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作者 王辉 《科技创新与品牌》 2015年第10期60-62,共3页
"中国女医师协会五洲女子科技奖"每两年评选一次,是经科技部审核批准,面向全国女医务工作者的终身荣誉科学奖,也是我国首次为女医务工作者设立的科研奖励,由国家科学技术奖励办公室准予登记并颁发证书的社会力量设立的科学技术奖。201... "中国女医师协会五洲女子科技奖"每两年评选一次,是经科技部审核批准,面向全国女医务工作者的终身荣誉科学奖,也是我国首次为女医务工作者设立的科研奖励,由国家科学技术奖励办公室准予登记并颁发证书的社会力量设立的科学技术奖。2015年上海市第十人民医院范理宏教授作为医院管理及临床专家,在国内率先开展临床路径的科技研究和成果应用,以"智能化临床路径"为代表的管理科研,创新了我国医疗管理模式,实现了大数据下的医疗资源科学化配置, 展开更多
关键词 范理 临床路径 科学技术奖励 医院管理 临床专家 审核批准 成果应用 科技研究 终身荣誉 科研奖励
作者 黄军昌 《党员干部之友》 2024年第10期39-39,共1页
明朝英宗年间,当朝宰相杨溥的儿子杨旦由家乡湖北赶赴京城省亲,沿途的官员对其百般照应,殷勤有加。抵京后,杨溥让儿子谈谈对沿途官员的看法。杨旦对江陵县令范理的印象“最差”。杨溥问其缘故,杨旦答道:“范理对我过境态度漠然,既没有... 明朝英宗年间,当朝宰相杨溥的儿子杨旦由家乡湖北赶赴京城省亲,沿途的官员对其百般照应,殷勤有加。抵京后,杨溥让儿子谈谈对沿途官员的看法。杨旦对江陵县令范理的印象“最差”。杨溥问其缘故,杨旦答道:“范理对我过境态度漠然,既没有设宴款待,也没有馈赠礼品。”听了儿子的介绍,杨溥不仅没有生气,反而认为“此人特立独行,不卑不亢,公私分明,必有异能”!于是专门派员赴江陵暗访。当知晓范理“为官方正,勤政务实,且有很好的政声”,便主动上疏朝廷,力荐范理升任德安知府。范理升职以后,把对宰相的感激之情转化为勤勉敬业的行动。后因政声日隆,又被擢升为贵州左布政使。一些好友私下里奉劝范理,应该“重谢”宰相的栽培之恩。范理却严肃而认真地回应:“宰相为朝廷公心用人,我为朝廷诚心做事,都是在尽人臣之责。我把事情做好,就是对宰相最好的感恩。如果暗通款曲,公恩私谢,不仅亵渎宰相精诚谋国的一片忠心,也会玷污宰相大公无私的一世英名。”在后来的职场生涯中,范理恪守初心,一如既往地为朝廷尽忠效力。 展开更多
关键词 职场生涯 杨溥 勤勉敬业 馈赠礼品 公私分明 范理 特立独行
作者 林祎雯 李学敏 《家庭用药》 2023年第12期14-15,共2页
关键词 范理 党委副书记 上海市第六人民医院 志愿 医生
A Review of Impacts of Climate Change on Birds:Implications of Long-term Studies 被引量:19
作者 石建斌 李迪强 肖文发 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期637-646,共10页
It is generally accepted that climate has changed greatly on a global scale, and that the earth's climate has already wanned by some degrees over the past century. Ample evidence shows that there have been apparent c... It is generally accepted that climate has changed greatly on a global scale, and that the earth's climate has already wanned by some degrees over the past century. Ample evidence shows that there have been apparent changes in avian population dynamics, life-history traits and geographic ranges in response to global climate change. This paper briefly reviews the possible effects of climate change on avian biology and ecology all over the world, with emphasis on new findings from several long-term studies in Europe and North America, which provide unique opportunities to investigate how long-term changes in climate affect birds at both individual and population levels. The implications of such long-term studies for future bird studies in China is discussed with hope that this review can contribute to the preparation and plan for studies of climatic effects on birds in China in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Climate change Global wanning Geographic range Phenological change BIRDS
A Low-Power-Consumption 9bit 10MS/s Pipeline ADC for CMOS Image Sensors 被引量:1
作者 朱天成 姚素英 李斌桥 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1924-1929,共6页
