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作者 蔡玉琪 张爱云 《杂草科学》 2006年第4期26-28,共3页
通过室内稳定性与宜配性试验,从4种除草剂(丁草胺、克草胺、杀草丹、恶草灵)和4种化肥(尿素、过磷酸钙、碳酸氢铵、硫酸铵)的16种组合中筛选出2种比较理想的配方,即丁草胺、克草胺2种除草剂分别与尿素混配成2种灭草肥。2种配方灭草肥无... 通过室内稳定性与宜配性试验,从4种除草剂(丁草胺、克草胺、杀草丹、恶草灵)和4种化肥(尿素、过磷酸钙、碳酸氢铵、硫酸铵)的16种组合中筛选出2种比较理想的配方,即丁草胺、克草胺2种除草剂分别与尿素混配成2种灭草肥。2种配方灭草肥无论是现配现用还是配制后贮藏4个月再使用,对稻田稗草、野芹菜、鸭舌草、三菱草、节节草、水花生等防效均在98%以上。灭草肥处理的水稻有效穗数均比单施尿素处理有所增加,产量也有所提高。 展开更多
关键词 草肥 水稻 增产
作者 王永厚 《农村农业农民》 2000年第12期39-39,共1页
'离离原上草,一岁一枯荣;野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。'这是唐代大诗人白居易的咏草诗,诗中赞美了野草富有生命力的顽强性格。说起草,可别以为它们卑贱,微不足道,就是这些绿遍天野、随处可见的山草,它们可是农家的宝贵财富,在历史... '离离原上草,一岁一枯荣;野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。'这是唐代大诗人白居易的咏草诗,诗中赞美了野草富有生命力的顽强性格。说起草,可别以为它们卑贱,微不足道,就是这些绿遍天野、随处可见的山草,它们可是农家的宝贵财富,在历史上业绩显赫,还是农业生产的功臣哩!土壤是农业生产的首要条件,土壤肥力与作物生长优势密切相关。我国先民在长期生产实践中很早就认识到,种地必须养地,要种养结合,知道施肥能改良土壤,变薄地为美田,长期耕种而地力不减。古时称施肥为'粪田'。 展开更多
关键词 草肥资源 野生杂 绿作物
黄土高塬旱地小麦草肥覆盖耕作技术研究 被引量:6
作者 许卓民 张明义 苗元礼 《干旱地区农业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第1期1-8,共8页
草肥(绿肥或秸秆)覆盖耕作具有明显的保水增肥效应,可大幅度提高旱地小麦产量。每亩用2000kg绿肥覆盖休闲期麦田,可增加蓄水50mm左右,同时增加土壤有机质和养分含量,可增收小麦150kg以上。试验认为,合理的草肥覆盖耕作方式是小麦和绿肥... 草肥(绿肥或秸秆)覆盖耕作具有明显的保水增肥效应,可大幅度提高旱地小麦产量。每亩用2000kg绿肥覆盖休闲期麦田,可增加蓄水50mm左右,同时增加土壤有机质和养分含量,可增收小麦150kg以上。试验认为,合理的草肥覆盖耕作方式是小麦和绿肥牧草实行条带间隔种植,以草养麦,麦草轮作,可大大提高经济效益和生态效益。 展开更多
关键词 小麦 覆盖 栽培 草肥覆盖
草酰胺替代传统氮肥一次性施肥技术应用研究 被引量:1
作者 孙永泉 陆阳 +2 位作者 陈吉 陆幸鹦 丁焕新 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 2018年第1期133-136,共4页
[目的]研究草酰胺在水稻上的应用效果。[方法]2016年在苏州三地开展缓释肥草酰胺替代传统氮肥一次性施肥试验,分析缓释肥草酰胺一次性施肥对水稻生长性状、土壤性质、产量结构、经济效益的影响。[结果]较常规施肥处理,缓释肥草酰胺一次... [目的]研究草酰胺在水稻上的应用效果。[方法]2016年在苏州三地开展缓释肥草酰胺替代传统氮肥一次性施肥试验,分析缓释肥草酰胺一次性施肥对水稻生长性状、土壤性质、产量结构、经济效益的影响。[结果]较常规施肥处理,缓释肥草酰胺一次性施肥对水稻有着明显的增产效果,增产幅度在1.8%~11.2%,且其增产跟水稻有效穗数、每穗实粒数和千粒重有关。草酰胺缓释肥一次性施肥可减少36.8%的氮肥施用量,但达到常规施肥产量,较常规施肥处理增加经济效益486~3 195元/hm2,平均节本增效1 857.0元/hm2。[结论]该研究可为水稻的肥料施用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 缓释酰胺 一次性施 应用
作者 吕昆明 杨瑞青 +2 位作者 周伟东 贤振华 曾东强 《新农村(黑龙江)》 2012年第9期-,共3页
0.2%苄嘧·丙草胺药肥颗粒剂在水稻抛秧后7天直接撒施,施后田间保持3~5cm浅水层5天,对水稻田的稗草、异型莎草、陌上菜、水苋菜和碎米莎草等一年生杂草都有较好的防效.使用其制剂10 kg/667m2和12 kg/667m2,药后45d,杂草株防效均达到... 0.2%苄嘧·丙草胺药肥颗粒剂在水稻抛秧后7天直接撒施,施后田间保持3~5cm浅水层5天,对水稻田的稗草、异型莎草、陌上菜、水苋菜和碎米莎草等一年生杂草都有较好的防效.使用其制剂10 kg/667m2和12 kg/667m2,药后45d,杂草株防效均达到99.90%,鲜重防效分别为99.92%和99.97%.且对水稻安全,可增产稻谷5.94%和7.35%. 展开更多
关键词 苄嘧·丙胺药颗粒剂 水稻 抛栽田 一年生杂 防效
作者 王殿义 《渔业经济研究》 1990年第6期14-15,共2页
关键词 平洋村渔场 泰来县 渔业生产 养殖模式 经济效益 养鱼法
康熙御制《避暑山庄记》 被引量:1
作者 别廷峰 《河北民族师范学院学报》 1984年第Z1期79-81,共3页
原文 金山发脉,暖溜分泉。云壑渟泓,石潭青霭。川广草肥,无伤田庐之害。风清夏爽,宜人调养之功。自天地之生成,归造化之品汇。 朕数巡江干,深知南方之秀丽。两幸秦陇,益明西土之殚陈。北过龙沙,东游长白。山川之壮,人物之朴,亦不能尽... 原文 金山发脉,暖溜分泉。云壑渟泓,石潭青霭。川广草肥,无伤田庐之害。风清夏爽,宜人调养之功。自天地之生成,归造化之品汇。 朕数巡江干,深知南方之秀丽。两幸秦陇,益明西土之殚陈。北过龙沙,东游长白。山川之壮,人物之朴,亦不能尽述,皆吾之所不取。 惟兹热河,道近神京。往来无过两日。地辟荒野,存心岂误万几。因而度高平远近之差,开自然峰岚之势。依松为斋,则窍崖润色。引水在亭,则榛烟。出谷,皆非人力之所能。借芳甸而为助,无刻桷丹楹之费,喜泉林抱素之怀。静观万物,俯察庶类。文禽戏绿水而不避,鹰鹿映夕阳而成群。鸢飞鱼跃,从天性之高下。远色紫氛,开韶景之低昂。一游一豫,罔非稼穑之休戚;或肝或宵。 展开更多
关键词 避暑山庄 热河 休戚 江干 武列河 龙沙 秦陇 比兴 草肥 金山
茶煎西湖春 被引量:1
作者 吕峰 《人民周刊》 2019年第10期89-89,共1页
阳春时节,万物复苏,西湖迎来了柳嫩、桃娇、草肥的光阴,仿佛一切都是崭新的,一切都是亮丽的,一切都是清爽的,那真是透彻心脾的至清至明之景色。柳浪闻莺、苏堤春晓,似乎也成了西湖的专有名词。此时,亦是去杭州、去西湖啜饮龙井新茶的最... 阳春时节,万物复苏,西湖迎来了柳嫩、桃娇、草肥的光阴,仿佛一切都是崭新的,一切都是亮丽的,一切都是清爽的,那真是透彻心脾的至清至明之景色。柳浪闻莺、苏堤春晓,似乎也成了西湖的专有名词。此时,亦是去杭州、去西湖啜饮龙井新茶的最好时节。第一次识得西湖龙井茶的滋味是在九溪十八涧,那是一座古色古香的院子,黛青色的瓦砾,粉白色的围墙,朱红色的廊柱,再加上散落在院子里的花花草草和郁郁葱葱的林木,还没开始喝茶就已经醉了。 展开更多
关键词 瓦砾 草肥 古色古香 青色 西湖 时节 粉白色
Effects of Phosphate and Lime Application on Growth of Trifolium repens,Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropurpureum in Red Soils 被引量:3
