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作者 张应明 李盼盼 +4 位作者 佟一杰 李晓璇 何镜琳 谭海蓉 白明 《韶关学院学报》 2024年第3期60-65,共6页
菌食性甲虫与真菌之间的相互作用紧密且复杂,菌食性甲虫的形态演化是否受到真菌和环境因素的影响尚不可知.为此,选取12科菌食性甲虫并将其按栖息地的基质环境分为两类:a类栖息地的基质为森林生态系统落叶层腐殖质,b类栖息地的基质为经... 菌食性甲虫与真菌之间的相互作用紧密且复杂,菌食性甲虫的形态演化是否受到真菌和环境因素的影响尚不可知.为此,选取12科菌食性甲虫并将其按栖息地的基质环境分为两类:a类栖息地的基质为森林生态系统落叶层腐殖质,b类栖息地的基质为经真菌菌丝体分解的林木;通过几何形态学手段对两类菌食性甲虫形态进行比较,探究菌食性甲虫形态多样性与生活习性之间的关系.研究发现,a类菌食性甲虫整体形态偏圆且纵向隆起;b类菌食性甲虫整体多扁平偏椭圆.因此,菌食性甲虫前胸背板和鞘翅形态上的多样性在一定程度上反映了菌食性甲虫对生存环境的适应性. 展开更多
关键词 菌食性甲虫 几何形态学 前胸背板 鞘翅
中国管蓟马亚科(Phlaeothripinae)菌食性蓟马种类简记(缨翅目:管蓟马科) 被引量:8
作者 童晓立 张维球 《华南农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 1989年第3期58-60,共3页
关键词 菌食性 蓟马 管蓟马亚科
昆明树木园凋落物菌食性蓟马种类和种群季节动态研究 被引量:1
作者 聂晶 谢永辉 +2 位作者 孙跃先 李正跃 张宏瑞 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期780-785,共6页
对云南昆明树木园香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)、玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)和红枫(Acer palmatum cv.Atrpouceum)5个树种凋落物菌食性蓟马种类及其种群动态进行了调查研究,共采集665头... 对云南昆明树木园香樟(Cinnamomum camphora)、圆柏(Sabina chinensis)、玉兰(Magnolia denudata)、云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)和红枫(Acer palmatum cv.Atrpouceum)5个树种凋落物菌食性蓟马种类及其种群动态进行了调查研究,共采集665头,隶属1科4属6种,冠管蓟马属(Stephanothrips)肯廷冠管蓟马(S.kentingensis)和西方冠管蓟马(S.occidentalis),网管蓟马属(Apelaunothrips)同色网管蓟马(A.consimilis),奇管蓟马属(Allothrips)奇管蓟马(Al.sp.),器管蓟马属(Hoplothrips)日本器管蓟马(H.japonicus)和简管蓟马属(Haplothrips)简管蓟马(Ha.sp.)。5个树种凋落物中菌食性蓟马种类组成差异较小,优势种均为西方冠管蓟马(S.occidentalis)、肯廷冠管蓟马(S.kentingensis)和奇管蓟马(Al.sp.)。种群季节动态结果表明,不同树种菌食性蓟马的季节动态稍有差异,5个树种凋落物菌食性蓟马成虫和若虫总量的变化趋于一致,但若虫数量波动比成虫大,菌食性蓟马数量最高峰为2011年3月,总数为137头,而2010年8月和2011年5月发生数量最少,仅为5头和9头。 展开更多
关键词 菌食性蓟马 种类 种群动态 凋落物
锈赤扁谷盗等3种菌食性储粮害虫的发生分布调查 被引量:5
作者 赵欣欣 王殿轩 +6 位作者 白春启 李慧 阎磊 张浩 吕建华 邵小龙 贺艳萍 《粮油食品科技》 2019年第3期83-89,共7页
在中国主要储粮生态区的海南、广东、云南、福建、浙江、湖南、湖北、河南、山东、辽宁、山西和黑龙江等12个省77个地市,现场采集调查了具有代表性的粮库、小麦粉厂、米厂、饲料加工厂和农户等共计505个。在所有调查的12个省内均有米扁... 在中国主要储粮生态区的海南、广东、云南、福建、浙江、湖南、湖北、河南、山东、辽宁、山西和黑龙江等12个省77个地市,现场采集调查了具有代表性的粮库、小麦粉厂、米厂、饲料加工厂和农户等共计505个。在所有调查的12个省内均有米扁虫和锈赤扁谷盗分布发生,除湖南省、山西省和黑龙江省外其余各调查省份均采集到小蕈甲。从发现害虫的单位总个数与调查单位的总个数之比(发现比率)看,米扁虫、小蕈甲和锈赤扁谷盗的发现比率分别为18.81%、11.48%、45.94%,锈赤扁谷盗的发现比率远高于米扁虫和小蕈甲的发现比率。比较不同省份中调查害虫分布发生的广泛性可看出,在海南省调查锈赤扁谷盗的发现比率与米扁虫和小蕈甲的发现比率相似,在山东省锈赤扁谷盗的发现比率略低于米扁虫发现比率,在黑龙江省的锈赤扁谷盗发现比率与米扁虫发现比率一致,其他所调查诸省份中锈赤扁谷盗的发现比率(14.29%~69.81%)显著高于米扁虫(3.03%~36.17%)和小蕈甲(0~33.92%),在我国主要储粮生态区多数省份中锈赤扁谷盗的分布发生程度远大于米扁虫和小蕈甲。 展开更多
关键词 菌食性害虫 米扁虫 小蕈甲 锈赤扁谷盗 分布发生
作者 何晓婵 《食品安全导刊》 2024年第27期98-100,106,共4页
目的:建立适用于小瓶装即食性益生菌粉剂包装密封完整性测试的真空衰减法。方法:采用真空衰减法测试小瓶装即食性益生菌粉剂包装密封完整性。定制合适的测试腔体和阴性对照样品,使用气体流量计进行方法开发和验证,验证通过后测试样品。... 目的:建立适用于小瓶装即食性益生菌粉剂包装密封完整性测试的真空衰减法。方法:采用真空衰减法测试小瓶装即食性益生菌粉剂包装密封完整性。定制合适的测试腔体和阴性对照样品,使用气体流量计进行方法开发和验证,验证通过后测试样品。结果:方法的检出限为3μm,在泄漏流量为0.019~0.816 mL·min^(-1)时,线性关系良好,测试准确度为100%。结论:真空衰减法操作便利、效率高,可实现无损检测,适用于小瓶装即食性益生菌粉剂的密封性完整性测试。 展开更多
