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浅谈企业政工师提升自身修养与工作艺术的方法 被引量:2
作者 关颖 《大观周刊》 2012年第40期65-65,共1页
近些年,随着我国经济的飞速发展,国内各行业领域的竞争越发激烈。在市场经济下,现代企业越发重视了对其内部的人力资源管理,强调以人为本的管理方针、推动企业文化的构建。在现代企业改革、发展的过程中,思想政治工作的成效对于人... 近些年,随着我国经济的飞速发展,国内各行业领域的竞争越发激烈。在市场经济下,现代企业越发重视了对其内部的人力资源管理,强调以人为本的管理方针、推动企业文化的构建。在现代企业改革、发展的过程中,思想政治工作的成效对于人力资源管理、企业文化的导向有着直接的影响。本文就企业政工师如何替身自身修养与工作艺术作简要分析、探讨。 展开更多
关键词 企业文化政工自身修养工作艺术
作者 吴育忠 《试题与研究(教学论坛)》 2019年第16期101-102,共2页
瓯海区艺术实验小学是一所刚刚创办不久的公办 艺术小学’每年都要考录七八位艺术新教师,到目前为止,艺术 新教师人数接近全校教师数的三分之一。对学校的发展而言, 尤其是一所新办学校,新教师的加入无疑是注入了新鲜血液, 因为他们知... 瓯海区艺术实验小学是一所刚刚创办不久的公办 艺术小学’每年都要考录七八位艺术新教师,到目前为止,艺术 新教师人数接近全校教师数的三分之一。对学校的发展而言, 尤其是一所新办学校,新教师的加入无疑是注入了新鲜血液, 因为他们知识面广、可塑性强、富有朝气,但是从一名新教师成 长为一名合格乃至骨干教师需要一个过程。如何使新考录的 教师尽快适应教育教学工作,快速成长为合格教师乃至骨干教 师就显得尤为重要。因此,加快艺术新教师的培养,促进艺术 新教师的专业成长,使他们具备良好的思想素质和较强的教学 能力,尽可能地缩短艺术新教师成长的适应期,不仅关系到艺 术新教师自身的发展,也关系到我们学校的长远发展。 展开更多
关键词 艺术新教 专业成长 问题 策略
作者 包万赋 李建华 《文明大观》 2003年第2期34-34,共1页
关键词 南阳一艺术 社区文化 社区管理 河南 三个代表
作者 曾胜红 《中国科技经济新闻数据库 教育》 2024年第9期0118-0121,共4页
高中语文教学是学生人文素养培养的重要阶段。然而,当前高中语文教学中,对人文精神的渗透亟待加强。本文以此为背景,采用文献分析和实证研究方法,对提升高中语文教学中人文精神渗透的策略进行探讨。研究发现,通过加强师坛艺术修养、深... 高中语文教学是学生人文素养培养的重要阶段。然而,当前高中语文教学中,对人文精神的渗透亟待加强。本文以此为背景,采用文献分析和实证研究方法,对提升高中语文教学中人文精神渗透的策略进行探讨。研究发现,通过加强师坛艺术修养、深化课堂教学改革和创新评价方式等方式,能有效增强人文精神在高中语文教学中的渗透。其中,师坛艺术修养的提升有着核心的重要性,教师需要具备丰富的人文知识和深厚的哲学素养,以此传播人文精神,引导学生实现美的感知和价值体验。实证研究显示,这些策略的实施能显著提高学生的人文素养和综合素质。本研究结果将为高中语文教学改革以及未来教学模式的探索提供有益的参考和启示。 展开更多
关键词 高中语文教学 人文精神 艺术修养 课堂教学改革 人文素养。
贵州汉代的画像艺术 被引量:1
作者 张合荣 《贵州文史丛刊》 1995年第6期67-73,共7页
关键词 汉代画像 贵州 汉画像 画像石刻 画像砖 题材内容 古代巴人 汉墓 买地券 艺术
作者 段文杰 《敦煌研究》 1982年第1期27-33,共7页
我国的雕塑艺术具有悠久的历史和优秀的民族传统。远在新石器时代就出现了彩绘陶塑。殷周时代的青铜器,玉雕、石刻都有生动的造型和精美的装饰。战国木俑的色彩浓丽明快。到了秦汉时代,简练生动,深沉雄大的石刻和陶塑大量出现,特别是在... 我国的雕塑艺术具有悠久的历史和优秀的民族传统。远在新石器时代就出现了彩绘陶塑。殷周时代的青铜器,玉雕、石刻都有生动的造型和精美的装饰。战国木俑的色彩浓丽明快。到了秦汉时代,简练生动,深沉雄大的石刻和陶塑大量出现,特别是在临潼始皇陵陪葬坑发现的数以千计的大型彩绘武士俑,不仅造型多样,比例准确,而且色彩鲜丽,神态逼真,标志着我国雕塑艺术发展的新水平。佛教从东汉初年传入我国后,经过二三百年,到两晋南北朝时代。 展开更多
关键词 雕塑像 唐代 敦煌莫高窟 菩萨 彩塑 佛教艺术 艺术发展 艺术 造型 新石器时代
作者 刘珩 《时代建筑》 2005年第3期28-33,共6页
文章指出,建筑从根本上说是"想"与"造" 的事情,这决定建筑师应具备双重身份:"艺术家"和"营造师";一方是建筑理想,另一方面是营造现实。建筑师得在两个角色和两个阶段之间做出选择,找到适当的... 文章指出,建筑从根本上说是"想"与"造" 的事情,这决定建筑师应具备双重身份:"艺术家"和"营造师";一方是建筑理想,另一方面是营造现实。建筑师得在两个角色和两个阶段之间做出选择,找到适当的方法去实现两者平衡;而建筑实践的先锋性和实验性就在于建筑师能否在当下突破自己,却又总能找到另一种平衡的可能性。作者以在南沙的建筑实践表达了这种立场。 展开更多
关键词 想和造 艺术家和营造 形而“上”与“下” 乌托邦与现实
新时期班主任的角色定位 被引量:1
作者 陈凤萍 《甘肃教育》 2014年第11期20-20,共1页
班主任是学校中全面负责一个班学生的思想、学习、健康和生活等工作的教师。在整个班级的管理、教学和活动中,扮演着十分重要的角色。班主任的角色定位。直接决定着班级的精神面貌和发展方向,深刻影响着学生德智体美等方面的全面与充... 班主任是学校中全面负责一个班学生的思想、学习、健康和生活等工作的教师。在整个班级的管理、教学和活动中,扮演着十分重要的角色。班主任的角色定位。直接决定着班级的精神面貌和发展方向,深刻影响着学生德智体美等方面的全面与充分发展。同时班主任的多重角色定位是新课程的实践要求。那么,班主任的角色在新课程背景下究竟该如何准确定位呢? 展开更多
关键词 班主任 角色 定位 调控者 益友 艺术师
从敦煌壁画的传神写照中看匠心 被引量:1
作者 吴晓云 《沈阳建筑工程学院学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第4期301-302,共2页
分析了敦煌壁画传神写照的几种表现形式,对人物的眼睛、人物整体造型、人物间的相互关系在传神中的作用进行了探讨.论述了历代艺术匠师是如何以佛教故事为依托,在壁画创作中发挥出他们的卓越才能、非凡想象,创造出大量鲜活的人物形象和... 分析了敦煌壁画传神写照的几种表现形式,对人物的眼睛、人物整体造型、人物间的相互关系在传神中的作用进行了探讨.论述了历代艺术匠师是如何以佛教故事为依托,在壁画创作中发挥出他们的卓越才能、非凡想象,创造出大量鲜活的人物形象和引人入胜的意境的。提出了举世瞩目的具有神秘感的敦煌壁画让人们看到的不仅仅是宗教故事的情节和环境,更是故事中人物形象的塑造。得出了情感、意识、内在精神的表达是我国古代艺术匠师宝贵遗产的精华所在的结论. 展开更多
关键词 传神写照 人物形象 敦煌壁画 艺术
作者 赵洪 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1991年第1期256-258,共3页
南京博物院珍藏着一批清代后期宫廷所用的刺绣工艺品,它们具有特殊的宫廷工艺样式,规制严整、气势壮观,镂金错彩,精工富丽,同时凭借形体饱满,幅度宽大这一优势,最大限度地表现出“宫廷风致”的美学特征.这里择其两件,作一介绍.一、大型... 南京博物院珍藏着一批清代后期宫廷所用的刺绣工艺品,它们具有特殊的宫廷工艺样式,规制严整、气势壮观,镂金错彩,精工富丽,同时凭借形体饱满,幅度宽大这一优势,最大限度地表现出“宫廷风致”的美学特征.这里择其两件,作一介绍.一、大型刺绣“龙凤呈祥图”喜字幢.(图一) 展开更多
关键词 刺绣品 宫廷 刺绣工艺 金线 南京博物院 纹样 装饰丝 艺术 云纹 茶绿
漫话鼠文物 被引量:2
作者 吴诗池 黄桂蓉 《南方文物》 1997年第1期116-122,共7页
关键词 老鼠嫁女 十二生肖 代表作 艺术形象 表现手法 写实手法 艺术 布玩具 高浮雕 小白鼠
作者 李景枢 《当代电视》 北大核心 2004年第6期75-75,共1页
关键词 ICAD 国际商业美术设计协会 艺术形象设计 职业认证体系 北京 培训教材 认证标准
Selection of IT Sourcing Alternatives in Public Sector Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process
作者 Dalibor Stanimirovic Mirko Vintar 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第7期485-498,共14页
