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试探来护儿兵败平壤与萨水之战的关系 被引量:1
作者 刘炬 董健 《北方文物》 北大核心 2018年第4期84-87,共4页
关于来护儿兵败平壤之战与萨水之战的关系,学界很少关注,但事实上,来护儿兵败平壤,恰是隋军萨水之败的前奏,因为来护儿的水军开赴平壤的主要任务并非攻取平壤,而是为宇文述、于仲文所率的陆路军提供后勤供给;而来护儿兵败撤离平... 关于来护儿兵败平壤之战与萨水之战的关系,学界很少关注,但事实上,来护儿兵败平壤,恰是隋军萨水之败的前奏,因为来护儿的水军开赴平壤的主要任务并非攻取平壤,而是为宇文述、于仲文所率的陆路军提供后勤供给;而来护儿兵败撤离平壤,使得陆路军到达平壤后粮草断绝,陷人困境并最终导致萨水之败。 展开更多
关键词 来护儿 萨水之战 隋丽战争 平壤之战
作者 刘炬 《东北亚研究论丛(长师大)》 2009年第1期72-78,共7页
长期以来,学界一直将“萨水大捷”之功归于乙支文德,但本文认为从乙支文德的身世和官职而言,他不可能是当时高句丽军队的统帅和萨水之战的指挥者,“萨水大捷”的主要功绩不应归于乙支文德,“萨水大捷”的真正创造者应为盖苏文之祖父、... 长期以来,学界一直将“萨水大捷”之功归于乙支文德,但本文认为从乙支文德的身世和官职而言,他不可能是当时高句丽军队的统帅和萨水之战的指挥者,“萨水大捷”的主要功绩不应归于乙支文德,“萨水大捷”的真正创造者应为盖苏文之祖父、当时的高句丽大对卢泉子游。但是,乙支文德仍不失为一位伟大的军事天才,他无疑是“萨水大捷”的主要参与者之一。 展开更多
关键词 乙支文德 萨水大捷” 隋丽战争
乙支文德考 被引量:2
作者 孙炜冉 《通化师范学院学报》 2015年第7期9-13,共5页
乙支文德在古代文献载记不多,却因受政治因素影响而在历史中的形象多被过度美化。"乙支"实为其官职"乙奢","文德"才是其姓名;"萨水大捷"中,他并非是整个战役的指挥者,其不过是高句丽品级较低... 乙支文德在古代文献载记不多,却因受政治因素影响而在历史中的形象多被过度美化。"乙支"实为其官职"乙奢","文德"才是其姓名;"萨水大捷"中,他并非是整个战役的指挥者,其不过是高句丽品级较低的一名官员,故而在史书中只出现在了隋大业八年征高句丽六月事件中。其声名鹊起是因隋重臣宇文述羞于败在这样的一个小人物之手而对其身份的夸大渲染。迨至王氏高丽时期,面对辽国三次征伐,高丽显宗为了调动民族情绪,故而始为乙支文德建灵堂,对其事迹加以包装宣传,以凝聚民族精神,对抗外敌入侵,而金富轼作《三国史记》时便是在这样的背景下将《乙支文德传》列于金庾信之后,抬高了其在历史中的真实地位和影响。 展开更多
关键词 高句丽 乙支文德 乙奢 宇文述 炀帝密旨 萨水之战
作者 高福顺 《东疆学刊》 2001年第4期69-74,共6页
高句丽政权是以高句丽族为主体建立起来的一个地方性民族政权。其政权当时统辖区域北占扶余 ,东伐沃沮 ,南侵乐浪 ,至萨水 ,但西方却受中原王朝全力阻击 ,多次遭到中原王朝大规模讨伐 。
关键词 汉魏时期 高句丽政权 统辖区域 《三国史记·高句丽本纪》 朝鲜 扶余沃祖 乐浪 萨水 历史
On Cuticular Compressions of Glyptostrobus europaeus (Taxodiaceae) from Kaydagul Formation (Lower Miocene) of the Central Kazakhstan$V. L. Komarov Botanical Institute! Russian Academy of Sciences,St Petersburg 19737 被引量:3
作者 Sergei Vasilyevich VICKULIN 马清温 +1 位作者 Sergey Glebovich ZHILIN 李承森 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第6期673-680,共8页
Numerous leaf compressions of Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongn.) Ung. (Taxodiaceae) are found in Aquitanian (Lower Miocene) lignified clay localities Bolattam and Akzhar in the Southern Turgay, on the right bank of the... Numerous leaf compressions of Glyptostrobus europaeus (Brongn.) Ung. (Taxodiaceae) are found in Aquitanian (Lower Miocene) lignified clay localities Bolattam and Akzhar in the Southern Turgay, on the right bank of the Dulygaly-Zhilanshik river (Central Kazakhstan). The finely preserved lignified compression remains of leafy shoots make micro-morphological investigation feasible. Comparative studies of the epidermal features both living G. pensilis C. Koch and a new finding of G. europaeus from Early Miocene of Kazakhstan and illustrate their certain difference. The cuticular organization and epidermal features of fossil leaves, which have been compared with these of 'the nearest living relative', G. pensilis, were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscopy (LM). The fossil leaves of G. europaeus from Kazakhstan are distinguished by stronger, than in living species, G. pensilis, developed 'micro-papillae' ('Kristallucken'), visible in SEM as ring-like structures left on the outer surface of cuticle in both nonstomatal and stomatal zones. 展开更多
