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中国葡萄及其加工品贸易现状与发展方向 被引量:12
作者 乔宪生 《中国食物与营养》 2004年第3期27-31,共5页
关键词 中国 葡萄生产 葡萄加工 国际贸易 发展方向 葡萄酒业
葡萄酒品鉴课程教学案例分析 被引量:1
作者 刘小珍 张汉尧 《现代农业科技》 2018年第5期275-275,277,共2页
葡萄酒品鉴是高等院校一门重要的选修课程,加强葡萄酒品鉴课程教学案例建设有助于加强对学生的素质教育,可有效提高学生的葡萄酒文化素养。本文结合葡萄酒鉴别和葡萄酒品鉴教学案例,具体分析了葡萄酒鉴别和品鉴的方法,以期为葡萄酒品鉴... 葡萄酒品鉴是高等院校一门重要的选修课程,加强葡萄酒品鉴课程教学案例建设有助于加强对学生的素质教育,可有效提高学生的葡萄酒文化素养。本文结合葡萄酒鉴别和葡萄酒品鉴教学案例,具体分析了葡萄酒鉴别和品鉴的方法,以期为葡萄酒品鉴课程的教学改革提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 教学案例 教学改革
作者 薛雯 戴璐 +1 位作者 张红娟 唐丽丽 《食品与发酵科技》 CAS 2022年第5期142-146,共5页
《葡萄酒品鉴》是一门知识点繁多、内容抽象且实践应用性很强的课程。通过混合多元化翻转教学模式实现以教师为主导的“做中教”、以学生为主体的“做中学”,紧紧围绕“葡萄酒品鉴”的“识酒”和“品酒”的任务,从“教、学、做、评”设... 《葡萄酒品鉴》是一门知识点繁多、内容抽象且实践应用性很强的课程。通过混合多元化翻转教学模式实现以教师为主导的“做中教”、以学生为主体的“做中学”,紧紧围绕“葡萄酒品鉴”的“识酒”和“品酒”的任务,从“教、学、做、评”设计教学,依托岗位导向、兴趣引领、校企共评实施教学,以学生为中心攻克重难点,达成“熟品种、精工艺、能识酒、会品酒”的教学目标,使学校的人才培养与行业需求实现无缝精准对接。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 混合多元化 翻转课堂
“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”课程设计与教学改革 被引量:2
作者 柳晓晨 赵云峰 +1 位作者 张楷歆 余晓红 《太原城市职业技术学院学报》 2023年第10期162-164,共3页
通识教育是对长期以来我国过分专业化的高等教育导致人才片面发展的一种矫正,加强“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”课程建设有助于加强学生的素质教育,是增强中国文化自信教育的重要环节。因此,“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”课程应遵循“以学生为中心”的... 通识教育是对长期以来我国过分专业化的高等教育导致人才片面发展的一种矫正,加强“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”课程建设有助于加强学生的素质教育,是增强中国文化自信教育的重要环节。因此,“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”课程应遵循“以学生为中心”的教学理念,结合教学实际,文章对“葡萄酒文化与品鉴”教学内容设计思路、课程改革等方面进行了总结探讨。课程设计方面选取优秀的外国葡萄酒文化,突出重点,通过课程讲授提升学生的葡萄酒文化审美情趣,使其了解各国葡萄酒的起源、饮用习惯、民俗风情等,激发学生对传承与创新中国葡萄酒文化的兴趣,引导学生增强民族自信心和自豪感。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄酒文化与鉴” 酒文化 课程设计 教学改革
浅析葡萄酒文化对代理商分类营销及客户忠诚度的影响 被引量:3
作者 朱月虹 《商展经济》 2022年第6期70-72,共3页
近年来,进口葡萄酒的需求越来越旺盛,根据不同消费群体喜好,渐渐出现了明晰的分类市场。进口葡萄酒的代理商急需通过树立品牌形象,推广葡萄酒文化加强客户对自身渠道的认可,增加客户忠诚度和复购能力。葡萄酒是一个富含文化底蕴的商品,... 近年来,进口葡萄酒的需求越来越旺盛,根据不同消费群体喜好,渐渐出现了明晰的分类市场。进口葡萄酒的代理商急需通过树立品牌形象,推广葡萄酒文化加强客户对自身渠道的认可,增加客户忠诚度和复购能力。葡萄酒是一个富含文化底蕴的商品,消费者的购买行为体现了自身的文化品位。而葡萄酒来自世界不同的产区、有不同的等级,葡萄酒本身也蕴含了生长、酿造等复杂的工艺,呈现了精细化的管理模式及侍酒文化。如此多元化的商品文化内涵,考验着消费者的品鉴能力及辨别能力,同时给葡萄酒进口代理商留了营销空间,在分类推广中,加强不同客户群体对葡萄酒文化的培训,可以提升客户品鉴能力和忠诚度。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄酒文化 葡萄 分类营销 客户忠诚度 复购能力
作者 蔡金萍 《葡萄酒》 2018年第1期40-42,共3页
一年一度的UGC品鉴会堪称业内每年最重要的一场品鉴,笔者自2006年入行起,几乎每一年都参加。今年除了波尔多的UGC Tasting,我还参加了一场Chateaux le Puy的百年垂直品鉴(1917-2017)。到香港赴会前,查询年份表,结果发现总没有一份完... 一年一度的UGC品鉴会堪称业内每年最重要的一场品鉴,笔者自2006年入行起,几乎每一年都参加。今年除了波尔多的UGC Tasting,我还参加了一场Chateaux le Puy的百年垂直品鉴(1917-2017)。到香港赴会前,查询年份表,结果发现总没有一份完整的年份表可以完全用得顺手。不如本期汇总而来,给大家一个工具,一份参考,也权当是对杂志新手小编的一次培训和资料储备。这一期,我们不妨先从全民最关注的法国开始。 展开更多
