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“珠英学士”诗歌活动考论 被引量:2
作者 聂永华 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期106-110,共5页
“珠英学士”因大型类书《三教珠英》的修撰而得名。在近四年中,“珠英学士”于修书之余,“日夕谈论,赋诗聚会”,客观上造成了一个唱和赋诗、研讨诗艺的大好机会,从而形成初唐后期规模最大的一个宫廷诗人群体。作为一部当代诗选,《珠英... “珠英学士”因大型类书《三教珠英》的修撰而得名。在近四年中,“珠英学士”于修书之余,“日夕谈论,赋诗聚会”,客观上造成了一个唱和赋诗、研讨诗艺的大好机会,从而形成初唐后期规模最大的一个宫廷诗人群体。作为一部当代诗选,《珠英学士集》是研究初唐宫廷诗坛状况与诗风流变弥足珍贵的第一手资料。通过“珠英学士”诗歌活动和《珠英学士集》的考察,会使我们对诗歌声律化进程与初唐宫廷诗风流变获得一些新的认识。 展开更多
关键词 英学 《珠英学士集》 声律化 诗风流变
《学会》 1995年第11期5-5,共1页
节食为何不能减肥英学者认为与大脑中的物质分泌机制有关据英《自然》报道大多数想靠节食减肥的人都不成功,英国科学家最近发现这与大脑中的一种物质的分泌机制有关。英国利特莫尔医院的研究人员发表报告指出,他们对老鼠进行研究后发... 节食为何不能减肥英学者认为与大脑中的物质分泌机制有关据英《自然》报道大多数想靠节食减肥的人都不成功,英国科学家最近发现这与大脑中的一种物质的分泌机制有关。英国利特莫尔医院的研究人员发表报告指出,他们对老鼠进行研究后发现,当老鼠“节食”时,鼠脑中的神经... 展开更多
关键词 分泌机制 神经传递物质 节食减肥 节食者 英学 研究人员 减肥疗法 饮食标准 肥胖患者 控制体重
作者 张前明 梁茂林 梁平 《四川农业科技》 1999年第6期8-8,共1页
重庆市开县大德乡瓦窑村11社村民廖英学,高中毕业后回乡务农,他热爱农业科学,因地制宜选好致富门路。廖英学家住海拔760米的山区,他认识到,当地草资源丰富,有条件大力发展山羊生产。从此,他认真学习养羊技术,“念羊经”,总结出养... 重庆市开县大德乡瓦窑村11社村民廖英学,高中毕业后回乡务农,他热爱农业科学,因地制宜选好致富门路。廖英学家住海拔760米的山区,他认识到,当地草资源丰富,有条件大力发展山羊生产。从此,他认真学习养羊技术,“念羊经”,总结出养羊的实践经验:一是实行对山羊“谷雨”... 展开更多
关键词 杂交水稻制种 专业户 英学 重庆市 寄生虫病 畜牧兽医站 南江黄羊 综合防制 开县 本地山羊
作者 叶斌 汤松波 《沿海企业与科技》 1997年第4期35-38,共4页
关键词 形象策划 英学 南宁市 民办中小学 学校管理 广西 私立中小学 董事会结构 学生家长 教师队伍
作者 佟仲贤 《教育艺术》 1996年第6期6-7,共2页
北京市育英学校———培育跨世纪人才的摇篮●佟仲贤1952年“六一”儿童节前夕,毛主席通过自己的孩子李讷给育英学校送来了一份极其珍贵的礼物,这份礼物是他老人家亲笔书写的“好好学习”四个大字,这四个字浓墨大笔,光彩夺目。... 北京市育英学校———培育跨世纪人才的摇篮●佟仲贤1952年“六一”儿童节前夕,毛主席通过自己的孩子李讷给育英学校送来了一份极其珍贵的礼物,这份礼物是他老人家亲笔书写的“好好学习”四个大字,这四个字浓墨大笔,光彩夺目。“好好学习”的题词现已镌刻在育英学... 展开更多
关键词 跨世纪人才 北京市 英学 教育教学质量 学校规章制度 中共中央 寓教育于活动 社会主义建设事业 学习方法 平山县
民国时期的留英学生与中英科技交流 被引量:5
作者 元青 《历史教学(下半月)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第8期13-15,共3页
一、民国时期中国留英学生情况 民国时期最早的留英学生,大概要算由临时稽勋局派出的留英生了。该局1912、1913年先后两次派出赴欧、美、日等国学习的中国学生共51名,其中留英学生有十几名,并涌现出李四光、王世杰等名人。同时,交通部... 一、民国时期中国留英学生情况 民国时期最早的留英学生,大概要算由临时稽勋局派出的留英生了。该局1912、1913年先后两次派出赴欧、美、日等国学习的中国学生共51名,其中留英学生有十几名,并涌现出李四光、王世杰等名人。同时,交通部也派出留英生15名,各省派出官费留英生近百名。据初步统计,民初几年间留英的中国学生有一百三四十人。20年代中,留英学生人数比较稳定,1921年约200人,1924年有250人,1927年有300人。 展开更多
关键词 民国时期 中国学生 科学家 学部委员 英学 留学教育 中英两国 30年代 中国留学生 英国
作者 陈星桥 《法音》 北大核心 1997年第9期35-36,共2页
留英学僧拜会赵朴初会长本刊讯8月10日下午,中国佛教协会赵朴初会长在北京医院亲切会见了回国过暑假的净因法师、圆慈法师、广兴法师三位留英博士生,并与他们进行了愉快的交谈。净因法师等是于1986年从中国佛学院被送到斯里兰... 留英学僧拜会赵朴初会长本刊讯8月10日下午,中国佛教协会赵朴初会长在北京医院亲切会见了回国过暑假的净因法师、圆慈法师、广兴法师三位留英博士生,并与他们进行了愉快的交谈。净因法师等是于1986年从中国佛学院被送到斯里兰卡留学的第一批比丘(共五人),他们... 展开更多
关键词 赵朴初 人间佛教 佛陀 斯里兰卡 留学生 研究课题 香港特别行政区基本法 法师 英学 伦敦大学亚非学院
作者 王恒 《纵横》 1998年第11期48-51,共4页
1948年麦秋之后,我母亲奉命去筹建中直机关的一所小学——育英学校,我便随母亲一道从平山县夹峪村骑马去下东峪。 先期到达的是校长刘建勋,副校长孙统一,教导主任屠忠顺。刘校长多才多艺,育英学校的校歌就是他编写的,他还能弹一手好风琴。
关键词 毛泽东 西柏坡 英学 陈毅 开学典礼 学校 平山县 中直机关 老同志 国民党
作者 蒙梓 《神州学人》 1997年第8期3-5,共3页
回故乡之路———留英学者回国学术交流团在京活动侧记●蒙梓1997年6月15日,由计算机科学、光电子技术、生命科学、材料科学四大学科16名成员组成的“留英学者回国学术交流团”踏上了回故乡的旅程,北京、西安、上海将留下他... 回故乡之路———留英学者回国学术交流团在京活动侧记●蒙梓1997年6月15日,由计算机科学、光电子技术、生命科学、材料科学四大学科16名成员组成的“留英学者回国学术交流团”踏上了回故乡的旅程,北京、西安、上海将留下他们的足迹。他们获得了英国PRUDE... 展开更多
关键词 学术交流 留学人员 生命科学 国家自然科学基金委员会 中科院 国有大中型企业 基础研究 英学 留学生 研究员
Lecturers’Efforts in Building Rapport in the English-Medium Instruction(EMI)Context:Focus on the Use of Communication Strategies
作者 Shiyan YU Jagdish KAUR 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2024年第3期498-513,526,共17页
Past studies reveal the prevalence of anxiety,coupled with low motivation and disengagement among students in English-medium instruction(EMI)programs.Given the detrimental impact these negative emotions can have on le... Past studies reveal the prevalence of anxiety,coupled with low motivation and disengagement among students in English-medium instruction(EMI)programs.Given the detrimental impact these negative emotions can have on learning outcomes,it is imperative that teachers establish positive emotional rapport with their students.This study explores how experienced and highly rated EMI lecturers at a Chinese university’s overseas campus use communication strategies to build rapport with their students during interactive academic activities.It identifies the strategies used by these lecturers and examines how the strategies facilitate the teaching-learning process.The data,consisting of 10 hours of tutorials and 10 hours of supervisor-student supervision meetings,is analyzed using an adapted Conversation Analysis(CA)approach.The analysis reveals three types of communication strategies(CSs)frequently used by lecturers:back-channeling,codeswitching,and co-creation of messages.By employing these strategies,the lecturers established a strong rapport with the students,which created an encouraging and supportive learning environment.Consequently,this positive atmosphere facilitated students’learning of content knowledge through English.The findings of this study have implications for the training of lecturers who encounter difficulties in establishing rapport with multilingual students in the EMI setting. 展开更多