关键词 CONIFERS TAXODIACEAE STOMATA leaf cuticle Lower Miocene
Speaking Anxiety in a Kazakhstani Foreign Language Classroom
作者 Ziash Suleimenova 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第12期1766-1774,共9页
The present study aimed to contribute to our understanding of foreign language anxiety, in general, and in particular speaking anxiety in Kazakhstani environment. It was the first attempt to fill this gap and reveal m... The present study aimed to contribute to our understanding of foreign language anxiety, in general, and in particular speaking anxiety in Kazakhstani environment. It was the first attempt to fill this gap and reveal more about the speaking anxiety in the Elementary level of Kazakh students group, having considered how anxiety might have affected speaking and overall classroom performance. This study addressed the issue of identifying foreign language speaking anxiety and the major consequences of language speaking anxiety reported by students learning English in the evaluation of the foreign language classroom. Anxiety levels in Kazakh students of English were studied through self-evaluation using a scale adapted from the FLCAS (Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale) developed by E. K. Horwitz, M. B. Horwitz, and Cope (1986). As revealed by the results of this study, English language speaking anxiety does exist among the Kazakh second-year university students who participated in this study. And too, the study revealed that these students have had a number of negative experiences with speaking activities in a foreign language class. 展开更多
关键词 ANXIETY foreign language classroom high and low anxiety communication apprehension publicspeaking
96828你的装修需求我来为你服务 读者服务热线
《建材与装修情报》 2009年第12期66-67,共2页
快到年底了,小编记得小时候年底一定是要开班会的,班会上也一定要汇报一年的学习,无非是些总结今年、展望来年的陈词滥调。本期我也要在这里向大家汇报一下96828成立这半年来的工作,但是我保证大家一定愿意听我的这些"陈词滥调&qu... 快到年底了,小编记得小时候年底一定是要开班会的,班会上也一定要汇报一年的学习,无非是些总结今年、展望来年的陈词滥调。本期我也要在这里向大家汇报一下96828成立这半年来的工作,但是我保证大家一定愿意听我的这些"陈词滥调"。他山之石,可以攻玉。小编挑了一些96828常见的问题,让大家一起来看看,别人在装修中遇到了什么样的困扰,说不定这些他人的问题也会对你的装修计划有点启发哦。 展开更多
关键词 小编 读者服务 装修预算 装修者 皮尔 萨水 起鼓 王先生 攻玉 翻门
作者 唐涛 《建材与装修情报》 2008年第3期118-118,共1页
关键词 装修者 原装进口 防锈性能 后期服务 报关单 两大阵营 萨水 铜水 原产地证明 热熔
[至淳装饰] 源自地中海风情 10万元旧居改造清新简约家
作者 王诗丝 《建材与装修情报》 2011年第3期38-39,共2页
二手房也能打造完美新居效果在提到二手房改造的时候,我们往往最多考虑的是隐蔽工程改建,而忽略了房型和风格的设计。但对于年轻一族的婚房装修业主来说,即使是二手房,也希望它能拥有强大的功能性、空间利用率和美观地视觉效果。业主王... 二手房也能打造完美新居效果在提到二手房改造的时候,我们往往最多考虑的是隐蔽工程改建,而忽略了房型和风格的设计。但对于年轻一族的婚房装修业主来说,即使是二手房,也希望它能拥有强大的功能性、空间利用率和美观地视觉效果。业主王小姐一直钟情于希腊唯美的爱琴海。 展开更多
关键词 隐蔽工程 空间利用率 主王 装修预算 软装 简约风格 多乐士 总部地址 萨水 合计金额
选材没方向 我们来帮忙
作者 周海鹰 《建材与装修情报》 2007年第11期107-107,共1页
关键词 实木地板 不知道 自然天性 比率比较 实木复合地板 公司代理 菠萝格 萨水 尔萨 皮尔
作者 沈佳雄 《建材与装修情报》 2009年第5期152-153,共2页
我们小两口今年刚结婚,但婚房在2年多前就装修完毕了。那时装修,妻子没有参与装修过程,所以房子都是按照我这个单身男人的想法装修的。如今多了个人入住,又是自己深爱的妻子,无论从生活习惯,还是对家的梦想都与我有很多不同之处。为了... 我们小两口今年刚结婚,但婚房在2年多前就装修完毕了。那时装修,妻子没有参与装修过程,所以房子都是按照我这个单身男人的想法装修的。如今多了个人入住,又是自己深爱的妻子,无论从生活习惯,还是对家的梦想都与我有很多不同之处。为了让妻子能有家的感觉,生活得更舒适,我按照妻子的喜好和生活要求,进行了二次局部翻新,最重要的是给妻子添了水处理设备。 展开更多
关键词 水处理设备 前置过滤器 新房装修 装套 生活习惯 去水 软装 净水机 生活细节 萨水
至淳装饰 谨慎装修二手房五项工程需注意