Recent research carried out in the public sector shows that outsourcing can indisputably bring many benefits to the organizations which master the art of devising, deploying and maintaining outsourcing relationships. ... Recent research carried out in the public sector shows that outsourcing can indisputably bring many benefits to the organizations which master the art of devising, deploying and maintaining outsourcing relationships. However, for many organizations, these benefits remain elusive, while outsourcing projects are usually accompanied by unexpected and often negative effects. The paper focuses on in-depth analysis of the current situation concerning outsourcing of information technology projects (IT-projects) in Slovenian public sector. Presented research initially analyses substantive, procedural and other relevant aspects of outsourcing and provides a set of applicable decision making criteria. Stemming from the analysis results, this paper eventually presents the development of a multi criteria decision-support model based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which could facilitate enhanced evaluation, selection and implementation of IT outsourcing projects in the public sector. 展开更多
关键词 Public sector management IT (information technology) outsourcing outsourcing criteria AHP (analytic hierarchy process) decision-support model.
How to Let the Students Communicate in the Classroom
作者 Chen Shifei 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第1期64-69,共6页
the teacher themselves. The teacher are too fastidious and stringent which will make the class become a battlefield. Everyone is afraid of speaking during the class. And furthermore, the way which the teacher uses to ... the teacher themselves. The teacher are too fastidious and stringent which will make the class become a battlefield. Everyone is afraid of speaking during the class. And furthermore, the way which the teacher uses to communicate with student is not suitable. As a common sense, communication is art art, so we should choose the right way to communicate with the child. Furthermore, we need to put more focus on the communication way of teachers, and find out how to let the students communicate in the class. In this short essay, I try to propose some measures to the teacher on this topic of communication in the class. 展开更多
关键词 effective communication classroom teaching speak actively measures
作者 彭剑平 《当代电视》 北大核心 2004年第6期70-71,共2页
关键词 国际商业美术设计 ICAD 艺术形象设计 职业资格证书 创新 现代认证规则 考试体系
Giorgio Vasari's Saint Francis: An Aretine Fervor
作者 Liana De Girolami Cheney 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第10期859-873,共15页
Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), painter, architect, and writer, was fascinated with the image of Saint Francis because of the association of La Verna with Arezzo, his native town, where the miraculous event of Saint Fra... Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), painter, architect, and writer, was fascinated with the image of Saint Francis because of the association of La Verna with Arezzo, his native town, where the miraculous event of Saint Francis's stigmatization occurred in 1224. Also in Arezzo, in the church of San Francesco, the beautiful frescoes of Piero della Francesca's Legend of the True Cross were commissioned by his wife's ancestors, the Bacci family. This study discusses Vasari's two types of religious representation of Saint Francis. One type is devotional, as in the paintings of Holy Families, e.g., The Holy Family with Saint Francis of 1541, at the County Museum of Art of Los Angeles, CA. The other is historical, focusing on the miraculous moment of the stigmatization, e.g., Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata, 1548, in the church of San Francesco in Rimini. Employing mannerist colors to express the spirituality of the event, Vasari created a new conception of piety, where sobriety and humbleness are honored. These paintings reveal the humanness and sanctity of the protagonist, Saint Francis, devoid of any heroic glamour. 展开更多