作者 董春华 刘强 +3 位作者 文石林 曾希柏 徐震 高菊生 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第4期640-644,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to research effects of P fertilizer and lime on growth of Trrifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur- pureum, to provide references for cultivation of the three plant... [Objective] The aim was to research effects of P fertilizer and lime on growth of Trrifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur- pureum, to provide references for cultivation of the three plants. [Method] Pot experiments were conducted with Trrifolium repens, Charnaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropurpureum in 2010 in order to research effects of lime and P fer-tilizer mixture on growth of the plants in southern hilly acidic red soils. [Result] With lime amount fixed, application of P fertilizer would enhance plant height, total tiller number and dry matter. When P fertilizer was not applied, however, plant height of the three plants achieved the peak by lime at 1.4 g/kg which proved best for improvement of acidity of red soils. With P fertilizer at 200 mg/kg was applied, biomass of Trifolium repens and Macroptilium atropurpureum achieved the highest by lime at 2.1 g/kg, but total biomass of Chamaecrista rotundifolia was the highest by lime at 1.4 g/kg. [Conclusion] The research provides references for planting and production of Trifolium repens, Chamaecrista rotundifolia and Macroptilium atropur-pureum in southern hilly regions. 展开更多
关键词 Trifolium repens Macroptilium atropurpureum Chamaecrista rotundifolia P fertilizer LIME
Effects of N,P and K Fertilizers on Growth of Clover Nitrogen-fixing Rhizobia and Soil Fertility after Plantation
作者 刘亚柏 朱庆锋 +1 位作者 毕道杰 王润芳 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期906-911,915,共7页
In order to develop organic rice and increase paddy soil fertility by cloverorganic rice rotation, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on growth of clover nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and soil fertility after plantation... In order to develop organic rice and increase paddy soil fertility by cloverorganic rice rotation, the effects of N, P and K fertilizers on growth of clover nitrogen-fixing rhizobia and soil fertility after plantation were investigated, thereby providing certain reference for reasonable cultivation of clover and improvement of soil fertility. A two-year experiment was conducted from 2012 to 2013. The clover was cultivated after rice every year, and different levels of N, P and K fertilizers were applied before winter. In the treatment group, no fertilizer was applied. The effects of different fertilizers and different application amounts on clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight and soil fertility after plantation were analyzed. The results showed that the application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage had significantly effect on the growth of clover. When the application amount of N fertilizer was 75 kg/hm^2(N 46%), the clover yield, nitrogen-fixing rhizobia quantity and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia weight were highest. The soil nitrogen content after plantation increased with the increase of the application amount of N fertilizer, while the P and K content decreased and then increased with the increased application