《建材与装修情报》 2011年第2期70-70,共1页
随着城市建筑用地越来越少,购房时选择二手房的业主们普遍在增加。对于装修行业来说,二手房的装修也是一个逐年在增温的话题。二手房的装修,除了要考虑新房装修中的问题以外,拆旧、水电线路的重新铺设等等都需要有更多的专业技术作为支... 随着城市建筑用地越来越少,购房时选择二手房的业主们普遍在增加。对于装修行业来说,二手房的装修也是一个逐年在增温的话题。二手房的装修,除了要考虑新房装修中的问题以外,拆旧、水电线路的重新铺设等等都需要有更多的专业技术作为支撑。至淳装饰成立于2002年,从成立之初起就一直致力于二手房的专业装修,在沪上的二手房领域里创下了自己的品牌。今天,至淳装饰将通过多年来的专业领域经验,为大家的二手房装修来支招,让大家认识并了解二手房装修的特殊性和谨慎度,避免更多的业主在装修时产生不必要的纠纷。 展开更多
关键词 新房装修 装修行业 沪上 建筑用地 施工项目经理 公司网址 宜山路 上海市徐汇区 萨水 装修设计
Spatiotemporal precipitation variations in the arid Central Asia in the context of global warming 被引量:69
作者 CHEN FaHu HUANG Wei +2 位作者 JIN LiYa CHEN JianHui WANG JinSong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第12期1812-1821,共10页
This study analyzed the temporal precipitation variations in the arid Central Asia (ACA) and their regional differences during 1930-2009 using monthly gridded precipitation from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). O... This study analyzed the temporal precipitation variations in the arid Central Asia (ACA) and their regional differences during 1930-2009 using monthly gridded precipitation from the Climatic Research Unit (CRU). Our results showed that the annual precipitation in this westerly circulation dominated arid region is generally increasing during the past 80 years, with an apparent increasing trend (0.7 mm/10 a) in winter. The precipitation variations in ACA also differ regionally, which can be divided into five distinct subregions (Ⅰ West Kazakhstan region, Ⅱ East Kazakhstan region, ⅢCentral Asia Plains region, Ⅳ Kyrgyzstan region, and V Iran Plateau region). The annual precipitation falls fairly even on all seasons in the two northern subregions (regions Ⅰ and Ⅱ, approximately north of 45°N), whereas the annual precipitation is falling mainly on winter and spring (accounting for up to 80% of the annual total precipitation) in the three southern subregions. The annual precipitation is increasing on all subregions except the southwestern ACA (subregion Ⅴ) during the past 80 years. A significant increase in precipitation appeared in subregions Ⅰ and Ⅲ. The long-term trends in annual precipitation in all subregions are determined mainly by trends in winter precipitation. Additionally, the precipitation in ACA has significant interannual variations. The 2-3-year cycle is identified in all subregions, while the 5-6-year cycle is also found in the three southern subregions. Besides the inter-annual variations, there were 3-4 episodic precipitation variations in all subregions, with the latest episodic change that started in the mid- to late 1970s. The precipitations in most of the study regions are fast increasing since the late 1970s. Overall, the responses of ACA precipitation to global warming are complicated. The variations of westerly circulation are likely the major factors that influence the precipitation variations in the study region. 展开更多
关键词 arid Central Asia annual and seasonal precipitation changing tendency regional difference
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