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作者 王军 《苏盐科技》 2013年第1期44-45,共2页
关键词 苏盐连锁 门店建设 发展
作者 周晓科 《苏盐科技》 2010年第4期31-33,44,共4页
关键词 苏盐集团 品牌建设 探讨
作者 严璐 《苏盐科技》 2010年第1期42-44,共3页
关键词 连锁经营 苏盐 标准化
深入开展教育实践活动 助推苏盐集团科学发展
作者 叶蕾 《苏盐科技》 2014年第2期35-36,共2页
关键词 群众教育 苏盐 科学发展
作者 李兆生 《苏盐科技》 2011年第1期29-31,共3页
本文通过对新加坡企业文化的学习考察,对企业文化推动企业发展的重要作用有了更深刻的认识,按照党的十七届五中全会对文化大发展大繁荣提出的新要求,围绕苏盐集团"十二五"发展战略规划,对苏盐集团企业文化建设的方向、重点和... 本文通过对新加坡企业文化的学习考察,对企业文化推动企业发展的重要作用有了更深刻的认识,按照党的十七届五中全会对文化大发展大繁荣提出的新要求,围绕苏盐集团"十二五"发展战略规划,对苏盐集团企业文化建设的方向、重点和实践进行了思考并提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 企业文化建设 苏盐集团 思考
学习借鉴台盐经验 加快推进苏盐发展
作者 晏仲华 田宗洪 +1 位作者 周秀云 王桂春 《苏盐科技》 2009年第1期19-20,26,共3页
关键词 台盐公司 考察报告 苏盐发展
作者 王军 《苏盐科技》 2012年第4期30-30,共1页
关键词 二级代理 二级经销商体系 苏盐连锁
苏盐集团:龙年春节不打烊 安全生产保市场
作者 《中国盐业》 2024年第3期24-25,共2页
新春佳节,万家团圆。浓浓年味里,苏盐集团有这样一群人,他们舍“小家”为“大家”,毅然奋战在各自岗位上,在热火朝天的施工现场,在井然有序的生产车间,在热闹繁华的商超市场……随处可见拼搏奋斗的身影,他们用坚守诠释责任,用奉献彰显担... 新春佳节,万家团圆。浓浓年味里,苏盐集团有这样一群人,他们舍“小家”为“大家”,毅然奋战在各自岗位上,在热火朝天的施工现场,在井然有序的生产车间,在热闹繁华的商超市场……随处可见拼搏奋斗的身影,他们用坚守诠释责任,用奉献彰显担当,体会别样的“年味”。 展开更多
关键词 施工现场 生产车间 苏盐集团 市场
绷紧安全之弦 筑牢发展之基 苏盐集团扎实开展“安全生产月”活动
作者 《中国盐业》 2024年第12期25-26,共2页
今年6月是第23个全国“安全生产月”,活动主题为“人人讲安全、个个会应急——畅通生命通道”。江苏盐业集团按照统一部署,聚焦“畅通生命通道”这一重点任务,结合实际开展了一系列形式多样、内容丰富的活动,进一步树牢安全理念,压实安... 今年6月是第23个全国“安全生产月”,活动主题为“人人讲安全、个个会应急——畅通生命通道”。江苏盐业集团按照统一部署,聚焦“畅通生命通道”这一重点任务,结合实际开展了一系列形式多样、内容丰富的活动,进一步树牢安全理念,压实安全责任,为集团高质量发展筑牢安全防线。 展开更多
关键词 安全生产月 生命通道 安全理念 安全责任 安全防线 苏盐集团 高质量发展 统一部署
传承千年历史 焕发时代光彩——苏盐集团“淮”牌被认定为“中华老字号”
作者 《中国盐业》 2024年第5期31-33,共3页
关键词 监管总局 国家知识产权局 中华老字号 国家文物局 苏盐集团 商务部 文化和旅游 认定
作者 《中国盐业》 2023年第20期44-46,共3页
关键词 苏盐集团 高质量发展 产业工人 助推企业 积极贡献 深化
作者 《中国盐业》 2023年第16期42-44,共3页
回眸苏盐集团2023上半年发展历程,一组组靓丽的数据、一系列务实的举措、一份份厚重的荣誉,见证着7000名苏盐人牢记嘱托、感恩奋进、走在前列的铿锵足迹。上半年,苏盐集团实现营业收入31.34亿元,完成年计划的52.23%;实现利润总额4.2亿元... 回眸苏盐集团2023上半年发展历程,一组组靓丽的数据、一系列务实的举措、一份份厚重的荣誉,见证着7000名苏盐人牢记嘱托、感恩奋进、走在前列的铿锵足迹。上半年,苏盐集团实现营业收入31.34亿元,完成年计划的52.23%;实现利润总额4.2亿元,完成年计划60.34%,创历史同期第二好业绩,经营质效领跑全国省级盐企;举办“中国质量万里行——淮盐行暨淮盐质量品牌大会”,精彩发布食盐系列新品;申报中华老字号、中国质量奖,连续两年入选国务院国资委年度国有企业100个品牌建设典型案例;科技创新被国务院国企改革领导小组办公室评为国企改革三年行动全国推广专项典型经验…… 展开更多
关键词 中国质量万里行 国企改革 利润总额 国有企业 质量奖 典型经验 中华老字号 苏盐集团
作者 《中国盐业》 2021年第20期38-39,共2页
近日,受部分市民囤购生活物资影响,江苏省各市呈现不同程度的食盐市场波动现象.针对市场突发情况,苏盐集团党委切实提高政治站位,强化责任担当,第一时间启动食盐保供应急预案,提高食盐产量,强化配送服务,协调动用政府储备食盐,加大市场... 近日,受部分市民囤购生活物资影响,江苏省各市呈现不同程度的食盐市场波动现象.针对市场突发情况,苏盐集团党委切实提高政治站位,强化责任担当,第一时间启动食盐保供应急预案,提高食盐产量,强化配送服务,协调动用政府储备食盐,加大市场食盐投放力度,全力保障食盐供应安全稳定,迅速平稳江苏省食盐市场经营秩序. 展开更多
关键词 配送服务 政府储备 波动现象 市场经营秩序 突发情况 苏盐集团 供应安全 责任担当
苏盐集团:强根固魂抓党建 厚植优势促发展
作者 《中国盐业》 2021年第24期18-21,共4页
今年1-10月份,苏盐集团营业收入同比增长18.11%,经营利润同比增长50.73%;“淮盐”位列中国500最具价值品牌第220位、全国质量奖、江苏省长质量奖、江苏制造突出贡献奖、国企改革“双百行动”试点企业……一连串沉甸甸的数字、一份份高... 今年1-10月份,苏盐集团营业收入同比增长18.11%,经营利润同比增长50.73%;“淮盐”位列中国500最具价值品牌第220位、全国质量奖、江苏省长质量奖、江苏制造突出贡献奖、国企改革“双百行动”试点企业……一连串沉甸甸的数字、一份份高质量的答卷背后,跃动着“坚持党的领导,加强党的建设”的有力脉搏,凝聚着苏盐集团坚持党建引领发展迸发出的强大力量。 展开更多
关键词 国企改革 党建引领 全国质量奖 试点企业 苏盐集团 抓党建 营业收入 经营利润