A low-power-consumption 9bit 10MS/s pipeline ADC,used in a CMOS image sensor,is proposed. In the design, the decrease of power consumption is achieved by applying low-power-consumption and large-output-swing amplifier... A low-power-consumption 9bit 10MS/s pipeline ADC,used in a CMOS image sensor,is proposed. In the design, the decrease of power consumption is achieved by applying low-power-consumption and large-output-swing amplifiers with gain boost structure, and biasing all the cells with the same voltage bias source, which requires careful layout design and large capacitors. In addition,capacitor array DAC is also applied to reduce power consumption,and low threshold voltage MOS transistors are used to achieve a large signal processing range. The ADC was implemented in a 0.18μm 4M-1 P CMOS process,and the experimental results indicate that it consumes only 7mW, which is much less than general pipeline ADCs. The ADC was used in a 300000 pixels CMOS image sensor. 展开更多
关键词 pipeline ADC low power design CMOS image sensor large signal processing range
Considerations on FGD in Coal-Fired Power Plants 被引量:9
作者 赵鹏高 《Electricity》 2004年第4期36-40,共5页
Aiming at issues on flue gas des-ulfurization facing coal-fired power plants inChina, such as process selection, whetheradopting flue gas desulfurization (FGD) or not,qualification of flue gas desulfurization en-ginee... Aiming at issues on flue gas des-ulfurization facing coal-fired power plants inChina, such as process selection, whetheradopting flue gas desulfurization (FGD) or not,qualification of flue gas desulfurization en-gineering company, the localization of technicalequipment, charge for SO2 emission andnormalized management, this article makes acomprehensive analysis and puts forwardconstructive suggestions. These will providesome references for those being engaged in fluegas desulfurization in coal-fired power plants.[ 展开更多
关键词 coal-fired power plant FGD process selection charge for SO2 emission
教学组长竞聘上岗在临床护理教育管理中的应用 被引量:2
作者 周清萍 朱海萍 《全科护理》 2008年第31期2897-2898,共2页
[目的]为提高临床护理教学质量,我院护理部在全院实行教学组长竞聘上岗。[方法]制定出具体的竞聘条件和程序,对实行教学组长竞聘上岗前后两届护生和全院护士的综合素质进行考评。[结果]教学组长竞聘上岗后全院护士和护生综合素质明显提... [目的]为提高临床护理教学质量,我院护理部在全院实行教学组长竞聘上岗。[方法]制定出具体的竞聘条件和程序,对实行教学组长竞聘上岗前后两届护生和全院护士的综合素质进行考评。[结果]教学组长竞聘上岗后全院护士和护生综合素质明显提高。[结论]教学组长竞聘上岗提高了全院的护理质量,使全院护理教育管理体系更加规范化。 展开更多
关键词 教学组长 竞聘上岗 护理教育管理 规范化
作者 周强 《秘书》 2016年第7期12-13,共2页
明代有位杨宰相唯贤是举,心无私念,令人敬佩。一次他的儿子从家乡来京,途经每个州县都受到当地官员的远接近送、厚礼馈赠,只有江陵县令范理既不接送又不赠礼,杨宰相的儿子觉得范理看不起他,十分恼火。到京后,他便向父亲告状,说范理"傲... 明代有位杨宰相唯贤是举,心无私念,令人敬佩。一次他的儿子从家乡来京,途经每个州县都受到当地官员的远接近送、厚礼馈赠,只有江陵县令范理既不接送又不赠礼,杨宰相的儿子觉得范理看不起他,十分恼火。到京后,他便向父亲告状,说范理"傲慢""目中无人",让父亲狠狠治治他。杨宰相听了非但不怒,反而连连称赞范理正直、清廉,并上奏朝廷推荐他做德安太守。同僚们得知后劝范理重礼感谢杨宰相,他却说:“宰相为朝廷用人,我为朝廷出力,皆是为公办事,并非私人之交。有道是公不谢私,如若重礼答谢,岂不亵渎了宰相的厚爱之心。”从这一事例中我们看到,杨宰相用人不讲私情,而讲公心。 展开更多
关键词 范理 领导干部 选人 党性锻炼 用人标准 权力观 羊祜 令人 封人 德安
《中国临床医学》 北大核心 2006年第6期1040-1042,共3页
关键词 中国临床医学 汉语拼音 范理 索引 通检 检索工具 杂志
A Modular Representation of K-root-and Jacobson Structure Theorems for Additive Categories
作者 高振林 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 1992年第3期53-57,共5页
In this paper,we give definition and moduler representation of Kothe root for additive cate gories.Using these results,get inner representation of J-root and fully homomorph class of Jscmisimple additive categories.
关键词 Kothe radical of additive categories primitive additive categories the kinds of com plate homomorphs
A New Clock-Driven ECO Placement Algorithm Based on Table-Lookup Delay Model
作者 刘毅 洪先龙 +2 位作者 蔡懿慈 吴为民 Chung-Wen Albert Tsao 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期473-478,共6页
