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湘西落洞女子—— 一个神话母题
作者 黄莉媛 《新西部(中旬·理论)》 2014年第1期78-78,81,共2页
本文阐述了"落洞"传说形成的传统解释,介绍了"洞神"神话的文献记载,分析了落洞这一神话母题产生的根源。认为"落洞"这类故事在中国由来已久,从华胥氏踏洞生子的神话,到魏晋开始的诸多与洞神相恋并且求得... 本文阐述了"落洞"传说形成的传统解释,介绍了"洞神"神话的文献记载,分析了落洞这一神话母题产生的根源。认为"落洞"这类故事在中国由来已久,从华胥氏踏洞生子的神话,到魏晋开始的诸多与洞神相恋并且求得仙丹的仙话,"落洞"的范畴已不单纯是未婚少女,但是其中有共同的模式,则是入洞——相恋——进入长生状态。这与"洞"的母体原形有着重大关系。 展开更多
关键词 落洞女子 神话母题 集体无意识
基于落石棚洞冲击试验的落石冲击力研究 被引量:7
作者 王林峰 刘丽 +1 位作者 唐芬 唐红梅 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期973-979,共7页
基于落石棚洞冲击试验,考虑不同落石重量、高度和冲击角度对落石冲击力的影响,分析了落石冲击力在这三个因素影响下的变化规律,发现落石高度与棚洞顶板倾角共同变化时,随着落石高度的增加和棚洞顶板倾角的减小落石冲击力增大,增大幅度达... 基于落石棚洞冲击试验,考虑不同落石重量、高度和冲击角度对落石冲击力的影响,分析了落石冲击力在这三个因素影响下的变化规律,发现落石高度与棚洞顶板倾角共同变化时,随着落石高度的增加和棚洞顶板倾角的减小落石冲击力增大,增大幅度达80.02%;落石高度与重量共同变化时,当落石重量较小,落石冲击力随着落石高度增加后的变化幅度较小,反之较大,最大值较最小值的增大幅度达182.10%;棚洞顶板倾角和落石重量共同变化时,落石重量比棚洞顶板倾角对落石冲击力的影响大,增大幅度达48.99%。然后基于正交试验分析发现落石重量是影响落石冲击力最重要的因素,其次为落石高度,最后为棚洞顶板倾角。最后通过回归分析获得了棚洞落石冲击力计算公式,并通过方差分析证明了棚洞落石冲击力计算公式与各因素间的回归关系高度显著,因此该公式可用于落石棚洞设计时冲击力的计算。 展开更多
关键词 石棚 石冲击力 正交试验 方差分析 冲击试验
溪洛渡水电站左岸泄洪洞龙落尾开挖支护施工技术研究 被引量:2
作者 吴登明 张元继 刘金娟 《四川水力发电》 2010年第6期44-45,共2页
溪洛渡水电站左岸泄洪洞龙落尾体型采用奥奇曲线、直线与圆弧反弧线结合,岩石开挖与支护施工难度大。通过在其中部增设施工支线并结合混凝土顶拱掺气进行施工设计,采用了两侧分区、上下分层、多个工作面同时作业,而且一次形成溜渣斜井,... 溪洛渡水电站左岸泄洪洞龙落尾体型采用奥奇曲线、直线与圆弧反弧线结合,岩石开挖与支护施工难度大。通过在其中部增设施工支线并结合混凝土顶拱掺气进行施工设计,采用了两侧分区、上下分层、多个工作面同时作业,而且一次形成溜渣斜井,解决了施工溜渣和排水问题,开创了泄洪洞龙落尾岩石开挖与支护施工的最优方案。 展开更多
关键词 溪洛渡水电站 泄洪 开挖与支护 先进水平
白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞龙落尾开挖支护关键技术 被引量:1
作者 田洪 康建荣 +2 位作者 甄耀祖 杨波 彭培龙 《四川水力发电》 2016年第3期6-10,144,共5页
白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞龙落尾段断层、错动带分布广泛,岩体破碎,地质条件复杂,龙落尾开挖具有施工通道布置困难、安全隐患大、通风散烟难、开挖工期长等特点。从开挖方案、质量安全保障措施等方面介绍了泄洪洞龙落尾开挖支护施工采用的关... 白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞龙落尾段断层、错动带分布广泛,岩体破碎,地质条件复杂,龙落尾开挖具有施工通道布置困难、安全隐患大、通风散烟难、开挖工期长等特点。从开挖方案、质量安全保障措施等方面介绍了泄洪洞龙落尾开挖支护施工采用的关键技术,对类似工程具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 白鹤滩水电站 泄洪 开挖 关键技术
作者 郑国强 《四川建筑》 2017年第2期244-246,共3页
关键词 国道317线 石棚 抢险修复 道路保通
白鹤滩水电站1#泄洪洞龙落尾开挖施工技术 被引量:1
作者 万臣 于志强 邓昌奇 《四川水力发电》 2016年第4期50-52,172,共3页
关键词 白鹤滩水电站 泄洪 开挖技术
泄洪洞龙落尾底板低坍落度混凝土施工技术创新 被引量:4
作者 刘利民 张继屯 +1 位作者 吴世斌 刘雪锋 《人民长江》 北大核心 2020年第S02期175-178,共4页
白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞龙落尾泄洪流量大且泄洪流速高,底板混凝土的微小缺陷在高速水流冲刷下产生严重的空化、空蚀等破坏。从备仓准备,混凝土入仓浇筑,底板混凝土拆模、收面和养护等对常态混凝土入仓浇筑和收面方式进行技术改进和工艺创... 白鹤滩水电站泄洪洞龙落尾泄洪流量大且泄洪流速高,底板混凝土的微小缺陷在高速水流冲刷下产生严重的空化、空蚀等破坏。从备仓准备,混凝土入仓浇筑,底板混凝土拆模、收面和养护等对常态混凝土入仓浇筑和收面方式进行技术改进和工艺创新。泄洪洞龙落尾斜坡段底板实现了50~70 mm低坍落度常态混凝土入仓浇筑,体型光滑平整无裂缝。相关施工工艺可为后续大型水电站泄洪洞龙落尾段施工提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 泄洪 底板衬砌 低坍 混凝土养护 白鹤滩水电站
砂泥岩地层浅埋大跨暗挖地铁车站转序落底关键技术 被引量:2
作者 孟凡坤 《建筑技术开发》 2024年第5期85-87,共3页
大断面暗挖地铁车站工程采用双侧壁导坑法施工,该方法是处理软岩地层、浅埋地段等不利条件下的常用施工技术手段。结合重庆轨道交通18号线北延工程黄沙溪站暗挖车站开挖工艺及施工步序,利用midas GTS建立的计算模型,分析车站中洞开挖对... 大断面暗挖地铁车站工程采用双侧壁导坑法施工,该方法是处理软岩地层、浅埋地段等不利条件下的常用施工技术手段。结合重庆轨道交通18号线北延工程黄沙溪站暗挖车站开挖工艺及施工步序,利用midas GTS建立的计算模型,分析车站中洞开挖对车站围岩和初期支护结构的应力、位移特征及稳定性的影响,通过现场监控量测及自动化应力监测,进一步验证了提前解除车站两端优化中洞的安全性、可靠性、经济性,有力保障了车站隧道的安全施工及毗邻既有建(构)筑物的安全,可为同类工程提供借鉴和参考。 展开更多
关键词 大断面暗挖地铁车站 双侧壁导坑法 解除