关键词 真空衰减法 小瓶装即食性益生 包装密封完整性
中国菌食性管蓟马物种多样性及分布格局 被引量:2
作者 王军 赵超 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第12期175-181,共7页
菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的重要组分,它们在生物多样性保护与利用、植物保护、动物地理等领域具有重要的研究价值,但在我国其分类和物种多样性研究仍有较大不足,大尺度分布格局形成原因也不清楚。本文基于对我国大部分地区广泛的野外采... 菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的重要组分,它们在生物多样性保护与利用、植物保护、动物地理等领域具有重要的研究价值,但在我国其分类和物种多样性研究仍有较大不足,大尺度分布格局形成原因也不清楚。本文基于对我国大部分地区广泛的野外采集调查和国内外多家研究机构馆藏标本的检视,整理了我国菌食性管蓟马物种名录和地理分布信息,总结了我国菌食性管蓟马的分类研究现状与简史,分析了菌食性管蓟马物种多样性的分布格局并探讨了该格局形成原因。目前我国记录菌食性管蓟马237种,其中管蓟马亚科39属156种,灵管蓟马亚科22属81种;竹管蓟马属(Bamboosiella)、剪管蓟马属(Psalidothrips)、网管蓟马属(Apelaunothrips)和全管蓟马属(Holothrips)是物种较多的属,包含物种数均超过10种;中国特有73种;广东、台湾地区、海南和云南是物种最丰富的省份,均超过60种,这些省份都具热带和亚热带气候特征,适合其生存;相对多度分析结果表明在热带和亚热带地区森林凋落物层菌食性管蓟马是土壤动物的常见类群;气温、降水量、食物等是限制其分布的主要因素。本结果丰富了土壤生物多样性的研究内容,为菌食性管蓟马多样性大尺度空间格局研究提供了数据支持。 展开更多
关键词 土壤动物 菌食性蓟马 分类学 物种多样性 地理分布
一种杨树锈病天敌昆虫形态学及生物学特性研究 被引量:1
作者 贺琳瑛 蔡英 曾健 《陕西林业科技》 2016年第1期5-8,共4页
为了明晰新近发现的一种瘿蚊对杨树锈病的控制作用及其机制,本研究通过野外调查、室内繁育和形态学研究,记述了该瘿蚊不同虫态的形态学特征,确定其为双翅目瘿蚊科的锈菌瘿蚊Mycodiplosis sp.,并明晰了其生物学特性、林间发生规律及其对... 为了明晰新近发现的一种瘿蚊对杨树锈病的控制作用及其机制,本研究通过野外调查、室内繁育和形态学研究,记述了该瘿蚊不同虫态的形态学特征,确定其为双翅目瘿蚊科的锈菌瘿蚊Mycodiplosis sp.,并明晰了其生物学特性、林间发生规律及其对杨树锈菌的生物控制作用。结果表明,该锈菌瘿蚊的幼虫发生期和松杨栅锈菌夏孢子的发生期密切相关,并对杨树锈病的发生、流行具有重要的生物控制作用。 展开更多
关键词 杨树锈 瘿蚊 菌食性 天敌昆虫 生物防治
Reconstruction of a Food-grade Expression Vector in Lactococcus Lactis 被引量:3
作者 马超 王丕武 +2 位作者 付永平 张卓 刘宏禹 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第4期59-63,共5页
[Objective]In order to improve expression vector of L.lactis at food grade and widen application range of original system.[Method] Taking pNZ8149 as basis,the promoter PnisA of pNZ8149 was inserted L.lactis MG1363 and... [Objective]In order to improve expression vector of L.lactis at food grade and widen application range of original system.[Method] Taking pNZ8149 as basis,the promoter PnisA of pNZ8149 was inserted L.lactis MG1363 and SPusp45 of unknown secretory protein in downstream.Through PCR technology,specific primers were used to delete restriction sites between promoter sequence and signal peptide gene sequence and ensure better distance between SD sequence and start codon to construct secreting expression vector pNZS.The reporter gene gus was recombined into multiple cloning site of pNZS to construct pNZS-gus and L.lactis was transformed by electroporation.10 ng/ml nisin was used for induction culture,then culture solution was conducted GUS staining test.[Result]The new constructed L.lactis N3900/pNZS-gus system could express active GUS protein and GUS protein could be secreted out of cell.[Conclusion]The successful construction of this system lays foundation for secretion expression study of protein and oral vaccine research. 展开更多
