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从identity到“认同”:巴别塔的困境——以中国英语学习者为对象的研究 被引量:9
作者 秦晨 《社会科学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第2期100-104,共5页
语言和认同是西方社会科学的重要主题之一。在此框架下,中国学者也获得了较为丰富的研究成果。对其中以外语(主要是英语)学习者为对象的研究进行分析,发现英语学习对于个体层面的自我认同(如自信)可能产生实质性的影响。但是,在社会认... 语言和认同是西方社会科学的重要主题之一。在此框架下,中国学者也获得了较为丰富的研究成果。对其中以外语(主要是英语)学习者为对象的研究进行分析,发现英语学习对于个体层面的自我认同(如自信)可能产生实质性的影响。但是,在社会认同的层面上,中国语境中关于文化认同的部分结论显得似是而非:中国英语学习者对英语文化的"认同"表现为对其积极的认知、情感乃至行动,但由于他们并不具备目的语文化的群体成员身份,这种"认同"不应等同于西方语境中的identity。英语学习和文化认同之间的相关是否成立,取决于对二者的具体界定。 展开更多
关键词 认同 文化认同 (作为一门外的)英语学习
作者 李慧 《佳木斯职业学院学报》 2016年第12期332-,334,共2页
性别差异是英语教学中一个不可忽视的因素,大学英语教学应该充分考虑性别差异这一因素,使男、女学生都能提高英语学习效率。本文主要分析男、女学生英语学习差异的原因,并提出大学英语教师应利用各种教学活动充分发挥男女生各自优势和潜... 性别差异是英语教学中一个不可忽视的因素,大学英语教学应该充分考虑性别差异这一因素,使男、女学生都能提高英语学习效率。本文主要分析男、女学生英语学习差异的原因,并提出大学英语教师应利用各种教学活动充分发挥男女生各自优势和潜能,最终达到提高英语交际能力的目的。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习(二习得) 性别差异 对策
作者 刘俊云 《海外英语》 2015年第6期99-100,共2页
作为一种多词单位,语块是整体习得并存储在记忆中的范例,是高频出现于英语学习过程中,却易被忽略的语言现象。语块在第一语言学习或第二语言学习中都有着重要的角色和地位。该文从国内外语块的研究成果出发,归纳探讨其在英语口语及写作... 作为一种多词单位,语块是整体习得并存储在记忆中的范例,是高频出现于英语学习过程中,却易被忽略的语言现象。语块在第一语言学习或第二语言学习中都有着重要的角色和地位。该文从国内外语块的研究成果出发,归纳探讨其在英语口语及写作中的广泛应用,并最终指出其在英语二语学习中的普遍意义。 展开更多
关键词 英语 英语写作 英语学习
学英语,促思维——小学英语语篇学习中的问题设计 被引量:1
作者 周燕红 《学周刊(中旬)》 2013年第11期25-25,共1页
学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的。在小学英语语篇学习中设计高质量的问题能启发学生思维,引导学生走进语篇,培养和锻炼学生的语篇理解能力和语用思维能力。鉴于此,本文笔者结合自己的教学经验和实践,分别从语篇学习前、语篇学习中和... 学生的思维过程往往是从问题开始的。在小学英语语篇学习中设计高质量的问题能启发学生思维,引导学生走进语篇,培养和锻炼学生的语篇理解能力和语用思维能力。鉴于此,本文笔者结合自己的教学经验和实践,分别从语篇学习前、语篇学习中和语篇学习后,以及联系生活设计问题四方面谈谈关于语篇教学中问题设计的实践与思考,以期提高小学英语语篇教学质量。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 问题铺垫 问题深入 问题探究 问题拓展
阶段式输入让小学生在英语语篇学习中有兴趣地学习新单词——What does he do?语篇教学课例研究
作者 刘亚娟 《文教资料》 2013年第12期187-189,共3页
英语语篇学习的重点在于理解语篇,然而生词的出现大大影响了学生的阅读速度和理解程度,进而影响了学生的阅读兴趣。生词的学习不是语篇学习的重点,不能因为学习生词而割裂对语篇学习的完整性,作者在不同阶段采取不同教学方法,取得了一... 英语语篇学习的重点在于理解语篇,然而生词的出现大大影响了学生的阅读速度和理解程度,进而影响了学生的阅读兴趣。生词的学习不是语篇学习的重点,不能因为学习生词而割裂对语篇学习的完整性,作者在不同阶段采取不同教学方法,取得了一定成效。 展开更多
关键词 小学英语学习 生词 阶段式输入
作者 陆勋林 《江苏石油化工学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2001年第3期32-34,64,共4页
关键词 英语学习语 民族文化 义概念 比喻 意义
英语学术阅读中的问题、原因及其对策——关于中国非英语专业研究生学术阅读的调查 被引量:6
作者 李洁 《黑龙江教育学院学报》 2008年第11期165-167,共3页
阅读英语学术著作是研究生获得自己所学专业的学术研究动态,进行学术交流的重要途径。但对于中国的非英语专业研究生来讲,由于母语的负迁移以及一些其他因素的影响,他们在进行学术阅读,获取信息的过程中会遭遇很多困难。通过对西南大学... 阅读英语学术著作是研究生获得自己所学专业的学术研究动态,进行学术交流的重要途径。但对于中国的非英语专业研究生来讲,由于母语的负迁移以及一些其他因素的影响,他们在进行学术阅读,获取信息的过程中会遭遇很多困难。通过对西南大学部分非英语专业研究生的调查,了解他们在英语学术阅读中遇到哪些困难,从二语习得机制上分析造成这些困难的原因,并从教学角度提出解决办法,以期能够帮助中国非英语专业研究生提高学术阅读的水平和效率。 展开更多
关键词 英语学术阅读 英语专业研究生 英语作为外/二学习
作者 于秒 马雪梅 戴若林 《外语教学与研究》 北大核心 2024年第4期556-568,640,共14页
词汇识别的形音依赖问题一直是二语词汇识别领域关注的重要问题,但以往研究多考察拼音文字母语者,而对表意文字母语者的相关研究较少。本研究旨在通过两个实验探究母语为汉语的英语二语学习者在词汇识别中的形音依赖。实验一考察学习者... 词汇识别的形音依赖问题一直是二语词汇识别领域关注的重要问题,但以往研究多考察拼音文字母语者,而对表意文字母语者的相关研究较少。本研究旨在通过两个实验探究母语为汉语的英语二语学习者在词汇识别中的形音依赖。实验一考察学习者在词汇识别过程中的形音依赖情况。结果发现,正字法相似的词比不相似的词正确率更低,但语音相似性不影响词汇识别。实验二考察二语水平对词汇识别形音依赖的影响。结果发现,与高水平受试相比,低水平受试识别正字法相似词的正确率更低,而语音相似性不影响不同水平受试的词汇识别。上述结果表明,学习者在词汇识别中更依赖正字法信息,且这种依赖模式受到二语水平的调节。本研究支持并丰富了正字法深度假说,对词汇教学亦有重要启示。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习 词汇识别 正字法深度 形音依赖
针对语言、文化和二语学习者身份认同研究的回顾和展望 被引量:2