A new clock-driven ECO placement algorithm is pr es ented for standard-cell layout design based on the table-lookup delay model.It considers useful clock skew information in the placement stage.It also modifies the ... A new clock-driven ECO placement algorithm is pr es ented for standard-cell layout design based on the table-lookup delay model.It considers useful clock skew information in the placement stage.It also modifies the positions of cells locally to make better preparation for the clock routing . Experimental results show that with little influence to other circuit performa nce,the algorithm can improve permissible skew range distribution evidently. 展开更多
关键词 CLOCK-DRIVEN incremental placement useful skew permissibl e skew range
作者 蔡建军 《课堂内外(创新作文)(高中版)》 2015年第8期29-29,共1页
杨溥是明朝有名的贤相,他不仅虚怀若谷,清气若兰,而且清廉无私,知人善任。他以容人之长而远近闻名,然而,他的容人之"短",用人之"短"却更令人敬佩。 明朝的耿定向在《先进遗风》中记载了这样一个故事:杨溥执政时,一次,他的儿子千... 杨溥是明朝有名的贤相,他不仅虚怀若谷,清气若兰,而且清廉无私,知人善任。他以容人之长而远近闻名,然而,他的容人之"短",用人之"短"却更令人敬佩。 明朝的耿定向在《先进遗风》中记载了这样一个故事:杨溥执政时,一次,他的儿子千里迢迢从老家赶往京都探望他。杨溥问道:"你这次来京,沿途接触的地方官不少,到底谁好谁坏?"儿子似乎余怨未消:"好的数不尽,只是江陵令范理太糟了。"杨溥问:"何以这样说呢?"儿子答:"别的地方都是酒肉招待,赠以金银;只有江陵令范理最坏,两者皆无。不看僧面看佛面,这分明是不把你放在眼里。要不,他怎能这样对待我?" 展开更多
关键词 杨溥 陵令 先进遗风 耿定向 范理 若兰 体察民情 选人 识人
作者 蔡建军 《启迪与智慧(上)》 2020年第1期38-39,共2页
杨溥在明朝历史上是一位重臣,不仅虚怀若谷,清气若兰,而且清廉无私,知人善任。他因容人之长,用人之长而远近闻名,容人之“短”,用人之“短”却更令人敬佩。明朝的耿定向在《先进遗风》中记载了这样一个故事:文定公杨溥执政时,一次,他儿... 杨溥在明朝历史上是一位重臣,不仅虚怀若谷,清气若兰,而且清廉无私,知人善任。他因容人之长,用人之长而远近闻名,容人之“短”,用人之“短”却更令人敬佩。明朝的耿定向在《先进遗风》中记载了这样一个故事:文定公杨溥执政时,一次,他儿子千里迢迢从老家赶往京都探望他。杨溥问道:“你这次来京,沿途接触的地方官不少,到底是谁好谁坏?”儿子似乎余怒未消:“好的数不尽,只是江陵令范理太糟了。”杨溥问:“何以这样说呢?”儿子答:“别的地方都是酒肉招待,赠以金银;只有江陵令范理最坏,两者皆无。不看僧面看佛面,这分明是不把您放在眼里。要不,怎能这样对待我?” 展开更多
关键词 先进遗风 杨溥 耿定向 知人善任 地方官 虚怀若谷 范理
《今日科技》 2015年第8期40-40,共1页
关键词 师资人才 专利信息 领军 知识产权研究 国家知识产权局 范理 服务中心 副主任 析评 委员会评审
Numerical Simulation of Antennae by Discrete Exterior Calculus 被引量:1
作者 XIE Zheng YE Zheng MA Yu-Jie 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1067-1070,共4页
Numerical simulation of antennae is a topic in computational electromagnetism,which is concerned withthe numerical study of Maxwell equations.By discrete exterior calculus and the lattice gauge theory with coefficient... Numerical simulation of antennae is a topic in computational electromagnetism,which is concerned withthe numerical study of Maxwell equations.By discrete exterior calculus and the lattice gauge theory with coefficient R,we obtain the Bianchi identity on prism lattice.By defining an inner product of discrete differential forms,we derivethe source equation and continuity equation.Those equations compose the discrete Maxwell equations in vacuum caseon discrete manifold,which are implemented on Java development platform to simulate the Gaussian pulse radiation onantennaes. 展开更多
关键词 discrete exterior calculus discrete variation Maxwell equations lattice gauge theory ANTENNAE
作者 YU Ya-juan GUO Huai-cheng LIU Yong WANG Shu-tong WANG Jin-feng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第4期303-308,共6页
