In order to find out a new way for environment-friendly and resourcelized utilization of cassava starch processing wastewater, the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was applied in watermelon production, and...In order to find out a new way for environment-friendly and resourcelized utilization of cassava starch processing wastewater, the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was applied in watermelon production, and its effects on the growth and development, yield and fruit quality of watermelon were investigated. The results showed that the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid significant- ly promoted the vegetative and reproductive growth and improved the yield and fruit quality of watermelon. Compared with conventional fertilization, the application of cassava starch anaerobic fermentation both with COD concentration of 1 200 mg/L according to the amount of 150 t/hm2 promoted the growth of vines and leaves of watermelon plants, brought forward the flowering, fruiting and harvest of watermelon and significantly increased the fruit number, fruit weight, yield, fruit size, fruit shape index, soluble solid content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content and Vita- min C content of watermelon. At the same time of improving the yield and quality of watermelon, cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was turned into treasure as a liquid fertilizer. This study provides a new ideal for the yield and quality im- provement of watermelon and the wastewater treating of starch factories.展开更多
Algal biotechnology has advanced greatly in the past three decades. Many microalgae are now cultivated to produce bioactive substances. Odontella aurita is a marine diatom industrially cultured in outdoor open ponds a...Algal biotechnology has advanced greatly in the past three decades. Many microalgae are now cultivated to produce bioactive substances. Odontella aurita is a marine diatom industrially cultured in outdoor open ponds and used for human nutrition. For the first time, we have systematically investigated the effects of culture conditions in cylindrical glass columns and fiat-plate photobioreactors, including nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur), light intensity and light path, on O. aurita cell growth and biochemical composition (protein, carbohydrate, β-1,3-glucan, lipids, and ash). The optimal medium for photoautotrophic cultivation of O. aurita contained 17.65 mmol/L nitrogen, 1.09 mmol/L phosphorus, 0.42 mmol/L silicon, and 24.51 mmol/L sulfur, yielding a maximum biomass production of 6.1-6.8 g/L and 6.7-7.8 g/L under low and high light, respectively. Scale-up experiments were conducted with fiat-plate photobioreactors using different light-paths, indicating that a short light path was more suitable for biomass production of O. aurita. Analyses of biochemical composition showed that protein content decreased while carbohydrate (mainly composed of 15-1,3-glucan) increased remarkably to about 50% of dry weight during the entire culture period. The highest lipid content (19.7% of dry weight) was obtained under 0.11 mmol/L silicon and high light conditions at harvest time. Fatty acid profiles revealed that 80% were Cx4, C^6, and C20, while arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) accounted for 1.6%-5.6% and 9%-20% of total fatty acids, respectively. High biomass production and characteristic biochemical composition profiles make O. aurita a promising microalga for the production ofbioactive components, such as EPA and D-1,3-glucan.展开更多
There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum va...There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum varieties (technical sorghtan, sugar sorghum, sudan grass and grain sorghnm), as well as to ascertain the possibilities for their growth in soils contaminated with heavy metals and their application for phytoremediation purposes. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.1 and 15.0 kin) from the source of pollution-the Non-Ferrous Metal Works near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. On reaching commercial ripeness, the crops were gathered and the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in their different parts-roots, stems, leaves and gains-were determined through dry mineralization. To determine the heavy metal content in the samples, ICP was used. A clearly distinguished trend exists which describes the accumulation of heavy metals within the vegetative and reproductive organs of the studied crops. Sudan grass and technical sorghum accumulated larger heavy metal quantities compared to sugar sorghum and grain sorghum, as the majority of the heavy metals was retained by the roots and a very small amount was translocated to epigeous parts. The depots for accumulation were in the following order: roots 〉 leaves 〉 stems 〉 grains. The studied crops can be related to metal-tolerant crops and can be cultivated on softs which are of low, medium or high contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium, as they do not exhibit a tendency of accumulating these elements in grains at levels above the maximum permissible concentrations for fodder. The selective accumulation of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the roots and the possibility to remove the root-remains makes technical sorghum, sugar sorghum and Sudan grass extremely suitable for phytoremediation purposes. The possible use of grains for animal food guarantees the economic expedience upon the selection of these crops.展开更多