关键词 葡萄 波尔多 小编 巅峰期 大家 酒庄 相信自己 级名 收藏家
“神之水滴”勒庞酒庄百年垂直品鉴 带你穿越波尔多百年时空
作者 蔡金萍 《葡萄酒》 2018年第1期43-45,共3页
继纽约、巴黎两场世纪百年品鉴晚宴之后,曾因漫画《神之水滴》风靡亚洲的勒庞酒庄携(1917-2017)37个年份又来到香港,汇聚了亚洲最具分量的媒体和VIP客户,通过一场百年垂直品鉴,带我们穿越时空,感受了一把波尔多百年来的葡萄酒演变,也... 继纽约、巴黎两场世纪百年品鉴晚宴之后,曾因漫画《神之水滴》风靡亚洲的勒庞酒庄携(1917-2017)37个年份又来到香港,汇聚了亚洲最具分量的媒体和VIP客户,通过一场百年垂直品鉴,带我们穿越时空,感受了一把波尔多百年来的葡萄酒演变,也让我有机会再一次从不同角度发现了这个当年我并没有喝懂的酒庄,正好和你们来一场波尔多的百年时空旅程。 展开更多
关键词 酒庄 波尔多 勒庞 时空 葡萄 橡木桶 梅多克 酒师 葡萄植株
真菌粗多糖测定方法的研究 被引量:27
作者 李明元 《食品研究与开发》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第5期118-121,共4页
关键词 真菌多糖 测定方法 葡萄糖标准 葡聚糖标准
刺梨及刺梨多糖微量元素的研究 被引量:14
作者 张俊巍 朱梅年 《微量元素与健康研究》 CAS 1991年第2期36-37,共2页
中药系86级同学缴晓博、涂喻参加了部分实验工作。刺梨为蔷薇科蔷薇属植物Rosa roxburghii Tratt normalis Rehd、et Wils的果实。具有解暑、消食、收敛之功能。用于暑日烦渴、食欲不振、维生素C缺乏等症,具有很高的营养保健作用。最近... 中药系86级同学缴晓博、涂喻参加了部分实验工作。刺梨为蔷薇科蔷薇属植物Rosa roxburghii Tratt normalis Rehd、et Wils的果实。具有解暑、消食、收敛之功能。用于暑日烦渴、食欲不振、维生素C缺乏等症,具有很高的营养保健作用。最近报道刺梨汁具有较强的抗衰老、防癌作用,除刺梨汁中含有丰富的维生素C和分离到抗癌物质超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)外,我们发现刺梨汁中含丰富的多糖成分。 展开更多
关键词 营养保健作用 抗癌物质 多糖成分 蔷薇科蔷薇属 抗衰老作用 防癌作用 中药系 葡萄糖标准 粗多糖 水提醇沉
Research Progress in Effects of Rain-shelter Cultivation on Quality of Grape Berry 被引量:1
作者 曹锰 郭景南 +2 位作者 高登涛 孙晓文 魏志峰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第5期1120-1124,1128,共6页
Grapevine shelter cultivation produces some influence on the quality of grape berry,at the same time of reducing the occurrence of diseases.Under the condition of rain-shelter cultivation,the effects of microenvironme... Grapevine shelter cultivation produces some influence on the quality of grape berry,at the same time of reducing the occurrence of diseases.Under the condition of rain-shelter cultivation,the effects of microenvironment,such as light,temperature and humidity,on the quality of grape berry were investigated in this paper.In addition,the relationships between microenvironmental changes and sugar,acid,color,aromatic substances and phenolic substances contents of the grape berry were analyzed.The current research status was analyzed,and the future study direction was discussed. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPE Rain-shelter cultivation MICROENVIRONMENT Fruit quality
Introduction Performance and Cultivation Techniques of Himrod Grape Planted in Tianjin
作者 黄建全 聂松青 +2 位作者 温晓敏 路凤珍 田淑芬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第6期999-1001,共3页
