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超临界CO_2萃取-精馏小米糠油 被引量:23
作者 魏福祥 李世超 +2 位作者 王浩然 马晓珍 雷立改 《食品科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期78-82,共5页
采用超临界CO2萃取-精馏技术从小米细糠中提取小米糠油。研究萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间、CO2流量对出油率的影响,以及压力、温度对精馏的影响。结果表明:在萃取压力30MPa、萃取温度45℃、萃取时间2h、CO2流量50kg/h的萃取条件下小... 采用超临界CO2萃取-精馏技术从小米细糠中提取小米糠油。研究萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间、CO2流量对出油率的影响,以及压力、温度对精馏的影响。结果表明:在萃取压力30MPa、萃取温度45℃、萃取时间2h、CO2流量50kg/h的萃取条件下小米糠粗油的出油率可达19.69%。在精馏柱压力10MPa、4个精馏柱温度分别为40、45、50、55℃条件下,对粗油进行精馏得到小米糠精油。通过检测,超临界萃取法提取的小米糠油含有较高的不饱和脂肪酸,尤其是含有高达67.8%的亚油酸,且各项理化指标均优于市售小米糠油。 展开更多
关键词 小米糠油 超临界CO2 萃取-精馏
姜酚超临界流体萃取-精馏技术 被引量:13
作者 魏福祥 韩菊 +3 位作者 王巧玲 王金梅 程彦海 史英辉 《精细化工》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期269-272,共4页
采用超临界流体萃取-精馏技术从生姜中提取姜酚。考察了萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间、CO2流速、原料粒度等因素对姜酚纯度和萃取率的影响。确定的最佳条件为萃取压力25MPa,萃取温度50℃,CO2流量20L/h,萃取时间2 5h,原料粒度40~60目... 采用超临界流体萃取-精馏技术从生姜中提取姜酚。考察了萃取压力、萃取温度、萃取时间、CO2流速、原料粒度等因素对姜酚纯度和萃取率的影响。确定的最佳条件为萃取压力25MPa,萃取温度50℃,CO2流量20L/h,萃取时间2 5h,原料粒度40~60目。获得的提取物中姜酚的质量分数≥96 2%,萃取率≥1 38%。 展开更多
关键词 超临界流体萃取-精馏 姜酚
萃取-精馏耦合工艺处理环丁砜废水的流程模拟 被引量:2
作者 李战胜 丁秋霞 +3 位作者 张守海 王锦艳 刘程 蹇锡高 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期755-759,共5页
针对聚芳醚树脂聚合过程产生的环丁砜废水的处理,提出了以二氯甲烷为萃取剂的萃取-精馏耦合新工艺。选用NRTL活度系数模型,采用Aspenplus流程模拟软件对萃取-精馏耦合工艺处理环丁砜废水的过程进行模拟研究,并应用灵敏度分析工具分别对... 针对聚芳醚树脂聚合过程产生的环丁砜废水的处理,提出了以二氯甲烷为萃取剂的萃取-精馏耦合新工艺。选用NRTL活度系数模型,采用Aspenplus流程模拟软件对萃取-精馏耦合工艺处理环丁砜废水的过程进行模拟研究,并应用灵敏度分析工具分别对萃取塔和精馏塔进行参数优化。模拟结果表明,当萃取塔的平衡级数为7、萃取相比为1∶1、精馏塔的理论板数为5、进料位置为第3块理论板时,废水中环丁砜的浓度从100g/L降至34mg/L,同时得到质量分数为98.31%的环丁砜,环丁砜的回收率达到99.95%,处理后的水和环丁砜都能够满足在聚芳醚树脂生产过程中循环使用的要求。与现有的四效蒸发工艺相比,萃取-精馏耦合工艺的热负荷降低了约37%,具有非常好的工业应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 萃取-精馏耦合工艺 蒸馏 环丁砜 废水 模拟
超临界CO_2流体萃取-精馏联用技术提取脱酸月见草油的工艺优选 被引量:5
作者 谷满仓 钱亚芳 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第13期11-14,共4页
目的:优选超临界CO2流体萃取-精馏联用技术(SCFEF)提取脱酸月见草油的工艺条件。方法:以得油率和γ-亚麻酸含量为指标,采用单因素试验考察萃取压力、萃取温度、分离压力和分离温度对月见草油提取工艺的影响。比较SCFEF与超临界CO2流体... 目的:优选超临界CO2流体萃取-精馏联用技术(SCFEF)提取脱酸月见草油的工艺条件。方法:以得油率和γ-亚麻酸含量为指标,采用单因素试验考察萃取压力、萃取温度、分离压力和分离温度对月见草油提取工艺的影响。比较SCFEF与超临界CO2流体萃取技术(SCFE)提取的月见草油质量差异。结果:优选的脱酸月见草油提取工艺参数为萃取压力22 MPa,萃取温度308 K,分离压力10~12 MPa,分离温度321 K,CO2用量45 kg,脱酸月见草油得率16.7%~18.1%,酸值0.85~1.21 mg KOH.g-1,所得脱酸月见草油各项理化指标均优于SCFE所得月见草油。结论:SCFEF通过将萃取、分离与纯化工序耦合,可做到一步提取脱酸月见草油。 展开更多
关键词 超临界CO2流体萃取-精馏联用 月见草油 脱酸 Γ-亚麻酸
作者 周建丰 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2022年第22期22-24,共3页
在福建某地合成革工业园区,合成革制造企业十余家,现有企业对DMF回收提纯均采用“五塔三效”蒸馏法传统工艺,由于高温下DMF发生水解会产生二甲胺,该物质气味恶臭,对环境造成了严重的污染。而且,这种传统的回收工艺能耗大、DMF回收率低,... 在福建某地合成革工业园区,合成革制造企业十余家,现有企业对DMF回收提纯均采用“五塔三效”蒸馏法传统工艺,由于高温下DMF发生水解会产生二甲胺,该物质气味恶臭,对环境造成了严重的污染。而且,这种传统的回收工艺能耗大、DMF回收率低,还会造成二次环境污染。由于企业各自回收治理的监管压力大,通过集中建设污水管网,将各企业含DMF的废水统一收集后,采用低温萃取-精馏-吸附与净化工艺,能够实现减排降耗、降低治理成本、根除二次污染的目的。 展开更多
关键词 含DMF废水回收 低温萃取-精馏-吸附与净化 减排降耗
生姜中姜酚的提取及其鉴定 被引量:14
作者 韩菊 魏福祥 +2 位作者 王改珍 郝莉莉 王金梅 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期64-65,共2页
分别用乙醇循环法、超临界流体萃取法、超临界流体萃取-精馏法从生姜中提取活性物质姜酚。对提取产物进行了定性定量分析,产物的IR、UV谱图均与标样一致。用HPLC法进行定量分析,工作曲线的回归方程为Y=2484+93180x,相关系数r=0.9997。对... 分别用乙醇循环法、超临界流体萃取法、超临界流体萃取-精馏法从生姜中提取活性物质姜酚。对提取产物进行了定性定量分析,产物的IR、UV谱图均与标样一致。用HPLC法进行定量分析,工作曲线的回归方程为Y=2484+93180x,相关系数r=0.9997。对3种提取方法进行了比较,结果表明,乙醇循环法提取率和姜酚含量最低,分别为0.78%和15.7%;超临界流体萃取-精馏法最高,分别为1.38%和96.2%。 展开更多
