目的:观察涤浊汤加隔药艾灸联合非布司他片对脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者肠道菌群及炎症因子的影响。方法:选择河南中医药大学第三附属医院收治的脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者75例,按就诊顺序随机分为两组。对照组37例,给予非布司他片,初始剂量每...目的:观察涤浊汤加隔药艾灸联合非布司他片对脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者肠道菌群及炎症因子的影响。方法:选择河南中医药大学第三附属医院收治的脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者75例,按就诊顺序随机分为两组。对照组37例,给予非布司他片,初始剂量每次1片,1 d 1次。治疗组38例,在对照组治疗基础上给予涤浊汤(白茅根、薏苡仁、土茯苓、黄芪、白术、党参、金钱草、炒苍术、山楂、绵萆薢、泽泻、威灵仙、桂枝、川牛膝、甘草片)1 d 1剂,每剂分2份,早晚各服用1份;加隔药艾灸(神阙、中脘、关元、气海、天枢),每次每穴各灸4壮,药饼留在原穴位处敷贴8~12 h,隔日1次,每周3次。两组均以4周为1个疗程,连续治疗3个疗程后判断疗效。结果:治疗组临床控制10例,显效15例,有效10例,无效3例,有效率为92.11%(35/38);对照组临床控制6例,显效11例,有效10例,无效10例,有效率为72.97%(27/37)。两组疗效对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。治疗后,两组在中医证候积分、血尿酸、肠道菌群、炎症因子、痛风急性发作率及不良反应情况方面对比,治疗组均优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:涤浊汤加隔药艾灸联合非布司他片治疗脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风疗效确切。展开更多
Both therapies of traditional crude herb moxibustion and drug acupoint application were used in 209 cases of allergic asthma to compare their long-term and short-term therapeutic effects and to analyze the relationshi...Both therapies of traditional crude herb moxibustion and drug acupoint application were used in 209 cases of allergic asthma to compare their long-term and short-term therapeutic effects and to analyze the relationship between clinic therapeutic effects of both therapies and differential types of the disease. The results showed that the short-term total effective rate in the group of drug acupoint application was higher than that in the group of traditional crude herb moxibustion, the therapeutic effects of drug acupoint application being closely related to differential types. Analysis also shows the best short-term therapeutic effect was in the type of heat in the lung while the poorest effect in the type of deficiency of the kidney-yang.展开更多
文摘目的:观察涤浊汤加隔药艾灸联合非布司他片对脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者肠道菌群及炎症因子的影响。方法:选择河南中医药大学第三附属医院收治的脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风患者75例,按就诊顺序随机分为两组。对照组37例,给予非布司他片,初始剂量每次1片,1 d 1次。治疗组38例,在对照组治疗基础上给予涤浊汤(白茅根、薏苡仁、土茯苓、黄芪、白术、党参、金钱草、炒苍术、山楂、绵萆薢、泽泻、威灵仙、桂枝、川牛膝、甘草片)1 d 1剂,每剂分2份,早晚各服用1份;加隔药艾灸(神阙、中脘、关元、气海、天枢),每次每穴各灸4壮,药饼留在原穴位处敷贴8~12 h,隔日1次,每周3次。两组均以4周为1个疗程,连续治疗3个疗程后判断疗效。结果:治疗组临床控制10例,显效15例,有效10例,无效3例,有效率为92.11%(35/38);对照组临床控制6例,显效11例,有效10例,无效10例,有效率为72.97%(27/37)。两组疗效对比,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。治疗后,两组在中医证候积分、血尿酸、肠道菌群、炎症因子、痛风急性发作率及不良反应情况方面对比,治疗组均优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论:涤浊汤加隔药艾灸联合非布司他片治疗脾虚湿阻型慢性痛风疗效确切。
文摘Both therapies of traditional crude herb moxibustion and drug acupoint application were used in 209 cases of allergic asthma to compare their long-term and short-term therapeutic effects and to analyze the relationship between clinic therapeutic effects of both therapies and differential types of the disease. The results showed that the short-term total effective rate in the group of drug acupoint application was higher than that in the group of traditional crude herb moxibustion, the therapeutic effects of drug acupoint application being closely related to differential types. Analysis also shows the best short-term therapeutic effect was in the type of heat in the lung while the poorest effect in the type of deficiency of the kidney-yang.