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药剂作用下的小菜蛾自然种群生命表的组建与重要因子分析 被引量:7
作者 刘新 尤民生 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第8期1395-1397,共3页
The natural life tables of diamonthback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella under pesticides treatment were constructed,and the construction method of item "pesticide" was particularly discussed.The life tables ... The natural life tables of diamonthback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella under pesticides treatment were constructed,and the construction method of item "pesticide" was particularly discussed.The life tables indicated that the indices of population trend (I) under the treatment with 80% Dichlorvos EC 1000x and the contrast were 0.7796 and 1.4804, respectively,showing that Dichlorvos had some control on DBM. But,Dichlorvos had some effects on natural enemies of DBM. The decrease of parasitism rate at pupa stage was most obvious,which indicated that Dichlorvos had some effects of killing and wounding on the natural enemies of DBM. 展开更多
关键词 药剂作用 小菜蛾 自然种群 生命表
钨矿物和含钙矿物分离新方法及药剂作用机理研究Ⅱ.药剂在矿物表面作用机理研究 被引量:17
作者 程新朝 《国外金属矿选矿》 2000年第7期16-21,共6页
本文通过浮选溶液化学研究和借助吸附量、红外光谱、光电子能谱测试手段 ,研究了CF法浮选钨过程中硝酸铅及CF药剂在矿物表面的作用机理。研究表明 ,硝酸铅的主要活化成分是Pb2 + 和PbOH+ 离子 ;CF药剂对白钨矿和黑钨矿表面的Ca2 + 、Mn2... 本文通过浮选溶液化学研究和借助吸附量、红外光谱、光电子能谱测试手段 ,研究了CF法浮选钨过程中硝酸铅及CF药剂在矿物表面的作用机理。研究表明 ,硝酸铅的主要活化成分是Pb2 + 和PbOH+ 离子 ;CF药剂对白钨矿和黑钨矿表面的Ca2 + 、Mn2 + 和Fe2 + 不敏感。在硝酸铅存在时 ,CF药剂才在白钨矿和黑钨矿表面发生化学吸附 ,其作用形式是Pb2 +或PbOH离子先化学吸附于白钨矿和黑钨矿表面 ,然后CF药剂与吸附于白钨矿和黑钨矿表面的Pb2 + 和PbOH+ 离子发生化学反应 ,生成CF药剂的金属螯合物。但不论硝酸铅存在与否 。 展开更多
关键词 白钨矿 钨矿物 含钙矿物 分离 浮选 药剂作用
钨矿物和含钙矿物分离新方法及药剂作用机理研究Ⅰ.钨矿物与含钙脉石矿物浮选分离新方法-CF法研究 被引量:25
作者 程新朝 《国外金属矿选矿》 2000年第6期21-25,共5页
本文介绍钨矿物与含钙脉石矿物浮选分离的一种新方法 -CF法 ,并研究了CF法浮选钨矿物过程中各种因素的影响。研究表明 ,CF法在弱碱性矿浆中 ( pH值 8 2 )就能较好实现钨矿物与含钙脉石矿物的浮选分离。
关键词 浮选 钨矿物 含钙矿物 分离 CF法 药剂作用
连翘种子萌发特性研究 被引量:4
作者 董诚明 陈随清 +2 位作者 冯卫生 纪宝玉 白杨 《河南中医学院学报》 2005年第1期26-27,共2页
目的 :探讨连翘种子含水量与发芽率的关系及连翘种子萌发的条件。方法 :定期测定连翘含水量 ;利用不同药剂不同浓度处理连翘种子 ;不同储藏条件。结果 :连翘种子萌发最适温度为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ;药剂处理对连翘种子影响不明显 ;连翘种子储... 目的 :探讨连翘种子含水量与发芽率的关系及连翘种子萌发的条件。方法 :定期测定连翘含水量 ;利用不同药剂不同浓度处理连翘种子 ;不同储藏条件。结果 :连翘种子萌发最适温度为 2 0~ 2 5℃ ;药剂处理对连翘种子影响不明显 ;连翘种子储藏以透气良好的布袋或纸袋为好。结论 展开更多
关键词 连翘 含水量 发芽率 药剂作用
新型吡唑类杀螨剂——腈吡螨酯 被引量:16
作者 杨国璋 《世界农药》 CAS 2014年第6期56-56,60,共2页
腈吡螨酯(英文通用名:cyenopyrafen)是由日产化学公司于2009年推出的新型吡唑类杀螨剂,在日本和韩国获得登记,商品名:Starmite(Nissan)和Valuestar。2010年腈吡螨酯与哒螨灵混剂的销售额约为1000万美元。该药剂作用机理新颖,... 腈吡螨酯(英文通用名:cyenopyrafen)是由日产化学公司于2009年推出的新型吡唑类杀螨剂,在日本和韩国获得登记,商品名:Starmite(Nissan)和Valuestar。2010年腈吡螨酯与哒螨灵混剂的销售额约为1000万美元。该药剂作用机理新颖,与当今使用的杀虫杀螨剂无交互抗性,可用于防治果树、茶叶和蔬菜等作物上的各类害螨。该剂于1996年4月25日申请专利。 展开更多
关键词 杀虫杀螨剂 吡唑类 Valuestar 英文通用名 化学公司 药剂作用
煤泥水絮凝沉降效果影响因素研究 被引量:12
作者 沈宁 李振 《选煤技术》 CAS 2018年第3期20-25,共6页
通过综合流场环境因素,研究了凝聚剂和絮凝剂的药剂用量、流场类型、流场能量输入和药剂作用时间对煤泥水絮凝沉降效果的影响,确定出煤泥水絮凝沉降的最优条件。试验结果表明:影响煤泥水絮凝沉降效果的因素由大到小依次为流场类型>... 通过综合流场环境因素,研究了凝聚剂和絮凝剂的药剂用量、流场类型、流场能量输入和药剂作用时间对煤泥水絮凝沉降效果的影响,确定出煤泥水絮凝沉降的最优条件。试验结果表明:影响煤泥水絮凝沉降效果的因素由大到小依次为流场类型>流场能量输入>药剂用量>药剂作用时间;流场类型和流场能量输入是决定煤泥水沉降效果最关键的因素;径流式流场比轴流式流场、混流式流场更有利于煤泥水絮凝沉降,当径流式叶轮转速为400 r/min时,煤泥水絮凝沉降效果相对最好。 展开更多
关键词 煤泥水 絮凝沉降 药剂用量 流场类型 流场能量输入 药剂作用时间 正交试验
贵州辣椒病虫害防治技术 被引量:3
作者 廖芳芳 白立伟 胡明文 《农技服务》 2018年第1期35-37,共3页
贵州高山地区空气湿度大,雨量充沛,辣椒病害较严重,主要病害有猝倒病、立枯病、病毒病、疫病、白粉病、青枯病、炭疽病、疮痂病等;主要虫害有小地老虎、烟青虫、蚜虫、蓟马等.病虫害防治要做好预测预报,做到早防,根据田间病虫害发生的... 贵州高山地区空气湿度大,雨量充沛,辣椒病害较严重,主要病害有猝倒病、立枯病、病毒病、疫病、白粉病、青枯病、炭疽病、疮痂病等;主要虫害有小地老虎、烟青虫、蚜虫、蓟马等.病虫害防治要做好预测预报,做到早防,根据田间病虫害发生的种类和药剂作用的特性,选择不同类型的药剂混合交替使用,视病虫害发生的情况及天气情况选择打药的时间. 展开更多