关键词 生姜 姜酚 鉴定 超临界流体萃取-精馏 乙醇循环法 HPLC法 超临界流体
A new combination process of distillation with salt extraction for separating organic solvent-water azeotropes
作者 潘晓梅 肖国民 杨志才 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2004年第2期226-228,共3页
A novel process which can purify the organic solvents from their azeotropes with water is proposed. In this process,water can be drained off both from bottom and overhead of tower at the same time,and the organic solv... A novel process which can purify the organic solvents from their azeotropes with water is proposed. In this process,water can be drained off both from bottom and overhead of tower at the same time,and the organic solvent is concentrated in the tower and accumulated in the middle vessel at last. So the progress is time-shortened and energy-saving. The product purity is 99. 8% and the product yield is more than 99.5%. Simulation of liquid-liquid equilibrium (LLE) and the equipment operation data agree well with the experiment. 展开更多
关键词 AZEOTROPE SEPARATION bath distillation salt extraction
麦草乙酸-乙酸乙酯法制浆研究——第二报 制浆稀废液回收的初步研究
作者 张福琪 王世龙 +3 位作者 王保璟 贾春学 云战友 蔡继渭 《中国造纸学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第1期1-9,共9页
麦草乙酸-乙酸乙酯有机溶剂制浆废液中较难处理的稀废液的回收,采用萃取-共沸精馏的联合流程。稀废液中有机溶剂回收率可达95%。此时,萃取操作的最佳溶剂比为1.3~1.5,共沸精馏的适宜回流比为1.0~1.2。经处理后,废水含乙酸0.38%和乙... 麦草乙酸-乙酸乙酯有机溶剂制浆废液中较难处理的稀废液的回收,采用萃取-共沸精馏的联合流程。稀废液中有机溶剂回收率可达95%。此时,萃取操作的最佳溶剂比为1.3~1.5,共沸精馏的适宜回流比为1.0~1.2。经处理后,废水含乙酸0.38%和乙酸乙酯0.4%;此部分水可重复用于汽提前后纸浆的洗涤,达到有机溶剂的封闭循环。 展开更多
关键词 制浆废液 回收 造纸工业 废水处理 -共沸精馏 麦草乙酸—乙酸乙酯有机溶剂
Simulation of 1,3-Butadiene Production Process by Dimethylfomamide Extractive Distillation 被引量:10
作者 杨小健 殷绚 欧阳平凯 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第1期27-35,共9页
Nowadays, extractive distillation is the main technique to produce 1,3-butadiene. This study simulated the 1,3-butadiene production process with DMF extractive distillation by Aspen Plus. The solvent ratio is the most... Nowadays, extractive distillation is the main technique to produce 1,3-butadiene. This study simulated the 1,3-butadiene production process with DMF extractive distillation by Aspen Plus. The solvent ratio is the most important parameter to the extractive distillation process. The article has given out the proper solvent ratios, reflux ratios, distillate ratios, and bottom product ratios of the columns. It also discusses the thermal loads of several columns. The results of simulation are consequently compared with the plant data, which shows good accordance with each other. 展开更多
关键词 SIMULATION 1 3-butadiene dimethylfomamide extractive distillation
Simulation for Transesterification of Methyl Acetate and n-Butanol in a Reactive and Extractive Distillation Column Using Ionic Liquids as Entrainer and Catalyst 被引量:12
作者 蔡贾林 崔现宝 杨志才 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第5期754-762,共9页