amounts. Soil available P content increased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers, but it did not change significantly with the increased application amount of K fertilizer. Soil available K content increased first and then decreased with the increased application amounts of N and P fertilizers.When the application amounts of N and P fertilizers were 150(N 46%) and 300(P_2O_5 12%) kg/hm^2, soil available K content reached the maximum. Soil organic matter content increased with the increased application amounts of N, P and K fertilizers. Therefore, in the cultivation of clover, appropriate application of N, P and K fertilizers in the early stage can improve clover yield and soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 N fertilizer P fertilizer K fertilizer CLOVER Nitrogen-fixing rhizobia Soil fertility
Effects of the Combined Use of Tobacco Special Inorganic Fertilizer and Cake Organic Fertilizer on the Quality of Tobacco K326 被引量:2
作者 曾维爱 龙世平 +3 位作者 何命军 范海珊 崔新卫 黄艳宁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第8期1142-1146,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of the combined use of cake organic fertilizer and tobacco special fertilizer on the growth and development as well as the quality of tobacco leaves.[Method] Dif... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effects of the combined use of cake organic fertilizer and tobacco special fertilizer on the growth and development as well as the quality of tobacco leaves.[Method] Different ratios of cake organic fertilizer and tobacco special fertilizer were applied.Then,the agronomic traits and leaf quality determining factors were measured and analyzed at different growing stages.[Result] Compared with the control,the tobacco plant height was increased by 3.01%-5.84%,while the number of valid leaves was increased by 5.56%-20.39% in all the treatments with combined use of fertilizers.The ratio of sugar to nicotine of leaf was closer to 10±1,and the ratio of nitrogen to nicotine of leaf was closer to 1±0.1.In addition,the combined use of 750 kg/hm2 tobacco special base fertilizer and 292 kg/hm2 cake organic fertilizer had a better effect for improving the agronomic traits and flavor qualities than all the other treatments.[Conclusion] This study will provide reference for developing special full-aroma tobacco leaf product and new tobacco special fertilizers in Hunan. 展开更多
关键词 Cake fertilizer Tobacco special fertilizer Flue-cured tobacco leaf Agronomic trait Flavor quality
作者 韩素芹 《湖南林业》 2005年第2期16-16,共1页
关键词 果树 增产措施 草肥 营养坑 地膜
Effects of Straw Covering and Different Types of Potassium Fertilizer on Salinity Accumulation in Surface Layer of Tobacco-planted Paddy Soil 被引量:3
作者 彭金良 雷文杰 +1 位作者 黄景崇 李迪秦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第6期905-910,共6页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigation the effects of straw covering and different types of potassium fertilizer on salinity accumulation in surface layer of tobacco-planted paddy soil in southern China. [Metho... [Objective] This study aimed to investigation the effects of straw covering and different types of potassium fertilizer on salinity accumulation in surface layer of tobacco-planted paddy soil in southern China. [Method] Tobacco variety ‘Yunyan87’ was used as the experimental material to investigate the effects of salinity accumulation in surface layer of tobacco-planted