Hypertonic saline resuscitation maintains a more balanced profile of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in a rat model of hemorrhagic shock 被引量:11
作者 LU Yuan-qiang CAI Xiu-jun +2 位作者 GU Lin-hui MU Han-zhou HUANG Wei-dong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第1期70-75,共6页
Objective: To investigate the potential and early effect of hypertonic saline resuscitation on T-lymphocyte sub- populations in rats with hemorrhagic shock. Methods: A model of rat with severe hemorrhagic shock was es... Objective: To investigate the potential and early effect of hypertonic saline resuscitation on T-lymphocyte sub- populations in rats with hemorrhagic shock. Methods: A model of rat with severe hemorrhagic shock was established in 18 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. The rats were randomly divided into Sham group, HTS group (hypertonic saline resuscitation group) and NS group (normal saline resuscitation group). Each group contained 6 rats. The CD4+ and CD8+ subpopulations of T-lymphocytes in peripheral blood were detected respectively before shock and after resuscitation by double antibody labelling and flow cytometry. Results: In the early stage after hemorrhagic shock, fluid resuscitation and emergency treatment, the CD4+ lymphocytes of peripheral blood in HTS and NS groups markedly increased. Small volume resuscitation with HTS also induced peripheral CD8+ lymphocytes to a certain extent, whereas NS resuscitation showed no effect in this respect. Consequently, compared with Sham and HTS groups, CD4+/CD8+ ratio of peripheral blood in NS group was obviously increased, and showed statistically differences. Conclusion: In this model of rat with severe hemorrhagic shock, small volume resuscitation with HTS is more effective than NS in reducing immunologic disorders and promoting a more balanced profile of T-lymphocyte subpopula- tions regulating network. 展开更多
关键词 Hemorrhagic shock RESUSCITATION Sodium chloride solution Hypertonic saline T-lymphocyte subpopulations Flow cytometry
Quantitative Analysis of Relationships Between Crack Characteristics and Properties of Soda-saline Soils in Songnen Plain, China 被引量:4
作者 REN Jianhua LI Xiaojie ZHAO Kai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期591-601,共11页
The Songnen Plain has a typical soda-saline soil, which often shrinks and cracks under natural conditions during water evaporation. This study aims to analyze the relationships between the crack characteristics and th... The Songnen Plain has a typical soda-saline soil, which often shrinks and cracks under natural conditions during water evaporation. This study aims to analyze the relationships between the crack characteristics and the soil properties of soda-saline soils quantitatively, and attempts to establish prediction models for the main soil properties of soda-saline soils based on the results. In order to achieve these objectives, a desiccation cracking test was