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哈萨克族食管癌差异表达基因的研究 被引量:4
作者 卢晓梅 张月明 +6 位作者 林仁勇 张亚楼 阿孜古丽 吴明拜 张铸 伊力亚尔 温浩 《肿瘤防治研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期79-81,共3页
目的 筛选并克隆在哈萨克族食管鳞癌与正常食管组织之间差异表达的基因。方法 (1)应用抑制性消减杂交(SSH)进行基因差异表达分析,构建哈族食管鳞癌组织和正常食管黏膜组织之间差异表达的cDNA消减文库;(2)克隆、鉴定食管癌组织特异表... 目的 筛选并克隆在哈萨克族食管鳞癌与正常食管组织之间差异表达的基因。方法 (1)应用抑制性消减杂交(SSH)进行基因差异表达分析,构建哈族食管鳞癌组织和正常食管黏膜组织之间差异表达的cDNA消减文库;(2)克隆、鉴定食管癌组织特异表达的基因;(3)登录Genbank,运用 Blastn程序进行同源性分析。结果 成功构建了消减效率高的哈族食管鳞癌 cDNA消减文库,对其中 6 个克隆的插入cDNA片断进行测序,经检索Genbank表明:这些差异表达基因与跨膜受体、乳腺癌转录因子、蛋白剪接基因及染色体1、8不同区域有较高的同源性。结论 通过抑制性消减杂交技术构建了哈族食管鳞癌cDNA消减文库,并分析鉴定了部分差异表达基因,为进一步筛选鉴定食管鳞癌特异性基因及其全长克隆、功能研究等提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 萨克族食管癌 抑制性消减杂交 差异表达基因
哈萨克族中老年结膜囊带菌的影响因素及耐药分析 被引量:1
作者 尚丽霞 宋林 史颖 《西南国防医药》 CAS 2014年第11期1228-1230,共3页
目的了解哈萨克族中老年人结膜囊带菌谱、影响因素及耐药性。方法收集538例哈萨克族中老年人的结膜囊分泌物进行细菌培养,阳性者作细菌鉴定和药物敏感性试验,并对影响因素和细菌的耐药性进行分析。结果在538例结膜囊分泌物中,细菌培... 目的了解哈萨克族中老年人结膜囊带菌谱、影响因素及耐药性。方法收集538例哈萨克族中老年人的结膜囊分泌物进行细菌培养,阳性者作细菌鉴定和药物敏感性试验,并对影响因素和细菌的耐药性进行分析。结果在538例结膜囊分泌物中,细菌培养阳性者214例,阳性率为39.78%。病原菌的种类以革兰阳性球菌为主(95.79%),最常见的是表皮葡萄球菌(66.36%),其次是微球菌属(9.81%)和棒状杆菌属(7.48%)。年龄、居住地对带菌率有影响(60岁以上者高于40~60岁者,农村人群高于城市人群),性别、眼别无明显影响。大多数阳性菌株对利福平、妥布霉素、阿米卡星及左氧氟沙星敏感性较好(耐药性〈25%),对青霉素、红霉素、四环素及氯霉素敏感性差(耐药率〉70%);葡萄球菌属耐苯唑西林株达42.25%,未发现耐万古霉素株。结论表皮葡萄球菌是哈萨克族中老年人结膜囊内最常见的菌种,感染的高发群体是高龄和农村人群,预防或抗感染可以选用妥布霉素、阿米卡星、左氧氟沙星等抗菌药物。 展开更多
关键词 萨克族 中老年 结膜囊 细菌谱 耐药性 影响因素
中国南方黎族和北方哈萨克族大学生身体特征差异性研究 被引量:4
作者 马忆南 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第2期273-276,共4页
通过比较中国南方黎族和北方哈萨克族大学生的体质特征,为少数民族地区体育和卫生工作提供参考.对南方黎族和北方哈萨克族大学生的同类体质测试指标的统计分析结果显示:黎族大学生身高(cm)、体重(kg)、肺活量(mL)三项身体形态机能指标... 通过比较中国南方黎族和北方哈萨克族大学生的体质特征,为少数民族地区体育和卫生工作提供参考.对南方黎族和北方哈萨克族大学生的同类体质测试指标的统计分析结果显示:黎族大学生身高(cm)、体重(kg)、肺活量(mL)三项身体形态机能指标显著低于哈萨克族大学生(P<0.01);两项身体形态机能派生指标的比较,体重(kg)/身高(cm)×1000指数,黎族大学生显著低于哈萨克族大学生(P<0.01),肺活量(mL)/体重(kg)指数,黎族大学生和哈萨克族大学生无显著性差异(P>0.05);台阶实验(指数)、坐位体前屈(cm)、立定跳远(cm)三项身体素质指标的比较,黎族男大学生与哈萨克族男大学生立定跳远(cm)成绩无显著性差异(P>0.05),黎族女大学生立定跳远成绩显著高于哈萨克族女大学生(P<0.01),其他各项身体素质指标比较结果均为黎族大学生显著高于哈萨克族大学生(P<0.01).南方黎族大学生与北方哈萨克族大学生各项体质指标的比较结果表明,黎族大学生具有身体形态相对廋小,身体机能耐力相对强,身体素质的柔韧屈伸度大、跳跃灵巧性好的体质特征,哈萨克族大学生具有身体形态较为高大,身体机能耐力相对弱,身体素质的柔韧屈伸度相对小、跳跃能力一般的体质特征. 展开更多
关键词 大学生 黎族 萨克族 体质特征
作者 刘长林 金兆清 +1 位作者 张正学 薛越 《微循环学杂志》 2001年第2期29-30,共2页
目的 :了解汉族与哈萨克族高粘血症患者在切变率 80s- 1 条件下 ,全血粘度 ( ηb)及间接法测定的红细胞刚性指数 (TK)情况。方法 :用锥板式血液粘度仪测定全血粘度及间接法测定红细胞刚性指数。结果 :汉族ηb及TK显著高于哈萨克族。结... 目的 :了解汉族与哈萨克族高粘血症患者在切变率 80s- 1 条件下 ,全血粘度 ( ηb)及间接法测定的红细胞刚性指数 (TK)情况。方法 :用锥板式血液粘度仪测定全血粘度及间接法测定红细胞刚性指数。结果 :汉族ηb及TK显著高于哈萨克族。结论 :汉族与哈萨克族高粘血症患者ηb的升高与TK的升高有重要关系。生活习惯的重大差异可能是导致二个民族间差异的不可忽视的因素。 展开更多
关键词 高粘血症 全血粘度 红细胞刚性指数 测定 汉族 萨克族
作者 木拉提艾力.买西来夫 《河北企业》 2016年第11期52-53,共2页
关键词 新疆 萨克族 现代性 转变
民族艺术中绽放的一枝奇葩——哈萨克族阿肯弹唱特征探讨 被引量:1
作者 吴涛 《艺术教育》 2017年第2期271-274,共4页
阿肯弹唱是"冬不拉"与民歌相结合的一种弹唱形式。据专家考证,这种艺术形式出现在10世纪,距今已有1000多年的历史,至今仍在哈萨克族中广泛流传。文章对哈萨克族阿肯弹唱进行探讨,分析阿肯弹唱的音乐特征与表现特征,以期为阿... 阿肯弹唱是"冬不拉"与民歌相结合的一种弹唱形式。据专家考证,这种艺术形式出现在10世纪,距今已有1000多年的历史,至今仍在哈萨克族中广泛流传。文章对哈萨克族阿肯弹唱进行探讨,分析阿肯弹唱的音乐特征与表现特征,以期为阿肯弹唱的演唱实践和理论研究提供一些参考。 展开更多
关键词 萨克族 阿肯弹唱 艺术特征
Early Bilingual Vocabulary Development Among Low-SES Ethnic Minority Learners in China:The Case of Uyghur and Kazak Children 被引量:1
作者 Guofang LI Xiaorong YIN Xuejun(Ryan)JI 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2022年第3期323-339,484,共18页
Vocabulary knowledge is one of the most important aspects of language development. For bilingual students, early vocabulary development often predicts their future bilingual success. This paper examines early bilingua... Vocabulary knowledge is one of the most important aspects of language development. For bilingual students, early vocabulary development often predicts their future bilingual success. This paper examines early bilingual receptive vocabulary knowledge of ethnic minority children(N=135) from two large ethnic language communities(Uyghur and Kazak) in