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《金瓶梅》英语译本研究的新成果——评齐林涛新著《〈金瓶梅〉的英语译本:文本、副文本和语境》 被引量:1
作者 孙会军 《燕山大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2019年第4期39-43,共5页
《金瓶梅》是我国著名文学作品,明代开始流行,不仅赢得很多国内读者,而且先后被翻译成多种语言介绍到国外,英语改写本、翻译本至少就有十几种,其中包括两个全译本,美国汉学家夏志清用“极佳”两个字来评论两个全译本的翻译质量,但是,相... 《金瓶梅》是我国著名文学作品,明代开始流行,不仅赢得很多国内读者,而且先后被翻译成多种语言介绍到国外,英语改写本、翻译本至少就有十几种,其中包括两个全译本,美国汉学家夏志清用“极佳”两个字来评论两个全译本的翻译质量,但是,相对于其他文学名著而言,关于《金瓶梅》的翻译研究无论在国内还是国外都非常罕见,澳大利亚莫纳什大学齐林涛博士在2018年出版了第一部《金瓶梅》英译研究专著,勾勒出《金瓶梅》英译的历史,并对两个全译本进行了深入研究,挖掘了新的资料,解决了长期困扰,金瓶梅,翻译研究的老问题,验证了翻译理论家的假设,并提出了新的观点,无论在研究内容、研究途径、研究方法、理论视角,还是在研究发现上都有所创新,代表了《金瓶梅》英语译介研究的新里程,这对中国文学作品外译和研究,都具有一定的借鉴意义. 展开更多
关键词 《金瓶梅》 英语译本 《金瓶梅的英语译本:文本、副文本和语境》
《西厢记》非英语译本在海外的译介和传播 被引量:2
作者 郭亚文 张清菡 《四川戏剧》 北大核心 2019年第2期150-154,共5页
关键词 戏曲翻译 《西厢记》 英语译本
《红楼梦》四个英语节译本中的习语翻译比较研究 被引量:1
作者 杨安文 胡云 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2013年第4期40-47,共8页
从翻译等值理论和接受美学理论视角考察《红楼梦》四个节译本中的歇后语、成语和俗语等习语的英译情况,发现其多数译例或省略未译,或采用简单直译、意译的方式,因而未能有效传递习语的文化内涵和文学韵味。而要想使译文填补译入语读者的... 从翻译等值理论和接受美学理论视角考察《红楼梦》四个节译本中的歇后语、成语和俗语等习语的英译情况,发现其多数译例或省略未译,或采用简单直译、意译的方式,因而未能有效传递习语的文化内涵和文学韵味。而要想使译文填补译入语读者的"文化空白",实现文化内涵和文化意象的等值传递,就必须从接受美学的角度来发挥译者的主体性,并采取直译、意译、归化、异化相结合的综合翻译法,追求一种"动态的、立体的、等效的"语言转换,以达到保全原著文化意象和防止文化流失的目的。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 英语译本 习语翻译 译者主体性 等值理论 接受美学
释“道”——最早《道德经》英语全译本注释研究 被引量:1
作者 李东 《苏州教育学院学报》 2011年第3期44-48,共5页
在《道德经》的三个最早英译本中,湛约翰、巴富尔和理雅各通过语法注释、语义注释、引言注释和篇末按语等注释方式辅助翻译。这些注释一方面帮助读者疏通文意,给予读者适当的文化解读,以使《道德经》英译本更好地融入目的语文化,从而为... 在《道德经》的三个最早英译本中,湛约翰、巴富尔和理雅各通过语法注释、语义注释、引言注释和篇末按语等注释方式辅助翻译。这些注释一方面帮助读者疏通文意,给予读者适当的文化解读,以使《道德经》英译本更好地融入目的语文化,从而为《道德经》在西方的传播和西方的汉学发展打下坚实的基础;另一方面也反映了三位身份相殊的翻译家不同的翻译目的;同时,这些注释方式在现代汉学西渐与翻译实践中也具有较高的借鉴价值。 展开更多
关键词 《道德经》英语译本 注释 湛约翰 巴富尔 理雅各
作者 肖维戈 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第2期109-112,共4页
关键词 英语国家概况》汉译本 展示 纠正 典型误译
有关《论语》的五种英语译文比较研究 被引量:4
作者 熊德米 《西南政法大学学报》 2002年第2期50-53,共4页
中国的翻译事业从夏朝到现代,经历了四千多年的历史;中国对外翻译始于公元505年;明清时代进入翻译繁荣时期;当今世界的中国翻译事业空前繁荣,为推进世界文明的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。中国古典名著《论语》乃古代思想文化的瑰宝,《... 中国的翻译事业从夏朝到现代,经历了四千多年的历史;中国对外翻译始于公元505年;明清时代进入翻译繁荣时期;当今世界的中国翻译事业空前繁荣,为推进世界文明的发展做出了不可磨灭的贡献。中国古典名著《论语》乃古代思想文化的瑰宝,《论语》的对外翻译为丰富全人类思想文化发挥了巨大的作用。不同翻译人员语言文化素质的差异必然导致对同一翻译作品理解上的差异,《论语》的翻译尤其如此。本文分析研究了《论语》的五个英文译本,旨在提高中国文化对外翻译质量。 展开更多
关键词 翻译 孔子 <论语> 英语译本
《庄子》在英语世界里的文本形态 被引量:1
作者 阮玉慧 戴俊霞 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第4期75-77,共3页
一百多年来,《庄子》以其独特魅力吸引着中外诸多译者,产生了不少优秀译本。这些译本的译者国籍不同,译本各有千秋。理雅各、冯友兰等比较注重传译《庄子》一书的哲学内涵,而华兹生、葛瑞汉、梅维恒、汪榕培等则兼顾其哲学内涵和文学特... 一百多年来,《庄子》以其独特魅力吸引着中外诸多译者,产生了不少优秀译本。这些译本的译者国籍不同,译本各有千秋。理雅各、冯友兰等比较注重传译《庄子》一书的哲学内涵,而华兹生、葛瑞汉、梅维恒、汪榕培等则兼顾其哲学内涵和文学特点。由于译者的翻译目的、角度和侧重点均有不同,所采取的翻译策略也不尽相同。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 外籍译者 本土译者 英语译本
《红楼梦》两部英译本的比较 被引量:4
作者 康轶 《沈阳教育学院学报》 2004年第1期23-25,共3页
《红楼梦》是中国古代四大名著中公认的极为重要的一部。它不同语言的译本也对世界文化具有重大意义,其中英语译本的影响最为广泛。本文通过对《红楼梦》两个英译本中诗词及文化内容两方面翻译的分析与比较,着重指出二者之间的不同之处... 《红楼梦》是中国古代四大名著中公认的极为重要的一部。它不同语言的译本也对世界文化具有重大意义,其中英语译本的影响最为广泛。本文通过对《红楼梦》两个英译本中诗词及文化内容两方面翻译的分析与比较,着重指出二者之间的不同之处,并加以评价,从而简要分析其存在的原因。 展开更多
关键词 《红楼梦》 英语译本 翻译 小说 中国
英语世界的《四书》英译研究—基于EBOSCO和JESTOR数据库的期刊论文调查 被引量:5
作者 于培文 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期158-166,192,共9页