A new reactive and extractive distillation process with ionic liquids as entrainer and catalyst (RED-IL)was proposed to produce methanol and n-butyl acetate by transesterification reaction of methyl acetate with n-b... A new reactive and extractive distillation process with ionic liquids as entrainer and catalyst (RED-IL)was proposed to produce methanol and n-butyl acetate by transesterification reaction of methyl acetate with n-butanol. The RED-IL process was simulated via a rigorous model, and high purity products of methanol and n-butyl acetate can be obtained in such a process. The effects of reflux ratio, feed mode, holdup, feed location, entrainer ratio and catalyst concentration on RED-IL process were investigated. The conversion of methyl acetate and purities of products increase with the holdup in column, entrainer ratio and catalyst content. An optimal reflux ratio exists in RED-IL process. Comparing to the mixed-feed mode, the segregated-feed mode is more effective, in which the optimal feed locations of reactants exist. 展开更多
关键词 ionic liquid reactive and extractive distillation transesterification reaction azeotropic mixture
Modeling of Mass Transfer in Nonideal Multicomponent Mixture with Maxwell-Stefan Approach 被引量:2
作者 宋一鸣 宋金荣 +3 位作者 龚明 曹彬 杨燕红 马晓迅 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第3期362-371,共10页
The Intalox metal tower packing was used to simulate an industrial relevant extractive distillation column for purifying azeotropic multicomponent mixture.In order to explain the inconsistencies in the modeling of tra... The Intalox metal tower packing was used to simulate an industrial relevant extractive distillation column for purifying azeotropic multicomponent mixture.In order to explain the inconsistencies in the modeling of transfer process in nonideal multicomponent distillation column,a method was developed with equilibrium stage models(EQ)and non-equilibrium model(NEQ)incorporated with Maxwell-Stefan diffusion equations in the framework of AspenONE simulator.Dortmund Modified UNIFAC(UNIFAC-DMD)thermodynamic model was employed to estimate activity coefficients.In addition,to understand the reason for the diffusion against driving force and the different results by EQ and NEQ models,explicit investigations were made on diffusion coefficients, component Murphree efficiency and mass transfer coefficients.The results provide valuable information for basic design and applications associated with extractive distillation. 展开更多
关键词 rate based model equilibrium model mass transfer coefficient Murphree efficiency extractive distillation simulation
A Quasi-steady-state Model for Numerical Simulation of Batch Extractive Distillation 被引量:2
作者 方静 李春利 +1 位作者 王洪海 孙立军 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第1期43-47,共5页
Batch extractive distillation(BED)is a special method used in the distillation process by adding a solvent into the batch distillation column to alter the relative volatility of the components and improve the separati... Batch extractive distillation(BED)is a special method used in the distillation process by adding a solvent into the batch distillation column to alter the relative volatility of the components and improve the separation. A comprehensive design and simulation method is required due to the complexity of BED.In this study,a quasi-steady-state model for BED is proposed,the derivation and solution of the model are presented.This shortcut model can be used to simulate the composition and temperature of the reboiler,the top and other plates of the column in a batch extractive distillation operation.The calculated values are in good agreement with the experimental data.The results show that the quasi-steady-state model is a practical method because of some advantages such as high precision and fast calculation. 展开更多