three national-level povertystricken counties in Xinjiang, China. The children’s bilingual vocabulary knowledge was assessed using translated versions of the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-IV(PPTV-IV) in Putonghua(PTH) and their mother tongue(MT) Uyghur or Kazak. Data were analyzed through four General Linear Models(GLM). The analyses showed that both groups scored higher in MT vocabulary knowledge than that in their PTH, although the Kazak students’ MT vocabulary scores were lower than those of the Uyghurs. While gender, age, L1, or residence location were not significant factors in differences across the two groups in PTH, among the Kazak children, the main effect of age was significant in MT;and among Uyghur children, residence location had a significant effect. The two groups also differed in patterns of acquisition in different parts of speech(nouns, verbs, and attributes) with Uyghur children performing strongest in MT and PTH verbs. The findings have important implications for ensuring the quality of early bilingual education among impoverished Chinese minority communities. 展开更多
关键词 early bilingualism receptive vocabulary ethnic minorities PRESCHOOLERS UYGHUR Kazak
Genetic variations of beta 2-adrenergic receptor gene are associated with essential hypertension in Xinjiang Kazakans
作者 Zhi-Tao Yan Nan-Fang Li Jin Yang Ling Zhou Hui Liu Qin Luo 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期52-57,共6页
Objective The aims of the present study were to investigate the associations of 46 A〉G, 79 C〉G, 491 C〉T and 659 C〉G genetic variants of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR), ADRB2, gene with essential h... Objective The aims of the present study were to investigate the associations of 46 A〉G, 79 C〉G, 491 C〉T and 659 C〉G genetic variants of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor (β2-AR), ADRB2, gene with essential hypertension (EH) in Xinjiang Kazakans population.Methods A gender-matched case-control (271 hypertensive cases and 267 normotensive controls) study was used to investigate the associations of the four variations in the coding region of ADRB2 with EH. The genotypes of the variants were identified by the polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) methods. Results 46 A〉G, 79 C〉G and 659 C〉G polymorphisms were common in the Kazakan population, but 491 C〉T was a mutation (frequency ofT allele was only 0.003) and only found in EH group. The fxequency distributions of genotypes and alleles for 659 C〉G between the EH and control groups was significantly different (P〈0.05), while those for 46 A〉G and 79 C〉G polymorphisms were not statistically different. Logistic regression analysis suggested that the G allele of 659 C〉G polymorphism was a risk factor for hypertension (minor allele vs common homo; odds ratio, 13.240, 95% CI, 4.052-43.274; P〈0.05). Covariance analysis showed that systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels in GG+CG group of 659 C〉G were significantly higher than those in the CC group, but no significant difference of blood pressure were found between common homo and minor allele for 46 A〉G and 79C〉G polymorphisms. Haplotype analysis showed that two hyplotypes, HI: 46A-79C-491C-523C(48%)and H5:46A-79C-491C-659G, were associated with EH.Conelusion ADRB2 genetic variants may play independent roles in the molecular genetic mechanism of EH in Xinjiang Kazakans population (d Geriatr Cardio12010; 7:52-57). 展开更多
关键词 β2-adrenergic receptor gene variant essential hypertension HAPLOTYPE Xinjiang Kazakan
Speaking Anxiety in a Kazakhstani Foreign Language Classroom
作者 Ziash Suleimenova 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1766-1774,共9页
