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作者 蒲昭和 《家庭医药(就医选药)》 2009年第1期58-58,共1页
关键词 保健 哮喘 花疗 洋金 毫升
作者 代也 靳美玲 +3 位作者 赵若琦 张倩 南丽虹 刘敏庄 《科技创新与应用》 2020年第28期32-34,共3页
花香疗法是我国医学治疗手段中一个重要的方法。现代科学证明,花卉是天然的"芳香疗养机",是净化空气、养生保健的"高手"。近年来,花香有利于人体健康这种观点的广泛传播,使得花香疗法受到了更多人的关注,这款集智... 花香疗法是我国医学治疗手段中一个重要的方法。现代科学证明,花卉是天然的"芳香疗养机",是净化空气、养生保健的"高手"。近年来,花香有利于人体健康这种观点的广泛传播,使得花香疗法受到了更多人的关注,这款集智能与艺术并存的纯天然养生产品应运而生。本产品由光伏发电系统供电,节能环保,其创新点在于实现智能养花的同时,通过合理搭配植物,能使植物本身的香气充分发挥药用价值,起到真正的养生功效。 展开更多
关键词 51单片机 花疗”智能卉养护机
作者 榆文 褚书杰 《科学中国人》 1996年第6期54-53,共3页
骨关节病是一种慢性常见病,主要包括颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、关节炎等。众多骨关节病患者特别是中老年患者受其困扰,难以摆脱。对于这类病,医学界长期以来认为是由增生的骨质或退化突出的椎间盘压迫椎管或神经根所致,只有手术... 骨关节病是一种慢性常见病,主要包括颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、椎管狭窄、关节炎等。众多骨关节病患者特别是中老年患者受其困扰,难以摆脱。对于这类病,医学界长期以来认为是由增生的骨质或退化突出的椎间盘压迫椎管或神经根所致,只有手术切除,否则症状只有愈来愈重。 面对这一医疗难题。 展开更多
关键词 骨关节病 骨科专家 腰椎间盘突出 电火 花疗 中西药针剂 脉冲治 椎管狭窄 骨及关节 类风湿性关节炎
木芙蓉 成都市花疗疮痈 无视风霜称英雄
作者 董平 《中国社区医师》 2008年第17期35-35,共1页
木芙蓉原名芙蓉,因荷花也称芙蓉,故为异物同名,为示区别,将芙蓉称为木芙蓉,因是木本植物;将荷花称为水芙蓉,因其为水生植物。而一般称芙蓉者,多指木芙蓉。木芙蓉以四川成都最为著名,为成都市花。芙蓉其花可食,可制雪霁羹,为色香味俱佳... 木芙蓉原名芙蓉,因荷花也称芙蓉,故为异物同名,为示区别,将芙蓉称为木芙蓉,因是木本植物;将荷花称为水芙蓉,因其为水生植物。而一般称芙蓉者,多指木芙蓉。木芙蓉以四川成都最为著名,为成都市花。芙蓉其花可食,可制雪霁羹,为色香味俱佳的美食;而与其叶,专疗疮毒,中药玉露散,专治痈肿疮毒。因此,芙蓉花是既可观赏,又兼药食的名花。 展开更多
关键词 木芙蓉 成都市 疮痈 花疗 水生植物 异物同名 木本植物
笑疗 花疗 乐疗治诸疾
作者 陈冼 《家庭中医药》 2000年第10期21-22,共2页
人患病之后,可供选择医疗的方法很多,除吃药、打针、电疗、理疗之外,还可用笑疗、花疗、乐疗。 笑,是人的一种情感的外在表露,表达的是满足、欢愉、钟爱、幽默、陶醉等内在情感。中医学认为,笑可使气和志达、营卫通利。
关键词 花疗 音乐
作者 陈修生 《农业开发与装备》 2000年第2期55-55,共1页
关键词 花疗 健胃止呕 清肺热 健康长寿 合欢 夜来香 绣球 丁香 牡丹
作者 刘正涛 《饮食科学》 2001年第5期26-26,共1页
关键词 花疗
作者 寒冰 李晓君 《河北林业》 2001年第5期27-27,共1页
所谓花疗,就是利用具有观赏价值的花卉作为药物用来治病或健身。当今世界上花疗应用十分广泛,在我国更有着悠久的历史。 '采菊东篱下,悠然见南山',是东晋大诗人陶渊明的千古名句。一位酷爱大自然的诗人,在菊花盛开之时是绝不会... 所谓花疗,就是利用具有观赏价值的花卉作为药物用来治病或健身。当今世界上花疗应用十分广泛,在我国更有着悠久的历史。 '采菊东篱下,悠然见南山',是东晋大诗人陶渊明的千古名句。一位酷爱大自然的诗人,在菊花盛开之时是绝不会去无故采摘的。他无论用来制药还是作为食用,菊花都具有益寿延年之功效,故而随之才有'悠然见南山'的句子。'南山'在此诗中实指卢山,我国向有'福如东海,寿比南山'之比喻,所以'南山'也就成为长寿的同意语了。春秋战国时期的伟大诗人屈原在《离骚》中也有'朝饮木兰之坠露。 展开更多
关键词 人体健康 花疗 化学成份 形态 颜色 香味 药用功效 食欲
笑疗 花疗 乐疗——助君早日康复
作者 陈先诚 《心理与健康》 2001年第3期28-29,共2页
人患病之后,可供选择医疗的方法很多,除吃药、打针、电疗、理疗之外,还可用笑疗、花疗、乐疗。 笑,是人的一种情感的外在表露,表达的是满足、欢愉、钟爱、幽默、陶醉等内在情感。中医学认为,笑可使气和志达、营卫通利,所以笑是有益于人... 人患病之后,可供选择医疗的方法很多,除吃药、打针、电疗、理疗之外,还可用笑疗、花疗、乐疗。 笑,是人的一种情感的外在表露,表达的是满足、欢愉、钟爱、幽默、陶醉等内在情感。中医学认为,笑可使气和志达、营卫通利,所以笑是有益于人体健康的。每当人们开怀大笑时,面部表情肌、眼球捷状肌。 展开更多
关键词 花疗 中医治
作者 刘映芬 《开卷有益(求医问药)》 1995年第3期15-16,共2页
关键词 养生长寿 有害气体 花疗 塔吉克共和国 保护环境 宋庆龄 感到轻松愉快 传统养生学 肿毒恶疮
Anti-tumor Effect and Protective Effect on Chemotherapeutic Damage of Water Soluble Extracts from Hedyotis diffusa 被引量:24
作者 李瑞 赵浩如 林以宁 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 2002年第2期54-58,共5页