Caulerpa lentillifera is a green algae that distributes worldwide and is cultivated for food. We assessed vegetative propagation of C. lentillifera by measuring the specific growth rate (SGR) and chlorophyll fluores...Caulerpa lentillifera is a green algae that distributes worldwide and is cultivated for food. We assessed vegetative propagation of C. lentillifera by measuring the specific growth rate (SGR) and chlorophyll fluorescence of the green algae cultured at different salinities and nutrient levels. The results indicated that C. lentillifera can survive in salinities ranging from 20 to 50, and can develop at salinities of 30 to 40. The maximum SGR for C. lentillifera occurred at a salinity of 35. Both chlorophyll content and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F_v/F_m) were also at a maximum at a salinity of 35. Photosynthesis was inhibited in salinities greater than 45 and less than 25. Both the maximum SGR and maximum chlorophyll content were found in algae treated with a concentration of 0.5 mmol/L of NO3-N and 0.1 mmol/L of PO_4-P. The photosynthetic capacity of photosystem Ⅱ (PSⅡ) was inhibited in cultures of C. lentillifera at high nutrient levels. This occurred when NO_3-N concentrations were greater than 1.0 mmol/L and when PO4-P concentrations were at 0.4 mmol/L. As there is strong need for large-scale cultivation of C. lentillifera, these data contribute important information to ensure optimal results.展开更多
Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herbal crop grown for the fresh or dry leaf, essential oil and seed markets. Recently, basil has been shown to rank highest among spices and herbal crops for x...Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herbal crop grown for the fresh or dry leaf, essential oil and seed markets. Recently, basil has been shown to rank highest among spices and herbal crops for xanthophyll carotenoids, which are associated with a decreased risk of cancer and age-related eye diseases. Nitrogen fertilizer encourages vegetative growth and increases oil yield in aromatic plants by enhancing leaf area development and photosynthetic rate. Our goal was to determine the influence of different concentrations of nitrogen (N) fertilization on basil physiology. The trial examined the cultivation of Ocimum basilicum L. (variety Genovese gigante). The experiment was carried out under Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experiment considered the adoption of three nitrogen (N) treatments (0, 160, 240 kg N ha-1). The following biometric parameters were determined: plant height, leaves per plant, leaf to stem ratio, number of branchings per plant, leaf area index (LAI), above-ground fresh and leaf biomass. Considering the parameters most strictly linked to the economic results (total fresh weight, fresh weight of the leaves and total dry weight), we found that 160 kg N ha^-1 treatment showed the best performance.展开更多
Vector analysis technique and ecological sequential comparison methods were adopted to study tree growth response to the micronutrients, B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in soils derived from various parent materials in the...Vector analysis technique and ecological sequential comparison methods were adopted to study tree growth response to the micronutrients, B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in soils derived from various parent materials in the forest area of Taihu Lake region in southeast China. The results showed that the dry weight of individual current-year needle of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) grown on the soi1 derived from granite parent rock was increased by 8% and 13% in comparison with that grown on the soils derived from sandstone and ash-tuff parent rock, respectively. And such dry weight of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) grown on the soil derived from sandstone parent rock was increased by 21% in comparison with that on the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock. One of the reasons for those results was that micronutrients content in the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock were not sufficient to meet the requirement of the growth of Chinese fir and loblolly pine, i.e., micronutrients in soil were deficient and/or induced deficient. The amounts of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn uptake by Chinese fir and loblolly pine were in agreement with the contents of available micronutrients in soil respectively, except for B and Mo. Meanwhile, there might exist an "antagonism" between the uptake of B versus Mo by trees, although more studies are needed to confirm it. Regression analysis indicated that amount of a soil available micronutrient was correlated to the type of parent material and its total amount in the forest floor, except for B. The F test identified that the correlation of each equation reached the significant level to different extents, respectively. The t test confirmed that amount of available forms was mainly depended on the type of parent material for Mo, Cu, Zn and Mn but on the forest floor for Fe. There was a feedback effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients. The ability of accumulating available micronutrients in soil was better by the sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) stand than by the Chinese fir stand (except for B). The ability of accumulating available Zn, Fe, Mn and Mo in soil was better by the Chinese fir stand than by the loblolly pine stand, while as for available B and Cu, by the latter was better than by the former. When discussing the effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients, not only the amount of micronutrient in the forest floor and the parent materials but also the amount of micronutrient taken up by current-year needles have to be considered.展开更多
