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试论北宋忠节观建设的成效——以楚政权和南宋建立为中心的考察 被引量:2
作者 路育松 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期142-147,共6页
北宋建立后,十分注重忠节建设,金人入侵、北宋灭亡的靖康之变则是对其成效的一次集中检验。尽管许多士人在这一过程中的表现颇受时人和后人的指责,但恰恰是从张邦昌这个所谓的"叛臣"在被逼登基前后的内心挣扎和外在表现上,可... 北宋建立后,十分注重忠节建设,金人入侵、北宋灭亡的靖康之变则是对其成效的一次集中检验。尽管许多士人在这一过程中的表现颇受时人和后人的指责,但恰恰是从张邦昌这个所谓的"叛臣"在被逼登基前后的内心挣扎和外在表现上,可以看到北宋忠节建设的成效;士大夫对楚政权不合作、不认可的态度和对宋室的拥戴、扶持,也构成鲜明对比;宋王室在仅存庶子、废后的情况下仍能迅速重建南宋王朝并维持一百五十余年统治,忠节观念的建设是不可忽视的重要因素。 展开更多
关键词 北宋 节观 张邦昌 南宋建立
试论王安石的忠节观 被引量:2
作者 路育松 《江汉论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第7期85-91,共7页
本文以北宋重构忠节观为背景探讨王安石的忠节观,指出,王安石的忠节观大致具有以下三个特点:第一,反对愚忠,坚持原始儒家以道义事君的原则;第二,直接继承孟子,坚持君臣为对等关系;第三,对最能体现忠节的"不事二姓"、以死尽忠... 本文以北宋重构忠节观为背景探讨王安石的忠节观,指出,王安石的忠节观大致具有以下三个特点:第一,反对愚忠,坚持原始儒家以道义事君的原则;第二,直接继承孟子,坚持君臣为对等关系;第三,对最能体现忠节的"不事二姓"、以死尽忠不作强调,也不以此作为评价大臣的标准。他的忠节观与北宋重构忠节观的趋势背道而驰,在一定程度上决定了其政治实践的失败。从与王安石同时代的人开始,许多对王氏的非议和指责实质上都是针对其忠节问题的。 展开更多
关键词 北宋 王安石 节观
试论陈确的忠节观 被引量:1
作者 赵世瑜 《史学月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期77-82,92,共7页
陈确是明末清初一个普通士人,也是一个理学名家。作为明代遗民,他一方面继承着传统的忠节观念,主张官绅应以某种方式保持气节,不向新朝投降;另一方面,又对传统的忠节观有所叛逆,反对一死了之的殉节行为。他不赞成妇女改嫁,却反... 陈确是明末清初一个普通士人,也是一个理学名家。作为明代遗民,他一方面继承着传统的忠节观念,主张官绅应以某种方式保持气节,不向新朝投降;另一方面,又对传统的忠节观有所叛逆,反对一死了之的殉节行为。他不赞成妇女改嫁,却反对妇女以死来表示她们对丈夫的忠诚;他不赞成官绅投降新朝,但反对他们动辄以死来作为效忠旧朝的唯一尺度。处在明清交替之际的普通士人陈确的忠节观,与明清之际思想界的整个状况有密切联系。 展开更多
关键词 明末清初 陈确 明代遗民 节观 古代知识分子
试论宋太祖时期的忠节观建设 被引量:4
作者 路育松 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 2001年第6期101-105,共5页
宋朝立国之初 ,除了在政治经济制度方面加强中央集权之外 ,还很重视忠节观方面的建设。作为一位深谋远虑的政治家 ,宋太祖在统一全国的过程中 ,就十分注意褒奖忠臣、惩治叛逆 ,这从他对后周旧臣、敌国大臣及本朝文武官员的态度中清楚地... 宋朝立国之初 ,除了在政治经济制度方面加强中央集权之外 ,还很重视忠节观方面的建设。作为一位深谋远虑的政治家 ,宋太祖在统一全国的过程中 ,就十分注意褒奖忠臣、惩治叛逆 ,这从他对后周旧臣、敌国大臣及本朝文武官员的态度中清楚地反映出来。在要求大臣忠节的前提下 ,宋太祖尽量在物质、待遇方面满足他们 ,因此 ,太祖一朝的君臣关系总体说来较为和谐。尽管宋太祖所宣扬的忠节观不可避免地打上了五代的烙印 。 展开更多
关键词 宋太祖 节观 君臣关系 道德伦理
《四库全书》与清代国家意识形态考论——以忠节观为中心 被引量:2
作者 王春伟 《古籍整理研究学刊》 2021年第4期89-95,共7页
清廷纂修《四库全书》,不仅是一个文化工程,还是一个思想文化整合工程,是清朝推行文化与思想统治,塑造国家意识形态的一部分。忠节观是其中尤为重要的一环,有必要进行深入阐释。明确清代国家忠节观的内涵,归纳出清廷通过纂修《四库全书... 清廷纂修《四库全书》,不仅是一个文化工程,还是一个思想文化整合工程,是清朝推行文化与思想统治,塑造国家意识形态的一部分。忠节观是其中尤为重要的一环,有必要进行深入阐释。明确清代国家忠节观的内涵,归纳出清廷通过纂修《四库全书》,塑造国家忠节观的途径。借以呈现清廷塑造国家意识形态,推行文化统治的不懈努力。 展开更多
关键词 《四库全书》 《四库全书总目》 节观 文化思想统治 国家意识形态
观其一节:徐渭尚简尚短的美学思想 被引量:1
作者 付琼 《固原师专学报》 2005年第2期46-49,共4页
“观其一节”就是通过此物考察彼物,通过部分考察整体,通过现象考察本质,表现在文艺创作上便是其尚简尚短的美学思想。这一思想突出地反映在徐渭小品文的简短体制上。徐渭作为晚明小品先驱作家地位的确立,不只因为他在实践上开创了小品... “观其一节”就是通过此物考察彼物,通过部分考察整体,通过现象考察本质,表现在文艺创作上便是其尚简尚短的美学思想。这一思想突出地反映在徐渭小品文的简短体制上。徐渭作为晚明小品先驱作家地位的确立,不只因为他在实践上开创了小品文的新风气,还因为他的“观其一节”理论奠定了小品文的基本体制和审美品格。 展开更多
关键词 徐渭 其一 简短 美学思想
作者 张书昊 《内江师范学院学报》 CAS 2023年第7期27-32,共6页
金建立前,女真人具有以崇拜力量为主要内容的传统忠节观。金灭辽克宋后,女真人传统忠节观在保持旧有强势的基础上,通过与辽人、宋人的相互交流,对其二者的忠节观有所吸纳,呈现出多样化的特点,也为日后的冲突埋下了隐患。金中期,由于内... 金建立前,女真人具有以崇拜力量为主要内容的传统忠节观。金灭辽克宋后,女真人传统忠节观在保持旧有强势的基础上,通过与辽人、宋人的相互交流,对其二者的忠节观有所吸纳,呈现出多样化的特点,也为日后的冲突埋下了隐患。金中期,由于内部政局动荡,女真各派的忠节观在熙宗、海陵两朝集中冲突,直到世宗初期仍有余绪,最终在世宗朝实现融合。由此,忠节观由多样性转变为单一性,传统忠节观随之隐退。 展开更多
关键词 金前中期 女真人 节观 汉化
作者 孙德刚 《凉山大学学报》 2002年第2期128-129,共2页
关键词 杨慎 火把 明代 考证
《风景名胜》 2016年第7期13-13,共1页
关键词 中国 当代文学 散文
作者 岳林 《湖南林业》 2008年第1期38-38,共1页
12月1~2日,白沙2007中国洞庭湖国际观鸟节在岳阳隆重举行。全国政协原副主席毛致用、国家林业局副局长印红、副省长杨泰波、省林业厅副厅长邓三龙、岳阳市委书记易炼红、市长黄兰香、联合国开发计划署、全球环境基金会等国际组织的代表... 12月1~2日,白沙2007中国洞庭湖国际观鸟节在岳阳隆重举行。全国政协原副主席毛致用、国家林业局副局长印红、副省长杨泰波、省林业厅副厅长邓三龙、岳阳市委书记易炼红、市长黄兰香、联合国开发计划署、全球环境基金会等国际组织的代表;来自美、英等14个国家的专家和全国各地的近400名专业人士出席了开幕式。中国野生动物保护协会授予岳阳市“中国观鸟之都”荣誉,湖南省野生动物保护协会宣布:湖南省省鸟为红嘴相思鸟。 展开更多
关键词 中国野生动物保护协会 国际组织 岳阳市 洞庭湖 联合国开发计划署 国家林业局 红嘴相思鸟
作者 郑志坚 《安徽中医学院学报》 CAS 2002年第3期5-7,共3页
《黄帝内经》从顺应自然观、未病先防观、摄养情志观、适当运动观、食饮有节观、起居有常观等 6个方面 ,对养生保健进行科学的归纳和总结 。