作者 刘倩 《海外英语》 2019年第3期11-12,共2页
语言在一定程度上决定人的思维方式和行为观念。在中国,英语已经成为义务教育阶段的必修课程,全民学习英语的浪潮也引发了社会各界对中国年轻一代思维西化、文化认同危机的争议和思考。该研究以中国语言学习环境为背景,采用文献分析的... 语言在一定程度上决定人的思维方式和行为观念。在中国,英语已经成为义务教育阶段的必修课程,全民学习英语的浪潮也引发了社会各界对中国年轻一代思维西化、文化认同危机的争议和思考。该研究以中国语言学习环境为背景,采用文献分析的研究方法,对身份认同、文化认同,以及语言、文化和认同变化的研究进行了搜集、鉴别、归类和整理,为今后中国语言学习环境下文化认同变化的研究提供了新的思路和可能的研究切入点。 展开更多
关键词 中文言环境 英语学习 身份认同变化 文化冲突
ESL学习者如何提出、接受和拒绝“建议”:会话分析的视角 被引量:9
作者 李淑静 《外语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期52-58,共7页
用会话分析的方法审视一段在英语二语课堂的小组任务中自然发生的会话,发现其中有8个序列围绕着"建议"展开,其组织顺序为:征集建议、提出建议、接受或拒绝建议。各环节又呈现出不同的言语行为特点:(1)征集建议有两个层次,即... 用会话分析的方法审视一段在英语二语课堂的小组任务中自然发生的会话,发现其中有8个序列围绕着"建议"展开,其组织顺序为:征集建议、提出建议、接受或拒绝建议。各环节又呈现出不同的言语行为特点:(1)征集建议有两个层次,即征集建议的类别和征集具体的建议;(2)征集之后,没有人提出建议或建议被否,则出现重复征集;(3)在接受或拒绝建议之前常有纠偏或者抵制建议的话语行为;(4)接受建议的言语行为常常是直接的,有时还伴随着点头、记录等身体动作;(5)拒绝建议的言语行为常常是含蓄的。另外讨论了此次会话分析结果对于外语学习者和外语教师的启示。 展开更多
关键词 会话分析 建议 英语学习
性别差异与二语习得研究 被引量:2
作者 郑晓春 《现代商贸工业》 2011年第16期224-225,共2页
通过调查,讨论了影响语言学习的因素以及其性别差异,这些因素包括:生理因素、性格差异、记忆能力差异以及学习策略等。在研究这些因素的性别差异的基础上,提出了"因性施教"的教育理念,以及如何利用性别差异让学生在学习英语... 通过调查,讨论了影响语言学习的因素以及其性别差异,这些因素包括:生理因素、性格差异、记忆能力差异以及学习策略等。在研究这些因素的性别差异的基础上,提出了"因性施教"的教育理念,以及如何利用性别差异让学生在学习英语时扬长避短,克服缺点,提高英语学习成绩的一些相应的对策。对此教师应利用各种教学活动充分发挥男女生各自的优势和潜能,最终达到提高交际英语能力的目的。 展开更多
关键词 英语学习(二习得) 性别差别 对策
作者 李平 裴雪梅 《家教世界》 2012年第4X期74-76,共3页
本文采用调查问卷的方式,对某中学高三年级的学生进行一次有关英语学习倦怠的抽样调查,并结合高三学生平时的英语学习状态,运用定量定性研究的方法,对调查的英语学习倦怠现象采取相关因素分析,并采取相关干预措施。在高中英语教学阶段... 本文采用调查问卷的方式,对某中学高三年级的学生进行一次有关英语学习倦怠的抽样调查,并结合高三学生平时的英语学习状态,运用定量定性研究的方法,对调查的英语学习倦怠现象采取相关因素分析,并采取相关干预措施。在高中英语教学阶段高三英语英语教学当中,对学生的英语学习倦怠现象应引起重视,分析高三学生英语学习倦怠因素,并采取相应的干预措施,以帮助高三学生缓解英语学习倦怠现象。 展开更多
关键词 学习倦怠 高三英语学习 英语学习倦怠 干预
Adjustment to affective factors in English learning by using Internet English Curriculum Resource
作者 马云霞 任重远 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第1期25-27,共3页
The new curriculum standard points out that affection is one of the most important goals of fundamental education. The non-target language environment is easier to cause the affective change of middle school students ... The new curriculum standard points out that affection is one of the most important goals of fundamental education. The non-target language environment is easier to cause the affective change of middle school students who are changeable in their affective state. Based on the affective filter hypothesis, this paper deals with the adjustment to affective factors in English learning by using Internet English Curriculum Resource, such as attitude and motivation, anxiety and inhibition, self-esteem and self-confidence. At last, some suggestions are offered to judge Internet English Curriculum Resource. 展开更多
关键词 middle school students affective factors English learning English Curriculum Resource
Study on how to learn English well from the perspective of cognitive linguistics for college students
作者 贾虹 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第7期44-49,共6页