关键词 L.lactis SPusp45 Food-grade vector Secretion expression GUS
The spore-feeding genus Nesothrips(Thysanoptera: Idolothripinae) from China, with one new record
作者 张文婷 冯纪年 +1 位作者 曹少杰 郭付振 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2017年第4期314-319,共6页
The species from China in the spore-feeding genus Nesothrips Kirkaldy are reviewed and N. propinquus is recorded for the first time from China. An identification key is provided for the four Nesothrips species current... The species from China in the spore-feeding genus Nesothrips Kirkaldy are reviewed and N. propinquus is recorded for the first time from China. An identification key is provided for the four Nesothrips species currently recorded from China. 展开更多
关键词 fungus-feeding thrips PHLAEOTHRIPIDAE taxonomy
Study on the Biological Diversity of Nematode-trapping Fungi in Erhai Lake 被引量:4
作者 杨晓燕 刘立盘 +3 位作者 苏锡钧 叶远邦 黄爱英 苏鸿雁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1100-1102,共3页
[Objective]The research aimed to investigate the biological diversity of nematode-trapping fungi in the sediment of Erhai Lake.[Method]616 pieces of sediments were collected from Erhai Lake.The traditional classificat... [Objective]The research aimed to investigate the biological diversity of nematode-trapping fungi in the sediment of Erhai Lake.[Method]616 pieces of sediments were collected from Erhai Lake.The traditional classification and identification methods were used to isolate,purify and identify.[Result]3 genera and 22 species of nematode-trapping fungi were isolated.Arthrobotrys oligospora,A.musiformis and Dactylella leptospora were the dominant species,and their detection rates were 28.05%,16.04% and 8.92% respectively.By analyzing the diversity of nematode-trapping fungi in four seasons,it was found that the biological diversity was richer in summer,spring and autumn,and the diversity indexes were 2.59,2.47 and 2.34 respectively.The diversity index in winter was 1.48 and was lower.Species forming the adhesive nets were predominant;positive rate was 41.00%.[Conclusion]The rich nematode-trapping fungi resource existed in Erhai Lake,and its biological diversity had the seasonal variation characteristic.The nematode-trapping fungi which formed the viscous net were the dominant species in Erhai Lake. 展开更多
关键词 Erhai Lake Nematode-trapping fungi Biological diversity
Is the Potential Interconnection between Antibiotic Susceptibility and Disinfectant Resistance a Threat to Food Safety?