After six years of Himrod grape regional trial, the Himrod had very early- ripening precocity, stable flower bud differentiation, good fruit quality and great resis- tance to diseases, which could be a moderate develo... After six years of Himrod grape regional trial, the Himrod had very early- ripening precocity, stable flower bud differentiation, good fruit quality and great resis- tance to diseases, which could be a moderate development grape variety in Tianjin. The introduction performance cultivation techniques of Himrod grape were summa- rized. 展开更多
关键词 GRAPE Himrod Introduction performance ADAPTABILITY Cultivation tech- niques
Purification of Bromelain Enzyme from Curaua (Ananaserectifofius LB Smith) White Variety, by Aqueous Two-Phase System PEG 4000/Potassium Phosphate 被引量:1
作者 Juliana Ferrari Ferreira Dalva Sbruzzi Kleber Vgnio Gomes Barros Daniela Diniz Ehrhardt Elias BasileTambourg 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第4期395-399,共5页
The Curaua. (Ananaserectifolius LB Smith) is a species belonging to the family Bromeliaceae. Occurs in the states of Para, Amazonas, Amapa, Acre, Mato Grosso and Goia s, has two varieties, purple and white, and its ... The Curaua. (Ananaserectifolius LB Smith) is a species belonging to the family Bromeliaceae. Occurs in the states of Para, Amazonas, Amapa, Acre, Mato Grosso and Goia s, has two varieties, purple and white, and its fibers are used in automotive and textile industries due to its strength, softness and lightweight. Currently, only the fiber is used in industry, the rest is considered waste However, this residue contains compounds with important properties to be discovered and studied. An enzyme complex found in this residue is bromelain, a group of proteolysis' enzymes with application in several areas such as in the food, pharmaceutical and cosmetics industries. Today, its use is aiming the pharmaceutical industry, the production of ointments, gels, creams and lotions because they offer a wide range of therapeutic efficacies: antiedemas, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and fibrinolytic activities. This work studied the enzyme purification and recovery presented in the leaves of Curaua by means of an ATPS (aqueous two-phase system) PEG 4000/potassium phosphate. The protein content was measured by Bradford reagent and the enzymatic activity was measured by the Biuret reagent. Batch assays were performed aiming the enzyme extraction and recuperation, using the partition coefficient as indicator. It was used pH 7.0, 8.0 and 9.0, varying the proportional composition between the polymeric and the saline phases (tie-lines). The white variety of Curaua. was used. The best purification factor was 4.53 and about 113.04 μg/mL of total protein measured by Bradford. 展开更多
关键词 Curaua PURIFICATION bromelain.