作者 谢俊陶 熊思思 《艺海》 2014年第4期155-158,共4页
近年来,湘西以其独有的神秘风情和风景,成功打造"神秘湘西"旅游品牌。作为地域特色旅游城市,都不乏动人的民间传说、奇异的民族风情及多彩的民间艺术,旅者都可看看新奇,留念美景。而湘西的不同之处在于,他可以不断的向世人散... 近年来,湘西以其独有的神秘风情和风景,成功打造"神秘湘西"旅游品牌。作为地域特色旅游城市,都不乏动人的民间传说、奇异的民族风情及多彩的民间艺术,旅者都可看看新奇,留念美景。而湘西的不同之处在于,他可以不断的向世人散发出无穷的吸引力,令人魂牵梦绕,乐不思蜀,让人禁不住想一再前往去探寻其神秘。 展开更多
关键词 文化人类学 神巫文化 赶尸 落洞 放蛊
拓跋鲜卑早期历史辨误 被引量:12
作者 杨军 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第4期124-131,143,共9页
通过对拓跋鲜卑早期历史的几个重要问题所做的考辨,认为目前学术界通行的观点是有问题的。计算《魏书·序纪》所载拓跋鲜卑早期世次的积年时,应以22-25年为一世,而不是30年为一世。嘎仙洞是乌洛侯人报告的拓跋鲜卑先世的石室,但现... 通过对拓跋鲜卑早期历史的几个重要问题所做的考辨,认为目前学术界通行的观点是有问题的。计算《魏书·序纪》所载拓跋鲜卑早期世次的积年时,应以22-25年为一世,而不是30年为一世。嘎仙洞是乌洛侯人报告的拓跋鲜卑先世的石室,但现在还不宜轻易断定这里就是拓跋鲜卑的发源地。拓跋鲜卑的信史最早仅能上溯至成帝毛,昌意、始均等记载都是后人编造的传说,不具有史料价值。拓跋鲜卑先世的第二推寅与檀石槐的西部大人推演不是同一个人。计算拓跋鲜卑人口时固然可以按一“落”5人估算,但拓跋鲜卑人的“落”并不能等同于家或户。 展开更多
关键词 《序纪》 成帝毛 嘎仙 推寅
Correlation Between the Animal Community Structure and Environmental Factors in Dongbei Cave and Shuijiang Cave of Guizhou Province 被引量:9
作者 黎道洪 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期481-488,共8页
Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and... Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and forty samples from Dongbei Cave were classified into three phyla, five classes, 10 orders, 20 families and 39 species or groups of species. Four hundred and ninety-eight samples from Shuijiang Cave were classified into three phyla, six classes, 11 orders, 20 families and 25 species or groups of species. Six animal communities were identified in the light belt of the two caves according to their species types and numbers of individuals in the light belt of two cave. The communities which have the highest values of species richness community diversity, maximum diversity, evenness, dominance and community similarity are respectively: B (4. 1059), H (2.4716), B (3.3322), E (0.9042), C (0.3442) and A - C (0. 5251). The community diversity and correlation of environmental factors were also studied. The temperature, humidity, content of CO2 and N2, content of organic matter and some inorganic salts in soil were analyzed by Pearson correlation. The results showed that the content of organic matter in soil is positively related to species number, species richness and maximum community diversity, with correlations of 0. 885, 0.909, 0. 868 respectively (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 05), and significantly positively related to diversity, with the coefficient of 0.611, (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 1). This suggests that the content of organic matter in soil is one of the important elements influencing the community variation of cave animals. Outside the cave, temperature and humidity are important factors impacting on community diver- sity. As the temperature in all seasons in the cave is stable and the humidity is always high (above 90% ), the temperature and humidity have weak correlation to community diversity in caves. 展开更多
关键词 Animal community structure Environmental factor Dongbei Cave Shuijiang Cave Guizhou province