Bai-Hua-She-She-Cao Hedyotis diffusa Willd. (Ru-biaceae) is a medicinal herbwidely distributed in northeast Asian countries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effectof 'clearing away heat and toxic mater... Bai-Hua-She-She-Cao Hedyotis diffusa Willd. (Ru-biaceae) is a medicinal herbwidely distributed in northeast Asian countries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effectof 'clearing away heat and toxic material, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis'.It is a well known Chinese folk-medicine used for the treatment of appendicitis, sore throat, mumps,acne, sebo-rheic dermatitis and various kinds of tumors, such as tumors of digestive tract,carcinoma of liver. It was reported that the MeOH extract of H. diffusa demonstrated a significantantitumor activity and ursolic acid succeeded in being isolated from the MeOH extract as an activecomponent . Shan BN, et al suggested that the direct aqueous extract of H. diffusa hadimmuno-modulating activity and antitumor activity in vitro through stimulating the immune system tokill or engulf tumor cells. But regarding anti-tumor activity in vivo of water soluble extracts fromH. diffusa, no detail was reported. Therefore, we prepared water soluble extracts (H_1 and H_2)from H. diffusa and evaluated their anti-tumor property in vivo experiments as well as protectiveeffect on chemo-therapeutic damage. 展开更多
关键词 hedyotis diffusa water soluble extracts ANTI-TUMOR CHEMOTHERAPY
Appendiceal mass:Is interval appendicectomy “something of the past” ? 被引量:5
作者 Abdul-Wahed Nasir Meshikhes 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第25期2977-2980,共4页
The need for interval appendicectomy (I.A) after successful conservative management of appendiceal mass has recently been questioned.Furthermore,emergency appendicectomy for appendiceal mass is increasingly performed ... The need for interval appendicectomy (I.A) after successful conservative management of appendiceal mass has recently been questioned.Furthermore,emergency appendicectomy for appendiceal mass is increasingly performed with equal success and safety to that performed in non-mass forming acute appendicitis.There is an increasing volume of evidence-although mostly retrospective-that if traditional conservative management is adopted,there is no need for routine I.A except for a small number of patients who continue to develop recurrent symptoms.On the other hand,the routine adoption of emergency laparoscopic appendicectomy (LA) in patients presenting with appendiceal mass obviates the need for a second admission and an operation for I.A with a considerable complication rate.It also abolishes misdiagnoses and deals promptly with any unexpected ileo-cecal pathology.Moreover,it may prove to be more cost-effective than conservative treatment even without I.A due to a much shorter hospital stay and a shorter period of intravenous antibiotic administration.If emergency LA is to become the standard of care for appendiceal mass,I.A will certainly become 'something' of the past. 展开更多
关键词 Appendiceal mass COST-EFFECTIVENESS Interval appendicectomy Laparoscopic appendicectomy
