目的分析糖耐量正常者75 g口服葡萄糖耐量(75 g OGTT)试验1 h血糖水平敏感性的影响因素。方法选择医院2019年1—12月1800例糖耐量者作为研究对象,根据75 g OGTT试验1 h血糖水平是否正常,分为对照组897例(75 gOGTT试验1 h血糖水平<8.6...目的分析糖耐量正常者75 g口服葡萄糖耐量(75 g OGTT)试验1 h血糖水平敏感性的影响因素。方法选择医院2019年1—12月1800例糖耐量者作为研究对象,根据75 g OGTT试验1 h血糖水平是否正常,分为对照组897例(75 gOGTT试验1 h血糖水平<8.6mmol/L)、病例组903例(75 g OGTT试验1 h血糖水平≥8.6 mmol/L)。通过单因素及多因素Logistic回归模型,分析影响糖耐量正常者75 gOGTT试验1 h血糖水平敏感性的相关因素。结果单因素分析显示,病例组与对照组的性别、运动时间比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);对照组的年龄、BMI、HbA1c、SBP、DBP、TC、TG、LDL-C、吸烟史、酗酒史低于病例组,HDL-C高于病例组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,年龄≥60岁、BMI≥24、HbA1c≥6.1%、高血压、高血脂、吸烟史、酗酒史均是糖耐量正常者75 g OGTT试验1 h血糖水平的独立危险因素(P<0.05)。结论糖耐量正常者75 gOGTT试验1 h血糖水平的变化主要与年龄、BMI、HbA1c、血压、血脂等有关。展开更多
目的以口服葡萄糖耐量试验(O G T T)分析空腹血糖(F P G)正常与空腹血糖受损(I F G)人群的血糖值及与年龄的关系。方法 2013年7—8月参加农村医疗保险体检人员1990人,无糖尿病病史及糖尿病症状,先抽取静脉血行FPG检查,结果小于7.0mmol/L...目的以口服葡萄糖耐量试验(O G T T)分析空腹血糖(F P G)正常与空腹血糖受损(I F G)人群的血糖值及与年龄的关系。方法 2013年7—8月参加农村医疗保险体检人员1990人,无糖尿病病史及糖尿病症状,先抽取静脉血行FPG检查,结果小于7.0mmol/L者1829人(91.9%),分成正常血糖(NGR)组(A组)1595人、IFG组(B组)234人,结合健康体检、OGTT等资料进行分析。结果经OGTT后糖尿病(DM)检出率从8.1%上升至12.7%。两组不同年龄段人群O G T T值比较差异均有统计学意义;A组O G T T后D M检出率、糖耐量减低(I G T)检出率均明显低于B组,差异有统计学意义。结论在体检人群中提倡O G T T,以提高D M及I G T的检出率,做好早期一级或二级预防,对保障群众的身体健康有积极意义。展开更多
Abnormal coronary endothelial reactivity has been demonstrated in diabetes and is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events. Our objectives were to investigate the presence of functional coronary circ...Abnormal coronary endothelial reactivity has been demonstrated in diabetes and is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events. Our objectives were to investigate the presence of functional coronary circulatory abnormalities over the full spectrum of insulin resistance and to determine whether these would differ in severity with more advanced states of insulin resistance. Methods and Results-Myocardial blood flow(MBF) was measured with positron emission tomography and 13N-ammonia to characterize coronary circulatory function in states of insulin resistance without carbohydrate intolerance(IR), impaired glucose tolerance(IGT), and normotensive and hypertensive type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM) compared with insulin-sensitive(IS) individuals. Indices of coronary function were total vasodilator capacity(mostly vascular smooth muscle-mediated) during pharmacological vasodilation and the nitric oxide-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasomotion in response to cold pressor testing. Total vasodilator capacity was similar in normoglycemic individuals(IS, IR, and IGT), whereas it was significantly decreased in normotensive(- 17% ) and hypertensive(- 34% )DM patients. Compared with IS, endothelium- dependent coronary vasomotion was significantly diminished in IR(- 56% ), as well as in IGT and normotensive and hypertensive diabetic patients(- 85% ,- 91% , and- 120% , respectively). Conclusions-Progressively worsening functional coronary circulatory abnormalities of nitric oxide-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasomotion occur with increasing severity of insulin-resistance and carbohydrate intolerance. Attenuated total vasodilator capacity accompanies the more clinically evident metabolic abnormalities in diabetes.展开更多
文摘目的以口服葡萄糖耐量试验(O G T T)分析空腹血糖(F P G)正常与空腹血糖受损(I F G)人群的血糖值及与年龄的关系。方法 2013年7—8月参加农村医疗保险体检人员1990人,无糖尿病病史及糖尿病症状,先抽取静脉血行FPG检查,结果小于7.0mmol/L者1829人(91.9%),分成正常血糖(NGR)组(A组)1595人、IFG组(B组)234人,结合健康体检、OGTT等资料进行分析。结果经OGTT后糖尿病(DM)检出率从8.1%上升至12.7%。两组不同年龄段人群O G T T值比较差异均有统计学意义;A组O G T T后D M检出率、糖耐量减低(I G T)检出率均明显低于B组,差异有统计学意义。结论在体检人群中提倡O G T T,以提高D M及I G T的检出率,做好早期一级或二级预防,对保障群众的身体健康有积极意义。
文摘Abnormal coronary endothelial reactivity has been demonstrated in diabetes and is associated with an increased rate of cardiovascular events. Our objectives were to investigate the presence of functional coronary circulatory abnormalities over the full spectrum of insulin resistance and to determine whether these would differ in severity with more advanced states of insulin resistance. Methods and Results-Myocardial blood flow(MBF) was measured with positron emission tomography and 13N-ammonia to characterize coronary circulatory function in states of insulin resistance without carbohydrate intolerance(IR), impaired glucose tolerance(IGT), and normotensive and hypertensive type 2 diabetes mellitus(DM) compared with insulin-sensitive(IS) individuals. Indices of coronary function were total vasodilator capacity(mostly vascular smooth muscle-mediated) during pharmacological vasodilation and the nitric oxide-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasomotion in response to cold pressor testing. Total vasodilator capacity was similar in normoglycemic individuals(IS, IR, and IGT), whereas it was significantly decreased in normotensive(- 17% ) and hypertensive(- 34% )DM patients. Compared with IS, endothelium- dependent coronary vasomotion was significantly diminished in IR(- 56% ), as well as in IGT and normotensive and hypertensive diabetic patients(- 85% ,- 91% , and- 120% , respectively). Conclusions-Progressively worsening functional coronary circulatory abnormalities of nitric oxide-mediated, endothelium-dependent vasomotion occur with increasing severity of insulin-resistance and carbohydrate intolerance. Attenuated total vasodilator capacity accompanies the more clinically evident metabolic abnormalities in diabetes.