关键词 《黄帝内经》 养生保健 自然 未病先防 摄养情志 运动 起居有常 食饮有节观
作者 许超杰 王园园 《社会科学论坛》 CSSCI 2015年第5期29-35,共7页
前人多从史料价值的角度比较新旧《五代史》的优劣,而忽略了新旧《五代史》编撰的不同语境:《旧五代史》是五代语境下的历史书写。该文以纪传体史书中最为关键的"君""臣"二端为中心,对《旧五代史》书写中的历史语... 前人多从史料价值的角度比较新旧《五代史》的优劣,而忽略了新旧《五代史》编撰的不同语境:《旧五代史》是五代语境下的历史书写。该文以纪传体史书中最为关键的"君""臣"二端为中心,对《旧五代史》书写中的历史语境予以分析,指出无论是从王朝正统性的构建,还是臣节观的书写,《旧五代史》都是五代语境的体现。这也使得《旧五代史》更接近于五代宋初的历史真实,此亦其独特价值所在。 展开更多
关键词 旧五代史 新五代史 五代语境 正统性 节观
Differences of Polyphenols Content in Anxi TieGuanYin Tea among Different Seasons and Relationship between Polyphenols and Tea Quality 被引量:15
作者 张雪波 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第7期1191-1195,共5页
[Objective] We aimed to investigate the differences of polyphenols content in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons and relationship between polyphenols and tea quality.[Method] The content of total polyphenols ... [Objective] We aimed to investigate the differences of polyphenols content in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons and relationship between polyphenols and tea quality.[Method] The content of total polyphenols and main phenolic compounds was analyzed by spectrophotometry and HPLC and the sensory quality assessment was carried out.[Result] There were significant differences in the content of polyphenols in Anxi Tieguanyin tea among different seasons.The summer tea had a higher content of polyphenols and ester type catechins and a heavier undesirable taste with more bitterness and astringency than spring tea and autumn tea with lower quality in general.The flavonol content of spring and autumn tea was significantly higher and the color of tea soup was better.[Conclusion] This study provided a basis for the quality improvement of summer tea by regulating the content of total polyphenols and provided a basic data for chemical analysis of Oolong tea. 展开更多
关键词 Tieguanyin tea POLYPHENOLS SEASON Quality
作者 丁珊 孙迪亮 《理论界》 2021年第9期7-13,共7页
党的十八大以来,习近平总书记高度重视节约粮食问题,并就此作出了一系列重要论述,在此基础上形成了习近平新时代节粮观。习近平节粮观的形成,源于对马克思主义经典作家资源节约理论的创新与发展、对中国古代节粮传统的继承与发扬、对党... 党的十八大以来,习近平总书记高度重视节约粮食问题,并就此作出了一系列重要论述,在此基础上形成了习近平新时代节粮观。习近平节粮观的形成,源于对马克思主义经典作家资源节约理论的创新与发展、对中国古代节粮传统的继承与发扬、对党的历届中央领导集体节粮思想的理论升华和对新时代存在的严峻粮食浪费问题的深刻省思。习近平认为,科技赋能、体系保障、制度护航和宣传兜底,是节粮的基本实现路径。习近平新时代节粮观对于保障国家粮食安全、加快建设资源节约型社会、解决世界粮食问题,具有重要的时代价值。 展开更多
关键词 习近平 时代价值
Seasonal Suspended Particles Distribution Patterns in Western South Yellow Sea Based on Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Observation 被引量:1
作者 LI Jianchao LI Guangxue +5 位作者 XU Jishang QIAO Lulu DONG Ping DING Dong LIU Shidong SUN Pingkuo 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第3期385-398,共14页
An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observation site was set up in the Western South Yellow Sea from 2012 to 2013 to study the local suspended particle matters (SPM) distribution pattern. The SPM concentra... An Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) observation site was set up in the Western South Yellow Sea from 2012 to 2013 to study the local suspended particle matters (SPM) distribution pattern. The SPM concentration could be semi-quantitatively represented by backscatter intensity (Sv), converted by the echo intensity (E/) of ADCP. Results show two types of SPM in the water column: the quasi-biological SPM and quasi-mineral SPM. The quasi-biological SPM mainly exists in summer half year and is con- centrated above the thermocline. It has periodically diurnal variations with high concentration at night and low concentration