paddy soil on the growth and development of flue-cured tobacco using different types of potassium fertilizer and mulching cultivation methods. [Result] The results showed that K+ , Ca2+ , SO42and NO3-were the major salt ions in topsoil at different growth stages of flue-cured tobacco, Na + and Mg2+ contents were also relatively high at vigorous growth stage, indicating that these salt ions were easily accumulated in surface layer of soil; to be specific, the absolute increase of salt ion concentration showed a decreasing order of K+ SO42- NO3-Ca2+ Mg2+ Na+ Cl-, while the relative increase of salt ion concentration showed a decreasing order of Ca2+ K+ Na+ NO3-SO42-Mg2+ Cl-. At 60 d posttransplanting, total salt content in topsoil reached the minimum of 359.1 mg/kg in Treatment 2, total salt content in topsoil reached the maximum of 536.1 mg/kg in Treatment 5 (CK), which was significantly higher than that in other treatments. At 90 d post-transplanting, no significant difference was observed in total salt content among various treatments. At harvesting period, total salt content in topsoil reached the maximum of 3 278.4 mg/kg in Treatment 1, which was significantly higher than that in other treatments. Topsoil pH showed no significant differences among various treatments at three different periods, ranging from 5.39 to 5.59. Straw covering could effectively reduce salt content in topsoil, accelerate vigorous growth of tobacco, shorten vigorous growth period and increase plant height, leaf number and lead area; at vigorous growth stage, root vitality and root volume of tobacco were improved, but the yield and output value were relatively low. Major agronomic traits and yield of tobacco showed no significant difference among various treatments. Output value of tobacco reached the maximum of 24 196.8 yuan/hm2 in Treatment 3, which was significantly higher than that in other treatments. [Conclusion] Appropriate types and proportions of potassium fertilizer and straw covering can effectively reduce the total salt content in tobacco-planted paddy soil and increase the effective supply amount of K+ , Ca2+ , SO42-and NO3-, thereby promoting and improving the root vitality of tobacco, which is conducive to the growth and development of tobacco and will eventually enhance the yield, quality and economic benefits of flue-cured tobacco. 展开更多
关键词 Flue-cured tobacco Tobacco-planted paddy soil Salinity accumulation in surface layer Potassium fertilizer Straw covering
Moving Dynamics of Nitrate Nitrogen in Soil of Maize Field on Meadow Soil of Daling River Valley in Liaoning and Its Fertilization Controlling
作者 刘慧颖 董环 +1 位作者 张鑫 韩晓日 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第9期121-125,共5页
The moving dynamics of nitrate nitrogen(NO3-N)in soil of maize field on meadow soil of Daling river valley in Liaoning and its rational fertilization controlling were discussed in this study by the designing of diff... The moving dynamics of nitrate nitrogen(NO3-N)in soil of maize field on meadow soil of Daling river valley in Liaoning and its rational fertilization controlling were discussed in this study by the designing of different kinds of N application methods.The results showed that the content of NO3-N in soil was increased with the amount of nitrogen fertilizer;At the same amount of nitrogen fertilizer,the content of NO3-N in soil showed a trend of chemical fertilizerstraw