关键词 病虫害防治技术 辣椒病害 贵州 病虫害发生 药剂作用 空气湿度 高山地区 小地老虎
杀菌剂硅氟唑的开发沿革 被引量:2
作者 程志明 《世界农药》 CAS 2006年第1期1-3,20,共4页
现在对于农药的要求是安全性高,低残留,选择性高,对环境没有影响,减轻施药劳动强度等。为此,有内吸性的药剂迅速发展,没有内吸性的药剂必须发挥药剂附着作物部分的药效,而新生长的植物体必须喷洒第二次药剂。内吸性药剂作用于作... 现在对于农药的要求是安全性高,低残留,选择性高,对环境没有影响,减轻施药劳动强度等。为此,有内吸性的药剂迅速发展,没有内吸性的药剂必须发挥药剂附着作物部分的药效,而新生长的植物体必须喷洒第二次药剂。内吸性药剂作用于作物一部分或土壤使用时,药剂会内吸至作物的全部,因而可减少施用量,减少施用次数,也能防治病害。三唑类杀菌剂是阻断作为真菌类细胞膜成分的麦角甾醇生物合成的有效药剂。它们抗菌谱广,有内吸性,比其他农业用杀菌剂更为优越,在20世纪70年代以来广泛地研究、开发,并且很多产品已实用化。 展开更多
关键词 三唑类杀菌剂 开发 20世纪70年代 药剂作用 内吸性 劳动强度 施用次数 防治病害 有效药剂 生物合成
作者 王新翠 《农村科技》 2009年第5期58-58,共1页
一、药剂作用 石硫合剂有杀虫、杀菌、杀螨作用,可防治果树上的介壳虫、红蜘蛛、白粉病、腐烂病及溃疡病等,因其取材方便、价格低廉、效果好被广大果农普遍使用。此外,施用后分解产生的硫磺细粒,对植物病害有良好的防治作用,其效... 一、药剂作用 石硫合剂有杀虫、杀菌、杀螨作用,可防治果树上的介壳虫、红蜘蛛、白粉病、腐烂病及溃疡病等,因其取材方便、价格低廉、效果好被广大果农普遍使用。此外,施用后分解产生的硫磺细粒,对植物病害有良好的防治作用,其效果主要表现以下几方面。 展开更多
关键词 石硫合剂 制作 药剂作用 植物病害 介壳虫 红蜘蛛 白粉病 溃疡病
作者 梁仁君 《农村新技术》 2008年第12期31-31,共1页
目前,人们对鱼、肉制品的需求在不断增加,对鱼、肉制品的品质也提出了更高的要求。养殖过程使用的各种药剂往往会使鱼发生畸变,食用时常有土腥味或残留药剂的异臭味。长时期养殖的黄鳝,不仅土腥味大,而且由于残留体内的药剂作用,... 目前,人们对鱼、肉制品的需求在不断增加,对鱼、肉制品的品质也提出了更高的要求。养殖过程使用的各种药剂往往会使鱼发生畸变,食用时常有土腥味或残留药剂的异臭味。长时期养殖的黄鳝,不仅土腥味大,而且由于残留体内的药剂作用,其皮较坚硬,烹调不便。 展开更多
关键词 鱼肉制品 品质改良剂 应用 残留药剂 养殖过程 药剂作用 异臭味 腥味
Optimizing hepatitis C virus treatment through pharmacist interventions: Identification and management of drug-drug interactions 被引量:5
作者 Jacob A Langness Matthew Nguyen +2 位作者 Amanda Wieland Gregory T Everson Jennifer J Kiser 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第9期1618-1626,共9页
To quantify drug-drug-interactions (DDIs) encountered in patients prescribed hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment, the interventions made, and the time spent in this process.METHODSAs standard of care, a clinical pharmac... To quantify drug-drug-interactions (DDIs) encountered in patients prescribed hepatitis C virus (HCV) treatment, the interventions made, and the time spent in this process.METHODSAs standard of care, a clinical pharmacist screened for DDIs in patients prescribed direct acting antiviral (DAA) HCV treatment between November 2013 and July 2015 at the University of Colorado Hepatology Clinic. HCV regimens prescribed included ledipasvir/sofosbuvir (LDV/SOF), paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir/dasabuvir (OBV/PTV/r + DSV), simeprevir/sofosbuvir (SIM/SOF), and sofosbuvir/ribavirin (SOF/RBV). This retrospective analysis reviewed the work completed by the clinical pharmacist in order to measure the aims identified for the study. The number and type of DDIs identified were summarized with descriptive statistics.RESULTSSix hundred and sixty four patients (83.4% Caucasian, 57% male, average 56.7 years old) were identified; 369 for LDV/SOF, 48 for OBV/PTV/r + DSV, 114 for SIM/SOF, and 133 for SOF/RBV. Fifty-one point five per cent of patients were cirrhotic. Overall, 5217 medications were reviewed (7.86 medications per patient) and 781 interactions identified (1.18 interactions per patient). The number of interactions were fewest for SOF/RBV (0.17 interactions per patient) and highest for OBV/PTV/r + DSV (2.48 interactions per patient). LDV/SOF and SIM/SOF had similar number of interactions (1.28 and 1.48 interactions per patient, respectively). Gastric acid modifiers and vitamin/herbal supplements commonly caused interactions with LDV/SOF. Hypertensive agents, analgesics, and psychiatric medications frequently caused