关键词 Saint Francis Vasari MANNERISM fervor light symbolism devotional representation
Power and Architecture in Portuguese Fascism: Political and Artistic Control and Resistance
作者 Joana Brites 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第7期360-371,共12页
This paper analyses the system of artistic and ideological conditioning that architects were subject to during the Portuguese fascism, the so-called "New State", the longest western European dictatorship of the prev... This paper analyses the system of artistic and ideological conditioning that architects were subject to during the Portuguese fascism, the so-called "New State", the longest western European dictatorship of the previous century, that lasted from 1933 to 1974, under the uninterrupted leadership of Ant6nio de Oliveira Salazar until 1968. After a concise exposition of the importance of a major public work campaign to the regime affirmation as well as the aesthetic discourse promoted in its architecture, the standard course of a building project evaluation will be described. Crossing varied legislation and taking into consideration the results of a thorough examination to more than one hundred processes of architectural plans approval, the interaction of the various decision-making bodies will illustrate the existence of an efficient apparatus which progressively depurate designs. Prevention and repression of artistic deviation will be demonstrated. Furthermore, the development and importance of self-censorship will be highlighted. Secondly, a characterization of the atmosphere of ideological surveillance and dissident's oppression will be provided. Architects' participation in opposition's initiatives and strategies will be portrayed. As a conclusion, New State practice of a negotiation and inclusion (both artistic and ideological) tactic in the architectural field will be underlined. 展开更多
On the dual nature of the piano teaching in the music education in normal colleges
作者 Zhang Yanjun 《International English Education Research》 2015年第5期42-45,共4页
The piano teaching in the music education in normal universities can promote the students to feel the music, and improve the students' music qualities. The students can get the sense of the rhythm, the sense of harmo... The piano teaching in the music education in normal universities can promote the students to feel the music, and improve the students' music qualities. The students can get the sense of the rhythm, the sense of harmony and the sense of pitch and other musical skills in the process of learning to play the piano, thus more accurate performing the music art. For the purpose, the piano teaching in the music education in the normal universities is for the purpose of cultivating the future piano teachers or performers. In this paper, the author carries out thediscussion with the dual nature of the piano teaching in the music education in normal colleges as the theme, in order to put forward some useful strategies for the piano teaching in eoUeges and universities. 展开更多
关键词 Music education piano teaching DUALITY CONTENT PURPOSE
Study on the Current Situation of the Public Dance Course Teaching in General Colleges and Universities
作者 Liang SUN 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第10期63-65,共3页