treatmentslow controlled release fertilizer.Based on the requirement of roots in different growth stages to nutrition,the migration directions of NO3-N could be regulated by each layer of soil.In the early growth stage,the NO3-N would move upward,while it moved downward in the late growth stage.Straw returning treatment could improve the keeping ability of soil to NO3-N and avoid the downward migration of NO3-N,as well as reduce the damage of groundwater pollution.The use of slow controlled release fertilizer had achieved the continuing releasing of nutrition.Moreover,the peak of nutrition releasing had been delayed for 30 d,which had met the requirement of nutrient supply in maturing stage.The yield of slow controlled release fertilizer treatment was the highest with the least accumulation of NO3-N and less negative influence on environment.The yield of straw returning treatment and chemical fertilizer treatment was closed to each other. 展开更多
关键词 Meadow soil Soil nitrate nitrogen Rational fertilization Daling River valley
A systematic review of the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines used in the treatment of obesity 被引量:14
作者 Shirin Hasani-Ranjbar Neda Nayebi +1 位作者 Bagher Larijani Mohammad Abdollahi 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第25期3073-3085,共13页
This review focuses on the efficacy and safety of effective herbal medicines in the management of obesity in humans and animals. PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and IranMedex databases were searched up... This review focuses on the efficacy and safety of effective herbal medicines in the management of obesity in humans and animals. PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science, and IranMedex databases were searched up to December 30, 2008. The search terms were "obesity" and ('herbal medicine" or "plant", "plant medicinal" or "medicine traditional") without narrowing or limiting search elements. All of the human and animal studies on the effects of herbs with the key outcome of change in anthropometric measures such as body weight and waist-hip circumference, body fat, amount of food intake, and appetite were included. In vitro studies, reviews, and letters to editors were excluded. Of the publications identified in the initial database, 915 results were identified and reviewed, and a total of 77 studies were included (19 human and 58 animal studies). Studies with Cissus quadrangularis (CQ), Sambucus nigra, Asparagus officinalis, Garcinia atroviridis, ephedra and caffeine, Slimax (extract of several plants including Zingiber officinale and Bofutsushosan) showed a significant decrease in body weight. In 41 animal studies, significant weight loss or inhibition of weight gain was found. No significant adverse effects or mortality were observed except in studies with supplements containing ephedra, caffeine and Bofutsushosan. In conclusion, compounds containing ephedra, CQr ginseng, bitter melon, and zingiber were found to be effective in the management of obesity. Attention to these natural compounds would open a new approach for novel therapeutic and more effective agents. 展开更多
关键词 ANIMAL Herbal medicine HUMAN OBESITY
Effects of adding water on seasonal variation of soil nitrogen availability under sandy grasslands in semi-arid region
作者 黄晓星 于占源 +2 位作者 钱伟 徐大勇 艾桂艳 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第4期287-290,共4页