interactions with OBV/PTV/r + DSV and SIM/SOF. To manage these interactions, the pharmacists most often recommended discontinuing the medication (28.9%), increasing monitoring for toxicities (24.1%), or separating administration times (18.2%). The pharmacist chart review for each patient usually took approximately 30 min, with additional time for more complex patients.CONCLUSIONDDIs are common with HCV medications and management can require medication adjustments and increased monitoring. An interdisciplinary team including a clinical pharmacist can optimize patient care. 展开更多
关键词 Clinical pharmacist Drug-drug interaction Hepatitis C virus treatment
Isolation and Characterization of a Dichlorvos-Degrading Strain DDV-1 of Ochrobactrum sp. 被引量:22
作者 ZHANG Xiao-Hua ZHANG Guo-Shun +2 位作者 ZHANG Zhong-Hui XU Jian-Hong LI Shun-Peng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期64-71,共8页
The objective of this research was to isolate a dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate)-degrading strain of Ochrobactrum sp., and determine its effectiveness in remediation of a dichlorvos-contaminated soil.... The objective of this research was to isolate a dichlorvos (2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate)-degrading strain of Ochrobactrum sp., and determine its effectiveness in remediation of a dichlorvos-contaminated soil. A dichlorvos-degrading bacterium (strain DDV-1) was successfully isolated and identified as an Ochrobactrumsp. based on its 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Strain DDV-1 was able to utilize dichlorvos as a sole carbon source, and the optimal pH and temperature for its cell growth and degradation were 7.0 and 30 ℃, respectively. Also, the growth and degradation of strain DDV-1 showed the same response to dissolved oxygen. In addition, the soil degradation test indicated that in soil spiked with 100 mg L-1 or 500 mg L-1 dichlorvos and inoculated with 0.5% or 1.0% (v/v) strain DDV-1, complete degradation of dichlorvos could be achieved in 24 h. The present study showed that strain DDV-1 was a fast dichlorvos-degrading bacterium in soil. However, further research will be needed to clarify the degradation pathway and the properties of the key enzymes involved in its biodegradation. 展开更多
关键词 DEGRADATION DICHLORVOS 16S rDNA soil test strain DDV-1
Protection of a cytidine deaminase gene gainst toxicity of high dose chemotherapy in mice
作者 Bo Chen Caigang Liu Yang Lu Ping Lu Feng Jin Fan Yao Ruishan Zhang Jinlong Liu Shicheng Zhao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2008年第6期358-360,共3页
Objective: To explore the feasibility of transfecting cytidine deaminase (CD) gene into mouse bone marrow cells in order to observe the drug resistance of high dose Ara-C and improve the tolerance of myelosuppressi... Objective: To explore the feasibility of transfecting cytidine deaminase (CD) gene into mouse bone marrow cells in order to observe the drug resistance of high dose Ara-C and improve the tolerance of myelosuppression following combination chemotherapy. Methods: Human cytidine deaminase gene was transfected into mice bone marrow cells by retroviral vector. Resistant colony-forming unit granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) assay was performed after the transfected mice bone marrow cells treated by the Ara-C. DNA was extracted from mice bone