作者 周倩 唐梦君 +6 位作者 张静 张小燕 唐修君 陈大伟 顾荣 陆俊贤 高玉时 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第6期1033-1037,共5页
The prevalence of antibiotic susceptibility and disinfectant resistance in bacterial pathogens causes a serious problem not only to food safety but also to public health, which directly or indirectly leads to treatmen... The prevalence of antibiotic susceptibility and disinfectant resistance in bacterial pathogens causes a serious problem not only to food safety but also to public health, which directly or indirectly leads to treatment and disinfection failures. In this review, multidrug resistance, the mechanism of disinfectant resistance, the methods for detecting disinfectant resistance and the cross-resistance between an- tibiotics and disinfectants are summarized. More efforts should be devoted to explor- ing the professional guidance of using antibiotics and disinfectants, and to develop- ing the comprehensive detection with genetic and molecular methods is highly ex- pected. 展开更多
关键词 Food safety BACTERIA Antibiotic susceptibility Disinfectant resistance
Physiological characteristics and commercial application of edible mushroom dietary fiber 被引量:4
作者 Zhang Chenju Xu Chunhua +2 位作者 Yu Xiaobing Zheng Huihua Chen Hui 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2014年第1期24-29,共6页
Edible mushrooms are considered as healthy food because they are low in calories and fat but rich in proteins minerals and dietary fiber(DF). Edible mushrooms are recognized as new potential resource of DF since the c... Edible mushrooms are considered as healthy food because they are low in calories and fat but rich in proteins minerals and dietary fiber(DF). Edible mushrooms are recognized as new potential resource of DF since the components of edible mushroom dietary fiber(EMDF) have shown special physiological and pharmacological effects on human and animals. In this article,the soluble and insoluble fractions of DF in different edible mushroom species have been evaluated. Biological effects of EMDF are related to promoting desired responses,for example,reducing blood cholesterol,protecting cells from free radicals attack by antioxidative effects,attenuating levels and fluctuations of blood glucose and selectively supporting the growth of beneficial gut bacteria. The EMDF plays an important role in reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases,diabetes mellitus and intestinal diseases. The non-starch polysaccharides(NSP),a kind of EMDF,is the best known and most potent mushroom-derived substances with antitumor and immunomodulatory properties. EMDF has also been reported to take part in the control of body weight,lipid homeostasis and insulin sensitivity due to its effect on specific chemical structures and physical properties. Many pharmaceutical substances with potent and unique health- enhancing properties were isolated recently from edible mushrooms and distributed worldwide. Mushroom-based dietary supplements(DSs) with potential therapeutic effects are produced from the mycelia or the fruiting bodies of mushrooms,and are consumed in the forms of capsules,tablets,or extracts. The EMDF, based on its special physiological functions on human health,shows a wide range of potential application prospects. 展开更多
关键词 EMDF physiological effects commercial application
Bio-control of Some Food-Borne Pathogenic Bacteria by Bacteriophage 被引量:1
作者 S. Kalkan E. UEnal Z. Erginkaya 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第4期237-244,共8页
In recent years, researchers tended to bring new alternative to biological protective systems used in conservation of food and production of safe food. Use of bacteriophage against to pathogen bacteria in food was the... In recent years, researchers tended to bring new alternative to biological protective systems used in conservation of food and production of safe food. Use of bacteriophage against to pathogen bacteria in food was the most hopeful system in these methods about bio-control. Controls of bacteriophage for each pathogen species and subspecies and determination of phage-host originality are important because efficient bio-control was achieved. Researches concentrated on some food-borne pathogen bacteria such as E. coli O157:H7, Campylobacter, Salmonella and Listeria. In a consequence of these studies made as in vitro and in vivo, first commercial production of phage which will be used in foods was made in Netherlands. Also, it has been informed that use of phage is cost-efficient alternative as compared with other preservatives. This review, discussed application of bacteriophages as bio-control agents in food and advantages and disadvantages about uses of bacteriophages by taking into account antimicrobial characteristics of them. 展开更多
关键词 BACTERIOPHAGE food-born pathogenic bacteria BIO-CONTROL ANTIMICROBIAL FOOD review.