in the daytime. The quasi-mineral SPM is located in lower part of the water column, with similar relation to monthly tidal current variation all year round. However, the daily quasi-mineral SPM distribution patterns vary between summer and winter half year. The sunlight is thought to be the origin factor leading to the diurnally vertical motion of the biological features, which might cause the diurnal Sv variation. Unlike in winter half year when tidal current is relatively single driving force of the monthly SPM pattern, the high speed current near the thermocline is also responsible for the concentration of quasi-mineral SPM in summer half year. The sediment input difference between summer and winter half year contribute to the varied daily variation of quasi-mineral SPM with re-suspended SPM ir~ winter and sediments from Yellow Sea Mud Area (YSMA) in summer. The seasonal variations in hydrodynamics, water structure and heavy-wind incidents are the primary factors influencing the differential seasonal SPM distribution patterns. 展开更多
关键词 the South Yellow Sea backscatter intensity suspended particle matters seasonal distribution patterns diurnal periodicvariation
Macro and meso characteristics evolution on shear behavior of rock joints 被引量:1
作者 李凯辉 曹平 +1 位作者 张科 钟涌芳 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期3087-3096,共10页
Direct shear tests were conducted on the rock joints under constant normal load(CNL), while the acoustic emission(AE) signals generated during shear tests were monitored with PAC Micro-II system. Before and after shea... Direct shear tests were conducted on the rock joints under constant normal load(CNL), while the acoustic emission(AE) signals generated during shear tests were monitored with PAC Micro-II system. Before and after shearing, the surfaces of rock joints were measured by the Talysurf CLI 2000. By correlating the AE events with the shear stress-shear displacement curve, one can observe four periods of the whole course of shearing of rock joints. By the contrast of AE location and actual damage zone, it is elucidated that the AE event is related to the morphology of the joint. With the increase of shearing times, the shear behavior of rock joints gradually presents from the response of brittle behavior to that of ductile behavior. By combining the results of topography measurement, four morphological parameters of joint surface, S p(the maximum height of joint surface), N(number of islands), A(projection area) and V(volume of joint) were introduced, which decrease with shearing. Both the joint roughness coefficient(JRC) and joint matching coefficient(JMC) drop with shearing, and the shear strength of rock joints can be predicted by the JRC-JMC model. It establishes the relationship between micro-topography and macroscopic strength, which have the same change rule with shearing. 展开更多
关键词 rock joint shear behavior surface morphology acoustic emission joint roughness coefficient (JRC) joint matchingcoefficient (JMC)
Influence of void space on microscopic behavior of fluid flow in rock joints 被引量:3
作者 Zhang Zhenyu Jan Nemcik +1 位作者 Ren Ting Zhang Jun 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第3期335-340,共6页