关键词 communication strategies English-medium instruction(EMI) rapport-building lecturer-student interaction supportive learning environment
Analyses of English demand in employment units 被引量:6
作者 戴立黎 曾玲琴 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第5期5-14,20,共11页
By using investigative means of marketing, this paper collects and analyzes the data of English demand of employment units for newly-graduated .graduates. Its research and analysis include six parts, namely, an overal... By using investigative means of marketing, this paper collects and analyzes the data of English demand of employment units for newly-graduated .graduates. Its research and analysis include six parts, namely, an overall analysis, an analysis of English demand according to the kind of employment units, according to trade, according to job, according to specialty and the five skills of "listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation". The supplied data tell the reality of the current English demand of employment units in China, which would also reflect the trend in the coming few years. The analysis of the data embodies the reality of college English teaching, discusses its advantages and disadvantages and puts forward reasonable suggestions on college English teaching and evaluation system. 展开更多
关键词 EMPLOYER English demand college English teaching
Chunk approach for English teaching 被引量:5
作者 张立英 徐勇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期14-18,共5页
This paper suggests a chunk approach to solve the plateau problem among advanced English learners. The paper first discusses the extant problems and then provides a definition of the chunk approach. Based on some rese... This paper suggests a chunk approach to solve the plateau problem among advanced English learners. The paper first discusses the extant problems and then provides a definition of the chunk approach. Based on some research results in cognitive psychology, it analyses the important role that chunks play in language acquisition and production and thus provides a cognitive foundation for implementing the chunk approach in English teaching. The paper also offers a set of classroom activities which can be easily adopted or adapted by other teachers. 展开更多
关键词 CHUNK chunk approach advanced English learners classroom activities
On Formative Assessment in College English Teaching 被引量:10
作者 鄢家利 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期37-41,共5页
Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well.... Teaching assessment plays a very important part in college English teaching, and effective formative assessment can encourage students' learner autonomy, improve their ability, and stimulate their creativity as well. Based on the foreign and domestic studies, this paper first reviews the definition and types of assessment, and then analyses the factors which influence the application of formative assessment in the process of college English teaching. 展开更多
关键词 formative assessment college English teaching FACTOR
Oral presentations: An integrated strategy and evaluation technique for college English teaching 被引量:4
作者 韦丽秋 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期5-9,共5页
Oral presentations integrate skills of reading, thinking, perceiving, writing and performing, effectively combining the processes of input and output. The application of presentations in college English teaching and l... Oral presentations integrate skills of reading, thinking, perceiving, writing and performing, effectively combining the processes of input and output. The application of presentations in college English teaching and learning will not only improve students' speaking skills but also promote other skills. In addition, they provide opportunities for students to receive language signals through audio way, thus enrich channels for language input and lead to better language learning results. 展开更多