Studies on the Authenticity of Local Wines by Spectroscopic and Chemometric Analysis 被引量:1
作者 Rebecca Kokkinofta Naso Economidou Eleni Tzioni Katerina Damianou Konstantina Poulli Chara Savvidou Charalambos Louka Popi Kanari 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2014年第2期101-107,共7页
The authenticity of 91 wines produced in Cyprus from both indigenous and other vine varieties were investigated by a holistic approach, using, advanced technology such as SNIF-NMR (site-specific natural isotopic frac... The authenticity of 91 wines produced in Cyprus from both indigenous and other vine varieties were investigated by a holistic approach, using, advanced technology such as SNIF-NMR (site-specific natural isotopic fractionation-nuclear magnetic resonance) and 1R-MS (isotope ratio-mass spectrometry) for the determination of the stable isotopes and ICP (inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy) for some heavy metals. The spectroscopic characteristics were evaluated statistically using different chemometric methods. The dependency of the D/H (deuterium/hydrogen) ratio of the methylene site in the ethanol molecule (D/H)ll and also theδ ^18O values of the wine water, were the most useful discriminators. Isotopic results allow us to have a complete idea about the regional variability of the isotopes. Among the metals, Ni followed by Pb was the ones with the highest discrimination value. The determined concentrations of Pb, Ni, Cr and Cd that are related to the safety of wines were within the acceptable limits that have been established by the OIV (international organization of vine and wine) or comparable with the results of the wines of other European countries. The study of the correlation between the load of heavy metals and isotopes in wines showed a dependence on the grape variety but not the geographical location of the vineyard. This is probably due to the close proximity of wine regions in Cyprus. 展开更多
关键词 SNIF-NMR IR-MS ICP Cypriot wines AUTHENTICITY stable isotopes heavy metals chemometrics.
Effect of Leaf Removal on Grapes of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sangiovese Cultivated in Different Italian Environments 被引量:1
作者 Leonardo Valenti Isabella Ghiglieno Fulvio Mattivi 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2012年第12期719-726,共8页
Leaf removal is a farming practice that can affect must and grape quality; it is closely related to the meteorological conditions of the year and the climate of the area. The present study aims to analyse the effects ... Leaf removal is a farming practice that can affect must and grape quality; it is closely related to the meteorological conditions of the year and the climate of the area. The present study aims to analyse the effects of different types of defoliation, all conducted at veraison and removing 5-6 basal leaves. The trial provided four tests: leaf removal only on the east side, only on the west side, total defoliation (both sides), and a non-defoliated treatment (control test). Two different cultivars, the Sangiovese and the Cabernet Sauvignon, were studied in five different Italian environments: Puegnago (BS), Scansano (GR), Bolgheri (LI), Brisighella (RA), and Montefalco (PG). The trial was repeated four times, once per year for the successive years 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010. The years differed mainly with regard to the total rainfall; because of the variability of the years, different results, both for the same cultivar and between the cultivars, were observed. The differences existing between these two varieties and among the different environments led to different reactions to defoliation, especially concerning the analytical parameters of musts and grapes. 展开更多
关键词 Leaf removal radiation bunch weight sugar concentration anthocyanic content.
Effect of Different Shading Practices Used at Pre-harvest Stage on Quality and Storage Life of Sultana Seedless Grapes
作者 Fatih Sen Askin Altun +1 位作者 Metin Kesgin Mustafa Sacid Inan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第12期1234-1240,共7页
Covering the grapevine rows to delay maturity and thus the harvest date becomes a widespread practice at Sultana seedless vineyards. The research work was carried out with different covers to examine their effects on ... Covering the grapevine rows to delay maturity and thus the harvest date becomes a widespread practice at Sultana seedless vineyards. The research work was carried out with different covers to examine their effects on grape quality and storage life in 2009 and 2010. Grapevines were covered with three different densities (shading ratios: 35%, 55%, 75%) at the veraison period. Unshaded (0%) control grapevines and grapevines shaded under different ratios were covered with polypropylene cross-stitch just before harvest maturity. Grapes under cover were harvested nearly one month after than those maturing under open conditions. Grape clusters were packed in PE bags and pre-cooled after harvest and then SO2-generating pads has been put on top, bags were sealed. In the second year at the 120th day of the storage, decay development has been observed in all applications. Total soluble solids content, maturity index and a* colour value were found lower in 55% and 75% shaded grapes compared to unshaded grapevines. Still, berry removal force and hue angle value in 55% and 75% of shaded grapes were higher than unshaded grapes. Effects of shading ratios on these parameters decrease or disappear at the end of storage. 展开更多
关键词 Sultana seedless light covering materials late harvest storage quality.