conducted using 17 soil specimens with different salinity levels under controlled laboratory conditions. Correlation analysis was then performed between the crack characteristics and the soil properties. The results indicate that the crack characteristics can well represent the surface appearances of cracked soils, they also can well distinguish the salinity levels of soda-saline soils while the clay contents and mineralogical compositions of soils are stable. Among the crack characteristics, crack length has the best relationships with the salinity levels of soda-saline soils. Specifically, the crack length has high correlation(R2 > 0.87) with the electrical conductivity(EC), Na+, CO32– and the salinity, it also has reasonable relationship(R2 > 0.68) with HCO3–, this indicates crack length can be well used for the prediction of these properties of soda-saline soils. 展开更多
关键词 soil salinization soda-saline soil desiccation cracking SALINITY texture features
Graft Compatibility of Scotch Bonnet (Capsicum chinense Jacq) with Selected Salt-Tolerant Solanaceous 被引量:1
作者 Lilieth Ives Richard Brathwaite +3 位作者 Gregor Barclay Wendy Ann Isaac Clare Bowen-O'Connor Isaac ekele 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第1期81-92,共12页
In recent years, grafting to improve salt-tolerance of vegetables has been studied extensively. The rootstock species, Solanum melongena cv Black Beauty, Solanum lycopersicum cv Akash and Solanum nigrum (bitter gumma... In recent years, grafting to improve salt-tolerance of vegetables has been studied extensively. The rootstock species, Solanum melongena cv Black Beauty, Solanum lycopersicum cv Akash and Solanum nigrum (bitter gumma), reportedly salt-tolerant, were evaluated for their graft compatibility with Capsicum chinense cv Scotch Bonnet. Grafted and non-grafted plants were grown for three weeks under greenhouse conditions. Graft compatibility was determined by the regeneration of vascular bundles across the graft interface and vegetative growth parameters. The results showed that the highest survival percentage (100%) was obtained in the Scotch Bonnet/Black Beauty heterografts and the lowest (16%) was obtained in the Scotch Bonnet/bitter gumma heterografts. Vascular regeneration across the graft interface was seen in Scotch Bonnet autografts and heterografts with Black Beauty. Graft incompatibility observed in heterografts on Akash and bitter gumma rootstocks could be attributed to the presence of a necrotic layer at the graft interface. In conclusion, progressive scion growth and development and the regeneration of vascular bundles across the graft interface are effective in determining graft compatibility between Scotch Bonnet and selected solanceous species. This suggests that Scotch Bonnet can be cultivated under saline growing condition. 展开更多
关键词 GRAFTING Capsicum chinense compatibility solanaceous rootstocks.