This paper discusses the theoretical and practical guidance of cognitive linguistics in the college students' English learning. It mainly deals with the English listening on the basis of metcognition, the practice of... This paper discusses the theoretical and practical guidance of cognitive linguistics in the college students' English learning. It mainly deals with the English listening on the basis of metcognition, the practice of cognitive linguistics in oral English learning, the practice of cognitive linguistics in English reading, the learning strategy of English writing on the basis of cognitive linguistics and the practice of cognitive linguistics in English translation. The paper draws the conclusion that in any aspects of English learning, i.e. listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, cognitive linguistics could be practiced. When cognitive linguistics is applied in English learning, the learners can break through the bottlenecks of college English study. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive linguistics METACOGNITION English learning
Beyond Parroting:Using English Fun Dubbing to Improve English Oral Performance 被引量:1
作者 Huiqi WU Jane M.EKSTAM 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2021年第2期203-218,264,共17页
The present paper is a response to the current problematic situation of oral English teaching at the tertiary level in China and the increasing popularity of web-based mobile oral English learning in oral English clas... The present paper is a response to the current problematic situation of oral English teaching at the tertiary level in China and the increasing popularity of web-based mobile oral English learning in oral English classes.Our paper focuses on the use of mobile-phone-based educational software known as“English Fun Dubbing”(EFD)and its advantages in terms of teaching and learning phonetics and oral English in the college classroom.The starting point was a needs analysis which revealed the lack of practice regarding English speaking.In this study,an action research method was adopted,involving 40 second-year students,who employed“classroom teaching+English Fun Dubbing”model as the intervention.Extensive examples from this model were used to build up a picture of the blended learning processes at work.Several imitation tasks,a conversational activity and a speech-delivering task were designed and implemented.Direct observation and the results of the questionnaire survey provided the evidence of the improvement in the students’oral performance.It is our aim to develop the present project to incorporate oral proficiency.The main results of this action research were reflected in the adjustments in the pedagogical treatment,the changes in the role of the teacher and the student,and the shifts in the students’attitudes towards their learning process. 展开更多
关键词 mobile English learning English Fun Dubbing oral English training
Temporal and Narrative Features of Ian McEwan's and Joe Wright's Atonement 被引量:1
作者 Rajko Petkovie Petra Perkov 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第8期532-543,共12页