Ecological demonstration area (EDA) is an authorized nomination, which should be assessed from several aspects, including ecological, social, environmental, economic ones and so on. It is difficult to advance an exact... Ecological demonstration area (EDA) is an authorized nomination, which should be assessed from several aspects, including ecological, social, environmental, economic ones and so on. It is difficult to advance an exact developing level index of EDA due to its indicator system’s complexity and disequilibrium. In this paper, a framework of indicators was set to evaluate, monitor and examine the comprehensive level of ecological demonstration area (EDA). Fuzzy logic method was used to develop the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model (FCEM), which could quantitatively reveal the developing degree of EDA. Huiji District of Zhengzhou, Henan Province, one of the 9th group of national EDAs, was taken as a study case. The framework of FCEM for the integrated system included six subsystems, which were social, economic, ecological, rural, urban and accessorial description ones. The research would be valuable in the comprehensive quantitative evaluation of EDA and would work as a guide in the construction practices of Huiji ecological demonstration area. 展开更多
关键词 fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model (FCEM) ecological demonstration area (EDA) fuzzy logic system dynamics Huiji District of Zhengzhou
Voluntary disclosure behavior and strategy in Chinese listed companies 被引量:1
作者 WANG Xue 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2008年第4期36-43,共8页
Due to the information asymmetry on the securities market, Chinese listed companies have incentives to disclose voluntarily. Mandatory disclosure and voluntary disclosure are both included in an effective information ... Due to the information asymmetry on the securities market, Chinese listed companies have incentives to disclose voluntarily. Mandatory disclosure and voluntary disclosure are both included in an effective information disclosure system. Mandatory disclosure is the basic demand of the market, and voluntary disclosure is the extended demand of the market, because of its informative complement to the timing, content and depth of disclosure. With the weakening of seller's market characteristic in China, the voluntary disclosure behavior in the listed companies has been greatly encouraged. This paper provides a statistical description of the status quo of the voluntary disclosure behavior in Chinese listed companies, and claims that the voluntary disclosure strategy guided by the investor relations management should be included in the corporate strategies. 展开更多
关键词 voluntary disclosure STRATEGY investor relations
High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-oriented electrical steel 被引量:1
作者 肖于德 李敏 +3 位作者 王伟 周娟 吴光亮 彭跃明 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2009年第1期25-31,共7页