Comparison of Wheat Planting Methods and Residue Incorporation Under Saline-Sodic Soil
作者 Muhammad Arshadullah Massomma Hassan Arshad Ali Syed Ishtiaq Hyder 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第12期1042-1045,共4页
The present research was conducted to monitor the wheat productivity along with residue incorporation under saline-sodic soils by examining different planting methods at Zaidi Farm, Kakar Gill, Sheikhupura District, P... The present research was conducted to monitor the wheat productivity along with residue incorporation under saline-sodic soils by examining different planting methods at Zaidi Farm, Kakar Gill, Sheikhupura District, Punjab Province in 2007-2008. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications was used having treatments: control (broadcast), zero till wheat plantation, wheat plantation using happy seeder and wheat plantation on raised beds. It was observed that tillering was pretty higher (141 and 139 m2) under raised bed as well as happy seeder plantation as compared to zero tilled wheat and broadcast technique. A significant relation was detected among maximum straw and grain yield (4,898 and 1,752 kg-ha1) in raised bed followed by happy seeder planting method. The lowest grain yield was recorded in the broadcast method. Maximum net revenue earned by raised bed planting method (39,908 PKR) followed by happy seeder methodology (37,533 PKR). The overall study suggests that raised bed and happy seeder wheat plantation are the superior planting methods. 展开更多
关键词 WHEAT planting methods crop residue saline-sodic.
Preliminary Study on a Novel Process for Manufacturing Soda Ash from Sodium Sulfate 被引量:1
作者 王天贵 李佐虎 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期433-438,共6页
The purpose of this work is to find a new way for utilizing the rich sodium sulfate resource to produce soda ash. A novel process is proposed which uses aqueous dichromate solution as working medium through decomposit... The purpose of this work is to find a new way for utilizing the rich sodium sulfate resource to produce soda ash. A novel process is proposed which uses aqueous dichromate solution as working medium through decomposition of calcium carbonate in aqueous sodium dichromate, complex decomposition of aqueous sodium sulfate and calcium chromate, regeneration of sodium dichromate and production of sodium bicarbonate from carbonation of aqueous sodium chromate solution, processing and utilization of byproduct calcium sulfate, and production of sodium carbonate from sodium bicarbonate. The process has the features of less corrosion and pollution and low energy consumption. 展开更多
关键词 sodium sulfate calcium carbonate sodium carbonate soda ash sodium dichromate calcium sulfate
作者 《中国盐业》 2024年第15期51-52,共2页
近年来,苏盐集团所属苏盐井神公司坚持向“新”而行、以“智”取胜,以思想变革引领技术变革,以技术变革推动产业转型,用好“智改数转网联”新技术,因地制宜发展新质生产力,被工信部评为第一批“绿色工厂”示范企业,荣获“江苏省制造突... 近年来,苏盐集团所属苏盐井神公司坚持向“新”而行、以“智”取胜,以思想变革引领技术变革,以技术变革推动产业转型,用好“智改数转网联”新技术,因地制宜发展新质生产力,被工信部评为第一批“绿色工厂”示范企业,荣获“江苏省制造突出贡献奖优秀企业”“江苏省创新企业”。 展开更多
关键词 思想变革 盐业 产业转型 绿色工厂 示范企业 因地制宜 苏盐集团 生产力
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