关键词 batch distillation extractive distillation SIMULATION MODEL
Salt-Containing Extractive Distillation of 1-Propanol/Water System 1.Prediction of Salt Effect on Vapor Liquid Equilibrium 被引量:1
作者 Fu Jiquan Fu Die 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2012年第4期89-96,共8页
This paper has studied the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for the salt-containing extractive distillation of the 1-propanol/water system. Binary VLE data were measured for the systems of 1-propanol (1)/KAc (4), ... This paper has studied the vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) for the salt-containing extractive distillation of the 1-propanol/water system. Binary VLE data were measured for the systems of 1-propanol (1)/KAc (4), ethanediol (3)/KAc (4), and 1-propanol (1)/ethanediol (3), with the VLE data correlated with the NRTL model in order to obtain the model parameters of these binary systems. The binary VLE data cited in technical literature were correlated to obtain the model parameters for other binary systems. VLE data of ternary and quaternary systems predicted by the NRTI.: model agreed well with the literature data. The influence of KAc, ethanediol, and the KAc/ethanediol mixture on volatility between 1-propanol and water was investigated respectively. Test results showed that the above-mentioned materials (KAc, ethanediol) and their mixture (KAc and ethanediol) have different influence on the volatility. When x3=0.5, and x4=0.05, the azeotropic point can be elimi- nated. The NRTL model method of salt-containing VLE is simple and effective for the prediction of the system's VLE data. 展开更多
关键词 salt effect vapor liquid equilibrium 1-propanol NRTL model
Isomerization of alkyl naphthalene and refining of 2-methylnaphthalene 被引量:2
作者 Hao Sun saijian Shi Zhenggui Gu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期149-152,共4页
A preparation process of 2-methylnaphthalene (2-MN) was proposed by isomerization, side-stream distillation and extractive distillation. The isomerization of alkyl naphthalene was catalyzed by acid-treated HBEA zeol... A preparation process of 2-methylnaphthalene (2-MN) was proposed by isomerization, side-stream distillation and extractive distillation. The isomerization of alkyl naphthalene was catalyzed by acid-treated HBEA zeolites, and the 2-MN selectivity of isomerization was 92.70%. Side-stream distillation and extractive distillation were investigated by simulation, and effects of operation parameters on 2-MN were studied. Further, the simulated results were verified by experiment. Under the optimal condition, the mass fraction of 2-MN reached to 98.09%; in the oroduct, and the yield was 83.84% in refining orocess. 展开更多
关键词 Side-stream distillationExtractive distillationlsomerization2-MethylnaphthaleneSimulationCatalyst
Study on Salt-Containing Extractive Distillation for the 2-Propanol/Water System
作者 Fu Jiquan 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2008年第3期39-49,共11页