The effects of initial sucrose concentration, nitrate to ammonium ratio, total N concentration and phosphate concentration in medium on cell growth and isocamptothecin A and B synthesis by suspension call culture of C...The effects of initial sucrose concentration, nitrate to ammonium ratio, total N concentration and phosphate concentration in medium on cell growth and isocamptothecin A and B synthesis by suspension call culture of Camptotheca acuminata were investigated in 250 mL shake flasks. 30 g L^-1 sucrose concentration was beneficial to secondary metabolites synthesis. The cell growth and metabolites synthesis were also affected by the ratio of NO3^-/NH4^+ , and nitrate was tavourable for cell growth. The maximum dry weight was achieved when nitrate was used as the sole N souree. The effect of total initial N on the cell cultures was also investigated with NO3^-/NH4^+ ratio of 1 : 2. The final dry cell weight was similar throughout culture period and 50 mM initial N was favourable for secondary metabolite synthesis. 50 mM initial phosphate concentration facilitated both cell growth and secondary metabolites synthesis.展开更多
"Austin" and "Climax" rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei) grown on two soil types in Columbia, AL were studied during 2009-2010 to evaluate the effect of soil quality on blueberry vegetative growth, yield, a..."Austin" and "Climax" rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei) grown on two soil types in Columbia, AL were studied during 2009-2010 to evaluate the effect of soil quality on blueberry vegetative growth, yield, and fruit characteristics. The site previously used for peanut production had 2% organic matter, a high soil pH, and a high phosphorus level, while the site previously left to pasture had twice as much organic matter, lower pH and phosphorus. Both cultivars had greater fruit set when grown on pasture land in comparison to the same cultivars grown on old crop land. Pasture land grown "Austin" and "Climax" plants produced as much as three times greater yields than the same cultivars grown on old crop land, and were more vigorous in comparison with plants grown on old crop land. Higher plant vigor and yields may be a result of the alleviation of establishment stress provided by the higher organic content found on the pasture land soil. Proper soil amendment prior to planting may serve to improve some of the differences in rabbiteye blueberry plant performance during the years of establishment.展开更多
Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient man...Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient management by integrating organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers may play an important role in improving and sustaining rice productivity. In this study, the authors tried to evaluate the suitable proportion of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers along with biofertilizer to maximize growth and productivity of hybrid rice on sandy-loam lateritic soils of West Bengal, India. The crop having 50% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 50% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through mustard oil cake (MOC) and 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer significantly increased plant height, number of tillers/m2, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DMA) and crop growth rate (CGR) at initial and vital period of grain growth over those of 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC and 100% RDN through MOC. The former two treatments also increased number of panicles/m2 and number of grains/panicle over those of only organic manuring (100% RDN) or only chemical fertilization (100% RDF) or 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC. Crop with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC produced 20.2%-33.8% higher grain yield and 11.0%-33.3% greater straw yield, and paid higher gross and net returns over other treatments. This study suggests growing hybrid rice with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC for better growth, higher productivity and greater profit.展开更多