Influence of Bioregulator Gibberellic Acid on Some Technological Characteristics of Cluster and Berry from Some Seedless Grape Varieties
作者 V. Dimovska V. Ivanova F. Ilieva E. Sofijanova 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第7期1054-1058,共5页
Solutions of gibberellic acid prepared at three concentration levels including 5, 10 and 20 mg/L, were applied at two seedless grape varieties, Thompson and Belgrade, by spraying, during the three different periods of... Solutions of gibberellic acid prepared at three concentration levels including 5, 10 and 20 mg/L, were applied at two seedless grape varieties, Thompson and Belgrade, by spraying, during the three different periods of the vine growing: before blooming, after blooming and before veraison, in order to study their influence on some cultural technological characteristics. Dimension and shape of the cluster and berry, mechanical characteristics of the berries and chemical content of the must (sugar and total acids) has been also investigated. It was noticed that the concentration of gibberellic acid had influence on the technological characteristics of the berries in all grape growing periods tested. The addition of gibberellic acid at concentration of 20 mg/L increased the weight of the cluster and berry, and increased the transportability of the berries belonging to the two seedless varieties. 展开更多
关键词 Gibberellic acid grape cluster BERRY Thompson Belgrade seedless varieties.
Effect of Foliar Application of Iron on Seasonal Changes of Minerals Composition in Petioles and Berries of Halwani Lebanon and Kamali Grape Cultivars (Vitis vinifera L,)
作者 Nabil M. Ameen Abdullah Al-Imam 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第5期404-413,共10页
A field experiment was conducted in 2009 and 2010 growing seasons, to study the effect of foliar application of iron-chelated "Fe-EDTA" at concentration 0, 100 and 200 mg/L on the seasonal dynamic of mineral composi... A field experiment was conducted in 2009 and 2010 growing seasons, to study the effect of foliar application of iron-chelated "Fe-EDTA" at concentration 0, 100 and 200 mg/L on the seasonal dynamic of mineral composition of N, P, K, Fe and Zn in petioles and berries of Halwani Lebanon and Kamali grape cultivars, grown on a calcareous soil in Mosul region, Iraq. The results revealed that the foliar application of 200 mg Fe/L caused a significant increase of N, P, K, Fe and Zn concentrations in petioles and berries compared with the control for both seasons. Additionally, the N, P, K, Fe and Zn concentration in petioles were high at the beginning of the growth season, whereas, decrease towards in the end of the growth season in both cultivars and seasons. While the N, P, K, Fe and Zn in berry content was increased towards from berry set to veraison and ripening stage in both cultivars and seasons. So there are various element contents in the cultivars. 展开更多
关键词 Foliar application IRON seasonal change mineral composition grape.
Genetic Stability of Cryopreserved Grapevine (Wtis vinifera L.) Genome by Vitrification Method
作者 Maria Femanda Lazo Javalera Martin Ernesto Tiznado Hemandez +4 位作者 Irasema Vargas Arispuro Miguel Angel Martinez Tellez Maria Auxiliadora Islas Osuna Miguel Angel Hemandez Ofiate Marisela Rivera Dominguez 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2016年第6期380-386,共7页
Grapevine (Vitis spp.) is an economically important fruit crop worldwide. In Mexico, Sonora State leads the table grape production and exportation to international markets. In this regard, it is important to preserv... Grapevine (Vitis spp.) is an economically important fruit crop worldwide. In Mexico, Sonora State leads the table grape production and exportation to international markets. In this regard, it is important to preserve the grape varieties during long time without phenotypical or genotypical changes. Cryopreservation is a good alternative, although it very often can induce changes in genome and phenotype. In this study, grapevine cv. "Flame Seedless" axillary buds were cryoprcserved by vitrification using the plant vitrification solution 2 (PVS2) and stored in liquid nitrogen (LN) for one hour, one week and one month, respectively. Genetic stability of buds cryopreserved under all treatments was evaluated using inter-simple sequence repeats (ISSR) markers. Ten ISSR primers were evaluated, but only two primers were possible to amplify distinct and reproducible bands with sizes between 300 bp and 2,000 bp. Different ISSR fragment patterns were recorded in cryopreserved buds as compared with control. These results suggest that cryopreservation by LN and vitrification-cryopreservation affect genetic stability in grapevine. 展开更多
关键词 Table grape axillary buds liquid nitrogen VITRIFICATION PVS2 inter-simple sequence repeats.
