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论草文化 被引量:3
作者 夏汉平 卢雪琴 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期1-5,共5页
从古至今、从国内到国外论述了草文化的起源、发展历史与过程,阐述了草与人类社会发展的密切关系。文献资料表明,中国在先秦时代就出现了草文化,在唐宋时代锦上添花,如今更是丰富多彩了。丝绸之路是草原文化与中原文化、中国文化与外国... 从古至今、从国内到国外论述了草文化的起源、发展历史与过程,阐述了草与人类社会发展的密切关系。文献资料表明,中国在先秦时代就出现了草文化,在唐宋时代锦上添花,如今更是丰富多彩了。丝绸之路是草原文化与中原文化、中国文化与外国文化交流的纽带。草文化和草原文化在一代一代的劳动人民中流传下来,并得以发扬光大。草文化无国界,世界各地都能找到丰富多彩的草文化,草和草文化早已成为人们生活中不可缺少的一部分。 展开更多
关键词 草文化 文化 本植物 发展历史
论中国传统文化中的草文化 被引量:1
作者 林雁 《北京林业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第2期13-23,共11页
草遭践踏、火烧、吃食和刈割仍生生不息,这既是生命卑微的象征,又是生命力强的典范。草是人类利用历史最悠久的生活资料与生存环境,常用于形容原始的生活状态与低级的生存质量,也用于形容粗俗的行为或态度,因此常用于谦辞。绿草能造就... 草遭践踏、火烧、吃食和刈割仍生生不息,这既是生命卑微的象征,又是生命力强的典范。草是人类利用历史最悠久的生活资料与生存环境,常用于形容原始的生活状态与低级的生存质量,也用于形容粗俗的行为或态度,因此常用于谦辞。绿草能造就赏心悦目的景色,但萋萋绿草能强化离愁,映衬出破败凄凉。人们从草的生态习性上领悟出"寸草春晖"等哲理,也在草身上寄予各种美好的希望,包括驻颜、益寿延年、长生不老等人生终极希望。 展开更多
关键词 草文化 生命 生存 人生
倡导草文化 被引量:5
作者 洪绂曾 《草原与草坪》 CAS 2001年第3期3-4,共2页
中国农学会会长、中国草原学会理事长洪绂曾教授为 2 0 0 1年 7月 17~ 2 0日在我国海拉尔市召开的国际草业 (草地 )大会论文集所写的序言“倡导草文化” ,着重从草与景观文化、草与生活文化、草与生态文化和草与生产文化等方面论述了... 中国农学会会长、中国草原学会理事长洪绂曾教授为 2 0 0 1年 7月 17~ 2 0日在我国海拉尔市召开的国际草业 (草地 )大会论文集所写的序言“倡导草文化” ,着重从草与景观文化、草与生活文化、草与生态文化和草与生产文化等方面论述了草与现代文明和草与人的密切关系。文章道理清新 ,内容深邃 ,文字隽永 。 展开更多
关键词 地生态 现代文明 草文化
对草文化的一些思考 被引量:2
作者 李克昌 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第4期154-159,共6页
草作为人类社会实践活动的基本对象之一,在人类从事各种社会生产实践活动中创立了丰富多彩的草文化。草文化在创立、形成与发展过程中,也为促进其他文化类型的形成与发展起到了积极的推动作用,构成了中国文化和世界文化苑的重要部分。... 草作为人类社会实践活动的基本对象之一,在人类从事各种社会生产实践活动中创立了丰富多彩的草文化。草文化在创立、形成与发展过程中,也为促进其他文化类型的形成与发展起到了积极的推动作用,构成了中国文化和世界文化苑的重要部分。文章从什么是草文化,学习研究草文化的意义,草文化的基本特征,草文化研究方法,草文化的精神和草文化的类型划分,草文化的边界,草文化的发展历程和形成环境,草文化基本的内容和草文化的创新等多方面进行了论述。 展开更多
关键词 草文化 文化 发展历程
作者 牛力 康婧 房兴旋 《大学(教学与教育)》 2021年第8期67-69,共3页
主题式教学是对外汉语教学的重要模式之一,通过将真实的情景带入课堂,让学生在学习语言的同时接触与主题相关的学习内容,增加学习的灵活性、可操作性、趣味性和实用性,达到学用兼得的效果。艾草在中国有几千年的应用历史,艾草文化是中... 主题式教学是对外汉语教学的重要模式之一,通过将真实的情景带入课堂,让学生在学习语言的同时接触与主题相关的学习内容,增加学习的灵活性、可操作性、趣味性和实用性,达到学用兼得的效果。艾草在中国有几千年的应用历史,艾草文化是中国传统文化的重要组成部分。将艾草文化与对外汉语中医药主题教学设计相结合,是一种积极的教学探索。研究发现,这种教学设计不仅能将语言要素和技能训练有机融合,全面提高学习者的语言能力和语言交际能力,还能进一步弘扬中国传统文化,增强来华留学生对中国文化的感知和体验。 展开更多
关键词 主题式教学 对外汉语 草文化 中医药文化
作者 陈奋飞 《农村经济与科技》 2017年第22期151-152,共2页
露兜草是一种草本植物,在海南被广泛种植。本文从露兜草与黎族人民的物质生活和精神生活两个维度出发,在物质生活方面,露兜草广泛的运用于生活中的各个领域。如:篱笆墙、编织、制作黎族粽子、药膳等方面。在精神生活方面,露兜草被寄予... 露兜草是一种草本植物,在海南被广泛种植。本文从露兜草与黎族人民的物质生活和精神生活两个维度出发,在物质生活方面,露兜草广泛的运用于生活中的各个领域。如:篱笆墙、编织、制作黎族粽子、药膳等方面。在精神生活方面,露兜草被寄予一定的神学意义和特殊标记认知。 展开更多
关键词 海南岛 黎族 露兜草文化
作者 江南 刘书勇 《牡丹江师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2024年第1期42-45,77,共5页
运用田野调查法与文献资料法对赫哲族传统体育运动“叉草球”进行研究和溯源,揭示“叉草球”文化的缘起及流变,探究其在特定时空情境中所流露出的社会功能,以及对维系赫哲族发展的价值.研究结果表明,“叉草球”文化本身具有社会互动功... 运用田野调查法与文献资料法对赫哲族传统体育运动“叉草球”进行研究和溯源,揭示“叉草球”文化的缘起及流变,探究其在特定时空情境中所流露出的社会功能,以及对维系赫哲族发展的价值.研究结果表明,“叉草球”文化本身具有社会互动功能、情感联结功能、教育传承功能、社会约束功能. 展开更多