marrow cells. The drug resistant gene in mice bone marrow cells after transfection was detected by PCR. Results: Bone marrow cells of the donor mice cultured with the retroviral producer cells showed the drug resistant colonies and resistance to Ara-C, so did accept mice transplanted with the CD gene (CFU-GM of donor mice was 52%, χ^2 = 124.62, P 〈 0.01; accept mice was 54%, χ^2 = 126.26, P 〈 0.01, both compared with the contrast group). The animal survival rate was significantly higher in gene transfected group than that of the control (χ^2= 7.42, P 〈 0.01). CD gene of transfected bone marrow cells was confirmed by PCR. Conclusion: CD gene can be transfected into bone marrow cells of mice efficiently and increase the drug resistance to Ara-C. 展开更多
关键词 cytidine deaminase gene therapy ARA-C
P-glycoprotein mediated interactions between Chinese materia medica and pharmaceutical drugs 被引量:2
作者 YANG Xi PENG Yuzhong +4 位作者 HE Yufei HUANG Xuejun XU Aili BI Xiaoli XIE Ying 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2021年第4期251-261,共11页
P-glycoprotein(P-gp)is an important transmembrane ATP-binding cassette(ABC)drug efflux transporter expressed in various human tissues such as the intestines,liver,kidneys,and bloodbrain barrier.It limits the intracell... P-glycoprotein(P-gp)is an important transmembrane ATP-binding cassette(ABC)drug efflux transporter expressed in various human tissues such as the intestines,liver,kidneys,and bloodbrain barrier.It limits the intracellular concentration of xenobiotics by pumping them out of the cells,affecting drug pharmacokinetics and therapeutic effects.With its broad substrate specificity,it has the potential to remove a wide range of drugs from Chinese materia medica(CMM),including conventional medicines and active compounds.Increasing evidence has confirmed the superior therapeutic effectiveness of CMM in treating a wide range of diseases worldwide,as well as in conjunction with western drugs.As a result,herbal medicine-drug compounds have prompted widespread concern,with the majority of these interactions involving transporters such as P-gp.This review systematically summarizes the inhibition or induction of P-gp expression/function by active CMM compounds and the underlying regulatory mechanisms.It will aid in improving understanding of the synergistic or inhibiting effects associated with transporter P-gp as well as rational safety concerns for using CMM,particularly in combination with drugs. 展开更多
关键词 P-glycoprotein(P-gp) Chinese materia medica(CMM) Drug interactions Pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic effects INDUCERS INHIBITORS
Current progress in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C 被引量:6
作者 Alexandra Alexopoulou George V Papatheodoridis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第42期6060-6069,共10页
Over the last decade, the standard of care for the treat- ment of chronic hepatitis C has been the combination of pegylated-interferon-alfa (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) which results in sustained virological resp... Over the last decade, the standard of care for the treat- ment of chronic hepatitis C has been the combination of pegylated-interferon-alfa (PEG-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV) which results in sustained virological response (SVR) rates of 75%-85% in patients with genotypes 2 or 3 but