关键词 oral presentations college English teaching strategy
On the Construction of a Cognition-oriented College-English Teaching Model 被引量:1
作者 杨劲松 邓志勇 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期6-10,17,共6页
This paper analyzes the negative influence of traditional English instruction as well as obsession with bilingual teaching, and sets forth a three-step development strategy in line with the cognitive characteristics o... This paper analyzes the negative influence of traditional English instruction as well as obsession with bilingual teaching, and sets forth a three-step development strategy in line with the cognitive characteristics of learners. 展开更多
关键词 Cognition-oriented college English teaching model
浅析新课改下初中英语教学方式的转变 被引量:2
作者 张明霞 《学周刊》 2019年第14期75-75,共1页
关键词 新课改 初中英学 教学方式 转变
Study of Teaching Methods of Conceptual Metaphors 被引量:1
作者 李晓惠 程婧 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第1期1-3,29,共4页
The application of conceptual metaphor theories to the teaching of English reading and vocabulary provides a new field of research to foreign language teaching. This paper analyzes the possibility of metaphor teaching... The application of conceptual metaphor theories to the teaching of English reading and vocabulary provides a new field of research to foreign language teaching. This paper analyzes the possibility of metaphor teaching through a small scale case study. It shows that the individual difference should be emphasized in metaphor teaching. This paper also provides empirical study evidences for the further research in the future. 展开更多
关键词 conceptual metaphor COGNITION English teaching
English newspapers and magazines and the teaching of College English 被引量:2
作者 张君棠 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期30-32,51,共4页
Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspap... Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspapers and magazines and then proposes making good use of them through such classroom activities as discussing the hot issue and role-playing to provide more authentic situations in which the students can have chances to practice four English skills, achieving the ideal teaching result. 展开更多
关键词 English newspapers and magazines College English teaching communicative activities in classroom comorehensive ability to use English
An analysis of the divergent opinions on the disciplinary orientation of Business English 被引量:1
作者 原庆荣 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第4期30-32,29,共4页
Starting with the introduction of current development of Business English in China, the paper points out the problems existing in the disciplinary orientation of Business English. On the basis of discussing the decisi... Starting with the introduction of current development of Business English in China, the paper points out the problems existing in the disciplinary orientation of Business English. On the basis of discussing the decisive factors in the disciplinary orientation of Business English, the paper concludes that Business English is an interdisciplinary subject which has practical applications, and Business English should take linguistics and economics as its theoretical basis. 展开更多
关键词 Business English disciplinary orientation interdisciplinary subject
Inspiration of cognitive approach on foreign language teaching 被引量:2
作者 曾梅 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第11期32-34,45,共4页
In recent years, the college English teaching reform has been increasingly deepened. The study of the relationship between cognitive approach and foreign language teaching is undoubtedly instructive not only to guaran... In recent years, the college English teaching reform has been increasingly deepened. The study of the relationship between cognitive approach and foreign language teaching is undoubtedly instructive not only to guarantee the quality of foreign language teaching but also to improve learners' foreign language proficiency. In this essay, the author expounds the development of cognitive approach and some relative teaching principles, on which basis the author puts forward some specific practices in foreign language teaching. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive approach PRINCIPLES foreign language teaching measures
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