Annual wormwood(Artemisia annua L.) is the only viable source of artemisinin,an antimalarial drug.There is a pressing need to optimize production per cultivated area of this important medicinal plant;however,the effec...Annual wormwood(Artemisia annua L.) is the only viable source of artemisinin,an antimalarial drug.There is a pressing need to optimize production per cultivated area of this important medicinal plant;however,the effect of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2) concentration on its growth is still unclear.Therefore,a pot experiment was conducted in a free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) facility in Yangzhou City,China.Two A.annua varieties,one wild and one cultivated,were grown under ambient(374μmol mol^(-1)) and elevated(577 μmol mol^(-1)) CO_2 levels to determine the dry matter accumulation and macronutrient uptake of aerial parts.The results showed that stem and leaf yields of both A.annua varieties increased significantly under elevated CO_2 due to the enhanced photosynthesis rate.Although nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),and potassium(K) concentrations in leaves and stems of both varieties decreased under elevated CO_2,total shoot N,P,and K uptake of the two varieties were enhanced and the ratios among the concentrations of these nutrients(N:P,N:K,and P:K) were not affected by elevated CO_2.Overall,our results provided the evidence that elevated CO_2 increased biomass and shoot macronutrient uptake of two A.annua varieties.展开更多
A sand culture experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different seawater (5% and 10%) treatments on plant growth,inorganic ions,indole alkaloid concentrations and yields of Catharanthus roseus,in an effo...A sand culture experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different seawater (5% and 10%) treatments on plant growth,inorganic ions,indole alkaloid concentrations and yields of Catharanthus roseus,in an effort to increase the alkaloid yield by artificial cultivation.The total fresh and dry weights and tissue K + concentrations decreased,but Na + concentrations increased in the plant roots,stems and leaves of C.roseus under seawater stress as compared to the control.The concentrations and yields of vindoline,catharanthine,vinblastine and vincristine increased under seawater stress.The concentrations and yields of these alkaloids were higher in 5% seawater-treated plants than those in the 10% seawater-treated plants.Considering the industrial production,5% seawater treatments could reduce the cost of producing alkaloid.In the control plants,the highest alkaloid concentrations reached a peak at 100 days after planting,suggesting that plant harvest must be optimized in terms of growth duration.展开更多
文摘In order to find out a new way for environment-friendly and resourcelized utilization of cassava starch processing wastewater, the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was applied in watermelon production, and its effects on the growth and development, yield and fruit quality of watermelon were investigated. The results showed that the cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid significant- ly promoted the vegetative and reproductive growth and improved the yield and fruit quality of watermelon. Compared with conventional fertilization, the application of cassava starch anaerobic fermentation both with COD concentration of 1 200 mg/L according to the amount of 150 t/hm2 promoted the growth of vines and leaves of watermelon plants, brought forward the flowering, fruiting and harvest of watermelon and significantly increased the fruit number, fruit weight, yield, fruit size, fruit shape index, soluble solid content, soluble sugar content, soluble protein content and Vita- min C content of watermelon. At the same time of improving the yield and quality of watermelon, cassava starch anaerobic fermentation liquid was turned into treasure as a liquid fertilizer. This study provides a new ideal for the yield and quality im- provement of watermelon and the wastewater treating of starch factories.
基金Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China(863 Program)(Nos.2009AA06440,2013AA065805)the National Basic Research Program of China(973 Program)(No.2011CB2009001)the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31170337)
文摘Algal biotechnology has advanced greatly in the past three decades. Many microalgae are now cultivated to produce bioactive substances. Odontella aurita is a marine diatom industrially cultured in outdoor open ponds and used for human nutrition. For the first time, we have systematically investigated the effects of culture conditions in cylindrical glass columns and fiat-plate photobioreactors, including nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, and sulfur), light intensity and light path, on O. aurita cell growth and biochemical composition (protein, carbohydrate, β-1,3-glucan, lipids, and ash). The optimal medium for photoautotrophic cultivation of O. aurita contained 17.65 mmol/L nitrogen, 1.09 mmol/L phosphorus, 0.42 mmol/L silicon, and 24.51 mmol/L sulfur, yielding a maximum biomass production of 6.1-6.8 g/L and 6.7-7.8 g/L under low and high light, respectively. Scale-up experiments were conducted with fiat-plate photobioreactors using different light-paths, indicating that a short light path was more suitable for biomass production of O. aurita. Analyses of biochemical composition showed that protein content decreased while carbohydrate (mainly composed of 15-1,3-glucan) increased remarkably to about 50% of dry weight during the entire culture period. The highest lipid content (19.7% of dry weight) was obtained under 0.11 mmol/L silicon and high light conditions at harvest time. Fatty acid profiles revealed that 80% were Cx4, C^6, and C20, while arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) accounted for 1.6%-5.6% and 9%-20% of total fatty acids, respectively. High biomass production and characteristic biochemical composition profiles make O. aurita a promising microalga for the production ofbioactive components, such as EPA and D-1,3-glucan.