Purification and Characterization of a Versatile Peroxidase from Edible Mushroom Pleurotus eryngii 被引量:8
作者 陈敏 姚善泾 +1 位作者 张虹 梁新乐 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期824-829,共6页
A versatile peroxidase (VP-Peco60-7 ) was generated and purified from the liquid culture of Pleurotus eryngii. The purification procedure included ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography, and gel c... A versatile peroxidase (VP-Peco60-7 ) was generated and purified from the liquid culture of Pleurotus eryngii. The purification procedure included ammonium sulfate precipitation, ion exchange chromatography, and gel chromatography. The molecular weight and isoelectric point (pI) of VP-Peco60-7 were determined to be approxi-mately 40 kDa and 4.1, respectively. By N-terminal sequence determination and peptide mapping analysis, VP-Peco60-7 was found to be similar to the versatile peroxidase isoenzyme VPL1, which was previously isolated from liquid cultures of the same species. However, the molecular weight and pI of VP-Peco60-7 were different from those of versatile peroxidases of liquid cultures, implying that the VP-Peco60-7 in this study is of a novel type. With 2,2′-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS) as a substrate, the maximal enzyme activity was obtained at 50 °C and pH 3.0. The catalysis of ABTS by VP-Peco60-7 was expressed by the Michaelis-Menten equa-tion. At 50 °C and pH 3.0, the maximum velocity (V max ) was 188.68 U·mg-1 and the michaelis constant (K m ) was 203.09 μmol·L-1 . 展开更多
关键词 Pleurotus eryngii versatile peroxidase PURIFICATION enzymatic properties
The Anti-allergic Activity of Polyphenol Extracted from Five Marine Algae 被引量:7
作者 CHEN Yu LIN Hong +1 位作者 LI Zhenxing MOU Quangui 《Journal of Ocean University of China》 SCIE CAS 2015年第4期681-684,共4页
Natural polyphenol has been widely believed to be effective in allergy remission. Currently, most of the natural poly- phenol products come from terrestrial sources such as tea, grape seeds among others, and few polyp... Natural polyphenol has been widely believed to be effective in allergy remission. Currently, most of the natural poly- phenol products come from terrestrial sources such as tea, grape seeds among others, and few polyphenols have been developed from algae for their anti-allergic activity. The aim of the study was to screen some commercial seaweed for natural extracts with anti-al- lergic activity. Five algae including Laminaria japonica, Porphyra sp., Spirulina platensis, Chlorella pyrenoidosa and Scytosiphon sp were extracted with ethanol, and the extracts were evaluated for total polyphenol contents and anti-allergic activity with the hyalu- ronidase inhibition assay. Results showed that the total polyphenol contents in the ethanol extracts ranged from 1.67% to 8.47%, while the highest was found in the extract from Scytosiphon sp. Hyaluronidase inhibition assay showed that the extracts from Scyto- siphon sp. had the lowest IC50, 0.67 mg mL-1, while Chlorella pyrenoidosa extract had the highest IC50, 15.07 mg mL-1. The anti-allergic activity of Scytosiphon sp. extract was even higher than the typical anti-allergic drug Disodium Cromoglycate (DSCG) (IC50=1.13 mg mL-1), and was similar with natural polyphenol from Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) (IC50 = 0.56 mg mL-l). These results indicated that the ethanol extract of Scytosiphon sp. contains a high concentration of polyphenol with high anti-allergic activ- ity. Potentially Scytosiphon sp. can be developed to a natural anti-allergic compound for allergy remission. 展开更多
关键词 ALGA polyphenol HYALURONIDASE anti-allergic activity
The Use of Str Mutations for Enhancement of Hydrogen Peroxide Formation by Lactobacillus Delbrueckii MH-IO at Refrigeration
作者 Alireza Goodarzi Hrachya Hovhannisyan Andranik Barseghyan 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2016年第2期90-97,共8页