The present study aimed to contribute to our understanding of foreign language anxiety, in general, and in particular speaking anxiety in Kazakhstani environment. It was the first attempt to fill this gap and reveal m... The present study aimed to contribute to our understanding of foreign language anxiety, in general, and in particular speaking anxiety in Kazakhstani environment. It was the first attempt to fill this gap and reveal more about the speaking anxiety in the Elementary level of Kazakh students group, having considered how anxiety might have affected speaking and overall classroom performance. This study addressed the issue of identifying foreign language speaking anxiety and the major consequences of language speaking anxiety reported by students learning English in the evaluation of the foreign language classroom. Anxiety levels in Kazakh students of English were studied through self-evaluation using a scale adapted from the FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) developed by E. K. Horwitz, M. B. Horwitz, and Cope (1986). As revealed by the results of this study, English language speaking anxiety does exist among the Kazakh second-year university students who participated in this study. And too, the study revealed that these students have had a number of negative experiences with speaking activities in a foreign language class. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY foreign language classroom high and low anxiety communication apprehension publicspeaking
The Effect of Globalization on the Language Policy in a Multi-Cultural Kazakhstan
作者 Lyaila Turumbetova 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第2期104-109,共6页
This paper focuses on the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is intended to invite the readers for the broadening of the debate on the issues raised. The 20th century, for Kazakhs, became a century of t... This paper focuses on the language policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It is intended to invite the readers for the broadening of the debate on the issues raised. The 20th century, for Kazakhs, became a century of tragic events which transformed them into the minority on their own native land. In spite of many collisions in history Kazakhs have not lost their language, the main wealth. At the beginning of the 21st century, Kazakhstan has tackled a lot of problems, connected with national and ethnic issues, social structure, and foreign and home policy. The influence of globalization is felt in every sphere of life in Kazakhstan. Serious ethno-demographic changes have occurred after gaining independence. Kazakhstan from the state with two dominating Kazakh and Russian diasporas has turned to the state with dominating one, the Kazakh ethnos. State language of the Republic of Kazakhstan now is Kazakh due to implementation of language policy 展开更多
关键词 language policy state language Russian language American variety of English
Multi-Ethnic Residential Segregation in Urumqi, China, 1982-2010
《Sociology Study》 2013年第10期739-751,共13页
The ethnic landscape of Urumqi has undergone significant changes since the 1980s, which has fostered greater ethnic diversity. However, little is known about the changing patterns of spatial segregation among ethnic g... The ethnic landscape of Urumqi has undergone significant changes since the 1980s, which has fostered greater ethnic diversity. However, little is known about the changing patterns of spatial segregation among ethnic groups. By using the Urumqi census data from 1982 to 2010, this study examines the level of residential segregation of Uighur from Hart and the level of residential segregation of Kazak, Hui, Mongolia and other ethnic minority groups from the majority Han and Uygur population by the indices of dissimilarity and exposure. Then