以EBOSCO和JESTOR数据库的297篇期刊论文和《四书》的英语全译本和部分单译本为主要研究材料,分析比较了《四书》三个英语全译本的优劣和《四书》主要英语单译本即《大学》《论语》《孟子》《中庸》英译本的优劣。研究发现:英语世界对... 以EBOSCO和JESTOR数据库的297篇期刊论文和《四书》的英语全译本和部分单译本为主要研究材料,分析比较了《四书》三个英语全译本的优劣和《四书》主要英语单译本即《大学》《论语》《孟子》《中庸》英译本的优劣。研究发现:英语世界对《四书》全译本和单译本的研究呈现出显著的不平衡性:对《四书》全译本研究的论文数量远远小于对单译本研究的数量;就全译本而言,对理雅各译本的研究数量最多,其次为郑麐译本,对柯大卫译本的研究几乎为零;《四书》英语单译本研究中,《论语》和《孟子》的研究数量庞大,尤其是《孟子》英译研究数量呈现上升趋势,而对《大学》《中庸》英译本的研究数量则甚微。 展开更多
关键词 翻译研究 《四书》英语译本 《四书》英语译本 不平衡
作者 钟厚涛 《文化与诗学》 2023年第1期127-139,共13页
1996年,陈瑞山在美国首次将宋代经典诗话著作《沧浪诗话》全文翻译成英语,其所采用的翻译策略与所产生的影响后效,对提升中国古代文学批评思想的国际传播效能,具有一定的启示意义。作为跨文化转换的关键把关人,该译本译者在选择源语文... 1996年,陈瑞山在美国首次将宋代经典诗话著作《沧浪诗话》全文翻译成英语,其所采用的翻译策略与所产生的影响后效,对提升中国古代文学批评思想的国际传播效能,具有一定的启示意义。作为跨文化转换的关键把关人,该译本译者在选择源语文本的底本时,突破了通行的翻译伦理,未使用汉语学界最权威的《沧浪诗话校释》本作为底本。翻译不是单向度的语言转换,它也会对源语文本的理解产生反向的观照,而翻译版本的选择就攸关译文的议程设置与义理阐发。经过文本细读、逐句比照和对译者的选择性机制深入分析后发现,《沧浪诗话》释义式翻译在章节的编排与义理的阐发上,却与近年来在中国台湾地区发现的元代刻本更为接近,在底本信源的可信度方面反而逆向提升。 展开更多
关键词 《沧浪诗话》 英语译本 元刻本
A Survey of the Translation of one of Cold Mountain's Poems:"一向寒山坐"
作者 叶理 《International English Education Research》 2015年第4期107-109,共3页
Since the 1950s, different English translated versions of Cold Mountain poems have come out in succession. These versions, due to different factors, present different characteristics. Thus, by comparing the the differ... Since the 1950s, different English translated versions of Cold Mountain poems have come out in succession. These versions, due to different factors, present different characteristics. Thus, by comparing the the different translated versions of the same original poems, translator's translation skills and the unique characteristics of these versions will be discovered. It is of great significance as they will illustrate the translators' reception of the original as the first group of receptors and these different characteristics will determine the contribution of these version to the reception of Cold Mountain poems abroad.This paper is an attempt to study the translation of one of the most famous Cold Mountain's poems and illustrate their characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 translated versions CHARACTERISTICS translation skills
A Contrastive Analysis in Language and Register Style of the Two English Versions of Jin’s Yizuo Changqiao
作者 MA Dan 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第6期839-846,共8页
This paper is a contrastive study of two translated versions of an essay which are very different in language and register style. It comes to the conclusion that the translator has to follow the fundamental translatio... This paper is a contrastive study of two translated versions of an essay which are very different in language and register style. It comes to the conclusion that the translator has to follow the fundamental translation principle of functional equivalence, that is, to faithfully reproduce the linguistic and stylistic features of the original, while retaining the verbal beauty of the original as much as possible. Through contrastive analysis, this paper also argues that stylistic features should be consistent with the choice of word, syntactic structures, rhetorical devices, and overall textual layout. 展开更多
关键词 language style register style translation principle CONTRAST analysis
English translation of ancient codes and records from the perspective of the semantic domain --Taking the two English editions of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" as an example
作者 ZHAO Yue 《International English Education Research》 2018年第1期95-97,共3页