The paper deals with temporal and narrative properties of Ian McEwan's (2001) and Joe Wright's (2007) Atonement. In order to show continuity with his other works, four of McEwan's novels--The lnnocent (1990),... The paper deals with temporal and narrative properties of Ian McEwan's (2001) and Joe Wright's (2007) Atonement. In order to show continuity with his other works, four of McEwan's novels--The lnnocent (1990), Amsterdam (1999), Saturday (2006), and On Chesil Beach (2008), have been analyzed before elaborating the novel and film adaptation of Atonement (2007). Apart from the narratological analysis, McEwan's layered works lend themselves to different kinds of readings, and the authors have used the theoretical notions of Immanuel Kant (1952) as well as concepts derived from the postmodem philosophical movement. The aim of the paper is to show how the chronotopical and intertextual nature of the literary original finds a worthy equivalent in the film version, proving the feasibility of a successful intermedial transfer of a complex narrative structure 展开更多
Question-Generation Reading Strategy of Iranian EFL Learners 被引量:1
作者 Jalal Kamalizad Kaveh Jalilzadeh 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第11期731-736,共6页
This paper tries to explore the effect of question-generation reading strategy on the reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Since the researchers did not have an... This paper tries to explore the effect of question-generation reading strategy on the reading comprehension of Iranian intermediate EFL (English as a Foreign Language) learners. Since the researchers did not have any control over randomization of students and it was considered as one of the features of experimental method, this study is not a true experimental method. This method is called Intact Group Study. In this research there were experimental and control groups. The age range of the learners in both groups was between 19 to 22; the age range difference was so limited that we could neglect the difference concem. The number of students in both groups was closely the same. One of these groups received question-generation reading strategy instruction and the other group---control group--did not receive this instruction. Participants in both groups studied a task-based course book called New Interchange 3 by Richards (2005). They studied the last eight units of this book during a whole term. The instruction was the same for both groups except for the reading parts. Participants in experimental group were taught how to generate questions as being linked to the main ideas of the text they were reading. They were also given feedback on the correctness of the questions they generated. Then they answered the follow-up questions However, participants in control group received a traditional method of reading for comprehension; they read the text on their own and answered the follow-up questions. Of course both groups enjoyed a warm-up before reading each text. The statistical independent group T-test of the reading comprehension posttest showed that participants in the experimental group performed better than the students in the control group 展开更多
关键词 reading strategies question-generation reading strategy reading comprehension
Spelling error corpora in EFL 被引量:1
作者 Reima Al-Jarf 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第1期6-15,共10页