The strains ofLactobacillus delbrueckii subsp, lactis widely used in food preservation due to ability produce high amount of hydrogen peroxide at refrigerator temperatures to inhibit food-borne pathogens and psychroph... The strains ofLactobacillus delbrueckii subsp, lactis widely used in food preservation due to ability produce high amount of hydrogen peroxide at refrigerator temperatures to inhibit food-borne pathogens and psychrophilic spoilage microorganisms. In order to improve of bio-preservation efficacy ofL. delbrueckii MH 10 mutations causing resistance to streptomycin (str) were used. Among UV-mutagenized population of L. delbruecla'i three str mutants producing high amounts of H2O2 were selected. Sir mutants produced significant amounts of hydrogen peroxide 50-60 μg/ml in sodium phosphate buffer (0.2 M, pH 6.5) and in beef broth (BB) at 5 ℃ for 5 days submerged cultivation without of growth. Evaluation mutants antibacterialactivity at refrigeration temperatures against food-borne pathogen Escherichia coli O157:H7 revealed elimination of pathogen total number up to practically undetectable amount for 3 days. In case of solid-state cultivation on agar-based medium, disks soaked by mutant cells suspensions formed larger inhibitory zones on E. coli O157:H7 lawn for one-day cold exposition. The size of inhibition zone depends on concentration of LAB cells. Str mutants L. delbrueckii reduced initial amount 2 - 105 of E. coil O 157:H7 in ground beef up to 3 log for 3 days of solid-state cocultivation when the wild strain reduced only 2 log. The application ofL. delbrueckii mutants did not cause any changes in sensory characteristics of ground beef, moreover promotes expanding of shelf-life due to inhibition of psychrophilic spoilage microorganisms. 展开更多
关键词 BIOPRESERVATION Lactobacillus delbrueckii Str mutations refrigerated temperatures hydrogen peroxide E. coli O157:H7.
Effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and glucagon-like peptide-2 secretion in weanling piglets 被引量:2
作者 WANG Chun-gang DING Xue-mei BAI Shi-ping ZHANG Ke-ying 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2009年第9期8-15,共8页
The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and GLP-2 secretion in weanling piglets. A 2×2 factorial design was used with two fish ... The experiment was conducted to study the effects of fish meal and sodium butyrate on growth performance, gut development and GLP-2 secretion in weanling piglets. A 2×2 factorial design was used with two fish meal levels (0, 5%), and two sodium butyrate levels (0, 0.3%). There were 4 dietary treatments: control diet (CD); control diet supplemented with fish meal (CF), control diet supplemented with sodium butyrate (CB), control diet supplemented with fish meal and sodium butyrate (FB). A total of 44 28-days-old Large White×Landrace weanling piglets were randomly allotted into 4 treatment averagely. The experiment period was 14 days. The results showed that sodium butyrate's addition increased average diary gain (ADG), average diary feed intake (ADFI) and gain to feed intake ratio (G:F) of weanling piglets (all P〈0,05), improved gut morphology (mucosa thickness, ratio of villous height to crypt depth) and sucrase activity, and fish meal's addition increased maltase activity (all P〈0.05). Either sodium butyrate or fish meal addition decreased cecum colibacillus quantity, sodium butyrate increaded ratio of cecum lactobacilli to colibacillus (P〈0.05). Consequently, diarrhea was reduced in diet supplemented with fish meal (P=-0.08) and diet supplemented with sodium butyrate (P=0.15) through 14 days of experiment, significant reduction of diarrhea rate was observed in diet supplemented with fish meal through the first 7 days (P〈0.05). In addition, sodium butyrate and fish meal addition in diets tended to increase plasma GLP-2 concentration, however, GLP-2 concentration on the 4th day was consistently decreased in diet supplemented with fish meal relative to that on day 0 (P=0.08). Overall, it could be concluded that both sodium butyrate and fish meal addition improve intestinal development and sodium butyrate addition significantly increase growth performance. The gut trophic response to sodium butyrate or may be in agreement with development. peptide GLP-2 increases in fish meal addition in diet and the alteration of intestinal 展开更多
关键词 fish meal sodium butyrate GLP-2 PERFORMANCE weanling piglet
Assessment of the Diversity, Distribution and Uses of Wild Edible Mushrooms in Ekiti State, Nigeria