it assesses a regression between residential segregation and the percentage of the ethnic groups. Finally, it finds out whether there exists a regression between residential segregation and the percentage of the ethnic groups. The result reveals that Kazak population is the most segregated group from Han and Uygur, although the level of segregation has declined from 1982 to 2010. Uighur people experienced lower level of segregation from Han between 1982 and 2000, but has gradually increased, particularly from 2000 to 2010; this unexpected change of the segregation for Uighur group might be associated with 7.5 Events. The findings of the study show that the growth of the Han population is negatively associated with segregation of the ethnic groups in a district, and that the association between the percentage of population and segregation was uniform for Uighur, Hui and Kazak: the higher percentage of an ethnic group in a district, the lower level of segregation. 展开更多
关键词 Ethnic clusters residential segregation URUMQI China
Kazakh Nationalism in Eurasian Context
作者 Gulnara Dadabayeva 《History Research》 2012年第7期440-446,共7页
This abstract has concerned primarily with the new look to the stages of post-Soviet Kazakh nationalism development embedded in context of Eurasian concept. Could we prove true widely held predictions about future str... This abstract has concerned primarily with the new look to the stages of post-Soviet Kazakh nationalism development embedded in context of Eurasian concept. Could we prove true widely held predictions about future strengthening of nationalists' position in post-crisis country? As we state, opposite to above mentioned ideas, the more Kazakhstan would be involved in to Russian politics orbit which means further movement to Eurasian "path" the more undermined should be Kazakh nationalists conventional certainties. Moreover, one of the world crisis consequences could be displayed in leadership authoritarian tendencies strengthening. The latter undoubtedly ought to erode Kazakh nationalists' position. 展开更多
关键词 authoritarian regime ethnic mobilization Eurasianism Kazakh nationalism Russian influence
Ethnic Stereotypes in Kazakh Folklore
作者 Bakytzhan Kelgembaeva Baurzhan Yerdembekov 《Sociology Study》 2014年第6期523-530,共8页
Ethnic stereotypes of Kazakh people were not specially studied. At war times, ethnic stereotypes arouse ethnic defense. Kazakh people's mind of ethnic unicity and ethnic defence influenced a lot defending such a grea... Ethnic stereotypes of Kazakh people were not specially studied. At war times, ethnic stereotypes arouse ethnic defense. Kazakh people's mind of ethnic unicity and ethnic defence influenced a lot defending such a great land, in spite of the fact that Kazakhs' zhuz and tribal structure was kept well and people were differentiated by kins. This mind of ethnic unicity and defence became a guarantee of saving Kazakhs as ethnic subject in the complicated political, economical, social, and cultural processes with neighbouring nations like Kalmyk, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Turukpen, Chinese, and Russian. That is why in this paper, the authors' aim is to show stereotypes about the Kalmyk tribes using Kazakh proverbs, heroic eposes, and legends. Writing this paper, the authors set the following objectives: to consider hetero stereotypes and auto stereotypes in Kazakh proverbs; to distinguish a legend as an image of Kazakh people's historical memory; to prove the peculiarities of the Kalmyks character description in Kazakh mythological folklore mind with the help of examples; to show the development of Kazakh ethnic stereotypes in two opposite directions (enmity, alien opinion, and tolerance); to prove that the stereotypes of tolerance prevail over the stereotypes of"enmity" in Kazakh legends; and to show their historical reasons. 展开更多