Advanced microfluidic technology was used to examine the microscopic viscous and inertial effects evolution of water flow in rock joints. The influence of void space on fluid flow behaviour in rock joints under differ... Advanced microfluidic technology was used to examine the microscopic viscous and inertial effects evolution of water flow in rock joints. The influence of void space on fluid flow behaviour in rock joints under different flow velocities was experimentally investigated at the micro scale. Using advanced fabrication technology of microfluidic device, micro flow channels of semicircular, triangular, rectangular and pentagonal cavities were fabricated to simulate different void space of rock joints, respectively. Using the fluorescence labelling approach, the trajectory of water flow was captured by the microscope digital camera when it passed over the cavity under different flow velocities. The flow tests show that the flow trajectory deviated towards the inside of the cavity at low flow velocities. With the increase in flow velocity, this degree of flow trajectory deviation decreased until there was no trajectory deviation for flow in the straight parallel channel. The flow trajectory deviation initially reduced from the void corner near the entrance. At the same time, a small eddy appeared near the void corner of the entrance. The size and intensity of the eddy increased with the flow velocity until it occupied the whole cavity domain. The gradual reduction of flow trajectory near the straight parallel channel and the growth of eddy inside the cavity reflect the evolution of microscopic viscous and inertial forces under different flow velocities.The eddy formed inside the cavity does not contribute to the total flow flux, but the running of the eddy consumes flow energy. This amount of pressure loss due to voids could contribute to the nonlinear deviation of fracture fluid flow from Darcy's law. This study contributes to the fundamental understanding of non-Darcy's flow occurrence in rock joints at the micro scale. 展开更多
关键词 Water flow Void space Joint flow Electron microscopy
In-situ experiment investigations of hydrothermal process of highway in deep seasonal frozen soil regions of Inner Mongolia, China 被引量:5
作者 ZHANG Hong-wei WANG Xue-ying +1 位作者 ZHAO Xin LIU Peng-fei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第7期2082-2093,共12页
To reveal the influencing factors and changing rules for the hydrothermal interaction process of highway subgrade, the field measurements of Shiwei-Labudalin Highway in Inner Mongolia, China was conducted for 3 years,... To reveal the influencing factors and changing rules for the hydrothermal interaction process of highway subgrade, the field measurements of Shiwei-Labudalin Highway in Inner Mongolia, China was conducted for 3 years, based on which the freezing-thawing rules and water content changing characteristics were analyzed. The main results show the subgrade presents a frequent freezing-thawing alternation, and the water content of subgrade exhibits an obvious seasonal alternation. The subbase has the maximum water content, while the base has the minimum water content. The change of water flux is concentrated in the thawing period and consistent with the change of temperature gradient. The subbase layer has the most active water flux due to the heat absorption and impermeability of pavement that easily causes the water accumulation in this layer. Therefore, the prevention and treatment for the freezing-thawing disease should be started from heat insulation and water resistance. 展开更多
关键词 subgrade engineering hydrothermal process field observation seasonal frozen soil regions freezing-thawing disease
Changes of Dry-wet Climate in the Dry Season in Yunnan(1961-2007) 被引量:1