作者 张保平 周日清 周登芳 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2004年第4期47-50,共4页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of comprehensive plum-blossom magnetic needle therapy on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods: 247 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated f... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect of comprehensive plum-blossom magnetic needle therapy on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. Methods: 247 cases of prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc were treated first with manual treatment and then with plum-blossom magnetic needle therapy and effect-increasing pad therapy at specified points and reactive points. Results: After treatment for 2 therapeutic courses,153 cases were cured accounting for 61.94%, 71 cases were markedly effective accounting for 28.75%, 22 cases were improved accounting for 8.91% and the rest one failed,accounting for 0.45%. Conclusion: The comprehensive plum-blossom magnetic needle therapy has a better therapeutic effect on prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc. 展开更多
关键词 Prolapse of lumbar intervertebral disc Plum-Blossom magnetic needle therapy Mounting therapy
The Fascinating History of Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia Risso & Poiteau), the Exclusive Essence of Calabria: A Review
作者 Gina Maruca Gaetano Laghetti +2 位作者 Rocco Mafrica Domenico Turiano Karl Hammer 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第1期22-30,共9页
The bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau), a citrus fruit growing almost exclusively in the South Italy, is considered the "prince of citrus" for its storical role in the perfume industry due to its essentia... The bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso et Poiteau), a citrus fruit growing almost exclusively in the South Italy, is considered the "prince of citrus" for its storical role in the perfume industry due to its essential oil, a product in great demand of a pleasant and refreshing scent. Recently, analgesic, anxiolytic, neuroprotective consistent effects have been ascribed to bergamot essential oil when it is used in aromatherapy, for the relief of pain and symptoms associated with stress-induced anxiety and depression. Moreover, today, bergamot fruit due to a considerable abundance and variety of nutraceutical compounds which are present in its juice, is becoming increasingly important also in the food, pharmaceutical and confectionery industries. In this review, it is discussed that the literature on C. bergamia, focusing on the several studies performed with the experimental data, and recently accumulated, may form the rational basis for further development. 展开更多
关键词 Bergamot (Citrus bergamia Risso Poiteau) essential oil.