In the public art education, the public dance course plays an important influence, and has become an important way of the aesthetic education in general colleges and universities. However, the public dance course teac... In the public art education, the public dance course plays an important influence, and has become an important way of the aesthetic education in general colleges and universities. However, the public dance course teaching in China' s colleges and universities is a necessary way for ensuring the effective implementation of the public dance course teaching, because there are certain unsound teaching problems in the public dance course teaching in China' s colleges and universities currently. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out deep research and practice for the public dance education in China' s colleges and universities, and this plays an important role in promoting the development of general colleges and universities' quality education for students, advancing the further development of the current genera/colleges and universities' public dance education, and enriching the existing public art education theories. There are many problems such as unclear teaching goals in the existing public art course teaching model, non-systematic and non-scientific teaching contents, simple teaching forms, and simple teaching methods in the general colleges and universities, so it is urgent to explore new teaching models. The purpose of this paper is to build a three-dimensional public dance teaching network from both forms and contents. Public dance course is a selective course, which is established for training the high-quality personnel demanded by the modernized construction of socialism, and plays an irreplaceable role in improving the aesthetic quality, cultivating the innovative spirit and practice ability, and shaping a healthy personality. On this basis, the current situation of the public dance teaching in general colleges and universities is investigated by taking the public dance teaching in Guangxi Normal University as an example and using the methods such as document literature, questionnaire survey, and interview, and the specific situation of the dance teaching in general colleges and universities is analyzed, and also corresponding strategies and suggestions are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 General Colleges and Universities Public Dance Teaching Current Situation STRATEGIES
Combination of Daur Clothing Decorative Art and Modern Fashion Design 被引量:1
作者 钱欣 边菲 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期625-628,共4页
On today's clothes market and international fashion stage, the dress adornment elements of ethnic minorities have always deeply impressed design masters, received great attention and, are constantly surprising fashio... On today's clothes market and international fashion stage, the dress adornment elements of ethnic minorities have always deeply impressed design masters, received great attention and, are constantly surprising fashion designers. China is a country with multiple ethnic minorities, which have extremely rich ethnic minority dresses and adornment elements. On studying the major dress adornment elements of the Daur, a typical ethnic minority in northern China, we have discovered their strong ethnic features. The major dress adornment elements of the Daur were with the purpose to explore and continue traditions. Combining the modern faskion design with the delicate decorative art that the Daur people sew various laces and embroideries on their dresses, was to discover and use the essence of Chinese ethnic dress and adornments, and demonstrate the talent of ethnic minorities in clothes design. Given what have been founded, combined with the application of modern design methods, the adornment elements of ethnic dresses can represent their ethnic characteristics as well as reflecting the sense of the modern age. 展开更多
关键词 DAUR decorative art modern clothing LINK
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