Spelling error corpora can be collected from students' written essays, homework, dictations, translations, tests and lecture notes. Spelling errors can be classified into whole word errors, faulty graphemes and fault... Spelling error corpora can be collected from students' written essays, homework, dictations, translations, tests and lecture notes. Spelling errors can be classified into whole word errors, faulty graphemes and faulty phonemes in which graphemes are deleted, added, reversed or substituted. They can be used for identifying phonological and orthographic problems; spelling strategies that EFL students use in spelling English; spelling error causes or sources and relationship between spelling and decoding weaknesses. The paper gives examples of spelling errors and shows how spelling errors are quantified. Recommendations for remediation are also given. 展开更多
关键词 SPELLING error corpus EFL phonological errors orthographic errors
A functional approach to improving non-English majors' writing proficiency 被引量:1
作者 LI Sh un-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第3期34-37,共4页
Problems in generating and organizing ideas, in coherence and language competence are common in non-English majors' writings. To improve their writing proficiency, the writing course should have real-life purposes, b... Problems in generating and organizing ideas, in coherence and language competence are common in non-English majors' writings. To improve their writing proficiency, the writing course should have real-life purposes, balance between real and display writing, between product and process approaches, vary writing activities, train strategies in improving coherence, balance the content of feedback and use various forms of feedback. 展开更多
关键词 problems in non-English majors' writings a functional approach improving non-English majors' writing proficiency
The Influence of the First Language (Arabic) on Learning English as a Second Language in Jordanian Schools, and Its Relation to Educational Policy: Structural Errors 被引量:1
作者 Dalai Mohamad Al-Zoubi Mohamad Ahmad Abu-Eid 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第5期355-372,共18页
This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the L 1 (first language) (Arabic) on learning ESL (English as a second language) in Jordanian schools, and its relation to education policy. The sample of... This study was conducted to investigate the influence of the L 1 (first language) (Arabic) on learning ESL (English as a second language) in Jordanian schools, and its relation to education policy. The sample of the study consisted of 266 high school graduates Jordanian students in the academic year 2013-2014. A translation test consisted of 24 items and divided to eight areas was constructed to arrive at the objectives of the study. The study concluded that the percentage of total errors committed by the study sample in all areas exceeds percentage of correct answers (wrong answers is 52.48'%, correct answers is 47.52%), and the students committed more transfer errors in the types of verb to be, addition to, andpassive voice than other types of errors as a result of the effect of the L1. 展开更多
关键词 English language Arabic language education policy
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