Research progress on the anticarcinogenic actions and mechanisms of ellagic acid 被引量:3
作者 Hong-Mei Zhang Lei Zhao +3 位作者 Hao Li Hao Xu Wen-Wen Chen Lin Tao 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期92-100,共9页
Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer treatments by chemotherapeutic agents, surgery, and radiation have not been highly effective in reducing the incidence of cancers and increasing the survival rate o... Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide. Cancer treatments by chemotherapeutic agents, surgery, and radiation have not been highly effective in reducing the incidence of cancers and increasing the survival rate of cancer patients. In recent years, plant-derived compounds have attracted considerable attention as alternative cancer remedies for enhancing cancer prevention and treatment because of their low toxicities, low costs, and low side effects. Ellagic acid(EA) is a natural phenolic constituent. Recent in vitro and in vivo experiments have revealed that EA elicits anticarcinogenic effects by inhibiting tumor cell proliferation, inducing apoptosis, breaking DNA binding to carcinogens, blocking virus infection, and disturbing inflammation, angiogenesis, and drug-resistance processes required for tumor growth and metastasis. This review enumerates the anticarcinogenic actions and mechanisms of EA. It also discusses future directions on the applications of EA. 展开更多
关键词 Ellagic acid(EA) cancer mechanism
作者 郭志良 成敏 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期304-307,共4页
Tennis elbow, or external humeral epicondylitis, is a lingering disease with an unbearable pain. It is very difficult to be treated with a higher recurrent rate. The use of acupuncture and moxibustion in treatment of ... Tennis elbow, or external humeral epicondylitis, is a lingering disease with an unbearable pain. It is very difficult to be treated with a higher recurrent rate. The use of acupuncture and moxibustion in treatment of tennis elbow has been appreciated. This review will focus on the methods and the therapeutic effects of treating the disorder by acupuncture and moxibustion in recent years. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy MOXIBUSTION Humans Tennis Elbow
Sixty cases of ocular myasthenia gravis treated with acupuncture and moxibustion at extra-meridian and collateral 被引量:3
作者 陈金亮 潘朝 +1 位作者 刘艳君 LIU Zhao 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2012年第4期56-59,共4页
Objective To explore effective therapeutic method for the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Methods Sixty cases of ocular myasthenia gravis were selected. The acupuncture was applied at Dàzhuī (大椎 GV 14... Objective To explore effective therapeutic method for the treatment of ocular myasthenia gravis. Methods Sixty cases of ocular myasthenia gravis were selected. The acupuncture was applied at Dàzhuī (大椎 GV 14), Bǎihuì (百会 GV 20), Shàngxīng (上星 GV 23) of Governor Vessel, and its crossing points with Yinqiao and Yangqiao Meridian, such as Jīngmíng (睛明 BL 1), shēnmài (申脉 BL 62), Dìcāng (地仓 ST 4), Jūliáo (巨髎 ST 3), Chéngqì (承泣 ST 1 ), etc. Besides, ginger-partition moxibustion was applied at Yángbái (阳白 GB 14) and Sìbái (四白 ST 2). The plum-blossom needle was applied at upper limb distribution of lung channel of hand taiyin, heart channel of hand shaoyin and pericardium channel of hand jueyin. The patients’ clinical symptoms, potential degradation percentages of repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) in low frequency were observed. Results 8 cases were clinically cured, 20 cases were basically cured, 12 cases were remarkably effective, 15 cases were effective and 5 cases were failed. The total effective rate was 91.7%. Compared with before the treatment, the potential degradation percentages of repetitive nerve stimulation in low frequency were lowered [(19.44±6.28)% vs (8.78±3.12)%, (P0.05)]. Conclusion Acupuncture and moxibustion at extra-meridian and collateral for ocular myasthenia gravis could achieve positive efficacy. 展开更多
关键词 ocular myasthenia gravis acupuncture therapy extra-meridian and collateral plum-blossom needle prick
Observation on the therapeutic effect of scalp acupuncture, plum-blossom needle combined with speech rehabilitation training on aphasia of ischemic apoplexy 被引量:3
作者 孙青热 季向东 +2 位作者 崔振平 陈学菊 王艳君 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2010年第4期13-18,共6页