文摘There has been carried out a comparative research, which allow us to determine the quantities and the central points of accumulation ofPb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the vegetative and reproductive organs of the four sorghum varieties (technical sorghtan, sugar sorghum, sudan grass and grain sorghnm), as well as to ascertain the possibilities for their growth in soils contaminated with heavy metals and their application for phytoremediation purposes. The experimental plots were situated at different distances (0.1 and 15.0 kin) from the source of pollution-the Non-Ferrous Metal Works near Plovdiv, Bulgaria. On reaching commercial ripeness, the crops were gathered and the concentrations of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in their different parts-roots, stems, leaves and gains-were determined through dry mineralization. To determine the heavy metal content in the samples, ICP was used. A clearly distinguished trend exists which describes the accumulation of heavy metals within the vegetative and reproductive organs of the studied crops. Sudan grass and technical sorghum accumulated larger heavy metal quantities compared to sugar sorghum and grain sorghum, as the majority of the heavy metals was retained by the roots and a very small amount was translocated to epigeous parts. The depots for accumulation were in the following order: roots 〉 leaves 〉 stems 〉 grains. The studied crops can be related to metal-tolerant crops and can be cultivated on softs which are of low, medium or high contamination with lead, zinc and cadmium, as they do not exhibit a tendency of accumulating these elements in grains at levels above the maximum permissible concentrations for fodder. The selective accumulation of Pb, Cu, Zn and Cd in the roots and the possibility to remove the root-remains makes technical sorghum, sugar sorghum and Sudan grass extremely suitable for phytoremediation purposes. The possible use of grains for animal food guarantees the economic expedience upon the selection of these crops.
基金Supported by the Technology Program of Basic Research of Qingdao(No.12-1-4-8-(2)-jch)
文摘Caulerpa lentillifera is a green algae that distributes worldwide and is cultivated for food. We assessed vegetative propagation of C. lentillifera by measuring the specific growth rate (SGR) and chlorophyll fluorescence of the green algae cultured at different salinities and nutrient levels. The results indicated that C. lentillifera can survive in salinities ranging from 20 to 50, and can develop at salinities of 30 to 40. The maximum SGR for C. lentillifera occurred at a salinity of 35. Both chlorophyll content and the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F_v/F_m) were also at a maximum at a salinity of 35. Photosynthesis was inhibited in salinities greater than 45 and less than 25. Both the maximum SGR and maximum chlorophyll content were found in algae treated with a concentration of 0.5 mmol/L of NO3-N and 0.1 mmol/L of PO_4-P. The photosynthetic capacity of photosystem Ⅱ (PSⅡ) was inhibited in cultures of C. lentillifera at high nutrient levels. This occurred when NO_3-N concentrations were greater than 1.0 mmol/L and when PO4-P concentrations were at 0.4 mmol/L. As there is strong need for large-scale cultivation of C. lentillifera, these data contribute important information to ensure optimal results.
文摘Sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a popular culinary herbal crop grown for the fresh or dry leaf, essential oil and seed markets. Recently, basil has been shown to rank highest among spices and herbal crops for xanthophyll carotenoids, which are associated with a decreased risk of cancer and age-related eye diseases. Nitrogen fertilizer encourages vegetative growth and increases oil yield in aromatic plants by enhancing leaf area development and photosynthetic rate. Our goal was to determine the influence of different concentrations of nitrogen (N) fertilization on basil physiology. The trial examined the cultivation of Ocimum basilicum L. (variety Genovese gigante). The experiment was carried out under Mediterranean climatic conditions. The experiment considered the adoption of three nitrogen (N) treatments (0, 160, 240 kg N ha-1). The following biometric parameters were determined: plant height, leaves per plant, leaf to stem ratio, number of branchings per plant, leaf area index (LAI), above-ground fresh and leaf biomass. Considering the parameters most strictly linked to the economic results (total fresh weight, fresh weight of the leaves and total dry weight), we found that 160 kg N ha^-1 treatment showed the best performance.