only of 40%-50% in patients with genotype 1. Cur- rently, there are rapid and continuous developments of numerous new agents against hepatitis C virus (HCV), which are the focus of this review. Boceprevir and tela- previr, two first-generation NS3/4A HCV protease inhibi- tors, have been recently licensed in several countries around the world to be used in combination with PEG- IFN and RBV for the treatment of genotype 1 patients. Boceprevir or telaprevir based triple regimens, com- pared with the PEG-IFN/RBV combination, improve the SVR rates by 25%-31% in treatment-naTve genotype 1 patients, by 40%-64% in prior relapsers, by 33%-45% in prior partial responders and by 24%-28% in prior null responders. At the same time, the application of response-guided treatment algorithms according to the on-treatment virological response results in shortening of the total therapy duration to only 24 wk in 45%-55% of treatment-na'ive patients. There are, however, several challenges with the use of the new triple combinations in genotype 1 patients, such as the need for immediate results of HCV RNA testing using sensitive quantitative assays, new and more frequent adverse events (anemia and dysgeusia for boceprevir; pruritus, rash and anemia for telaprevir), new drug interactions and increasing dif- ficulties in compliance. Moreover, the SVR rates are still poor in very difficult to treat subgroups of genotype 1 patients, such as null responders with cirrhosis, while there is no benefit for patients who cannot tolerate PEG- IFN/RBV or who are infected with non-1 HCV genotype. Many newer anti-HCV agents of different classes and numerous combinations are currently under evaluation with encouraging results. Preliminary data suggest that the treatment of chronic HCV patients with well toler- ated combinations of oral agents without PEG-IFN is feasible and may lead to a universal HCV cure over the next 5-10 years. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic hepatitis C Pegylated interferon RIBAVIRIN Protease inhibitors Nucleos(t)ide analogueinhibitors Non-nucleos(t)ide analogue inhibitors Hepa-titis C virus polymerase NS5A inhibitors Cyclophilininhibitors
Carboxylesterases mediated herb-drug interactions:a systematic review
作者 Dan-Dan Wang Yun-Qing Song +4 位作者 Ya-Di Zhu Yi-Nan Wang Hai-Feng Li Guang-Bo Ge Ling Yang 《TMR Modern Herbal Medicine》 2019年第1期25-35,共11页
Esterases participate in the metabolism of^10%of the clinical drugs that contain ester or amide bonds,but the esterases mediated drug/herb-drug interactions(DDIs or HDIs)have not been reviewed in depth.Carboxylesteras... Esterases participate in the metabolism of^10%of the clinical drugs that contain ester or amide bonds,but the esterases mediated drug/herb-drug interactions(DDIs or HDIs)have not been reviewed in depth.Carboxylesterases(CEs),the most abundant esterases expressed in the metabolic organ of mammals,play a pivotal role in hydrolysis of a variety of endogenous and xenobiotic esters.In the human body,two predominant carboxylesterases including hCE1 and hCE2 have been identified and extensively studied over the past decade.These two enzymes have been found with hydrolytic activity towards a variety of endogenous esters and ester-containing drugs.Recent studies have demonstrated that strong inhibition on hCEs may slow down the hydrolysis of CEs substrates,which may affect