Water is usally thought of a limiting factor for the restoration of semi-arid ecosystem. In the growing season of 2006, a study was conducted to determine the effects of modeling precipitation on seasonal patterns in ... Water is usally thought of a limiting factor for the restoration of semi-arid ecosystem. In the growing season of 2006, a study was conducted to determine the effects of modeling precipitation on seasonal patterns in concentrations of soil-available nitrogen and to describe the seasonal patterns in soil nitrogen availability and seasonal variation in the rates of net nitrogen mineralization of topsoil at Daqinggou ecological station in Keerqin sand lands, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Manipulation of water (80 mm) was designed to be added to experiment plots of sandy grasslands in dry season. Water addition (W) treatment and control (CK) treatment were separately taken in six replications and randomly assigned in 12 plots (4 m×4 m for each) with 2-m buffers betweens. Results showed that the content of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization rate were not affected by adding water in sandy grassland of Keerqin sand lands. Net ni- trogen mineralization rates ranged from 0.5μg·g^-1,month^-1 to 4 μg.g^-1.month^-1. The highest values of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization occurred on October 15 in control plots. The seasonal changes of soil inorganic nitrogen contents exhibited "V" shape pattern that was related to seasonal patterns of soil ammonium-N (ascending trend) and nitrate-N transformation (descending trend). 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen mineralization Inorganic nitrogen GRASSLAND Keerqin sand lands NITRIFICATION
思南县幼龄茶园套种大豆的实践与思考 被引量:1
作者 刘治江 林竹 +1 位作者 张羽先 高秀兵 《耕作与栽培》 2023年第3期150-153,共4页
扩种大豆和油料,是保障我国粮食安全和重要农产品供给的重要举措。本文结合思南县幼龄茶园套种大豆的种植现状和取得成效,分析了推广该模式的发展前景;结合发展中存在规划滞后、选种盲目、技术落后等主要问题,根据茶园种植规格、管护要... 扩种大豆和油料,是保障我国粮食安全和重要农产品供给的重要举措。本文结合思南县幼龄茶园套种大豆的种植现状和取得成效,分析了推广该模式的发展前景;结合发展中存在规划滞后、选种盲目、技术落后等主要问题,根据茶园种植规格、管护要求和质量安全的需要,立足于茶园与大豆生产措施的有机融合,针对备耕、选种、播种及田间管理各环节均提出具体建议,为今后幼龄茶园套种大豆的技术应用与推广提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 幼龄茶园 大豆 套种
Study on Controlling Tobacco Root-knot Nematode by Fertilizer and Pesticide Synergy 被引量:1
作者 梁兵 黄坤 +5 位作者 李宏光 王全明 钟晓田 白章信 邵小东 胡承孝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2127-2131,共5页
Synergism between pesticide and fertilizer in controlling root-knot nematode was investigated by field randomized block test. The results showed that the best control efficiency was shared by 0.5% abamectin and 25% mi... Synergism between pesticide and fertilizer in controlling root-knot nematode was investigated by field randomized block test. The results showed that the best control efficiency was shared by 0.5% abamectin and 25% mixed pesticide (abamectin and carbosulfan), 24.1% and 28.0%, respectively. The positive effect was found by synergism between pesticide and fertiUzer in controlling reot-knot nematode. The economic benefit and agricultural benefit were gained by controlling root-knot nematodes. The results suggested that the agricultural and ecological benefit could be gained through the integration of agricultural practice and chemical technology in controlling root-knot nematode. 展开更多
关键词 Root-knot nematode PESTICIDE FERTILIZER Synergism TOBACCO