关键词 赫哲族 文化 民族文化 民族学
作者 廖珮淇 覃伟峰 《青年与社会》 2020年第3期167-168,共2页
十八大以来,习近平总书记在多个重要会议讲话中提出中国传统文化传承问题,表达了自身对于传统文化思想价值体系的认同与崇拜。他认为新时期传统文化的传承和发展的核心就是“文化自信”,为了充分发展中国文化与人民的精神志气,就必须提... 十八大以来,习近平总书记在多个重要会议讲话中提出中国传统文化传承问题,表达了自身对于传统文化思想价值体系的认同与崇拜。他认为新时期传统文化的传承和发展的核心就是“文化自信”,为了充分发展中国文化与人民的精神志气,就必须提升中华民族的文化自信。草龙作为侗家人的一门手艺,是非物质文化遗产中不可或缺的一部分,它必将在新时期中得以传承和发展,充分体现其博大精深的精神内涵,发挥它的传统文化教育功能,对外文化传播功能和时代价值。文章基于广南村调研的基础上,着重探讨在新时期里草龙文化传承所面临的困境,并提出在文化自信视域下草龙文化的有效发展路径。 展开更多
关键词 文化自信 文化 发展路径
作者 张艳婷 《美术教育研究》 2018年第16期164-164,共1页
草柳编是一种重要的传统手编技艺,具有较强的艺术性,是一种强调实践的艺术。为了提高高中美术教学的质量,促进草柳编文化的传承与发展,美术教师要把握美术教学和草柳编文化传承之间的关系,增强学生对草柳编文化的认识,让学生能够在多样... 草柳编是一种重要的传统手编技艺,具有较强的艺术性,是一种强调实践的艺术。为了提高高中美术教学的质量,促进草柳编文化的传承与发展,美术教师要把握美术教学和草柳编文化传承之间的关系,增强学生对草柳编文化的认识,让学生能够在多样化的美术实践中感悟草柳编文化的魅力,产生自觉传承草柳编文化的责任感。该文重点探讨如何在高中美术教学中传承发展草柳编文化。 展开更多
关键词 柳编文化 高中美术教学 传承发展
艾草茶发展与保护研究 被引量:8
作者 孙建 李群 《农业考古》 北大核心 2014年第5期278-283,共6页
艾草是菊科多年生草本植物,兼具药、食、医等功能于一体。艾草茶的制法一般为粗揉、蒸煮、中揉、干燥四个步骤。艾草茶还可以是艾草与其它材料混和泡制,艾草茶对现代文明病、妇科疾病、肠胃肝等内脏器官及神经性疼痛都有疗效,艾草茶具... 艾草是菊科多年生草本植物,兼具药、食、医等功能于一体。艾草茶的制法一般为粗揉、蒸煮、中揉、干燥四个步骤。艾草茶还可以是艾草与其它材料混和泡制,艾草茶对现代文明病、妇科疾病、肠胃肝等内脏器官及神经性疼痛都有疗效,艾草茶具有广阔的开发和应用前景,应加强艾草茶的开发、保护与传承。 展开更多
关键词 草文化 传承
小草在中国古代诗词中的作用与影响 被引量:3
作者 夏汉平 李健 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期1-5,共5页
中国古代诗词与诗歌中有关小草的描述与表达,历史悠久,内容丰富多彩。草在诗词中的作用突出,影响甚广,其中以草写景、以草抒情、借草比喻的作品数最多。很多诗人还常常借草抒发悲欢离合的情绪,反映其对亲人、恋人、朋友和故乡的思念;还... 中国古代诗词与诗歌中有关小草的描述与表达,历史悠久,内容丰富多彩。草在诗词中的作用突出,影响甚广,其中以草写景、以草抒情、借草比喻的作品数最多。很多诗人还常常借草抒发悲欢离合的情绪,反映其对亲人、恋人、朋友和故乡的思念;还有不少诗人用草来表达其人生观、世界观、价值观和情爱观。小草在古代诗词与诗歌中的作用与影响也在很大程度上反映出中国古代的草文化。 展开更多
关键词 古代诗词 草文化 中国古代
作者 罗凡 《产业与科技论坛》 2014年第12期93-95,共3页
平善是一个典型的草苗聚居村寨,长期生活在偏远的山腰上,形成了自己独特的生活方式。随着打工热潮的掀起,平善草苗人不管是在劳动生活方式、消费生活方式还是闲暇交往生活方式上,都发生了一定程度的变化,这与他们自身观念和外部条件的... 平善是一个典型的草苗聚居村寨,长期生活在偏远的山腰上,形成了自己独特的生活方式。随着打工热潮的掀起,平善草苗人不管是在劳动生活方式、消费生活方式还是闲暇交往生活方式上,都发生了一定程度的变化,这与他们自身观念和外部条件的影响密不可分。而生活方式的变迁,却不得不让人思考平善一直以来较为落后的教育水平和医疗问题,很大程度上限制了该地区各方面的发展。 展开更多
关键词 文化 生活方式 生活观念 变迁动因
作者 黄波 《数码设计》 2021年第10期194-195,共2页
近些年来,非遗项目的保护性开发、利用和传承越来越受人民重视。“沐川草龙编制技艺及表演艺术”是四川省乐山市沐川县的国家级非遗项目,促进“沐川草龙文化”的传承和发展是一个迫切要解决的问题。良性的传承与开发利用不仅能带来经济... 近些年来,非遗项目的保护性开发、利用和传承越来越受人民重视。“沐川草龙编制技艺及表演艺术”是四川省乐山市沐川县的国家级非遗项目,促进“沐川草龙文化”的传承和发展是一个迫切要解决的问题。良性的传承与开发利用不仅能带来经济文化价值,而且能够促进该项目的传承与发展。本文在梳理沐川草龙来源的基础上,分析了草龙传承与发展过程中出现的问题,并提出了相应的解决策略。 展开更多
关键词 非物质文化遗产 文化 传承 发展
Climate change adaptation approaches with nomadic culture characteristics in Inner Mongolia grassland in China 被引量:2
作者 Xiaojia He 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2017年第3期220-225,共6页