High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-orientated electrical steel was investigated by Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator at strain rate of 0.01-10 s^-1 and high temperature of 500-1 200 ℃. The st... High temperature plastic deformation behavior of non-orientated electrical steel was investigated by Gleeble 1500 thermo-mechanical simulator at strain rate of 0.01-10 s^-1 and high temperature of 500-1 200 ℃. The stress level factor (a), stress exponent (n), structural factor (A) and activation energy (Q) of high temperature plastic deformation process of non-orientated electrical steel in different temperature ranges were calculated by the Arrhenius model. The results show that, with dynamic elevation of deformation temperature, phase transformation from α-Fe to γ-Fe takes place simultaneously during plastic deformation, dynamic recovery and dynamic recrystallization process, leading to an irregular change of the steady flow stress. For high temperature plastic deformation between 500 and 800 ℃, the calculated values of a, n, A, and Q are 0.039 0 MPa 1, 7.93, 1.9× 10^18 s^-1, and 334.8 kJ/mol, respectively, and for high temperature plastic deformation between 1 050 and 1 200 ℃, the calculated values of a, n, A, and Q are 0.125 8 MPa1, 5.29, 1.0 × 10^28 s^-1, and 769.9 kJ/mol, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 non-oriented electrical steel plastic deformation flow stress
Thied—Order Approximation of 0^++ Glueball Mass and Wavefunction of (2+1)—Dimensional SU(3) Lattice Gauge Theory
作者 LIJie-Ming CHENQi-Zhou 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期28-31,共4页
The random phase approximation is applied to the coupled-cluster expansions of lattice gauge theory (LGT). Using this method, wavefunctions are approximated by linear combination of graphs consisting of only one conne... The random phase approximation is applied to the coupled-cluster expansions of lattice gauge theory (LGT). Using this method, wavefunctions are approximated by linear combination of graphs consisting of only one connected Wilson loop. We study the excited state energy and wavefunction in (2+1)-D SU(3) LGT up to the third order. The glueball mass shows a good scaling behavior. 展开更多
关键词 random phase approximation coupled-cluster expansion Wilson loop glueball mass
Schwarzschild-de-Sitter Solution in Quantum Gauge Theory of Gravity
作者 Gheorghe Zet Camelia Popa Doina Partenie 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期843-846,共4页
We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials on a Minkowski space-time. The gauge group G is defined and t... We use the theory based on the gravitational gauge group G to obtain a spherical symmetric solution of the field equations for the gravitational potentials on a Minkowski space-time. The gauge group G is defined and then we introduce the gauge-covariant derivative Dμ. The strength tensor of the gravitational gauge field is also obtained and a gauge-invariant Lagrangian including the cosmological constant is constructed. A model whose gravitational gauge potentials A^α μ (x) have spherical symmetry, depending only on the radial coordinate τ is considered and an analytical solution of these equations, which induces the Schwarzschild-de-Sitter metric on the gauge group space, is then determined. All the calculations have been performed by GR Tensor II computer algebra package, running on the Maple V platform, along with several routines that we have written for our model. 展开更多
关键词 gauge theory gravitational field spherical symmetry
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