Objective To compare clinical therapeutic effects of scalp acupuncture, plum-blossom needles tapping the head area combined with speech training and simple speech training on aphasia of ischemic apoplexy. Methods Sixt... Objective To compare clinical therapeutic effects of scalp acupuncture, plum-blossom needles tapping the head area combined with speech training and simple speech training on aphasia of ischemic apoplexy. Methods Sixty cases of aphasia of ischemic apoplexy were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group, 30 cases in each group. The patients in the control group received speech training, and in the observation group, on the basis of speech training, acupuncture was given at the anterior oblique line of vertex temporal, the posterior oblique line of vertex temporal and the middle line of vertex, and after withdrawal of the needles, the area enclosed by the 4 lines of the anterior oblique line of vertex temporal, the middle line of vertex, the posterior oblique line of vertex temporal, and connective line of Qǔbìn (曲鬓 GB 7) with Xuánlí(悬厘 GB 6) was tapped 2-3 times with plum-blossom needles. The assessment criteria in Chinese Aphasia Set Tests were used for comparison of scores of all the sub-items between the two groups. Results After treatment, scores of information amount, fluency, retelling, naming of words, naming of colors, naming of response, answer to yes or no question, hearing and recognizing, executing an order, etc. were signif icantly increased in both the two groups (all P0.05), and the scores of all the above items in the observation group were more significantly increased as compared with those in the control group (all P0.05). Conclusion Scalp acupuncture, plum-blossom needle tapping combined with speech training has a significant therapeutic effect on aphasia of ischemic apoplexy, which is better than that of simple speech training. 展开更多
关键词 APHASIA Brain Ischemia Plum-Blossom Needle Therapy Scalp Acupuncture
Therapeutic Effect Observation on Treatment of Acne with Acupuncture plus Moving Cupping and Blood-letting 被引量:10
作者 王启芳 王国艳 韩丑萍(翻译) 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2008年第4期212-214,共3页
Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect on treatment of acne with acupuncture plus moving cupping and blood-letting. Method: Sixty acne cases were randomized into the treatment group for combined acupuncture an... Objective: To observe the therapeutic effect on treatment of acne with acupuncture plus moving cupping and blood-letting. Method: Sixty acne cases were randomized into the treatment group for combined acupuncture and moving cupping and blood-letting and control group for acupuncture alone. The therapeutic effects of the cases in the two groups were observed after a 30-day treatment. Result: The total effective rate was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group (P〈0.05). Conclusion: The combined acupuncture and moving cupping and blood-letting can effectively increase the effective rate in the treatment of acne. 展开更多
关键词 ACNE Acupuncture Therapy Plum-blossom Needling Therapy Moving Cupping Therapy Prickin Blood Theraov Syndrome Differentiation Treatment
Pedicle screw fixation against burst fracture of thoracolumbar vertebrae 被引量:10
作者 吕夫新 黄勇 +3 位作者 张强 史风雷 赵东升 胡樵 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2007年第6期349-352,共4页
Objective: To analyze the application of vertebral pedicle screw fixation in the treatment of burst fracture of thoracolumbar vertebrae. Methods: A total of 48 cases (31 males and 17 females, aged from 18-72 years... Objective: To analyze the application of vertebral pedicle screw fixation in the treatment of burst fracture of thoracolumbar vertebrae. Methods: A total of 48 cases (31 males and 17 females, aged from 18-72 years, mean: 41.3 years ) with thoracolumbar vertebrae burst fracture were treated by pedicle screw system since January 2004. According to the AO classification of thoracolumbar vertebrae fracture, there are 36 cases of Type A, 9 of Type B and 3 of Type C. Results: All patients were followed up for 6-25 months (average 12 months ), no secondary nerve root injury, spinal cord injury, loosening or breakage of pedicle screw were observed. The nerve function of 29 patients with cauda eqnina nerve injury was restored to different degrees. The vertebral body height returned to normal level and posterior process angle was rectified after operation. Conclusions: The vertebral pedicle screw internal fixation was technologically applicable, which can efficiently reposition and stablize the bursting fractured vertabrae, indirectly decompress canalis spinalis, maintain spine stablity, scatter stress of screw system, reduce the risk of loosening or breakage of screw and loss of vertebral height, and prevent the formation of posterior convex after operation. 展开更多
关键词 Thoracic vertebrae FRACTURE Bone screw Internal fixators
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