作者 葛正宏 《采矿技术》 2005年第4期65-67,共3页
某矿山尾矿库底部有一连通地下暗河的塌落洞,虽对该塌落洞进行了处理,但仍有渗漏现象,为此确定在洞内铺设土工布。在施工条件不允许使用常规方法进行小面积土工布铺设的情况下,采用了一整块土工布大面积一次性铺设的方案。详细介绍了施... 某矿山尾矿库底部有一连通地下暗河的塌落洞,虽对该塌落洞进行了处理,但仍有渗漏现象,为此确定在洞内铺设土工布。在施工条件不允许使用常规方法进行小面积土工布铺设的情况下,采用了一整块土工布大面积一次性铺设的方案。详细介绍了施工方案和施工过程,可供类似施工条件的工程(如沼泽地、淤泥区等)参考。 展开更多
关键词 尾矿库 落洞 防渗 土工布 施工方案
Analytical and numerical method assessing the risk of sinkholes formation in mining areas 被引量:2
作者 Piotr Strzalkowski Krzysztof Tomiczek 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第1期85-89,共5页
Voids, which have not been liquidated and associated with shallow mining excavations, pose a serious threat of potential formation of sinkholes. This threat is connected with the loss of stability of voids that had be... Voids, which have not been liquidated and associated with shallow mining excavations, pose a serious threat of potential formation of sinkholes. This threat is connected with the loss of stability of voids that had been formed as a result of mining operations in the deeper strata. Taking into account the impact of lower coal seams mining on shallow excavations and based on the example of a region that had been intensely exploited, this paper proposes a methodology for analysing the stability of shallow mine voids in the rock mass. Deformations in the excavation region were calculated by using FLAC2D computer pro- gram and assigning the Coulomb-Mohr model to the rock mass. Based on the numerical analysis, this paper evaluated the stability of the void in the event of a roof support fall. The results indicate the like- lihood of void formation. Based on the Budryk-Knotbe theory, the deformations of rock mass and sand- stone strata in the roof of the void, which had been caused by mining exploitation in consecutive years, were calculated. The results of numerical calculations and analyses were compared with the limit defor- mations values of sandstone in tension. It is concluded that the exploitations cause the void to break down. The proposed method can forecast the discontinuous deformations threats in the areas that have undergone shallow undermining exploitation and the areas of underground urban. 展开更多
关键词 Mining exploitationDiscontinued deformationsSinkholesStabilityRisk of sinkhole formationTensile deformations of rocks
Biological Community in Submerged Caves and Marine Lakes in ha Long-Cat Ba Area, Vietnam
作者 Nguyen Dang Ngai Dau Van Thao +4 位作者 Do Cong Thung Le Thi Thuy Dam Duc Tien Nguyen Van Quan PhamVan Chien 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第11期541-548,共8页
Submerged caves and marine lakes are two iconic and common ecosystems in Ha Long-Cat Ba area. However, their biological characteristics are poorly known since very limited studies have been conducted, The aim of this ... Submerged caves and marine lakes are two iconic and common ecosystems in Ha Long-Cat Ba area. However, their biological characteristics are poorly known since very limited studies have been conducted, The aim of this study was to investigate biodiversity in