Kazakhstan Experience in Interethnic Communication
作者 Junussova Zhanylzhan 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2013年第11期748-756,共9页
The democracy itself does not guarantee the automatic solution of ethnic problems. Kazakhstan model of interethnic communication distinguished with the fundamental principles of ethnic, confessional, cultural, and lan... The democracy itself does not guarantee the automatic solution of ethnic problems. Kazakhstan model of interethnic communication distinguished with the fundamental principles of ethnic, confessional, cultural, and language diversity. The Kazakhstan model considered a polyethnicity, without forgetting that ethnicity continues to play an important role. The people of Kazakhstan are the main subject of the state ethnic policy. The conceptual tbrmula "We Are the People of Kazakhstan" of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan expresses a community principle of all citizens of the country irrespective of an ethnic origin. The sphere of the interethnic communications represents difficult and rather delicate part of political life of Kazakhstan. Any insignificant event can have impact on a condition and further development of a situation in this sphere. Thus, despite relative stability, a number of tendencies observed here are capable to lead to its violation at a certain combination of circumstances. For strengthening and improving the Kazakhstan model of interethnic tolerance and a public consent, as well as for lbrmation of national idea further democratization of society is definitely necessary. 展开更多
关键词 interethnic relations interethnic tolerance public consent
Nationality differences in distributions of serum lipids, lipoproteins and apolipoproteins levels in Xinjiang China
作者 邹阳春 何秉贤 +6 位作者 胡大一 杨新春 李新立 赵新国 黄定 孟竹 沙根德克 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第11期8-11,101-102,共6页
Objective To reveal the distribution characteristics of serum lipids,lipoproteins,and apolipoproteins levels in different nationalities.Methods Quantitative levels of those traits mentioned above were determined and b... Objective To reveal the distribution characteristics of serum lipids,lipoproteins,and apolipoproteins levels in different nationalities.Methods Quantitative levels of those traits mentioned above were determined and body height(H),weight(W)and body mass index(BMI=W/H2)were assessed in 773 Kazaks(men 360 and women 413)and 911 Han nationality(men 466 and women 445)from the Xinjiang Autonomous Region of China.Results Kazaks men and women,respectively,had significantly higher serum levels of HDL-c and ApoA1 (all P < 0.001)and significantly lower serum levels of TG(men P < 0.01,women P < 0.001),Lp(a)(allP<0.005),ApoB(men P<0.005,women P<0.001)and ApoB/A1(men P<0.01,women P<0.001)than their Han nationality controls.The threshold points of ApoA1(< 1.2 g/L)and ApoB(> 1.2 g/L)are higher in Hans than in Kazaks for ApoA1(20.7 vs 9.8%)and ApoB(18.6 vs 14.3%);the serum levels of TG,HDL-c,Lp(a),ApoA1 and ApoB/A1 are all closely correlated with nationality(P < 0.001,P = 0.001,and P < 0.05,respectively).Conclusion The results suggest that the nationality differences exist in serum levels of lipids,lipoproteins,and apolipoproteins,and Kazaks have a superior serum lipid pedigree to Hans.This differences may come from genetic differences,which affect the serum levels of lipids,lipoproteins,and apolipoproteins by controlling lipid metabolism pattems.Future study will be needed to dissect to the role of genetic factors on serum lipids. 展开更多
关键词 serum lipid pedigree · difference · Kazak · Han nationality
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