Climate change adaptation is an important part of addressing climate warming. Inner Mongolia grassland is a sensitive and vulnerable area of climate and an important region for adaptation to climate change. New climat... Climate change adaptation is an important part of addressing climate warming. Inner Mongolia grassland is a sensitive and vulnerable area of climate and an important region for adaptation to climate change. New climate change adaptation approaches with nomadic culture characteristics should be exploded in the context of climate warming. In this paper, the different utilization pattern of grassland in different regions, the different modes of production and management and historical culture were analyzed first in Nenjiang-West Liaohe plain and Ke'erqin region, Inner Mongolia Plateau and Ordos Plateau. Then, nomadic culture on the grassland was discussed from the productivity to biodiversity, from local livestock variety to resource-used system. Finally, new approaches of climate change adaptation with inheriting the essence of nomadic culture were proposed, including protecting biodiversity and using resources reasonably, performing a practice of grazing suspension-rotational grazing system,fencing degenerated grassland to facilitate its growth, founding new farming and husbandry system on the grassland, and establishing an incentive mechanism favorable to grassland and ethical cultural protection. 展开更多
关键词 Nomadic culture CLIMATECHANGE ADAPTATION grassland ecosystems grassland recovery BIODIVERSITY
The Holy Bitch That Can Be a Witch in The Grass Harp
作者 Yasemin Guniz Sertel 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第7期513-520,共8页
This paper comprises an analysis of the modernist American writer Truman Capote's novel The Grass Harp (1951) from a feminist perspective. While the novel treats the ostracizing of four people by the oppressive min... This paper comprises an analysis of the modernist American writer Truman Capote's novel The Grass Harp (1951) from a feminist perspective. While the novel treats the ostracizing of four people by the oppressive mindset of a patriarchal society, the female character Dolly Talbo who leads the banished group to live in a tree house becomes the embodiment of a Goddess image introduced by the New Age Spiritualities and Neopaganism. Creating a new culture for women as an alternative to the patriarchal system, in which concepts such as love, herbalism, and magic are sanctioned as sacred, and offering this culture as an opportunity to all human beings, Dolly Talbo can be perceived as a contemporary holy witch who becomes an occult and undermining threat to the patriarchal order. 展开更多
关键词 WITCHCRAFT Neopaganism New Age Spirituality FEMINISM patriarchal system