作者 Olujobi Olagunju John Sale Faith Aladi 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2014年第6期328-335,共8页
Lack of information about the available species of mushroom, the distribution along different ecological zones and purposes for which they have been used has hampered their domestication for sustainable production. Th... Lack of information about the available species of mushroom, the distribution along different ecological zones and purposes for which they have been used has hampered their domestication for sustainable production. This study assessed the diversity, distribution and uses of wild edible mushrooms in Ekiti State. The study area was stratified based on vegetation distribution into two zones (rainforest and derived savanna zones). Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaires were administered to 80 randomly selected respondents for data collection. Descriptive statistical technique of frequency counts and percentages were used to summarize the data. Information from the study revealed that 52.5% and 67.5% of the respondents are above 50 years in the rain forest and the derived savannah vegetation, respectively. About 57.5% and 47.5% of the respondents had at least secondary education in the rainforest and derived savannah vegetation, respectively, while majority of the respondents with over 20 years of collection experience carried out their hunting in free areas outside forest reserve in both ecological zones. Twenty different species of mushroom are collected at different period of the year for consumption. The study recommended that government should checkmate further destruction of the remaining natural forest to ensure continued availability of these mushrooms. 展开更多
关键词 DIVERSITY DISTRIBUTION edible mushrooms sustainable production Ekiti State.
Research Progress in Phage 被引量:1
作者 Mingxu XIE Shigen YE Xiaoyu YANG 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第7期1709-1713,共5页
With excessive utilization of antibiotics in recent years,bacterial drug resistance problem is serious increasingly,and it is more and more difficult to develop anti-infective drug,while it does not have these problem... With excessive utilization of antibiotics in recent years,bacterial drug resistance problem is serious increasingly,and it is more and more difficult to develop anti-infective drug,while it does not have these problems to use phage controlling disease.Phage is a kind of prokaryotic virus,widely exists in the nature and includes bacteriophage,cyanophage and actinophage.Due to its potential of replacing antibiotics to treat disease,phage receives more and more attention.In this paper,based on development status of phage research at home and abroad,discovery process,naming method and classification basis of phage are introduced comprehensively,and advantages and limitations of phage applying in prevention and control of bacterial diseases are analyzed.We introduce application status of phage in human medicine,prevention and control of diseases for terrestrial animals and aquaculture,and the effects of phage in sewage treatment,prevention and control of microbial contamination of food and detection technology,and point out the shortages of phage in the above application.Meanwhile,we also discuss application prospects of phage in disease prevention and control,environmental protection and food safety. 展开更多
Study Frequency of Antibiotic Resistance Enzymes in Bacillus Species in Some of Foods
作者 S.H.Jalalpoor 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2011年第3期201-206,共6页
The subject of this study was to survey prevalence Beta lactamase enzyme in Bacillus species isolated from foods in Isfahan city in Iran. This is a laboratory study performed during 2009-2010 years in Isfahan. In this... The subject of this study was to survey prevalence Beta lactamase enzyme in Bacillus species isolated from foods in Isfahan city in Iran. This is a laboratory study performed during 2009-2010 years in Isfahan. In this study, 150 samples of food, including juice ketchup, mayonnaise, 展开更多
关键词 Bacillus species ENZYMES FOODS antibiotic resistance beta lactamase.
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