The semantic domain, as the region of a word or a sememe occupied in the semantic field, can provide theoretical guidance for the word selection of the translation in the English translation of the ancient codes and r... The semantic domain, as the region of a word or a sememe occupied in the semantic field, can provide theoretical guidance for the word selection of the translation in the English translation of the ancient codes and records. With the two English versions of the ancient code of science and technology "Exploitation of the Works of Nature", by introducing the concept of the semantic domain, the author divides the biased errors in the translation of the English versions of "Exploitation of the Works of Nature" into three categories of the migration of the semantic domain, the reduction of the semantic domain and the expansion of the semantic domain, which are illustrated respectively. We find that the boundaries of the semantic domains of the words in the scientific and technological codes and books are usually clear. Therefore, when selecting the translation words, we must choose the foreign words with the same semantic field, to prevent the unnecessary translation errors, which will affect the overseas dissemination of the scientific and technological classics. 展开更多
关键词 Semantic domain MISTRANSLATION migration reduction expansion
Comparative Analysis of Modal Auxiliary Verbs in English and in Chinese
作者 ZHANG Hong-yan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2015年第2期128-136,共9页
The study of modal auxiliary verbs has been done by comparing modal auxiliary verbs in English with the ones in Chinese qualitatively and quantitatively. The modals in English and in Chinese are statistically analyzed... The study of modal auxiliary verbs has been done by comparing modal auxiliary verbs in English with the ones in Chinese qualitatively and quantitatively. The modals in English and in Chinese are statistically analyzed through their forms and meanings. The data consists of 50 pieces of Chinese prose with their 50 English translation versions called corpus A and 50 pieces of English prose with their Chinese translation versions called corpus B, altogether 200 articles, which represent a type of discourse that is rich in modal auxiliary verbs both in English and in Chinese The major findings are as follows: (1) The three criteria: inversion, negation, and the use of pro-forms can be used to define both English and Chinese auxiliaries; (2) the modals of both languages can be analyzed within the same semantic categories: volition, probability, and necessity; (3) Chinese epistemic modals can have inversion patterns; (4) the negative forms of Chinese modals are more complex than those of English modals; and (5) the statistic analysis shows that the modals in probability category both in English and in Chinese are used much more often compared to the other two categories: volition and necessity and that deontic modals are used much fewer in both languages to express necessity 展开更多
Alignment of the Polish-English Parallel Text for a Statistical Machine "Translation
作者 Krzysztof Wolk Krzysztof Marasek 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第11期575-583,共9页
