed on the day of treatment. Blood samples were also collected after the administration of each drug. RESULTS: LPZ 30 mg OD induced a significantly earlier rise in blood drug concentration than RPZ 10 mg; consequently, LPZ 30 mg OD induced a significantly earlier rise in median pH in the third and fourth hours of the study. CONCLUSION: In H pylori-negative CYP2C19 extensive metabolizers, LPZ 30 mg OD induced a significantly faster inhibition of gastric acid secretion than RPZ 10 mg. 展开更多
关键词 LPZ 30 mg orally disintegrating tablets Intragastric pH Blood drug concentration Cytochrome P450 2C19 extensive metabolizers H pylori-negative
Can pigment gallstones be induced by biliary stricture and prevented by medicine in Guinea pigs? 被引量:3
作者 Zhi Xu Xiao-Feng Ling Wan-Hua Zhang Xiao-Si Zhou 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第19期2703-2706,共4页
AIM: To determine the relationship between biliary stricture and pigment gallstone formation, and the prevention of pigment gallstones with medicine. METHODS: One hundred and eighteen male guinea pigs were randomly di... AIM: To determine the relationship between biliary stricture and pigment gallstone formation, and the prevention of pigment gallstones with medicine. METHODS: One hundred and eighteen male guinea pigs were randomly divided into four groups: stricture group (S, n = 30) underwent partial ligation of common bile duct, and fed on regular chow; S plus medicine group (S+M, n = 27) underwent the same operation but fed on medicinal chow (0.3 g chenodeoxycholic acid, 0.5 g glucurolactone, and 0.5 g aspirin were mixed up in 1.2 kg regular chow); medicinal control group (C+M, n = 30) was free of operation, and fed on medicinal chow; and control group (C, n = 31) was free of operation and fed on regular chow. One week later, laparotomy was performed, and the bile of gallbladder was collected, measured, and cultured. RESULTS: Gallstones were identif ied. Pigment gallstones were induced by biliary stricture in 95% (22/23) of S group. In the S+M group, the incidence of gallstone was reduced to 55% (11/20, vs S group, P < 0.01). The changes of indirect bilirubin and ionized calcium in the bile were consistent with gallstone incidences. CONCLUSION: Biliary stricture can cause pigment gallstone formation in guinea pigs, and the medicines used can lower the incidence of gallstones. The bilirubin and ionized calcium play important roles in pigment gallstone formation. 展开更多
关键词 Biliary stricture Pigment gallstone formation PROPHYLAXIS Animal model
Drug-induced liver injury:Is it somehow foreseeable? 被引量:30
作者 Giovanni Tarantino Matteo Nicola Dario Di Minno Domenico Capone 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第23期2817-2833,共17页
The classic view on the pathogenesis of drug-induced liver injury is that the so-called parent compounds are made hepatotoxic by metabolism (formation of neosubstances that react abnormally), mainly by cytochromes P-4... The classic view on the pathogenesis of drug-induced liver injury is that the so-called parent compounds are made hepatotoxic by metabolism (formation of neosubstances that react abnormally), mainly by cytochromes P-450 (CYP), with further pathways, such as mitochondrial dysfunction and apoptosis, also playing a role. Risk factors for drug-induced liver injury include concomitant hepatic diseases, age and genetic polymorphisms of CYP. However, some susceptibility can today be predicted before drug administration, working on the common substrate, by phenotyping and genotyping studies and by taking in consideration patients' health status. Physicians should always think of this adverse effect in the absence of other clear hepatic disease. Ethical and legal problems towards operators in the health care system are always matters to consider. 展开更多
关键词 Drug-induced liver injury CytochromeP-450 Drug metabolism PHARMACOGENOMICS Herbalremedies
Is the required therapeutic effect always achieved by racemic switch of proton-pump inhibitors? 被引量:4
作者 Quan Zhou Xiao-Feng Yan +1 位作者 Wen-Sheng Pan Su Zeng 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第16期2617-2619,共3页
Many of the drugs currently used in medical practice are racemates. The enantiomers of a racemic drug differ in pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics, thus in some cases it is preferable to develop pure enantiomers... Many of the drugs currently used in medical practice are racemates. The enantiomers of a racemic drug differ in pharmacodynamics and/or pharmacokinetics, thus in some cases it is preferable to develop pure enantiomers by racemic switch. In a recent study by Pai et al, dexrabeprazole [R(+)-rabeprazole] (10 mg) was found to be more effective than rabeprazole (20 mg) in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease. We read with great interest in this study and discussed whether such racemic switch would be applicable to other proton-pump inhibitors (PPIs). A literature review indicates that stereoselective pharmacokinetics, rather than stereoselective pharmacological activity, is the main cause of differences in clinical efficacy between pure enantiomer and racemic PPI. Racemic switches of PPI provide the therapeutic advantages such as reducing metabolic load on the body, simplifying pharmacokinetics, providing benefit to the non-responders to standard dose of racemate, more homogenous response to treatment and better efficacy with equal safety. Further studies in quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) are needed to address the fact that the preferred enantiomer of PPI is not always in the same absolute configuration, i.e., S-form is for omeprazole, pantoprazole and tenatoprazole whereas R-form is for lansoprazole and rabeprazole. 展开更多
关键词 Proton-pump inhibitors ENANTIOMER RACEMATE STEREOISOMERISM Racemic switch Pharmacokinetics PHARMACODYNAMICS Cytochrome P450 Genotype
The Use of HPLC in Determination of Endogenous Hormones in Anthers of Bitter Melon 被引量:4
作者 Yi Tang Li Wang Chao Ma Ji Liu Bin Liu Huanxiu Li 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第2期139-142,共4页
A simple, rapid and perfect extraction and determination method for the endogenous hormones in anthers of bitter melon with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been developed. The HPLC s... A simple, rapid and perfect extraction and determination method for the endogenous hormones in anthers of bitter melon with reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) has been developed. The HPLC system consisted of Hypersil ODS C 18 reverse phase column (150 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm) with a methanol gradient in 0.6% acetic acid and UV detector set at 254 nm. The results showed that the method was accurate and efficient. 展开更多
关键词 HPLC endogenous hormones bitter melon (Momordica eharantia L.)
Studies on the Preparation Properties and Drug Loading of the Starch Nanoparticles
作者 For Ph. D. Degree: Wang Jin Supervisor: Prof: Hou Xinpu Department of Pharmacy, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100083 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2001年第3期166-167,共2页
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