The salt-containing extractive distillation column and the salt-containing agent recovery column for the 2-propanol/water/ethanediol/KAc system were simulated by the NRTL model and the modified Rose Relaxation method.... The salt-containing extractive distillation column and the salt-containing agent recovery column for the 2-propanol/water/ethanediol/KAc system were simulated by the NRTL model and the modified Rose Relaxation method. The simulation results showed that prediction of the salt effect in vapor-liquid equilibrium and the correlation method (TDCM) of NRTL parameters were suitable for the said system. Four different distillation technology processes were investigated; the results showed that the salt-containing extractive distillation process was the best one. The simulating design of the extractive distillation column was performed under the conditions of different total stage number, feeding location, reflux ratio, amount of mixed agent and concentration of KAc. The results showed that such factors as 17 stages, a feeding location at the 9th stage, a reflux ratio of 1.2, and a mixed agent feeding rate of 1.141 kmol/h, might be the best suited operating conditions. The simulating design was also done for the column for recovering the salt-containing agent. The simulation method of the salt-containing extractive distillation is simple and effective in this work. 展开更多
关键词 EQUILIBRIUM SIMULATION 2-propanol extractive distillation salt effect
废水中DMF处理及回收研究进展 被引量:9
作者 李宁 栗秀萍 +1 位作者 刘有智 李建伟 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第3期34-37,共4页
关键词 DMF 废水处理 萃取-精馏 降解
实验废液中环己烷回收的研究 被引量:7
作者 吴也平 郝治湘 +1 位作者 侯近龙 盖红辉 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第1期23-25,共3页
关键词 实验废液 环己烷 回收方法 萃取-精馏方法 次数
乙酸异丙酯回收工艺模拟与优化 被引量:1
作者 刘艳杰 王犇 潘高峰 《现代化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期215-218,共4页
分析回收物系特性和实际生产任务要求,建立回收乙酸异丙酯的预精馏-萃取精馏-闪蒸工艺流程,采用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件对所建立流程进行过程模拟。以理论板数、回流比、原料进料位置、溶剂比、溶剂进料位置为操纵变量,以乙酸异丙酯和... 分析回收物系特性和实际生产任务要求,建立回收乙酸异丙酯的预精馏-萃取精馏-闪蒸工艺流程,采用Aspen Plus流程模拟软件对所建立流程进行过程模拟。以理论板数、回流比、原料进料位置、溶剂比、溶剂进料位置为操纵变量,以乙酸异丙酯和甲醇质量分数、回收率及萃取精馏塔再沸器热负荷为采集变量,采用Design Specs和Sensitivity工具,对预精馏塔、萃取精馏塔和闪蒸设备进行灵敏度分析。在满足生产工艺要求的优化工艺条件下,产品乙酸异丙酯质量分数为99.6%,回收率为99.7%,甲醇质量分数为95.6%,回收率为95.5%,实现了资源再利用,降低了生产成本。 展开更多
关键词 乙酸异丙酯 精馏-精馏-闪蒸工艺 模拟 灵敏度分析 ASPEN PLUS
聚乙烯醇副产物的利用及精醋酸甲酯的生产 被引量:4
作者 徐凌云 《安徽化工》 CAS 2014年第5期56-58,共3页
利用聚乙烯醇生产过程中产生的醇解废液为原料,采用盐析萃取—共沸精馏法生产精醋酸甲酯,改变高耗能的醋酸甲酯催化水解工艺,实现了精醋酸甲酯及聚乙烯醇的节能、清洁化生产。通过选择与聚乙烯醇生产线相适应的盐析萃取剂,经盐析萃取后... 利用聚乙烯醇生产过程中产生的醇解废液为原料,采用盐析萃取—共沸精馏法生产精醋酸甲酯,改变高耗能的醋酸甲酯催化水解工艺,实现了精醋酸甲酯及聚乙烯醇的节能、清洁化生产。通过选择与聚乙烯醇生产线相适应的盐析萃取剂,经盐析萃取后获得含水少的醋酸甲酯,有效减少共沸精馏馏出量,实现了精醋酸甲酯的节能生产。制得的精醋酸甲酯产品质量优良,工艺稳定可控,成本优势明显。 展开更多
关键词 精醋酸甲酯 聚乙烯醇 工业副产 催化水解 盐析-共沸精馏
作者 徐凌云 《维纶通讯》 2014年第4期22-24,共3页
利用聚乙烯醇生产过程中产生的醇解废液为原料,采用盐析萃取一共沸精馏法生产精醋酸甲酯,改变高耗能的醋酸甲酯催化水解工艺,实现了精醋酸甲酯及聚乙烯醇的节能、清洁化生产;通过选择与聚乙烯醇生产线相适应的盐析萃取剂,经盐析萃... 利用聚乙烯醇生产过程中产生的醇解废液为原料,采用盐析萃取一共沸精馏法生产精醋酸甲酯,改变高耗能的醋酸甲酯催化水解工艺,实现了精醋酸甲酯及聚乙烯醇的节能、清洁化生产;通过选择与聚乙烯醇生产线相适应的盐析萃取剂,经盐析萃取后获得含水少的醋酸甲酯,有效减少共沸精馏馏出量,实现了精醋酸甲酯的节能生产;制得的精醋酸甲酯产品质量优良、工艺稳定可控,为国内聚乙烯醇企业染用安全、节能、清洁化的生产工艺提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 精醋酸甲酯 聚乙烯醇 工业副产 催化水解 盐析-共沸精馏
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