Effect of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Photosynthetic Rate of Leymus chinensis in Grassland of Different Degrading Degrees
作者 王明铭 鲍雅静 +3 位作者 李政海 杨绍欢 焦静平 郭燕宇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1929-1932,1957,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on photosynthetic rate of Leymus chinensis in the grasslands of different degrading degrees. [Method] With the L. chinensis in Inner Mongol... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the effect of nitrogen fertilizer on photosynthetic rate of Leymus chinensis in the grasslands of different degrading degrees. [Method] With the L. chinensis in Inner Mongolia Baiyinxile Ranch as the research object, different rations of nitrogen fertilizer were applied to the grassland (0, 30, 50, 80 g/m^2). The effect of different gradients of nitrogen fertilizer on photo- synthetic rate of Leymus chinensis, and the effect on grasslands of different degrading degrees were analyzed. [Result] The photosynthetic rate of L. chinensis in- creased with the increase of nitrogen gradients; in the grassland communities with different degrading degrees, the responses of the photosynthetic rate of L. chinensis to nitrogen fertilizer were different, and the response in the grassland with severe degradation was the best. [Conclusion] Nitrogen fertilizer played an important role in enhancing the restoration degree of grassland. 展开更多
关键词 Leymus chinensis Nitrogen fertilizer Photosynthetic rate
Effects of Different Analog Water-soluble Fertilizers on Flue-cured Tobacco 被引量:3
作者 Fei DAI Xiquan LI +1 位作者 Yuan XUE Xingping YANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第10期1904-1907,1920,共5页
This study aimed to investigate the application effect of analog water-soluble fertilizer as an alternative of flue-cured tobacco-specific topdressing fertilizer. A field experiment was conducted, and the dry matter a... This study aimed to investigate the application effect of analog water-soluble fertilizer as an alternative of flue-cured tobacco-specific topdressing fertilizer. A field experiment was conducted, and the dry matter accumulation, intrinsic chemical composition, smoking quality and economic benefit of flue-cured tobacco were compared between analog water-soluble fertilizer and conventional fertilizer, The results showed compared with conventional fertilizer, analog water-soluble fertilizer increased the dry matter accumulation in flue-cured tobacco by 4.90%-16.70%, increased the yield of flue-cured tobacco by 6%-15%, and increased the output of flue-cured tobacco by 5%-14%. In terms of chemical composition, the flue-cured tobacco applied with analog water-soluble fertilizer was better than that applied with conventional fertilizer, except the nicotine content in the upper leaves, the potassium content in the middle leaves and the reducing sugar content. The smoking quality of both the upper and middle leaves of flue-cured tobacco in the analog water-soluble fertilizer treatment groups was better than that in the conventional fertilizer treatment group. In short, analog water-soluble fertilizer was better than conventional fertilizer, with advantages of lower cost (reduced by 381.60 yuan/hm2), lower application amount (reduced by 165 kg/hm2) and higher utilization efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Analog water-soluble fertilizer Flue-cured tobacco EFFECT STUDY
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