Text alignment is crucial to the accuracy of MT (Machine Translation) systems, some NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools or any other text processing tasks requiring bilingual data. This research proposes a lan... Text alignment is crucial to the accuracy of MT (Machine Translation) systems, some NLP (Natural Language Processing) tools or any other text processing tasks requiring bilingual data. This research proposes a language independent sentence alignment approach based on Polish (not position-sensitive language) to English experiments. This alignment approach was developed on the TED (Translanguage English Database) talks corpus, but can be used for any text domain or language pair. The proposed approach implements various heuristics for sentence recognition. Some of them value synonyms and semantic text structure analysis as a part of additional information. Minimization of data loss was ensured. The solution is compared to other sentence alignment implementations. Also an improvement in MT system score with text processed with the described tool is shown. 展开更多
关键词 Text alignment NLP tools machine learning text corpora processing
作者 许箫悦 《视界观》 2018年第8X期85-85,共1页
《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里创作的儿童短篇小说,近几年重新翻红,被誉为最适合成人读的童话故事,其中蕴含的丰富哲理对人类的价值观或多或少都会产生一定影响。根据图里的三段式方法论,对《小王子》的... 《小王子》是法国作家安托万·德·圣·埃克苏佩里创作的儿童短篇小说,近几年重新翻红,被誉为最适合成人读的童话故事,其中蕴含的丰富哲理对人类的价值观或多或少都会产生一定影响。根据图里的三段式方法论,对《小王子》的汉语和英语译本进行研究和论述,可以更直观地看到英汉译本在翻译中存在的差异,可以更清晰直观地看到不同语境下的翻译策略。文章主要在图里视角下,分析《小王子》汉语译本和英语译本之间的翻译策略。 展开更多
关键词 图里 《小王子》 汉语译本 英语译本
Two Translations of Ji Yun's Close Scrutiny: the Translator, the Reader and the Settings of Translation 被引量:2
作者 Lynn Qingyang Lin 《Fudan Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences》 2017年第1期103-116,共14页
This article focuses on two English translations of Ji Yun's 纪昀 eigh- teenth-century collection of "stories of the strange," Random Jottings at the Cottage of Close Scrutiny (Yuewei caotang biji 阅微草堂笔记). ... This article focuses on two English translations of Ji Yun's 纪昀 eigh- teenth-century collection of "stories of the strange," Random Jottings at the Cottage of Close Scrutiny (Yuewei caotang biji 阅微草堂笔记). The translation done by Leo Tak-hung Chan is set within the context of his 1998 sinological monograph, while David Pollard's recent translation, published in 2014, stands as an edited volume of translation oriented toward the general reader. Referring to textual and paratextual elements in these two translations, I hope to show how the "setting" of a translation modulates its tone and message, which in turn unfolds with the selection, style and overall structure of the translation. I also draw from an actual dialog between Leo Chan and David Pollard, which evolves around the various aspects in translating Ji Yun's work and the more general issues in sinology and translating Chinese literature. The dialog between the two translators of Ji Yun further illustrates the translators' approaches to the original text, their mediating efforts toward crosscultural readability and literary felicity and specifically, how the state of mind of a translator might come into play with the "flavor" of a translation. 展开更多
关键词 Random Jottings at the Cottage of Close Scrutiny (阅微草堂笔记) Translation - Sinology Translating Chinese literature
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