these ecosystems. Three submerged caves (Hang Sang, Hang Toi and Qua Bang) and three marine lakes (Dau Be, Ang Du and Qua Bang) were chosen for study. The results showed that organism communities in submerged caves were abundant with over 142 species found. The popular groups comprised sponge and soft coral which were distributed along the length of the caves. Several species with high economic value were widespread in the caves, including stone crab Myomenippe hardwickii, flower crab Portunus pelagicus, cone snails Trochus pyramis, shoemaker spinefoot Siganus sutor, snapper Lutjanus russellii. Species that permanently live in caves were not detected. In the lakes where water is well exchanged to the sea, coral reefs were found and they usually formed a narrow band around the lakes. Sandy beaches were often observed around the lakes at the depths of 0.5-2 m, containing specialty species as clam (Sanguinolaria diphos), snout otter clam (Lutraria rhychaena), sea cucumbers with high density (in Dau Be, Qua Bang). There was no coral reef in the enclosed lake (Ang Du) because of low salinity. 展开更多
关键词 KARST HABITAT biodiversity ORGANISM environment.
Collapse mode of rock mass induced by a concealed karst cave above a deep cavity 被引量:8
作者 HUANG Fu ZHANG Min JIANG Zhen 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第7期1747-1754,共8页
Reliable prediction of the potential collapse region of rock mass is a key challenge for deep underground cavity excavation, especially if a concealed karst cave is located above the excavated cavity. Because of the e... Reliable prediction of the potential collapse region of rock mass is a key challenge for deep underground cavity excavation, especially if a concealed karst cave is located above the excavated cavity. Because of the effect of the blast vibration, a possible collapse would occur at a certain region between the concealed karst cave and the excavated cavity. This paper aims to study the roof collapse of a deep buried cavity induced by a concealed karst cave base on a two-dimensional failure mechanism by using upper bound theorem. The failure mechanism is constituted by arbitrary curves which is similar to the collapse observed in an actual cavity excavation. The shape and range of the collapse block is determined by virtual work equation in conjunction with variational approach. The results obtained by the presented approach are approximate with the numerical results provided by finite difference code, which indicates that the proposed method in this work is valid. 展开更多
关键词 concealed karst cave deep rectangular cavity collapse mechanism rock mass
作者 艾祯 《我们爱科学》 2017年第3期20-21,共2页
熟悉湘西文化的人都知道,民间流传的各种匪夷所思的传闻中,赶尸、巫盅、落洞被称为湘西三大怪。其中,落洞更是这三大怪中最难解释的一个。那么,究竟什么是落洞呢?位于深山老林中的苗寨,四周的山上分布着大大小小数不清的天然洞穴... 熟悉湘西文化的人都知道,民间流传的各种匪夷所思的传闻中,赶尸、巫盅、落洞被称为湘西三大怪。其中,落洞更是这三大怪中最难解释的一个。那么,究竟什么是落洞呢?位于深山老林中的苗寨,四周的山上分布着大大小小数不清的天然洞穴。生长在寨子里的孩子们从小就被家人告知,不可以进入那些山洞里玩耍。因为一旦惹怒了洞中的“神仙”,“魂魄”就会被吸走,人再也出不来了。 展开更多
关键词 湘西文化 中等教育 百科知识 落洞
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