their pharmacokinetic properties and thus trigger potential DDIs or HDIs.Over the past decade,many herbal extracts and herbal constitutes have been found with strong inhibitory effects against CEs,and their potential risks on herb-drug interactions(HDIs)have also attracted much attention.This review focused on recent progress in hCEs mediated herb-drug interactions.The roles of hCEs in drug metabolism,the inhibitory capacities and inhibition mechanism of a variety of herbal extract and herbal constitutes against hCEs have been well summarized.Furthermore,the challenges and future perspectives in this field are highlighted by the authors.All information and knowledge presented in this review will be very helpful for the pharmacologists to deeper understand the metabolic interactions between herbal constituents and hCEs,as well as for clinical clinicians to reasonable use herbal medicines for alleviating hCEs-associated drug toxicity or avoiding the occurrence of clinically relevant hCEs-mediated HDIs. 展开更多
关键词 Human carboxylesterases(CEs) HCE1 hCE2 herb-drug interactions Natural inhibitors
Antihymolytic and Antioxidant Effects of Medicinal Plant Capparis spinosa L.
作者 Sabah Boumerfeg Djamila Ameni +4 位作者 Moufida Adjadj Meriem Djarmouni Seddik Khennouf Lekhmici Arrar Abderrahmane Baghiani 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第6期637-643,共7页
Capparis spinosa L. is a traditionally used plant in Algerian folk medicine to treat asthma, rheumatism and other free radicals related disorders such inflammatory. The present study was designated to study the antiox... Capparis spinosa L. is a traditionally used plant in Algerian folk medicine to treat asthma, rheumatism and other free radicals related disorders such inflammatory. The present study was designated to study the antioxidant activity of aerial and root parts of Capparis spinosa L.. Total polyphenol content was determined, after extraction with solvents in five subfractions; methanol (CE), Hexan (HE) chloroform (CHE), ethyl acetate (EAE) and aqueous extracts (AE), employing the "Prussian blue assay". The results showed that EAE containing the highest concentration of phenolic compounds and Flavonoids followed by those of CHE of aerial and root parts, repectively. The antioxidant protective effects of extracts were determined by measuring the erythrocyte membrane resistance to free radical-induced. The results demonstrated that all the extracts exhibited a protective effect against t-BHP induced oxidative damages in human erythrocytes, the most potents wer CEs and CHEs with 86.55%, 85.81%, 74.59%, and 68.70%, for aerial and root parts, respectively, which were more effective than used standards: Quercetin (65.46%) and rutin (59.62%). In order to more clarify the previous antioxidants activity of the extracts through other mechanisms, the iron chelating ability assays were realized. The results showed that the iron chelating ability of Aerial and root extracts were very considerable; the CE showed an excellent chelating with ICs0 of 0.197 ± 0.031 μM/quercetin equivalent, higher than that used standard EDTA, with approximately 0.34 folds. These results show that Capparis spinosa L. extracts have strong anti-oxidant effects and may have some clinical benefits. 展开更多
关键词 Antihymolytic ANTIOXIDANT Capparis spinosa L
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