The Influence of the "Terroir" Concerning the Quantity and Quality of Grapes Yield at White Grapevine Varieties Growing in the lasi Vineyard
作者 Liliana Rotaru Vasile Stoleru Feodor Filipov Mihai Mustea Gabriela Petrea 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第8期646-653,共8页
Abstract: Romania is famous of the potential of his vineyard, winemaking is a traditional occupation, in fact it can be said that there are many areas that can provide a vineyard product. Moreover, typicity and authe... Abstract: Romania is famous of the potential of his vineyard, winemaking is a traditional occupation, in fact it can be said that there are many areas that can provide a vineyard product. Moreover, typicity and authenticity of a wine are defining conditions under conditions of fierce intemational competition to guarantee success of wine. There were concerns for determining areas with designation of origin from a vineyard that will produce quality wines, but the purpose of this study is to delimit the level of a vineyard small area that can ensure the achievement of a certain type of wine, a quality required by consumers. The research was made during 2006-2008 and revealed that the production of quality grapes and are influenced by different factors such as genetic, environmental and technological acting in complex. This is a first attempt to study characterize the concept of "terroir", as applied in the Copou vineyard from lasi county and provides information on the behavior of two varieties of grapes for wine: Feteasca Regala and Muscat Ottonel. Depending on the purpose, observations and calculations have found the influence of soil characteristics on several biochemical parameters and productive at varieties of Feteasca Regala and Muscat Ottonel (soluble carbohydrate content, total acidity, the average yield of grapes) for the purpose of knowledge than a more detailed wine center in northeast of Romania. The results of this study can be used to determine with precision small areas crop at the parcel that will produce quality wines. 展开更多
关键词 IASI TERROIR VARIETIES behaviour interactions.
Plant Response and Grape Composition of Vitis vinifera L, cv Tannat in Different Climatic Regions
作者 Milka Ferrer Gustavo Gonzalez-Nevest +1 位作者 Gerardo Echeverria Gianfranca Camussi 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第12期1252-1261,共10页
In wine production, the typical characteristics of variety, defined by its place of their origin, contribute to the development of distinctive and unique wines. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of the envi... In wine production, the typical characteristics of variety, defined by its place of their origin, contribute to the development of distinctive and unique wines. In the current study, we analyzed the effect of the environment using vine response and grape composition as indicators. Four cv. Tannat vineyards in three different climatic regions of Uruguay with similar soil conditions were studied in 2008 and 2009. Vines grafted onto SO4 (Vitis berlandieri × Vitis riparia) rootstock and were trained on a trellis system. Weather information was obtained from weather stations (MMO standards). At each vineyard, we recorded: yield per plant, pruning weight, leaf area and pre-dawn leaf water potential. We analyzed sugars, total acidity and pH, polyphenolic potential, organic acids and berry weight. Analysis of variance, Pearson correlations and discriminant analysis were carried out. The climate factors with the highest discriminant weight were water balance, degree days (〉 10 ℃) of maturation and rainfall during the vegetative growth period. Plant response allowed us to discriminate between vineyards regardless of the year and was consistent with climate. Exposed leaf area and length of maturation period were the indexes with the highest values, followed by leaf water potential and grape yield. The total anthocyanin content, sugar contents and their daily accumulation, and acid composition statistically separate regions regardless of the year. We concluded that plant response and grape composition were strongly influenced by water supply and thermal conditions during ripening. 展开更多
关键词 Environmental factors vine behavior grape composition Tannat.
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