基金Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 39370563)by the NationalKey Basic Research Suppor
文摘Vector analysis technique and ecological sequential comparison methods were adopted to study tree growth response to the micronutrients, B, Mo, Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn, in soils derived from various parent materials in the forest area of Taihu Lake region in southeast China. The results showed that the dry weight of individual current-year needle of Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) grown on the soi1 derived from granite parent rock was increased by 8% and 13% in comparison with that grown on the soils derived from sandstone and ash-tuff parent rock, respectively. And such dry weight of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) grown on the soil derived from sandstone parent rock was increased by 21% in comparison with that on the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock. One of the reasons for those results was that micronutrients content in the soil derived from ash-tuff parent rock were not sufficient to meet the requirement of the growth of Chinese fir and loblolly pine, i.e., micronutrients in soil were deficient and/or induced deficient. The amounts of Cu, Zn, Fe, and Mn uptake by Chinese fir and loblolly pine were in agreement with the contents of available micronutrients in soil respectively, except for B and Mo. Meanwhile, there might exist an "antagonism" between the uptake of B versus Mo by trees, although more studies are needed to confirm it. Regression analysis indicated that amount of a soil available micronutrient was correlated to the type of parent material and its total amount in the forest floor, except for B. The F test identified that the correlation of each equation reached the significant level to different extents, respectively. The t test confirmed that amount of available forms was mainly depended on the type of parent material for Mo, Cu, Zn and Mn but on the forest floor for Fe. There was a feedback effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients. The ability of accumulating available micronutrients in soil was better by the sawtooth oak (Quercus acutissima) stand than by the Chinese fir stand (except for B). The ability of accumulating available Zn, Fe, Mn and Mo in soil was better by the Chinese fir stand than by the loblolly pine stand, while as for available B and Cu, by the latter was better than by the former. When discussing the effect of forest stand on the amount of soil available micronutrients, not only the amount of micronutrient in the forest floor and the parent materials but also the amount of micronutrient taken up by current-year needles have to be considered.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 20176058).
文摘The effects of initial sucrose concentration, nitrate to ammonium ratio, total N concentration and phosphate concentration in medium on cell growth and isocamptothecin A and B synthesis by suspension call culture of Camptotheca acuminata were investigated in 250 mL shake flasks. 30 g L^-1 sucrose concentration was beneficial to secondary metabolites synthesis. The cell growth and metabolites synthesis were also affected by the ratio of NO3^-/NH4^+ , and nitrate was tavourable for cell growth. The maximum dry weight was achieved when nitrate was used as the sole N souree. The effect of total initial N on the cell cultures was also investigated with NO3^-/NH4^+ ratio of 1 : 2. The final dry cell weight was similar throughout culture period and 50 mM initial N was favourable for secondary metabolite synthesis. 50 mM initial phosphate concentration facilitated both cell growth and secondary metabolites synthesis.
文摘"Austin" and "Climax" rabbiteye blueberries (Vaccinium ashei) grown on two soil types in Columbia, AL were studied during 2009-2010 to evaluate the effect of soil quality on blueberry vegetative growth, yield, and fruit characteristics. The site previously used for peanut production had 2% organic matter, a high soil pH, and a high phosphorus level, while the site previously left to pasture had twice as much organic matter, lower pH and phosphorus. Both cultivars had greater fruit set when grown on pasture land in comparison to the same cultivars grown on old crop land. Pasture land grown "Austin" and "Climax" plants produced as much as three times greater yields than the same cultivars grown on old crop land, and were more vigorous in comparison with plants grown on old crop land. Higher plant vigor and yields may be a result of the alleviation of establishment stress provided by the higher organic content found on the pasture land soil. Proper soil amendment prior to planting may serve to improve some of the differences in rabbiteye blueberry plant performance during the years of establishment.