Jamu-A Healthy Drink of Indonesia
作者 Yulagustinus Nyoman Oka Tridjaja 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2017年第4期221-226,共6页
Jamu is traditional herbal medicine and a healthy drink considered by some Indonesians to be a primary element in their lives. The term ofjamu may be derived from ancient Javanese language "Djampi" that means a heal... Jamu is traditional herbal medicine and a healthy drink considered by some Indonesians to be a primary element in their lives. The term ofjamu may be derived from ancient Javanese language "Djampi" that means a healing method using herb during the era of Ancient Java emerged since the 9th century AD. Jamu is consume either in fresh or in processed one. Some jamu sellers still found carrying their wares, in a basket fastened to their torsos using a sling made of fabric, and visit door to door in local neighborhoods. The name is Jamu gendong. The use of the j amu remains the same as the ancestors did. The visible proof is the use of traditional herbal medicine of various type of "medical plants", either from the leaves, the fruits, the roots, the flowers or the barks, etc. It is truly back to nature. These herbal medicine had been used since the ancient time up to now, it is largely consumed by people of different levels: lower, middle and upper, in the villages and in the big cities. Jamu as a cultural heritage has a big potential asset of Indonesia and is also one of Indonsia's cultural products based on local resources and the creativity of the nation. Indonesia has natural resourses of plants totaling about 30,000 species of flowering plants, which is the third largest in the world after Brazil and Zaire, including 7,000 species of medicinal plants, 940 species one could buy easily readymade jamu packed modernly in the form of powder, pills, capsules, drinking liquid and ointments. Of course there are still jamu shops, which only sell for those have been identified, 283 species are listed as raw materials that are used routinely in the medicine industry. Jamu from time to time has been widely accepted in almost every country in the world. It is not only as a preventive maintenance, but also as a curative treatment for acute and chronic treatment. At present ingredients ofjamu and its preparation spot as required by buyers. Some women are roaming the street to sell jamu, which is a common view across the country. At present time, jamu has also been produced in mass by manufacturers for export, and mostly concerns on quality, consistency, and cleanliness either locally or internationally distributed. 展开更多
关键词 Jamu medical plant drinking liquid species.