作者 Zhongyan Huang 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第1期49-54,共6页
Factor analysis was used to investigate the changes of dry-wet climate in the dry season in Yunnan during 1961-2007 based on observed data from 15 stations.Three common factors were extracted from the 9 climatic facto... Factor analysis was used to investigate the changes of dry-wet climate in the dry season in Yunnan during 1961-2007 based on observed data from 15 stations.Three common factors were extracted from the 9 climatic factors.The results showed that the dry-wet climate has evidently changed since the early 1960s.The general trends in the changes of drywet climate were described as slight decrease in humidity and gradual enhancement in drought intensity.The climate during 1960s-1980s was under weak-medium drought.But since early 1990s,dry conditions have markedly strengthened and continued due to uneven temporal distribution of rainfall and climate warming. 展开更多
关键词 dry-wet climate factor analysis dry season YUNNAN
Seasonal and spatial variations of macro- and megabenthic community characteristics in two sections of the East China Sea 被引量:1
作者 徐勇 李新正 +5 位作者 马林 董栋 寇琦 隋吉星 甘志彬 王洪法 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1152-1164,共13页
In spring and summer 2011, the macro- and megabenthic fauna in two sections of the East China Sea were investigated using an Agassiz net trawl to detect the seasonal and spatial variations of benthic community charact... In spring and summer 2011, the macro- and megabenthic fauna in two sections of the East China Sea were investigated using an Agassiz net trawl to detect the seasonal and spatial variations of benthic community characteristics and the relation to environmental variables. The total number of species increased slightly from spring (131 species) to summer (133) whereas the percentage of Mollusca decreased significantly. The index of relative importance (IRI) indicated that the top five important species changed completely from spring to summer. Species number, abundance and biomass in summer were significantly higher than in spring, but no significant difference was observed among areas (coastal, transitional and oceanic areas, divided basically from inshore to offshore). Species richness (at), diversity (H) and evenness (J) showed no significant seasonal or spatial variations. Cluster analysis and nMDS ordination identified three benthic communities from inshore to offshore, corresponding to the three areas. Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) indicated the overall significant difference in community structure between seasons and among areas. K-dominance curves revealed the high intrinsic diversity in the offshore area. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that the coastal community was positively correlated to total nitrogen and total organic carbon in spring, but negatively in summer; oceanic community was positively correlated to total nitrogen and total organic carbon in both seasons. Species such as Coelorhynchus multispinulosus, Neobythites sivicola, Lepidotrigla alata, Solenocera melantho, Parapenaeus fissuroides, Oratosquilla gonypetes and Spiropagurus spiriger occurred exclusively in the offshore oceanic area and their presence may reflect the influence of the offshore Kuroshio Current. 展开更多
关键词 macrobenthic fauna megabenthic fauna DIVERSITY East China Sea Kuroshio Current
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