文摘Sustaining rice (Oryza sativa L.) productivity at high level is a great challenge, particularly in areas where rice productivity declines in spite of following recommended nutrient management practices. Nutrient management by integrating organic manures, inorganic fertilizers and biofertilizers may play an important role in improving and sustaining rice productivity. In this study, the authors tried to evaluate the suitable proportion of organic manures and inorganic fertilizers along with biofertilizer to maximize growth and productivity of hybrid rice on sandy-loam lateritic soils of West Bengal, India. The crop having 50% recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) + 50% recommended dose of nitrogen (RDN) through mustard oil cake (MOC) and 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer significantly increased plant height, number of tillers/m2, leaf area index (LAI), dry matter accumulation (DMA) and crop growth rate (CGR) at initial and vital period of grain growth over those of 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC and 100% RDN through MOC. The former two treatments also increased number of panicles/m2 and number of grains/panicle over those of only organic manuring (100% RDN) or only chemical fertilization (100% RDF) or 25% RDF + 75% RDN through MOC. Crop with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC produced 20.2%-33.8% higher grain yield and 11.0%-33.3% greater straw yield, and paid higher gross and net returns over other treatments. This study suggests growing hybrid rice with 75% RDF + 25% RDN through MOC + biofertilizer or 50% RDF + 50% RDN through MOC for better growth, higher productivity and greater profit.
基金This research was supported by the National Na- tural Science Foundation of China (No. 41301209), the National Basic Research Program (973 Program) of China (No. 2014CB954500), the Natural Science Foun- dation of Jiangsu Province, China (Nos. BK20131051 and BK20140063), Project of Frontier Fields during the Thirteenth Five-Year Plan Period of the Institute of Soil Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Agricultural Science and Technology Independent In-novation Fund in Jiangsu Province, China (No. cx13- 5062). The FACE system instruments were supplied by the National Institute of Agro-Environmental Sci- ences and the Agricultural Research Center of Tohoku Region, Japan.
文摘Annual wormwood(Artemisia annua L.) is the only viable source of artemisinin,an antimalarial drug.There is a pressing need to optimize production per cultivated area of this important medicinal plant;however,the effect of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide(CO_2) concentration on its growth is still unclear.Therefore,a pot experiment was conducted in a free-air CO2 enrichment(FACE) facility in Yangzhou City,China.Two A.annua varieties,one wild and one cultivated,were grown under ambient(374μmol mol^(-1)) and elevated(577 μmol mol^(-1)) CO_2 levels to determine the dry matter accumulation and macronutrient uptake of aerial parts.The results showed that stem and leaf yields of both A.annua varieties increased significantly under elevated CO_2 due to the enhanced photosynthesis rate.Although nitrogen(N),phosphorus(P),and potassium(K) concentrations in leaves and stems of both varieties decreased under elevated CO_2,total shoot N,P,and K uptake of the two varieties were enhanced and the ratios among the concentrations of these nutrients(N:P,N:K,and P:K) were not affected by elevated CO_2.Overall,our results provided the evidence that elevated CO_2 increased biomass and shoot macronutrient uptake of two A.annua varieties.
基金Supported by the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) of China(No. 2007AA091702)the Open Foundation of Key Laboratory of Jiangsu Province, China (No. K04009)
文摘A sand culture experiment was conducted to determine the effects of different seawater (5% and 10%) treatments on plant growth,inorganic ions,indole alkaloid concentrations and yields of Catharanthus roseus,in an effort to increase the alkaloid yield by artificial cultivation.The total fresh and dry weights and tissue K + concentrations decreased,but Na + concentrations increased in the plant roots,stems and leaves of C.roseus under seawater stress as compared to the control.The concentrations and yields of vindoline,catharanthine,vinblastine and vincristine increased under seawater stress.The concentrations and yields of these alkaloids were higher in 5% seawater-treated plants than those in the 10% seawater-treated plants.Considering the industrial production,5% seawater treatments could reduce the cost of producing alkaloid.In the control plants,the highest alkaloid concentrations reached a peak at 100 days after planting,suggesting that plant harvest must be optimized in terms of growth duration.