Review of Tongyu Year Painting Value
作者 Zou Yimeng 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第3期125-126,共2页
Tongyu year painting has an important influence on national folk painting field, and the works have stronger culture and art research value, In 60s of 20th Century, Tongyu year painting has entered its prosperous peri... Tongyu year painting has an important influence on national folk painting field, and the works have stronger culture and art research value, In 60s of 20th Century, Tongyu year painting has entered its prosperous period, with many authors, lots of creation amount, large circulation and high winning level has become the major influence reason. Thus, in 1991, Tongyu County was awarded as "Chinese modem folk painting village" by the Ministry of Culture. Tongyu year painting is to reflect the meaning and connotation of year culture background, which is an important organization part of Jilin western Horqin grassland year culture, which shows the thick black soil land, Kanto feeling hot, the northeast wind rough, forming its own unique artistic style. 展开更多
关键词 Tongyu year painting CULTURE ART HISTORY VALUE
作者 林晨 《才智》 2015年第5期298 300-298,300,共2页
本文以黔东南苗族侗族自治州黎平县水口镇的平善村为田野点,关注草苗这样一个"说侗语,唱汉歌"的独特族群,千百年来他们保留着浓郁的族群特色,在村寨建筑上尤为突出。草苗文化对于鼓楼建筑有着密不可分的影响。村寨的鼓楼,蕴... 本文以黔东南苗族侗族自治州黎平县水口镇的平善村为田野点,关注草苗这样一个"说侗语,唱汉歌"的独特族群,千百年来他们保留着浓郁的族群特色,在村寨建筑上尤为突出。草苗文化对于鼓楼建筑有着密不可分的影响。村寨的鼓楼,蕴含了草苗的和谐生态观,折射出草苗独特的生活方式,对于自然之美的精神世界。鼓楼建筑在文化,社会等方面有着重要的功能。 展开更多
关键词 文化 鼓楼 社会功能
Integrating ancient and modern approaches to traditional Chinese medicinal authentication 被引量:4
作者 Zhongzhen Zhao Hubiao Chen +4 位作者 Ping Guo Zhitao Liang Eric Brand Lailai Wong Jing Liu 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS CSCD 2020年第12期908-914,共7页
Authentication is a key component of quality control,and the quality of Chinese medicinal materials directly impacts clinical efficacy.Chinese medicinal quality control is an important concern of the wider community,a... Authentication is a key component of quality control,and the quality of Chinese medicinal materials directly impacts clinical efficacy.Chinese medicinal quality control is an important concern of the wider community,and it is intricately connected to the future and development of Chinese medicine.Macroscopic identification has been used for thousands of years in Chinese medicine,and it continues to be effective for resolving important issues related to quality control in the modern-day.However,new challenges have emerged for macroscopic identification.For example,new botanical varieties have emerged,with differences in macroscopic features related to cultivated vs.wild materials.Changes in processing methods and cultivation techniques also affect these features.Consequently,continual progress and innovation in Chinese medicinal authentication methods are needed.Macroscopic identification is based on organoleptic assessment,microscopy,and research of ancient texts,such as the Bencao.In addition to collecting information from traditional experience-based differentiation,innovation can take advantage of new technologies that can provide even more detailed,precise information about morphology.In the present review,we summarized inheritance and innovation in the scientific exposition of Chinese medicinal authentication,featuring a review of specialized publications,description of the establishment of a Chinese medicine specimen center and Chinese Medicine digital project,the expansion of authentication technologies,and the formation of a cultural project dedicated to the Compendium of Materia Medica. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese medicinal authentication Macro-/microscopic identification Bencao Traditional Chinese medicinal cultural promotion
Megadrought and cultural exchange along the proto-silk road 被引量:9
作者 Liangcheng Tan Guanghui Dong +12 位作者 Zhisheng An RLawrence Edwards Haiming Li Dong Li Robert Spengler Yanjun Cai Hai Cheng Jianghu Lan Rustam Orozbaev Ruiliang Liu Jianhui Chen Hai Xu Fahu Chen 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2021年第6期603-611,M0004,共10页
Arid Central Asia(ACA), with its diverse landscapes of high mountains, oases, and deserts, hosted the central routes of the Silk Roads that linked trade centers from East Asia to the eastern Mediterranean.Ecological p... Arid Central Asia(ACA), with its diverse landscapes of high mountains, oases, and deserts, hosted the central routes of the Silk Roads that linked trade centers from East Asia to the eastern Mediterranean.Ecological pockets and ecoclines in ACA are largely determined by local precipitation. However, little research has gone into the effects of hydroclimatic changes on trans-Eurasian cultural exchange. Here,we reconstruct precipitation changes in ACA, covering the mid-late Holocene with a U-Th dated, ~3 a resolution, multi-proxy time series of replicated stalagmites from the southeastern Fergana Valley,Kyrgyzstan. Our data reveal a 640-a megadrought between 5820 and 5180 a BP, which likely impacted cultural development in ACA and impeded the expansion of cultural traits along oasis routes. Instead,it may have diverted the earliest transcontinental exchange along the Eurasian steppe during the 5 th millennium BP. With gradually increasing precipitation after the megadrought, settlement of peoples in the oases and river valleys may have facilitated the opening of the oasis routes, ‘‘prehistoric Silk Roads", of trans-Eurasian exchange. By the 4 th millennium BP, this process may have reshaped cultures across the two continents, laying the foundation for the organized Silk Roads. 展开更多
关键词 Megadrought Trans-Eurasian exchange Silk Roads Arid Central Asia MID-HOLOCENE
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